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0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND ARITY OMB No. 1660-0008 Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiration Date: November 30,2018 National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Follow the instructions on pages 1-9. Copy all pages of this Elevation Certificate and all attachments for(1)community official, (2)insurance agent/company,and(3)building owner. SECTION A—PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE �A1. Building Owner's Name Policy Number: Sankara Rao&Rama Kothakota ,A2. Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg.No.)or P.O. Route and Company NAIC Number: Box No. 15116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Fort Pierce Florida 34949 A3. Property Description(Lot and Block Numbers,Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description,etc.) Watersong South P.U.D.Plat No.One,Lot 5 A4. Building Use(e.g., Residential, Non-Residential,Addition,Accessory,etc.) Residential A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat.27.2311 Long.-80.1529 Horizontal Datum: _❑ NAD 1927 ❑x NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 113 A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) 0.00 sq ft i b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosure(s)within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 0 c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b 0.00 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? ❑Yes ❑x No 17 a 7- �(_ A9. For a building with an attached garage: �- �. a) Square footage of attached garage 537.00 sq ft i ) b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage within 1.0 foot abov, I r c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b 41.16 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? ❑x Yes ❑ No SECTION B—FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM) B1. NFIP Community Name&Community Number B2.County Name (� Fort Pierce 120286 St. Lucie County I B4.Map/Panel B5.Suffix B6. FIRM Index B7. FIRM Panel B8. Flood . Number Date Effective/ Zone(s) Revised Date 12111CO194 J 02-16-2012 02-16-2012 VE,AE VE(EL11),AE(EL7),AE(EL6) B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation(BFE)data or base flood depth entered in Item 139: ❑ FIS Profile ❑x FIRM ❑ Community Determined ❑ Other/Source: B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item 139: ❑ NGVD 1929 ❑x NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System(CBRS)area or Otherwise Protected Area(OPA)? ❑x Yes ❑ No Designation Date: 10-01-1983 ❑x CBRS ❑ OPA FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 1 of 6 t I r • OOMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 5116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Fort Pierce Florida 34949 SECTION C—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: ❑ Construction Drawings* 0Building Under Construction* ❑ Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. IC2. Elevations—Zones Al—A30,AE,AH,A(with BFE),VE,V1 V30,V(with BFE),AR,AR/A,ARIAE,AR/A1—A30,AR/AH,AR/AO. i Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7. In Puerto Rico only,enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: B308 Vertical Datum:NAVD88 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items a)through h)below. ❑ NGVD 1929 ❑x NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawlspace,or enclosure floor) 7.77 ❑x feet ❑ meters b) Top of the next higher floor 19AO ❑x feet ❑ meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member(V Zones only) 17.07 ❑x feet ❑meters d) Attached garage(top of slab) 6.75 ❑x feet ❑ meters e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building(Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) N/A ❑ feet ❑ meters f) Lowest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(LAG) 5.50 ❑x feet ❑ meters g) Highest adjacent(finished)grade next to building(HAG) 5.50 ❑x feet ❑ meters h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs,including structural support 5.50 ❑x feet ❑ meters SECTION D—SURVEYOR, ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor,engineer,or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. /certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. /understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a licensed land surveyor? x❑Yes ❑No ❑Check here if attachments. Certifier's Name License Number i Christian Fenex 5102 Title Surveyor ' - I-dde Company Name Christian Fenex and Associates 'e_Cti Address PO Box 2533 - - , der City State ZIP Code Palm City Florida 34991 _- i Signature Date Telephone Ext. Christian Fenex `DaD�9*signed by Gvitaim Ferret le:2017.10.09,25&99-0fpp' 10-09-2017 (772)283-2977 Copy all pages of this Elevation Certificate and all attachments for(1)community official,(2)insurance agent/company,and(3)building owner. Comments(including type of equipment and location, per C2(e),if applicable) Structure(residence),does not fall in"V"zone. Second floor(Item C2b),is designed elevation based on plans. FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 2 of 6 r% r- • OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O.Route and Box No. Policy Number: 5'116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Fort Pierce Florida 34949 SECTION E—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A(without BFE),complete Items E1—E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B,and C. For Items E1—E4,use natural grade,if available.Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E1. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade(HAG)and the lowest adjacent grade(LAG). a) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor(including basement, crawlspace,or enclosure)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9(see pages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor(elevation C2.b in the diagrams)of the building is -]feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. I 3. Attached garage(top of slab)is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available,is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F—PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTIFICATION i The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B,and E for Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE)or Zone AO must sign here.The statements in Sections A, B,and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone i Comments i ❑Check here if attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 3 of 6 • •OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date: November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg.No.)or P.O.Route and Box No. Policy Number: 5116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Fort Pierce Florida 34949 SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATION(OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A,B,C(or E),and G of this Elevation Certificate.Complete the applicable item(s)and sign below.Check the measurement used in Items G8-G10. In Puerto Rico only,enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer,or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) 62 ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information(Items G4-G10)is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy Issued 7. This permit has been issued for: ❑ New Construction ❑ Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as-built lowest floor(including basement) of the building: ❑feet ❑ meters Datum G9. BFE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site: ❑feet ❑ meters Datum G10. Community's design flood elevation: ❑feet ❑ meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone (Signature Date i Comments(including type of equipment and location,per C2(e), if applicable) ❑ Check here if attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33(7115) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 4 of 6 I BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE See Instructions for Item A6. Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit,Suite, and/or Bldg. No.)or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 5116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Fort Pierce Florida 34949 If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with date taken; "Front View"and"Rear View'; and, if required, 'Right Side View"and j "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents,as indicated-in Section A8. If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page. � 9 - F Photo One (Photo One Caption Left side looking southeast G Clear Photo One 7. i 1 n. L d Photo Two Photo Two Caption Right side looking northeast Clear Photo Two FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 5 of 6 r— BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS 0 OMB No. 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Continuation Page Expiration Date: November 30,2018 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt., Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg.No.)or P.O. Route and Box No, Policy Number: 5116 Water Song Way City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number Fort Pierce Florida 34949 If submitting more photographs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and 'Rear View"; and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents,as indicated in Section AS. i _ a• j Pill t3 Photo Three Photo Three Caption Front view looking south Clear Photo Three !�k-t � I .. - n Photo Four Caption Rear view looking West Photo Four Clear Photo Four FEMA Form 086-0-33(7/15) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 6 of 6 0 1 G W� CCCL ELEVATION CERTIFICAI RECEIVED FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PR01I MAY 0 3 Z018 i This certificate is required by section 3109 of the Florida Building Code for habitable stru I STTLucie County, Permitting construction control line to ensure the lowest horizontal structural member of such stru one-hundred-year storm elevation as published in the Florida Department of Environmeritai Yrotection's document titled, "One-Hundred-Year Storm Elevation Requirements for Habitable Structures Located Seaward of a Coastal Construction Control Line". The elevation of the lowest horizontal structural member is to be shown in relation to National Geodetic j Vertical Datum(N.G.V.D., 1929). NOTICE: This certificate shall be completed as part of the permitting process and submitted to the building official who Will note any deficiencies and notify the permit holder of any actions necessary to bring the structure into compliance with the elevation requirement. Any deficiencies found by the building official shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately and prior to proceeding with work. Any work undertaken prior to submission of this certification shall be at the property owner's risk. SECTION A Property Information PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME Sankara Rao&Rama Kothakota STREET ADDRESS(Including Apt.,Unit,Suite and/or Bldg.Number)OR P.O.BOX NUMBER 5116 Watersong Way OTHER DESCRIPTION(Lot and Block Numbers,etc.) Lot 5 Watersong South PUD Plat No. One, Plat book 53, Page 1 CITY STATE ZIP CODE Ocean Drive-St. Lucie County PID#2532-803-0012-000-2 SECTION B One-Hundred-Year Storm Elevation Information I. Pursuant to the above document,the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member must be located at or above 17•0 feet N.G.V:D. I 2. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the building is 18.5 feet N.G.V.D. 3. Control elevation reference mark used:Benchmark ID B 308 BM elevation: 3.61 feet N.D.V.D. Please refer to the diagrams on page 2 of this document for information regarding the location of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. SECTION C Certification This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor,engineer,or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information and be submitted to and approved by the building official prior to commencing any additional work, I certify that the information in Sections A,B,and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. ! CERTIFIER'S NAME: LICENSE NUMBE& Christian Fenex PSM 5102 ! TITLE: COMPANY NAME: iPresident Christian Fenex And Associates,LLC ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PO Box 2533 Palm City Florida 34991 SIGNATURE DATE: TELEPHONE; Christian Fenex DVt.0y6oedbyChmlianF— 10/3/2017 772-283-2977 oate:2m7.10.03 ts:31:45-04roo• COMMENTS: Affix Seal: DEP Foam 73-501 - 1 RECEI'.'�� JUL 19 2017 Pr PRESTRESS HOLLOW CORE PLANK DESIGN _FOR KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA P-17-6290 Pre-Cast Specialties, LLC. John P. McGrew, P.E. 1380 Northeast 48th Street Fl. Lic.# 26641 Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 June 1, 2017 SHEETS 1 THRU-22 4 G r, co" JOB 070 W714z, (�re Plalvk /# JOHN McGREW & ASSOCIATES PR C DATE CONSULTING ENGINEER D�/0 SHT� OF i see � � , � M K H Cr �e SeP CO?� G�PS� P7 i SUBJECT JOB# ^^ /-,)o/-[o&) �0 JiOHN McGREW &ASSOCIATES PROJECT 1,7v CONSULTING ENGINEER KL � SHT OF � �2s�n sPa�r! 4-Y2—' M`K l0 Io� _ Yq r MK I) - 14A SeP Corn1� gus.-O 3 P f �t SUBJECT JOB# 1-OY� px�lwk Z)PP !l (02FQ JOHN McGREW &ASSOCIATES PROJECT DATE CONSULTING ENGINEER �j/�a-1 G W,-`5/�q6,Ce-0' 0� 0l -0/ SHT OF 9 Ff& sLL i K 36A- �d � - Y� i Jes I r) s pw SUBJECT JOB# �Dlv Care Pl"k JOHN McGREW &ASSOCIATES PROJECT DATE alo-�a CONSULTING ENGINEER SHT OF Roov- 4 r! I wl /T S LL o i 11 i — (.4 s M l� �33133 A- f SAS MK 34-35� c S� s a6 ag `d i 4W JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 6US SHT ODF z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mk 1 John McGrew & Associates I PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION a 6US GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- , DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION — --------- ----------------- -------H( 1) 3. 000 in COMPOSITE B ( 1 ) 48. 000 in : H (E) 1. 000 in B (2) 47. 000 in H(3) 4. 000 in B (3) 14. 750 in H (4) 1. 310 in Ll- (4) . 10. 480 in H(5) 1. 000 in B (5) 47. 000 in H(G) 1. 310 in B(6) 10. 480 in B 4. 00 ft PER 108. 00 in HT 9. 000 i n MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS span = 6. 90 ft l SW 180. 5 pl f 100 % No Shoring WC 36. 0 psf 100 % SDLP % 0. 0 p s.f 100 % SDLC 20. 0 psf 100 % SLL 80. 0 psf 50 % WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST- COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ ----------------------- v c 6000 psi f1c 3000 psi fgci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi Wa 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA ----------- Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter- . 4375 in Area 0. 115 in8 Number 3 / Pull 21770 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSB/05—E3:-2017 Tel : (863) 533-1054 Y V. 1 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: GUS SHT (D OF 4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE ----------------------------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 180. 46 744 3. 00 3. 00 282. 28 2138 4. 62 1. 38 4. 38 END 182. 72 747 2. 98 3. 02 284. 54 8157 4. 60 1. 40 4. 40 . 4L 182. 72 747 2. 98 3. 02 284. 54 157 4. GO 1. 40 4. 40 . 5L 182. 72 747 2. 98 3. 02 584. 54 2157 4. 60 1. 40 4. 40 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L 0 R ------ -------- ----- ----- SELF WGT. OF P/C 1E. 4 12. 9 180 0. 6 WEIGHT OF COMBOS. 9. 9 10. 3 144 0. 5 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 5. 5 5. 7 80 0. 3 TOTAL DEAD LOAD 27. 7 28. 9 404 1. 4 SUPERIMPOSED LL 21. 9 22. 9 320 1. 1 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) - ' ------------------------------------ ------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L TOP 31 81 83 44 135 139 BOTTOM 659 610 608 942 1016 1013 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1. 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L Mu (k-i n) 68. 4 71. E Mcr 525. 2 524. 3 . 81 Mn (k-i n) 502. 9 502. 9 1. 2 Mcr 630. 2 629. a (in) 0. 74 0. 74 fps (psi ) 261006 261006 i I JSB/05-23-20 i 7 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: GUS SHT ?�OFU -------------------.-------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi ) FT (psi ) FTT (psi) LOSSES K) ______ ------- ------- -------- --------- INITIAL PRESTRESS ------ PI 679. 32. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 659. 31• 3. 0 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 628. 30. 7. 6 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 581. 27. 14. 5 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -51. 52. SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -41. 42. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -12. 4. 1E. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -49. 15. 47. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 608. 83. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 535. 123. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL 427. 139. 58. FIE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND 476. 155. 12. PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+. 75*WIND+. 75*SLL 439. 136. 47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : i` SQR (f9c) = - 930 psi 7. 5 SQR(f1 & = - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f' c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f' c = 3600 psi CAMPER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN ( in) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. ----- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0. 03 -0. 00 0. 03 0. 03 AT ERECTION 0. 06 -0. 01 0. 05 -0. 00 0. 00 -0. 00 -0. 00 0. 05 ' AT END S. LIFE 0. 07 -0. 01 0. 05 -0. 00 0. 00 -0. 00 -0. 00 0. 05 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) . L/180=0. 5 L/540=0. 3 L/360=0. 2 L/480=0. 2 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) X VLI/. 75 Vc Vs AV AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhi Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips inS/ft in`/ft kips kips kips inS/ft in`/ft ---- ---- ---- ---- -----•- ------- ----- ----- ---- ------- ------ HT/2 8 30 0 0. 000 " 0. 023 5 E7 89 0. 138 0. 148 0. 3 8 30 0 0. 000 0. 023 5 27 89 0. 139 0. 148 0. 7 7 31 0 0. 000 0. 023 0. 148 4 7 89 0. 123 1. 0 6 33 0 0. 000 0. 023 4 27 89 0. 108 0. 148 1. 4 6 34 0 0. 000 0. 023 3 27 89 0. 093 0. 148 1. 7 5 35 0 0. 000 0. 023 3 27 89 0. 077 0. 148 2. 1 4 30 0 0. 000 0. 023 C 27 89 0. 062 0. 148 2. 4 3 22 0 0. 000 0. 023 2 27 89 0. 046 0. 148 5. 8 E 17 0 0. 000 0. 053 1 27 89 0. 031 0. 148 3. 1 1 17 0 0. 000 0. 023 1 27 89 0. 015 0. 148 3. 5 0 17 0 0. 000 0. 023 0 27 89 0. 000 0. 148 NOTE Required shear- capacity Vu/0. 75 has been doubled, in order to comply with ACI 318-08 Section 18. 8. 2. HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum JSBt05-23-2017 1 i ;JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 6US SHT 8 OF4 ------____—___------------ ------------------------------------ ZA ______________________________ M �� I John McGrew K Associates I PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : 6US GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ------------------------------------ DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- ------------------ H (1) 5. 000 in COMPOSITE B (1) 48. 000 in H (S) 1. 000 in B (`) 47. 000 in 4(3) 4. 000 in B(3) 14. 750 in H(4) 1. 310 in B(4) 10. 480 in H(5) 1. 000 in B (5) 47. 000 in H(6) 1. 310 in B (6) 10. 480 in B 4. 00 ft PER 108. 00 in HT 11. 000 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS span = 6. 90 ft SW 180. 5 plf 100 % No Shoring WC 60. 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 SDLC 85. 0 psf/ 100 is SLL 40. 0 psf 50 WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA f' c 6000 psi f' c 3000 psi f' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 4375 in Area 0. 115 in` Number w � Pu11 21770 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSBI05-23-2017 / . . - - -. v5 t..r-. ._ci-- c -1 . i-i i-- wWwv f./� C o4( C Off. 1:V111/ �J('C CPV 1 4 Tel : (863) 533-1054 r Y JOB: N.DTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 6US SHT 9 OF a g GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES PRECAST COMPOSITE -AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- GROSS 180. 46 744 3. 00 3. 00 350. 16 3743 5. 67 0. 33 5. 33 END 182. 72 741 2. 98 3. 02 352. 4E 3777 5. 64 0. 36 5. 36 . 4L 182. 72 747 2. 98 3. 02 352. 42 3777 5. 64 0. 36 5. 36 5L 182. 72 747 2. 98 3. 02 352. 42 3777 5. 64 0. 36 5. 36 I SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L 0 R SELF WGT. OF P/C 12. 4 12. 9 180 0. 6 WEIGHT OF COMBOS. 16. 5 17. 1 240 0. 8 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 6. 9 7. 1 100 0. 3 TOTAL DEAD LOAD 35. 7 37. 2 520 1. 8 I ------- ------- ----- ----- SUPERIMPOSED LL 11. 0 11. 4 160 0. 6 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 I CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------- ------- ------- ------- -- ---- - ------- TOP 31 81 83 44 135 139 BOTTOM 659 610 608 942 1016 1013 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1. 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------ -------- ------- ---_--- Mu (k-in) 60. 4 62. 9 / Mcr� 729. 6 7C7. 6 . 81 Mn (k-i n) 652. 8 652. 8 1. 2 Mc r 875. 6 873. 1 a (in) 0. 74 0. 74 fps (psi) 262951 262951 i JSB/05-23-2017 � Y JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: GUS SHT/y OF29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTOR`f AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB (psi) FT (psi ) FTT (psi ) LOSSES(%) INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 679. 32. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT .659. 31. 3. 0 ! PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 628. 30. 7. 6 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 581. 27. 14. 5 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -51. 52. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -68. 69. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -11. 1. 10. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -17. 1. 16. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. ---------------------------------------------------------------- y PT + SW 608. 83. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 508. � 151. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL 433. 150. E6. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND 450. 149. 10. PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+. 75#WIND+. 75*SLL 437. 150. 22. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR (f' c) = - 930 psi 7. 5 SQR (f' c) = - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f" c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f4 c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber- (-) :Downward deflection --------------------------•------------------------------------•-------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. ----- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0. 03 -0. 00 0. 03 0. 03 AT ERECTION 0. 06 -0. 01 0. 05 -0. 00 0. 00 -0. 00 -0. 00 0. 05 AT END S. LIFE 0. 06 -0. 01 0. 05 -0. 01 0. 00 -0. 00 --0. 00 0. 05 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) : L/180=0. 5 L/240=0. 3 L/360=0. 2 L/480=0. E VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ----------------------------------- ------------------_------------------ X VU/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh-i/. 75 Vnhi Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips inS/ft in`/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft ---- ---- ---- ---- ------- ------ ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ HT/S 7 39 007�. 07�0y�0 0. 020 35 113 0. 065 0. 148 ��0. 3 7 38 0 �K�.y�. 1�7L����7L��0 0. 020 3 35 113 0. 067�7� 0. 1480. 148 0. 7 6 39 0 0. 000 0. 020 3 35 113 0. 060 0. 1 48 1. 0 6 41 0 0. 000 0. 020 2 35 113 0. 052 0. 148 1. 4 5 42 0 0. 000 0. 020 2 35 113 0. 045 0. 148 1. 7 4 43 0 0. 000 0. 020 2 35 113 0. 037 0. 148 2. 1 3 43 0 0. 000 0. 020 1 35 113 0. 030 0. 148 8. 4 S 34 0 0. 000 0. 050 1 35 113 0. 02E 0. 148 2. 8 2 24 0 00. 000. 000 0. 1-4120 1 35 113 0. 015 0. 148 3. 1 1 21 0 0. 020 0 35 113 0. 007 0. 148 3. 5 0 21 0 0. 000 0. 020 0 35 113 0. 000 0. 148 I NOTE Required shear, capacity Vu/0. 75 has been doubled, in order to comply with ACI 318-08 Section 18. 8. 2. HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum Y JSB/05-23-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT `r OF 2-9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _--__--________________________ f�K I o-/a 2) I John McGrew & Associates I PMD : PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGNI ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Pr-•esofta Inc. STANDARD SECTION : BUS GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION . -- H Q) 3. 000 in COMPOSITE B ( 1 ) 48. 000 in H (2) 1. 210 in B (E) 47. 800 in _ H(3) 5. 580 in B (3) 12. 940 in H(4) 1. 750 in B (4) 10. 800 in H(5) 1. 210 in B (5) 47. 800 in H(6) 1. 750 in B (6) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 ft PER 112. 00 in j HT 11. 000 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS span = E6. 80 ft SW 825. 7 p1f 100 % No Shoring WC 36. 0 -psf 100 % SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 % SDLC 25. 0 psf/ 100 % SLL 40. 0 psf 50 WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ ----------------------- v c 6000 psi f' c 3000 psi f' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf I Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3089472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 in2 Number- 4 / Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSB/05--23—E017 r•r•e��vi �•� tii�. LctttCtctu� rtur-auc� wrww. Nr-C�yrr�n. �vmr �..ir-e�ui 4 Tel : (863) 533-1054 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT I'tOF-''B ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE ------ ---^ AREA I YE YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225. 68 1725 4. 00 4. 00 327. 50 3924 5. 71 2. 29 5. 29 END 229. 69 1745 3. 96 4. 04 331. 51 3986 5. 66 2. 34 5. 34 . 4L 229. 69 1745 3. 96 4. 04 331. 51 3986 5. 66 2. 34 5. 34 . 5L EE9. 69 1745 3. 96 4. 04 331. 51 3986 5. 66 2. 34 5. 34 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L 0 R ------- ------- --- -- ----- SELF WGT. OF P/C 233. 4 E43. 1. 226 3. 0 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 148. 9 155. 1 144 1. 9 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 103. 4 107. 7 100 1. 3 ------ ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 485. 8 506. 0 470 6. 3 SUPERIMPOSED LL 165. 5 172. 4 160 E. 1 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 i CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------ ------- ------- -- ----- ------- -- ----- TOP -86 455 477 203 758 795 BOTTOM 1050 521 499 1501 868 831 GOVERNING Mu FOR o U=1. 2D+1. 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L Mu (k-i n) 847. 7 883. 0 / Mcr 842. 4 832. 9 . 90Mn &-i n) 1220. 6 1220. 6 1. 2 Mcr- 1010. 9 999. 5 i a (in) 1. 29 1. 29 fps (psi ) 257495 257495 I I JSB/05-23-E017 1C y JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT 03OF, d --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB (psi ) FT (psi) FTT (psi) LOSSES(%) INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1083. -88. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1050. -86. 3. 0 ! PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 1001. -81. 7. 6 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 940. -7 7. 13. 2 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW --552. 563. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - •- --- WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -352. 359. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -153. 63. 144. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -545. 101. 231. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. -------------------------------------------------------------_-- PIT + SW 499. 477. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 97. 840. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -361. ,-- 1010. 375. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -117. 906. 144. PE+SW+WC+SDLPA-SDLC+. 75*WIND+. 75*SLL -300. 984. 317. _--------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR (f c) 30 psi 7. t )p � SQR f c 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f' c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber= (-) :Downward deflection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. AT TRANSFER 0. 61 -0. 50 0. 11 0. 11 AT ERECTION 1. �6 -1. 06 0. 20 -0. 26 0. 00 -0. 08 -0. 13 -0. E6 `r AT END S. LIFE 1. 36 -1. 17 0. 19 -0. 48 0. 00 -0. `4 -0. 25 -0. 78 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) L/180=1. 8 L/2 40=1. 3 L/360=0. 9 L/480=0. 7 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ j X Vu/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhi VnhE Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips inE/ft inE/ft kips kips kips in`/ft inS/ft I HT/2 14 35 0 0. 000 0. 039-� 635 115 0. 140 0. 129 1. 3 13 39g 0 0. 000 0. 039 6 35 115 0. 131 0. 129 2. 7 12 2! 0 0. 000 0. 039 5 35 115 0. 116 0. 129 4. 0 10 19 0 0. 000 0. 039 5 35 115 0. 102 0. 129 5. 4 9 19 0 0. 000 0. 039 4 35 115 0. 087 0. 129 6. 7 7 19 0 0. 000 0. 039 3 35 115 0. 073 3 0. 129 8. 0 6 19 077�� 0. 00 �[.�. 039 3 35 115 0. 058 0. 129 9. 4 4 19 0 0. 0000 0. 039 is 35 115 0. 044 0. 129 10. 7 3 19 077�� 0. 000 0. 039 1 35 115 0. 029 0. 129 12. 1 1 19 0 0. 000 00 0. 039 1 35 115 0. 01 5 0. 129 13. 4 0 19 0 0. 000 0. 039 0 35 115 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. JSB/05-23-2017 i Y JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT 14�8 __=__=________________________ l P - 16-A I John McGrew & Associates I PMD : PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : BUS GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ------------------------------------ , DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION H( 1) — 3. 000 in COMPOSITE B( 1 ) 48. 000 in H(`) 1. 210 in B (S) 47. 800 in H(3) 5. 580 in B(�D 12. 940 in H(4) 1. 750 in B(4) 10. 800 in H(5) 1. 210 in B (5) 47. 800 in H(6) 1. 750 in B (6) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 ft PER 115. 00 in HT 11. 000 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- ---------------- --------------- s pan = 22. 25 f t / SW 225. 7 p l f 100 % No Shoring WC 36. 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 ' SDLC 25. 0 psf ,,, 100 % SLL 40. 0 psf 50 WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ ----------------------- f' c 6000 psi f4c 3000 psi f' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 ins' Number 3 Pull 28900 1bs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSB/05-23-2017 Tel : (863) 533-1054 i JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT15 OF ''g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES _ ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225. 68 17E5 4. 00 4. 00 327. 50 3924 5. 71 2. 29 5. 29 END 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 330. 51 3971 5. 67 2. 33 5. 33 . 4L 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 330. 51 3971 5. 67 2. 33 5. 33 . 5L 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 330. 51 3971 5. 67 2. 33 5. 33 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0. 4•L AT 0. 5L Q R - ------- ------- ----- ----- SELF WGT. OF P/C 160. 9 167. 6 226 2. 5 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 102. 7 106. 13 144 1. 6 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 71. 3 74. 3 100 1. 1 TOTAL DEAD LOAD 334. 8 348. 8 470 5. 8 SUPERIMPOSED LL 114. 1 118. 8 160 1. 8 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) --------------------------•----------- ------------------------------- f AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------- ------- ----- ------- ------- TOP -65 308 323 117 513 - 539 BOTTOM 797 430 415 1139 717 691 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1. 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) --------------------------•---------- ----------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------- ------- ------- ------- Mu (k-in) 584. 3 608. 6 / Mcr 748. 9 748. 4 . 9OMn (k-i n) 943. 3 943. 3 r 1. 2 Mc'r' 898. 7 890. 8 a (in) 0. 98 0. 98 fps (psi) 260622 260622 i I J'SB/05-23-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT i� OF)-9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi ) FT (psi ) FTT (psi) LOSSES(::) INITIAL PRESTRESS - PI 818. -67. 0. 0 ' PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 797. -65. 2. 6 jPRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 761. -62. 1 I PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 714. -58. 12. 8 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -382. 386. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -244. 248. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - _ SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -106. 43. 100. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -170. 70. 159. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. -.----------------------------------------------------.------------ PT + SW 415. 323. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 134. 574. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -188. � 691. - 259. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -19. 621. 100. i PE-FSW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+. 75*W I ND+. 75#SLL -146. 673. 219. ----------------------------------------.--------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR (f' c) _ - 930 psi 7. 5 SOR (f' c) _ - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f° c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber, (--) :Downward deflection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. ---- ------ ---- ---- - ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0. 32 -0. 24 0. 08 0. 08 _ AT ERECTION 0. 66 -0. 51 0. 15 -0. 12 0. 00 -0. 04 -0. 06 -0. 07 AT END S. LIFE 0. 71 -0. 56 0. 16 -0. 23 0. 00 -0. 1 1 -0. 12 -0. 31 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) L/180=1. 5 L/240=1. 1 L/360=0. 7 L/480=0. 6 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) -------------------•----------------- ------------------------------------- X VU/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhi Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 12 340 0. 000 0. 029 5 35 115 0. 116 0. 129 1. 1 11 37 0 0. 000 . 000 0. 029 5 35 115 0. 109 0. 129 2. 2 10 31 0 0. 000 0. 029 4 35 115 0. 096 0. 129 3. 3 9 21 0 0. 000 0. 029 4 35 115 0. 084 0. 129 4. 4 7 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 3 35 115 0. 072 0. 129 5. 6 6 1r9� 00. 000 0. 029 3 35 115 0. 060 0. 129 6. 7 5 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 2 35 115 0. 048 0. 129 7. 8 4 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 2 35 115 0. 036 0. 129 8. 9 2 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 1 35 115 0. 024 0. 129 10. 0 1 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 1 35 115 0. 012 0. 129 11. 1 0 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 0 35 115 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. i JSBl05-23-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT / OQ a M K 30, 30 I John McGrew & Associates I PMD : PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : BUS GEOMETRIC: DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION HQ) 3. 250 in COMPOSITE B ( i) 48. 000 in H (`) 1. 210 in B (2) 47. 800 in H(3) 5. 580 in B(3) 12. 940 in - H (4) 1. 750 in B (4) 10. 800 in H(5) 1. 210 in B(5) 47. 800 in H(G) 1. 750 in B(G) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 ft PER 118. 00 in HT 11. 250 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS span = 26. 80 ft SW 2E5. 7 plf 100 No Shoring WC 39. 0 psf 100 SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 % • SDLC 20. 0 psf 100 % SLL 80. 0 psf 50 % WIND 0. 0 psf • CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA f' c 6000 psi f' c 3000 psi f9ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 Its i Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 in2 Number 5 l pull E8900 l bs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in i JSBr 05—E3-2017 c o v e Tel : (863) 533-1054 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT 19 OF:�� --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES PRECAST COMPOSITE AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- - - --- i GROSS 225. 68 1755 4. 00 4. 00 335. 99 4167 5. 85 2. 15 5. 40 END 230. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 341. 00 4250 5. 79 2. 21 5. 46 . 41 230. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 341. 00 4250 5. 79 2, 21 5. 46 . 5L 230. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 341. 00 4550 5. 79 8. 21 5. 46 . SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L G! R SELF WGT. OF P/C 533. 4 243. 1 EE6 3. 0 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 161. 3 168. 1 156 2. 1 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 82. 7 86. 2 80 1. 1 ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 477. 5 497. 4 462 6. 2 SUPERIMPOSED LL 331. 0 344. 8 3E0 4. 3 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE . STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L TOP -105 435 457 307 725 762 BOTTOM 1E92 765 74.3 1846 1275 1238 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U-1. 2D+1. GL CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L Mu (k-i n) 1102. 5 1148. 5 Mcr 1009. 3 998. 5 . 9OMn (k-i n) 1526. 8 1526. 8 / 1. 2 Mor 1211. 2 1198. 2 a (in) 1. 59 1. 59 fps (psi) 254781 254781 JSB/05-23-2017 I JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT Jq OFR2 -------------------------------------------------•-------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compr,ession ------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FP (psi) FT (psi ) FTT (psi) LOSSES(%) INITIAL PRESTRESS -- - PI 1344. -109. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1292. -105. 3. 9 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 1226. -100. 8. 8 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 1147. -93. - 14. 7 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -549. 563. SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -379. 389. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - _ SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -117. 45. ill. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -469. 180. 443. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 743. 457. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 298. 852. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -368. �-' 1082. 554. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND 101. 903. ill. PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+. 75*WIND+. 75*SLL -251. 1036. 443. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR(f' c) = - 930 psi 7. 5 SQR (f' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f1c = 2700 psi 0. 80 fgc = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. AT TRANSFER 0. 75 -0. 49 0. 25 0. 25 _ AT ERECTION 1. 55 '-1. 06 0. 49 -0. 28 0. 00 -0. 06 -0. 24 -0. 08 � AT END S. LIFE 1. 66 -1. 16 0. 50 -0. 51 0. 00 --0. 18 -0. 47 -0. 65 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) L/180=1. 8 L/240=1. 3 L/360=0. 9 L/480=0. 7 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ----------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- X VU/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhl Vnh` Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in`/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 18 36 0 0. 000 0. 048 10 36 118 0. 221 0. 129 1. 3 17 42 0 0. 000 0. 048 10 36 118 0. 206 0. 129 2. 7 15 28 0 0. 000 0. 048 9 36 118 0. 183 0. 129 4. 0 18 20 0 0. 000 0. 048 B 36 118 0. 160 0. 129 5. 4 11 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 7 36 118 0. 137 0. 129 6. 7 10 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 5 36 118 0. 114 0. 129 8. 0 8 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 A. 36 118 0. 091 0. 129 9. 4 6 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 3 36 118 0. 069 0. 129 10. 7 4 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 2 36 118 0. 046 0. 129 12. 1 2 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 1 36 116 0. 023 0. 129 13. 4 0 19 0 0. 000 0. 048 0 36 118 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. I JSBl05-23-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT a® OF a 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( John McGrew -Associates - I m K 31-32 19 PMD : PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : BUS GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ----------------- ---------------- . COMPOSITE B (1) 48. 000 i�n H( 1 ) 3. 250 in H (E) 1. 210 in B(E) 47. 800 in H(3) 5. 580 in B (3) 12. 940 in H (4) 1. 750 in B (4) 10. 800 in H(5) 1. 210 in B (5) 47. 800 in H(G) 1. 750 in B (6) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 ft PER 112. 00 in HT 1 1. c50 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- ------------------- ----------------- span = 22. 25 f t � SW 225. 7 p l f 100 % No Sharing WC 39. 0 psf 100 SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 SDLC 20. 0 psf r 100 `l. SLL 80. 0 psf 50 WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA -------------------------- ----------------------- f' c 6000 psi f' c 3000 psi fgci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf I STRAND DATA ------------ Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 in2 Number 3 Pull 28500 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in i JSB/05-53-2017 Tel : (863) 533-1054 S � JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US BHT 41 OF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- --- -- --- GROSS `E5. 88 1725 4. 00 4. 00 335. 99 4167 5. 85 2. 15 5. 40 END 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 338. 99 4217 5. 81 2. 19 5. 44 . 4L 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 338. 99 4217 5. 81 2. 19 5. 44 . 5L EE8. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 338. 99 4217 5. 81 2. 19 5. 44 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L 0 R -SELF WGT. OF P/C 160. 9 167. 6 - 2E8 - 2. 5 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 111. 2 115. 2 15E 1. 7 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 57. 0 59. 4 80 0. 9 ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 3E9. 1 34E. 8 4E2 5. 1 ------- ------- ----- ----- SUPERIMPOSED LL 228. 1 237. 6 320 3. 8 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L TOP -E5 308 323 117 513 539 BOTTOM 797 430 415 1139 717 E91 GOVERNING Mu FOR o U=1. `D+1. E,L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ------------------------------------- ----------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L ------- -------- ------- -------- Mu (k-in) 780. 0 791. E l Mcr 7EE. 3 754. 9 . 9OMn (k-i n) 971. 1 971. 1 / 1. 2 MCr 914. 8 905. 9 a (in) 0. 98 0. 98 I fps (psi) 260868 E60868 JSB/05-23-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHTaa OF�P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRESSES DUE TO FB (psi ) FT (psi ) FTT (psi ) LOSSES(/) INITIAL PRESTRESS RI 818. -67. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 797. -65. 2. 6 ( PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 761. -62. 7. 1 I PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 715. -58. SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -38E. 388. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -264. 268. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -82. 31. 77. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -327. 123. 307. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 415. 323. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 114. 594. 0. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC A- SLL -341. �-- 7 52. 383. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -13. 629. 77. PE+SW+WC+SDLP-+-St)LC+. 75*WIND-t-. 75#SLL -259. 721. 307. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR (f' c) = - 930 psi 7. 5 S0QR (f' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f' c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN ( in) (+) :Camber-• (--) :Downward deflection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW. = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. AT TRANSFER 0. 32 -0. L4 0. 08 0. 08 AT ERECTION 0. 66 -0. 51 0. 15 -0. 13 0. 00 -0. 03 -0. 11 -0. 12 e- AT END S. LIFE 0. 71 -0. 55 0. 16 -0. 24 0. 00 -0. 08 -0. 23 -0. 40 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) L/180=1. 5 L/240=1. 1 L/360=0. 7 L/480=0. 6 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (0-60) X Vu/. 75 Vc Vs AV AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhi Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in`/ft inC/ft kips kips kips inC/ft in2/ft HT/L 15 35 0 0. 000 0. 029 9 36 118 0. 182 0. 129 1. 1 14 38 0 0. 000 0. 029 8 36 118 0. 171 0. 129 2. 2 13 33 0 0. 000 0. 029 7 36 118 0. 152 0. 129 3. 3 11 cam, 0 0. 000 0. 029 6 36 1 18 0. 133 0. 129 4. 5 9 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 5 36 1119 0. 114 0. 129 5. 6 8 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 5 36 118 0. 095 0. 129 6. 7 6 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 4 36 1 18 0. 076 0. 129 7. 8 5 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 3 36 118 0. 057 0. 129 3. 9 3 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 C 36 118 0. 038 0. 129 10. 0 2 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 1 36 118 0. 019 0. 129 1 1. 1 0 19 0 0. 000 0. 029 0 36 lie 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. JSB/05-23-2017 s . I JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT P�3 OF'2 2 ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ______________ M k 1 John McGrew n Associates 1 PMD : PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : BUS GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- . ---•-------------- H ( 1 ). 6. 250 in COMPOSITE B (1 ) 48. 000 in H (`) 1. 210 in B (`) 47. 800 in H(3) 5. 580 in B (3) 12. 940 in H (4) 1. 750 in B (4) 10. 800 in H (5) 1. 210 in B (5) 47. 800 in H (6) 1. 750 in B(G) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 f t PER 112. 00 in HT 14. 250 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- span = 26. 80 ft SW 225. 7 plf 100 is No Shoring WC 75. 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 % SDLC 25. 0 psf 100 % SLL 40. 0 psf 50 % WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------•- -- f' c 6000 psi f' c '000 psi f' c i 4000 psi Ec: 26E3600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 302947E psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA -------- Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 in` Number 5 i Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSB/05-E3-2017 4. L'V III/ Pr-e SGTL Tel : (863) 533-1054 I JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT-')NF ag --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ----------- - ----------------------------- FORECAST COMPOSITE AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225. 68 1725 4. 00 4. 00 437. 81 7967 7. 45 0. 55 6. 80 END 230. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 442. 82 8158 7. 39 0. 61 6. 86 . 4L 230. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 442. 82 8128 7. 39 0. 61 6. 86 . 5L 210. 69 1750 3. 95 4. 05 442. 82 8123 7. 39 0. 61 6. 86 I SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L Q R SELF WGT. OF P/C E33. 4 243. 1 226 0 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 310. 3 323. 2 300 4. 0 SUPERI MPOSED DLF 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 103. 4 107. 7 100 1. TOTAL DEAD LOAD 647. 1 674. 1 6E6 8. 4 SUPERIMPOSED LL 165. 5 172. 4 160 E. 1 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L - - - TOP -105 435 457 307 725 -- --762 BOTTOM 1292 765 743 1846 1275 1238 GOVERNING Mu FOR e U=1. 2D+1. GL CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) AT-0_ 4L AT-0. 5L AT-0_4L AT-0_5L MI_I (k-i n) 1041. 3 1084. 7 Mcr 1098. 8 1065. . 9OMn (k-i n) 2080. 4 2080. 4 1. 2 Mcr 1318. 6 1278. 3 I a ( in) 1. 62 1. 62 fps (psi ) 256433 258433 1 JSB/05-23-2'017 e JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT�S OF-�g --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTOR`d AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi) FTT (psi ) LOSSES(%) INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1344. -109. 0. 0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1292. -105. 3. 9 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 1226. -100. 8. 8 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 1 i 5 i. -94. 14. 4 SELF WEIGGHT ON PRECAST SW -549. 563. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSI7E WC -730. 749. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. - SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -98. 8. 91. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -157. 13. 146. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. PT + SW 743. . 457. __ P30 + SW + WC + SDLP -53. 1210. 0, PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -382. --_ 1238. 236. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -225. 1225. 91. PE+SW+WC+SDLF+SDLC+. 75*WIND+. 75*SLL -343. 1234. 200. ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR(f' c) = - 930 psi -7. 5-SQR(f° c) = - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES 0. 45 f1c = &2700 psi 0. 60 fsc = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Cambe-r (-) :Downward deflection '-- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. ---- ---- ----- _.-------- AT TRANSFER 0. 75 -0. 49 0. 25 0. 25 AT' ERECTION 1. 55 -1. 06 0. 49 -0. 54 0. 00 -0. 04 -0. �r.'t6 -0. 14 � AT END S. LIFE 1. 61 -1. 11 0. 50 --0. 77 0. 00 -0. 12 -0. 12 -0. 51 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS ( in) L/180=1. 8 L/240=1. 3 L/360=0. 9 L/480=0. 7 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (0-60) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------- X U,.t/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhl tnh2 Avf AvhMIN -ft- kips kips kips in2/ft in`/ft -kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2, 17 48 k 0. 000 0. 043 6 48 155 0. 103 0. 129 ! 1. 3 16 53 0 0. 000 0. 043 6 48 155 0. 097 0. 12 9 2. 7 14 47 0 0. 000 0. 043 5 48 155 0. 08G, 0. 129 4. 0 13 32 0 0. 000 0. 043 5 48 155 0. 075 0. 129 5. 4 11 25 0 0. 000 0. 043 4 48 155 0. 064 0. 129 6. 7 9 25 0 0. 000 0 0. 043 3 48 155 0. 054 0. 129 8. 0 7 25 0 0. 000 0. 043 3 48 155 0. 043 0. 129 9. 4 5 25 0 0. 000 0. 043 2 48 155 0. 032 0. 129 10. 7 4 25 0 0. 000 0. 043 1 48 155 0. 021 0. 129 12. 1 2 25 0 0. 000 0. 04 3 1 48 155 0. 011 0. 129 13. 4 0 25 0 0. 000 0. 043 0 48 155 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. JSB/05-23-2017 r ' JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE E290 MEMBER: BUS SHT-'�OFZg ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 John McGrew & Associates I PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION! : BUS GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION • H( 1) 6. 250 in COMPOSITE B ( 1 ) 48. 000 in H (c) 1. 210 in B (`) 47. 800 in H(3) 5. 580 in B (3) 12. 940 in H (4) 1. 750 in B (4) 10. 800 in H(5) 1. 210 in B (5) 47. 800 in H(G) 1. 750 in B %) 10. 800 in B 4. 00 ft PER 11E. 00 in HT 14. 250 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ----------•------ -------------- -- ---------.,-- -- span = 22. 25 ft � SW " p % 5. 7 if 100 No Shoring WC 75. 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0. 0 psf 100 % SDLC 25. 0 psf r- 100 % SLL 40. 0 psf 50 % WIND 0. 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA --------------------- =— f' c E000 psi f' c 3000 p psi f' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf j Ec 3710330 psi i Eci 30E9472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA ----------- Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0. 153 in2 Number- 3 � pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JSB/05-23-2017 i '�- _- - • _ , -..-. __.. _....�� . - - www. Nr estiress. cam/ pr~esott Tel : (863) 533-1054 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SHT c�70F22 GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225. 68 17E5 4. 00 4. 00 437. 61 7967 7. 45 0. 55 6. 80 END 2E6. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 440. 82 800-4 7. 41 0. 59 6. 84 . 4L 228. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 440. 85 8064 7. 41 0. 59 6. 84 . 5L 2E8. 69 1740 3. 97 4. 03 440. 85 8064 7. 41 0. 59 6. 84 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L a R i SELF WGT. OF P/C 160. 9 167. E 226 2. 5 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 213. 9 222. 8 300 3. 3 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 71. 3 74. 3 100 1. 1 TOTAL DEAD LOAD 446. 0 464. 6 626 7. 0 SUPERIMPOSED LL 114. 1 118. 8 160 1. 8 WIND LOAD 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT END AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L TOP -65 308 323 117 513 539 BOTTOM 797 430 415 1139 717 691 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1. ESL CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) -------------------------------------- --------------------------------- AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L AT 0. 4L AT 0. 5L (k-i n) 717. 8 747. 7 Mcr, - 856. 7 - 633. 5 . 9OMn (k--i n) 1304. 8 1304. 8 1. 2 Mcr 1028. 0 1000. 2 a ( in) 0. 99 0. 99 fps (psi ) 563060 263060 I JSB/05-53-2017 I JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: BUS SH49 OF252 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0. 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' STRESSES DUE TO FB (psi) FT (psi ) FTT (psi ) LOSSES('!.) INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 818. -67. 0. 0 , PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 797. -65. 2. 6 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 761. -62. 7. 1 PRESTRESS AT END O. S. L. PE 717. --58. 12. 4 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -38E. 368. - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - -- - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -508. 516. 0. SUPERIMPOSED D. L. P. SDLP 0. 0. -- SUPERIMPOSED D. L. C. SDLC -66. 5. 63. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -109. 9. 101. WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0. 0. 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 415. 323. P30 + SW + WC + SDLP -130. 842. 0. jPE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -351. 860. 164. PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -242. 851. 63. PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+. 75*WIND+. 75#SLL -324. 857. 139. - ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SUR (f' c) = - 930 psi 7. 5 SQR(f' c) = - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0. 45 f 9 c = 2700 psi 0. 60 f 9 c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN tin) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection - - P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. -- ----- ---------- AT TRANSFER 0. 32 -0. `4 0. 08 ----- 0. 08 AT ERECTION 0. 66 -0. 51 0. 16 -0. `6 0. 00 -0. 0L -0. 03 -0. 15 AT END S. LIFE 0. 69 -0. 53 0. 16 -0. 37 0. 00 -0. 06 -0. 06 -0. 3` PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) L/180=1. 5 L/540=1. 1 L/360=0. 7 L/480=0. 6 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ------------------------- k Vu/. 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/. 75 Vnhl Vnh` Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips inc/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft -- HT/2 14 46 0 0. 000 0. 026 5 48 15 -5 0. 084 0. 129 1. 1 13 48 0 0. 000 0. 026 5 48 155 0. 080 0. 129 2. 2 12 52 0 0. 000 0. 026 4 48 155 0. 071 0. 129 3. 3 10 37 0 0. 000 0. 026 4 48 155 0. 062 0. 129 4. 3 9 27 0 0. 000 0. 026 3 48 155 0. 054 0. 129 5. 6 r 25 0 0. 000 0. 026 3 48 155 0. 045 0. 129 6. 7 6 E5 0 0. 000 0. 026 E 48 155 0. 036 0. 129 7. 8 4 25 0 0. 000 0. 026 c 48 155 0. 027 0. 129 8. 9 3 25 0 0. 000 0. 026 1 48 155 0. 018 0. 129 10. 0 1 25 0 0. 000 0. 026 1 48 155 0. 009 0. 129 11. 1 0 25 0 0. 000 0. 026 0 48 155 0. 000 0. 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. I � SUBJECT JOB# JOHN McGREW &ASSOCIATES PROJECT 1 DATE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHT OF 2cj b Ll u 0, l�5 2 L, V G -MV- t t S` G �n t V a c� : •� G 5 �j U , C2 r D `�C� S - CGS I SUBJECT JOB# lo JOHN McGREW & ASSOCIATES PROJECT A n DATE CONSULTING ENGINEER 1 C O \ 6,\< p } c� �.o S` e`. SHT OF 3o SOU L L",g L-L- i�z� U S C,�.,. n �t as /CA k 3 i �< 3 c� Psi, q� nL " 20 x = iov �g �• r I T. SUBJE\\CT\ JOB#n `�Jb ll U JJ Cv�c C lc��� (Dp5 JOHN McGREW &ASSOCIATES PROJECT 55 DATE CONSULTING ENGINEER T 0. U �^ `'° ^ c 72 s-(r 11 SHT OF 31 4L rr ; Ll �( i MV, r3 ,Z �2 5� 9 ti S ? `e, 03 � i i 13OB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT YZOF 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John McGrew & Associates ------------------------------ PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : 8US j GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- � DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- ----------------- H(1) 3 .0.00 in COMPOSITE B(1) 48 .000 in H(2) 1. 210 in B(2) 47 .800 in H(3) 5 . 580 in B(3) 12 . 940 in H(4) 1. 750 in B(4) 10 .800 in H(5) 1 . 210 in B(5) 47 .800 in H(6) 1.750 in B( 6) 10 . 800 in , ' B 4.00 ft PER 112 . 00 in ; HT 11.000 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- ---------------- --------------- span = 26. 80 ft SW 225 . 7 plf 100 % No Shoring WC 36. 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0 .0 psf 100 % SDLC 95.0 psf / 100 % SLL 80 .0 psf 50 % WIND 0 .0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ -------------------- f c 6000 psi f c 3000 psi f ' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf EC 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA ----------- Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0 .153 in2 Number 6 Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1 .75 in JMc/06-28-2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presoft, Inc. Lakeland, Florida www.prestress. com/presoft Tel : (863) 533-1054 IJOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT3'� OF 4c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES -------: COMPOSITE ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT GROSS 225. 68 1725 4.00 4.00 327 . 50 3924 5.71 2. 29 5 . 29 END 231 . 69 1755 3 . 94 4.06 333 . 51 4017 5 ..64 2 . 36 5. 36 . 4L 231 . 69 1755 3 . 94 4.06 333 . 51 4017 5. 64 2 . 36 5 . 36 .5L 231 . 69 1755 3 . 94 4 .06 333 . 51 4017 5 . 64 2. 36 5. 36 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L Q R _ SELF WGT. OF P/C 233 . 4 243.1 226 3 .0 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 148 . 9 155. 1 144 1. 9 ; SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .0 , , SUPERIMPOSED DLC 393 .0 409. 4 380 5 .1 ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 775 . 4 807 .7 750 10 .0 ------- ------- ----- ----- SUPERIMPOSED LL 331 .0 344. 8 320 4. 3 WIND LOAD 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L TOP -124 416 438 429 693 730 BOTTOM . 1525 1001 979 2179 1669 1632 I ' ! GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1 . 2D+1 . 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT 0 . 4L AT 0. 5L Mu (k-in) 1460 .0 1520 . 8 Mcr 1151 .0 1141 . 5 . 90Mn (k-in) 1724.5 1724. 5 i 1. 2 Mcr 1381 . 3 1369.8 a (in) 1.88 1 . 88 fps (psi) 251243 251243 JMc/06-28-2017 is!JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT3 /U OF_LC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0 . 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iSTRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi) FTT(psi) LOSSES(%) ------------------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1602. -130 . 0 .0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1525. -124 . 4. 8 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 1442 . -117 . 10 .0 , PRESTRESS AT END O. S.L. PE 1357 . -110 . 15 .3 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW 7546. 562 . - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -348 . 359 . 0 . SUPERIMPOSED D.L.P. SDLP 0 . 0 . - SUPERIMPOSED D.L.C. SDLC -575 . 241 . 546. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -484. 203 . 460 . WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0 . 0 . 0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 979. 438 . . ! P30 + SW +. WC + SDLP 548. 804. 0 . IPE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -596 . "' 1254 . 1007 . ! PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -112 . 1051 . 546. , ; PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+ . 75*WIND+ . 75*SLL -475 . 1203 . 892 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR(f ' c) = - 930 psi 7 . 5 SQR(f ' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0 . 45 f ' c = 2700 psi 0 . 60 f ' c = 3600 psi NOTE Deflection was computed based on bilinear relationships CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL. ----- -_-- ------------ ---- ---- ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0 . 88 -0 . 49 0 . 39 0 . 39 AT ERECTION 1 . 83 -1 .06 0 . 77 -0 . 26 0 . 00 -0 . 30 -0 . 32 -0 .09 AT END S. LIFE 1 . 97 -1. 16 0 . 81 -0 . 48 0 .00 -0 .89 -0 . 63 -1 . 19 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) L/180=1 . 8 L/240=1 . 3 L/360=0 . 9 L/480=0 . 7 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ----------------------------------- ---------=-------------------------- X Vu/ . 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/ . 75 Vnhl Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 24 36 0 0 . 000 0 . 058 17 35 115 0 .361 0 . 129 1 .3 23 43 0 0 .000 0 . 058 16 35 115 0 .337 0 .129 2 .7 20 27 0 0 . 000 0 . 058 14 35 115 0 . 299 0 . 129 4.0 18 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 12 35 115 0 . 262 0 .129 j 5 . 4 15 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 10 35 115 0 . 224 0 . 129 6. 7 13 19 0 0 .000 0 . 058 9 35 115 0 . 187 0 .129 8 . 0 10 19 0 0 .000 0 . 058 7 35 115 0 . 150 0 . 129 9. 4 8 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 5 35 115 0 . 112 0 . 129 10 . 7 5 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 3 35 115 0 .075 0 . 129 12 . 1 3 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 2 35 115 0 .037 . 37 0 .129 13 . 4 0 19 0 0 .000 0 .058 0 35 115 0 .000 0 . 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. I JMc/06-28-2017 I iJOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT3S OF q(P --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John McGrew & Associates ; ------------------------------ PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft , Inc. STANDARD SECTION : 8US GEOMETRICDESCRIPTION OF SECTION -- i -------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- ----------------- H(1) 6. 250 in COMPOSITE B(1) 48 .000 in H(2) 1. 210 in B(2) 47 . 800 in H(3) 5 . 580 in B(3) 12 . 940 in H(4) 1 .750 in B(4) 10 . 800 in _ ' H(5) 1 . 210 in B(5) 47 . 800 in iH(6) 1. 750 in B(6) 10 .800 in B 4.00 ft PER 112 .00 in HT 14. 250 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS span, 26. 80 ft / SW 225 . 7 plf 100 % No Shoring WC 75.0 psf 100 % SDLP 0 .0 psf 100 % SDLC 95. 0 psf 100 % SLL 80 .0 psf 50 % WIND 0 .0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ----------------------- V c 6000 psi f ` c 3000 psi ; f 'ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA ----------- Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0 .153 in2 Number 6 / Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1 . 75 in YSM 1 . 75 in JMc/06-28-2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presoft, Inc. Lakeland, Florida www.prestress . com/presoft Tel : (863) 533-1054 IJOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT34, OF� C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES -----------------------------------'----- PRECAST COMPOSITE ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT --- ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225. 68 1725 4.00 4.00 437 . 81 7967 7 . 45 0 . 55 6. 80 , END 231 . 69 1755 3 . 94 4 .06 443 . 82 8160 7 . 38 0 . 62 6. 87 ' . 4L 231. 69 1755 3 . 94 4 .06 443 . 82 8160 7 . 38 0 . 62 6. 87 . 5L 231. 69 1755 3 . 94 4.06 443 . 82 8160 7 . 38 0 . 62 6. 87 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) ------------- ----------------------------------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L Q R . ' SELF WGT. OF P/C 233 . 4 243.1 226 3.0 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 310 . 3 323 . 2 300 4 .0 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0 . 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 393 . 0 409. 4 380 5 . 1 TOTAL DEAD LOAD 936. 7 975 . 7 906 12 . 1 SUPERIMPOSED LL 331.0 344. 8 320 4.3 WIND LOAD 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi) - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 .5L AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L TOP -124 416 438 429 693 730 BOTTOM 1525 1001 979 2179 1669 1632 i GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1 . 2D+1 . 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT 0 .4L AT 0. 5L Mu (k-in) 1653. 6 1722 . 5 Mcr 1339. 6 1306.0 . 90Mn (k-in) 2441.8 2441. 8 1 . 2 Mcr 1607 . 6 1567 .2 a (in) 1. 92 1. 92 fps (psi) 256120 256120 i i JMc 0 - -/ 6 28 2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHTT� OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0 . 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi) FTT(psi) LOSSES(%) ------------------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1602 . -130 . 0 .0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1525 . -124 . 4. 8 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 1442 . -117 . 10 .0 PRESTRESS AT END O. S.L. PE 1360 . -111 . 15 .1 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -546. 562 . - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - IWEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -726. 747 . 0 . SUPERIMPOSED D.L.P. SDLP 0 . 0 . - ISUPERIMPOSED D.L .C. SDLC -370 . 31 . 345. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -312 . 26. 290 . WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0 . 0 . 0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 979 . 438 . P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 170. 1192 . 0 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -594. /- 1257 . 635 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -282 . 1230 . 345 . PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+ . 75*WIND+ .75*SLL -516 . 1250 . 563. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES 12 SQR(f ' c) = - 930 psi 7 . 5 SQR(f ' c)= - 581 psi ! ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0 . 45 f ' c = 2700 psi 0 . 60 f ' c = 3600 psi NOTE : Deflection was computed based on bilinear relationships CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL . ----- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0 . 88 -0 . 49 0 . 39 0 . 39 AT ERECTION 1 . 83 -1.06 0 . 78 -0 . 53 0 .00 -0 . 15 -0 . 17 -0 . 07 AT END S. LIFE 1 . 90 -1 .11 0 . 79 -0 . 76 0 .00 -0 . 44 -0 . 34 -0 . 75 / PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) L/180=1 . 8 L/240=1 . 3 L/360=0 . 9 L/480=0 . 7 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ------------------------ X Vu/ . 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/ . 75 Vnhl Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 27 48 0 0 . 000 0 . 051 17 48 155 0 . 264 0 . 129 1 . 3 26 54 0 0 . 000 0 .051 16 48 155 0 . 249 0 .129 2 . 7 23 47 0 0 . 000 0 . 051 14 48 155 0 . 221 0 . 129 4.0 20 132 0 0 .000 0 . 051 12 48 155 0 . 194 0 . 129 5 . 4 17 25 0 0 . 000 0 . 051 10 48 155 0 . 166 0 . 129 6.7 14 25 0 0 . 000 0 . 051 9 48 155 0 . 138 0 . 129 8 .0 11 25 0 0 . 000 0 . 051 7 48 155 0 .111 0 . 129 9. 4 9 25 0 0 .000 0 . 051 5 48 155 0 .083 0 .129 10 . 7 6 25 0 0 . 000 0 .051 3 48 155 0 .055 0 . 129 12 .1 3 25 0 0 .000 0 . 051 2 48 155 0 . 028 0 . 129 13 . 4 0 25 0 0 .000 0 . 051 0 48 155 0 .000 0 . 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. JMc/06-28-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT � OFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John McGrew & Associates ------------------------------ ------------------------------ PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft, Inc. STANDARD SECTION : 8US GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- ----------------- H(1) 3 .000 in / . COMPOSITE B(1) 48 .000 in H(2) 1 . 210 in B(2) 47 .800 in H(3) 5 . 580 in B(3) 12 . 940 in H(4) 1. 750 in B(4) 10 . 800 in . H(5) 1. 210 in B(5) 47 .800 in H( 6) 1 . 750 in B(6) 10 . 800 in B 4.00 ft PER 112 . 00 in . HT 11 .000 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- ---------------- --------------- span = 22 . 25 ft SW 225 . 7 plf 100 % No Shoring WC 36. 0 psf 100 % SDLP -0 . 0 psf 100 % SDLC 109 .0 psf 100 % SLL 80 . 0 psf 50 % WIND 0 . 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ ----------------------- jf ' c 6000 psi f ' c 3000 psi f ' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi ; Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0 .153. in2 Number 4 r Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1 . 75 in JMc/06-28-2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presoft, Inc. Lakeland, Florida www.prestress . com/presoft Tel : (863) 533-1054 s f JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT �9 OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE ------------------`---------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT GROSS 225. 68 1725 4 .00 4. 00 327 . 50 3924 5. 71 2 . 29 5 . 29 END 229 . 69 1745 3 . 96 4.04 331 . 51 3986 5 . 66 2 . 34 5 . 34 . 4L 229. 69 1745 3. 96 4 .04 331. 51 3986 5. 66 2 .34 5. 34 . 5L 229 . 69 1745 3 . 96 4 .04 331 . 51 3986 5 . 66 2 . 34 5. 34 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L Q R ----- ------- ----- ----- . : SELF WGT. OF P/C 160 . 9 167 . 6 226 2. 5 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 102 . 7 106. 9 144 1 . 6 SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0 . 0 0 .0 0 0 . 0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 310 . 8 323 . 8 436 4. 9 ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 574. 4 598 . 3 806 9 . 0 I ------- ------- ----- ----- SUPERIMPOSED LL 228 .1 237 . 6 320 3 . 6 WIND LOAD 0 . 0 0 .0 0 0 . 0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L TOP -85 287 303 201 479 505 BOTTOM 1045 680 665 1493 1134 1108 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1 . 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ---------------------------- ----------------------------- AT -4L AT 0_ - 5L AT 0 . 4L AT-O_5L Mu (k-in) 1054. 2 1098 . 2 Mcr 911 . 5 904. 9 . 90Mn (k-in) 1220 . 6 1220 . 6 1 . 2 Mcr 1093. 8 1085 . 9 a (in) 1. 29 1. 29 i fps (psi) 257495 257495 JMc/06-28-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SH140 OF �L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0 . 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi ) FTT(psi) LOSSES(%) ------------------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1083 . -88 . 0 .0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 1045. -85 . 3 . 5 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 994 . -81 . 8 . 3 PRESTRESS AT END O. S.L . PE 938 . -76. 13 . 5 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -380 . 388 . - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC -243 . 248 . 0 . ! SUPERIMPOSED D.L .P. SDLP 0 . 0 . - , SUPERIMPOSED D.L.C . SDLC -460 . 190 . 434. ; SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -338 . 139 . 318 . ( WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0 . 0 . 0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- IPT + SW 665 . 303 . . , P30 + SW + WC + SDLP 371 . 554. 0 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -483 . 1__' 888 . 752 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -145 . 749. 434. PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+ . 75*WIND+ . 75*SLL -399 . 853 . 672 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES 12 SQR(f ' c) = - 930 psi 7 . 5 SQR(f ' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0 . 45 f ' c = 2700 psi 0 . 60 f ' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL . AT TRANSFER 0 . 42 -0 . 24 0 . 18 0 . 18 AT ERECTION 0 . 87 -0 . 50 0 . 36 -0 .12 0 . 00 -0 . 16 -0 .12 -0 .04 AT END S. LIFE 0 . 94 -0 . 55 0 . 38 -0 . 23 0 .00 -0 . 49 -0 . 24 -0 . 58 PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) : L/180=1 . 5 L/240=1.1 L/360=0 . 7 L/480=0 . 6 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60 ) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ X Vu/ . 75 Vc Vs AV AvMIN Vuh/ . 75 Vnhl Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 21 35 0 0 . 000 0 . 039 15 35 115 0 . 318 0 . 129 1 . 1 20 ' 38 0 0 . 000 0 .039 14 35 115 0 . 299 0 . 129 2 . 2 18 31 0 0 . 000 0 .039 12 35 115 0 . 266 0 .129 3 . 3 15 21 0 0 . 000 0 . 039 11 35 115 0 . 232 0 . 129 4. 4 13 19 0 0 . 000 0. 039 9 35 115 0 . 199 0 . 129 5 . 6 11 19 0 0 .000 0 .039 8 35 115 0 . 166 0 . 129 6. 7 9 19 0 0 .000 0 .039 6 35 115 0 . 133 0 . 129 7 . 8 7 19 0 0 . 000 0 . 039 5 35 115 0 . 100 0 . 129 8 . 9 4 19 0 0 . 000 0 . 039 3 35 115 0 .066 0 . 129 10 .0 2 19 0 0 .000 0 . 039 2 35 115 0 .033 0 . 129 11 .1 0 19 0 0 .000 0 .039 0 35 115 0 .000 0 . 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN. JMc/06-28-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT4� OF q� --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John McGrew & Associates ------------------------------ ------------------------------ PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft , Inc. NON-STANDARD SECTION GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ( DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- H(1) 6 . 250 in COMPOSITE B(1) 48 .000 in H(2) 1 . 210 in B(2) 47 . 800 in H(3) 5 .580 in B(3) 12 . 940 in H(4) 1 . 750 in B(4) 10 . 800 in . ; H(5) 1. 210 in B(5) 47 . 800 in . H(6) 1. 750 in B( 6) 10 . 800 in . ' B 4.00 ft PER 112 .00 in HT 14. 250 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS ---------------- ---------------- --------------- span = 22 . 25 ft / SW 225 . 7 plf 100 % No Shoring WC '75 .0 psf 100 % SDLP 0 .0 psf 100 % SDLC 109 . 0 psf / 100 % SLL 80 . 0 psf 50 % WIND 0 . 0 psf CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ ----------------------- f ' c 6000 psi f ' c 3000 psi f ' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 , psi j Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0 .153 in2 Number 4 l Pull 28900 lbs Depress 0 YSE 1 . 75 in YSM 1 . 75 in JMc/06-28-2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presoft, Inc. Lakeland, Florida www.prestress . com/presoft Tel : (863) 533-1054 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 tl-iEMBER: 8US SHTq'I-OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ; GROSS 225 . 68 1725 4. 00 4. 00 437 . 81 7967 7 . 45 0 . 55 6. 80 TEND 229 . 69 1745 3 . 96 4 . 04 441 . 82 8096 7 . 40 0 . 60 6. 85 . 4L 229. 69 1745 3 . 96 4.04 441 . 82 8096 7 . 40 0. 60 6. 85 . 5L 229. 69 1745 3 . 96 4 .04 441.82 8096 7 . 40 0 . 60 6. 85 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L Q R , ' SELF WGT. OF P/C 160 . 9 167 . 6 226 2 . 5 ; WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 213 . 9 222 . 8 300 3 . 3 ; SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0 .0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 . SUPERIMPOSED DLC 310 . 8 323 . 8 436 4 . 9 i ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 685 . 6 714. 1 962 10 . 7 SUPERIMPOSED LL 228 . 1 237 . 6 320 3 . 6 WIND LOAD 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0 . 41, AT 0 . 5L AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 51, ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- TOP -85 287 303 201 479 505 BOTTOM 1045 680 665 1493 1134 1108 GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1. 2D+1 . 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- AT 0 . 41, AT 0 . 5L AT 0 . 4L AT 0. 5L j ------- ------- ------ ----- Mu (k-in) 1187 .7 1237 . 2 Mcr 1106 . 4 1083 . 2 . 90Mn (k-in) 1701 . 6 1701 . 6 �-1 . 2 Mcr 1327 . 7 1299. 9 a (in) 1 .30 1 . 30 1 fps (psi) 260747 260747 i I JMc/06-28-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHTq� OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0 . 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi ) FTT(psi) LOSSES(%) ------------------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 1083 . -88 . 0 .0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER P`1' 1045 . -85. 3 . 5 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 994. -81 . 8 . 3 PRESTRESS AT END O.S.L. PE 938 . -76 . 13 . 4 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -380 . 388 . - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE. WC -506 . 516 . 0 . SUPERIMPOSED D.L.P. SDLP 0 . 0 . - SUPERIMPOSED D. L.C. SDLC -296 . 24 . 274. SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SLL -217 . 18 . 201 . WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0 . 0 . 0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 665 . 303 . , iP30 + SW + WC + SDLP 108 . 823 . 0 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL -461 . 869. 475 . PE + SW + WC' + SDLP + SDLC + WIND -244. 851. 274 . . PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+ . 75*WIND+ .75*SLL -406 . 864. 425 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR( t ' c) _ - 930 psi 7 . 5 SQR(f ' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0 . 45 f ` c = 2700 psi 0 . 60 f ' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) ( +) :Camber (-) :Downward deflection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL . AT TRANSFER 0 . 42 -0 . 24 0 . 18 0 . 18 AT ERECTION 0 . 87 -0 . 50 0 . 3b -0 . 26 0 . 00 -0 . 08 -0 .06 -0 . 03 AT END S. LIFE 0 . 90 -0 . 53 0 . 37 -0 . 37 0 . 00 -0 . 24 -0 . 12 -0 . 35 ' ; PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) L/180=1 . 5 L/240=1 .1 L/360=0 . 7 L/480=0 . 6 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) X Vu/ . 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/ . 75 Vnhl Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN -ft- kips kips kips in2/it in2/ft -kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft HT/2 23 47 0 0 .000 0 . 034 15 48 155 0 . 233 0 .129 1 . 1 22 50 0 0 . 000 0 . 034 14 48 155 0 . 221 0 . 129 2 . 2 20 55 0 0 .000 0 . 034 12 48 155 0 . 197 0 . 129 3 . 3 17 37 0 0 . 000 0 .034 11 48 155 0 . 172 0 . 129 4. 5 15 27 0 0 . 000 0 . 034 9 48155 0 . 147 0 . 129 5 . 6 12 25 0 0 .000 0 . 034 8 48 155 0 . 123 0 . 129 6. 7 10 25 0 .0 . 000 0 . 034 (6 48 155 0 .098 0 .129 7 . 8 7 25 0 0 . 000 0 . 034 5 48 155 0 . 074 0 . 129 8 . 9 5 25 G 0 . 000 0 . 034 3 48 155 0 .049 0 . 129 10 .0 2 25 0 0 .000 0 .034 2 48 155 0 . 025 0 . 129 Ili .l 0 25 0 0 . 000 u .va4 0 48 155 0 . 000 0 . 129 HORIZONTAL SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reintorcement AvnVi1N . JMc/06-28-2017 iJOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT L(4 OF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John McGrew & Associates PMD PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN, ACI 318-08 DESIGN CRITERIA Copyright (C) 2010 by Presoft , Inc. NON-STANDARD SECTION GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION OF SECTION ----------------------------------- DEPTH OF SECTION WIDTH OF SECTION ---------------- ----------------- H(1) 2 . 750 in COMPOSITE B(1) 48 .000 in H(2) 1 . 210 in B(2) 47 . 800 in H(3) 5 . 580 in B(3) 12 . 940 in H(4) 1 . 750 in B(4) 10 .800 in . ; H(5) 1. 210 in B(5) 47 .800 in ! H(6) 1.750 in B(6) 10 . 800 in B 4.00 ft PER 112 .00 in HT 10 . 750 in MEMBER DATA LOADING SUSTAINED LOADS --------------=- ---------------- --------------- span = 12 .83 ft l SW 225 . 7 plf 100 % No Shoring WC 33 . 0 psf 100 % SDLP 0 .0 psf 100 % SDLC 100 . 0 psf 100 % SLL 80 . 0 psf 50 % WIND 0 . 0 psf C CONCRETE DATA OF PRECAST COMPOSITE CONCRETE DATA ------------------------ --------------------P f ' c 6000 psi f ' c" 3000si f ' ci 4000 psi Ec 2623600 psi fr 581 psi We 144 pcf Ec 3710330 psi Eci 3029472 psi We 144 pcf STRAND DATA Grade 270 ksi ' Relaxation Low relax Diameter . 5000 in Area 0 . 153 in2 Number 3 Pull 28900 lbs. Depress 0 YSE 1. 75 in YSM 1. 75 in JMc/06-28-2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Presoft, Inc. Lakeland, Florida www.prestress . com/presoft Tel : (863) 533-1054 i I JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDE14CE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT gSOF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS AND TRANSFORMED SECTION PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- PRECAST COMPOSITE ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- AREA I YB YT AREA I YB YT YTT f ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- GROSS 225.68 1725 4. 00 4. 00 319 .02 3692 5 . 57 2 . 43 5 . 18 END 228 . 69 1740 3 . 97 4. 03 322 .02 3735 5 . 54 2. 46 5 . 21 . 41, 228 . 69 1740 3. 97 4.03 322 .02 3735 5 . 54 2 . 46 5. 21 I . 5L 228 . 69 1740 3 . 97 4. 03 322 .02 3735 5 . 54 2 . 46 5 . 21 SERV. LOAD MOMENTS (k-in) LOADS (plf) REACTIONS (k) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L Q R _ SELF WGT. OF P/C 53 . 5 55 . 7 226 1 . 4 WEIGHT OF COMPOS. 31. 3 32 . 6 132 0 . 8 ; SUPERIMPOSED DLP 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 SUPERIMPOSED DLC 94. 8 98 . 8 400 2 . 6 ------- ------- ----- ----- TOTAL DEAD LOAD 179 . 6 187 . 1 758 4. 9 ------- ------- ----- ----- SUPERIMPOSED LL 75 . 9 79. 0 320 2 . 1 WIND LOAD 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 CONCRETE STRESSES AT TRANSFER (psi ) RELEASE STRENGTH REQUIRED (psi ) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT END AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L TOP -64 59 65 115 99 108 ; BOTTOM 791 669 664 1130 lli5 1107 p GOVERNING Mu FOR : U=1 . 2D+1 . 6L CRACKING MOMENT (k-in) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- AT 0 . 4L AT 0 . 5L AT 0 . 41, AT 0. 5L ------- ------- Mu (k-in) 336. 9 350 . 9 '� Mcr 818 . 6 816 . 7 . 90Mn (k-in) 915 . 5 9is . 5 1 . 2 Mcr 982 . 3 980 . 0 a (in) 0 . 98 0 . 98 fps (psi) 260361 260361 i i JMc/06-28-2017 JOB: KOTHAKOTA RESIDENCE 6290 MEMBER: 8US SHT 4LOF SL L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESS .HISTORY AT CRITICAL LOCATION : AT 0 . 5L (-) :Tension (+) :Compression --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRESSES DUE TO FB(psi) FT(psi ) FTT(psi) LOSSES(%.) ------------------------ INITIAL PRESTRESS PI 818 . -67 . 0 .0 PRESTRESS AT TRANSFER PT 791 . -64. 3 . 3 PRESTRESS AT ERECTION P30 753 . -61 . 8 . 0 PRESTRESS AT END O. S.L. PE 700 . -57 . 14. 4 SELF WEIGHT ON PRECAST SW -127 . 129 . - SELF WEIGHT ON COMPOSITE SW - - - WEIGHT OF COMPOSITE WC - 14. 75 . 0 . ' SUPERIMPOSED D.L.P. SDLP 0 . 0 . - SUPERIMPOSED D.L .C. SDLC -146. 65 . 138 . SUPERIMPOSED .LIVE LOAD SLL -117 . 52 . 110 . WIND DOWNWARD PRESSURE WIND 0 . 0 . 0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- PT + SW 664. • 65 . , iP30 + SW + WC + SDLP 552 . 143 . 0 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + SLL 235 . ` 265 . 248 . PE + SW + WC + SDLP + SDLC + WIND 352 . 213 . 138 . PE+SW+WC+SDLP+SDLC+ . 75XWIND+ . 75*SLL 265 . 252 . 221 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOW. TENSILE STRESSES : 12 SQR(f ' c) = - 930 psi 7 . 5 SQR(f ' c)= - 581 psi ALLOW. COMPRESSIVE STRESSES : 0 . 45 t ' c = 2700 psi 0 . 60 f ' c = 3600 psi CAMBER AND DEFLECTIONS AT MIDSPAN (in) (+) :Camber ( - ) :Downward deflection P/S + SW = CAMBER WC SDLP SDLC SLL NET DISPL . ----- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- --------- AT TRANSFER 0 . 10 -0 . 03 0 . 08 0 .08 AT ERECTION 0 . 22 -0 . 06 0 . 16 -0 . 01 0 . 00 -0 . 02 -0 .01 0 .12 AT END S. LIFE 0 . 24 -0 . 06 0 . 17 -0 . 02 0 . 00 -0 . 05 -0 .03 0 . 07 I PERMISSIBLE DEFLECTIONS (in) L/180=0 . 9 L/240=0 . 6 L/360=0 . 4 L/480=0 . 3 VERTICAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) HORIZONTAL SHEAR REQUIREMENTS (G-60) ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ i X Vu/ . 75 Vc Vs Av AvMIN Vuh/ . 75 Vnhl Vnh2 Avf AvhMIN ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft kips kips kips in2/ft in2/ft ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---- ------ ------ HT/2 23 33 0 0 .000 0 .029 i6 34 112 0 . 351 0 . 129 0 . 6 22 34 0 0 . 000 0 . 029 15 34 112 0 . 339 0 . 129 1 . 3 19 37 0 0 . 000 0 . 029 14 34 112 0 . 302 0 . 129 1 . 9 17 39 0 0 .000 0 . 029 i2 34 112 0 . 264 0 . 129 2 . 6 15 40 0 0 . 000 0 . 02y 10 34 112 0 . 226 0 . 129 3 . 2 12 31 0 0 . 000 0 . 029 8 34 112 0 . 189 0 . 129 3 . 8 i0 24 0 0 . 000 0 . 021 i 34 112 0 . 151 0 . 129 4. 5 7 18 0 0 . 000 0 . 029 5 34 112 0 . 113 0 . 129 5 . 1 5 18 0 0 .000 0 .02� 34 1i2 0 .075 0 . 129 I 5 . 8 2 18 0 0 .000 0 .029 2 34 112 0 .038 0 . 129 6. 4 0 18 0 0 . 000 0 . 02� 0 34 112 0 .000 0 . 129 NOTE Required shear capacity Vu/0 . 7 comply has been doubled, in order to com Y with ACI 318-08 Section ib . 8 . 2 . HORIZONTAL , SHEAR NOTE : Roughen contact surface or provide minimum reinforcement AvhMIN . JMc/06-28-2017 i I