HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Water & Wastewater Plant CapacitySAP-24-2001 12:49PM FROM -CRAVEN THOMPSON AND ASSOC +5616881037 T-750 P.001/001 F-888
goo SO Ouden Lane
Port St. Lucie, FL 34983
(661) $73-6400
ftoat�} (561 ) ST3.6405 Fax Gary L. Bashem. PE, P.L.S., Dimetor
Post -it" Fax Note 7671 o�te c
September 24, 2001
Via US Mali & Facsimile
William A. Stueber, P.5,
Craven Thompson IL Associates, Inc.
5114 Okeechobee Boulevard
suite 110
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
RE: savanna Clue Apartments
At the present time, the City of Port St, Lucie Utility Systems Department has
water and wastewater plant capacity to serve this proposed project.
This should not be construed as a commitment to provide service until approvals by
all regulatory agencles have been obtained; construction plans are approved; a
Service Agreement / Permit To Connect has been fully executed; and all applicable
Pees have been paid to the Utility.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free
to contact our Technical Services office by calling 873-6400,
Michele Pagel
Project Coordinator
Technical Services
c: File 11.318.013
WAS, Perm t
LVA Nfgh
Thatportion-of Lots_14 and-15. Block-3 and -Lots 9,10; 11,12, 13,14-and 15�.- Block4 of Section.26. Township
_6-South_ Range-40 east and Lot 9-Blesk I, -Sections 25. Township 36 Souther Range 40 Eastas, shown on the plat
Qfi St_ I_pcie Gardens_ according to tluwp4thereo&as--r-e,.cmded-in P1413ook 1, page 35 of.tke.public records of
St,Lwcie County, FlQrida-Lying Npith-afAhe rly Right of WWGtSu<va mah.Club Bwle�rdasFucorded in
Savanna Club Plat No.1 Plat Book 24, Page 7 -of the -public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Described as
Commencing -at the Southeast corner of said, section 26: thence north 89 degrees 40 minutes 17 seconds West, a
distance -of 555.46 feet; -thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 1429.48 feet: thence
North-00 degrees 04 minutes 57 seconds-East�a distance -of 70099 feet to the point of curvature of a non -tangent
nurm, concave to the -North, having a-ra&us of 965..00. feet, a -central angle -of 26 degrees, 48 minutes 7 seconds,
and -a chord -of 447.31 feet. bearing South-76 degrees-16 minutes l2-seconds_EasL then east•along-said_curve, a
distance-o£451.41 feet: thence North 00 degrees, 19 minutes, 45 seconds East, a distance of 130.00 feet tot he
POINT OF BEGINNING- and a point of curvature of a non -tangent curve, concave to the North, having a radius of
835M feet, a central angle 33 degrees, 56 mknites.4&secogds,and-achord_of 487.52 feet bearing North 72
cep ses 41' miuiutes'5.1-seconds West: thence W2st-aiong saidctrvera-distance of494.72 feet, thence North 55
deKees,43 minutes,27 seconds West..a distance of,150.00 feet to the point of curvature of a tangent curve, concave
to this South, having a -radius of 615.Q0 feet -and a central angle of 29 .degrees 26 minutes 02 seconds; thence West
along said -curve, a distance of 315.94 feet to_the point of curvature of a reverse curve, concave to the Northeast,
having aradius of2,5 00 feet, a central angle of990 degrees Q3.minuW$ 01 second and a chord of 35.37 feet bearing
North 40 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds West: thence_Northwestalong said curve, a distance of 39.29 feet: thence
North 04degrees 53 -minutes 32 seconds- East,. -&distance of 242.16 feet thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15
seconds East, a_distance of 934.23 fact to .the -point of curvature- of anon tangent curve concave to the South,
havingasadius of 300 feet. a central angle -of 15 degrees 48 minutes 02 seconds and a chord of 82,47 feet bearing
-South-M-degrees-46 minutes21 seconds -East- thenmEast along-said-curve_a-distance of 82_73 feet -to -the point of
curvature of a reverse curve, concave to the North -having a-radiusof 350 feet, a central angle of 11 degrees 24
� seconds and a chord of 69,56 feet bearing South 79 degrees 34 minutes 27 seconds East: thence East
,a*g saiq.cuzve _a-4istance.of 69.6&ffevt: thence South 85 4eKees,16 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of
33�.09 feet -tat he.point of curvature -of a tangent curve, concave to the Forth, having a radius of 325.00 feet and a
rentralangle ofA4degrees 23minutes 37 seconds : thence East along. said curve a distance of 24.92 feet: thence
South $9.degreesA minutes 15 seconds East�adistance of ,565.30 feet to -the point of a curvature of a tangent
jr,we, concave -to -the North, havinga.sadius o£3Q000 feet and a central angle of 33 degrees 33 minutes 26
secon&-thenco-Eut along -said curve a distance -of 175.71 feet: thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds
East, -a distance or 462.94 feet: thence South 37 degrees 42 minutes 58.seconds East: a distance of 386.20 feet:
thence, South OAdegrees 03 minutes -00 seconds Westa.distance-of 512.82_feet to the point of -curvature -of a,
non -tangent eurve,concave to the South-having-asadius of 1356.27 feet, a central angle of 00 degrees 44 minutes
09seconds,anda_chordof 17.41 feet bearing South 75 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West: thence West along
said-curvera_distance_of 17.41 feet to a point of curvature of a reverse curve, concave to the North having a radius
of 1.885.00 feet a central angle of 15 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds and a chord of 501.93 feet bearing South 82
degrees 40 minutes 4� seconds West: thence West along said curve, a distance of 503.43 feet: thence North 89
degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 1420.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.