HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey# ` I LLJI 1P, 0 I ­ FIRC X K 4_P4 , BF (3. 61 S.9.6 . Q� .4 ---------------- 45' X 04 tN VIM .0 CL6 x4p WELL i SERVICING WOOD SHED RESIDENCE CONCH _AL ------- ---------- - tr X X IRR GATION MONtLL co N_ .1b bQ [WOOD I 861 I ELEVA11C 14=6.56 IN CATE;POST) CERTIFIED TED: WILLIAM K. MAYHEW.; (VACANT) OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL 7 TIEJN SU RAN CE :COMPANY and LAM :OFFICES !OF 1BONNIE A.. BROWN i -86*2091 V'E 36Is' (Measured) 4.1 4 PBF (VACANT) LEGEND TOP OF CORC SAGS EDGE OF WATE {gat .Area 118,667 2.72 'acres i POND POST dt BOARD FENCE (MCAL) STABLE — PROPOSED OPEN AIR TW&-STORY GARAGE STABLE 2* 2.8' :tP-=p-Q5-edwMinirn-0—m-FFE---,7-90 b 7�� ca *:n,st.A-e-,o.vE,cRow,N.eF-DiRio, Cd SETBACK REQ. ------- -12.5'xM5' --------- 0 -------------------- ------------------------ TACK-iRCOM 'X!b* DIRT � I COVERED ---------- — - RORCH STABLES LONG 'c* 1! REAR '1:3.7 2216' 1'a [DIRT ::DIRrr 5. Cqjai 1 ZNGATE G. --------------------- -------- ------------- .2115' ONE-STORY RY ONC 7"; RESIDENCE • 6' FFE=1 0,47- ;F-:South 30' per O.R. 'Book 190. Page 2262 3' PLASTIC St. Lucie County, Florida Public Records FENCE GATE POST %L DIRIX RIVE 4b, io S85*4a 5.3 - RX7 NleaLsured) VIAS 'O- oIRT DRIVEGATE POST :F 8EARIN-GS)____ (OC C1 U P I ED) CONC:= CONCRETE F1 . Rc A/C = AIR CONDITIONER PAO _.PBF = -POST & BOARD, FENCE ± ­ PLUS OR MINUS 'FIRC = :roUND 5/8" IRON ROD & GAP (NO I.D.) -OHE-= OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES WOOD POWER POLE SIGN ..k,313P = SPOT ELEVATION -FFE ­ FINISHED ::FLQOR ELEVATION vidhity -map (Ndt TO Scale) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The South 33D feet, less the East 330 feet of Lot 5, Block :2, Section 24, I'_ Township 36, Range 4-0 East, PLAT No. 1 ST. LUCIE'-GARDENS, z according < to the plot thereof as recorded in Plat Bock 1, at Page(s) 35, of the Public Records :of St. Lucie County, Ftorlda, (Also 'known as Tracts Z91 and 3.92.) STREET ADDRESS. 7200'Shanas Trail, Part St. Lucie, Florida 34952. SURVEYORS' -NOTES- 1. Bearings Shown hereon are based on the South- line :of sljbject property and :is W assumed to bear '.S85*4.8'1'1"E. (D 2. 'Written dimensions: take precedence aver scaled dimensions :and distances :are not ts be scaled :fo r construction and/or design purposes., 3. -All distances and bearingp care as field -measured and •are coincident with "PLAT." and description data unless otherwise noted. AIR and 'This drawing is not valid . d :without the signature and original iraiied seal of c Fiotida licensed Surveyor :& IMapper. 5. 'This :Survey is b.ased. upon a description furnished by the client, :there has :been no :search of the :public records done .by this office. 6. ';Property Res in F[bod Zone .")(' as :scaled 'from the National Flood Insurance Pro, Number 1211100283- J, with an effective date grarn Rate Map, Community Panel Nu W! of fFebruary 1*6, 2012. 7. This purvey is not covered by professional :liability insurance, 8. -.City water & sewer are available in this area. 9. ':No underground utilities or :improvements were !located ;unless -otherwise shown. to 1.0. Elevations shown hereon are based upon ,an NAVID B8, 11. This :plan information to be verified by' contractor prior to ;construction. Revised: Edit proposed garag e location & spot elevations, W8, :03-24-14. -(OCCUPIED LLI MARCH 24, 2014 -VALUAM'B. BOINETT 0 bate of Signature I . !Professiond Surveyor & Mapper Fioeido'_CqrtMcct!e No. 6353 LB, No. \7608 :Date of Last field work: 03/24+/`2`014-- Boundary Survey :& Site Plan Pre grad on the order,iqft e n inett -,Bennett Surveying, Inc. j WU Ham M4yhew 10223:Hunt 04b Lane I Field: LM/IBB Falm;Eleach Gardena, Fkwida'334118 tell 772.336.4933 fax: 772.338.8689I Drawn: B Dqte^. 03/12/8014 email bprInettsurmeyingGyahoo-com Scale: 17=40' 'Skesi: ' 1 of 1 -