HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoundary Survey_ _ -LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel I North 72 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West: thence West along said curve. a distance 94.72 feet: thence North feet and a central angle of 33 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds: thence 43 minutes 27 seconds Weef.,a es 55 degrees distance of 150.00 feet to the East along siid curve9 a distancegof 175.71 feet; thence South 89 degrees CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD REVISIONS BY That pportion of Lots l4 and 15. Block 3 and Lots 9. I0. II. of curvature of a tangent curve. point concave to the South. Navin 40 m nutes 15 seconds East. a distance of 462.94 feet: CHORD BEARING 12. 13. 14. and 15. Block 4 at. Section 26. Township 36 South, radius of 615.00 feet and a central angle of 29 degrees 26 thence South 87 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds East. a distance of 386.20 feet: 1- 26°48'07' 965.00E 451.41E 229.91, 447.31E S 76°16'12'E Range 40 East, and Lot 9. Block 3. Section 25. Township 36 S'outh, 02 seconds: thence West of minutes ag said curve, a distance 315.94 thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds West. 2 f5°18'02' I950.00' 520.79E 261.95E 519.24E N 82040'41'E x' Range 40 East. as shown the the plat St. Lucie Gardens. to the point of curvature of P of feet a reverse curve, concave a distance of 512.82 feet to the point of curvature of a non - tangent 4 0*44'08' I 356;27' 17.4I' according to the er Plat thereat. os recorded in Plat Book I. ed Northeast. having a radius to the of25.00 feet. central le curve. concave to the South. having a radius of 1356.27 feet, a 8.7I' I7.41' S 75 ° 23'42"W Page 35 0( the public records of St. Lucie County. Florida, a an of 90 degrees 03 minutes 01 second, and a chord of 35.37 fee( bearing central angli of 00 degqrees 44 minutes 08 seconds. and a chord of 17.41 feet blaring 5 6 IS°18'07' 1885.00E 503.43E 253.22E 501.93E S 82°40'41'W Lying North of the Northerly Right of Way of Savanna Club North.40 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds West: thence Northwest South 75 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West: 33°56'48" 835,00' 494.72E 254.86' 487.52E N 72'41'51'W Boulevard as recorded in Savanna Club Plat No. I. Plat Book 24. Page along said curve. a distance of 39.29 feet: thence North 04 degrees thence West along said curve. a distance of 17.41 feet to the point of C 7 29*26'02' 615.00E 315.94' 161.54' 312.47E N 70°26'2 8 'W 7 the public records of St. Lucie County. Florida. 53 mtnutes 32 seconds Eaat. a distance of 242.16 feet: thence curvature of a reverse curve. concave to the North, having a 8 90°03'01" 25.00E 39.29E 25.02E 35.37E ed Described as follows: South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance 934.23 radius of 18b5.00 feet. a central angle of 15 degrees 18 minutes 9 IS°48'02' 300.00E B2.73' 35.37' N 40°07'S9'W r• of feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent curve. concave 07 seconds. and o chord of 501.93 feet bearing South $2 degrees 40 10 11°24'22 41.63E S 81°4 1' 6 2 E Commencing of the Southeast corner of said Section 26: thence to the South, having a radius of 300.00 feet. le minutes 42 seconds West: thence West along said curve: a distance 350.00' 69.68E 34.95' 69.56' S 79034'27'E 'n North 89 "degrees 40 minutes l7 seconds West. a distance of a central an g of 15 degrees 48 minutes 02 seconds• and a chord of 82.47 feet bearing of 503.43 feat: thence North 89 de rees 40 mtnutes 15 seconds West, g distance II 4°23'37' 325.00E 24.92' 12.47' 24.92E S 87028'26'E 555.46 feet: thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 17 seconds West. South 81 degrees 46 minutes 21 seconds East: thence East a of 1420.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING 12 33°33'26' 300.00' 175.71E 90,45' 173.20E N 73°33'02'E a distance of 1429.48 test: thence North 00 do roes 04 minutes 57 along said curve. o distance of 82.73 feet to the point of curvature of !3 33°56'48' 900.00E 533.23E 274,70E 525.47E N 73'4I'S1'W seconds East. a distance of 700.99 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent a reverse curve. concave to feet, the North• hovin9 a radius of 350.00 f4 33°56'S1' 550.00E 325.87E 167.88E 32F.13' N 72°41'S2'W curve, concave to the North• having a radius of 965.00 feel. a central an le of 26 degrees 48 minutes a central angle of II chord of 69.56 fees bear ingg degrees 24 minutes 22 seconds. and a South 79 degreet 34 27 07 seconds, and a chord of 447.31 feef bearing South 76 degrees East: thence East along to minutes seconds curve. a distance of 69.68 feet: LINE BEARING DISTANCE" v 16 minutes 12 seconds East: thence East along said curve. a distance 451.41 thence South 85 degrees 16 inufes 38 seconds East. a distant'(+ of L I N.0BEARIN5'E 65.00E of feet: thence North 00 degrees 19 minutes 45 seconds East. a distance of 130.00 feet to (he POINT OF BEGINNING 333.09 feet to the point of curvature of a tongent curve. concave to the North, having a radius of 325.00 feet L 2 N 00°03'00'E 65,18' 'f and a point of curvature of o.non-tongent curve, concave 'to the and a central angle of 04 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds! thence East along L 3 N 00°19'45'E 65,00E North.. having a radius of 835.00 feet. a central an le of 33 said curve. a distance of 24.92 feet: thence South 89 de roes 40 m'nut 15 L 4 N Ot)°19'45'E 65,00E aeconda Eaaf, a dissents of 365.30 feet to t90 point of curvature degrees 56 mtnutes 48 seconds, and a chord of 487.5 feet bearing p of a tangent curve, concave to the North. havinga radius of 300.00 FOUND S 89°40'15 E FOUND 4X4 82 FOUND IRON ROD. d 4296ICgp ROD ROD NO CAP FOUND IRON ROD v t CONCRETE 934. 23 E 7.3:'.. .......-... .,,-_. FOUND IRON .l MONUMENT C9 CIO & 4286 CAP _ S 89040'15'E ° POB OF 69.68.1 S 85°16'38-E �042861CAP ROD 462.94E RON S 87 42 58-E a 333 CAP J ORB 924. PG 222 C\2 386.2 - w WETLAND LIMIT 7 FOUND IRON ROD 333,09' �' S 89040'15 E �' FOUND IRON ROD t�5� �. FLAGGED BY OTHERS Q 4286 CAP 6 4286 CAP 365.30E FOUND IRON ROD y6 UJ in WETLAND LIMIT d 4286 CAP N v WETLAND LIMIT FOUND IRON ROD FLAGGED BY OTHERS N FLAGGED BY OTHERS d 4286 CAP STREAM z ,I LOT 9 I = FOUND 4X4 PRM A R E L I 0 z t-y- �b cuLPEPPER CONTAINING 34 . 52 ACRES I 4o'oRAINACE I o o<`- 6F '---__-_.- 3/S.gq . L O T 11 EASEMENT 0 ° LL z OFFICIAL 00 no:) Cy RECORD BOOK I 0 N oFm t• - - ---- _ 3 rOUND 4 CON(: ET 572. PAGE 2501 ° a 7 ..2$• MONUM T NO NU 0 to J-i LOT. 12 _ so vs LO 3 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 9 0 �0• FOUND 4X4 CONCRETE o r MONUMENT NO NUMBER a ,. K O U � n POINT OF BEGINNING FOUND 04 oa C6. PARCEL I CONCRETE Z) ' 49q MONUMENT 0-a f,UND 4X4 CONCRETE FOUND 4X4 _ NO NUMBER ' NUMENT NO NUMBER CONCRETE rn N L O T 9 N 89° 40 '15 W MONUMENT C5 -t FOUND IRON 1420.23E 503.43E ROD 6.333 CAP -. -EDGE OF PAVEMENT I LEGEND: _ SAVANNAH CLUB BOULEV RD P.O.B.- POINT OF 'BEGINNING - -- - --------- -- _---- 40 _ P.O.C.- POINT OF COMMENCEMENT c1 J"' 130E RIGHT OF WAY - -}- ------ ------ P . R . M . - PERMANENT REFERENCE 451 41 MONUMENT S 89° 40' 15'E P . C , P . - PERMANENT CONTROL FOUND 04 CONCRETE 992.37E POINT MONUMENT NO NUMBER FOUND IRON ROD P . C . - POINT OF CURVATURE STREAM d LB 271 CAP P.T. - POINT OF TANGENCY P.I. - POINT OF INTERSECTION R/W - RIGHT OF WAY - CENTERLINE ELEV ELEVATION C 2 MEAS - MEASURED PAP E 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION E/P - EDGE OF PAVEMENT w CONTA I N.I NG 19.92 ACRES WETLAND LIMIT Parcel 2 © CABLE PEDESTAL WETLAND LIMIT FLAGGED BY OTHERS Is IRON ROD AS NOTED v a FLAGGED BY OTHERS Beinyy a par tion 'of Lots 15 and 16. Block 3 and Lots 9. 10. 11, 0 12. T3. 14. and 16. Block 4 of Section 26. Township 36 South, o SANITARY CLEAN -OUT 0 w e n Rar 4 t � Eas as shown wn 0 g o on the the plat pf St. Lucre Gardens, o according to the plat thereof. as recor3d in Plot Book 1. Page © TELEPHONE PEDESTAL LOT 1 Z � T I I LOT I LOT 13 oN 35 of Ike pubIis records of St. Lucie Co nt Florida. L O 1 4 y 00 ELECTRIC BOX Q M Described as (oleo«s; i 0 Ca WATER METER p rrm Commenc,ngg at the Southeast corner of sal in Section 26: thence 0 v a North 8g degrees 40 minutes 17 seconds Vest, a distance of 555.46 o FIRE HYDRANT WETLAND LIMIT w o feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence c'ion tinuingg Wes aeonqq said WATER VALVE FLAGGED BY OTHERS a o line. a d,stanc of 1429.48 feet: thence' North OO degrees 0A .p z J minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of 700.99 feet to the ,point o z of curvature of o non -tangent curve. concave to the North. having t- F _ a radius of 965.00 feet. a central angle of 26 degrees 48 minutes ow 07 seconds. and a chard of 447.31 feet bearing South 76 degrees f 16 minutes 12 se conds East: thence East along said curve.,,a W z distance of 451.41 feet: thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance oJ_ 992.37 feet: thence South OO degrees 09 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance 6f 597.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. FOUND 314- 2 6 IRON PIPE N 89040' 17'W 25 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1429.48E N 89°40'17'W FOUND IRON R00 5$5.46 p d LB 271 CAP t. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE IN FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF. WAREHOUSE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM POINT OF BEGINNING COMMENCEMENT PPOINT NT OF 1 d 2 2. THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 26 BEARS N 89°40'17-W PARCEL 2 AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO. -ACCURACY -MEASUREMENT METHODS -APPARENT PHYSICAL USE THE'EXPECTED USE OF THE LAND IS MIXED USE. THE MINIMUM ALL EQUIPMENT USED IN PERFORMING THE FIELD WORK ASSOCIATED -CERTIFIED To: -DATE OF SURVEY: 12-9-99 RELATIVE DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY WITH THIS SURVEY WAS TESTED AND CALIBRATED. ALL WORK WAS VACANT LAND. IS I FOOT IN 10,000 FEET WHICH WAS MET IN THE CASE OF THIS PERFORMED WITH AN ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION READING DIRECTLY FIRST UNION NATI NAL BANK. A NATIONAL THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL SURVEY. TO A MINIMUM OF 6 SECONDS PER ANGLE WITH A DISTANCE ACCURACY -EASEMENTS BANKING ASSOCIATION RAISED SEAL OF THE FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER OF I PART IN 50.000. ALL DATA WAS RECORDED USING A FIELD DATA RUDEN. McCLOSKY, SMITH; SCHUSTER NAMED BELOW. -DATA SOURCES COLLECTOR AND CONVENTIONAL FIELD NOTES. THE BOUNDARY WAS AS SHOWN HEREON. RUSSELL, P.A. PERFORMED BY CREATING A CLOSED GEOMETRIC FIGURE AND ANY SIDE THE DESCRIPTION WAS WRITTEN BY THE SURVEYOR AT THE REOUEST•OF SHOTS WERE DONE USING A REDUNDANCY OF MEASUREMENTS. -SURVEYOR AND MAPPER IN RESPON THE ,CLIENT. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS WAS MADE BY THIS DAVID M. JONES. FLCDIDA SIBLE CHARGE LICENSE NUMBER LS 3909 OFFICE TO LOCATE THE EXISTENCE OF EASEMENTS OR OTHER -BOUNDARY INCONSISTENCIES -LIMITATIONS RESTRICTIONS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. PROPERTY i AS SHOWN HEREON. LIES IN FLOOD ZONE 'X'. ACCORDING TO MAP NUMBERS AGzg7gDt 121110259 F d 12110283 F. DATED AUGUST 19. 1991. (S GNED AND SEALED) _ - ° �- I �)8133SAM GCD -- -- - -- O L1J LL Z w l-- > cj:�ct I W �. cr- a U, Ld z N Q ® 0:� O Z LL- L1J D 0 n C0 W Ld cr� m IZ LLJ 0 o+ N ar M tj W L zILL W L t w Z E > a ® -a = � a Vew o m W in 1W 0 Of M 5 W (NJ V) > J x ® Q c z to N � ^ - % LU rno WILL ^� ® 0 to kO a; ulLo a` _ =O to to Ln DRAWN DMJ CHECKED DMJ DATE 8-27-QI SCALE I' - 100' JOB NO. 98-133UD4 SHEET I OF I. SHEETS 2S d 26-36-40