HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) V ZONE DESIGN CERTIFICATE Name KOT"KOTA4 K910U C-9 Policy Number(Insurance Co. Use) Building Address or Other Description Ld2j: , A6AfrfJS0M6 R)AY S OV70 Permit No. City_Fb12.T PIE" State FL Zip Code SECTION I: Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) Information .Community No. 12 1 I Panel No. 0(q4Suffix %-T FIRM Date QZ.-(b -IZ FIRM Zone(s) : - F SECTION II: Elevation Information Used for Design ve a if J. [NOTF;:' Th.s:section documents elevations used in the design-it does not substitute for an Elevation Certi icate.] 1. Eic;-- { 'm of the Bottc:m,77f Lowest Horizontal Structural Member................................17. I feet(NAVD88) 2. Base F oi?d Elevation (EFE)..:................................................... ......................... 1. O feet (NAVD88) -3. Elevation o`,Lowest Adjacent Grade .................................................................... 6. D feet (NAVD88) 4.Approximate U--pth of Anticipated Scqur/Erosion used for Foundation Design...............S. o feet (NAVD88) 5. Embedment Depth�f,Pilings or Foundation Below Lowest Adjacent Grade...............r.�5.ofeet (NAVD88) .,� SECTION III: V Zone Design Certification Statement [NOTE.-This section must be certified by a registered engineer or architect.] I certify that: (1) 1 have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans, and specifications for construction and(2)that the design and methods of construction to be used are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: • The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (excluding piles and columns) is elevated to or above the BFE; and The pile and column foundation and structure attached thereto is anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement.due to the effects of the wind and.water loads acting simultaneously on all building components. Water I loading values used are those associated with the base flood. Wind loading values used are those required by the .;. applicable State or local building code. The potential for scour and erosion at the foundation has been anticipated for !. conditions associated with the base flood, including wave action. f; SECTION IV: Breakaway Wall Design Certification Statement [NOTE. This section must also be certified by a registered engineer or architect f when breakaway walls exceed a design safe loading resistance of 20 pounds per square foot.] I certify that(1) 1 have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans, and specifications for construction and (2)that the design and methods of construction to be used for the breakaway walls are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: • Breakaway wall collapse shall result from a water load less than that which would occur during the base flood; and • The elevated portion of the building and supporting foundation system shall not be subject to collapse, displacement, or other structural damage due to the effects of wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building components (wind and water loading values to be used are defined in Section III). SECTION V: Certification and Seal This certification is to be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer or architect authorized by law to certify structural designs. I certify the V Zone Design Certification Statement in Section 111 and the Breakaway Wall Design Certification Statement in Section IV(if applicable). Ctifier's Name License Number A(C1891, 'f;FA�ta -F��r1UR,� lnlCell,��� Place Seal NrA l Title Company Name Here iv s_ nAi 04 AE 3 FL 3 3 o I Add� City State ZIP Signature Date Telephones �^�?F: Planning & Development Services Department - Building & Regulations Division Product Review Affidavit Building Permit# Owners Name M.4 AAAS. Applicant: J4(5 NoNi ES Product Opening Design Product Rated Manufacturer Model Number Product Approval Glass Method of Attachment Pressures Design Pressure Number Type Windows -70 S 0 Q —D 5 e-amat4 swawP4 U4= same4�5 Mullions &ZD(C,V ( ( Fixed Glass Block Glass Skylights Sliding Glass Doors .3 1-5 9 6D -60 P4-' Vo 2._771d - (2(D.o( (i Swing Type Doors French Doors $D. ?D ?t9 —555$ 9)17,6,©tf (I Garage Doors D +5'& — :0Z4 —b OLI.O a 1 Hurricane Protection Roof Ventilation NJA- Roofing Material Revised 07/22/2014 FSCANIU SHGC COMPLIANCe R UN ON YCODEMUST WAIVUU I have reviewed the above components or cladding an Seir use in this structure. These products provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Nat; QO (L. P(4 Signature: seal D Ii rof: Cert.No. $ 40 Date: 01 169 - got'?