HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: A Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Permit Number: 41 Buoilding Permit Application 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone*. (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial X- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Shutter --------------------- ------------------------- -------------- - - - - 1. 1x. �. ..�ca�o��D �n����..... Xx �ENT Lt�CAT1tJN: __=_ M, -now Residential ....... . . . . . ress: 9550 S Ocean Dr Apt 1409 Legal Description: ISLANDIA I CONDOMINIUM UNIT 1409 Property Tax I D #,* 4502-601 -*01 33-000-9 Lot No.. Site Plan Names. _ Block No.. 1h Project Name" Rosenfeld _. Setbacks Front Back. Right Side: Left Si K •. ---- .er--------- r_--t -•; rC .ti ti tit tiYh'' :74;'. ti �,' f :y a ''..'.}•' --- —.� - ---.ti :r Install 1 accordion shutter CONSTRUtrTI � INFC3RMl��`I Ad-ditiona1'wor'k'to___b,ee or d under tcheck a HVAC lectric Gas Tank 0 Plumbing Gas Piping p ri n Hers ' r _ na apply: Shutters enerator Windows/Doors Roof J Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft,, of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $31437.,00 Utilities: Sewer Septic Building Height: . . . . . . . . . . WNE'R%LESSEE, - RACT4RF ` Name dune ............ ... ------ . . . .. ....... & Jules Rosenfeld Name: Michael Heissenberg Address: 9550 S Ocean Dr Apt 1409 Company: Expert Shutter Services City: Jensen Beach State*. FL Address: 668 SW Whitmore Dr Zip Code: 34957 Fax: City: Port Saint Lucie State: FL Phone No. 609-926-4581 Zip Code: 34984 Fax: 772o-871 o-0990 E-pMalla Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) Phone No. 772-871-1915 E-Mail: Callexpert aol.com State or County License:, 16572 If value of construction is $2500 or more,, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. iYOh`WL+Il' {41L+r 'T--= — r+'rt- i-..x.y■�r.r• .. :N~ ' }.' _.{ s:fNT . . 1 r•. •-• ;;++ yy f tiy .�G: - J{t _ r . #rr . f'... ... ... .. ... .. • +� - _ � • 1. " ��,-�' 1•:+ ,r:}r.5" -��J{}-" ,��'l � •�t :4ti-K at- }r }. , tom. �--K� -� -r � -�trt� 5_ . • • .. .. � a. � r: • -S -i� rrr.'! i • } ' - �.0 _ r;., :� r_� fir' -1 T 1 T .. _ # }tip,}}',J�`• -��:: - r- - .. .. - „ -�• - - _ ....... SUPPLEME AL--CO.-N R.UCT -0N., LIEN' N .. _ _... ?_•'_LTxti'T a'7`+�'} 4 r}�� ..'.' •• _ 'r=•J_•. - �`"r 06 41 t+■��%' R� _L,LL'LLS',.'5� {{ .. 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C Y.. �OR+Amp..a ►�+�I ■ W. r r 44W Aft A+■■W"dum 4ANAARAP AM OF*d* A&Lmin ti■.. NALW6 •=--•-•,,-a..ati+,,.t iL�+.="__ ='_. ��....r_ ..L_. __ ____-____ I z p iPhone,, Zip# rt ��ft rw ■ ■6&v�i■ #n�ypr Phonet k M aftwo-"W& — Yy.. a. a,,,,, , , , , , , , , , �+� 4�IYY 1 i M t++UY Yr--•-' a - ---a �+�Y•rF�YYh�4+JFM �.�+,1�1.1,+ saw..ti•.+M %t%N;%'. OW~ %%R'fi w ■■w■t4%rw,Mrtiw■t•.w.s%&%%Vw'-'-�...-=rr:A .&%%%* -�'tir'"f.'-tia.r r .w: ,ti.•-•� • r--Y r OW N ER/ CO NT RACTOR AFF1 D V IT An n I i cation is ti e re by .i+rt■�� rr..��. ma d e to o btai-nrm i e work a n d i n sta I I as 'I nd icated 0 I c f� rtify th at no - wot+k or insta I lat Jon h as cornmen ced pr0r- to t h e i ssu a n ce of a pe rmlp t. St. Lucie County makes no representat'l'on that 1-s granunp r� permit wi�i aothorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which isin contiict with any applicable 1--iome Owners Association rules, bylaws orand covenants that may restrict-orpwohibitsuch structure. Please consult with ypi,r �Inn�e Owners Association ,;inc3 r��vif.w your deed for any restrictions vuhich may apply. in conslaeraTion OT the granting oT [nos requesteci perrrift, i cio hereby agree that I will, in all r(,lspects, pertorm the work in accordance with the. aooroved clans. the Flori'da f3u,1d[-nP_ C-ndp,;;nrl �r I tiria Cntintv Ampndmpntr,. The following building permit applica,tionsa,re exempt from uridprgoing a full co'ncurrency review: roam additions, accessory structures, swimming pools., fences., walls, signs, screen roans and accessory uses to another non-residential use 'WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO CORD A NOTICE OF COMMENC-EMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROYEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY,, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB Sff E BEFORE TNCr FIRST INSPECTION., IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER ORNEY gENURE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF C0MM1ENCAiME1YV Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Cori tractor a5i Ag(,-1.n-t -fir Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF t They forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 6�„ r:iay of November_.....__..........,., 2020b y ft�d Michael Heissenberg ------- ------ - Name of person making statement, Personally Known �___ L OR Produced ldcinitficatinn Type of Identification Produced. (Signature of Notary Publlcw State of Commission Nodl`-,k,)C,0 0��ell REVIEWS I FRONT ZONING COUNTER REVIEW 11 --- -a MIA--- vv­ 7.7-anv a, tAOTARy PuBLIC OFF GG268031 -Ir LORI OM11110 DATE RECEIVED r �� YIF r • iir 411 +.1 a ■ id,■ a LLLLy i •_._ _ _ _ _— ti+%•r_•j DATE t COMPI ETFD . 2J7/T9` -+r�•1�■........ 4 4 6^0'F+'IMi#fi��ia���rta•rN+l+laajrrA,...... evdF"_­ SUPERVISOR REVIEW ol-Ne4 JL "Ft � ,��-_�.--..�: r/yYt.YJ/J,KrtK JFa � �■•�Y4rr.■+�Y--'/�r�++•'My�M��fr��, _ �,.ai1�iW.r.y.Fir 5ignature of Contra ctor/Lic e n se Holder STATE OF FLORIDA BOUNTY OF Thy forgoing instrument was acknowle'dged before me this , 6 day of November , 2020 by Michael Heissenberg Name of person making statement. Personally Known V � OR Produced Identiffication Type of Identification Prod uced ---- - ------ (Sigri-ature of Notary Public- State of Fier' Cornnif*ssldon Nozr)7 e *41 ■••# . 1-FaF+ -iil- i.F •I•. ..aa.......aa.a PLANS REVIEW --------------------------------- W".. VEGETATION REVIEW REVIEW SEATURT-LE Sharron aV*0 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLOR D Comm# QG2580 MANGROVE REVIEW r 1 ■.■.r+