HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural Engineering PlansDrawing Index Page Description DrawiricaVt"fi V - These drawings, supporting structural calculations and design certification are `ased on thd..order documents as of the date of these drawings. These documents describe the co,ri p,�vr, i supplied by the manufacturer as of the date of these drawings. Any changes to the order F1-F3 Anchor Rods doc&-rents � ter the date on these drawings may void these drawings, supporting structural Me S (.i Buildiny boluti n calculat..-)ns and design certification. The Builder/Contractor is responsible for notifying the building F4-F5 Anchor Rod Details authority of all changes to the order documents which result in changes to the drawings, supportingA%N structural calculations and design certification. 5244 Bear Creek Court, Irving, Texas 75061 F6-F9 Reaction Drawings Builder Acceptance of Drawings - Approval of the manufacturer's drawings and design data affirms E1 Cover Sheet that the manufacturer has correctly interpreted `and applied .the requirements 's the order �� ❑ O Voice 214 - 6 8 7 - 9 9 9 9 Fax 214 - 6 8 7 - 9 7 3 7 documents and constitutes Builder/Contractor acceptance of the manufacturers interpretations of E2 Primary Steel BLDGA,B&C the order documents and standard product specifications, including its design, fabrication and quality E3 Roof Framing BLDGA Q criteria standards and tolerances. (AISC code of standard practice Sept 86 Section 4.2.1)(Mar 05 Section 4.4.1) E4 Roof Framing BLDGB " a E5 Roof Framing BLDGC to tia Code Official Approval - It is the responsibility of the Builder/Contractor to ensure that all project E6 Roof Sheeting Q plans and specifications comply with the applicable requirements of any governing building authority: The Builder/Contractor is responsible for securing all required approvals and permits from the E7 Sidewall BLDGA&B appropriate agency as required. ENGINEERING DESIGN CRITERIA DEFLECTION CRITERIA E8 Sidewall BLDGA&B Building Erection - The Builder/Contractor is responsible for all erection of the steel and associated E9 Sidewall BLDGC work in compliance with the Metal Building Manufacturers drawings. Temporary supports, such as E10-E29 Main Frame Cross Sections temporary guys, braces, false work or other elements required for erection will be determined, Bu i (cling Code , , , , , , , , , , 2010 Florida Building Code The mater I a l supp I I eel by the Manufacturer has been desi gned w I th furnished and installed by the erector (AISC Code of Standard Practice Sept 86 Section 7.9.1) (Mar Bu i ld I ng R i 'k Categ ry Normal the fat [owing minimum def tect i on criteria, The actual def tect i on E30 Portal Frame Cross Section 17 CSA S16-09 Section 29 . Roof Dead Load may be less depending on actual load and actual member length, FRAMELINEA-SWA 05 Section 7.10.3 ) ( / ) Superimposed , , , , IL , , , , , , , . , , 4, 01 psf (B tdg A) The frame s I desway for wind loading is based on ASCE 7 commentary Portal Frame Cross Section 24 4, 36 psf (B l dg B) equation CC-3 of 0, 7W, The Limits shown are at service toads unless E31 FRAMELINEA-SWC Discrepancies - Where discrepancies exist between the Metal Building plans and plans for other 4, 19 psf (B tdg C) indicated otherwise, ar trades, the Metal Building plans will govern. (AISC Code of Standard Practice Sept 86 Section 3.3) Col latera l , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5, 00 psf E32 Portal Frame Cross Section 12 Q (Mar 05 Section 3.3) (5,00 psf ❑the) BUILDING DEFLECTION LIMITS. , , ; BLDGS-A, B, C FRAMELINEB-SWB Roof Live Load .... ........ ,, 20,00 psf reduction allowed Roof Limits Rafters Pur tins Panels E33 Portal Frame Cross Section 23 Materials by Others - All interface and compatibility of any materials not furnished by the manufacturer are the responsibility of and to be coordinated b the Builder Contractor or A E firm. Wind Live ve L/ 240 240 60 Connection o P Y Y ✓ � Basic Wind Sped ,, 170, 00 mph Snow L/ 240 240 60 E34 Connection Detail Unless specific design criteria concerning any interface between materials if furnished as a part of Wind Exposure at 'ggory , , , . , , C Wind L/ 240 240 60 Q)the order documents, the manufacturers assumptions will govern. I nterna t Press re Coef (GCp i) 0, 18/-01 18 Total Gravity L/240 240 60 Loads for comp )ner is not provided by building manufacturer Total Uplift L/ 240 240 60 Modification of the Metal Building from Plans - The Metal Building 'supplied by the manufacturer has Bldg A been designed according to the`Buildin Code and specifications and the loads shown on this Corner Areas ( i t i n 6, 00' of corner) 65, 45 psf pressure -87, 64 psf suction Frame Limits S i desway Portal Frame S i desway R1-R14 Construction Drawings c g g 9 P Other Areas 65,45 psf pressure -71,00 psf suction Live H/ 200 drawing. Modification of the building configuration, such as removing wall panels or braces, from Bldg B Snow H/ 200 R15 , Trim Profiles o that shown on these plans could affect the structural integrity of the building. The Metal Building Corner Areas (i t in 5, 00' of corner) 65, 45 psf pressure -87, 64 psf suction Wind H/ 200 Co Manufacturer or a Licensed Structural Engineer should be consulted prior to making any changes to Other Areas 65. 45 psf pressure -71, 00 psf suction Se i sm I c Dr I ft H/ 67 67 o v the building configuration shown on these drawings. The Metal Building Manufacturer will assume no Bldg C Crane H/ 100 N „^ o c responsibility for an loads applied to the building not indicated on these drawings. Corner Areas ( I t in 3, 00' of corner) 63, 57 psf pressure -85. 12 psf suction Total Gravity H/ 200 c o^, w rn t- P Y Y PP 9 Other Areas 63,57-sf ressure -68.95 psf suction Total Wind H/ 200 200 C) t o S o `.` Foundation Desian These values a e he maximum va ues required based on a 10 sq ft area, Service Seismic H/ 200 200 +. o co J o J o The `Metal Building Manufacturer is not re��rrsible for the design, materials and workmanship of the Components wit,) l rger areas may have lower w I nd loads, _ location, Wall Limits Limit x t w V W foundation. Anchor rod plans prepared, by the manufacturer are intended to show only~ w � � w diameter and projection of the anchor rods required to attach the Metal Building System to the Total Wind Panels L/ 60 a, a `o 0 foundation. It is the responsibility of the end customer to ensure that adequate provisions are Total Wind G i its L/ 120 _ o Q t` t` PROJECT NOTES Total, Wind EW Columns L/ 120 g Z ❑ made for specifying rod embedment, bearing values, tie rods and or other associated items F Q ' embedded in the concrete foundation, as well as foundation design for the loads imposed by the - o rn f Or - Metal Building System, other imposed loads, and the bearing capacity of the soil and other The Sery i ce Se i sm i c l I m I t as shown here i s at sery i ce I. eve I. I. oads. CSM Engineering, LLC. o o, A) N � � rn o rn - rn 't O conditions of the building site. (MBMA®r� 06 Sections 3.2.2 and A3) BOLT TIGHTENING - Alt bolted joints with A325-09 Type 1 bolts are 772-220-4601 m ��a specified a" snug -tightened �Ioints in accordance with the Specificationm for Structu a l Uoints UsIn A$TM A325 or A490 Bolts, June 30, 2004, ravedasc�rrectea c'g ❑ AVprnved ApP C) `c ' 2� Pretensioni g methods, including turn -of -nut calibrated wrench, i ❑ Revise and 0 Rejected 4- 1zwIsotype s conroosodirect NOT require . Instal tat I on Inspection requirements for Snug Tight fq v o 0 0 Bolts (Specification for Structural Joints Section 9,1) is suggested, C Submit specified Item N o ` o Q) Mater I a l pr per i es of steel bar, plate, and sheet used i n the fabrication to 0 This review is only for general conformance E`` UL of built-up str ctura l framing members conform to ASTM A529, ASTM A572, r with the design concept or the project and o 1- o ASTM A1011 S, r ASTM A1011 HSLAS with a minimum yield point of 50 ksl, �''� i - n ,Q_ general compliance with the uilormaugh given � 2 � 2 Materi a t pr per i es of hot rotted structural shapes conform to ASTM A992, J) r ta�`�� i' i 't& ;n the contract Documents Corrections Or o ASTM A529, r ASTM A572 with a minimum specified yield point of 50 ks i , VYlU1J Q / �� C comments made on the shop diawmt,5 g o d- ❑ ❑ Hot rotted ng l s, other than flange braces, conform to ASTM 36 minimum, �1 el this review do not relieve coituact©r trom Q W_ Q rn Ho l low structural shapes conform to ASTM A500 grade B, minimum I e td j 1 compliance,with the regnire""nts of the plans ,d z W "�in P 9 Y �(ov rl of a s ethic item q 2 J ' point is 42 ks i` for round HSS and 46 ks i for rectangular HSS, N C) �CQ9S V n and stet fcations.App' p t,_ 3 Material properties of cold -formed tight gage steel members conform to shall not ti,clude approval of an assei» bly of �� � c�tj the requirements of ASTM A1011 SS Grade 55, ASTM A1011 HSLAS Grade 55 which the 'iiem is accon,poncnt eon(ractur is Q ` o w < C l ass 1, AS M A 53 SS Grade 55, or ASTM A653 HSLAS Grade 55 Class 1 kk) A (?h responsible for. dimensions to be confirmed f/� yn�01 t I' ' r'• ication ru z Y Q with th a minimum y� I e ld point of 55 ks i , For Canada, inciter I a l properties es t �C and correlated at u,e:nbstm; mfoprgess that Z a - conform to AN/CSA G40, 20/G40, 21 or equ i va t ent, p q yes or o w 3 chins solely e the s, to p } Y t, to the means, methods, techm ues, se uences U, t� and rocedures of construction; coordination Ci Q - Q e gutter with 4 x 5 downspouts, the roof drainage WagejyV� p -forming Using 5 x 5 e0.v of the Work of all trades; and for system has eenl designed using the Method outlined in the MBMA b of he Work in asafe and satisfactory manner. ' Sco/e: NOT TO SCALE Meta t Bu i l d i ng Systems Manua L Downspout locations have not been n (rk lr Located on hest drawings, The downspouts are to be' placed on Z ,C1 �t�- i�1Ci �h �� `f Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 the bu I ld i n s i'dewa l is at a 'spacing not to exceed 29 feet with J (( S Date 8 l� By Checked by HH 9/10/14 the first d wnsPg �out from both ends of the utter run within nr G{91tt1 1 feet of the end, Downspout spacing that does not exceed the>�� Project Engineer: JSS maximum spacing witi, be in compliance with the building code, v" The gutter and 'downspout system as provided by the manufacturer Ai Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 is designed to ccommodate 12 In/hr rainfall Intensity, kc Design criteria�as noted is as given within order documents and veC tCM C ` C+ �i Sheet Number: E1 of 34 is applied in genera[ accordance with the applicable provisions of s�� Qf the model code 'and/or 'specification Indicated, Neither the Ca b&nS OY� i2l`1C�� ! Gt 1n The engineer whose seal manufacture nor the certifying engineer declares or attests that - �- appears hereon t employee the loads a de's i gnated are proper for local provisions that may /T� L( t for the manufactureerr for the apply or fors i �e spec I f i c-parameters, The design criteria is WV L materials described herein. Said supplied by thej bu l lder, project owner, or an Architect and/or '' ,, ll j ,r i ►\ seal or certification is limited Engineer of Record for the overall construction project, W L 1 t Y to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer Th I s pro jet I sI des: gned us: ng manufacture s standard a only.The undersigned engineer is sere I ceab i l i ty standards, Genera t t y this means that all not the overall engineer of deflections are,wlthln typical performance limits for normal 9 «° record for this project. occupancy a d standard metal building products; QREVIEWED 0REJECTEp X-Brae I n i to l be Installed to a taut condition with a t t slack REVIEWED AS NOTED Q REVISE AND RE -SUBMIT removed, g D no jt tighten be and this state. ARCHITECT S. Harley Davidson' P.E. The design o llatera l load has been un i form ty applied to the Florida P.E. 38305' design of the b ilding, Hanging loads are to be attached to the ti purlln web, This may not be _appropriate for heavily concentrated RAI Loads, Any attached load in excess of 150 pounds shall be accounted Ito o Lo for by special design performed by a licensed engineer using U concentratec toads and may require seperate support members within the roof system ,� A" d A325 BOLT GRIP TABLE GR IP LENGTH BOLT LENGTH NOTE FULL THREAD ENGAGEMENT IS 0 TO 9/16" 1 1/4" F. T. DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN MET This metal. u I l i ng system is designed as enc t osed. All exterior Over 9/16 TO 1 1/16" 1 3/4" F. T.TGRIP WHEN THE END OF THE BOLT components (I , e. doors, windows, vents, etc,) must be designed to IS FLUSH WITH THE FACE OF withstand the specified wind loading for the design of components Over 1 1/16" TO 1 5/16" 2" THE NUT. and cd add i n in accordance with the specified bu i t d i ng code, Over 1 5 16" TO 1 9 16" 2 1 4" Doors are t be closed when a maximum of 50% of design wind / / / velocity Is reached, ..., Ovir 1 9/16" TO 1 13/16" 2 1/2"HER REQUIRED ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED. �,�CEN$�e' 'O 1 raver 1 13/16" TO 2 1/16" 2 3/4" HER MAY BE LOCATED UNDER HEADBUIhDING DESCRIPTIONS BOLT UNDER NUT, OR AT BOTH AT ?� No.38305 .� J ` LOCATIONS OF BOLTS LONGER THAN 2 3 4" NOTED ON ERECTION DRAWINGS. Building ID Width Len th Height Slope ��': ' LOCATIONS 9 STATE OF : A P ST w NOTED ON ERECT/ON DRAWINGS ADD 5 32" FOR EACH WASHER TO MATERIAL Buildin A 60'-0 160 =0 13'-0 4:12 F.T. DENOTES FULLY THREADED THICKNESS TO DETERMINE GRIP. Building B 155'-0 50'=0 13'-0 4 :12 Sep /Q Ate BuildingC 20'-8 16'=0 13'-0 8:12 3vM0, 6 1'-0 w 00Z�v Lo I � cv 1} 4' 4J 1J 6 6 I l'-0 7J WW N J - - - N TYPICAL SECTION O J"O ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 8J 1'-4 3" 4" I J W W � I . N v Na I I I 11� W W N J = = M TYPICAL SECTION J"O ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 - - M TYPICAL SECTION J"4 ANCHOR RODS 1'-24 O11. a U n o 1 2„ 2" 00 3 � W N I '*N ■�1 Now I 11� J W^W - M TYPICAL SECTION O J"O ANCHOR RODS W 0 z 000 t a 45' w I / 9 \ A WIW N J BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 -� ENDWALL OUT OF CONC. TYPICAL SECTION J"O ANCHOR RODS 84 l'-6 8J 104 o 3» 4» o110 3» 4» r Z O OU J J 3 1 0 3 I w W I . rn 1� N N N 0 N N 1 I 11� I 11� WW W Fzzi PO �c N J. _ _ N TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION C J"O ANCHOR RODS D J"O ANCHOR RODS O O BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100 —0 10 84 N �• \S SIDEWALL 0 3" 4" oluzcu) 2 OUT OF z STEEL �CONO.. 00 o E < o 39.81 ° Q„ �\ 3 I w 1 x o 1 xv 'o S Sr" N to . N a 50.19' W I 0 WZ 1 N J �L nn,, V 00 W W - - M TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION J4"O ANCHOR RODS HO 1"0 ANCHOR RODS O BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 11� W W TYPICAL SECTION J"O ANCHOR RODS I 1'-1 4 W Al O U 7 0 2" 2" 00 3 W I M " I � M I � I: E (0 3" EI 4" 8J 1'-6 I 11� J lJ W JA V) ? - - - - M TYPICAL SECTION O J"O ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 11� W W Z_ N J TYPICAL SECTION J"O ANCHOR RODS 84 -i o I 1 2,6 2» o z o° a w 0 11� J W W Z_ NJ 8 8—f TYPICAL SECTION J"O ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 LLL�3J 8J 1'-4 SIDEWALL OUT OF 0 » CONC. STEEL z 4 4» Q0 o� �I \ 45.3' 3 n o I W1 0 0 c tis �, o N s J ml 44.7' \ \2 �'cc z Wl W W 1 N I 1 -0 V r NJ - - TYPICAL SECTION OTYPICAL SECTION 1"0 ANCHOR RODS E "0 ANCHOR RODS' O BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 I TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION I 10i J"O ANCHOR RODS "O ANCHOR RODS N I 8J 1 —4 3„ 4„ o A 8„ TYPICAL SECTION og 2 2 8"0 ANCHOR RODS W I O N Ln BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 SIDEAOUTWOFL CONC. Frame Line 1. 39.81' ' 50.19 I 4„ 4, �I R4 I'-^ J Er a `ti ti 0 © TYPICAL SECTION 1"0 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 I V-01 J W TYPICAL SECTION O 1"0 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 _ I U_00 1 o0 a I 1'-2 3 w W W H Z V) - TYPICAL SECTION D J"4 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV. 100'-0 U m� En O O U U N a _ a O O_ a a w v 2) 00 o' p � O r` O c .o .h QC E q o o a n C N �.. M O to U ^, j 0)0 c an I 0 a � J O l I W vJ x N m a— L2LL ti ri UmJ ❑ a<F IN r)zOf C)V) � �>rnW x rn ? Qd-O v Do :. L) � U U O ' w V y m N O O (D U 5 N L �_ �L2 QLl 0) 4 O L O r7 2 LL 2 �LjN O El ElI° ZOM d o �q :2 J CL QO H Y p Q Uwa' 1n U) a EzY c LJw 3 of W(oy p U Q7t_<J I O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. srs 5/21 /14 Checked by EBF 5/23/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. F2 of 5 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 DRMEIA ENMEIA No. 38305 : �+ STATE OF rW Sep 10, 20114 NOTES 1) THE REACTIONS PROVIDED ARE BASED ON THE ORDER DOCUMENTS AT THE TIME OF MAILING. ANY CHANGES TO BUILDING LOADS OR DIMENSIONS MAY CHANGE THE REACTIONS. THE REACTIONS WILL BE SUPERSEDED AND VOIDED BY ANY FUTURE MAILING. 2) THE REACTIONS PROVIDED HAVE BEEN CREATED WITH THE FOLLOWING LAYOUT (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE). a) A REACTION TABLE IS PROVIDED WITH THE REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP. b) RIGID FRAMES (1) GABLED BUILDINGS (a) LEFT AND RIGHT COLUMNS ARE DETERMINED AS IF VIEWING THE LEFT SIDE OF THE BUILDING, AS SHOWN ON THE ANCHOR ROD DRAWING, FROM THE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING. (b)INTERIOR COLUMNS ARE SPACED FROM LEFT SIDE TO RIGHT SIDE. (2)SINGLE SLOPE BUILDINGS (a) LEFT COLUMN IS THE LOW SIDE COLUMN. (b) RIGHT COLUMN IS THE HIGH SIDE COLUMN. INTERIOR COLUMNS ARE SPACED FROM LOW SIDE TO HIGH SIDE. c) ENDW (1)LEFT AND RIGHT COLUMNS ARE DETERMINED AS IF VIEWING THE WALL FROM THE OUTSIDE. (2)INTERIOR COLUMNS ARE SPACED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. d) ANCHOR ROD SIZE IS DETERMINED BY SHEAR AND TENSION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BASE PLATE. THE LENGTH OF THE ANCHOR ROD AND METHOD OF LOAD TRANSFER TO THE FOUNDATION ARE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION ENGINEER. e) ANCHOR RODS ARE ASTM F1554 Gr. 36 MATERIAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE ANCHOR ROD LAYOUT DRAWING. f) X-BRACING (1)ROD BRACING REACTIONS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN VALUES SHOWN IN THE REACTION TABLES. (2)FOR IBC AND UBC BASED BUILDING CODES, WHEN X-BRACING IS PRESENT IN THE SIDEWALL, INDIVIDUAL LONGITUDINAL SEISMIC LOADS (RBUPEQ AND RBDWEQ) DO NOT INCLUDE THE AMPLIFICATION FACTOR, 00. (3)FOR CANADA BUILDING CODE (NBC), WHEN X-BRACING IS PRESENT IN THE SIDEWALL OR ENDWALL, INDIVIDUAL LONGITUDINAL SEISMIC LOADS (RBUPEQ & RBDWEQ) ARE MULTIPLIED BY FORCE REDUCTION FACTOR, Rd, WHEN SPECIFIED SHORT -PERIOD SPECTRAL ACCELERATION RATIO IEFoSa(0.2) IS GREATER THAN 0.45. 3) REACTIONS ARE PROVIDED AS UN -FACTORED FOR EACH LOAD GROUP APPLIED TO THE COLUMN. THE FOUNDATION ENGINEER WILL APPLY THE APPROPRIATE LOAD FACTORS AND COMBINE THE REACTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE AND DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS TO DETERMINE BEARING PRESSURES AND CONCRETE DESIGN. THE FACTORS APPLIED TO LOAD GROUPS FOR THE STEEL COLUMN DESIGN MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN THE FACTORS USED IN THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. a)FOR PROJECTS USING ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEEDS SUCH AS 2012 IBC OR 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, THE WIND LOAD REACTIONS ARE AT A STRENGTH VALUE WITH A LOAD FACTOR OF 1.0. THE MANUFACTURER DOES NOT PROVIDE "MAXIMUM" LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS. HOWEVER, THE INDIVIDUAL LOAD REACTIONS PROVIDED MAY BE USED BY THE FOUNDATION ENGINEER TO DETERMINE THE APPLICABLE LOAD COMBINATIONS FOR HIS/HER DESIGN PROCEDURES AND ALLOW FOR AN ECONOMICAL FOUNDATION DESIGN. FRAME ID #4 USER NAME: Jss DATE 5/ 9/14 PAGE: 4-3 as 60./13./27.5 20./170./0. JOB NAME:46892A FlLEfromes_1b.fro SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlines: 1 NOTE: All reactions are In kips and kip-ft. .TIME 13:59:37 .mTr*irr.r TN HL *-FJ I OAn GROUP REACTION TABLE * = 1 COLUMN *-F *-B LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR I VR LNR DL 5.0 7.8 0.0 -5.0 7.9 0.0 COLL 5.1 6.8 0.0 -5.1 6.9 0.0 PLLL1 -0.1 1.2 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 PLL1 12.2 16.3 0.0 -12.2 16.5 0.0 PLLR1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.2 1.2 0.0 LL 12.1 17.4 0.0 -12.1 17.6 0.0 WL1 -45.6 -64.5 0.0 25.8 -51.5 0.0 WL2 -31.8 -37.4 0.0 12.0 -24.1 0.0 LWL1 -22.0 -57.4 0.0 26.8 -46.8 0.0 LWL2 -34.4 -53.0. 0.0 - 29.5 -64.4 0.0 LWL3 -8.4 -29.2 0.0 13.2 -18.3 0.0 LWL4 -20.8 -24.7 0.0 15.9 -35.9 0.0 WL3 -31.0 -55.5 0.0 50.8 -69.5 0.0 WL4 1 -17.1 -28.4 1 0.0 1 36.9 -42.1 1 0.0 olA- A dewed Frame (9 Neterence Gnas 1-ti/o-r i OAp GROUP DL DE_SMPTION Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] PLLI Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] PLLR1 .. Pattern Live Load RightLeanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] LL Roof Live Load. WLi Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal'. Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal', Primary Wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal, Primary Wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal'. Primary Wind Load W1_3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary wind Load FRAME ID y6 USER NAME: Jss DATE 5/ 9/14 PAGE 6-3 cs 60./13./27.5 20./170./0. JOB NAME:46892A FlLE:frames_9.frp SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlines: 9 NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME 11:52:25 REACn.w MnTATIrrIC HL *-F I nAn GRn1 IP RFACTION TARI F * = 9 COLUMN *-F *-B LOAD GROUP HL I VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 3.2 6.7 0.0 -3.2 6.7 0.0 COLL 3.3 6.0 0.0 -3.3 6.0 0.0 PLLL1 -0.1 1.2 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 PLLII 8.0 14.4 0.0 -8.0 14.4 0.0 PLLR1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 1.2 0.0 LL 7.9 15.5 0.0 -7.9 15.5 0.0 WL1 -30.3 -58.8 0.0 17.4 -47.2 0.0 WL2 -22.3 -34.9 0.0 9.3 -23.4 0.0 LWL1 -12.7 -52.7 0.0 20.1 -44.6 0.0 LWL2 -20.1 -44.6 0.0 12.7 -52.7 0.0 LWL34-12.3 -4.9 -27.8 0.0 12.3 -19.6 0.0 LWL4 -19.6 0.0 4.9 -27.8 0.0 W317.4-47.2 0.0 30.3-58.8 0.0 WL4-9.3 -23.4 0.0 22.3 -34.9 0.0 I AD GROUP DIL KSMPTION Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] PLL1 Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] PLLRII Pattern Live Load Right Leanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary wind Load BIdg.A F.L. FRAME ID #2 USER NAME: Jss DATE: 5/ 9/14 PAGE 2-2 It 16.667/13./20. 20./170./ JOB NAME: 46892A FILE: Itfral-3.fro SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlinee: 3 NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME 10:15: 40 REACTION NOTATIONS HR HL --t VL *-B LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE * = 3 COLUMN *-B SUPPORT(*-D) LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 0.0 2.2 0.0 -0.0 1.7 0.0 COLL 0.1 2.0 0.0 -0.1 1.8 0.0 PLLLi 0.2 4.7 0.0 -0.2 4.2 0.0 LL 0.0 5.5 0.0 -0.0 4.3 0.0 WL1 -2.1 -23.4 0.0 9.8 -11.6 0.0 WL2 -5.0 -12.9 0.0 0.6 -6.3 0.0 LWL1 5.2 1 -24.8 0.0 18.1 -8.8 0.0 LWL2 5.2 1 -18.9 0.0 17.2 -12.2 0.0 LWL3 2.2 1 -13.3 0.0 8.7 -3.6 0.0 LWL4 2.2 1 -7.4 0.0 7.8 -7.0 0.0 WL3 3.8 -18.3 0.0 15.5 -12.7. 0.0 WL4 0.9 -7.8 0.0 1 6.3 1 -7.5 0.0 LOAD GROUP " DL DLiMIPTION Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load LW1_1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load FRAME ID USER NAME:Jss DATE 7/ 8/14 PAGF-7-2 It 16.667f3./20. 20./170./ JOB NAME46892A FILE: Itfrol_c_e.fro SU PORT: REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP 'LOCATION: NOTE: Gridlines: C E All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME 09: 43:19 IRIA"ON NOTATIONS ' �-- HR VIR HL IT- I IVL -ho An (7RnUP REACTION TABLE * = C E COLUMN *-10 SUPPORT(*-) L AD GROUP HL VL I LNL HR VR LNR OL 0.0 1.4 0.0 -0.0 0.9 0.0 COLL 0.0 1.1 0.0 -0.0 0.9 0.0 PLLL1 0.1 3.4 0.0 -0.1 2.9 0.0 LL -0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 WL1 ''.. -1.5 -14.3 0.0 5.6 -7.4 0.0 WL2'. -4.0 -8.3 0.0 -0.2 -5.0Mo. LWL1'.. 0.0 12.0 -5.2RBUPLW -1.4 -2.2 -0.0 -0.0LWL2 -10.4 0.0 10.1 -4.5LWL3 -8.5 0.0 6.1 -2.9LWL4 J4.5-15.3 -3.5 0.0 4.1 -2.2WL3'.. -9.9 0.0 8.8 -4.9WL4 -3.9 0.0 3.0 -2.5 AD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load RBUPLW Upward Acting Rod Brace Load from Longitud. wind LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LwL3 Longitudinal Primary wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal. Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load RBDWLW Downward Acting Rod Brace Load from Longit. Wind 3Idg.A F.L.C,E FRAME ID /1 USER NAME: Ise DATE: 5/ 8/14 PAGE 1-3 cs 60./13./27.5 20./,170./0. JOB NAME 46892A FILE frames_5-8.fra SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Grldlines: 5 7 8 NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME: 15:29:51 BIdg.A F.L.3 HL I OAn (WHIP RFACTION TART 7*= 5 7 8 COLUMN *-F *-B LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR I VR LNR DL 2.1 4.8 0.0 -2.1 4.8 0.0 COLL 2.3 4.1 0.0 -2.3 4.1 0.0 PLLL1 -0.1 1.2 1 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 PLL1 5.4 9.9 0.0 -5.4 9.9 0.0 PLLR1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 1.2 0.0 LL 5.3 11.0 0.0 -5.3 11.0 0.0 WL1 - 22.8 -42.5 0.0 8.3 -32.6 0.0 WL2 -18.7 1 -26.0 0.0 4.3 -16.1 0.0 LW _1 -6.0 -37.1 0.0 11.3 -31.3 0.0 LWL2 -11.3 -31.3 0.0 6.0 -37.1 0.0 LWL3 -2.2 -19.5 0.0 7.4 -13.7 0.0 LWL4 -7.4 -13.7 1 0.0 2.2 -19.5 0.0 WL3 -8.3 -32.6 0.0 22.8 -42.5 0.0 WL4 -4.3 -16.1 1 0.0 18.7 -.26.0 0.0 LOAD GROUP DIL DESCRIPTION Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] PLL1 Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] PLLR1 Pattern Live Load Right Leanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] LL Roof Live Load wLt Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Latera! Frimary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL3 .Longitudinal Primary Wind Load. LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load BIdg.A F.L.5-8 FRAME ID 08 USER NAME Joe DATE 7/ 8/14 PAGE:8-2 It 16.667/13./20. 20./170./ JOB NAME 46892A FILE, Itfrol_i Ob-10f.fra SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlines: B F NOTE: All reactions are in kip? and kip-ft. TIME: 09:52:20 REACTION NOTATIONS 31dg.A Skewed Frame ® Reference Grids 10-13 8c 10-F HR Al HL *-10L LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE * _ B F COLUMN *-10 SUPPORT(*-9) LOAD GROUP HL VL LNIL HR VR LNR DL 0.1 3.8 0.0 -0.1 3.0 0.0 COLL 0.1 3.6 0.0 -0.1 3.1 0.0 PLLL1 0.4 8.4 0.0 -0.4 7.5 0.0 LL 0.1 9.4 0.0 -0.1 7.6 0.0 WL1 -3.1 -36.0 0.0 " 11.6 -20.4 0.0 WL2 -6.6 -18.9 0.0 -0.3 -9.2 0.0 LwL1 6.4 -37.1 0.0 22.3 -17.9 0.0 LWL2 6.2 -32.5 0.0 23.3 -26.9 0.0 LWL3 2.7 -19.2 0.0 10.1 -6.7 0.0 LWL4 2.5 -14.5 0.0 11.2 -15.7 0.0 WL3 4.4 732.0 0.0 21.2 -27.4 0.0 WL4 0:9 -14.9 0.0 9.3 -16.1 0.0 appears hereon is an employee LOAD GROUP DE -OPTION DL Roof Dead Load for the manufacturer for the COLL Roof Collateral Load materials described herein. Said PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] seal or certification is limited LL Roof Live Load to the products designed and WL1 Lateral PrimaryWind Load manufactured by manufacturer WL2 Lateral Primary wind Load '.. only.The undersigned engineer is LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load " not the overall engineer of LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load record for this project. LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load S. Harley Davidson, P.E. WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load ',. Florida P.E. 38305 DRME1A. ENMEIA owls i No. 38305VC STATE OF e Sep 10 2014 '. sS7�•......• `�. e . 0N pl�lPtt�`'`'`. FRAME ID #5 USER NAME Jea DATE: 7/ 8/14 PAGE: 5-2 pf 30./13. main building at p JOB NAME:46892A FILE: portal-swa.fra SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP UDCCAT1ON:bays 5-(Gridline B) NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME:09:22:02 FRAME ID F USER NAME jss DATE: 5/13/14. PAGE:1-2 It 16.667/13./20. 20./170./ JOB NAME:46892B RLEltfrol-d.fro SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: GHdlinew D NOTE: All reactions are In kips and kip-ft. TIME:07:11:35 HL I nAn ('iNV IP RFACTInN TART. F COLUMN LEFT COLUMN RIGHT COLUMN LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 0.1 0.5 0.0 -0.1 0.5 0.0 WL1 -5.1 -5.4 0.0 -5.4 5.4 0.0 WL2 5.4 5.4 0.0 5.1 -5.4 0.0 LOAD GROUP DL DESCRIPTION Roof Dead Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load .WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load awo Building Solutions FRAME DESCRIPTION: USER NAME: DATE: PAGE 1 Soldier Column JOB NAME: FILE: [SNDTES:(l) JPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. ACTION NOTATIONS n i _ A n _ ..... _ .. _ _J:.. _ (1- 1 ...,...., ,. F-1 C) Q P,. -7 1 R I 1 ' I I I I I I I I R\ HY HX '1 ~� I v5 6 LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE FRAME ID 09. USER NAME: jss DATE: 7/ 8/14 PAGE: 9-2 pf 30./13. main building at p JOB NAME 46892A FILE portal-swa.fra SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP LOCATION: bays 4-(Gridline F? NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. TIME: 28:17 HL -- iVL I AAn PRIV IP RFACTInN TART F iVR COLUMN LEFT COLUMN RIGHT COLUMN LOAD GROUP HL VL I LNL HR VR LNR DL 0.2 0.6 -0.2 0.6 0.0 WL1 -5.1 -4.5 1�20 5.4 4.5 0.0 WL2 5.4 4.5 5.1 -4.5 0.0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPnom DL r Roof Dead Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load FRAME ID /5 cs 50./13./2E SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlinew F G H NOTE: All reactions are In kips and kip-ft. REACTION NOTATIONS HL . F*'--'-] 1*-5.. I nAn m0I IP RFACTION TARI F * = F G H COLUMN *-1 *-5 LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 1.5 4.4 0.0 -1.5 4.1 0.0 COLL 1.5 3.6 0.0 -1.5 3.6 0.0 PLLL1 -0.1 1.0 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 PLL1 3.6 8.6 0.0 -3.6 8.6 0.0 PLLR1 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 LL 3.5 9.5 0.0 -3.5 1 9.0 0.0 WLi -17.2 -32.9 0.0 -0.7 -24.8 0.0 WL2 -16.2 -18.6 0.0 -1.7 -10.5 0.6 LWL1 0.1 -31.6 0.0 5.5 -27.2 0.0 LWL2 75.3 -27.6 0.0 0.2 -30.8 O LWL3 0.9 -16.4 0.0 4.6 -12.3 0.0 LWL4 74.5 -12.3 0.0 -0.7 -16.0 0.0 WL3 1.1 -25.2 0.0 17.7 -31.6 0.0 WL4 2.1 -10.9 0.0 16.7 1-17.3 0.0 LOAD GROUP DISIP710N DL Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] PLL1 Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] PLLR1 Pattern Live Load Right Leanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] LL Roof Live Load WL7 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load ,LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal Primary wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load BIdg.A Portal Frames Along Grid Line F Z� USER NAME: jss JOB NAME 46892E E 5/121714 PAGE 5-3 frames2-g-h.fra TIME 15: 38: 28 Bldg.B F.L.F,G,H MN - SOLDIER COLUMN LATE6.OX8.5XO.375 ODS 4 -0.625 ROUP r vS HX. HY 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 -2.5 0.0 -1.0 3.0 0.0 LL 0.3 0.0 0.0 COLL 1 0.1 0.0 0.0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION D Dead Load W+ Wind Load As An Inward Acting Pressure W- Wind Load As An Outward Acting Suction LL Canopy Roof Live Load COLL Canopy Roof Collateral Load FRAME 0 i3 cs 50./13./25 PPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP iLOCA71ON: Gridline,: I NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. REACTION MATA7u "Q HL I nAn nRrA IP REACTION TABLE * = I COLUMN *-1 *-5 LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 1.8 5.3 0.0 -1.8 5.1 0.0 COLL 1.8 4.3 0.0 -1.8 4.3 0.0 PLLL1 -0.1 0.9 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 PLL1 4.3 10.4 0.0 -4.3 10.4 0.0 PLLR1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 LL 4.2 11.2 "0.0 -4.2 11.2 0.0 WL1 -20.9 -38.5 -0.0 -1.4 -29.8 1 0.0 WL2 -19.8 -21.4 0.0 -2.5 -12.7 0.0 LWL1 0.1 -37.3 0.0 6.3 -32.6 0.0 LWL2 -6.3 -32.6 0.0 -0.1 -37.3 0.0 LWL3 1.0 -19.3 0.0 5.3 -14.7 0.0 LWL4 -5.3 -14.7 0.0 -1.0 -19.3 0.0 WL3 1.4 -29.8 0.0 20.9 -38.5 0.0 -WL4 2.5 -12.7 0.0 19.8 -21.4 0.0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLLI Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] PLL1 Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] PLLR1 Pattern Live Load Right Leanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load ` LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary wind Load USER NAME: jss DATE 5/12/14 PAGE.-3-3 20./170./0 JOB NAME 468928 FILE: fromei.fra TIME-. 16:14:05 Bldg.B F.L.I REACTION NOTATIONS 1-- HR �VR I'- I HL --VL *-t IOAn RROUP REACTION TARLF_ * = D COLUMN *-I SUPPORT(*-) LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 0.0 2.1 0.0 -0.0 1.6 0.0 COLL 0.1 2.0 0.0 -0.1 1.7 0.0 PLLLi 0.1 4.7 0.0 -0.2 4.2 0.0 LL 0.0 5.4 0.0 -0.0 4.2 0.0 WL1 -2.6 -24.5 0.0 12.0 -11.6 0.0 WL2 -6.2 -12.9 0.0 1.1 -7.4 0.0 LWL1 6.3 -27.4 0.0 22.1 -7.5 0.0 LWL2 6.3 -19.8 0.0 19.7 -9.6 0.0 LWL3 2.6 -15.0 0.0 10.9 -3.4 0.0 LWL4 2.7 -7.4 0.0 8.6 -5.4 0.0 WL3 4.6 -19.0 0.0 17.8 -10.3 0.0 WL4 1.1 --7.4 0.0 6.8 -6.1 0.0 LOAD GROUP DL DESCRIPTION Roof Dead Load COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] Bldg.B F.L.I C O O U 4 l Q) U N In n O o O L a n Q 0 0 v rn al w 00 C O C O LL Roof Live Load` O WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load p LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Mind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Prima-y Wind Load O In LWL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load N •+. IQ LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load c rn O Obi 0 j Q WL3 Lateral Primary Mind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load +� y 000 O 0 C . LLJ ILL J U Lu 48 J W W m 13 x W �- Q O O U m J ZZ�N. t U V U Z •93�a)� rn c" Qd O In rM a LLJM 00 o O V 00 U U O Uco m v aVur) . L 5 L >. tl ¢ Ll Q u° 2 O In 7 El El WaM I° d Z O M � a�ILL j �q QO Q H 1 C UWW In N Z Q Y a LI�W C 3 j = (0 Y O U ¢�� O NOT TO SCALE REACTION NOTATIONS Bldg.B F.L.2,4 Scale. Drawn by. srs 5/21/14 } HR Checked b)r. EBF 5/23/14 I VR Project Engineer- JSS *� Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 HIL Sheet Number. F4 of 5 iVL The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee *-J for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE * = 2 4 seal or certification is limited COLUMN *-J SUPPORT(*-) LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DL -0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 COLL 0.0 0.8 0.0 -0.0 0.6 0.0 PLLL1 0.1 2.6 0.0 -0.1 2.2 0.0 LL -0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 WL1 -1.2 -11.2 0.0 5.0 -5.4 0.0 WL2 -3.3 -6.5 0.0 0.2 -4.3 0.0 LWL1 3.8 -12.1 0.0 1 10.3 -3.3 0.0 RBUPLW 0.0 -1.3 -2.1 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 LWL2 3.8 -8.1 0.0 8.0 -1.5 0.0 LWL3 1.6 -6.7 0.0 5.4 -2.2 0.0 LWL4 1.6 -2.7 0.0 3.1 -0.4 0.0 WL3 2.8 -7.7 0.0 7.0 -1.9 0.0 WL4 0.7 -3.0 0.0 2.2 -0.8 0.0 RBDWLW -0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 -DRMEIA ENMEIA LOAD GROUP OESIMPTION DL Roof Dead Load - COLL Roof Collateral Load - PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load p1„ �jinnl LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load RBUPLW Upward Acting Rod Brace Load from Longitud. Wind LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load. ; i\CQi.l...... trQ LWL3 .Longitudinal Primary Wind Load '•..y. LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load �'• N0.38305 WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load: WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load RBDWLW Downward Acting Rod Brace Load from Longit. wind %'�• STATE OF �L,f FCORtP s. Sep 10, 2014.•'''�.,��/ts/�fNlAOtr�til�`��o��. SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROI *LOCATION: Gridlines: 1 5 NOTE: All reactions are In kips and kip-ft. REACTION NOTATIONS HL -; TI VL *-J HR FRAME ID 08 USER NAME. Jes DATE 5/13/14 PAGE:8-2 It 16.667/13./20. 20./170./ JOB NAME.468928 FILE: Itfral_iJ_5J:fra:, IIMF-08:45:38 Bldg.B Skewed Frame ® Reference Grids 1-J & 5-J SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROU LOCATION: bays 5-(Gridline 5) 2-(Gridline 1) NOTE: All reactions are in kps and kip-ft. REAC HL LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE * = 1 5 LOAD GRWP REACTION TABLE COLUMN *-J SUPPORT(* -I) LOAD GROUP HL. VL LNL HR VR LNR DL 0.0 2.7 0.0 -0.0 2.0 0.0 COLL 0.1 2.5 0.0 -0.1 2.2 0.0 PLLL1 0.2 5.9 0.0 -0.2 5.2 0.0 LL 0.0 6.8 0.0 -0.0 5.2 0.0 WL1 -2.3 -27.3 0.0 9.9 -14.1 0.0 W1_2 -5.4 -14.8 0.0 0.2 -6.9 0.0 LWL1 5.6 1 -28.3 1 0.0 1 18.5 1 -11.7 0.0 LWL2 5.6 1 -23.0 1 0.0 1 18.5 1 -17.1 0.0 LWL3 2.4 -11 0.0 8.7 -4.5 0.0 LWL4 2.3 -9.7 0.0 8.7 -9.9 0.0 WL3 4.0 -22.5 0.0 1 16.9 -17.5 0.0 WL4 0.9 -10.1 0.0 1 7.2 -10.3 0.0 FRAME ID #6 USER NAME Jss DATE: 5/12/14 PAGE: 6-2 pf 19.5/13. main building at JOB NAME:468928 FI E:portal_swb-swd.fra TIME 15:47:40 Bldg.B Portal Frames Along Grid Lines 1&5 COLUMN LEFT COLUMN RIGHT COLUMN LOAD GROUP HL VL LNL HR VR LNR DIL 0.0 0.3 0.0 -0.0 0.3 0.0 WL1 -4.2 -5.8 0.0 -4.5 5.8 0.0 2 4.5 i2 IUIP DESCRIPTION L Roof Dead Load 1 Lateral Primary wind Load Lateral Primary Wind Load LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION Roof Dead Load DL COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy (PLLLxx] - LL Roof Live Load WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load : - - WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWLt Longitudinal Primary wind Load LWL2 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LW1_3 • 9 Y Longitudinal Primary Wind Load LWL4 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load FRAME ID /1 USER NAME: lee DATE: 5/12/14 PAGE: 1-3 as 16./13./6.167 20./170./0 JOB NAME46892C FILE: frome_a.fro SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP *LOCATION: Gridlines: A NOTE: All reactions are in kips and kip-ft. 11ME:07:41:54 REACTION unr*mwc HL --t i VL 1 I-- HR VR *-6 *-7 LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE * _ A COLUMN *-6 *-7 LOAD GROUP HL VL I LNL HIR VR LNR DL 0.1 0.9 0.0 -0.1 0.9 0.0 COLL 0.1 0.6 0.0 -0.1 0.6 0.0 PLLL1 -0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 PLL1 0.2 1.8 0.0 -0.2 1.8 0.0 PLLR1 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 LL 0.2 1.9 0.0 -0.2 1.9 0.0 WL1 -3.1 -5.1 0.0 -2.9 0.8 0.0 WL2 -3.2 -2.7 0.0 -2.7 3.1 0.0 LWL1 1.4 -5.3 0.0 1.1 -7.9 0.0 LWL2 -1.1 -7.9 0.0 -1.4 -5.3 0.0 ' LWL3 1.2 -2.9 0.0 12 -5.4 0.0 LWL4 -1.2 -5.4 0.0 -1.2 -2.9 0.0 WL3 2.9 0.8. 0.0 3.1 -5.1 0.0 WL4 2.7 3.1 0.0 39 -2.7 0.0 Bldg.0 F.L.A 1 0000 C) \ r- O O S LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load y - COLL Roof Collateral Load PLLL1 Pattern Live Load Left Leanto/Canopy [PLLLxx] O PLL1 Pattern Live Load [PLLxx] a, PLLR1 Pattern Live Load Right Leanto/Canopy [PLLRxx] 0 LL - Roof Live Load93 0 WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load (n r) C N WL2 Lateral Primary wind Load : � o m > a�j LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load 0 v1 I O M w O LWL2 Longitudinal Primary wind Load r^ m p Q c U _WL3 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load X J LJ COJ LWL4 Longitudinal Primary wind Load _ 5 Fm J W m a WL3 Lateral Primary Wind Load cal - J Q D LL_ W WL4 Lateral Primary Wind Load VJ x E UmJ O � ® ZUN q)) on L. Q U O m 0 (n r) a m I U n toto o 0 U U U m al a) u7 N o O` O l � L Q ti NO >, O 0 El ElI° w0M Z U M < a a- IZ29 M C) w \ O 0 F= C C)w Of 1n a) NZQa Z Y o ED�w v1 Of C 3 to Q Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. srs 5/21/14 Checked by EBF 5/23/14 Project Engineer: JSS Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 Sheet Number: F5 of 5 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 DRMEIA ENMEIA ,\,111\tip Hpgq �, sF•. oy, iL• No.38305 STATE OF Sep 10 2014 ., s .� •`,,, 4,NA�11n SPLICE BOLT TABLE SPLICE BOLT TABLE SPLICE BOLT TABLE .10 HARDENED BEVELED HARDENED BEVELED CONN QTY SIZE HARDENED BEVELED U CONN. QTY. SIZE TYPE WASHERS WASHERS CONN. QTY. SIZE TYPE WASHERS WASHERS TYPE WASHERS; WASHERS A (4) X 14 A325 B&N 0 0 A (4) X 1 J A325 B&N 0 0 A (4) X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 m� B (6) X 14 A325 B&N 0 0 B (8) X 1J A325 B&N 0 0 B (8)X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 J1 ^ � J5 C (12) J X 2J A325 B&N 0 0 C (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 BLDG. "C" CPY 1P D (8) J X 2 A325 B&N 0 0 D (6) J X 1 J A325 B&N 0 0 E (8) J X 24 A325 B&N 0 0 E (2) 4 X 14 A325 B&N 0 0 A oa E o¢ E A F (10) J X 2J A325 B&N 0 0 �, �, BLDG. "B" Io 3� -}���Q G (8) X 1 A325 B&N 0 0 H (2) J X 1J A325 B&N 0 0 0 y 45.0' o- O— 45.0 1 (6) 1" X 24 A325 B&N 0 0 4 7 \ N I N I BLDG. „A„ 45.0' \ N / 5.0 0 Y N \ OY A X.— \ XC5A XC5A C D C RF11A 1N R1NA C3 R1NBXC3A R1NA C1rW8XlC1 W8X10 0 0 O 0 C ar rW8 RF11A C1R R1R R1R C1R ' ' c W8X10 .o � o c � o 0 Lo pCn j J L U +u � � � Jw o � W8X10 U) x a � RF11A O z 0 o m� C;o 0 lJ RF11A C1R R1R R1R C1R �_ ? c��V) W8X10 �? rn N 0 M d m o00 0 Z;z BLDG B Um v m a 0 C C 0 T T TCIP> e� 0 0 �o 0C ^U oQ 0Q �Q ^p �2 �2 P '��� 00 oc 3 ac 3� ���'o o w m ❑ ❑ O Z p M RF11A C1R R1R R1R C1 �� n o 00.1 ro <it W8X10 50.19 D D �Y T9 � U i` o 39.81' 9.81' C\i 39.81' Q L U W a_ I j �ZYaLLJ rn �Q �1 Q�� U ¢ o` W8X10 Scale: NOT TO SCALE `XC4A _��YY11 RF7A Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 1 W OX12 W10X2 Checked by HH 9/10/14 A Project Engineer: JSS XC2A m XC1A Job Number.- 14—B-46892-1 o rD RF17A CYW1E RYW1E �-Z" XC1A XC1A Sheet Number.- E2 of 34 W8X10 e The engineer whose seal � 9 I I appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the RY1F W1CY1 RF7A materials described herein. Said c1 XC4A OX2 seal or certification is limited m m m 31 I I I to the products designed and \�1manufactured by manufacturer Q� \ ohe overall ng neero leginf engineer is I I I \ record for this project. 0_� �'� m 39.81' Nx BG3R m 3X BG4R v p S. Harley Davidson, P.E. G�'Z o.1s m PC60 c)3 W8X18 C) W8X1$ PC60 0 50.1 Florida P.E. 38305 v <o Qo Qo <o �o Q9p V MX LAX �X �X tr_.X �-00 00 ao ao ao ac �3 3 3 BLDG „C„ iri A g A EWC R1M R1M a gq W8X10 p�1i, urrrpr &K[,1 CPP1M CPP1M RF18A �O s, SWD SWB SWC No. 38305 � ;c PRIMARY STEEL LOCATION PLAN -o KEY PLAN EWD STATE OF Fri AZ0R1' Q' 'C��',c` SWB SWD WA Sep 10, 2014 ''�,,F tS'�AL ��.,'•�, EWA lrrrnr+unnnu+""��� • - DENOTES: CLIP LOCATION SC90 AT 8" PURLINS SC92 AT 10" PURLINS SC94 AT 12" PURLINS U m� EWC SWD SWB SWC KEY PLAN EWD SWA SWB SWD EWA Z_SECTION LAP TABLE SYMBOL LAP (LENGTH) SYMBOL LAP (LENGTH) S 0'-2" (3j") T 2'-4"(2'-5-") R 1'-4"(1'-5j") V 3'-0"(3'-1j") J w Ld (n � o n(D D 0 1'-8 50' 16''-8 8X2.5Z14 E I T T nF STFFL . . 1'-8 KBAIAD & KBA1S (TYP) M� KBA1 P C 00 OLO Ki x KBA1 N (TYP) w KBA1 W KBA1 W KBA1 W P-69 KBA1 W P-68 8X2.5Z14 W8X10 RF11A t � N U U M O M X 00 USE STRAPPING FL569 AT THE CANOPIES (TYP) P-67 8X2.5Z16 W8X10 RF11A ro' CUU O � M 00 00 P-66 8X2.5Z14 W8X10 RF11A �1 �4 00 a m -d r7 40 a P-111 m P-117 8X2.5Z12 P IPC98 C98 I p D I 0 I a I PC97B o a i PC97B d Pcs7e PC97B PC97B PC97B PC97B PC97B PC97B 0 0 a c 0 .6 E o a o c O O_ y C N p LO 1 a) l p ,n i o o M U tJ 00 cc J i m w U W 65 H N W .� t� O C;) < J - Z �� U Vl o 1 N F U rn -t 0 rn 01 M a_ O /U�� m h W N 0 LV OV �2 t22 M O D El o wQK) d ZOM of Ch 0 U W O OF:Y Q �. Q U w W Q) a)(nz¢w o) EzY Q � LLI 3 h It (a Y O U ¢�� O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: E4 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited' to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 ROOF FRAMING PLAN `�uiu„ anal, ... `. BLD,G „B„ ., _ s � r No.38305 OAAJ .!2pHIDA�� Sep 10, 2014 A a�� .. s .. IV rr/prnr118gp4P���� • — DENOTES: CLIP LOCATION SC90 AT 8" PURLINS SC92 AT 10" PURLINS SC94 AT 12" PURLINS EWC SWD SWB SWC KEY PLAN EWD SWA SWB SWD EWA Z_SECTION LAP TABLE SYMBOL LAP (LENGTH) SYMBOL LAP (LENGTH) S 0'-2" (3j") T 2'-4"(2'-5J") R 1'-4"(1'-5j") V 3'-0"(3'-1J") Ol r r H � H Q H Q i m a- I� Y } a_ Y I �S SIN I I Q Q ¢ m Q QC3 ¢Im IY I00 I m m ro O U m ro ml� I Y Y Y a_ Y Y YI IQ I-< I IQ Im IY H4 CH4 13'-0" _ 16'-0 OUT/OUT OF STEEL — Cb d ROOF FRAMING PLAN BLD'G "C" ;E (4) #12x1J S.D. REWS I / i I C I I I I I RA1-1 PC57D I I I I SECTION 'Y' U m, c 0 4 U N Q, a� 0 O ,o S m o a o c � M N O LO W c U n o rn O ff^ a] >0) i +� y 00 o O 0 C o J J w O H J W N 7r^) W Q0 m J � U 0 rn N H m.) 00 O` co a I U U w w U m CN N �L QL a ago �o �2 �2 M O ❑ ❑ ,O d z0� o D_a� J � �q 0 Q i w y n a) (�z< Z Y C +,. w w y Ica Y C 3 O U ¢¢ p Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: E5 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 VOWS el I No. 38305 : is 3 9 STATE OF Sep 10, 2014 b 1' 00 I 1'. 3' 4' 7§, 80o- 11' 13' 14, 16' 18' 20 21' 23 24 26 29 J W N IZ L, O D Q p 0 O N 1 V) J o cn LC) o-i ROOF SHEETING PLAN 1 PANEL TYPE = SL6 (GALVALUME) o PANEL OVERHANG = 3 1 FROM OUTER STEEL N EWC SWD SWB SWC KEY PLAN EWD SWA SWB SWD EWA Q Q Q 64'-0 0 I N 16'-0 160'-0 OUT/OUT OF STEEL b U 6 Moms F ' N Sep 10, 2014 d_ U Cn CL292 FASTENS BETWEEN THE GIRTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SIDEWALL COLUMNS, AT ALL GIRT ELEVATIONS. REFER TO DETAILS. roIw 'R EWC SWBI I SWC KEY PLAN EWD SWA 3 SWD EWA „D' F730-1E F730-1E SP-1 SP-1 F730-5EL F2955-1E F2955-1E F731-2EL F246-1 ® 4'-0 O.C. F731-1ER F73 -2EL F246-1 ® 4'-0 O.C. N II pp PC60 E WCq/2X1 1/2 A-325 BOLTS E-3 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-1 E-2 8X3.5E12 8X3.5E12 8X3.5E12 8X3.5E13 8X3.6E12- 0 BG3R 0 BG R PC28 RKW11 U W8x18 U WS 18 ' 0 OPEN TO 13'-0 i w w 3 TO REMAIN OPEN o o NL 0 In V) 25'-0 25'-0 12'-6 17'-6 cc 1 23'-6 30'-0 "D"I E-8 8X3.5E13 PC28 25'-0 F730-4ER F731-1ER 5.9 7 7.1 10 C1H CYW1C C1B CW2R C113 CW2R C1B C1D CYW1J W8X18 8X18 F731-2FL F730-2FL SIDEWALL ELEVATION "SWA" AT RID LINE "B" BUILDING "A" 1 F730-1F "D SP-2 F2955-1F F731-1FR F246-1 ® 4'-0 O.C. F730-3FR E-9 E-10 E-11 20'-0 20'-0 20'-0 cb 6 6 CYW1 J CY1 F CY1 F W1 OX22 W1 OX22 SIDEWALL ELEVATION "EWD" AT GRID LINE "10" BUILDING "A" CD CYW1 J SCHEDULE OF ACCESSORIES NO. REQD DESCRIPTION USE STANDARD WALL PROCEDURES TO ERECT THE SIDEWALL AND ENDWALL PANELS. 2'_0 NOTE: USE PC57A & PC57C AT BLDG. "B" SUPPORT BEAM — 3 W8x18 W/1 /2X1 1 /2 A-325 BOLTS c I -/ /' / #12X1 1/4 S.D. SCREWS PC578 P_C_557 PC57 SOLDIER COLUMN W8x18 SECTION "E 2) Fastener J1E J-14 x lir LL SD W/Washer SuperLok Pone utter Strap (See Erection Dwgs For Spacing Mark) End View (SuperLok Only) Gutter Stra Standard F246 (shown) Standard Large F289 See Sheeting attached with Layout (3) Fastener p4 J-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer 1�' (See Sheeting Layout for Spacing) Screw location used with ^f notched gutter strap F246 Eave Gutte Standard F730 (shown) Standard Large F412) Fastener rip J-14 x J• LL SD Wl�asher 1 '?-u 1 -0 O.C. 1 F730-1E vTube Sealant HW54- between ertical ribs of panel In line with Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 .Fastener #1E /} 14 x IJ" LL SD W/Washer 5) Per 16" Panel (4) Per 12" Panel /TrhBead Tape Sealant (HW504) Fastener #14A ae-0"x�, 10' O.C. ,,Fastener #1--- }-14 x 1" 12" O.C. Fixed Eave Plate HW7616 17A r se W/ftef ,f}}8mw n Ir Nb ftDrMW W/W" (1) Pr Panty A 1. PonN w . /14 SECTION "D" ,D' SP-1 F730-6EL F2955-1E F731-2EL F246-1 ® 4'-0 O.C. F731-1ER E-12 E-1 E-7 E-2 8X3.5E12 8X3.5E13 8X3.5E1 f 8X3.5E12 RKW1Z x PC28 = OPEN TO 13'-0 _- _N - w TO REMAIN OPEN 3: 3: > Q U U w 25'-0 30'-0 25'-0 30'-0 �— PC28 10D 6 6 6 ( 5 ) CYW1J C1D C1A CIA C1A SIDEWALL ELEVATION "SWC" AT GRID LINE "I"' BUILDING "A" �K c ,o S E o m a o c o o u, M 0 c �^, j 't O rn I O O 0 c0 -J O l m y qsi -J V W �/1 N W 10 O m JNA Z 0 H U to 0 cn N I—cn 4-0 m CD n a_ W m ^ O o U a0 w w O to J J 1 U m N U) m O O O v o OU �2 �z in n ❑ ❑ 0 8 UJ 2 NJ U �q aof _J 0P:Y Q L Uw< V) �' (n Z d o1 OZ Y G Y., L+J..� W 3 03 of ci a � o` Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by. HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: E7 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E � � ""nrr rnnpr �c sF ;boy EN" No. 3 �Qo STATE OF �Fs FC„ORIt14: CT� �. Sep 10, 2014s/nAini �L�.�`�• CI292- FASTENS BETWEEN THE GIRTS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SIDEWALL COLUMNS, AT ALL GIRT ELEVATIONS. REFER TO DETAILS. EWC SWD SWB SWC KEY PLAN EWD SWA SWB SWD EWA »C„ F309-1 L SP-3 F307-1 F2955-2J FL310-1® 4'-0 O.C. F309-2R E 25 E-26 _ �o 8X3.5E14 C) r i x LO NOld OPEN TO 18'-4 TO REMAIN OPEN 7'-8 4" F C G L� a u C „C A SP-3 F307-1 F2955-2J F309-1L FL310-1® 4'-0 O.C. IF 4 E-24 8X3.5E14 7-1 OPEN TO 13'-0 TO REMAIN OPEN 4" 7'-8 F309-2R SAG ANGLES 6 5.9 l�J A CW2R CPP1M CPP1M C1B W8X18 SIDEWALL ELEVATION "SWB" AT GRID LINE "6" SIDEWALL ELEVATION "SWD" AT GRID LINE "7" BUILDING "CBUILDING "C" DETAIL "F" 12 A 7.1 ft. SECTION "C" a,w 9 (FeASxIE lCRR f144A]IbfT [FASxiFHI hMI 1£T /1 S '-9O S / 1}' 1 } 0 B' O.0 OFj 0 8' 0.0 C� /�n /1 S� 2� J Tape Tri—Bead Tape Sealant HW504 9t,V Sealant HW504 SealTrT—ant � aosURE (FJ61] ZEE CLOSURE Roof Panel Rake Trim Rake Trim F305-1 F305-1 Rake Support Rake Support Low = HW7712 �1 R //� Low = HW7712 High = HW7722 High = HW7722 E9 Fastener12A 12-14 x 1' P.H. DP3 SP-5 Ft#12A Fastener 12-14 x 1' P.H. DP3 \ SP-5 at each R. Member at each Roof Member Fastener /5 Fastener yy5 x 11' 1 ' O.C. '-04 2'—OC2— 1 Fastener /17A Fastener #17A \ / Soffit Trim 12-14 x 1}' SD W/Washer 12-14 x 1}' SD W/Washer 2'-0 O.C. FLD 2 2'-0 O.C. (FIELD CUT) Rake Angle RakeAngle \ RA1 Fastener ii24 Fastener }}1—) x �' Nibbed Driller W/Washer }-8 x B' Nibbed Driller W/Washer Nlb i) Per panel (1) per Panel Soffit Trim CD O F2902 W W Soffit Trim (FIELD CUT AS REO'D) = F93—ix _ W W Penal Spacer F570 i Q Fastener 014 W yawn PendW 1}2' D.C. aMys�w Fastener #24 Soffit Trim O8 x �' Nibbed Driller W/WasherF93-1X (1) per panel PR M M Panel Spacer AAban Pons �� '� SECTION A F570 Fastener /14 f'6x 4 2 D.C.eP Fastener /24 }-8 x r Nibbed Driller W/Washer (1) per panel SECTION "B" 16'-0 Cb CPP1M 6 CPP1M ENDWALL ELEVATION "EWA" AT GRID LINE "A" BUILDING "C" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT CF1 M 207 R1M 164 RF19A 36 RF18A 33 Sep 10, 2014 7 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/x08L 7/ 8/14 09:52:20 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—A/DRFTG/xO8L �g A� (b 3�,1 is 2,9 10 1(A 4,1 10 CYW1 J 12 3.0728 4,11 ,�,11 i 4:,1 4:,11 4 ,11 4.1 6.0% CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "1013" 36 o ZO 17 63 X 01g5 APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYW1 J 1120 RF6A 65 RF5A 65 CYW1J 278 GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. XC1A Sep 10, 2014 OYfPROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg-A/Drftg/x08L 7/ 8/14 09:52:20 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—A/DRFTG/x08L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. FRc 7 s C u s LL L c PLATE SIZE TABLE CONK. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE A 6 X 0.625 X 1'-2J B 6X0.25X13'-7, 6X0,25X1'- C 16X0.25X1'-7 10 CYW1 J SPLICE BOLT TABLE QTY. SIZE TYPE HARDENED BEVELED WASHERS WASHERS (6) J X 1 J A325 B&N 0 0 8 1 X 2 A325 B&N 0 0 12 3.0728 �- CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "10F" 4''•6 4 APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYW1 J 1120 RF9A 65 RF8A 65 CYW1J 278 V'8 ,o SL L U y N O m p O U .o C o o Ld o M CO U 01 l is� I p V) O y 00 O O J c N 1J 73 O'd -J U W (� c' x QD L U V) c rn N rna rn m QL d U onO O m U m m m WUl) N V p F Q M ❑ LiLU O I8 Z Q N N> O q CL W �+� 0U Q O V) o EZx c y �cpY U ¢�� OO Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer.- JSS Job Number: 14-6-46892-1 Sheet Number, El of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 Y ,`Pdq�. .rrrgN . �,1GEMSF•. 3p1- No. 38305 ; tC 3 ° STATE OF Sep 10, 2014 '��� sS%nW�A'IP �?``` OVPROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/x02L 5/ 9/14 10:15:40 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg-A/DRFTG/x02L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. _OW c LL 2 LL a LL c it CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "3" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYW1 C 654 RF3A 61 CYWi C 229 m v�CEAIs F•. soy, c e No. 38305 E is cr y STATE OF Sep 10, 2014 0 7 0NA'Lt,,,`````p�. OY,/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/x01L Jobs/Active/eng/14-1 OY/PROJECTS\XDS-V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14-B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—A/DRFTG/x01L Eng/14-8-46892/ver02-jss/Bld 4618 2/verO2—jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/xOlR 5/ 8/14 15:29:51 5/ 8/14 15:29:51 RFTG/x01 R GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. F r c u i LA Li C L� mLd Li 0 3 - PLATE SIZE TABLE NN. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE A 6 X 0.5 X 1'-3J B 6 X 0.625 X 2'-8fb 6 X 0.625 X 2'-71 C 6 X 0.375 X 2'-3J 6 X 0.375 X 2'-3J F840NSv` FgAC NS 0R VS 6 C1A SPLICE BOLT TABLE CITY. SIZE TYPE HARDENS[ WASHERS (8) J X 2J A325 B&N 0 (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 A Fg OR FS 4F NS OR FS CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "5" 12 31—i14 14„ 3'-10, Fg4E NS OR FS APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1AB 744 R1B 744 RF4A 62 ClAB 406 C1B 408 Fg40 NS OR FS 1%4C AlS OR FS C C18 C CO h 3� Co co 0 k 0 LZ m — 3 0 14 5 °IIIIIIIIII E o c o N N o y > i 00 a Lu L` c U W N ^ J LLI EL Q lL z " m J ❑ C: �_ t W 0 Ln �o N F- Of SRn d C c m I V 00 o 0 0 C � U L L U m 04 fn -0-0 o 0 c U') > �2 �2 PO ❑ El0 zap M 0 0Of J �q Q OF-Y u) Z d Z Y U D CO Y .0 O a _ o` Scale: NO TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number. 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. • E14 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears here o is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overa I engineer of record for thi project. S. Harley Davi son, P.E. Florida P.E. 3 305 No. 38305 ac 3 Sri : STATE OF Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14-8-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/x06L 5/ 9/14 11:52:25 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—A/DRFTG/xO6L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. I'm m o 3 — 6.0 ,. Fg4J NS OR rS fBgF NS �R FS L I l= J C1D CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "9" PLATE SIZE TABLE SPLICE BOLT TABLE CONK. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE CITY. SIZE TYPE HARDENED BEVELED WASHERS WASHERS A 8 X 0.625 X 1'-4 B 8 X 0.625 X 2'-11IJ 6 X 0.625 X 2'-10J (10) J X 2J A325 B&N 0 0 C 6 X 0.5 X 2'-1 M 6 X 0.5 X 2'-1 } (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 12 4" 6.0 ,, Fg41y NS OR FS APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1DA 817 R1DB 223 RF4A 62 C1 D 573 �01 Fg4C NS OR FS �RlOA 2151 3� 00 ^40 Co If n `o 0 k 0 C Fe4F NS OR FS cb C1 D 19 5 c 0 s 0 E o C o c o o y rn " � L L O_ n ^ OU iY M U }/ C00 J O -J p UJ U to rm- `t 'I'd � w p m J (o .) N F- •� 63 Of M a_ C 00 o 0 U 00 r ip U U O +� w V m y y N c c El G ` r7 O O W0M d Zin U ,L M �q a a J U Y O L U W af p (n Z < p OZ Y w w 3 W(DY O U ¢�� O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: Ell of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harlev Davidson, P.E Gy s°y STATE OF '� Sep 10 2014�?�`` 0VPROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02-jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/xO7L 5/ 9/14 13:10:01 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—f '"""" ' " T" ' "" F 7 L c 6 CY1 F W1OX22 PLATE SIZE TABLE SPLICE 60LT TABLE CONN. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE QTY. SIZE TYPE HARDENEDBEVELED WASHERS' WASHERS A 6 X 0.375 X 0'-10J B 5 X 0.25 X 0'-10J (2) 4 X 1 J A325 B&N ED 0 C 5 X 0.25 X 0'-10J 4 1 X 2 A325 B&N 0 CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "E" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RY1 F 225 RF7A 51 CY1F 299 O h N GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. U m� 0 .Q L U N O N O O c 0 0 E ,o � o � o fn M o rn U ++ 00 �p � O O J J y U N ro J W U �u rn U vJ x Q O ❑® <� U (n o rn .� N f-. m rn Ma M U Do z ip O a U U m U m N C 0 a N O O �2 �2 M O I& q a(if J �Zor7 Ch 20 U- Q Q 0 P Y UwD' �O N�;a 0 Z Y o + Liles W C 3 U Q�� OO Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. E19 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 `P���P�rtnrn .... � •NoC38305 sO2 STATE OF e�k� Sep 10, 2014 At�.`` 'rr�arrmm�p1p"��� OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—j3s/Bldg—B/Drftg/x07L 5/13/14 07:53:07 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x07L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. 6 CY1 K W10X12 CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "2" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RY1K 225 RF15A 55 CY1 K 169 a Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Job s/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x07L 5/13/14 07:53:07 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/xO7L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. CY1 K W10X12 CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "4" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RY1 K 225 RF15A 55 CY1 K 169 I Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x01L 5/13/14 07:11:35 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x01L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. 0 i� LL: m LL: LLJ 0 3 — FBArP NS OR Fs 6 CYW1 E 2 �9 RFS F�4P NS 0 Fg4P NS OR Fs T nF CTFFI 1' RFS Feb,P NS 0 RFS c ' FB�P NS o /y\� CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "D" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYW1E 520 RF17A 59 CYW1 E 217 Sep 10, 2014 k' OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x05L 5/12/14 15:38:28 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x05L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. m w o - C1R FB�PN7� 3' d- CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "F" 12 3',3i 14.8 X a• APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1RB 613 R1RA 613 RF12A 58 RF11 A 50 C1R 339 2 \91v C1R m 3 0 N S Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x05L 5/12/14 15:38:28 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x05L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. m o 3: — 2�„� 2'CA O_ 2 �1� � rn \ f 6 C1 R NS O- VS Fg4P 12 4.8 OR F5 NS I Fg�P PLATE SIZE TABLE SPLICE BOLT TABLE CONN'. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE QTY. SIZE TYPE HARDENED WASHERS WASHERS WASHERS A 6 X 0.375 X 1'-5J B 6 X 0.5 X 2'-6J 6 X 0.5 X 2'-6 (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 C 6 X 0.375 X 2'-81 6 X 0.375 X 21-81 (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 R Fs �S 0 Fe4p /V SORES CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "G" Fe4p N SORES APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1RB 613 R1RA 613 RF12A 58 C1R 339 Fe4p N S OR PS 2 �9,4 C1R LZ m a: - � o 54 0 S m c � o � a i o i 04 o y M 0 L0 V Q^ O M h O +- y 00 O O J C - X i W U lu 75 m A � M ��//�� �— N W v! w x < Z) O m . Z a' H U N o N H m rn a rod m 2! n U p0 0 o `c J U m In 0 m �U �U oo ` N C� Q� M ❑ ❑ N O IO 2 M 0 q axe EO 0 F= ri 4 i= Y o Q UWW (n E ZY° Z j CoW , W 3 U ¢-J O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: JSS Job Number- 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. • E24 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. 01�0a, huga � • No. 98305cc s�2 STATE OF : Z� ' A. Sep 10 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Job s/Active/eng/14—H-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x05L 5/12/14 15:38:28 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/xO5L 12 4.8 �— F�qP N5 OR `r5 O i� m o 3 — 6 C1 R FLAP N5 OR Fs PLATE SIZE TABLE SPLICE BOLT TABLE CONN. LOW SIDE HIGH SIDE QTY. SIZE TYPE HARDENED BEVELED WASHERS WASHERS A 6 X 0.375 X 1'-51% B 6X0.5X2'-64 6X0.5X2'-6 (8)JX2" A325B&N 0 0 C 6 X 0.375 X 2'-8J 6 X 0.375 X 2'-8J (8) J X 2" A325 B&N 0 0 I, Q 11� 2 � F '? \A5 OR F5 CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "H" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1RB 613 R1RA 613 RF12A 58 C1 R 339 NS oR FS Cb C1R GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. a U m� C O .¢ U N m 0 O C ,o S 0 o 4 o c n M C N O LO o m -ti C O Q ^ +r H 00 O D J C U N cc J J UQ Z � ❑ ix C: �_ � + U U) C M N F m o M as m m CO o 0 U CO Qto O U U w � U m N C C 6 U ^in N L O cW L 0 G � M O ❑ ❑ ,O Z Q M CJ o_ J 0E-Y w. Q Q l UWa_ N 0 Z d 0 Z Y W »J w C 3 tO Y O U Q,- O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: JSS Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: E25 of 34 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. S. Harley Davidson, P.E. Florida P.E. 38305 No.38305 aF ' STATE OF .� Fs oR�oP Sep 10, 2014 ���'�... cS'/Aeesi..�`� OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg- B/Drftg/x03L 5/12/14 16:14:05 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x03L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. w w a w 0 2 �9 2 �9� 2 ,1� 1 rn s� 0 f 0 X 0 0 22 cS 6 0 X LL: m Ld o 3 - 6 C1N NS OR FS Fe�a 12 4.8 bo R FS 0 FB�a NS Q ^ 2 �11 17bj 12 0• SO.92 X 0.3725 3t 2-0 3'� Og2y2.7 3 5 8 2218�0 00125 80X03 X0 ?S '60 X.131 �S 6.0 X 22 0 0.2s X �s6 6.OX„ OR N Fs Fe4S F8�5 N`' S OR FS CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "I" Fe4Q N S 0y PS APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT R1NA 543 R1NB 229 RF12A 58 C1N 434 zn2s 2 ,9 0,Io j8S o. 0k03,25 PS4Q NS OR FS cb C1 N L� m L � o Y vol r N O- S Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x08L 5/13/14 08:45:38 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/x08L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. 6 CYW1L CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "J1" 1, —94 APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYW1LB 754 RF14A 60 RF16A 60 CYW1L 246 /Q . .,.cEnisF•• spy, No. 38305 • K gip- STATE OF 3 Sep 10, 2014 �''�.,sS'/f?At61• `G`;,o���� OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02-jss/Bldg—B/Drftg/x08L 5/13/14 08:45:38 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—B/DRFTG/xO8L GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. 6 CYW1 L 35-4j 35 —44 OUT/OUT OF STEEL CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE %5 b' 1 APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RYWILA 754 RF14A 60 RF13A 59 CYW1L 246 _ N Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Job s/Active/eng/14—B-46892/ver02—jss/Bldg—C/Drftg/x01L 5/12/14 07:41:54 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FB SET = Eng/14—B-46892/verO2—jss/Bldg—C/DRFTG/x01L Eng/14-B-46892/ver02-jss/Bldg—C/DRFTG/x01R 12 8 'y O Dc 6- p` 5 O>O 1 � .�1� 5 O hit p 00 w w w 12 8" 3� 2 O >>S �025 �6 .0 A i OFLF� RUNS 02S 4^3 O OR (0' C 2E 9Q� tiS cb CPP1M CPP1M CROSS SECTION AT FRAME LINE "A" APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK CFlM WEIGHT R1M 164 RF19A 36 RF18A 33 CF1 M 207 GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. N �� S Sep 10, 2014 OY/PROJECTS\XDS—V47-20140424 FRAME = Jobs/Active/eng/14—B-46892/verO2-jss/Bldg—A/Drftg/x05L 7/ 8/14 09:22:02 GENERAL NOTES FRAME CLEARANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY DUE TO CONDITIONS (DEFLECTION). VERTICAL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR REFERENCE ELEVATION. (4) 8.0 X 0.375 9.0 X 0.156 8.0 X 0.375 9.0 X 0.156 I 8.0 X 0.375 8.0 X cb(g i C1B C1D CROSS SECTION AT PORTAL FRAME APPROXIMATE MEMBER WEIGHTS PART MARK WEIGHT RKW11 573 CKW11 333 19 (4) f" O X 1 i �3251 BOLTS 0 N O X O od N O O X X O O n W i m h, 3�: 0 Sep 10, 2014 CONNECTION CODES NAME DEC Page IPTION FOR A325 BOLT DIMENSIONS A325 CONNECTION BOLT DIMENSIONS Frame Documentation 05-12-10 (FOR TOP AND BOTTOM BOLT PATTERN) D DIAMETER OF THE BOLT 1/2" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Connection Bolt Details (A325) Date 11 Rev. HD BOLT HOLE bIAMETER 9/16" 13/16" 15/16" 1 1/16" 1 5/16' 1 9/16" m� BOLT G UGb 2 1/2" 3" 4" 3 1/2" 4" 5 1/2" G MAX. WEB THICKNESS Max. " Fillet Weld WITHOUT WASHER 1" 1 1/8" 1 7/8" 1 1/4" 1 3/8° 2 1/8" B 4E/2EH MAX. WEB THICKNESS Max. Fillet Weld WITH WASHER 3/4" 7/8" 1 5/8" 7/8" 7/8 1 7/8" //2 4 HG HEAVY CONN. BOLT GAUGE N/A 2 1/4" 2 5/8" 3" 3 3/4" 4" Connection Code Q S NORMAL T BO SPACING 2 1/2- 3" 3 1" 3 1" 4" 4 1/2" (See Connection Code Format on this drawing) 0" 2 —O" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2' Q BSMIN MINIMUM SPACING BETWEEN TOP & BOTTOM SETS OF BOLTS 1 1/2 2 1/4" 2 5/8' 3" 3 3/4" 4'' Connection Location MAXIMUM BOLT SPACING BETWEEN CROSS SECTION CONNECTION CODE KEY TOP AN BOTTOM SETS OF BOLTS 1 /2 BSMAX (t�") WHEN BSMAX 2 —0�" TO 4'-0 .a CONNECTION 16, 11 OR 1P CONNECTION 1F CONNECTION 1E J BSMAX SPLICE BOLT SPACING ON CONNECTION PLATES LESS 1 /3 BSMAX (±�") WHEN BSMAX 4'-0�" TO 6'-0 ( AS SHOWN AT CONNECTIONS ON FRAME CROSS SECTION DRAWINGS ) O (NOT TO EXCEED 2 —0) o m THAN 0 EQUAL TO 3/4" THICK 1/4 BSMAX (tip") WHEN BSMAX = 6'—A TO 8'-0 BFCD LBOLT—TO—FLANGE CLEARANCE DIMENSION 7/8°' 1 1/8" 1 1/4' 1 3/8" 1 5/8" 1 7/8" ❑ STANDARD D ON SLOPES 2:12 AND GREATER) Flange Brace Material Schedule f— TT THICKNESS TOP FLANGE REFER TO FRAME PROFILE FOR LARGEST U TB THICKNESS BOTTOM FLANGE FLANGE THICKNESS EITHER SIDE OF SPLICE Part Mark Material Z YT BOLTS ACING TOP (MIN = S) 1 3/4" + TT 2 1/4" + TT 2 1/2" + TT 2 3/4" + TT 3 1/4" + TT 3 3/4' + TT FB4_ L 2" x 2" X 14 Go. Z YB BOLT SPACING BOTTOM (MIN = S) or TB Sloped or TB Sloped or TB Sloped or TB Sloped or TB Sloped or TB Sloped FB5_ L 2" X 2" x 14 Ga. EED(S) MINIMUM SH ARED END EDGE DIMENSION 1 1/4" 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 1/4 2 5/8" U FB6_ L2 x2"x„ EED(R) MINIMUM ROLLED' END EDGE DIMENSION 3/4" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/4 1 5/8" 2 1/4" FB7_ L 2" X 2" x" p° EEDK END EDGE DIMENSION AT KNEE CONNECTION 1 3/8" 1 3/8 1 5/8" 1 7/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/4" CONNECTION 213, 21 OR 2P CONNECTION 2F CONNECTION 2E MIN. BOLT �jLEARANCE FROM WITHOUT WASHER 7/16" 5/8" 3/4' 13/16" 1" 1 3/8" rz BCWM A FLANOE dR WEB WELD WITH HARDENED WASHER 9/16' 3/4 7/8 1" 1 1/4' 1 1/2' .01 o WCSM MIN. WIDTH OF CONN.-PL. (Standard Connection) 5" 6" 8" 8" loll 12" „ » WCHM MIN. WIDTH OF CONN. PL. (Heavy Connection) N/A 10 12» 12„ 1$,� 18 Gusset Plate TCMIN MINIMU THICKNESS OF 1/4 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 1" (At Rafter Outer Flange shown) c E o ED(R) ED(R C o c o D (BOLT DIAMETER) N C HD (HOLE DIAMETER) F o r, ° > LO a) ` EED(S) O � ^ o FE PO_ -i ", CO 0 0 J c x U ID (BOLT DIAMETER) ED(R G ED(R D (BOLT DIAMETER) ED(R HG G HG ED(R — — S U) x °' 0- 0 CONNECTION 3B, 31 OR 3P CONNECTION 3F CONNECTION 3E HD (HOLE DIAMETER) P HD (HOLE DIAMETER) E m BFCD L `` 9 Q ❑ Top Connection Code TT YT t "� N EED(S) EED(S) BFCD .- � o rn of B BFCD BFCD00 — — S m U M °� o 0 TT YT _ _ ,o o a o r BFCD TT YT Splice Bolt Spacing �U m N c c BFCD See BSMAX Top Connection Code — - 'Top Connection Code — — n 0 a c`ao S S BSMIN -0 Q� Splice Bolts — andt°� I I BSMAX M (S ee BSMAX in Table S ( Table) o wow ❑ ❑ _ o Q CONNECTION 4B, 41 OR 4P CONNECTION 4F CONNECTION 4E Splice Bolt Spacing Splice Bolrn t Spacing — _ ,� moo "� a See BSMAX See BSMAX I I S �a 0 o y o BSMIN _ _ Q � o w W cn 4 E /2 E H Splice Bolts — BSMIN Splice Bolts — and BFCD o Cal z Y a CONNECTION DESIGNATION (See BSMAX in Table), BSMAX (See BSMAX in Table) I BSMAX '' = w 3 Bottom Connection Code TB YB U ¢ -t < o BLANK = STANDARD CONNECTION H HEAVY CONNECTION BFCD Scale: NOT TO SCALE BOTTOM CONNECTION CODE BFCD BFCD Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 S BOTTOM QUANTITY OF BOLT ROWS Bottom Connection Coe TB YB Bottom Connection Code TB YB Checked by. HH 9/1Q/14 BFCD BFCD EED(S) or EEDK Project Engineer. JSS CONNECTION DESIGNATION BLANK = STANDARD CONNECTION — — — Job Number 14—B-46892-1 dr EEDK H = HEAVY CONNECTION EED(S) or EEDK EED(S) .Gusset Plate ( ) Sheet Number: E34 of 34 TOP CONNECTION CODE (At Rafter Inner Flange shown) 71 7 The engineer whose seal ROWS DESIGNATION HEAVY CONNECTION DESIGNATION 4X CONNECTION DESIGNATION appears hereon is an employee TOP QUANTITY OF BOLT RO STANDARD CONNECTION DE for the manufacturer for the CONNECTION 4X CONNECTION CODE FORMAT ( CODE 4E/2E SHOWN) (CODE 4X/4X SHOWN) materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of CONNECTION CODE DESCRIPTION BFCD + TOP FLANGE PLATE record for this project. THICKNESS MIN. 17" " S. Harley Davidson, P.E. B =THIS DESCRIPTION CODE IS USED TO DEFINE SHEAR CONNECTIONS. BOLTS ( $) $ ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE OUTER FLANGE AND CONNECTION PLATE IS GRIP BFCD + TOP FLANGE PLATE Florida P.E. 38305 RECESSED 1/8" BELOW THE OUTER FLANGE. PLATE THICKNESS THICKNESS —" I = THIS DESCRIPTION CODE IS USED TO DEFINE MOMENT CONNECTIONS. BOLTS WASHER (IF REQUIRED) RAFTER ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE OUTER FLANGE AND CONNECTION PLATE IS 0 FLANGE — Q RECESSED 1/8" BELOW THE OUTER FLANGE. COLUMN m — _ BUTT PLATE LENGTH CAP PLATE w P =THIS DESCRIPTION CODE IS THE SAME AS B CODE, _ MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 1/2" THE RAFTER DEPTH AND SHALL NOT EXCEED LEAN—TO BUTT PLATE LENGTH* CHART RAFTER TOTAL DEPTH. _ bi BOLT OTY U) BUT DIA 2 4 6 8 F = THIS DESCRIPTION CODE IS USED TO DEFINE MOMENT CONNECTIONS. BOLTS ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE OUTER FLANGE AND CONNECTION PLATE PROJECTS _ J"O BOLT 6" 6" 74" 10' 1/2" ABOVE THE OUTER FLANGE. ^ o J»O BOLT 6" 6" 9" 1>-0 E = THIS DESCRIPTION CODE IS USED TO DEFINE MOMENT CONNECTIONS. BOLTS o w o ` 8"4 BOLT 6" 6 9J V-1 \�,��i , rnrgrr ARE LOCATED WITH ONE SET OUTSIDE THE OUTER FLANGE AND REMAINDER o a o w Cc NOT LESS » /O��``'�, SETS LOCATED INSIDE THE OUTER FLANGE. w= r NOT LESS 1 b BOLT 6 7 10 1 —2 S N CODE IS USED TO DEFINE MOMENT CONNECTIONS. BOLTS THAN BFCD THAN BFCD , .No.3 •. D 4X THIS DESCRIPTION 2' ARE LOCATED WITH TWO SETS EITHER SIDE THE OUTER FLANGE WITH A CONNECTION P CONNECTION P No. BUTT PLATE LENGTH MUST BE A No,38305 MINIMUM OF 1/2 THE RAFTER ='o; ETHEO OUTER FLANGE OR COL UMN CAP PLATE. a p GUSSET PLATE OUTBID F LOW SIDE CONNECTION HIGH SIDE CONNECTION WEB DEPTH AND SHALL NOT � srnrEo ;•Z, A325 BOLT EDGE DISTANCE LEAN—TO CONNECTIONS EXCEED RAFTER TOTAL DEPTH, , s'10�°P'��.���' Sep 10, 2014 .,�'/�NALL�...e: ��rrrrrnrmunnn�a�`• i FIELD SERVICE PROCEDURES AUTHORIZATION FOR CORRECTIVE WORK IN ORDER TO GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICES AND KEEP PROBLEMS TO A MINIMUM, PLEASE NORMAL ERECTION OPERATIONS INCLUDE THE CORRECTION OF MINOR MI SR HANDLE ANY SHORTAGES OR BACK CHARGES IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: CAREFULLY CHECK AMOUNTS OF REAMING, CHIPPING, WELDING OR CUTTING AND THE DRAWING YOUR PACKING LIST WHILE UNLOADING. MARK ANY ITEMS, WHICH APPEAR TO BE MISSING AND LINE THROUGH THE USE OF DRIFT PINS. ERRORS WHICH CANNOT BE CDR NOTIFY THE FIELD SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT THE NUMBER SHOWN IN THE TITLEBLOCK AS SOON FOREGOING MEANS OR WHICH REQUIRE MAJOR CHANGES IN THE MEMBER AS POSSIBLE. CALLING SOMEONE ELSE COULD DELAY THE PROPER RESPONSE. SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE OWNER AND FABRICATOR Y ENABLE WHOEVER IS RESPONSIBLE EITHER TO CORRECT THE ERROR OR TO SHORT MATERIALS - IMMEDIATELY UPON DELIVERY OF MATERIAL, QUANTITIES ARE TO BE EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL METHOD OF CORRECTION TO BE USED BY TH VERIFIED BY THE CUSTOMER AGAINST QUANTITIES THAT ARE BILLED ON THE SHIPPING SECTION 7.14)', (MAR 05 SECTION 7.14) IF THE ERROR IS THE FAULT 0 T DOCUMENT. NEITHER THE MANUFACTURER NOR THE CARRIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AN "AUTHORIZATION FOR CORRECTIVE WORK" MUST BE ISSUED IN WRITING MATERIAL SHORTAGES AGAINST THE QUANTITIES BILLED ON SHIPPING DOCUMENT IF SUCH MANUFACTURER TO AUTHORIZE THE CORRECTIVE WORK AT A COST NOT T SHORTAGES ARE NOT NOTED ON SHIPPING DOCUMENTS WHEN THE MATERIAL IS DELIVERED, MAXIMUM TOTAL COST SET FORTH. ALTERNATIVE CORRECTIVE WORK OTHER AND THEN ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE CARRIER'S AGENT. IF THE CARRIER IS THE MANUFACTURER, PROPOSED IN THE "INITIAL CLAIM" MAY BE DIRECTED BY THE MANUFACtU CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES ARE TO BE MADE BY THE CUSTOMER TO THE COMMON CARRIER. IF "AUTHORIZATION OF CORRECTIVE WORK." ONLY THE FIELD SERVICE DEPART THE MATERIAL QUANTITIES RECEIVED ARE CORRECT ACCORDING TO THE QUANTITIES THAT ARE AUTHORIZE CORRECTIVE WORK. BILLED ON THE SHIPPING DOCUMENTS, BUT ARE LESS THAN THE QUANTITIES ORDERED OR THE QUANTITIES THAT ARE NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE METAL BUILDING ACCORDING TO THE ORDER DOCUMENTS, CLAIM IS T00 BE MADE OF THE MANUFACTURER. FINAL CLAIM -THE "FINAL CLAIM" IN WRITING MUST BE FORWARDED BY THE MANUFACTURER WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE C RR DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIAL - DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIAL, REGARDLESS OF AUTHORIZED BY THE MANUFACTURER. THE DEGREE OF DAMAGE, MUST BE NOTED ON THE SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BY THE CUSTOMER AND ACKNOWLEDGED WRITING BY THE CARRIERS AGENT. THE MANUFACTURER NOT THE "FINAL CLAIM" MUST INCLUDE: T RESPONSIBLE FOR MATERIAL DAMAGED IN UNLOADING OF PACKAGED OR NESTED MATERIALS, A 1. ACTUAL NUMBER OF MAN-HOURS BY DATE OF DIRECT LABOR USE N INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: FASTENERS, SHEET METAL, "C" & Z SECTIONS & COVERING AND ACTUAL HOURLY RATES OF PAY PANELS THAT BECOME WET AND/OR DAMAGED BY WATER WHILE IN THE POSSESSION OF 2. TAXES AND INSURANCE ON TOTAL ACTUAL DIRECT LABOR. OTHERS. PACKAGED OR NESTED MATERIAL THAT BECOMES WET IN TRANSIT MUST BE 3. OTHER DIRECT COSTS ON ACTUAL DIRECT LABOR. UNPACKED, UNSTACKED AND DRIED BY THE CUSTOMER. IF THE CARRIER IS THE 4. COST OF MATERIAL NOT MINOR SUPPLIES AUTHORIZED BY THE MA UF' MANUFACTURER, THE CUSTOMER MUST MAKE CLAIM FOR DAMAGE DIRECTLY TO THE PURCHASED FROM OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER, INCLUDING COPIES MANUFACTURER. IF THE CARRIER IS A COMMON CARRIER, THE CUSTOMER MUST MAKE THE 5. TOTAL ACTUAL DIRECT COST OF CORRECTIVE WORK SUM OF 1, 2, 3 1, & CLAIM FOR DAMAGE TO THE COMMON CARRIER. THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM" MUST BE SIGNED AND CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT THE C CLAIM WHATSOEVER INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES OF CONSEQUENTIAL CLAIMS" ARE CREDITED TO THE CUSTOMER BY THE MANUFACTURER IN DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE CUSTOMER'S USE OF DAMAGED OF DEFECTIVE MATERIALS THAT EXCEED THE LESSER OF THE MAXIMUM TOTAL COST SET FORTH IN IT CAN BE DETECTED BY VISUAL INSPECTION. "AUTHORIZATION FOR CORRECTIVE WORK" OR TOTAL ACTUAL DIRECT CO WORK. OIL CANNING IS NOT CAUSE FOR REJECTION •` IMPORTANT NOTE •* - COST OF EQUIPMENT (RENTAL OR DEPRECIATION EXCESSIVE MATERIAL - THE MANUFACTURER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RECOVER ANY SUPERVISION, OVERHEAD AND PROFIT ARE NOT SUBJECTED TO CLAIMS. MATERIAL DELIVERED IN EXCESS OR THOSE REQUIRED BY THE ORDER DOCUMENTS. SHIPMENT ARRIVAL TIME -EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO SEE TH T' INITIAL CLAIM - IN THE EVENT OF ERROR, THE CUSTOMER MUST PROMPTLY MAKE A WRITTEN ARRIVES AT THE JOBSITE ON THE REQUESTED DAY AND AT THE REQUEST OR VERBAL "INITIAL CLAIM" TO THE MANUFACTURER FOR THE CORRECTION OF DESIGN, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO WARRANTY AND ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILI FY DRAFTING, BILL OF MATERIALS OF FABRICATION ERROR. ASSOCIATED WITH A SHIPMENT NOT ARRIVING AT A REQUESTED TIME U LE THE "INITIAL CLAIM" INCLUDES: AGREEMENT HAS BEEN MADE IN WRITING FOR A GUARANTEED ARRIVAL M 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE ERRORS,INCLUDING QUANTITIES. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF PROPOSED CORRECTIVE WORK INCLUDING ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS. 3. MATERIAL TO BE PURCHASED FROM OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER, INCLUDING ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COST. 4. MAXIMUM TOTAL COST OF PROPOSED CORRECTIVE WORK AND MATERIAL TO BE PURCHASED FROM OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER. TYPES OF FINISHES SHOP PRIMED STEEL ALL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE METAL BUILDING SYSTEM NOT FABRICATED OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR PROTECTED BY A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING ARE PAINTED WITH ONE COAT OF SHOP PRIMER MEETING THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF SSPC PAINT SPECIFICATION NO. 15. THE COAT OF SHOP PRIMER IS INTENDED TO PROTECT THE STEEL FRAMING FOR ONLY A SHORT PERIOD OF EXPOSURE TO ORDINARY ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS. SHOP PRIMED STEEL WHICH IS STORED IN THE FIELD PENDING ERECTION SHOULD BE KEPT FREE OF THE GROUND AND SO POSITIONED AS TO MINIMIZE WATER -HOLDING POCKETS, DUST, MUD AND OTHER CONTAMINATION OF THE PRIMER FILM. REPAIRS OF DAMAGE TO PRIMED SURFACES AND/OR REMOVAL OF FOREIGN MATERIAL DUE TO IMPROPER FIELD STORAGE OR SITE CONDITIONS ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MANUFACTURER. THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERIORATION OF THE SHOP COAT OF PRIMER OR CORROSION THAT MAY RESULT FROM EXPOSURE TO ATMOSPHERIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, NOR THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE PRIMER TO ANY FIELD APPLIED COATING. MINOR ABRASIONS TO THE SHOP COAT (INCLUDING GALVANIZING) CAUSED BY HANDLING, LOADING, SHIPPING UNLOADING AND ERECTION AFTER PAINTING OR GALVANIZING ARE UNAVOIDABLE. (MBMA 06 IV 4.2.4) GALVALUME GALVALUME IS THE TRADE NAME FOR A PATENTED STEEL SHEET & COIL PRODUCT HAVING A COATING OF CORROSION RESISTANT ALUMINUM -ZINC ALLOY. THE ALLOY MIXTURE IS BALANCED TO OBTAIN THE COATING THAT RETAINS THE CORROSION RESISTANCE & HEAT REFLECTIVITY OF ALUMINUM & THE SACRIFICAL ACTION OF GALVANIZED. THE BEST PROPERTIES OF BOTH ALUMINUM & ZINC ARE COMBINED IN THIS COATING & OFFER ADDED SERVICE LIFE FOR BUILDING PANELS. PRE -PAINTED USING GALVALUME STEEL AS A SUBSTRATE, PRE -PAINTED STEEL IS GIVEN AN ADDITIONAL RUST INHIBITOR PRIMER COAT. THIS PRIMER COAT FURTHER INCREASES THE CORROSION RESISTANCE. THESE COATINGS ARE APPLIED TO THE EXTERIOR SURFACE OF THE PANELS AND THE WASH COAT, DESIGNED ONLY FOR INTERIOR USE, IS APPLIED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. GALVALUME AND PRE -PAINTED STEEL CAN GIVE EXCELLENT SERVICE FOR MANY YEARS IF A FEW RULES CONCERNING THEIR CARE AND MAINTENANCE ARE OBSERVED. ALL OF THESE FINISHES ARE EQUALLY SUBJECT TO DAMAGE AND CORROSION WHEN CARE IS NOT PROVIDED. PAINT AND COATING MAINTENANCE REMOVE SMUDGE MARKS FROM BARE GALVALUME®. FORMULA 409 HAS PROVEN TO BE SOMEWHAT EFFECTIVE. LIGHTLY RUB WITH A CLEAN CLOTH AND RINSE WITH WATER. DO NOT RUB MORE THAN REQUIRED TO REMOVE SMUDGE. NO PRODUCT WILL REMOVE ALL SMUDGE MARKS. REMOVE RUST STAINS. SOFT SCRUB WITHOUT BLEACH HAS PROVEN TO BE SOMEWHAT EFFECTIVE. LIGHTLY RUB WITH A SOFT CLOTH AND RINSE WITH WATER. DO NOT RUB MORE THAN REQUIRED TO REMOVE STAIN. NO PRODUCT WILL COMPLETELY REMOVE RUST STAINS. TO TOUCH-UP SCRATCHES IN PAINT (NOT TO BARE METAL), CLEAN AREA TO BE PAINTED WITH MILD DETERGENT. RINSE THOROUGHLY AND DRY. USING A SMALL ARTIST'S BRUSH, LIGHTLY APPLY THE MINIMAL AMOUNT OF COLOR MATCHED TOUCH-UP PAINT REQUIRED TO FILL/COVER THE SCRATCH. CONTACT BUILDING MANUFACTURER FOR ASSISTANCE WITH ORDERING/PURCHASING TOUCH-UP PAINT AS NEEDED. R1 -02 DAMAGE ION OR TRAPPED WAT UNLOADING, HANDLING, AND STORING MATERIALS TS', BY MODERATE CONFIGURATION HE, G 0 RER TM ING N), STRUCTURAL - A GREAT AMOUNT OF TIME AND TROUBLE CAN BE SAVED IF THE BUILDING OF ELEMENTS INTO PARTS ARE UNLOADED AT THE BUILDING SITE ACCORDING TO A PRE -ARRANGED PLAN, RECTED BY THE PROPER LOCATION AND HANDLING OF COMPONENTS WILL ELIMINATE UNNECESSARY HANDLING. THE ERECTOR, TO NOTE: PIECE MARKS ARE STENCILED ON PRIMARY STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AT LOWER APPROVE THE MOST END, V-0" FROM END. INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS PRIOR TO RELEASING THE TIE -DOWNS ERS. (AISC 303-10, FOR LOADS THAT MAY HAVE SHIFTED DURING TRANSIT! MANUFACTURER, BY THE REMEMBER, SAFETY FIRST! EXCEED THE BLOCKING UNDER THE COLUMNS AND RAFTERS PROTECTS THE SPLICE PLATES AND THE SLAB THAN THAT FROM DAMAGE DURING THE UNLOADING PROCESS. IT ALSO FACILITATES THE PLACING OF IN THE SLINGS OR CABLES AROUND THE MEMBERS FOR LATER LIFTING AND ALLOWS MEMBERS TO BE ENT MAY BOLTED TOGETHER INTO SUB -ASSEMBLIES WHILE ON THE GROUND. EXTRA CARE SHOULD ALWAYS BE EXERCISED IN THE UNLOADING OPERATION TO PREVENT INJURIES FROM HANDLING THE STEEL AND TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO MATERIALS AND THE CONCRETE SLAB. THE CUSTOMER TO IF WATER IS ALLOWED TO REMAIN FOR EXTENDED PERIODS IN BUNDLES OF PRIMED PARTS ECTIVE WORK SUCH AS GIRTS, PURLINS, ETC., THE PIGMENT WILL FADE AND THE PAINT WILL GRADUALLY SOFTEN REDUCING ITS BOND TO THE STEEL. THEREFORE, UPON RECEIPT OF A JOB, ALL BUNDLES OF PRIMED PARTS SHOULD BE STORED AT AN ANGLE TO ALLOW ANY TRAPPED WATER TO DRAIN AWAY AND PERMIT AIR CIRCULATION FOR DRYING. PUDDLES OF WATER CORRECTIVE WORK SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO COLLECT AND REMAIN ON COLUMNS OR RAFTERS FOR THE SAME REASON, THE COAT OF SHOP PRIMER IS INTENDED TO PROTECT THE STEEL FRAMING FOR ONLY A SHORT PERIOD OF EXPOSURE TO ORDINARY ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS. THE COAT OF SHOP A TURER TO BE PRIMER DOES NOT PROVIDE THE UNIFORMITY OF APPEARANCE, OR THE DURABILITY AND CORROSION RESISTANCE OF A FIELD APPLIED FINISH COAT OF PAINT OVER A SHOP PRIMER. F PAID INVOICES. 4). THE "FINAL TOUCH-UP OF THESE MINOR ABRASIONS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE END CUSTOMER. ALL USTOMER. "FINAL PRIMER SHOULD BE TOUCHED UP AS REQUIRED BEFORE ERECTION! - SEE R1-06 TITLED AM AMOUNT NOT TO "SHOP PRIMED STEEL" IN THE ST OF CORRECTIVE TEMPORARY SUPPORTS SMALL TOOLS, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, SUCH AS TEMPORARY GUYS, BRACES, FALSE WORK, CRIBBING OR OTHER ELEMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE ERECTION OPERATION WILL BE DETERMINED AND FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE ERECTOR. THESE TEMPORARY SUPPORTS WILL SECURE E CARRIER THE STEEL FRAMING, OR ANY PARTLY ASSEMBLED STEEL FRAMING, AGAINST LOADS R1-03 SAFETY COMMITMENT IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT THE PANELS BE MONITORED FOR EVIDENCE OF TRAPPED THE BUILDER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING AND OBSERVING ALL PERTINENT WATER OR MOISTURE CONDENSATION WHILE AWAITING ERECTION. HIGH HUMIDITY CONDITIONS SAFETY RULES AND OSHA STANDARDS AS APPLICABLE. WITH TEMPERATURE CYCLING WILL CAUSE CONDENSATION BETWEEN THE PANELS WITHIN THE THE BUILDING MANUFACTURER HAS A COMMITMENT TO MANUFACTURE QUALITY BUILDING BUNDLE. CONDENSATION CAN OCCUR FREQUENTLY NEAR THE SEA COAT OR OTHER LARGE COMPONENTS THAT CAN BE SAFELY ERECTED. HOWEVER, THE SAFETY COMMITMENT AND JOB BODIES OF WATER. SITE PRACTICES OF THE ERECTOR ARE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE BUILDING IF JOBSITE COVERS ARE USED, THEY SHOULD BE TIED AWAY FROM THE BUNDLE AT THE MANUFACTURER. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION CORNERS TO ALLOW AIR CIRCULATION AROUND THE BUNDLE. THIS WILL HELP PREVENT PRACTICES BE THE TOP PRIORITY OF ANY JOB SITE. MOISTURE EVAPORATING FROM THE GROUND OR BUILDING FLOOR FROM CONCENNING ON THE LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, WHETHER STANDARD PANELS. PLASTIC OR OTHER` IMPERMEABLE COVERS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, IMMEDIATE STATUTORY OR CUSTOMARY, SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED TO HELP INSURE WORKER ACTION IS REQUIRED IF THE PANELS ARE FOUND TO BE WET FROM ANY CAUSE. THE SAFETY. BUNDLES MUST BE OPENED AND EACH PANEL UNSTACKED AND THOROUGHLY DRIED ON BOTH MAKE CERTAIN ALL EMPLOYEES KNOW THE SAFEST AND MOST PRODUCTIVE WAY OF ERECTING SIDES. RE -STACKING THE PANELS AT A SLIGHT ANGLE TO EACH OTHER TO 'PREVENT NESTING A BUILDING. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SHOULD BE KNOWN TO ALL EMPLOYEES. DAILY WILL ALLOW AIR CIRCULATION AND ASSIST IN KEEPING THE PANELS DRY. IN ISEVERE MEETINGS HIGHLIGHTING SAFETY PROCEDURES ARE ALSO RECOMMENDED. THE USE OF HARD CONDITIONS LARGE FANS CAN BE USED TO CIRCULATE AIR BETWEEN THE UNSTACKED PANELS HATS, RUBBER SOLE SHOES FOR ROOF WORK, PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR HANDLING MATERIAL AND ACCELERATE DRYING. DAMAGE TO THE PANEL COATING OCCURSWHEN PANELS BECOME AND SAFETY NETS WHERE APPLICABLE, ARE RECOMMENDED. WET AND ARE ALLOWED TO STAY WET. DAMAGE CAN OCCUR TO NESTS PANELS WITHIN FOR PURPOSES OF DETERMINING LIFT REQUIREMENTS, NO BUNDLE SUPPLIED BY THE 24-48 HOURS. THIS DAMAGE SHOWS AS CORROSION AND DISCOLORATION OF THE PANEL MANUFACTURER WILL EXCEED 4,000 POUNDS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ALSO REFERENCE SURFACE AND IS COMMONLY CALLED WET STORAGE STAIN, ZINC OXIDATION' OR "WHITE THE BILL OF MATERIALS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBER WEIGHTS OF OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. RUST". IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED CONTACT THE FIELD SERVICE DEPARTMENT. ICE AND SNOW REMOVAL EXCESSIVE ICE AND SNOW SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM ROOF IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO ROOF AND POSSIBLE COLLAPSE. DO NOT USE METAL TOOLS TO REMOVE THE ICE TARP OR SNOW AS THIS CAN DAMAGE THE PAINT AND/OR GALVALUME COATINGS. ALSO, BE CAREFUL AROUND PLUMBING PIPES AND FLASHINGS. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL IF YOUR ROOF HAS LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANELS. THESE PANELS WILL NOT SUPPORT A PERSON'S WEIGHT AND WILL BE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO SEE IF THEY ARE COVERED WITH ICE AND SNOW. SEE 2002 MBMA LOW-RISE BUILDING SYSTEMS MANUAL APPENDIX AB FOR DETAILS ON SNOW REMOVAL PROCEDURES. THESE PROCEDURES SHOULD COMMENCE WHEN HALF OF THE DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD SHOWN ON THIS SHEET IS AIR CIRCULATION REALIZED. DEBRIS REMOVAL A SOFTENING OF THE PAINT FILM CAN OCCUR WITH PRE -PAINTED STEEL UNDER WET STORAGE ANY FOREIGN DEBRIS SUCH AS SAWDUST, DIRT, LEAVES, ANIMAL DROPPINGS, ETC. WILL CAUSE CONDITIONS AND THE DURABILITY OF THE PANEL FINISH SUBSTANTIALLY DECREASED. BARE CORROSION OF THE ROOF, GUTTERS, TRIM, ETC. IF LEFT ON BUILDING SURFACE FOR A LONG GALVANIZED AND GALVALUME PANELS REACT MORE QUICKLY TO SURFACE OXIDATION SINCE ENOUGH TIME. THE ROOF SHOULD BE PERIODICALLY INSPECTED FOR SUCH CONDITIONS AND IF THEY LACK THE ADDITIONAL PROTECTION OF PAINT. ZINC COATED OR CALVALUME PANELS FOUND, THEY SHOULD BE RECTIFIED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THESE ROOF UNDER NORMAL EXPOSURE FORM A ZINC OR ALUMINUM OXIDE FILM ON THEIR SURFACE MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES. NEVER ALLOW TREATED LUMBER OR CONCRETE/MORTAR/GROUT TO ALLOWING A SLOW OXIDATION PROCESS CALLED "WEATHERING" TO OCCUR THAT INHIBITS COME IN CONTACT WITH ROOF PANELS, ESPECIALLY GALVALUME®, FOR EXTENDED PERIODS FURTHER CORROSION. IN NESTED BUNDLES CONSTANT CONTACT OF THE PAN�LS WITH OF TIME. CONDENSED OR TRAPPED WATER PREVENTS THIS WEATHERING PROCESS l PERIODIC INSPECTION RAPID OXIDATION OF THE ZINC OR ZINC ALUMINUM COATING CAN NOW OCCUR AND MAY LEAD ALL HIGH -STRENGTH BOLTS SHALL BE PERIODICALLY INSPECTED FOR TIGHTNESS, TO "RED RUST" IN A SHORT TIME. IF DISCOLORATION OR STAINS ARE IVINOR A HOUSEHOLD PARTICULARLY IN CRANE BUILDINGS AND AFTER ANY SEISMIC ACTIVITY OR WIND ACTIVITY. CLEANER OF THE TYPE USED ON PORCELAIN SINKS AND BATHTUBS MAY BE'USED TO REMOVE THE CRANE MANUFACTURER WILL SPECIFY A MINIMUM PERIOD BUT IT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 2 THE STAINS. WIRE BRUSHING OR USING ABRASIVE MATERIALS SHOULD EE AVOIDED SINCE YEARS. SCRATCHING OR REMOVAL OF THE COATING COULD OCCUR. PANELS WI SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE SHOULD BE REPLACED BY THE BUYER BEFORE ERECTION. DRAINAGE * KEEP ROOF FREE OF DEBRIS AND KEEP DEBRIS OUT OF GUTTER TO ALLOW WATER TO QUICKLY DRAIN FROM ROOF. * DO NOT USE WOOD BLOCKING TO HOLD EQUIPMENT OFF OF PANEL SEAMS. THIS BLOCKS THE FLOW OF WATER AND HOLDS MOISTURE. * DO NOT ALLOW ROOFTOP AC UNITS OR EVAPORATIVE COOLERS TO DRAIN ONTO THE ROOF. * ANYTHING THAT TRAPS OR HOLDS MOISTURE ON A ROOF WILL CAUSE PREMATURE CORROSION. is ROOF AND WALL PANELS DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION U MANUFACTURER'S WALL AND ROOF PANELS INCLUDING COLOR COATED, GALVALUME & THE QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP IN STEEL ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, AND GALVANIZED, PROVIDE EXCELLENT SERVICE UNDER WIDELY VARIED CONDITIONS. ALL HANDLING METHODS USED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE METAL BUILDING CAN UNLOADING & ERECTION PERSONNEL SHOULD FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT THESE PANELS ARE SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT THE APPEARANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE BUILDING PANELS. m QUALITY MERCHANDISE, WHICH MERITS CAUTIOUS CARE IN HANDLING. PANEL DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION CAN BE THE RESULT OF FAULTY INSTALLATION METHODS AND/OR CARELESSNESS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD PANELS BE HANDLED ROUGHLY. PACKAGES OF SHEETS SHOULD BE LIFTED OFF THE TRUCK WITH EXTREME CARE TAKEN TO INSURE THAT NO OVERDRIVEN FASTENERS CAUSE INDENTATIONS OR SHALLOW POCKETS IN THE PANEL AROUND DAMAGE OCCURS TO ENDS OF THE SHEETS OR TO SIDE RIBS. THE PACKAGES SHOULD BE THE FASTENER HEAD. RAIN WATER OR CONDENSED MOISTURE COMBINED WITH ATMOSPHERIC STORED OFF THE GROUND SUFFICIENTLY HIGH TO ALLOW AIR CIRCULATION UNDERNEATH THE POLLUTANTS (PRINCIPALLY SULFUR DIOXIDES) AND DIRT PARTICLES COLLECT IN THESE PACKAGES. THIS AVOIDS GROUND MOISTURE & DETERS PEOPLE FROM WALKING ON THE POCKETS. THE COMBINATION OF POLLUTANTS AND WATER CREATES ACID SOLUTIONS THAT PACKAGES. ONE END OF THE PACKAGE SHOULD ALWAYS BE ELEVATED TO ENCOURAGE WILL CAUSE CORROSION DAMAGE TO THE PANEL AND FASTENER. RAIN MAY WASH SOME DRAINAGE IN CASE OF RAIN. THE MFGR EXERCISES EXTREME CAUTION DURING FABRICATING POLLUTANTS AWAY, BUT MOISTURE IN THE FORM OF HIGH HUMIDITY CAN KEEP THESE AREAS AND SHIPPING OPERATIONS TO INSURE THAT ALL PANEL STOCK IS KEPT DRY, HOWEVER, DUE WET AND CONTINUE THE PROBLEM. OVERDRIVING THE FASTENER ALSO FORCES THE SEALING TO CLIMATIC CONDITIONS, WATER FORMED BY CONDENSATION OF HUMID AIR CAN BECOME WASHER FROM UNDER THE FASTENER HEAD CREATING A LEAK AT THIS POINT. PROPER o TRAPPED BETWEEN STACKED SHEETS. WATER CAN ALSO BE TRAPPED BETWEEN THE STACKED TORQUE ADJUSTMENT OF THE SCREW GUN OR PREFERABLY THE USE OF A DEPTH GAUGE SHEETS WHEN EXPOSED TO RAIN. THIS MAY CAUSE DISCOLORATION CAUSED BY TRAPPED WILL ELIMINATE THE PROBLEM OF OVERDRIVEN FASTENERS. 4 MOISTURE. THE STAIN IS USUALLY SUPERFICIAL & HAS LITTLE EFFECT ON THE APPEARANCE Q OR SERVICE LIFE OF THE PANELS AS LONG AS IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO REMAIN ON THE IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT ALL DRILL SHAVINGS FROM THE INSTALLATION OF PANEL PANELS. HOWEVER, MOISTURE IN CONTACT WITH THE SURFACE OF THE PANELS OVER AN FASTENERS AND FILLINGS FROM THE SAW CUTTING OF PANELS BE REMOVED FROM THE EXTENDED PERIOD CAN SEVERELY ATTACK THE FINISH & REDUCETHE EFFECTIVE SERVICE LIFE. PANEL SURFACE. CORROSION CAN OCCUR IN A MATTER OF HOURS WHEN THESE SHAVINGS SEE R1-07 "DAMAGE FROM CONDENSATION OR TRAPPED WATER." OR FILLINGS ARE NOT REMOVED AND ARE ALLOWED TO COME IN CONTACT WITH WATER OR CONDENSED MOISTURE. WHEN PANELS ARE PRE -DRILLED OR CUT IN THE STACK PRIOR TO CAUTION: CARE SHOULD ALWAYS BE TAKEN WHEN WALKING ON PANELS. USE SAFETY LINES ERECTION ALL SHAVINGS OR FILLINGS MUST BE CLEANED FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE PANEL. AND NETS WHEN NECESSARY! PANELS ARE SLIPPERY. WIPE DRY ANY MOISTURE OR SURFACE TO PREVENT CORROSION OF THE PANEL BY THESE PARTICLES IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE MATERIAL THAT HAS PUDDLED FROM BUNDLES STORED ON A SLOPE. DEW, FROST, OR OTHER ROOF BE SWEPT CLEAN AT LEAST DAILY AND CERTAINLY AT JOB COMPLETION. THE FINAL FORMS OF MOISTURE GREATLY INCREASE THE SLIPPERINESS OF THE PANELS. ALWAYS CLEANING OF THE ROOF SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE GUTTER SO THAT THE ASSUME PANEL SURFACE IS SLIPPERY & ACT ACCORDINGLY. NEVER WALK OR STEP ON SHAVINGS ARE NOT DEPOSITED INTO THE GUTTER AND LEFT TO CORRODE. ANY OTHER SKYLIGHTS OR TRANSLUCENT PANELS! FOREIGN OBJECTS OR DEBRIS LEFT BY CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL SHOULD ALSO BE REMOVED FROM THE ROOF. DURING THE ERECTION OF THE ROOF AND THE INSTALLATION OF USE WOOD BLOCKING TO ELEVATE & SLOPE THE PANELS IN A MANNER THAT WILL ALLOW EQUIPMENT SUCH AS AIR CONDITIONING UNITS, ETC... MOISTURE TO DRAIN. WOOD BLOCKING PLACED BETWEEN BUNDLES WILL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL WALKING ON THE PANELS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE. WORKMEN SHOULD STEP OR o AIR CIRCULATION. WHEN HANDLING OR UNCRATING THE PANELS, LIFT RATHER THAN SLIDE WALK IN THE BROAD FLAT AREAS OF THE PANEL AND AVOID STEPPING ON THE PANEL ENDS O THEM APART. BURRED EDGES MAY SCRATCH THE COATED SURFACES WHEN SHEETS ARE SLID AND EDGES WHICH CAN BE BENT BY CARELESS HANDLING. IF THIS DAMAGE IS SEVERE, THE OVER ONE ANOTHER. NEVER ALLOW PANELS TO BE WALKED ON WHILE ON THE GROUND. o EDGES MUST BE STRAIGHTENED PRIOR TO ERECTION SINCE THE APPEARANCE AND/OR WEATHER TIGHTNESS OF THE PANEL COULD BE AFFECTED. DRAGGING ONE PANEL ACROSS m ANOTHER CAN CUT OR ABRADE THE COATING CAUSING UNSIGHTLY MARKS ON THE PANEL SURFACE. ATTEMPTS TO ERECT PANELS DURING WINDY CONDITIONS SHOULD BE AVOIDED TO PREVENT DRAINAGE DAMAGE AND FOR SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. LEAVING DIRT PILED AGAINST THE EXTERIOR WALL PANELS AT THE FOUNDATION WILL CAUSE PANEL DAMAGE. THIS DIRT MAY BE WET OR AT LEAST WILL CONTAIN SOME MOISTURE. MUD ELEVATE MAY HAVE BEEN SPLASHED ONTO THE WALL DURING CONSTRUCTION. CORROSION DAMAGE MAY OCCUR WHERE THIS DIRT OR MUD CONTACTS THE PANELS. IN AREAS WHERE LIME CI) M STABILIZATION OF THE SOIL 1S REQUIRED, CORROSION DAMAGE FROM THE SOIL'S CONTENT C: WILL BE ACCELERATED AND MOST LIKELY BE SEVERE. ALL DIRT MUST BE REMOVED FROM O O' THE PANEL WALLS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK. PRE -PAINTED PANELS MAY REQUIRE + TOUCH-UP IF THE COATING HAS BEEN DAMAGED DURING HANDLING OR ERECTION. x THE APPEARANCE OF THE BLDG. MAY BE AFFECTED IF DAMAGED SPOTS OR SCRATCHES ARE _� � a Q "' W LOCATED IN HIGHLY VISIBLE PLACES SUCH AS AROUND DOORS, WINDOWS, ETC... IF THE c xo DAMAGE IS EXTENSIVE THEN REPLACEMENT OF THE ENTIRE PANEL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED. �j O1 — rn R1-04 R1-05 °000 co om a U ROOF MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES 0 v `" N v mU N *INSPECT ROOF FOR DAMAGE AFTER HEAVY STORMS. C LO G � *INSPECT AND RESEAL AS NECESSARY ALL ROOF CURBS AND OTHER PENETRATIONS WITH URETHANE SEALANT. * ALWAYS GET MANUFACTURER APPROVAL BEFORE MAKING ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THE ROOF. * REPAINT ANY AREAS THAT ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO RUST AS REQUIRED. * WHEN PERFORMING ROOF MAINTENANCE, ALWAYS TAKE THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: USE FALL PROTECTION AND OTHER SAFETY EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. * DO NOT WALK ON ROOF FLASHINGS SUCH AS GUTTER, RAKE, HIP OR RIDGE FLASH. * DO NOT WALK ON LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANELS (LTPS). THEY WILL NOT SUPPORT A PERSON'S WEIGHT. * GUARD ALL LTPS AND ROOF OPENINGS. * STEP ONLY IN THE PANEL FLAT DIRECTLY ON OR IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO A SUPPORTING ROOF STRUCTURAL * AFTER OTHER TRADES HAVE BEEN ON THE ROOF FOR ANY REASON. INSPECT THE ROOF FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WORKERS INCLUDING CHEMICAL OR SOLVENT SPILLS, SCRATCHES IN THE PAINT OR GALVALUME R COATTNG, EXCESSIVE FOOT TRAFFIC AND PUNCTURES. MAKE SURE THAT ANY DEBRIS OR SCRAP LEFT BEHIND BY THE WORKERS IS REMOVED FROM THE ROOF IMMEDIATELY. AVOID USING CUTOFFSAWSAND WELDING EQUIPMENT OVER THE ROOF. IN CASES WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, THE ROOF MUST ADEQUATELY PROTECTED. FOOT TRAFFIC KEEP FOOT TRAFFIC TO A MINIMUM. HEAVY FOOT TRAFFIC CAN CAUSE PONDING ON LOW PITCHED ROOFS. THIS IS PARTICULARLY TRUE JUST UPSLOPE FROM THE EAVE AND AT ENDLAPS. ALWAYS WALK IN THE FLAT OF THE PANEL NEAR A SUPPORTING ROOF STRUCTURAL. DO NOT WALK ON TRIM OR IN GUTTERS. ON BARE GALVALUME® ROOFS, EXCESSIVE FOOT TRAFFIC MAY CAUSE BLACK BURNISH MARKS. IF 'REGULAR FOOT TRAFFIC IS PLANNED FOR A ROOF, PROVISIONS SHOULD BE MADE FOR A PROPERLY DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ROOF WALKWAY SYSTEM. IN ORDER TO LIMIT ACCESS TO THE ROOF, ROOF HATCHES OR ACCESS LADDERS SHOULD BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES„ A SIGN SHOULD BE POSTED AT THE POINT OF ACCESS, STATING THAT ONLY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ARE ALLOWED ONTO THE ROOF. IN ADDITION, A LOG BOOK SHOULD BE! KEPT OF ALL VISITS TO THE ROOF AND THE REASON FOR SUCH VISITS. DISSIMILAR METALS NEVER ALLOW YOUR ROOF TO COME IN CONTACT WITH, OR WATER RUNOFF FROM, ANY DISSIMILAR METAL INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: COPPER, LEAD' OR GRAPHITE. THIS INCLUDES COPPER AND ARSENIC SALTS USED IN TREATED LUMBER, CALCIUM USED IN CONCRETE, MORTAR AND GROUT. C N LO o ; rn w � O p M J J W J aw m ¢0 2 of V U V) U N� M I o ❑ ❑ ,q zarli a�_J C"7 � U w Q L U UJ a_ V) 0 V) a Z Y rn + Lv� W 3 U ¢,_ O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R1 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is Limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Erection Guide Date R1 Rev. Mav'14 05 BUILDING ANCHORAGE 1, I TRANSIT 1. To determine that the foundation is square, measure diagonal dimensions to be sure they are of equal length. SPECIFIED COLUMN CENTERLINE LINE STEEL LINE FOAM BOARD TEMPLATE -4-4- I I B ', E A A DIMENSIONS A, B, AND C AS GIVEN ON ANCHOR BOLT PLAN 2. To determine that the foundation is level, set up a transit or level and use a level rod to obtain the elevation at all columns. ANCHOR ROD SETTING 3. Carefully check the location of all anchor rods against the Anchor Rod Setting TOLERANCES Plan furnished by the Manufacturer. All dimensions must be identical to BASE PLATE AND ANCHOR assure a proper start—up. ROD TOLERANCES AISC CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE TOLERANCES FOR SETTING ANCHOR RODS FIELD TOLERANCES 7.5.1. Anchor rods, foundation bolts and other embedded items shall be set by the owner's designated representative for construction in accordance with embedment drawings that have been approved by the owner's designated representatives for design and construction. The variation in location of these items from the dimensions shown in the embedment drawings shall be as follows: (a) The variation in dimension between the centers of any two anchor rods within an anchor —rod group shall be equal to or less than 1/8 in. [3 mm]. (b) The variation in dimension between the centers of adjacent anchor —rod groups shall be equal to or less than 1/4 in. [6 mm]. (c) The variation in elevation of the tops of anchor rods shall be equal to or less than plus or minus 1/2 in. [13 mm]. (d) The accumulated variation in dimension between centers of the anchor —rod groups along the column line through multiple anchor —rod groups shall be equal to or less than 1/4 in. per 100 ft [2 mm per 10000 mm], but not to exceed a total of 1 in. [25 mm] (e) The variation in dimension from center of any anchor —rod group to the column line through that group shall be equal to or less than 1/4 in. [6 mm]. The tolerances that are specified in (b), (c) and (d) shall apply to offset dimensions shown in the structural design drawings, measured parallel and perpendicular to the nearest column line, for individual columns that are shown in the structural design drawings as offset from column lines. 7.5.2. Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, anchor rods shall be set with their longitudinal axis perpendicular to the theoretical bearing surface. 7.5.3. Embedded items and connection materials that are part of the work of other trades, but that will receive structural steel, shall be located and set by the owner's designated representative for construction in accordance with an approved embedment drawing. The variation in location of these items shall be limited to a magnitude that is consistent with the tolerances that are specified in Section 7.13 for the erection of the structural steel. 7.5.4. All work performed by the owner's designated representative for construction shall be completed so as not to delay or interfere with the work of the fabricator and the erector. The owner's designated representative for construction shall conduct a survey of the as -built locations of anchor rods, foundation bolts and other embedded items, and shall verify that all items covered in Section 7.5 meet the corresponding tolerances. When corrective action is necessary, the owner's designated representative for construction shall obtain the guidance and approval of the owner's designated representative for design. It is extremely important that anchor bolts be placed accurately in accordance with the Anchor Rod Setting Plan. All anchor rods should be held in place with a template or similar means, so that they will remain plumb and in correct location during placing of the concrete. A final check should be made after the completion of the concrete work and prior to the steel installation. This will allow any necessary corrections to be made before the costly installation labor and equipment arrives. STEEL LINE TEMPLATE STAKE SHEETING NOTCH B E i FORM • •-� .,,. Il .: it BOARD11 II n n ' 1! <4h •OFF II �It 4 ANCHOR RODS '11 II / PROJECTION OF ANCHOR RODS "D" / GIVEN ON ANCHOR ROD PLAN. SHEETING NOTCH SHOWN BUT MAY NOT BE REQUIRED (SEE ANCHOR ROD PLAN) H/500 HEIGHT (t) TOLERANCE 101 1/4" 121/1611 15' 3/8" 1/2' /811 25' 3/411 30' 45' 1 1/16" 60' 1 7/16" COLUMN ALIGNMENT TOLERANCES MEZZANINE BEAM HEIGHT TOLERANCE t1/2" FINISH FLOOR SIDEWALL 1 1 1 500 500 500 L I I I J J J J a � 3 0 z I I z w w I 500 500 I 500 1 1 1 SIDEWALL 'LAN VIEW ALIGNMENT TOLERANCE FOR MEMBERS WITH FIELD SPLICES a ROOF CURBS ROOF JACK INSTALLATION_ (When not Supplied by Building Manufacturer) EEO — Down Curb Base Length UP v—anelaries Profile `go ap' Hill gg Min. Min. 12 L Endlap x Endlap o a 4" o a e Max o Roof Panel "Osseo O �— orrect Incorrect •a Roof Panel vmmvPm+n -" OI Install Pipe in center to allow base of rubber roof jack p to lay flat on panel. Cannot encompass more than 75% Purlin Line of pan�I. Indicates Roof Panel Support location - Indicates Curb Base Support location Panel Rib Floating Panel Support Su Profile PP ❑ Do not use galvanized roof jacks, lead hats or other residential grade roof jacks. These roof jacks do not have 20-year service life and, in the case of lead hats, will cause a galvanic corrosion of the roof panels. o � Q U c El Use EPDM rubber roof jacks with an integral aluminum band bonded into the perimeter of aN - Up Lift Plate Curb Base the base. For high temperature applications (200-400 degrees Fahrenheit) use silicone o ; W - (If Required) rubber roof jacks. Retrofit rubber roof jacks are available for applications in which the to ° �o �= N j 1 PP P o of the pipe is inaccessible, eliminating the possibility of sliding the roof jack over the top _ of the pipe. o Q Section : "A" ❑ Do not use tube caulk/silicone to seal roof jack to the roof panels. Use only tape sealan (Insulation when specified) as supplied by Metal Bldg Manufacturer. Fasten the roof jack to the roof panels with 1/4"-14 x 7/8" Lap Tek Stitch Screws at 1" on center around base of roof jack. The curb details shown illustrate the building manufacturers recomended curb ❑ Boll down the top of the roof jack and apply tape sealant continuously around the w ° style and installation method. It is the erector /installer's responsibility to exposed portion of the pipe. Roll the top of the roof jack back over the tape sealant. o provide the proper curb style and install them in accordance with the Apply the stainless steel clamp over top of roof jack and firmly tighten to form a secure o procedures established by these details. Failure by the erector / installer to compression seal a o y ❑ Do not install a pipe through the standing seam of the roof panel. Keep pipe penetration � — M o � � = follow these recommendations may result in the curbs damaging the roof system in center of panel to allow the base of the rubber roof jack to seal to the pan of the p ; o ? `o or excluded from warranties. paneo o l o All roof curbs to be: w 8 W If a pipe must be installed through a panel seam, or if the pipe diameter is so large to J 1. .080 Aluminum or 18ga. Stainless (No Galvalume/No Galvanized) p N a w block the flow of water down the roof panel, you must install a pipe curb into the roof a_ U o 0 2. Panel rib to rib installation (No flat skirt or lay -over Curbs) and then seal the pipe curb with rubber roof jack. For pipes in which top cannot be o m 3. Installed over low end / under high end application for water flow at Ll IN accessed, atwo—piece pipe curb is available. 4. Upel liftfor clip applied roof systems are required if: lice El In Northern climates, protect all pipe penetrations from moving ice or snow with a snow -0 o N� p lftP retention system immediately up slope from the pipe. = ° 0) o a. Wind load exceeds 110 mph or Mw b. Curb base crosses a purlin m � o 0 U W y y 5. Supported on (4) four side by primary or secondary framing 6. Max ROOF JACK INSTALLATION p m N Single Curb weight Recommend = 1500# (Not by Metal Bldg Manufacturer) ** CO < N o ov N 5 N .V O l G �� QL? Panel profile varies SUGGESTED METHOD OF PURLIN ATTACHMENT Roof Jack ** o (FOR BLDG ACCESSORIES) _ Roll Top Down O w a n ** Stainless Steel Clamp d z M Iq a�� 1/4-14 x 7/8" Lap Tek �a p � y o Step 1 S.D. w/Washerat 1" O.C. Q U z Q � e cn-o_ o ° E Z c ° e Tri-Bead Tape Sealant y Y 3 a as®B°aaa HW504 a�a o PURLIN ANGLE (W/ 2 SELF -DRILLERS*# Scale: NOT TO SCALE ANGLE** Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 HANGER ROD** SPRINKLER HANGER Checked by HH 9/10/14 PIPE ROD ** _ Project Engineer: Apply Tri-Bead Tape Sealant Continuously Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 ** Stainless Steel Clamp around Pipe SUGGESTED METHODS Sheet Number. • R2 of 16 ** (Not by Metal Bldg Manufacturer) %Roof Jack ** The engineer whose seal An angle is self -tapped to the web of the purlin to catch hanger rod. This Step 2 1/4-14 x 7/8" Lap Tek appears hereon is an employee method does not preclude other forms of attachment to the purlin web. s.D. w/Washer at 1" O.C. for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said The total hanger load shall not exceed the designcollateral load for the building. o e seal or certification is limited A sample calculation is Shown below: Tri-Bead Tape Sealant to the products designed and Hw504 manufactured by manufacturer 5' (purlin spacing) x 5' (hanger spacing) x 6 psf (collateral load) = 150 lbs. only.The undersigned engineer is See cover sheet for design collateral load for this building. not the overall engineer of Note: If this building is designed for 0 psf collateral load, then adding any record for this project. suspended system (ie. duct work, piping, lights, ceilings, etc.) will correspondingly reduce the design live load. THE INCORRECT WAYS PURLIN / � PURLIN HANGER ROD, ANGLE 11Z" PURLIN ROD OR CHAIN CLIP DO NOT INSTALL HANGER ROD DO NOT INSTALL PURLIN CLIPS OF ANY KIND IN FLANGE OF PURLIN ON FLANGE OF THE PURLIN AS SHOWN ** Stainless Steel Cla Step 3 Tri-Bead Tape HW504 -Bead Tape Sealant '504 Jack ** I x 7/8 Lap Tek /Washer at 1" O.C. OTE: Roll roof jack up ver Tri-Bead Tape Sealant and secure the clamp. Erection Guide Date R2 Rev. May'141 03 PRE -ERECTION NOTES: GENERAL ERECTION NOTES The following notes, procedures and suggested recommendations are important parts 1.) All clips, flange braces, bolts, bracing systems, ETC. must be installed as shown on of the pre -erection process. erection drawings. 1.) Prior to the time the erection crew arrives, a responsible person should check 2.) It is extremely important, especially dining construction, that panels at the eaves, the job site for foundation readiness, square, and accuracy and Anchor Rod size rakes and ridges be kept secure. and location. The drawing shown below indicates a method which may be used to check the 3.) Column bases must not be Jag scr we or "RED HEADED" to concrete unless foundation and bolts for square. specified on erection drawings for the uilding. 24' ANCHOR 12' 4.) Tighten column wind brace rods/cables' (exterior and interior) before tightening roof Roos s' rods/cables. Roof rods/cables are tigh ened from eave to peak. 5.) High strength �� 0 0 bolts (A325) must be used where specified. oto TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BRACING O 9� ti GAF 1.) It is the responsibility of the erector t maintain stability of the structure during DIAGONALS all stages of erection, particularly whe leftovernight. SHOULD BE M EQUAL 4 2.) Temporary supports, such as temp rary guys, braces or other elements shall be the total and complete responsibility o the erector. The temporary supports required shall be determined and furnished by the erector. ° ° < 3.) Temporary construction supports shall be provided wherever necessary to Measure along adjacent sides of foundation using a pair of dimensions shown. If accommodate all construction loads to which the structure maybe subjected, left in the diagonal distance between these points is as noted, the corner is square. place as long as may be required for afety. Diagonal measurements between opposite Anchor Rods will indicate if these bolts PANEL CA TIO' SAND NOTES are set square. To minimize potential of corrosive action at the bottom edge of wall panels, the contractor must 2.) When unloading the building, carefully check off each item from the packing assure that the following procedures are fol owed: list. Bundles and boxes will have a list attached indicating the contents. 1. The concrete foundation should be curec for a minimum of seven 7 days before wall panels O Ys 3.) Unload and layout the building columns on the foundation. are installed. (un-cured concrete is highly clkaline and metal panels can undergo varying degrees of corrosive attack when in direct contact With the concrete.) After the first week of the curing 4.) Unload the rafters onto the foundation so that they can be erected from cycle, the reaction between metallic coating on steel and the concrete is essentially halted. whichever end of the building you wish to start. Your crane will move from one CLEAN DIRT FROM WALL PANEL end of the building to the other while standing columns and hanging rafters AROUND PANEL B sE PANEL NOTCH (SHOWN) 0 F- OUNDATION 5. Layout the girts and purlins on dunnage r wood 0 o d blocking around the Y 9 P 9 9J. BASE TRIM ,.. foundation as near as possible to where they will be installed. 4" a MIN. a 6.) Unload and place trim crates out of the Way, since these will be the last SLOPE FINISH GRADE AWAY FROM BUILDING required. 2.) Top of finish grade at building to be c minimum of four (4) inches below bottom 7.) Unload and place panels and insulation out of the way. of panel. NOTE: In extremely cold conditions, the vinyl facing on insulation will become 3.) Finish grade is to slope away from bui ding to ensure proper drainage. brittle, requiring very careful handling. 4.) Upon completion of finish grading, all in is to be cleaned from around base of 8.) Avoid lifting panel stacks with cables, chains or other devices which could wall panel where it may have collected in panel notch or on base trim. damage the panel. Upon unloading, and every morning thereafter, inspect he panel FASTEN R I STALLATION bundles for moisture between the panels. This is especially important with galvalume or galvanized panels. The panel finish must be protected at all times Correct fastener installation is one of the most critical steps when installing roof/wallpanels. Driv( before and during erection to preserve the appearance and function of the panels. the fastener in until it is tight and the washer s firmly seated. Do not overdrive fasteners. A slight extrusion of neoprene around the Washer is a good visual tightness check. Always use the 9.) All hardware boxes should be protected from theft and moisture, especially proper tool to install fasteners. A fastener driver (screw gun) with a RPM of 1700-2000 should items such as tube caulking and locksets. Store mastic away from heat. be used for self -drilling screws. A 500-600 RPM fastener driver should be used for self -tapping LAYOUT OF BUILDING COMPONENT screws. Discard worn sockets, these can cause the fastener to wobble during installation. i CLIPS o BOLTS SCREWS RAMP CORRECT DEGREE OF TOO TIGHT SEALANT TIGHTNESS NOTE SLIGHT TOO THIN EXTRUDES CIRCLE OF SEALANT FASTENER SQUEEZED TOO LOOSE SEALANT IS FAR BEYOND NOT COMPRESSED TO HEAD FORM SEAL O 2 s NOTE: Always remove metal filings from work period. Rusting filings can destroy surface of panels .at the end of each the paint finish and void any warranty. MASTIC SE ALANT k2)o o 0 1. Girts, Eave Struts and Purlins 2. End Frames and Endpost 3. Main Frames 4. Clips, Bolts, Screws, ETC. 5. Endwall Girts 1.) Layout primary and secondary framing around the slab as shown. Proper mastic application is critical to should not be stretched when installed. enough mastic on the roof that can be mastic in a cool dry place. During colc warm (60'-90') until application. After in place until panel is ready to be installed. IMPOR All details, recommendations and suggestions the'! A installed weather m AN weather tightness of a building. Mastic pply only to clean, dry surfaces. Keep only in a day. During warm weather, store (below 60') mastic must be kept stic has been applied, keep protective paper NOTE: contained in the ERECTION GUIDE portion 2.) Place the blocking to of this drawings set are for general guidelines only, and not meant to be all-inclusive. components and crates on slab or on wood prevent Industry accepted installation practices with regard to all areas not specifically contact with the ground. discussed in this section should be followed. Only experienced, knowledgeable installers familiar with accepted practices should be Mused to assure a quality project. 3.) Block one end of components higher than other end to allow drainage of rain water. It is emphasized that the Manufacturer is only a manufacturer of metal building components and is not engaged in the installation of its products. Opinions expressed 4.) Leave one end of the building open for erection equipment access. by the Manufacturer about installation practices noted in the ERECTION GUIDE are intended to represent only a guide as to the sequencing and how the components 5.) Construct temporary ramp of timbers from grade to slab to prevent damage could be assembled to create a building. Both the quality and safety of installation to concrete edge from equipment traffic. and the ultimate customer satisfaction with the completed building are determined by the experience, expertise, and skills of the! installation crews, as well as the equipment 6.) Install clips and flange braces onto columns and rafters before these members available for handling the materials. A tual installation' operations, techniques and site are in the air. Clip and flange brace locations are shown on erection drawings. conditions are beyond the Manufactures c ntrol. STEP 1: ERECT FIRST BAY WALL FRAMING BRACING Fla END FRAME �\ RAFTER END POST CORNER COLUMN �1 NOTE It is the responsibility of the FRAME erector to provide temporary erection bracing until the structure is completed. VE STRUT 1A: Determine from erection drawings furnished with the building the location of the first braced bay. Framing for this bay will be erected first. 1B: Stand adjacent primary frame column and corner column over the anchor rods. Shim or chip out under the base plate if required to ensure that the base is level, at the correct elevation, and is in full contact with the foundation. Plumb and align the columns and install washers and nuts onto the Anchor Rods. NOTE: The end frame may be a bearing frame with the rafter supported by end posts, or a rigid frame with the rafter self-supporting, and not attached to the end posts. The procedure shown is for a bearing frame. If the building has a rigid end frame, it is erected the same as interior frames as described in steps 1 and 2. 1C: Attach wall girts to the primary frame column and corner column. Bolt girts to the corner column with two bolts. Bolt girt to primary frame column with one bolt through the column flange and secure bolt with sub -nut (see detail on erection drawings). 11): Install the eave strut by bolting to the top of the columns. Refer to the erection drawings and attach column flange brace where shown. Flange braces may be required on one or both sides of the columns. If a flange brace connects to a girt in the adjacent bay, that brace will be bolted to the girt after the adjacent bay girts are installed. NOTE: As wall girts are installed around the building, framing for factory located framed openings and accessory framing to which the girts attach should be installed. Field located accessory framing may be installed at the same time as girts or at a later time. 1E: Install wall bracing systems (rods, cables, knee bracing, portal bracing) at this time but do not tighten completely until the bay is plumbed. 1F: Repeat steps 1B thru 1E for wall framing on the opposite side of the building. 1G: Attach clips to the end posts and stand these posts over the Anchor Rods. Follow the procedure as described for corner columns in step 1B. 1H: Bolt required clips and flange braces to the end frame rafter sections and lift into place atop the end posts. Bolt rafter sections to corner column and end post cap plates. Bolt rafter sections together at peak. STEP 2: ERECT FIRST BAY ROOF FRAMING NOTE PURLINS It is the responsibility of the erector to provide temporary erection bracing until the RIMARY FRAME structure is completed. / RAFTER / / / TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING END FRAME END POST RACING CAUTION U Until rafters are bolted in place with purlins and flange braces installed, they are easily damaged by incorrect or careless handling procedures. Use extreme caution when lifting rafters. Two booms should be used to lift any pinched rafter section 80 feet or more in length. 2A, Bolt primary frame rafter together at peak connection (unless rafter length requires lifting in sections). Attach the required clips and flange braces to the rafter before lifting since these items are more easily installed on the ground. Lift rafter into place between sid,ewall columns and install bolts in rafter to column knee connections. 2B Install end bay purlins from end frame rafter to the first interior frame rafter. The 4 end bay purlins will overlap the interior bay purlins at the frame as described in step 1C. Comple+e flange brace connection to purlins. o 2C Install roof bracing systems but do not tighten completely until the bay is plumbed. 2D Plumb and square the first bay. After alignment, tighten wall bracing first and the roof bracing working from eave to peak. Tighten any remaining bolts. Plumbing and aligning a total structural system begins with the first braced bay and continues through completion. Accurate alignment of the first bay is essential for correct alignment of succeeding bays. The installer is responsible for choosing the best method suited for plumbing and aligning the structural system. o STEP 3: ERECT ENDWALL GIRTS AND FIRST INTERIOR BAY o 0 NOTE It is the responsibility of the END BAY erector to provide temporary PURLIN erection bracing until the c structure is completed. o / a7 o U y O o rn o > � >? L o / � p J _J CO END FRAME / TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING O ; �' v J a_ Li U to / RAFTER NO BAY GIRT X u, - a j � Lo � t° END POST a) ENDWALL CORNER C t u v N GIRT COLUMN 'o N 3A: After end frame is plumb and square, install endwall girts and flange braces for end :3m C, O a) of PO a post if required. mGo 0 0 O m w w 3B: Attach wall girts to the primary frame columns (see step 1C). � 3C: Install eave struts (see step 1D). LO Et° Qt° 3D: Attach roof purlins for this bay to the two rafters. Purlins will bolt to the rafter �Z oz flange in the some manner as girts to column flanges (see step 1C). Connect flange wa'* El ❑ braces to purlins. ,d z o M �a a a�J V! 3E: Check alignment, plumb 9 P and square the two bays just erected. q Y 1 Tighten all bolts and 9 o � Y o bracing. Q `cuwof Z a (n V) a EAVE STRUT END FRAME END POST STEP 4: ERECT REMAINING STRUCTURAL FRAMING It is the responsibility of the erector to provide temporary erection bracing until the E structure is completed. ---PRIMARY FRAME TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING Starting at the opposite end of the first bay erected, install the remaining interior frames, girts, purlins, eave struts, bracing, end frames and end posts using the procedures described in the preceding steps. Be sure all wall girts, roof purlins and flange braces as shown on the erection drawings are installed. Constant checks should be made to ensure the building is square, plumb and aligned. All X-Bracing should be checked that it is installed to a taut condition with all slack removed. Do not tighten beyond this state. ' Z Y .0 wow 3 t7 X c0 Y O U Q_ O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R3 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Erection Guide Date R3 Rev. Jul'141 04 STEP 5: INSTALL SIDEWALL PANELS STEP 7: INSTALL ROOF PANELS (Con't) NOTE It is the responsibility of the erector to provide temporary erection bracing until the structure is completed. This bracing is to remain in place until all roof and wall panels are installed. LOCKING FOR GIRT ALIGNMENT PANELS 5A: Before installing wall panels, the girts must be aligned to a level position so that there is no visible sag. This should be done directly ahead of panel installation. Girt leveling may be accomplished by standing a section of gable angle vertically against the outside girt flanges at approximate mid —bay location. When girts are level, attach the girt flanges to the angle with vise grip pliers or temporary screws. Wood blocking cut to fit the spaces may also be used for alignment. NOTE: Temporary girt blocking is not recommended on concealed fastener panels. The removal of the blocks after panel installation can cause oil canning. FRAM EAVE STRUT NOTE: \\W% �>f % BLOCKING Wall panel type and installation details will vary. Refer to the erection drawings and details for the specific panel used for your building. 141106111062100011 SIDEWALL INSULATION INSULATION MUST MEET ENDWALL BASE ANGLE/TRIM INSULATION TO SEAL THE CORNER CONTACT TAPE 513: If walls are to be insulated, place a continuous run of contact tape along the eave strut and base member. NOTE: At the base, cut off the insulation a minimum of 1/2" above the bottom of the wall panel. This will prevent the insulation from hanging below the wall panel and wicking moisture. Roof Panel Double Faced Tape (Not by manufacturer) to be used to secure insulation. Wall Panel Fiberglass Insulation to OUTSIDE of Building Wall Panel Insulation (Not by manufacturer) Note: Trim insulation and turn vinyl back Insulation must not be exposed to weather. Insulation (Not by manufacturer) Vapor Barrier to INSIDE of Building Eave Detail (See Erection Drawings) Insulation (Not by manufacturer) Finished a Floorj Note- Trim insulation and turn vinyl back Insulation must not be exposed to weather. "--" LBase Detail (See Erection Drawings) Starting at a building corner, attach the first piece of blanket insulation to the contact tape on the eave strut. Pull tight and adhere to tape at the base. It is recommended that insulation not be installed more than 6 feet ahead of panels. 5C: Sidewall panels should be installed so that the panel sidelap is in a direction away from the prevailing wind. (refer to ap rop�iate lap detail included with erection drawings.) 5D: Install remaining sidewall insulatioi arid panels, being careful to maintain correct panel coverage. It is suggested that the oundation be marked in increments of panel width to allow visual checking of panel coverage as installation progresses. NOTE: Check periodically to ensure th t 11 panels are aligned and plumb. 5E: At the finishing corner of a side all, the 'last panel may required additional lap or trimming for installation of corner tri r fer to the details in the erection drawings. Screw Alignment Panel (Through Fastened Panel Only) PRE —DRILLED TEMPLATE SHEET is STACKED SHEETS TO BE DRILLED KEEP END OF PANELS NOTE: ALIGNED After drilling panels, it is imports t to clean metal filings off all panel surfaces, including between panels that are no Installed that day, to avoid rust stains. STEP 6: INSTALL ENDWALL PANELS ENDWALL PANELS 6A: Install gable angles/supports onto the ends of purlins and eave struts. This angle is to butt —up to each other or is spli ed s required except at expansion joints where a one inch gap is maintained b twe n ends of adjacent sections to allow for expansion. Gable angle splices may occur on or b tw en purlins and the angle must be attached to each purlin and the eave strut. NOTE: Wall panel type and installation Jetcils will vary. Refer to the erection drawings and details for the specific panel used for your building. NOTE END FRAME / PUR IN Detail shown for ribbed roof RAFTER / GABLE panel only. For standing seam 7' NGLE rake and gable angle installation, AT see erection details. EXPANSION JOINT TYPICAL AVE STRUT BUTT LAP CONDITION 6B: See erection drawings sheeting I locations, and lap locations. TRIM4— s for panel starting dimensions, panel trim TRIM DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER OF FIRST MAJOR RIB. GABLE ANGLE CONTACT TAPE ENDWALL GIRT WOOD BLOCKING BASE ANGLE/TRIM CONTACT TAPE INSI �,I.I ,,. 6C: Align and level girts on endwall. JRLIN EAVE STRUT 6D` If the walls are to be insulated, place a continuous run of contact tape along the gable angle and base member. Starting at the corner of the endwall, attach the first piece of insulation to the contact tape on the gable angle, pull tight and adhere to tape at the base. Cut off excess insulation. It is recommended that insulation not be installed more than 6 feet ahead of panels. NOTE: At the base cut off the insulation a minimum of 1/2 inch above the bottom of the wall panel. This will prevent the insulation from hanging below the wall panel and wicking moisture. 6E: Start at the corner, trim panel (if required) and set in place. Refer to corner details in the erection drawings for the panel starting distance from the corner, When the panel is located and plumb, install 'fasteners. 6F: Install remaining endwall insulation and panels, being careful to maintain the correct panel coverage as suggested in step 5D. 6G: Install corner trim. STEP 7: INSTALL ROOF PANELS NOTE It is the responsibility of the erector to provide temporary erection bracing until the tructure is completed. is bracing is to remain n place until all roof and wall panels are installed. LOCKING FOR IGNMENT LIN U YYNLL PANELS PANELS 7A: Install eave trim over top of sidewall panels and eave struts with fasteners per erection drawings eave detail. 7B: If the roof is insulated, place a continuous run of contact tape along top of eave struts at both sidewalis. Lay a starter roll of blanket insulation from eave to eave across roof and secure to contact tape. (refer to packing list for width of insulation starter roll). It is recommended that insulation be installed no more than 6 feet ahead of panels. NOTE: For PBR roofs with a ridge panel, it is recommended that both sides of the ridge of a building be sheeted simultaneously. This will keep the insulation covered for the maximum amount of time and the panel ribs can be kept in proper alignment for the ridge panel. This is critical on the "PBR panels so that the ridge caps can be properly installed. Check for proper coverage as the sheeting progresses. Note panel —sheeting sequence below! 7C: Install the first run of roof panels across the building from eave to eave, or eave to ridge. To allow proper installation Of rake trim, the starting location for the first panel must be as shown in rake details included with the erection drawings. When the first run is properly located and aligned with the correct endlops and eave Overhang, fasten to purlins. Roof panels should be - installed so that the sidelap is in a direction away from the prevailing wind. Refer to appropriate lap detail. 7D: Install remaining roof insulation and panels. To avoid accumulative error due to panel coverage gain or loss, properly align each panel before it is fastened. Occasional checks should be made to ensure that correct panel coverage is maintained. Special attention should be given to fastener, mastic !and closure requirements. Refer to details with erection drawings. 7E: At finishing end of roof, the last panels may require field modification for installation of rake trim. Refer to rake details. DO NOT BACK LAP THROUGH FASTENED ROOF SHEETS. 'NOTE: Roof panel types and installation requirements will vary. Refer to the appropriate details for the specific panel used. IMPORTANT: Loose fasteners, blind rivets, drill shaving, ETC. must be removed from roof to guard against corrosion. NEVER STEP ON LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANELS, TRANSLUCENT PANELS, OR UNATTENDED ROOF PANELS. Panels May Collapse If Not Properly Secured! Roof panels must be completely attached to the purlins and to panels on either side before they can be a safe walking surface. Light transmitting panels or translucent panels can never be considered as a walking surface. Partially attached or unattached panels should never be walked on! Do Not: 1. Step on rib at edge of panel. 2. Step near crease in rib at edge of panel.' 3. Step within 5 feet of edge on unsecured panel. A single roof panel must never be used as a work platform. An OSHA approved runway should be used for work platforms! (Consult OSHA Safety and Health Regulations for the Construction Industry). Safety First! RAKE TRIM STEP 8: INSTALL TRIM AND ACCESSORIES OPENING �uY EAVE DOOR GUTTER 8A:', Install rake trim and gable closure. 813:, If included with the building, install the eave gutter, corner closures and downspouts. NOTE: Remove ail loose fasteners, blind rivets, drill shavings, etc... from gutter to guard against corrosion. 8C:Install accessories (doors, windows, louvers, etc...) not previously installed. Refer to SULATION the appropriate details for installation instructions. IMPORTANT: Remove debris from roof and wall surfaces during installation and after. JELS Clean surface of sheeting as required to remove smudges and touch—up any minor/mild scratches with color match touch—up paint. SECONDARY STEEL ALIGNMENT FOR ALL VERTICAL IMP PROJECTS SUPPORT ALIGNMENT LIMITS SUPPORT SPAN MAX DEVIATION LIMIT Up To 4'-0" 1/16" 4'-0" To 8'-0" 1/8" 8'-0" And Up 1/4" OUT a CORRECT ALIGNMENT 'S OR LENGTH MIS —ALIGNMENT (Unacceptable, Avoid These Conditions) R5-1 INTERIOR GROOVE JOINT SEALANT NOZZLE EXTERIOR GROOVE CAULK GUN A WALL PANEL FIELD APPLIED JOINT SEALANT STRUT LOCATION OF EXTERIOR FLASHING SEALANTS PERIMETER SEALANT SEALANT PIGTAIL EXTERIOR SEALANT PIGTAIL CF WALL PANEL BASE TRIM SEALANT PIGTAIL AT HEAD JOINT SEALANT PIGTAIL AT BASE STEEL ALIGNMENT FOR ALL HORIZONTAL SUPPORT ALIGNMENT LIMITS SUPPORT SPAN MAX DEVIATION LIMIT Up To 4'-0" 1/16" 4'-0" To 8'-0" 1/8" 8'-0" And Up 1/4" *SEE SCHEDULE FOR ALLIGNMENT LIMITS CORRECT ALIGNMENT T_ L MIS —ALIGNMENT (Unacceptable, Avoid These Con itior�S) PENETRATION FLASHING THROUGH IMP WALLS WEATHER SEAL - IF THE PENETRATION IS THROUGH AN EXTERIOR WALL WITH VERTICAL WALL PANEL JOINTS, IT IS BEST TO AVOID LOCATING THE PENETRATION WHERE IT WILL INTERSECT A WALL PANEL JOINT AND BE SUBJECT TO WATER DRAINING FROM THE PANEL JOINT INTO THE PENETRATION CAVITY. SHOWN BELOW ARE WEATHER SEAL DETAILS WHEN INTERSECTING A PANEL JOINT CANNOT BE AVOIDED. f�_ 7JOINT SEALANT (CONTINUOUS) PIG TAIL COVER PLATE SEALANT LOCI PIG TAIL WEATHER & VAPOR SEAL (Existing Penetrant, New Wall) (EXTERIOR PANEL) EXISTING PENETRANT — NEW WALL IF A NEW WALL IS INSTALLED AROUND AN EXISTING PENETRANT, SEALANT MUST BE APPLIED TO THE EXTERIOR TONGUE & GROOVE OF THE WALL PANEL JOINT TO PREVENT WATER ENTERING THE PANEL JOINT. SEALANT PIGTAILS MUST ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE INTERFACE WITH THE PERIMETER SEALANT OF THE PENETRATION COVER PLATES. NEW PENETRANT — EXISTING WALL IF THE PENETRANT IS INSTALLED THROUGH AN EXISTING WALL, EITHER THE EXISTING WALL MUST HAVE BEEN INSTALLED WITH THE EXTERIOR JOINT SEALANT OR AN EXTERIOR GRADE SEALANT MUST NOW BE APPLIED ALONG THE EXTERIOR FILLET OF THE PANEL JOINT FOR THE FULL HEIGHT OF THE WALL. EXTERIOR APPLIED JOIN1 (TO TOP OF WALL) ,TE SEALANT LOCATION PANEL CUTOUT` WEATHER SEAL (New Penetrant, Existing Wall) (EXTERIOR PANEL) PENETRATION FLASHING THROUGH IMP)MILLS (con't) INSULATED METAL PANEL JOINT SEALANTS VAPOR SEALS — DEPENDING UPON THE BUILDINGS VAPOR CONTROL REQUIREMENTS, EITHER JOINT SEALANT REQUIREMENTS — DEPENDING UPON THE PROJECTS REQUIREMENTS, THE EXTERIOR OR INTERIOR SIDE OF THE WALL PANEL JOINTS MAY HAVE JOINT SEALANT TO SEALANTS MAY BE REQUIRED IN THE PANEL JOINTS ON EITHER OR BOTH INTERIOR AND FUNCTION AS THE VAPOR BARRIER. EXTERIOR SIDE OF THE WALL. ON SOME PROJECTS, DIFFERENT WALL AREAS MAY HAVE DIFFERENT SEALANT REQUIREMENTS. EXISTING PENETRANT — NEW WALL THE PANEL MAY BE DELIVERED WITH THE SEALANT FACTORY APPLIED, OR THE SEALANT ON AN EXTERIOR WALL WITH THE VAPOR BARRIER ON THE EXTERIOR SIDE OF THE WALL, MAY REQUIRE FIELD INSTALLATION. THE WEATHER SEAL DESCRIBED ABOVE ALSO FUNCTIONS AS THE VAPOR SEAL. IMPORTANT: REFER TO THE INSTALLATION DRAWINGS OR PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FOR INTERIOR WALLS AND FOR EXTERIOR WALLS WITH VAPOR BARRIER ON THE INTERIOR SPECIFIED SEALANT AND LOCATIONS. SIDE OF THE WALL, INSTALL THE PIGTAIL SEALANTS TO THE INTERFACE WITH THE COVER PLATE SEALANT IN THE SAME MANNER AS DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR THE WEATHER SEAL. FIELD INSTALLATION OF SEALANT — APPLY THE PANEL JOINT SEALANT INTO THE SPECIFIED INTERIOR AND OR EXTERIOR METAL GROOVE ON THE PANEL'S FEMALE EDGE. THE SEALANT NEW PENETRANT — EXISTING WALL MUST BE APPLIED CONTINUOUSLY AND AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TO PREVENT WATER VAPOR ENTERING THE PENETRATION CAVITY ON THE VAPOR BARRIER GROOVE. SIDE OF THE WALL, PIGTAIL SEALANTS MUST BE APPLIED ON THE PANEL JOINT TO INTERFACE WITH THE PERIMETER SEALANT OF THE PENETRATION COVER PLATES. THE SUGGESTED SEALANT BEAD SIZE IS jr TO J': ADJUST THE SEALANT BEAD SIZE TO ENSURE THERE IS COMPLETE AND CONTINUOUS CONTACT OF THE SEALANT WITH THE APPLY THE PIGTAIL SEALANT TO THE SEAL OF THE TONGUE —AND' -GROOVE JOINT CAVITIES TONGUE OF THE ADJACENT PANEL AFTER THE JOINT IS ASSEMBLED, BUT NOT SO MUCH AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM EDGES OF THE PANEL CUT OUT. THAT SEALANT IS EXTRUDED ONTO THE PANEL FACE. EXTEND THE PIGTAIL SEALANT ALONG THE EXTERIOR FILLET OF THE PANEL JOINT TO INTERFACE WITH THE COVER PLATE SEALANT. SEALANT PIGTAILS — IT IS CRITICAL TO ENSURE CONTINUITY OF THE SEALANTS AT THE INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN THE PANEL JOINTS AND THE PERIMETER FLASHING ASSEMBLIES. PIG TAIL SEALANT AFTER EACH PANEL IS INSTALLED, APPLY SEALANT PIGTAILS AROUND THE PANEL'S P NEL CUTOUT INTERIOR EDGE TO PROVIDE A SEALANT BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PANELS JOINT SEALANT AND THE INTERIOR PERIMETER SEALANTS. COVER PLATE SEALANT LOCATIO AT THE PANEL'S EXTERIOR FACE, DETERMINE WHERE THE EXTERIOR PERIMETER SEALANTS WILL BE LOCATED. APPLY SEALANT PIGTAILS ALONG THE PANEL EDGE TO PROVIDE A SEALANT BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PANEL'S JOINT SEALANT AND EXTERIOR PERIMETER SEALANTS. SEAL JOINT CAVITY AT TOP & BOTTOM OF CUT OUT JOINT ASSEMBLY — SLIDE THE PANEL JOINT TOGETHER IN A SMOOTH MOTION TO HELP PIG TAIL SEALANT ENSURE THE UNIFORM DISPERSION OF THE SEALANT WITHIN THE JOINT CAVITY. DO NOT ASSEMBLE THE PANEL JOINT IN A MANNER THAT CAUSES THE JOINT TO ENGAGE VAPOR SEAL (New Penetrant, Existing Wall) AND THEN DISENGAGE. THIS MAY CAUSE THE SEALANT TO BE DRAWN OUT OF THE CAVITY, (INTERIOR PANEL) LEAVING THE JOINT UNSEALED. CAUTION: IF THE JOINT IS ASSEMBLED AND THEN DISASSEMBLED THE SEALANT MUST BE CHECKED AND ANY DISPLACED SEALANT MUST BE REPLACED. REFERENCE R5-6 FOR INSTALLATION ILLUSTRATIONS VMA y.. p C o U) CO 0 c o y M 0)LO U l M 1 W O U lu m v � W �'/^� VJ x Q :D L? L2 L� � O z a] J a ❑ — � t U off U !n _ 0 U ) N 0) 0= r) a M m W n U � o" CD U U ? U m an 01 a ro N �U oU W 0 [ Q. g Q� q)2 L_2 M 0 ❑ ❑ Q w 4 rn CJ ZUM �q :2 0 O 0P:y Q L U (r) cnZa Z Y a c W W d Co a- O _ CO Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer.• Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. R5 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Page Erection Guide Date R5 Jul '14 Portal Frame to Floor R°9° PF04013 R°9° PF04040 Eave Strut Connection at End Ba Y SHT NO CF02033 Hi Connection - Purlin to Rafter Hi Clip Details p p p P°9° CF02070 with Clip - Inside of Girt Line Wind Strut Rafter B Pass And Flush Girts Y with Standard Flange Brace Connection g °A °11 R°01 °°`° ° Dec 10 R°° 01 DATE Feb 12 REV NO 03 Date """ r Dec 11 00 ROD BRACING TO PRIMARY FRAME CL277Roof Line (Roof Line �Up Slope e< °•° �_ -o -o II ELO\� F<o� LANGE BRACE MAY BE a N .� N a Purlin p (Purlins may be offset on each 7 1 SIDE OR 2 SIDES (2 SIDES SHOWN SEE = > w „ " = w ,+ a 2 side of Hip Rafter. See "Roof Purlin \� G° Heavy Clip (Shown) OOF FRAMING PLAN) 2 2 2 S Framing Plan" for location.) II e tat< E PC28_ + ROD BRACING > + > + w/ (8)"0 A325 Bolts TO PRIMARY w ® or •.° FRAME I I I I PC97- Left Purlin I PC96- Right Purlin Standard Clip ° • s - to Rafter Hip Clip II to Rafter Hip Clip I II CL1116 or Hip Rafter 0C20- A325 Bolts / O " Factory Welded See "Cross Section" I L�djRafter Clip 11 QUp Slope View of 11 Purlin to Rafter for applicable Clip All bolts shown are }"O A325. Connection _ c Refer to J" 0 A326 Bolt Grip J J Table for required bolt length. Top View of Purlin Bypass shown, similar Portal Frame to Rafter Connection for Flush and Inset Rafter ® /Pt v7nDepth N Girt RUN" � BOLTED TO WIND -STRUT RAFTER. CL277 IS PC97_ Left Purlin PC96- Right Purlin B LTED�TO WIND STRUT RAFTER Purlin i to Rafter Hip Clip to Rafter Hip Clip EAVE AND PURLIN WEB. By -Pass Gins Flush Glits (Purlins may be offset on each STRUT side of Hip Rafter. See "Roof Purlin See "Cross Section" for Bolt requirements Framing Plan" for location.) 0 1111 O 01 - / _-_.��CO COLUMN L277 11 oJIIUo Portal Frame Roof Line _ _-�' O 0 Column + 11 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - a 1 Factor Welded :4 FLANGE BRACE Rafter Clip IF REQUIRED (SEE EGVe Strut 'Hip ROOF FRAMING PLAN) CD Rafter. J WIND STRUT RAFTER SOLDIER (4) i" A, BOLTS c�i) I------------"-'-`--�-'-'-`- peQ COLUMN Flange Brace when s ecified) 9 ( P FB4_, FB8 or FB9_ Flange Brace (4) J"O A325 Bolts (Flange Braces may be required one or both sides of Hip Rafter. For requirements Column or Rrafter and and locations refer to "Cross Section" or Varies Framing Plan". Attach Flange Brace Up Slope View of Purlin to Hip Rafter and "Field Bend" to attach to Rafter Connection NOTE: FRAME SHAPES MAY VARY. End Bay to lower Purlin web hole located 2'-4 or SEE FRAMING PLAN FOR PORTAL FRAME LOCATIONS 5'-0 from center of Hip Rafter.) Skew on Hip side Connection - Purlin to Rafter Hip Clip Details Page CF02090 Skew on Valley side Connection - Purlin to Rafter Hip Clip Details R°9°CF02100 Cable Brace PF04111 P°9° CF011121 with Standard Flange Brace Connection with Standard Flange Brace Connection Attachment at Web By -Pass Zee Installation Date "I'llRe, °Dec °11 R°®0 °Jan '14 Rev. °De°`° c 10 00 SlSkew/Hip Rafter Uoeded PC96- Right Purlin to Rafter �Up Slope \ Hip Clip (shown) PC97_ Left Purlin to Rafter CABLE BRACE ASSEMBLY }"O CABLE WC4_ // PC97_ Left Purlin to Rafter Hip Clip (shown)\ Steel Line Hip Clip (opposite) / &"e CABLE WC5_ J"O CABLE WC6_ PC96_ Right Purlin to Factory Welded Rafter Clip 4"0 CABLE WC8_ Rafter Hip Clip (opposite) / (See Erection Drawings for \ Up Slope View of / /� / / Syr required Part Mark and location) 1 4 f /urlin to Rafter --- Line r�ConnectionSteel BURR THREADS AFTER\\\ INAL TIGHTENING _ — — — _ _ — —Purlin FPurlin% Skew/Valley Rafter Up Slope View of SLOPE WASHER /Triangle Purlin to Rafter Section A \ All bolts shown are J"e A325, Connection Punch Too View of Purlin \\ All bolts shown are 1"0 A325. \\ Refer to"e A325 Bolt Grip Table for bolt length. / NOTE; Points In Direction Of Large Flange to Rafter Connection Refer to Ared Bolt Grip required / THESE ITEMS Zee Lap Table for required bolt length. a To View of urlin to SHIPPED ON FLAT WASHER ASSEMBLY Large (Typical) Rafter Connecti n Flange A � PC97_ Left Purlin to Rafter Hip Clip (shown) -,,, Purlin HEX NUT PC96_ Right Purlin to Rafter Hi Clip (opposite) 9 P P (PP ) `` PC96_ Right Purlin to Rafter Hip Clip (shown) Q( }i j Purlin __. 1 '�-, PC97` Left Purlin to Rafter I 1 r- I I -� Hip Clip (opposite)i— __-��r� ZLarge Steel Line IF ,11 01 _T�0-1 Flange II1 1 !� Q L �1,0 I Steel Line ERECTION NOTE: DETAIL SHOWN AT COLUMN SIMILAR AT RAFTER. Factory Welded -J Rafter Clip q-gFrame J �-gFrame Skew/Hip Rafter Factory Welded Rafter Clip For Cable Bracing that .falls Flange Brace (when specified) within the Girt Web, the Erector is to add a minimum size slot The large leg of the Zee must be alternated from top Flange Brace (when specified) F64_ FB8 or FB9_ (For requirements and locations refer to Skew/Valley Alin slot with Cable Bra for the passage of the Cable 9 9 to bottom in order to nest the member correct) A y' F8loc F88 or FB9_ "Cross Section" or "Roof Framing Plan". Rafter I Eye Bolt and Cable Wrap: triangle has been added to the end of the Zee near 9 (For requirements and locations refer to "Cross "Roof Attach Flange Brace to Skew/Valley � the connection holes, that will point to the large leg Section" or Framing Plan". Attach Flange Brace to Skew/Hip Rafter Rafter and "Field Bend" to attach to of the member. and "Field Bend" to attach to lower Up Slope View of Purlin lower Purlin web hole located 2'-4 or Purlin web hole located 2'-4 or 5'-0 to Rafter Connection 5'-0 from center of Skew/Valley Rafter.) from center of Skew/Hip Rafter.) U SI e View of Purlin to Rafter Connection N c 0 o Q o O O cn c 0 LO I w � o L o 00 m �� c J ui p / X Q Z) L_ Ll ❑ <� U q N I- _ rn M a- M W 2 ^ U pa O O 0 ,D I J J U m fn m v o 0 "' > CL E Li �2 �2 M El El(n I° d Z0M U aofJ j �q Q U-`L Q L UW2' U) N N Z d O Z Y + LEI , w 3 U Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by FH 9/10/14 Checked by. HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. Job Number: 14-B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R6 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. By -Pass Purlin and Girt Connections All bolts are 1/2" Dimension bolts unless specified. Lap Symbol B R Lap Symbol B ® 1'-5j" <t> 2'-51" O 3,-1J" Lap Symbol <S B O 1 }„ 2 Bolts unless noted on erection drawings Lap Detail By -Pass Purlin / Girt Lap Details ege CF01122 Purlin to Rafter Pe7CF02036 'ate • R°` Standard Connection - Flange Brace FB4_ DDec'10R°00 Dec 10 00 _ Erection Note Df P rlin Lap and attachment varies refer to Roof Plan Ind Lap Detail for require ent . Purlin Lap Symbol denoted on Roof Framing Plan (2) J"e Bolts each end of Purlin lap " 2' (2) �" Bob"��7 unless noteerecti n dra , Flange Brace J FB4_ (when specified) Attach Flange Brace to Rafter and "Field Bend" to attach to lower Purlin web hole located 2'-4" from center of Rafter. o l 0 , }" a A325 Bolt each end. i Erection Note Flange BraceE may be required one or both sides of Rafter. For requirements, and locations at Main Frame cnd'Rigid Frame in Endwall refer to "Cross Section". For requirements, ;and It Bearing Frome Endwall refer to "Roof Plan". Knock -In Bridging Installation 3:12 to 42:12 Single Row Strut Spacer Ridge Tie P � Bldg. Ridge PC80_ PC43_ 1 r—Strut Purlin I (Sym.) Knock —In Eave Strut Bridging KBA1_ (Beyond) Strut Purlin At Eave All fasteners shown are #1B }"-14 x 14" DP3 unless noted `Purlin r- Eave Strut L. Peak Purlin KBA1_ At Ridge Note: The Bridging Angle will be installed from the bottom slot of the high side purlin to the top slot of the adjacent low side purlin. Fastener #55 12-24 x 1}" DP5 3 Each end of PC80_ Eave Strut Knock-In—J Bridging KBA1_ Bridging KBA1_ Eave Strut Tie LJ`-�_Eave Strut Tie KBA1_ KBA1_ KBA1_ Low Side Eave Strut Purlin to Purlin High Side Eave Strut Eave Strut Tie S\o� KBA1_ Knock —In Bridging KBA1_ B° Knock —In Bridging KBA1_ V Eave Strut Step 11 Step 2 Attach w/ Fastener #1B Insert Tab Into Slot Bend Tab 90 Degrees 4"-14 x 1}" DP3 Continuous Roof Low Side Shown, High Side Similar Note: The bridging must be inserted into the pre —punched slot in the Purlin as shown in Step 1 and the tab bent side ways for proper installation Step 2. The process must be complete for the b6doing to function as designed Knock -In Bridging Roof Layout Single Row Bolted Anchorage Clip or Factory Welded Anti -Roll Clip always required at first continuous (extending E/W to E/W) Eave Purlin. TC Peck 9h (L From I d r w i I o id ge (PC80_) Tie w �y N ci 0 Knock -In Bridging t u'0 T ical d i w LL ram. I o KBO1006 Rev. ar'11 01 171 —lit. ANULtD tl:L4/Z_) Typical at eacn Trome line. Strut Purlin Use. Strut Note: not required when flush Canopy is located Spacer (PC43-) at each at save. (refer to Dwg KB01013) KBA1_ location. Gable Building Bolted Anchorage Clip or Factory Welded Anti -Roll Clip always required at first continuous (extending E/W to E/W) Eave Purlin. 0 L11 I q Frame to - d d o c rn d w o �_ 3 y n 0 !n N o > o o+ > Knock -In Bridging = w o w w Typical z' d, Strut Purlin Use Strut Spacer (PC43_) at each KBA1_ location. =I CE Fra, e Tie Angles (CL472_) typical at each frame line. Note: not required when flush Canopy is located at save. (refer to Dwg KB01013) Single Slope Building Knock -In Bridging Tie Angle P°9e KBO1013 Knock -In Bridging Roof Layout Non -Rectangular Bay Interior Hi /Valle Frame p y Page KB01016 Knock -in Bridging tie -off at Hip/Skew Frame Page KB01018 Knock -In Bridging tie -off at Valley/Skew Frame Page KBO10191 Data , Rev. Ma 12 01 Date , Ma 12 Rev. 00 Dota ` Rev. Ma 12 00 Dafe , Ma 12 Rev. OG1 Building with Ridge shown, Single Slop Building similar. Purlin KBp1- 713-KBAt_ �0� Low SideEave FASTENER #18 Strut See KBO1019(2) urn Knock -In Bridging Angle (2) Fasteners #55 12-24 x 1 t/4' DP5 Knock -In Bridging Angle }"X 14 X 1}" DP3III to be Field Cut, Bent Attached (2) Fasteners #55 to be Field Cut, Bent Tie Angle CL472_ 411\ 9 g 4 and 12-24 x 1 1 4" DP5 / and Attached (Note; Not required I I Hip/Skew Frame when Flush Canopy is Valley/Skew Frame located at Eave.) See KB01019 Single Row For Roof Slope < 3:12 Partin 2 FASTENER 1B O # I Single Row For Roof Slone 3:12 }"X 14 X 1}" DP3 4 v;•a Knock or Bridging Single or Double Row KBA1_ 1g _ I �purlin Ridge Line- 1- Hip/Valley Frame / KB ______ A1_ o % KBA1 �I See K 0101$ / -_ --- (2) Fasteners #55 \ i 12-24 x 1 1/4' DP5 Bridging o Eo ve j (2) Fasteners #55 to be Feld C t ,n B Bent Strut Rafter j Knock -;In Bridging Angle Hip/Skew Frame 12-24 'x 1 1/4" DP5 and Attached Purlin to be Field Cut, Bent \ / and Attached Valley/Skew Frame Stru Purh � Bolted Anchorage Clip --`-- — -- -- Single Row For Roof Slope > 3:12 Shown or Factor Welded ) Low Side --- -- � — — — — — — — — Row For Roof Slope >_ 3:12 Purlin Anti -Roll Clip at far side. A Eave Strut --1-- � Always required at first Canopy Purlin continuous Eave Purlin. KBA1_ KBA1_ KBA1_ �'KBA1_ Column (Shape and Connections will vary refer to Frame Cross Section) KBA1_ KBA1_ - - - - - - - - - - - -- _.--- ------- (2) Fasteners #55 12-24 1 1/4" DP5 i (2) Fasteners #55 x 1 1/4' DP5 Knock -In Bridging Angle Purlin to be Field Cut, Bent to Knock -In Bridging Angle and Attached For Double Rows to be Field Cut, Bent and Attached Hip/Skew Frame For Double Rows Valley/Skew Frame E o � o 'o O y r` C N U IZ > i+7 O to o y m occ J O vl N x LAV _J w m- ❑ U v A)N F- _ 0) 0_ It 0 rn ct n a_ c m -3 o U 00 + t0 O m � M CO N O O NNE ono C `n j c a o M ❑ ❑ O ,O W QM 10 <Z O �T9 0 J j O Q L O W Ct Nzo Z Y a c t..ww 3 Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer.• Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R7 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Knock -In Bridging Attachment at Flush Canopy at Eave Line * = Fastener #18 1 /4-14 x 1 4" DP3 Eave Strut Tie Cano Purlin (KBA1_) Eave Strut Tie Canopy Purlin (When required) py (KBA1_) (When required) V* (Typical)--� \ \ KBO1022 Flush Canopy - At Eave - Welded Clip R°" Interior Column - By -Pass Girt iy'121 00 COLUMN DEPTH IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL To V-3 CANOPY PURLIN EAVE STRUT (WHEN REQUIRED) CANOPY RAFTER EAVE CHANNEL �1 * (Typical) Eave Channel Eave Strut Eave Strut Eave Channel Canopy Projection Steel Line Steel Line Canopy Projection Single Row For Roof Slope < 3:12 Single Row For Roof Slope < 3:12 Low Eave High Eave Eave Strut Tie (KBA1_) Canopy Purlin Canopy Purlin Eave Strut Tie (When required) (When required) r (KBA1_) KBA1_ * (Typical) KBA1_ KBA1 KBA1_ ypical) KBA7_Strut Eave Channel Eave Channel eene Eave Strut Canopy Projection Steel Line Canopy Projection' Single Row For Roof Slope >: 3:12 Single Row For Roof Slope >— 3:12 Low Eave High Eave Eave Strut Tie Cano Purlin (KBA1_) Eave Strut Tie Canopy Purlin (When required) Py (KBA1_) (When required) Eave Channel Canopy Projection For Double Rows KBA1_ * (Typica4BA1- (Typical) KBA1_ KBAL " KBAt_ KBAt_ tg _ * \-Eave Strut Eave Channel Eave ru Steel Line Steel Line Canopy Projection For Double Rows Low Eave High Eave I Flush Canopy - At Eave - Welded Clip End Frame - Setback Less Than 10" - By -Pass Girt COLUMN DEPTH IS LESS THAN V-S' RIGID END FRAME SEE "CROSS SECTION" FOR - CANOPY PURLIN BOLT SIZE AND QUANTITY (WHEN REQUIRED) ` CANOPY RAFTER / r EAVE / EAVE STRUT 1 I CHANNEL ((( 11 DETAIL AT WALL LINE SHEETING CLIP PURLIN- CL292 ATTACH WITH (2) Fastener #12A 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 EAVE STRUT CANOPY RAFTER CANOPY PURLIN (WHEN REQUIRED) DETAIL AT EAVE :;STRUT CANOPY PURLIN t\ (WHEN REQUIRED) CANOPY RAFTER SLEETING CLIP CL292 ATTACH WITH (2) Fastener #12A 12 14 x 1" P.H. DP3 EAVE CHANNEL NOTES: ALL BOLTS TO BE }"O UNLESS NOTED. FOR REQUIRED LENGTH REFER TO GRIP TABLE ON CUSTOM ERECTION DRAWINGS. CANOPY RAFTER CONNECTIONS AND STIFFIiNERS DEPICTED WILL VARY PER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. 9e PF05036 Flush Canopy - At EaveWelded Clip Feb '11 R. End Frame - Setback Less Than 10" - Flush Girt COLUMN DEPTH IS LESS THAN 1'-3" RIGID END FRAME AN PY PURLIN r EAVE WHE REQUIRED) CHANNEL /- EAVE STRUT CANOPY J 1 RAFTER DETAIL AT WALL LINE RIGID FRAME SHEETING CLIP URLIN RAFTER CL292 ATTACH WITH (2) Fastener #12A 12-14 x 1 P.H. DP3 EAVE STRUT Y RAF rER ° ° CANOPY PURLIN o (WHEN REQUIRED) � PF05030 Flush Canopy - At Eave - Welded Clip FR.v Interior Column - By -Pass Girt b'111 00 COLUMN DEPTH IS LESS THAN V-3" CANOPY PURLIN SEE "CROSS SECTION" FOR (WHEN REQUIRED) BOLT SIZE AND QUANTITY CANOPY RAFTER r EAVE � EAVE STRUT I CHANNEL ,,,((( t( - DETAIL AT WALL LINE SHEETING CLIP CL292 ATTACH WITH EAVE STRUT (2) Fastener #12A 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 CANOPY PURLIN (WHEN REQUIRED) / CANOPY RAFTER ° RIGID FRAME • ° RAFTER . `RIGID FRAME s COLUMN EAVE CHANNEL NOTES: ALL BOLTS TO BE J"O UNLESS NOTED. FOR REQUIRED LENGTH REFER TO GRIP TABLE ON CUSTOM ERECTION DRAWINGS. CANOPY RAFTER CONNECTIONS AND STIFFENERS DEPICTED WILL VARY PER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. PF05045 Dote IR., Feb "I'll 00 REFER FRAME CROSS SECTION FOR BOLT SIZE AND QUANTITY RIGID FRAME RAFTER • I 1 & L- SHEETING ANGLE I I SHEETING ANGLE I•� (EXTEND PASS, �•� (EXTEND PASS " SIDEWALL STEEL SIDEWALL STEEL LINE) LINE) •• EAVE EAVE RIGID FRAME CHANNEL RIGID FRAME CHANNEL COLUMN COLUMN TOP AND BOTTOM TOP AND BOTTOM CLIP PC22 WITH (1) Fastener #12A CLIP PC22 WITH (1) Fastener #12A (4) Fastener #18 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 (4) Fastener #1B 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 CANOPY CAP 1/4-14 x 1 1/4 DP3 CANOPY CAP 1/4-1 x T 1/4" DP3 CHANNEL CHANNEL NOTES: ALL BOLTS TO BE �'O UNLESS NOTED. NOTES: ALL BOLTS TO BE }"0 UNLESS NOTED. FOR REQUIRED LENGTH REFER TO GRIP FOR REQUIRED LENGTH REFER TO GRIP TABLE ON CUSTOM ERECTION DRAWINGS. TABLE ON CUSTOM ERECTION DRAWINGS. CANOPY RAFTER CONNECTIONS AND STIFFENERS CANOPY RAFTER CONNECTIONS AND STIFFENERS DEPICTED WILL VARY PER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. DEPICTED WILL VARY PER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. C L PF05031 Flush Canopy - At Eave - Welded Clip eb '11 R 00 End Frame - Setback Less Than 10" - By -Pass Girt COLUMN DEPTH IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO V-3" RIGID END FRAME CANOPY PURLIN EAVE STRUT (WHEN REQUIRED) CANOPY RAFTER EAVE CHANNEL DETAIL AT WALL LINE SHEETING CLIP PURLIN RIGID FRAME CL292 ATTACH WITH RAFTER (2) Fastener #12A 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 CANOPY RAFTER EAVE STRUTCA o 0 RLIN (WHEN OREQUPY IIRED)IT\ o L RIGID FRAME RAFTER I •j W RIGID FRAME r' COLUMN • EAVE - CHANNEL / CLIP PC22 WITH (4) Fastener #18 TOP AND BOTTOM J 1/4-14 x 1 1/4 DP3 (1) Fastener #12A CANOPY CAP 12-14 x 1" P.H. DP3 CHANNEL NOTES: ALL BOLTS TO BE 4"0 UNLESS NOTED. FOR REQUIRED LENGTH REFER TO GRIP TABLE ON CUSTOM ERECTION DRAWINGS. CANOPY RAFTER CONNECTIONS AND STIFFENERS DEPICTED WILL VARY PER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. WELDED CLIP PRIMARY FRAME DETAIL GIRT ATTACHMENT DETAIL To GIRT CLIP ALL BOLTS ARE A325 WITHOUT WASHERS .ill1. IYV. CFO1120 Eave Strut Connection at Main Frame DATE b '11 of Interior Bay Roof Line T� N L i. r.I i lu.i pY > AY = w 2„ 2„ w I TT 1 1 J i I N Girt Depth + 1/4" By —Pas a Flush PF05035 Rev. eb'111 00 CF02030 DAre PEV No. Feb'11 01 f Roof Line Rafter I 1 1/4-:1 1/4" (4) 1 /2" X 1 1/4" A325 1 '*; Bolts without Washers Eave Strut Bottom Flange Steel Line 41, Bay Bay `. o E O O 0_ 0 N UJ o i j p I 0) o w o +-, N oa O y Q C an I J w w U to .- J w C'//�, X Q I I �l L2 — O m J Z W 1- ... 0 U) o O N • rn CL M a_ C C LJJ U � U O U a a U m N O O Q`r �2 �2 M 0 w Q r7 ,O Zp� �q :20 OF 1 Q U U w x NZa Z Y o 0 w w C 3 S (DY OL U Q_ O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drown by FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. Job Number. 14-8-46892-1 Sheet Number. R8 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Purlin Anti -Roll Clip , CF02034 Purlin Anti -Roll Clip (W/Back-up Plate) ,J, r R7''° at Built-up/Hot-Rolled Rafter (at Built-up/Hot-Rolled Rafter) Feb 11 01 ( p A 1/4" Back—up Plate (See: Note) Purlir Purlin // (2) 1 /270 X 1 1 /4" p325 Bolts Main Frame of Rafter I J � L Section A 3 �W PiateP 3�16" Plate 'urlin Clip /16" Plate i—Roll Clip 6" Plate 6N3 3 (2) 1 /2"0 x 1 1 /4" A325 Bolts Note: SC90 at 8" Purlins SC92 at 10" Purlins SC94 at 12" Purlins CF02035 Mar'13 �02 A anti -Rol 3/16" P Fasteners FASTENER #271 FASTENER J24 ■: FASTENER #228 10 x 1/2" Grommet Washer FASTENER #226 Purlin Clip a� Ilr 3/16" Plate 1/8" x 3/16" 1/8" x 3/8" 3/16" x 9/16" Pop Rivet Pop Rivet Closed End Rivet of Rafter Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Purlin — — — — — — — — — FASTENER #43 FASTENER #43L FASTENER #HW399 Purlin Clip 3/16" Plate Anti -Roll Clip 3/16" Plate L.T.P. Member Screw L.T.P. Member Screw (Long Life) #6 x 1" Rubber Grommet — — — — — — —_ —_ 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" 1/4" Hex Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head 3�16" 3" w/ 1 1/8" O.D. Washer w/ 1 1/8" O.D. Washer -- 3/16" 3" FASTENER #444 FASTENER #44L FASTENER #35 Main Frame Rafter 11 Fasteners 0000007 BattenLok HS / SuperLok and DoubleLok / UltraDek o Jul '13 R04 Structural Fastener (Fixed) Roof Member Screw Roof Stitch Screw Fastener #17 Lona Life Long Life Fastener #1 Fastener #1E - 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" Fastener #4 - 1/4"-14 x 7/8" 12-14 x 1" 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head 1/4"-14 x 1" 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer w/ Washer*WfD ut.- FW75 Optional Stainless Steel Optional Stainless Steel Fastener /1E55 - 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" Fastener #4SS - 1/4"-14 x 7/8" 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer v .Fastener #268SS 12-14 x 1 7/8" Standoff Structural Fastener (Floating) SyperLok Panel Clip Screw SyperLok Panel Clip Screw Stainless Steel Cap Insulation < = 4" Material < 1/4" Insulation > 4" Material < 1/4" 5/16 Hex Washer Head Fastener #5 Fastener #18 Fastener #142 w/ Washer 1 /4"-14 x 1 1/4" 1 /4"-14 x 1 1/4" 1 /4"-14 x 1 1/2" - Shoulder DP2 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head Fastener #55 12-24 x 1 1/4" DP5 BattenLok BattenLok/Sy r ok BattenLok/ Superlok 5/16" Hex Washer Head Panel Clip Screw Panel CliR Screw Panel Clip Screw Fastener #1A Insulation<=4" Material >--1/4" Insulation > 4" Material > = 1/4" Insulation < = 4" Material < 1/4" Fastener #55 Fastener #70 12-14 x 1" 12-24 x 1 1/4" DP5. 12-24 x 1 1/2" DP5 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head Fastener #76 BattenLok DoubleLok/UltraDek psubleLok UltraDek Panel Clip Screw Panel Clip Screw Panel Clip Screw 12-14 x 2" Insulation > 4" Material < 1/4" Insulation < =4" Material < 1/4" Insulation > 4" Material < 1/4" 5/16" Hex Washer Head Fastener #178 Fastener #1 Fastener #1F 12-14 x 1 1/2" Driller 1/4"-14 x 1" 1/4"-14 x 1 1/2" 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer Fastener #16 DoubleLok/UltraDek DoubleLok/UltraDek DoubleLok ItraDek Panel Clip Screw Panel Clip Screw Panel Clip Screw 12-24 x T Insulation < = 4" Material > = 1/4" Insulation > 4" Material > = 1/4" Insulation S. 4" Material < 1/4" Pancake SD DP5 Fastener #67 Fastener #69 Fastener #10 12-24 x 1 1/4" DP5 12-24 x 1 1/2" DP5 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" W/O Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer +sEffD 8-18 x 1/2" 8 x 5/8" Trim Screw Nibbed Driller FASTENER #i14 FASTENER #14A Secti n L.T.P. Stitch Screw L.T.P. Stitch Screw (Long Life) #14 x 1 1/8" O.D. 1/4"-14 x 7/8 1/4"-14 x 7/8 Bonded Washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ 1 1/8" O.D. Washer w/ 1 1/8" O.D. Washer p"9e Pag" G000009 PBR, PBU, AVP, PBA, VistaShadow 0000006 Various Fasteners oA r'14R06 Panel Fasteners ama '14R04 Fasts er .# 6 Fastener #268 Wall Fasteners Roof Fasteners Optional Roof or Wall Fasteners Long Life (Optional at Wall) Stainless Steel Cap 1/4"-14 x /8"ILap TEK 12-14 x 1 7/8" Standoff 5/16" Hex ash�r Head Long Life Member Screw Member Screw Member Screw 5/16" Hex Washer Head w/ Washer Fastener #17A Fastener #3 Fastener #3SS 12-14 x t 4" 12-14 x 14" 12-14 x 14" Hex Washer Head >" Hex Washer Head ° Hex Washer Head w/washer w/washer w/washer Fastener #1,2A 12-14 1" OP3���fff��� Pancake Head Member Screw Member Screw Member Screw Optional Optional Optional Fastener #178 Fastener #3A Fastener #SASS 12-14 x 1i" 12-14 x 14" 12-14 x 1f, " Hex Washer Head 6" Hex Washer Head 3" Hex Washer Head Fastener #70 Fastener #142 w/washer w/washer w/washer x DP5 1/4"-14 x 1 1/2" 5/16/16"" Hex Washer r Head 5/16' Hex Washer Head +=gV-c Member Screw Member Screw Member Screw Optional Optional Optional Fastener #28 Fastener #58 Fastener #272SS Fastener 1 12-14 x 2" 12 x 2" 12-14 x 2" Fastener #18 IW" Hex Washer Head Hex Washer Head " Hex Washer Head 12-14 x 1 1/4" w/washer w/washer w/washer 5/16" Hex Washer Head 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" 5/16" Hex Washer Head *"=Woff� 4=nttE� Stitch Screw Stitch Screw Stitch Screw Fastener #4A Fastener #4 Fastener #4SS 4-14xa" 4-14xa" 4-14xI" " Hex Washer Head {" Hex Washer Head Hex Washer Head w/washer w/washer w/washer +�D *:7�) *t::D Tape Sealant and Tube Sealant Date 00000 5 Jul'14 01 TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER FLAT TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER - SWAGED HW504 HW507 HW515 WY fj" X a" X 25'-0" X }" X 50'-0- X 24" X 6" TRIPLE BEAD TAPE SEALER FLAT TAPE SEALER HW502 HW506 6 BattenLok HS A" X 2}" X 20'-0" X 1" X 45'-0" URETHANE TUBE SEALANT TAPE SEALER NON -SKINNING BUTYL MINOR RIB TUBE (VAPOR SEALANT) HW512 <?> HW540 (White) IMP7100 (WHITE) HW541 (Gray) " X 1j" X 4" HW542 (Bronze) DoubleLok DEKSTRIP 7" WIDE = HW5227 DEKSTRIP 9" WIDE = HW5228 DEKSTRIP 12" WIDE = HW5229 COLOR = Gray SCREWS 2" O.C. MAX. PERIMETER TAPE SEALANT BOTH SIDES TUBE SEALANT EACH END 2" x 24GA. TERMINATION STRIP EACH END PBR Wall Panel Panel Side Lap 4-14 x f SD W/Washer Sheeting Direction at 1'-8 o.c. CORRECT 4-14 x i1" SD W/Washer Sheeting Direction at 1'-8 o.c. WRONG 0 s 0 E o � o O ,O ran rn O U O a-, I o 1 o 4_' No � J O U W — w �! �) Q, x °' ¢ =0) LL O m J ElZ 2 <I.-: U U V) -) 0 N of O 0 .� U rn of � W U 00 " W05002 (0 ° r '1=R"v. 0 y d' •� 2 OLO N V O l O l k t° -_ M ❑ 1-1O I° WaM d Z of M �Q9 m0L` Q U H Y V)Z< a OZ Y v.. WSW 3 U ¢< O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by. HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R9 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. PBR Wall Panel Fastener Location Sheeting _ Direction Wo Stru 5 oll Qr pQveoke 1( iro PWO5003 Ray. ar'14 02 mote l Note 200 No{e 2 Note 3 Note 1 Fastener #17A 12-14 x W SD W/Washer 5", 7", 5" o.c. Note Note #2 Fastener #17A 12-14 x W SD W/Washer at 1'-0 o.c. Note #3 Fastener #4A J-14 x r SD W/Washer at 1'-8 o.c. BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Hip Flashing End Detail ME R High and Low Clip System �Ma '14 02 Hip Trim (See Chart) A I II II I o °I I Fastener #4 o f ° I 4-14 x J LL I SD W/ Washer At 6' O.C. � I I I°I col Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Top and Bottom of "Z" Closure F361 "Z" Closure F361 Field cut to length and bevel cut to fit Panel Fastener #IE�/ 4-14 x 14" LL SO W/ Washer Note: Erector to field notch, bend and fasten adjacent "Z" Closures to form a weather tight space at base of Hip Trim end. Angle Range 'A' Hip Trim 180'-160' F197 159'-128' F260 127'-100' F71 Fastener #24 0 0 4-8 x I" Nibbed Driller W/o Washer At 4" O.C. Tube Sealant HW54- ° a ° Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 GBL10006 under Z" Closure (on BattenLok HS / SuperLok Hip Plate Lap ,,a I Hip Plate 6 P141 #12A P.H. DP3 Hip Plate Pt I1" "'14 Pap" BL10001 BattenLok HS I SuperLok - Section at Hip BattenLok HS 1 SuperLok - Hip Flashing GBL10004 R High and Low Clip Systems High and Low Clip System �Ma '14 R"03 c'12 00 Fastener #24 "Z" Closure F361 4-8 x I" Nibbed Driller Field cut to length and W/O Washer At 4" O.C. bevel out to fit panel Fastener #4 Tube Sealant 4-14 x I" LL Tri-HW54_ Bead Tape SO W/ Washer Sealant 6" O.C. Top and Bottomottom Hip Trim ' of "Z" Closure A, (See Chart) 1 � 2' z' L Hip Plate L Fastener #12A Remove Plate P141 12 x 1" P.H. DP3 Fastener 12A Lip at Purlin 2 per Purlin # Panel Clip with Clip Screws 12 x t" P.H. DP3 BattenLok: (2) 12-14 x Angle L 2"X 2"X 14ga. X 20'-0 2 each Purlin SA10 "- O SuperLok: (2) 4"-14 k _ (Continuous) Dow h Hill rFie�, 3" Roo 0 0 e� ber Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 BattenLok HS I SuperLok GBL11 High and Low Clip System Mar 1L astener #1E 14 x I' LL SO W/Washer Match Fixed Eave Plate Fastener #4 Overhang HW7616 = High (Shown) Hip Trim 4-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer HW7600= Low Support Angle at 4" O.C. Roof Panel Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 "Z" Closure 1 F361 `Hip Plate P141 Flat Eave Trim F2955 Fastener #1 1/4"-14 x 1" at 12" O.C. Without Closure Fastener #17A Fastener #14 1/8" x 3/16" 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer at 36" O.C. a With Closure Eave Strut Fastener #14A 1/8" x 3/8" Field work Hip Flashing at 12' O.C. to form the tabs for "Optional" Outside end closure, pop rivet Panel Closure No With Eave Mate and caulk as required. HW456 = PBR HW460 = PBU HW465 = AVP/PBA/Vistashadow Tri-Bead Tape Sealant Match HW504 Hip End of Panel Angle Range Hip Trim A' Detail at Hip Ridge 180'-160' F197 Typical Panel end sealant 159'-128' F260 127'-100' F71 BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Outside Closure at Hip High and Low System "Z" Closure F361 Note: Tube Sealant must be applied to Fastener #24 bevel cut ends of 4-8 x r Nibbed Driller Closure W/O Washer At 4" O.C. Tri-Bead Tape Panel (Flat Surface) Sealant HW504 2„ Overhan Hip Trim e / Support Angle F,e\aoeJt Fastener #4 4-14 x a" LL SD W/Washer Q at 4" O.C. Roof Panel / �- Note: Erector to cut DacK vertical leg of Panel "Z" Closure Support Angle as required F361 Hip Plate P141 to clear "Z" Closures. Fastener #1E A Flat Eave Trim F2955 4-14 x 14" LL SO W/Washer Erector to field cut and Fastener #17A Tri-Bead Tape / bend Hip Trim to form Without Closure 12-14 x I' SO W/Wosher Sealant HW504 tabs for End Closure. Fastener #14 a Pop rivet and caulk. 1/8" x 3/16" o at 36" O.C. o_ � _ Eave Strut o ° With Closure 0 Fastener #14A N 1/8" x 3/8" Hip Trim End Detail at 12" D.C. "Optional" Outside HiD Without Eave Plate Panel Closure HW456 = PBR HW460 = PBU Eave Plate Shape May Vary HW465 = AVP/PBA/Vistashadow I I' Hip Trim (See Chart) A i o i I o I Fastener #4 i 4-14 x J" LL o SD W/ Washer I At 6" O.C. I o \� /1 ° 10I o o A �I I I i I ,!, o 1. J/ I Tri-Bead Tape / ,� o ` Sealant HW504 Top and Bottom \I�� Tube Sealant HW54_ ° o Fastener #24 "Z" Closure F361 4-8 x J" Nibbed Driller Field cut to length f W/O Washer At 4" O.C. and bevel cut to fit panel �i Hip Plate Tri-Bead Tape P141 Sealant HW504 2" 2" Angle (on slope) L 2"X 2"X 14ga. X 20'-ti SA10 (Continuous) Angle Range A' Hip Trim 180'-160' F197 159'-128' F260 127'-100' F71 BL10007 Rev. [v'141 02 BattenLok HS / SuperLok Hip to Floating Ridge Flashing Field cut and remove see GBL10010 Field cut and remove see GBL10009 Expansion Ridge F675 Hip Trim (See Chart) Angle Range Hip Trim A' 180'-160' F197 159'-128' F260 127'-100' F71 L10003 '14 R"02 Expansion Ridge F675 with field formed end see GBL10011 and GBL10012 Flat Ridge F670 to Hip Trim / Hip Trim (See Chart) N\P N2 A Hip H7 Flat Ridge F670 Hip Trim (See Chart) ,A. U 0 4 q) O a) O O c 0 .y E o � o 0 o n M O Ld (� 'n i O M U Fr +�• O U c LIDJ 0p Jw ;V U W 4 � O 0] J < ❑ — t Z . U N o U N N H 0) Of It 0 U W 0 O V^ Ji} N O O C ' W N U � �U O G 0 QV 0 ❑ ❑ w0 ,Q � P0 Z U M � i�9 0 P: O QL UwW in a)NZa OZ Y w y �cpY O U ¢_ O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R10 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. 4 BattenLok HS / SuperLok Page to Hip to Hip Trim Attachment °Ma Angle Range Hip Trim A' 3.) Bend H1 Hip Trim at ridge 180'-160' F197 line apply tube sealant to 159'-128' F260 contact surfaces 127'-100' F71 Tube Sealant 1.) Field cut applied to H2 and remove Hip Trim lap 2.) Attach H1 to Roof Hip Trim (See Chart) Fiaure 1 4.) Lap H2 trim piece over and under H1 as shown to support ridge tap of H1 pop rivet in place HiD Trim at Ridae Installation fin: Fi u re 2 Fastener #4 4-14 x J" LL SD W/ Washer At 4" O.C. g. L10009 BattenLok HS / SuperLok P°GBL10010 BattenLok HS / SuperLok n c8L1oL1 BattenLok HS / SuperLok e Rev. Data R"v. Flat Ridge to Floating Ridge Dec '12 00 Flat Rid 14 02 Flat Ridge to Hip Trim Attachment Mar 14 01 Ridge to Floating Ridge Attachment 1.) Field cut 9" x 9" corner as shown in figure 1 2.) Place Hip Trim with corner cut out at ridge line and attach to Zee closures. 3.) Field bend the H1 tab at the ridge line to the opposite roof slope. See figure 1 4.) Apply tube sealant before lapping H2 Hip Trim in place. See figure 1. 5.) Center Hip Trim and attach to Zee closures. 6.) Pop rivet H2 to H1 as shown in figure 2. 7.) See GBL10010. BattenLok HS / SuperLok Fastener Spacing at Trim to Outside Metal Closure 91, 4„ 4„ 21, Outside Metal Closure J I L vvlae h'anel HW446 at 12" Panel With Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Top and Bottom Outside Metal Closure HW440 at 16" Panel With Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Top and Bottom IV vnuc I GIIUI Fastener #4 J-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer (3) per 12" Panel 2" F670Factory cut end high rib J__ First high rb- hip from hip Fastener #4 - }-14 x a" LL SD W/Washer at 4" O.C. Tube Sealant YFe bricate F670 to'folow the hip line along the Peak Trim to within 1/4"of Hip Ridge Installation of F670 Flat Ridge Trim at Hip 1. Field cut F670 in half. Place the cut end over the hip and mark the hip ridge line on the F670. Complete the layout as shown above and cut. 2. Place sealant tapes and tube sealant as instructedand center trim as shown. 3. Allow the F670 edge to onerhang the hip Iridge about a 1/4" 4. Attach the F670 to the hip covers and to the zee closures. 5. See BL10011 for field work template for end closure of F675. 6. See BL10012 for attachment of F675 with end closure. L01010 BattenLok / SuperLok GBLO1o11 R°". Outside Closure Dare Rev May'14 00 Panels must be folded flat (90') for 3" with a hand tool to allow the Outside Closure to be installed. L Fastener #4 }-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer (3) per 12" Panel Trim Flashing (Expansion Ridge, High Side Eave, Parapet and others) Back -Up Plate HW7764 at 12" Panel HW7766 at 16" Panel Outside Metal Closure HW446 at 12" Panel HW440 at 16" Panel With Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Top and Bottom Back -Up Plate HW7766 16" panel HW7764 12" panel Place Tri-Bead Tape Sealant across full width of panels, including under Tri-Bead Tape panel seams. Center of tape sealant Sealant HW504 should be 1r from end of panel. i Field cut end of outside closure that fits to open side of panel seam. Notch and bend vertical leg of closure above the end tap back to the dimple formed into the closure. It is important that closure fit tight to the panel seams to prevent the need for excess Tube Sealant (HW540) at this location. Install outside closures by rotating the end cut for the panel seam into place first. Then rotate other end of closure into place. The vertical leg of outside Fastener #17 (closure should be 2" from the upslope 12-14 x 1" SD W/Washer end of panel. attach outside closure to panel with Fastener #17 at each '�,prepunched hole in closure. Before Tub Sealant HW540 installing the next outside closure, install (Around panel seam) apiece of Tri-Bead Tape Sealant onto First Outside top flange of outside closure previously / Closure installed. This is to prevent water being blown between outside closure where the top flanges overlap. After all outside closures are in place install Tri-Bead Tape Sealant across the top flange. Use Tube Sealant to fill any voids around the panel seams on the upslope side outside closure. Roof Member (Zee shown) Outside Metal Closure HW440 16" panel HW446 12" panel Fastener #14 - 1/8 x 3/16" Pop Rivet Fastener #14 - 1/8 x 3/16" Pop Rivet Field cut, fold and fit F675 End Cuts the F675 trim to the F670 Flat Ridge 1. Fold side tab and F675 -I ` trim to roof slope. I- 2. Fold top tab to close and fold attachment leg to slope. Seal with tube sealant. Field cut, fold and fit F675 the F675 trim to the F670 Flat Ridge Field Formed End BattenLok / SuperLok Panel End Lap Sealant at Ridge / High Side ���7" Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 (See note below) Back -Up Plate HW7766 16" panel HW7764 12" panel 7" Install a 3" long piece of Tri-Bead Tape Sealant at ridge or 7" long piece of Tri-Bead Tape Sealant at high save along the length of the male leg beginning at the upslope end of the panel and extending downslope. Install a second piece o Tri-Bead Tape Sealant along the underside of the male leg beginninc at the upslope end and extending downslope. Panel Clip BattenLok (2) Fastener #1A 12-14 x 1" SuperLok (2) Fastener #18 }-14 x 1r Completed End Closure on F675: See GBL10011 First high back from Flat Ric Trim F6 Pog. GBL100'12 Oat. Rm. Ma '14 02 Expansion Ridge Trim F675 Fastener#4 J-14 x J" LL SD W/ Washer At 4' O.C. =irst high rib )ack from Hip iW54- and F675 Angle Range Hip Trim A, 180'-160' F197 159'-128' F260 127'-100' F71 L01012 BattenLok HS / SuperLok Expansion Ridge End Cap Assembly Page 13131-06001 ' 14 R00 ° mar'14 R°'° 01 Apex B1 Tab B2 Fastener #4 Tab A J-14 x b" LL SD W/Washer ;Tab (Inside(12 required '; Tab A (inside) - ----- -- Peak Box Expansion Ridg End Cap $ I g n F679, ------------------ Expansion Ridge End Cap Assembly 1. Apply (2) runs of tube sealant along vertical and horizontal surfaces of expansion end cap. 2. Place end cap inside expansion ridge flashing, allowing the end cap to conform to the ridge flashing profile. Do not deform the top of the ridge by exerting too much pressure. 3. Make sure tab is even with, but not resting on top of the peak box. Tab "A" must be able to pivot in front of the peak box because of panel', contraction. 4. Using a,screwdriver, insert the blade in the apex of tab "B1" and "82", and twist the blade enough to cause tab "B1" to spread' slightly away from tab "82". 5. Secure the end cap to the ridge flashing with (12) Fastener #4 }-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer as shown. S1� 0 S at E o � No /� c / 0_ n C N v M O Lo U 00 J _Jmv � O n- w UCl tro JZX QtN < ❑ UV7 C rn Q N ~ •M� � rn � M d W O O ( ) 00 w " ip U U O /�� N c W N O .t 0 FL: ¢� CL L2 2 ❑ ❑ O O w Q r7 NJ Z o b d 3 � U 4 0HY Q UwW to a' V)Z< o OZ Y C + W Ltl 3 h �caY O U¢-_ O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by. HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer. Job Number. 14-B-46892-1 Sheet Number. R11 of ,16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. Peak Box Page BattenLok HS / SuperLok GBL05002 Expansion Ridge End Cap D Mar'141 Re03 Tr —Bead Tape Sealant HW504 /-- Rake Trim Parapet Rake\ Cleat F292 9e\ Rake Support Angle t Expansion Ridge F675 Fastener #4 4-14 x I" LL SD W/Washer (12 req'd) Expansion Ridge End Cap F679J Apply two runs tube sealant on Expansion Ridge End Cap before installation Peak Box (See Flashing Layout) Fastener #4A 4-14 x b" SD W/Washer Metal Outside Closure Flashing profile may vary dependent upon project order. Attachment as illustrated are applicable for all profiles. Tri—Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Parapet Rake Cleat F292 (Field cut the 15" long piece in half) Locate one piece on each side of Building Ridge. Attach each Cleat with (3) Fastener #lE J-14 x lr LL SD W/Washer /— Rake Support Angle Fastener #5 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4" at 24" O.C. Fastener #17A 12-14 x I' SO W/Washer R ke An le RA1 Ou�side Cgtosure HW456 — PBR HW429/HW429A - PBR (see PW05015) HW460 — PBU HW465 — AVP/PBA/YstaShadow BattenLok HS / SuperLok Expansion Ridge Fastener #4 4-14 x i" LL SO W/Washer (3) per panel See GBLO1010 for spacing Peak Purlin - Fastener #4 -• 4-14 x a" LL SO W/Washer (16) Required F675 2 Runs 4" Bead Tub Sealant F675 III4" Section A GBL07'001 ate Rev. Mar'14 02 Expansion Ridge Flashing F675 Outside Metal Closure HW440 16" Panel HW446 12" Panel Back -Up Plate HW7766 16" Panel HW7764 12" Panel Expansion Ridge Flashing F675 BattenLok HS / SuperLok Expansion Ridge Fastener #4 4-14 x J" LL SO W/Washer (3) per panel See GSLO1010 for spacing Tri—Bead Tape Sealant HW504 — Expansion Ridge Trim F675 Outside Metal Closure HW440 16" Panel — — — HW446 12" Panel III O Back —Up Plate i HW7766 16" Pane HW7764 12" Panel i Tri-Bead Tape Sealant HW504 Fastener #17 12-14 x 1" (5) per 16" Panel (4) per 12" Panel Panel Clip with Cli BattenLok: (2) 12 SuperLok: (2) 4" Note: See GBLO1011 and GBLO1012 for outside closure and sealants installation information, BL07002 BattenLok HS I SuperLok L11M=2 BL07003 '14 R°04 Expansion Ridge - Expansion Lap Cover Expansion Lap Cover F676 (2) Fastener #4 4-14 x Jn LL SD W/Washer in line with Tape Sealant HW506 one end only. I ' Expansion Ridge Trim F675 I / I A 1 I Fastener #226 - Fastener #228 Dekstrip - H W5227 Tube Sealant HW54_ at fastener line Expansion Ridge I Tape Sealant HW506 Trim F675 3+2" x 1" perimeter Section A of Dekstrip Place the edge of the Dekstrip over the F675 making sure that the end of the Dekstrip is past the downhill edge of the Metal Outside Closure. Use Duck —Bill pliers to crimp the flange of the Expansion Lap Cover over the Expansion Ridge Trim. (38) Fastener #226' A" x A" Closed End Rivets with Fastener #228 10 x }" Grommet Washer Tape Sealant HW506 A" x 1" with Tube Sealant HW54_ on top in line with Fastener Expansion Ridge Trim F675 Tape Sealant HW506 A" x 1" perimeter of Dekstrip HW5227 Via@ Tube Sealant HW54— on top of Tape Sealant at fastener line. Tape Sealant HW506 J2" x 1" with Tube Sealant HW54— on top in line with Fastener Note: Expansion Joint required at 100'-0" intervals. Locate Expansion Joint between panel ribs only. BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Perimeter Trim Reference 'WBL00008 Date DP00001 I)at° DP00002 D„ ° Trim Fastener and Sealants DMar'14 R05 Roll Form Downspout Layout oDec '12 R°00 Roll Form Downspout At Eave Canopy D°<° R., DP00011 Downspout Strap Attachment To Wall p p De R°00 Dec "12 00 Feb '14 01 a II Stitch (1)pertF797crew (_� � � Gutter (profile (2) per F81, F903, F1829 wl `"ilria; :. Moy Vory) i:......::.........:.•. zi.. ,, .. ••alicklii; a1,#;; Field Locate llal;; a'i;, Projection Gutter (Profile a May Vary) 7*'Wall Panel Downspout Strap P P SCULPTURED EAVE SAVE TRIM LAP SAVE TRIMHOLD CAP DOWN CLIP CLOSURE 16" 2" LAP F735 VARIES HW440 Fastener J4 (6) Fastener #14 (6) Fastener 14 # Panel Clip Screw P (5) Fastener 17 # } to x b• LL O.C.W/Washs 1'-a o. 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube Sealant (2) Per Clip Per Panel Opening In Gutter - , i; F797, F81 ( (Varies) Roof color 36" Tape Sealant '''_ ' verhang F1829, F903) Fastener µA }-14 x j• SD W/Washer V-0 O.C. Trim Color° ° -7 (4) Fastener #14. 1 /8" x 3/16" oLM Fastener #14 Downspout 1n x 4„ DownspoutUpper 21 (Typ.) " (1) each side F797 Wall Panel Attachment (2) each side F81 F903 F1829 ° F313 10'-6" F320 —11 M max. Not provided by Metal Building Manufacturer ° ° a Downspout Strap F797 (TYP) a 3 See DP00011 For Downspout o ° trap Fasteners Downspout Offset F323 Downspout Dawns pout F320/F313 Rake Trim End Closure SLIP JOINT END RIDGE FLASHING RIDGE CLOSURE CLOSURE 12") ° d ° ° ` °' ` •d., - ° d °.. d A G "' .<' ° d . °. < ' d F2351-L/R F2803 F675 F679 HW446 25" Tape Sealant 10" Tube Sealant Fastener 14 x 1 01 sD w/wash 48" Tube Sealant (4) Fastener 17 # (2) Fastener #1 Trim Color (4) Fastener #14 Trim Color see caLo) for o Spaal.g (T per Lap (12) Fastener #4 }-14 x b Per Panel �� Lower Downspout—► Offset F323 (6) Fastener #14 Tdm color LL SO W/Washer 28" Tape Sealant F320 (10'-6") 1/8" x 3/i6" Pop Rivet Downspout Strap 66- Tube Sealant Triinn Color F313 (14'-6") (Typical) Downspout (F797, F81 Masonry (6) Fastener #14 (TYP. At Splice) F320/F313 Downspout Stra F1829, F9g3)"J Fastener #14 a g ° ^ o �� Downspout Kickout —► F797 Gutter (Profile May Vary) 4n xn (1) each side F797 ,gasonry Wall Attachment (2) each side 97 81 F903, F1829 FLOATING SIMPLE EAVE Flat Eave Trim Parapet High Side Transverse Joint BACK-UP PLATE F2952 F2955 F326 F270 9° Tube Sealant 9" Tube Sealant Fastener #4A (2) #14 per Lap sealant (2• Fastener (2) Fastenerµ 12• Tube sealant (2) Fastener #4 16" WIDE HW7766 F321 '. }-14 x b" SO W/Washer #14 36" o.c w/out 14 x r LL SD W/washer }-14 x $ LL s0 W/Washer 12" WIDE HW7764 ! Fastener #55 last O.C. (2) Fastener #14 Closure #14A 12" per Lap #14Main 6: Fastener Fastenerµ x Fastener W/ } u x t}• LL s0 W/Washer Frame 12-24 x 14 DP5 P er 2" Lop O.C. W/Closure 14 x LL SD W }" W/Washer per Lap Overhang/ Column P Trim Color Trim Color 6. O.0 Roof Color Roof Member 2'-0 O.C. Roof Color Downspout F322 Fastener #14 1/ 8" x 3/16" Pop Rivet II _, Note: Downspout Strap 1. Refer to the building erection drawings for the spacing of tL downspouts. 2. Locate all downspouts over a panel major rib if possible. 3.,A field splice is required for eave heights greater than 16'—'0". Always measure the required length starting at the swaged end. After cutting to length, insert the swaged end of the cut Alternate Detail (F797, F81 F1829, F903) Fastener #14 x 4° " TERMINATION TRIM Parapet Rake Trim Rake Cleat Trim Rake Slide Trim F117 F324 F292 F215 12Tube sealant (3) Fastener #4 24" Tube Sealant 4' Tube sealant Fastener A }-14 x 1. LL SD W ohs (1) Fastener (2) Fastener #14A (2) Fastenerµ (1) Fastener #tE 3-14 x 1}- �-14 x �" downspout into the top of the lower downspout. 4. Downspout straps F797 are Located at the bottom of a downspout, below a splice, (1) each side F797 }-14 x 1}- LL SD W/Washer / W/Washe 14 x I LL Lop p°r Lap LL SD W/Washer SD W/Washer and at mid point of downspout longer than 10'-6". See DP00011 for own P P P 9 pout strap fasteners. (2) each side F81 Column Attachment Tper Lap Root Color per LapRoof Color 1'-0 O.C. Trim Color F903, F1829 NVO 5 E o 4 0 Cn G n O 1 LA o v U CDrn J }' W J m 0 (00 ­J W L` U W r— N 7E5J W VJ x E � Q I� o m J ❑ NJ C) V) cx I- C'4M Of _ o It W m I O O I U m a y n N v m CA o 4 > C 0 is a a� N 0 ❑ ❑ O M LLJr7 Z Q M a�u a J �T9 Q OHY Q L CJ. W K t0 N (n Z� Z Y Con W W10 Of Co 3 U p ¢tea Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drown by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer' Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number. R12 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. --: BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Perimeter Trim Reference PaGBL00000 BattenLok HS / SuperLok pa9GBL00011 Trim Fastener and Mastic DDec'12 H00 Perimeter Trim Fastener and Sealant Reference Vay 114 Rev. High Low Eave and Rake Side Side Eave/Rake Trim Eave/Rake Trim Rake Trim Masonry Trim RIDGE VENT CAP PERFORATED VENT VENT END ',CAP CONTINUOUS EAVE TRANSVERSE EXPAN. F2901,F2914,F2927 F2902,F2915,F2928 F2903,F2916,F2929 F2940,F2942,F2944 F301 FL254 F302R/L F283 I F284 F350 F2901-12" Sealant F2902-12" Sealant F2903-12 Sealant F2940-12" Sealant Fastener #4 Fastener #4 (14) Fastens' #4 Fastener #4A 34" Tube Sealant F2914-14" Sealant F2915-14" Sealant F2916-14" Sealant F2942-14" Sealant } 1a x a" LL O.C.w/ washer } to x LL SD } 1a x a SD ash x a SD (6) Fastener #4 at B" O.& W/.Washer W/ Wash r. W/ Washer at 12" O.C. }-14 x a" LL SD F2927-16" Sealant F2928-16" Sealant F2929-16" Sealant F2944-16" Sealant (14) at Lap (4) per closure him ca¢r Trim color W/ Washer per Lop Trim Color Trim Color 17" Tape lent (6) #14 per Lap (7) #14 per Lap (7) #14 per Lap (7) #14 per Lup ss" Tube of Sealant Trim color Trim Color Trim Color Trim Color Fastener #17A Eave-No Soffit Eave-With Soffit Rake-3/4" Soffit 24" O.C. at Top Fastener #17A Fastener #17A Fastener #17A Trim Color 24" O.C. at Top 24" O.C. at Top 24" O.C. at Top and CIL 12" O.C. at Bottom #14 12" O.C. at Bottom Each Purlin at Trim Color Trim Color Bottom With Soffit Rake Rake #4 12" O.C. Fastener #17A Fastener #17A Trim Color ^IN 24" O.C. at Top and 24" O.C. at Top and Each Purlin at Each Purlin at Bottom Bottom N With Soffit With J" or 1}" Soffit #4 12" O.C. #4 12" O.C. Trim Color With 1" Soffit #14 12" O.C. Trim Color Canopy -No Soffit Canopy-",1",1}" Sofftt Canopy -No Soffit anopy-",1",1}" Soffit Flush Canopy L'01 Low 8J" Cee Low 8}" Cee Low 10" Dee Low 110" Cee Low Eave Trim High Side —No Soffit High side- ",1",1}" Soffit High Side F2957 F2958,F2959,F2960 F2961 I F2962,F2963,F2964 F2955 Eave Trim High Eave Trim Masonry Trim 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube sealant 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube Sealant 9" Tube Sealant F2904,F2917,F2930 F2905,F2918,F2931 F2941,F2943,F2945 (7) Fastener #14 a" x $" (7) Fastener #14 a" x ii" (7) Fastener #14 (7) Fastener #14 (2) Fastener #14 Pop Rivet per Lap Pop Rivet per Lap a" x 11" Pop Rivet per Lap a" x 4' Pop Rivet per Lap a" x ib" Pop Rivet per Lap F2904-12" Sealant F2905-12" Sealant F2941-12" Sealant Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" Fastener #17A Fastener '7A Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1}" Fastener #14 36" O.0 W/O SD W/ washer 24" O.C. Top 12-14 x 1}" SD 12-14 x 1 " O.C.SD SD W/ Washer 24"O.C. Closure Fastener #14A F2917-14" Sealant F2918-14" Sealant F2943-14" Sealant & 12" O.C. Bottom w/ washer 2,V O.C. W/ Washer 241 Top Fastener #14 12" O.C. a" x J" Pop Rivet 12' O.C. F2930-16" Sealant F2931-16" Sealant F2945-16" Sealant Trim Color Fastener #14 12" O.C. & 12" O.C. ottoml. Trim Color w/closure (7) #14 per Lap (7) #14 per Lap (7) #14 per Lap Trim Color Trim cal Trim Color Fastener #17A Fastener #17A Fastener #17A 24" O.C. at Top 24" O.C. at Top and 24° O.C. at Top 12" O.C. at Bottom Each Purlin at Bottom Trim Color Trim Color With Soffit 1-- L—:1 #14 12" O.C. 1 Trim Color Canopy -No Soffit Canopy- ,1,1 " Soffit Canopy -No Scffit Canopy- ",1",1}" Soffit Fush Canopy High 81" Cee High 8J" Cee High 10" ee High 10" Cee Floating Eave Trim F2965 F2966,F2967,F2968 F2969 F2970,F2971,F2972 F2952 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube Sealant 12" Tube Sealant 9" Tube Sealant (7) Fastener #14 a" x {j" (7) Fastener #14 (7) Fastener #14 (7) Fastener #14 Fastener #4A } —14 x J' Pop Rivet per Lap a" x J" Pop Rivet per Lap a" x J" Pop Rlvet per Lap a" x ib" Pop Rivet per Lap SD W/ Washer 12' O.C. Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1} Fastener #17A 12-14 x 11' Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1}" (2) Fastener #14 SD W/ Washer 24" O.C. Top SD W/ Washer 24"O.C. SD W/ Washer 24" O.C. SD W/ Washer 24" O.C. a" x ib" Pop Rivet & 12" O.C. Bottom Fastener #14 12 o.c. Top & 12" o.c: Bottom Fastener #14 12 O.C. per 2" Lap Trim Color ITrtm Color Trim Color Trim Color Trim Color BattenLok HS / SuperLok Fixed Eave Plate I-lela Clock out botto of Rake Support Ang Fastener #5 }-14 x 1}" 24" O.C. (centered in slot) Rake Support Angle� / HW7722 (Low Clip) 1� HW7722 (High Clip)/ Rake RA1 Rake Support Angle HW7712 (Low Clip) HW7722 (High Clip) Rake Angle RA1 Eave Strut L01003 '12 xe00 inst Rake Angle -Fastener #1 �-14 x 1" 12" O.C. "A' Install Fixed Eave Plate flush with outside face of high rib of wall panels. The first Eave Plate will butt against the vertical leg of the Rake Support Angle. All of the Eave Plates may be installed at this time. Be sure to butt each Eave Plate end to end without leaving a gap between the plates. Hold Rake Support Angle flush with Eave Plate Fastener #1 Fastener #5 }-14 x 1" 4-14 x 1" 12" O.C. 24" O.C. (centered in slot) rm Eave Plate Eave Stru Fastener #12A - 12 x 1" P.H. DP3 (1) required at each Roof Member Section "A" WP 1} Eave Plate Shape May Vary M1016 BattenLok HS / SuperLok 01 Perimeter Trim Reference - Standard Trim v. GUTTER GUTTER LAP GUTTER CAP EXPANSIONCOVER GUTTER CLIP F730 2" LAP F731 F644/F652 F246 Fastener #4 42" Tube Sealant 19" Tube Sealant (12) Fastener #14 ( Fastener #4 }-14 x J" (12) Fastener #14 (10) Fastener #14 Trim Color } u x RoofColorColor SID ,re LL SD W/Washer Trim Color Trim Color (1) Fastener #4 1'-0 G.C. 1-14 x ;' LL SD W/Washer Trim Color Roof Color 9' Tape HW504 A � I a �S RAKE RAKE LAP IRAKE CAP (On Mod) RAKE CAP (Off Mod) GABLE CLOSURE F756 2" LAP F2350/F757 F757/F2351 F758 Fastener #1E 17" Tuta Sealant 24" Tube Sealant 17 Tube Sealant (3) Fastener #4A °0 14 x 1 ' (7) Fastener #1a (9) Fastener #14 }- }' (9) Fastener #14 4-14 x a" Ta LL SD W/Washer (2) Foster14er#4 Trim Color Trim Color SD W/Washer 2'-0 O.C. a" (2) Fastener #1 / LL SD x SD W/Washer Trim Color Trim Color Trim Color 24" Tape HW504 m 1i I yf High Rake Rove tli95ide Side HIGHSIDE HIGHSIDE LAP OUTSIDE CORNER INSIDE CORNER •Iw F544 2" LAP Right as Shown Field Work CFastener #4 22" Tube Sealant 22" Tube Sealant 22- Tube Sealant ei }See x a" LL SD WSpocinr (9) Fastener #14 (9) Fastener #14 (9) Fastener #14 See GBL01010 for Spadn9 Fastener #4A (3) Fastener #4 (4) Fastener #4 (3) Fastener #4 }-14 x a" SD W/Washer }-14 x a" }-14 x J' 1-14 x a" 1'—o O.C. LL SD W/Washer LL SD W/Washer LL SD W/Washer Trim Color Trim Color Trim Color Bird Stop F/ 9 �Ok@ U er' Rake Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter OUTSIDE CORNER INSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER INSIDE CORNER Right as shown Field Work Field Work Field Work 17" Tube Sealant 26" Tube sealant 26" Tube Sealant 26" 'Tube Sealant - (23) Fastener #14 (12) Fastener #14 (13) Fastener #14 (13) Fastener #14 (2) Fastener #4 (2) Fastener #4 -14 x a" LL SD W/Washer 4-14 x a' Trim Color Trim Color Trim Color LL SD W/Washer BattenLok HS / Su erLok p PI�IIBL05002 BattenLok HS / Su erLok p pVVBLO5003 BattenLok HS / Su erLok - Flush Canopy Classic p pY - STD and STD PVIIBL14007 BattenLok HS / Su erLok - Fixed Eave p Page GBL01�Q01 Eave Gutter End Lap Installation Gutter Expansion Installation-100'-0" Maximum Large Gutter - No Soffit -Fixed High Eave Plate Rake Support at Building Rake - Start 1 Finish Date Rev. DDec'126e®2 Jun °14 He®4 D , Dec 12 R°" '00 Field Notch top flange (2) Fastener #1E Tube Sealant between Rake Support Angle J-14 x 1r LL SD W/Washer vertical ribs of panel HW7712 (Low Clip) Expansion Gutter Su erLok P in line with Tri-Bead � HW7722 Rake Support Angle (High Clip) Cap (See Table) Panel Gutter Strap Tape Sealant HW504 HW7732 HW7722 (Low Clip) (Utility Clip) Gutter See Table ( ) �� 1 (See Erection Dwgs for Spacing Mark) Fastener #1E HW7722 (High Clip) ( 9 P) Rake Angle 9 2 Fastener 14 14 x 1 LL SD W/Washer HW7732 (Utility Clip) Roof one side only End View (SuperLok Only) (5) Per 16" Panel 1(4) Member I Jam/ Gutter Strap Per 12" Panel A" Steel Line r` Gutter End Cap (See �� Standard F246 (shown) See Flaing Tri-Bead Tape Sealant P Table ) I Standard Large F289 attached with Layout (HW504) Rake Angle RA1 Rake Angle � � 3 Fastener 4 -14 x O # � f!" Fastener #14A "A" RA1 Rake Support Angle PP 9 / LL SD W/Washer it J"o x J, Stfut Section HW7732 (Utility Clip) \ (See Sheeting Layout for Spacing) 10'-0" O.C. Eave " Fastener #1 -- " Gutter End Cap Screw location used with �r - - 14 x 1" ( See Table ) notched gutter strap -- 12" O.C. Fastener #14 ° Gutter F246 Detail at High Eave b"o x i�" 2 bead 2" o.c. max. O ° (See Table) Eave Gutter Fixed Eave Plate Single Slope Building runs Standard F730 (shown) f HW7616 Standard Start/Finish Details shown, of Tube Sealant (For placement see details below) ° .° Standard Large F4120 for Alternate Finish Off Module Details Eave Gutter \ see BLO1002. For requirements see Erection Drawings. Shut (Profile varies, Northern F391 shown) 3, \ Eave `k Fastener #4 Fastener #17A Fastener #5 Detail at Low Eave �- J-14 x a" 12-14 x 1i" SD W/Washer J"-14 x 1}" Fastener #12A without Eave Plate �- LL SD W/Washer 1'-0 O.C. 1 2 '-0 O.C. 24" o.c. x P.H. DP3 (centered in slot) —� Fastener #14 (1 required at q each Roof Member Eave Trim"ox„each F2955 no 36" O.C. " Rake Angle A" RA1 2O.c• max. 1 (10) Fastener #14 Gutter Expansi n 1 Ridge Una Rake Support Angle This end only Cover (See Ta le) /' Eave Cover Trim HW7722 (Hi9hCCPP) Typical Spacing F2957 - 8"or 8}" Member Fastener #17A �\ (Shown) I 12-14 x 1}' SD W/Washer Stop Rake Support Angle F2961 - 10" Member 1 1'-0 O.C. back 21" minimum'on puriln (12) Fastener #14 rrequired at lap (15) Fastener #14 required at lap (15) Fastener #14 required at lap (17) Fastener 14 # required at lap Canopy Projection from'Girt/Steel Line each side of Ridge .� 4 -« Gutter Gutter End Cap Expansion Cover Expansion Cap- Detail at Building Field Block out bo ttom Ridge leg of Rake Support Angle back 4J" and hold flush with end of Standard F730 F731 (10) Fastener #14 F644 F652 Eave Plate Strut Standard Large F4120 F4121 (14) Fastener #14 F4102 F4122 t t t (See BLO1003) Eave Northern F391 F392 (15) Fastenr #14 F658 F658 /' t i t i t t t t t Screw Location used only with Northern Large F883 F894 (17) Fastener #14 F641 F629 Standard Standard Large Northern Northern Large un-notched Strap F289 Detail at Low Eave F730 F4120 F391 F883 with Eave Plate M O CL O 0 L o n (� M V C CD rn > °' c O rr1 4� y 00 J O J in N c m JL` U W H N IL W (n 6 x Q Zr� p mJ Z Of 1-- 0 ) 04 H of Ca It o M� m rn (t r7 a_ o c W U a^a +- O cc I U al (a N v m o 0 W N V l V o Q)o w M El ElW O Q W Q th d ZOr� �q a L� o CD7 0O U Q l WX p U(n N Z < O �Z c °WSW to O cal Y O U ¢�- O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. FH 9/10/14 Checked by HH 9/10/14 Project Engineer: Job Number: 14—B-46892-1 Sheet Number: R13 of 16 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Fixed Eave P°g', &BLO1002 BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Standard p and Standard Large g P�g,, dBL05008 BattenLok HS SuperLok Valley Detail SHT. No. GBLt 1007 BattenLok HS SuperLok p SHT. NO, GBL06004 Rake Support Angle at Building Rake - Alternate Finish off Module Low Eave Rake Corner with Eave Gutter and Termination Trim High Extended System Roof Termination at Rake U eDec '12 R00 Date Mar 14 Rev. 01 DATE Ma '14 I REV 02 onTe Dec '12 REv 00 m> Rake Support Angle -See Erection Fastener #4 HW7712 (Low Clip) rawings 1 }"-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer 8» HW7722 (High Clip) 3" O.C. across end lap I HW7732 (Utility Clip) Rake Support Angle HW7712 (Low Clip) Termination Trim 5 Removevertical HW7722 (High Clip) F117 Dead Zone panel bend HW7732 (Utility Clip) ( y p) I Field Cut to widthFastener when required. stener' 1E # �"-14 x 1}" LL SD W/Washer I bend panel to fit Roof (See GBL06003 for 2'-0 O.C. Triple -Bead 4" 1" Rake Angle -/ Member "p" additional Details) '° Tape Sealant RA1 I I Fastener #1E HW502 i Steel Line cove Rake Trim End Closure F2351L (Shown) J-14 x 1j" LL SD W/ Washer At 3" O.C. II" nnE2C Strut i F2351R (opposite) i Tape Sealant Triple -Bead (Fastener Must Go Through BattenLok HS Panel o Section "A" Rake Angle 9 attach with (2) Fastener #1 HW504 (Extend to overlap Tape Sealant Tape Sealer P P ) I II RA1 Rake Support PP Rake A I r-14 x 1" Tape Sealant on End Closure) HW502 Valley Trim /L II 't U U Angle RA1 Single An a Detail at High Eave Bird Stop F715 _ p 9 Rake Support Ankle F82 (L 6J"x1"x1'-6") Note; Full 16" wide Panel shown. Single Slope BuildingField Miter and Panel may be •may HW7712 (LOW) to "P. Fastener End Cap #14 before attach • g ��\ toguire width, slee Roof gand SheetingnP an. HW7722 (High) Fastener #5 9 t F. `�� Rake Angle RA1 Rake Support Angle co 14x1 �� ei cove Strut 24" o.c." 1/ I Try�o yo �•� ded HW7712 �LOW� Fastener #12A (centered in slot) 1 rj °t G� R° ��� 8 �� 9" EXEen Rake Angle RA1 HW7722 (High) Note; Flat Eave Trim F2955, 12 x 1" P.H. DP3 1 �� t e" kel when required, to be installed (1) required at Stop Rake Support Angles 1 ) ��� cuts �� before attaching Rake Support each Roof Member back 2}" minimum on 11 r ep F ��` .\ Valley Plate „ Angle and Rake Angle each side of Ridge Oist o P135 ON —MODULE ROOF SHEETING EQUALS ROOF LENGTH Detail at Low Eave ° A f° oq ease a fro �`.� BattenLok HS Panel o0 without Eave Plate of '� . An extra. run of rake support and rake angle will. be provided when the Rake Support Angle ed ROL0 `to, ge distance frorn rake to is >5" and <8". Field cut and break end panel to Supc Flush with Eave Plate port Of create a 2„ 'vertical leg. The vertical leg must be 5„ or greater from O See Notch Details "P -1F R'd\ne BIRD STOP MODIFICATION DETAIL ogle Y. c°p the rake. Urethane Rake Support Angle �„ p'• Flush with Eave Plate ^ Rosto° Sealant Valley End When distance to rake is >8" and <14", field cut and break end panel (See BLO1003 \ qq ¢e S°e b 1/ h Of Panel _ Pur/!a / uop° free to create a '2 vertical leg. o Detail at Building Ridge \` \ O �\ Eave Gutter Typ. Panel End Sealant An extra run of rake support and rake angle will be provided when the o Rake Angle �., Fe/a Detail At Valley .distance from rake to is >14" and <16". Field cut and break end panel HW7712 „ M °n 6 6 e o U O a lac Field Block out to le se oy �a to create a 2 vertical leg. The vertical leg must be 5 or greater from w m cove Strutof Rake Angle and 9 4�» Stipp°o°e 9p. <ioe Flat Eave Trim O ^ bottom legof Rake °� a F2955 the rake. �-0 y cc o o C U Angle Support back 41" 1d„ " HW7722 �� ese o R o I J � LL U W t eels" P Y Y ~ `� w 0 3 Rape and Guendent tter project rd vary x a_ Q ? to Detail Eave o Plate Notch Details END CLOSURE MODIFICATION T Attachments as Illustrated dare Z LE o m JLJ NA ETA L applicable for all profiles. - Z H t U V) U o U •� N W all 0 PO ° BattenLok HS / Su a Lok ` `°9° '°9° BattenLok HS SuperLok Hr. No. m d ,� M d o 0 BattenLok HS / SuperLok - Standard & Standard Large V�IBL05005 P WBL06009 BattenLok HS I SuperLok - Classic Standard and Standard Large WBL18001 Valley Detail at Eave ceu loos to Q Low Eave Rake Corner with Eave Gutter Jan '14 R05 Rake End Lap Installation -14" Wall Panel °12 R°01 Rake Trim - Purlin Extension - No Soffit Jun °14 R°(12 High Extended System Ma '1 4 02 o m fn v m o 00 Roof Stitch Screw N s U U B82 Stop Roof Member Screw }"-14 x �" in > c `o O `o L 6 x1"xt'-6' }"-14 x _ 3" o.c. max. E`` ¢�` ( �" ) Fastener 14 (1) Required at lap for a, o o Field Miter and attach # (Trim Color, for placement �Z oZ !1"e x J" all profiles (Trim Color) see details below) k L2 to End Cap with (4) r7 Fastener #14 before Y u7 2" o.c. max. Valle Plate Valley Trim O installing Rake Trim Roof Member Screw (9) required P135 0 w Q M _ Tri-Bead Tape ,M Z on I 24"1o.c. max. 1 Sealant HW504 0 aea q a- cr Roof Stitch Screw �°'� ec Valle Flashin w J"-14 x a" Fastener #tE F, Valley Trim i U QstOn N \ 3„ o.c. max. F715Y g End Plug o Y ° Q c� w o- cn �°'� }-14 x 1}" LL SD W/Washer Panel Field Make ? Q o ce �I� Rake Trim 2'-0 O.C. (Typ. U.N.) Z Y a- /7 c Rokeop°m ` Oo���\\ Standard F756 (shown) Roof Panel Sealant to Sealant y � Y 3 SupPor o e Outer ed I Standard Large F4140 contact must be made > _ Q t g/ 97 o e �\ to form a continuous U Q J O x l - Critical Rake Support � Slope seaSco/e: NOT TO SCALE 2" Fastener #14 Low HW7712 .,Down . Drawn b FH 9/10/14 Sealant too overlap \ }" bead Tube 1� J"o x J" High = HW7722 c. Checke by. HH TapSealant \ (F r Placement max. # \� Project dEngheer 9/10/14 (For Placement Fastener 12A a, l 4 see details below) 1 12- 4 1 x 1" P.H. DP3 I � Field Notch I� at Gutter �� at each Roof Member o �� Job Number.' 14-B-46892-1 1 Fastener #1E i Field Cut flush with }" bead Fastener #5 " ` Sheet Number. R14 of 16 / J-14 x 1r LL SO W/ Washer Face of Panel or Trim / Tube Sealant -14 x 1 ' l i Rake Slide Trim" At 3" O.C. • �� 2'-0 O.C. / F215 Fastener Must 8o Through o a (o s _ _,_} s r The engineer whose seal �= Rake Trim Tape Sealer) w appears hereon is an employee Fastener #14 End Cap Mitered Eave Gutter Mitered Rake Trim Fastener #17A for the manufacturer for the (Profile varies, o x Standard Standard Standard 12-14 x 1}" SD W/Washer �" �» Standard F756 shown) materials described herein. Said Backside View of Lap Triple Bead Field Fabricate End Plug.seal or certification is limited 2" o.c. max. F731R (Shown) F730R (Shown) F756L (Shown) 2'-0 O.C. l' (10) at Standard F731L (opposite) F730L (Opposite) F756R (Opposite) to the products designed and Standard Larae Standard Lar a Standard Large Fastener #4A Rake Angle Tape Sealer Install and Caulk to form P 9 (14) at Large � � �+ F4121R F412OR F4140L (Shown) (7) Fastener #14 (7) Fastener #14 7) Fastener #14 (7) Fastener #14 J-14 x J" RA1 HW502 w" Weather Seal manufactured by manufacturer 2a„ F4121L F4120L F4140R (Opposite) required at lap required at lap equired at lap required at lap SO W/Washer �; only.The undersigned engineer is 1'-0 G.C. Tape Sealant above and not the overall engineer of Bird Stop �—'{ (2) Roof Stitch (2) Roof Stitch (3)I Roof Stitch (3) Roof Stitch II below Valley Flashing record for this project. I I Gutter 1.) Apply Tube Sealant to End Cap bottom and side tabs. Install Screws req'd at lap Screws req'd at lap Screws req'd at lap Screws req'd at lap Soffit Trim at Eave Critical Cap 2a" in from end of Gutter. Inspect after installing and seal F2901 - 8" Member _ any gaps with Tube Sealant. f 9 q F2914 - 10" Member 2.F2927 12" Member Fastener #17A Panel EAVE CONDITION of Attach Eave Gutter to Roof Panel locating end 11" past face �` �` �` 12-14 x 1r SD W/Washer (Typ. U.N.) Refer to the Building End Cap of Panel or Trim. (See Gutter Placement) �. each purlin construction drawings 3.) Field Cut Bird Stop allowing Bird Stop to overlap Rake BUILDING EAVE for the eave condition.Refer to the Roof Installation Manual Support Angle a minimum of 1" and attach to End Cap. 1�- For Installing The Roof Panels At 4.) Align edges of Eave Gutter and Rake Trim and attach Rake / �, The Building Eave. Steel Face of Panel Trim as shown. Apply Tube Sealant along edges to seal. t t / Line or Trim 5.) See Eave and Rake Construction Details Included with Erection Drawings for attachment of Eave Gutter and Rake Trim to Roof f t Gutter Placement and Walls. Standard Standard Large Northern Northern Large F756 F4140 F370 F1005 LOWER VALLEY TRIM LOWER VALLEY V rCC IrI HIVC OF-M-MIN I `— UPPER VA LE TRIM TRI—BEAD TAPE SEALER I/1D Vf FVJIIVV UI VLI\ILI\ VI'IVLI\ (LAP MIN. 1") STEP 1 STEP 2 ,I F� i i TAB VERTICAL FIELD NOTCH F360 COLOR „ SIDE TO FIT 1 RECESS IN HIGH VALLEY TRIM FLOATING RIDGE TRIM TAB VERTICAL TO ANGLE OF VALLEY DIVERTER DETAIL -A - 7 8 LAPTE 1 4 14 X K LONG LIFE S.D. / / 24 O.C. FLOATING RIDGE TRIM ROOF FRAMING LOWER VALLEY TRIM TRI—BEAD TAPE SEALER —i FIELD FORM (1) PIECE PANEL CLOSURE FROM Z FLASHING F360 SEAL DETAIL—A) TOP/BOTTOM W/TRI—BEAD SEALANT & URETHANE AT VOIDS UPPER VALLEY TRIM STEP 3 APE SEALER OOF FRAMING /ALLEY TRIM unecKeo oy. nn y1 Iu/ 1`h -FIELD FORM (1) PIECE Project Engineer. PANEL CLOSURE FROM s� Z FLASHING F361 Job Number. 14-8-46692-1 LOWER VALLEY TRIM Sheet Number. R15 of 16 ROOF PANELThe engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee (BATTEN LOK/SUPERLOK) ROOF PANEL for the manufacturer for the PROFILE VARIES ( / ) • (BATTEN SUPERLOK materials described herein. Said PROFILE VARIES seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of UPPER VALLEY TRIM record for this project. 1 /4-14 X 7/8" LAPTEK LONG LIFE S.D. 3" O.C. STEP