HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubs 'RECUT "-7D 5: N 2 ,LU'17 • PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE j tff � �b 4 PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Q _ - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 6tJ cc— & / r r have agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the L f e c-T s;z e / Sub-contractor for t (Type of Trade)- (P mn�ary' Contractor) For the project located at C Q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. j CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) O RACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) 1.� � Vr� art-�i✓�(`'�r'Z C- {' � � I vt V/�� PRINT N PRINT NAME b ey COUNTY CERTIFICATION ER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of _y��t , State of Florida,County ofi•e„ The foregoing instrument wag signed before me of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi2J f t ay of ��Q c�J�.► ,2d�,by yv�Ga�C �.1 ��2 �s�` c�c�V CJ 2�_,by �� who is personally known, or has produced a ,., who is personally known)J—_or has produced a as identification as identification. 16 STAMP STAMP signature of Notary Public Squature of Notary Public Print Name ofNotary Public PrintName of Notary Public Notary Publlo Sate ot:Florida LA13RA R.� CUB ggE E d Kerti i My Commtaskttl SgdKa fF 978543 .�Comrnigsiarl#GG 0220T1i Revised 11/1612016 Exores 05454020 ,,-Expires Qcto6er21,2020 ended ThrbTmyFoh tns+rr+rtte QOp 385•JOt9 ,I I • I RECEI'.'TD JAIL ? " 70!17 I � f PERMIT# ISSUE DATE I ' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES r g Buildin & Code Comp fiance Division f I t ` BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT { i a tV 1 Ge SX n c. have agreed to be ompany Name/Individual Name) the Y1'1 h ub-contractor for t,l,� n£ 'b-e V Q- O m e 0,a ft (Type of Trade) 11 (Prim ry Contractor) For the project located at t CQ� q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) i I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. I i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB- TOR SIGATRE(Qualifier) i Gib).eW L U 11� ob �- Lu d 1 nit PRINIT NAME T PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 5T. C State of Florida,County of�ti�- l 1 C,j The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this�` day of who is personally known_or has produced a who is personally known,or has produced a as identification. as identification. a. 01 a STAMP ln- STAMP Signature of Not r&Public . Signature of Notary Publi �o,Qcr F•( ` N+J kJ J9-SK Print Name of Notary Public )rintXNiMftary Public Dd•ROTHYANNBASKIN �,.�:... ..F�a%!.'i7;; .._.:.:•t.. ... :. ,.�:�;:Y'�::�"_�::.: tl MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 r I EXPIRES:October2,2020 ;airnte, •��'aF: Bonded Thru.Notary Public Underwriters Rev �, MY COfiAMiSSIOIV#EE854297 ' �: �4 �'�''koFti :N EXPIRES January 08,2017 (407)M .0153 froridallotaryservice.com .• l.r�„ •..ti`>1.�,.i'i�it;n�7 r�r�"'��:'I�+J�3i'.is...�>i7�•:il�,� _ ,s. ,:.Cp. ' I ' I RECEI1,`rD ;, Jo2i 7; nW7 PERMIT;# ISSUE DATE PLAlrtNNG&DEVELOPMENT'SEAVgCES �, BuIldiiag&C6.Colmpi uluce DIVIS16111 j � DYi\TG'PERNIIT • . . . MR-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County_, Inc. haveagreed'to'be (Company Nainellndivi"Namle) the RVAC Sub-obntractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) — \ Y Coxltictor) For the project Ideated at C.< (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood:that,if there is any change of statMa regarding our participation with ther above Inentibned.. project,the Building and Code Regalation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant.to the filing of a Change of Sub-coktractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNAT M(Qua fter). 'Co IGNATUM(Quaucr) •Matthew Lyle Wynne Bar - erman PPUNT NAME PRINT NAME 08.898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION MAVMtA COUNTY CtR'rMCATION NUMBER State of IFlorida,County Of S'i, e,F State of Florida.County of S C. �7 The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi9�+ ` flay of The foregoing instrument was 4gged before me y of Qc�.JC 20� 1,by��Q�i�g.�1���,p ��'�.w:c1V..S� �2n`ta 20�,by�C�• Z��tynBf�M�(� . who is personally.known_!!�,,Or has produced a . who is personally known✓r has prodaeeds at ideatifica@on. pp as identifcation. STAMP STAMRIi Signature of Notary l e SignatureofNotfty c _ho.x_-O-M-� ly�v AAS K i a �y.�oT}l.`/ 4,y u &Sk.1,0 Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public I .•lrA P�'••. DOROTHYANN BASKIN. 'a•••• <: ..Vk DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ;q• � EXPIRES October 2,2020. =a. ;*, MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �'•.'•'„o boa•'•Bonded Thru Notary Public Undengriters -;� � EXPIRES:October 2,2020 .,,oF F°.,•. Bonded Thni Notary Public U Revised 11/10016 ry ndenvriters. L66-J MWZOOOd tLO-i 999L8L8ZLL d.I o0 su i p i n8 auuA -WO�A gL:ZL 9I, -60-�'4 ' I PLCLI\, 0 PERMIT#` ISS:UE�:ETATE: , . :PT,ANNING:�AEVEL.4PMENT SERVICES $oiYdiiug&Code Compl><ance Division ; B:IJIIDINGr'P�'RIVIIT ' ;, >.:, SUB=CONTRACTOR.AGREEMEN`i` T.r.easr re Coast Roo:fing,: have:agreedtobe ( :ompany I�ameYtldividual l�Tamej: tkie $o q.f n g Sub-coritractor:for yr+ne D.e v e o pme n t Corp. (Type of 1'xade) (Primary�Q.gntractor) Foii•the pFo3ect lacated::at . �'ro�ectStc+eet.Acldress:or Property TaarIU n) if is uritderstood duty if there:is ally>ci ange:of status regazdinb:o>ar partieipatiorl w7tl .the above inernlon�d project,the Building and Code:Regulation D7vlston of St..Lucie County wlli be:aclvised.pursuant to the fi��g of a:Change of$ub corltiaci<or=rlottce;. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE`:(QuahfieO SUB.COO�]TRACTOR.. . NA, aalifierj' ' ;a-ti'b -e,, Lyle. Wwnne . . .. .. ... ..Br a•n Maioney. PRINTNAME PRINTYAME CU[INTY CERTIF7CrT,CON N(JNIBEit.: COUNTY CERTIFICA;TION NUMBER: , Statgof0011 a,cToty- T C,C Siate:ofFlonda Coumy:of GIC �1 The-toregoinginstrnmcnttvassignedbePoremethisy day of Theforepindlristrumedtwassgnedbeforeme:this:✓` yof. �Q Ja 2O by n�.iA Lw� Wl.dll l\VQ 20a,by wbo;u;personally knowq✓qr has.prodaeeda. ' who is:personallykoown ✓or lies-produceda as deutiGca6on STAMP i9401. IeofNo natureof:Nbbl' nblkl /1 ,Q Print Name ofNotary7'ublic Print iwame of:NotaryPribtie � •t �PyB'• DOROTHYANN BA KIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145o'A••:ayc.: DOROTHYANN BASKIN ,c EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 Revised 11/16/2016' %pFd�$".•'• Bonded Thru Notary Public =;r, N 3 EXPIRES:October 2,2020 '•iFOF KQ••• Bonded Thru Notary Public:Undenvrttam .1.•N• i I ! I i