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Change of Contractor
t • n v. '°fir s Plaopmenl Seyxces Bu>ticting&.Code Regulatiox>�s�Di�s><gn_ • 1otrt')F'ier� t FI.349R 62 1 53'Fax 46245 $7 '0; brontrador or�aucel44olxQ hermit Changeo> traetor «vte be completed by The propieowner,abcf thenew contcac>toroftecord dor th0 current,perm,- nevlc permit;ap ilicafixen hiulst also be cO'l-m—eted with n of t a�tUt <infor ri fto>Fr;: signature, arirl ixaTtsfer'fie. A nem Nofi�ie;of Comtoo 0"o ri>tust_be filed in the new canfracfor's :name fox+ja b v_a res g t oelr than`1WO ($7,SbQ AIC i; nge-outs A i�ecuzd'ed coax mustE be sabmitted`pxxor to Tconunencmg anywork Subcontractor change can be completed by Elie .geetal cont aetory ,:Absentexter uabng circumstances,, a 0rwtWt by both t�e awne and qualifier`af ieeord. roxm#Numbgr - 1 -Site a 3 (/ �►c r gull r$etrv;�crS TrfC State License CAC-1, 7,2' SLCLipmse , » f ElrilwWrGeneraLContractot (orgubcontractox _ ^ r are (1 :_. State Lieensg D a SLCT:icense. New,GeneralEtmiracfor(oSubconfactor) e an Cc Reason for-Ch ._ g. Or a ina�' o N6 ►o,e e r inn W a ESS:- r _ `T'he un.-gs �d.does hereb x ;ee to i rdenlri fy aacl held liar,ETIess St Eucte.,Countyfs q fi ers; ? y gr agents;and employees from a11.costs, ees,car damages ansn;tg from ar ai?d,a11 clavrns of action four any reason,�hlchmay onraco mise as a;result of taus change of clsubcontracfor or=cancellation of permit:. A.pe%nngt canhot becanceltedwbrklfas,bee>i'performed: s <51 S AT[3RE O OA�TEIi dot owaerfb uldec/' ti *SIGN 0)'t% RVG 610"It EFtINT'NAMEGt�ll � �S >'xnyTrlAtvisGt�Nf. (/f.I�d1A� !. State of Florida,'Gaunty"af St 1:ucie:Cpuaty 3W6 of Floridan Countyof`k-lucie Eount:g The f0 owmg Mst ume was aclmowli .Before me this The fo114wmg mst ument-Wag_acfmowledg efore me this tigvf FO��by <9rt m('ig who is;p ally_�ow tonic whores Fe o allylcnowto iife' o wNo has foduid &W.,a his produced` �� u -14L _ _ 5lgnatareofNotary 1pJ, SignatuSe:of,No•'. bate. *Oray. sl:,gnatu:re requ red for change} aE' subi s�ntraGtar; PY Pua AUDREY B.HUIVIPHREY E • AUDREYB.HUMPHREY :�iP'" °� MYCOMMiSS1O144 GG 300817 � MY COMMISSION#GG 300817 =*: EXPIRES:March 6,2023 EXPIRES:March 6,2023Q= Puhlic Underwriters K,°P Bonded Thru Notary Public l Bonded Thru Notary �— Jnderwriters `U s�•ae3� _ za a:: I All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 11/04/2020 Permit Number: 1511-0265 D t .....-_..._....,......_...v... ,.. ...... ._. Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMITTYPE:A/C CHANGE-OUT .,:.,s,a ��:�-..y.�, ,..•.•, ,1,.....;?�-R.,.:;�,r.-.,.�«r S " � '' * ", �, az,� + ��=�X�a,z"iN 1���tel,,-� � .x�,s -^:�,��7it%`4' �a? ..xFh.,a„.;..•.w...ve..a,�-fi a.,. .L�Cl.R is � x�n .0 n>; c.,..'.�s'`�,,�zYe'k+...-r „rr%r�§�k..r'.s'.4n:.'< .._ a :i:�s�� ��'�r::,.,_.<w�t�:�.r t..�.c4 Address; 5155 N HWY Al #512 Property Tax ID#: 1411-707-4021-000-8 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: 1i4?;,^-n"l!'N'!3..'tt�ycK�U�;�.•,�tnani�":ni,s��vr?�:t.`N�.� X14 ua.„'�..av��v: -rh»”.�?t �. �+�._rYs.<�•,ySM.eea--., E'a.�.-�t? L_-..+�! "F5� N�` x'�.��:, .z. ..�W+v .a.� �a%at"r"Je"3Lt ;ir�`yu�aGvv'`5C.�e..�.`rha �t!���,k�7�';'kK',��'ii��iei�'�:X�'�s' '• ss�a"�.�,���..+��..,5"��.�;Nuv!.`w.�x'in�.st'�_'Aa�z`§"Z.C�•th�,,�vrS';%rir3��,.;,m'c�t�3t�tia1C '���.x'�wf`� -�T�:�i�wE' `��'';�'�''r�;�� LIKE FOR LIKE REPLACEMENT OF(1)2 TON BRYANT A/C SYSTEM, 14 SEER WITH 5 KW ELECTRIC HEAT, CONNECT TO EXISTING REFRIGERANT LINES, DRAIN, DUCTWORK, HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE r�H ..+i+: SM�...,5,�-# �x'��c,,,c'�:i,::r�,�x a•�,`��td"�urr�jaY.i'��. .L,C`}�.,tF��s��YR �7z"a.i>"�"."*'..K- 'ee y 2:.`i`.." �' .�" ,�" ..=•s'-<°..' o-r a ,vsa-,•s roar..:s%��. ''�',.:'�.FA�wiS��riz.._+?��n`as��hrit,( tee,. �..� ;L�n �ys.�'� t,'�.,Y f�,>.3 T�•� � 5 -� �•t'r., c'` i �4 r Ad7M6al work to be performed under this permit–check all that apply: �—Mechanical —Gas Tank — Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors Electric ,Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator ^Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ Utilities: _Sewer ^Septic Building Height: s�.,.e .�r.k. "S�*, rc<�*t 11111101, �9� •-Fii',-^u, �S'�p.:i�s`�. �i. f ` l �`�iK ?; T^- h 3 4 y: •�''^'>" �: _ _ RAOR NMI ' .'y :'.d „k..48 .."3J..,.,:„I}w..y a..szx �i33C`tiz ..: '. cs..>„w),: Sv,1�X'”J?xtt.5'taxu�iSutr«yszCa`d.9.:.aY#.cu:u „�wt31..;mak -s."ca,"',�;{ewi �".^. .`�i'. 'c' Name MARY GIUGLIANOT Name:JAMES F.GRIMES Address:5155 N HWY AIA UNIT#512 Company:GRIMES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING City: FORT PIERCE State:�_L Address:3054 N US HWY I Zip Code: 34949 Fax: City: FORT PIERCE State:FL Phone No.631-525-7388 Zip Code: 34946 Fax: 772-461-8722 E-Mail: f� Phone No 772-461-8711 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page{if different E-Mail ROBERTGRIMESAC@AOL.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License 4426 If value of construction Is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of commencement is required. If value of HVAC Is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. +t':3'a ':Jr�x.'.K,:S:J:T.:naf F�t;.rm:La•:}?r .V,y<..y.'s�v.af�>..y aalcrVi�n3`:ai.M1>�"�, 'r"`st•c`==„L.. .�? ism�*.�" .H.a. j'. y: t zr�i"_,'d'. ' -�3;, x,'�is•?t r3°:x.�.:'�.�>�+�w.��`.�.^.}�T�i,�i5•'.:: DESIGNER ENGINEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ _ Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: ' City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY* __Not Applicable Name: Name., Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application Is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St,Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will aut prize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Horne Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,i do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the mork in accordance with the approved plans;the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,wails,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OVVNEW YOUR FAiLURRE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT iN YOUR P'AYiNG TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPER'T'Y. tai NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT CE MItENT MUSTi' BE RECORDED ANiD POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.OF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AIN ATTORNEY BEFORE RiECORDiNG YOUR NOTiCE OF COMMENCEMENT.!' T.' S' ature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner 7a`ure of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA t STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF - 5S�L eteni g- COUNTYOF �� �! �e--� . Thefnr Hing rostrum ntr was acknowledged before me The forgoing instr nt was acknowledged before me this Y+day of U _ 20 Zdby this_, E day of i-YQ\1 - - _2017-d by `tea G-Ti -in s Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known ''O u OR Produced Identification Personally Known)_OR Produced identification Type of identification Type of Identification Produced Produced signature of Notary Public-State of Florida) nature of Notary Public-State of Florida) Commission Na. 4- JAN AONTENEGRO mmissian No,(SA , GRO MY COMMISSION#GG 0090 MY COMMISSION 9 0©089059 EXPIRES:Aprill,2024 - VoMr.,a. UMM Thl J Notary PUW.Undend. W)ded 11im No Dry,,Pubrsc UAdaltivnturS REVIEWS FRONT NS VEGETATt COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED lev..2/7719 -- i a 3 a ,+ CERTIFIEDry.org t3 , iz Rf I, n BLOWN 'Date 11;042020 Mod ei>Status..Active i :AHRI:fype RC[tACB:(SputSyStem Air Gooletl Cgctdensrng Unit,Qoii witts9lower.)< Series t LEGAEX'UN _P Q Y 4 Outdoor.'Unit Band Flame; 6 _YT HEATING A[�ID'COOLI{VG S.Y. TEfv1S" I Outdoor Unft"IMtod (�Nomber (Condenset ot=Sing{e,Paekagor 114CNAOZ4 i (ndaor:.UnitMorie(Ncir(Ibex(Evapgratoraricl/orAlrFlarrcliar}fF64C4UPQ24L ;Region;: SO'theast ai d NPO (RL,AR OG,<QE; ,L,,GA,.FII,ICY,+'L;4,MD,AilSt NG OK,SC,TtV TX, ! fA<iN,KS;.MAr ME;MI,MN Nl0 MT,-ND,NE,:'N I;NJ NY OH;QR,PA;EUF SD,t1T;VT VVA;W11,fNk,tM( C):S;- Region;Notk; Centfal a€.._cgndtioners maritifactured prlocto January,l,:2Q15 are eligibleao be':iristalied in:all regions ti until June:30.;2016s Beginning°July 1 2016 central air coridttioners�ca,-only:,be'installed;in-region(6)fors which they rneet the.regionalefifclenc}rrequtrement: ' 'i ,�' `h.'" j;yw' #r r,Yti.:,a Q} iS�3�"�„A -' .;:;iY. x f-• ..,:e.,-.X3' 7',' ,' The manufaeturer?o gis BRYANT{�iATtNC,AND�GC3OLt G S, SZEiV1S4praduct!s res olsib�e fob the t(n`oft rS s'ste`co ataor r Mija� {: rtr: i .; t"y sF ... 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