HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review AffidavitPlanning & Development Services l ilEe j COUNTY Building & Regulations Division OF T 2 6 A20 Product Review Affidavit � ST. Lucie County, Permitting Building Permit # Owners Name William & Bobbi Combs Applicant: DC Construction Co. Product Opening Design Pressures Product Rated Desl n Pressure Manufacturer Model Number Product Approval Number Glass Type Method of Attachment WindowsCODE �d GOMPLIANCE Mullions QTLUCIE ,. Fixed Glass ■ Block Glass Skylights Sliding Glass Doors Swing Type Doors French Doors +26 / -29 +50 / -50 PLASTPRO GLAZED FIBERGLASS FL #17184.9 IMPACT See attached FL Product Approval Garage Doors Hurricane Protection Roof Ventilation Roofing Material Revised 07/22/2014 I have reviewed the above components or cladding and I have approved their use in this structure. These products provide adequate wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Mkhaal A Lue 'I State offlodda,Professional Engineer, License No.47520. Thlfltem has been electronla4 signed and sealed by Wise! +�� M L Engineering Inc AnthonyLue,FLPE047520,onthe date lndlcatedhereusingq,ir lauthenticatIoncode, Pdntedcoplesofthis domment ;� 11 are not oonside'"gned d sealed &the SHAduthentkatl0h code mOt be vedfled on anyelecoonic coples Name: ' Signature.• 2020.10.1413:13.20-"00' Michael A. Lue, P.E. 47520 10-12-20 414, Design Prof: Cert. No. Date:--� to the 011119.929#0!## �iT�• "+I,rrtt;A