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-- 7 O/-03 t j OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT# 12,01-0-391 REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# \� \ PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE (� FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 RECEIVED (772)462-1553 AUG 15 ro» APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS permitting Department PROJECT INFORMATION St. Lucic.county LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 805 N LAKE DR C FORT PIERCE FLORIDA :; Parcel ID:2427-701-0042-000-5 "" v DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: 0L17-3 B Change of mechanical sub-HVAC Change unit brand to Daikin REVIEWED FOR COMPLI See G1t+GCn Ca CS AHP-T- REVIEWED BY J DATE PLANS AND PER IT MUST BE KEPX ON)OB CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WILL BE MADE STATE of FL REG./CERT.#: CAC1817689 ST.LUCIE CO CERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: LOCAL GUY AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES INC QUALIFIERS NAME: DEREK POWELL ADDRESS: 5702 SE LAGUNA AVE CITY: STUART STATE: FL ZIP: 34997 - PHONE(DAYTIME): 7722913097 FAXHCSc";DLI Warn Afil:SUBJECT To ANY coF? fsc CD waft; OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: REQUIRED BY FIELD INSAEC€OR5 HAi PJAY BE NECES Aff y IN jvAAM: Richard Capelli cnf4�p w AAUT(, r � Tl� ADDRESS:506 N Cypress Dr �� �.}� E t or-x CITY: Jupiter STATE: Florida ZIP: 33469 PHONE(DAYTIME: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Nom; Paul Welch Inc ADDRESS: 1984 SW Biltmore St Ste 114 CITY; Port saint lucie STATE: Florida 34953 p PHONE(DAYTIME): 772-785-9998 . , 4 SFtr,, . s` "^ 0 �'�. �� ria �u w,�...� ro��%� �`�1 F�s �. trr �'• ip°t'#� 1 SLCCC 9/23/09tA Revised 06/30/17 1 " Y t FORM R405-2017 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business-and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE Permit Office: RX&VED City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE,FL, Permit Number: Owner: Jurisdiction: AVG-1 2017 Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce County: St.Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2ent ) ag{f tl€Ip 4 1. New construction or existing Addition 9. Wall Types(756.0 sqft.) Insulation 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a.Concrete Block-Ext Insul,Exterior R=4.1 756.00 ftZ b.N/A R= ftZ 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms(Bedrms In Addition) 1(0) d. N/A R= ftz 5. Is this a worst case? No 10.Ceiling Types (558.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 558.00 ft' 6. Conditioned floor area above grade(ftZ) 558 b. N/A R= ftz Conditioned floor area below grade(ftZ) 0 c.N/A R= ftZ 11.Ducts R ftZ 7. Windows(71.7 sqft.) Description Area a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.65 71.67 ftZ SHGC: SHGC=0.25 b. U-Factor: N/A ftZ 12.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Central Unit 12.0 SEER:19.00 c. U-Factor: N/A ftZ SHGC: 13.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency d. U-Factor: N/A ftZ a.Electric Heat Pump 12.0 HSPF:9.00 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.250 14.Hot water systems- 8. Floor Types (558.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a.Electric Cap:40 gallons a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 558.00 ftZ b. Conservation features EF:0.950 b.N/A R= ftZ None c.N/A R= ftZ 15.Credits CF,Pstat Glass/Floor Area: 0.128 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 16.26 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 24.12 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and Dv�SE Srq?� this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this y Code. calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. ti nu,r % • .-°a``�51 O PREPAR9D BY: Before construction is completed r to DATE: this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby certify that this building,as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energ e. G'Ob WE OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory-sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. -Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50(R402.4.1.2). � N TRAGI-tof' Co�� 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 4 x r- FORM 8405-2017 INPU'T-1JMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT',) PROJECT Title: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Bedrooms: 1 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 558 Lot# Owner Name: Total Stories: 1 Block/Subdivision: #of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRI Permit Office: Cross Ventilation: No County: St.Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE, Family Type: Single-family FL, New/Existing: Addition Comment: CLIMATE Design.Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp V Design Location TMY Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL,Fort Pierce FL VERO_BEACH_MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 558 5022 SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 LIVING AREA 418 3762 Yes 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 BEDROOM 140 1260 No 2 1 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio LIVING AREA 64 ft 0 418 ft2 -_-- 0 1 0 2 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio BEDROOM 20 ft 0 140 ft2 ____ 0 1 0 ROOF / Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt Emift Deck Pitch # Type Materials Area Area Color Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) 1 Gable or Shed Composition shingles 588 ft2 92 ft2 Medium 0.6 No 0.9 No 0 18.4 ATTIC V # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 150 558 ft2 N N GIONTRAC TN P Y 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 2 of 4 FORM R405-2017 INPU1 MMARY CHECKLIST REPORT CEILING # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic(Vented) LIVING AREA 30 Blown 418 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 30 Blown 140 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Space Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below Ornt Tn Wall Type R--VaI11e Et In Pt In Area R-\Lqllle Fraction Ahsor Grade% 1 N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsUVING ARE 4.1 6 0 9 0 54.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 2 E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext Inslun/ING ARE 4.1 25 0 9 0 225.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 3 S Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsUVING ARE 4.1 23 0 9 0 207.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 4 W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsMVING ARE 4.1 10 0 9 0 90.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 5 N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsiHEDROOM 4.1 6 0 9 0 54.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 6 W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext Insf3EDROOM 4.1 14 0 9 0 126.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 DOORS # Ornt Door Type Space Storms U-Value Width Height Area Ft In Ft In 1 S Insulated LIVING ARE None .39 3 6 8 20 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered, Proposed orientation. Wall Overhang V # Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 E 2 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 2 S 3 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 17.7 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 3 W 4 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 4 W 6 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .0004 585.9 32.17 60.49 .3005 7 HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Heat Pump/Suppleme None HSPF:9 12 kBtu/hr 1 Ductless COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/Supplemental for Split SEER: 19 12 kBtu/hr 360 cfm 0.8 1 Ductless CON Cfull y 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 3 of 4 FORM R405-2017 INPU11-:.JMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1 Electric None LIVING AREA 0.95 40 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name System Model# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF None None ft2 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat:Y Ceiling Fans: CoolingJan Feb [ ]Mar [ Apr j Ma rj Jun rl Jul rj Au JXJ Se Oct Nov Dec HeatinHJan HFeb [X]Mar APr May Jun Jul AuSeP Oct Nov Dec Ventin Jan Feb X Mar [Xl A r May Jun Jul Aug Se Oct X Nov H Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling(WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating(WD) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating(WEH) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 MASS Mass Type Area Thickness Furniture Fraction Space Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. 0 ft2 0 ft 0.3 LIVING AREA Default(8 lbs/s .ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BEDROOM Name: Test Rater Signature: Rating Compant: Test Rater Date: �— B CON' TPACTUDAv 0 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 4 of 4 2017 -AIR BARRIER AND INSULkir ON INSPECTION COMPONENT CRI.,�.''tIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE Permit Office: City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: U Owner: Jurisdiction: w Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce U COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Air-permeable insulation shall The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. requirements Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit Ceiling/attic the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings,drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity sealed. with a material having a thermal resistance of R-3 Knee walls shall be sealed. per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows,skylights The space between window/doorjambs and framing,and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to (including insulation. maintain permanent contact with the underside of above-garage subfloor decking,or floor framing cavity insulation and cantilevered shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side floors) of sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawispace Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts, utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spac as. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures installed in the building shall be sealed to the drywall. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind piping and woring- Shower/tub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. be insulated. Electrical/phone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exterior walls boxes or air-sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor or drywall. �- Concealed When required to be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall only be Ty 1,"*'a 114 sprinklers sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire spro cover plates and walls or a.In addition,inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC 400. 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA FBC 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 2017 EPL DISPLAY CARD ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 67 The lower the Energy Performance Index, the more efficient the home. 1. New home or, addition 1. Addition 12. Ducts, location&insulation level a)Supply ducts R 2. Single-family or multiple-family 2. Single-family b) Return ducts R c)AHU location 3. No.of units(if multiple-family), 3. 1 4. Number of bedrooms 4. 1 13. Cooling system: Capacity 12.0 a)Split system SEER 19.0 5. Is this a worst case?(yes/no) 5. No b)Single package SEER c)Ground/water source SEER/COP 6. Conditioned floor area(sq.ft.) 6. 558 d) Room unit/PTAC EER e)Other 7.Windows,type and area a) U-factor:(weighted average) 7a. 0.650 b)Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) 7b. 0.250 14. Heating system: Capacity 12.0 c)Area 7c. 71.7 a)Split system heat pump HSPF b)Single package heat pump HSPF 8. Skylights c) Electric resistance COP a) U-factor:(weighted average) 8a. NA d) Gas furnace, natural gas AFUE b)Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) 8b. NA e) Gas furnace, LPG AFUE D Other 9.00 9. Floor type, insulation level: a)Slab-on-grade(R-value) 9a. 0.0 b)Wood, raised (R-value) 9b. 15.Water heating system c)Concrete, raised (R-value) 9c. a) Electric resistance EF 0.95 b)Gas fired, natural gas EF 10.Wall type and insulation: c)Gas fired, LPG EF A. Exterior: d) Solar system with tank EF 1.Wood frame(Insulation R-value) 10A1. e) Dedicated heat pump with tank EF 2. Masonry(Insulation R-value) 10A2. 4.1 f) Heat recovery unit HeatRec% B.Adjacent: g) Other 1.Wood frame(Insulation R-value) 10131. 2. Masonry(Insulation R-value) 10132. 16. HVAC credits claimed(Performance Method) 11. Ceiling type and insulation level a) Ceiling fans Yes a) Under attic 11a. 30.0 b) Cross ventilation No b)Single assembly 11 b. c)Whole house fan No c) Knee walls/skylight walls 11 c. d) Multizone cooling credit d) Radiant barrier installed 11 d. No e)Multizone heating credit f) Programmable thermostat Yes *Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. I certify that this home has co p' th he Florida Buildin Code, Energy Conservation,through the above energy saving features which will be in I ( ex eeded) in this h me before final inspection. Otherwise,a new EPL display card will be co t d a n ailed code compl ant features. i • i Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE City/FL Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL N'TR'-*A 7/18/2018 1:15:38 PM EnergyGauge®USA 6.0.02-FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31,2016. POW no al CERTIFIED certificate of Product Ratings' AHRI Certified Reference Number:8064266 Date:06-29-2018 Model Status:Active AHRI Type:HRCU-A-CB-O Outdoor Unit Brand Name:DAIKIN Outdoor Unit Model Number:RX12NMVJU Indoor Type:Mini-Splits Indoor Model Number(s):FTx12NMVJU Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 210/240 with Addenda 1 and 2,Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning&Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent,third party testing: Cooling Capacity(95F):10900 EER(95F):12.50 SEER:19.00 High Heat(47F):13500 Low Heat(1717):8100 HSPF:,9.00 Sold in?:USA CO"WAGA COPY t"Active"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale;OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced.'Production Stopped"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still _ selling or offering for sale. Ratings that are accompanied by WAS indicate an involuntary re-rate. The new published rating is shown alono with the Drevious fi.e.WAS)rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS "' '1201This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for Individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,In whole or In part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; entered Into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,in any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's Individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE - The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org,click on"Verify Certificate"link we make life better"' and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which Is listed above,and the Certificate No.,which is listed at bottom right ©2018Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131747739448022492 Project Summary Job: -�wrightsoftSry B te: Jan 23,2017 Entire House QUICK CA-CS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE U%,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772466-6799 Fax:772468 796 EmaY:OUICKCALCSQAOLCOM Proiect Information For. CAPELLI GARAGE CONVERSION 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE,Fl- Notes: Design Information Weather. Fort Pierce,FL,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 °F Outside db 90 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 'F Design TD 28 "F Design TD 15 "F Dailyrange L Relative humidity 50 % Nbisture difference 61 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 8828 Btuh Structure 6346 Btuh Ducts 1629 Btuh Ducts 2491 Btuh Central vent(23cim) 714 Btuh Central%ent(23 din) 383 Btuh Outside air Outside air Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 11171 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 8758 Bluh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 1119 Btuh Ducts 668 Btuh Central%ent(23cfm) 970 Btuh Area( ) Heat! Cod"ng Outside air Volume(fN) 50228 502828 Equipment latent load 2756 Btuh Air changesihour 0.61 0.32 EgrdpmentTotal Load(Sen+Lat) 11515 Btuh Equiv.AVF(dm) 51 27 Req.total capacityat 0.70 SHR 1.0 ton. Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make DIMN Make DIMN Trade Trade Model RX12NMVJU Cond RX12NWJU AH RI ref 8064266 Coil FTXI2NWJU AH RI ref 8064266 Efficiency 9 HSPF Efficiency 12.5 EER,19 SEER Heating input Sensiblecooling 8400 Btuh Heatingoutput 11500 BtuhQa 47°F Latent cooling 3600 Bluh Temperature rise 27 °F Total cooling 12000 Btuh Actual airflow 383 dm Actual airflow 383 elm Air flow factor 0.037 cfmlikuh Air flow factor 0.043 cfmA3tuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure• 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.77 Capacitybalance point=40'F Backup: Input=4kW, Output=13571BWh,100AFUE Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrigt•isofr RlghtSPage ulte®Universe,201818.0.16 RSU08101 2018-Jun-22 11,.W.13 I 1 ACCra...Doeum entsMightsoft HVACICAPELU RESID ENCE.rup Cale=MJ8 Front Door faces: N � 1 htsoftet wel ' R' ht-M WorksheJob: g � Date: Jan 23,2077 Entire House By: QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone.*T72-466-6799 Fax:7724664796 Email:OUICKCALCS@AOLCOM 1 Room name BEDROOM 2 Exposed wall 20.0 1l 3 Roam height 9.0 It heav000l 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 140.0 It 5 Room area 140.0 fl' Ty I Construction U-value Or HTM Area (fN) Load Area Load number (Btutdft;'F (Btutdit') or perimeter (ft) (Stuh) or perimeter Hest Cad Gross NIPS Heat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cod 6 w 13A4ors 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 54 51 216 137 Yy 13A4ors 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 00 0 0 4AS2cm 0.770 a 21.56 47.10 0 0 0 0 13A-4ots 0.143 a 4.00 255 0 0 0 0 4AS-2om 0.770 s 21.68 19.310 0 a 0 L—D 11on 0.390 s 10.92 11.31 0 a 0 0 Vyf 13A4oes 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 126 108 432 275 L._C 4A5.2om 0.770 w 21.58 47.10 18 0 388 848 C 16Ba0ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68140 140 125 235 F 22A-tpi 0.989 27.69 0.00 140 20 554 0 6 c)AM excursion 302 Envelope losslgain 1716 1787 12 a) Infiltration 374 105 b) Roomvert9atbn 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupards@ 230 0 0 Applianceslother 0 Subtotal(lines 6 to 13) 2090 1902 Less external bad 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 R"stnmftn 0 0 209 14 Subtotal 0 1902 15 Dud loads 18% 39% 386 747 Total room load 2476 2649 Air required(cfm) 91 11 Calculations aooroved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -t�rwrxghrtsore- RightSPagg2 uilebUniversal201818.0.16RSU08101 2018}lurr2211& 2dIe ...DocumentslWrightsoftHVACICAPEWRESIDENCE.rup Calc M.18 FrontDoorfaces: N et A 1 f ' wri ' R' ht-M Worksheet Dat htsoftDe 9 � ate: Jan 23,2017 Entire House By. QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,Fr.PIERCE,FL 34948 Phone:772-4666799 Fax:772-4666796 Email:OUICKCALCS(dAOLCOM 1 Room name Enthe House LMNG AREA 2 Exposed wall 84.0 it 64.0 It 3 Room height 9.0 it d 9.0 It hwv000l 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 418.0 It 5 Rowe area 558.0 it, 418.0 fp Ty Construction U-value Or I HIM I Area (it) Load Area (ft') Load number (BtuNft-.F (BtutvfN) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (it) (Stuh) Heat Cool Gross NIP/. Heat Cod Gross WPIS Heat Coo! 6 w 13A4= 0.143 n 4.00 2.55 108 108 432 275 54 54 216 137 Vy 13A4= 0.143 a 4.O0 2.55 225 297 829 527 225 207 829 527 LG 4A5.2om (1770 a 21.56 47.10 18 0 388 848 18 0 388 848 1� 13A4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 255 2(Y7 168 674 428 207 168 674 428 4A5-tom 0.770 s 21.56 19.31 18 18 381 341 113 18 381 341 �O 11D0 a390 a 10.92 11.31 21 21 229 2313 21 21 229 238 tW 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 216 180 721 458 90 72 288 183 l—f 4A5.2om 0.770 w 21.56 47.10 36. 0 776 1696 18 0 388 848 C 169-30ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 558 558 500 937 418 418 375 702 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 558 84 2326 0 418 64 1772 0 6 c)AED excursion 158 -145 Envelope lossfgain 7257 5904 1 5541 4107 12 a) Infiltration 1571 442 1197 338 b) Room vent0ation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 App0anceslother 0 0 Subtotal(fines 6 to 13) 8828 6346 6738 4444 Less extemal load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 8828 6346 6738 4444 15 Dud loads 18% 39% 1629 2491 18% 39% 1243 1744 Total rows Ioad 10456 8837 7081 6188 Air required(cion) 383 3133 292 268 Calculations approved W CCAto mestall requirements of Manual J ft Ed. _ wrlgraisoYt- RlghtSuRe4il Universal 201"un-2211:09:13 a1201818.0.16 RSUOB101 pays 1 A~�`...Documents%Wrightsoft HVAC1CAPELLI RESIDENCE.wp Calc=Mly From Doorfaces: N - e� PAUL WELCH INC. Mechanical , Electrical Civil Engineering 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. Suite#114 Port Saint Lucie,FL 34984 Phone(772) 785 -9888 - Email pwelchinc@aol.com June 13, 2018 Re: Building Renovation Residential 805 North Lake Dr.Unit C Fort Pierce, FL Permit#SLC- 1701-0391 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised our office has personally inspected the Wirelath(139)for the above referenced project and find that the work meets with the Florida Building Code 2014, and with our Engineering requirements for this project. 16ty.0"U'r-attention to this matter. ZO V, ARy- Kg 00 --- ------- 4i 0 I f ` OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT# REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONSIM L ;may 4 i PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 605 . A,14WV L-�— jqwl:�1 GC— U,4j(7— DETAILED 7DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. CI(:� 66 d F 312, ST. LUCIE CO CERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: a2 J C�s �2E�-zz/ i`l� np �C✓ QUALIFIERS NAME: - Ga-• /7, ADDRESS: 8,�7/ CITY: 57VA10-7 STATE:_oc-G. ZIP: 3,19F 7 PHONE(DAYTIME): 7V"o90/- 3/93 FAX: OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: I ADDRESS: f y 51,0 B2yrWdZe- v'F 5v JILI CITY: STATE: lgz- ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): 7(9 ^ FAX: SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 06/30/17R E'uVm I SO% I Owl& N PAUL WELCH INC.. Mechanical * Electrical * Civil Engineering 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. Suite#1 14 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (772) 785 - 9888 Email pwelchinc@aol.com t September 10,2018 Re: ' Building Renovation 1 Residential 805 North Lake Dr. Unit C Fort Pierce,FL Permit#SLC- 1701-0391 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the revisions to the above referenced project as follows: 1)Revise window A/C to be removed and wall opening blocked in with 8" CMU P-routed,blacks. rte yourattention to this matter. law%, IV -a-Z Reg-N 1-7 ST,LUCIE COUNTY 80 BUILDING DIVISION Attach:Truss Cut Sheet GRB REVIEWED FOR CO C;E 13Y REVIEWED BY T DATE .' '"tjn PLANS AND PER IT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE -J OFI"10E USE ONLY: _ /- I J 1 DAT' FILEDPERMIT# t1,6 t O / r - . REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# \� \ PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION �O. -\ B2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 RECEII/E® (772)462-1553 15 -- - - " - - APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS AUG__ 2017"_ yy _. _. . Permittin PROJECT INFORMATION St. Luh a eP rrt�ment LOCATION/SITE _ ADDRESS: 805 N LAKE DR C FORT PIERCE FLORIDA - Parcel ID:2427-701-0042-000-5 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT -ST. LUCIE_COUNTY'BUICDING DIV I REVISIONS: --- _, REVIEWED-FOR COMPLIANC Change of mechanical sub-HVAC - REVIEWED BY Change unit brand to Daikin _ - OB ---- — at+0M-r_: - -_Cai cs - AHR•�- r SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) ILL'BE MADE CONTRACTOR STATE of FL REG./CERT.#: cAc1817689 ST_LUCIE CO CERT. BUSINESS NAME: LOCAL GUY AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES INC QUALIFIERS NAME: DEREK POWELL =_ ADDRESS: 5702 SE LAGUNA AVE :._ CITY:,STUART - .__,.,STATE: FL . _ _.ZIP: 34997 PHONE(DAYTIME): 7722913097 -- FAES PLAN S AND ALL PROPOSED . OWNE"UILDER INFORMATION: I T7ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS `REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT . NAME: Richard.Capelli MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDLRE TO ADDRESS:506 N Cypress Dr COMPLYP • %, BLE CODES. CITY: Jupiter STATE: Florida. ZIP: 33469 PHONE(DAYTDAE. FAX: - - - ARCBMCT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Paul Welch Inc ADDRESS: 1984 SW Biltmore St-Ste 114 CITy: .Port saint.lucie- __. STA wElonda ap; 34953 PHONE(DAYTIME): 772-785-9998A RIP. — CyyS rCr gayxy y F 1 I t . i PrS S {t n t r tl y SLCCC. 9123109 - Revised 06/30/17 - - — _• � , s:<« — C"- ..:. .,i fi's'.:7ti.'fiifii .. . ,..£iS`a...v... .--:v.r'(`i .� ... fit" .Ira .-,�iSF�rn..-. ur..., ..._.t".a''riNfin .-. .6�'•a. n-...,t .,.M1 ir. ...:.�:}�'Hrii .. ..�'a..:x.,,. .,.:wfiif . .- �.......�Z�-. arr' FORM R405-2017 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Builder Name: ftEIVeo = Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE Permit Office: City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE,FL, Permit Number: AUG 151017 Owner: Jurisdiction: perm/tt/ng De Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce County: St.Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2)gt 6dg/e Cpartment 1. New construction or existing Addition 9. Wall Types(756.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 2.'Single family or multiple family Single-family a.Concrete Block-Ext Insul,Exterior R=4.1 756.00 ftz b.N/A R= ftz 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.N/A R= ftz 4. Number of Bedrooms(Bedrms In Addition) 1(0) d.N/A R= ft2 5. Is this a worst case? No 10.Ceiling Types (558.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 558.00 ftz 6. Conditioned floor area above grade(ftz) 558 b.N/A R= ftz Conditioned floor area below grade(ftz) 0 c.N/A R= ftz 11.Ducts R ftz 7. Windows(71.7 sqft.) Description Area a. U-Factor: Dbl,U=0.65 71.67 ftz SHGC: SHGC=0.25 b. U-Factor: N/A ftz 12.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Central Unit 12.0 SEERA9.00 c. U-Factor: N/A ftz SHGC: 13.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency d. U-Factor: N/A ftz a. Electric Heat Pump 12.0 HSPF:9.00 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.250 14.Hot water systems- a.Electric Cap:40 gallons 8. Floor Types (558.0 sqft.) Insulation Area EF:0.950 a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 558.00 ftz b. Conservation features b.N/A R= ftz None c.N/A R= ftz 15.Credits CF,Pstat Glass/Floor Area: 0.128 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 16.26 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 24.12 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and 0 -tUE S ,4?A this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this '"J Code. calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPAST B Before construction is completed DATE. this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 * - _ I hereby certify that this building,as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. 5� with the Florida Ener ode. - ` G'0 py'E OWNER/AG NT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: 1 -1- Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory-sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. -Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50(R402.4.1.2). L COPY 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGaugeO USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 4 FORM R405-2017 INPIL-2-5UMMARY CHECKLIST REPOR' PROJECT Title: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Bedrooms: 1 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 558 Lot# Owner Name: Total Stories: 1 Block/Subdivision: #of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRI Permit Office: Cross Ventilation: No County: St.Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE, Family Type: Single-family FL, New/Existing: Addition Comment: CLIMATE / Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp V/ Design Location TMY Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL,Fort Pierce FL VERO_BEACH_MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 558 5022 SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 LIVING AREA 418 3762 Yes 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 BEDROOM 140 1260 No 2 1 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio LIVING AREA 64 ft 0 418 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 2 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio BEDROOM 20 ft 0 140 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 ROOF / Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch V # Type Materials Area Area Color Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) 1 Gable or Shed Composition shingles 588 ft2 92 ft2 Medium 0.6 No 0.9 No 0 18.4 ATTIC V # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 150 558 ft2 N N rp � COPY 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 2 of 4 FORM R405-2017 INPIL_-SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPQKL- ) CEILING # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic(Vented) LIVING AREA 30 Blown 418 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 30 Blown 140 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent()rot 10 AAWI TypeSpace Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below 1 N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsIW1/ING ARE 4.1 6 0 9 0 54.0 ft2 0 0 0.6 0 2 E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsUVING ARE 4.1 25 0 9 0 225.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 3 S Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InshOVING ARE 4.1 23 0 9 0 207.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 4 W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InskAVING ARE 4.1 10 0 9 0 90.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 5 N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsiHEDROOM 4.1 6 0 9 0 54.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 6 W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsilHEDROOM 4.1 14 0 9 0 126.0 ft2 0 0.25 0.6 0 DOORS # Ornt Door Type Space Storms U-Value Width Height Area Ft In Ft In 1 S Insulated LIVING ARE None .39 3 6 8 20 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered,Proposed orientation. Wall Overhang V # Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 E 2 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 2 S 3 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 17.7 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 3 W 4 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 4 W 6 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.25 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .0004 585.9 32.17 60.49 .3005 7 HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Heat Pump/Suppleme None HSPF:9 12 kBtu/hr 1 Ductless COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/Supplemental for Split SEER: 19 12 kBtu/hr 360 cfm 0.8 1 Ductless t- C(OPY � 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 3 of 4 FORM R405-2017 INP(? 3UMMARY CHECKLIST REPOKLr . HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1 Electric None LIVING AREA 0.95 40 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name System Model# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF None None ft2 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat:Y Ceiling Fans: CoolingJan Feb Mar [ ]Apr Ma rj Jun Jul rj Au JXJ Se [ ]Oct [ ]Nov Dec HeatinHJan Feb ki Mar [ ]Apr I May Jun Jul AuSep [ ]Oct HNov Dec Ventin Jan Feb Mar [X]Apr May Jun [ Jul Aug Se [X]Oct [X]Nov Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling(WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating(WD) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating(WEH) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 MASS Mass Type Area Thickness Furniture Fraction Space Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. 0 ft2 Oft 0.3 LIVING AREA Default(8 lbs/so-ft- ft2 ft 0.3 BEDROOM Name: Test Rater Signature: Rating Compant: Test Rater Date: 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 4 of 4 2017 -AIR BARRIER AND INSU. -'ION INSPECTION COMPONENT CL:.:ARIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: CAPELLI RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street: 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE Permit Office: City,State,Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL, Permit Number: U Owner: Jurisdiction: w Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce U COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Air-permeable insulation shall The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. requirements Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit Ceiling/attic the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings,drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity sealed. with a material having a thermal resistance of R-3 Knee walls shall be sealed. per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows,skylights The space between window/doorjambs and framing,and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to (including insulation. maintain permanent contact with the underside of above-garage subfloor decking,or floor framing cavity insulation and cantilevered shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side floors) of sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts, utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spac Ds. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures installed in the building shall be sealed to the drywall. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind piping and wormno. Shower/tub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. be insulated. Electrical/phone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exterior walls boxes or air-sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor or drywall. � � Concealed When required to be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sprinklers sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. p Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sl2ri lates and walls or cell a. In addition,inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC-400. 7/18/2018 1:15 PM EnergyGauge®USA FBC 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 2017 EPL DISPLAY CARD L 4 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 67 The lower the Energy Performance Index, the more efficient the home. 1. New home or, addition 1. Addition 12. Ducts, location&insulation level a) Supply ducts R 2. Single-family or multiple-family 2. Single-family b) Return ducts R c)AHU location 3. No.of units(if multiple-family) 3. 1 4. Number of bedrooms 4. 1 13. Cooling system: Capacity 12.0 a) Split system SEER 19.0 5. Is this a worst case?(yes/no) 5. No b) Single package SEER c)Ground/water source SEER/COP 6. Conditioned floor area(sq.ft.) 6. 558 d) Room unit/PTAC EER e) Other 7.Windows,type and area a) U-factor:(weighted average) 7a. 0.650 b)Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) 7b. 0.250 14. Heating system: Capacity 12.0 c)Area 7c. 71.7 a)Split system heat pump HSPF b)Single package heat pump HSPF 8. Skylights c) Electric resistance COP a) U-factor:(weighted average) 8a. NA d)Gas furnace, natural gas AFUE b)Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) 8b. NA e) Gas furnace, LPG AFUE D Other 9.00 9. Floor type, insulation level: a)Slab-on-grade(R-value) 9a. 0.0 b)Wood, raised(R-value) 9b. 15.Water heating system c)Concrete, raised (R-value) 9c. a) Electric resistance EF 0.95 b) Gas fired, natural gas EF 10.Wall type and insulation: c) Gas fired, LPG EF A. Exterior: d)Solar system with tank EF 1.Wood frame(Insulation R-value) 10A1. e) Dedicated heat pump with tank EF 2. Masonry(Insulation R-value) 10A2. 4.1 f) Heat recovery unit HeatRec% B.Adjacent: g) Other 1.Wood frame(Insulation R-value) 1061. 2. Masonry(Insulation R-value) 1062. 16. HVAC credits claimed (Performance Method) 11. Ceiling type and insulation level a)Ceiling fans Yes a) Under attic Ila. 30.0 b)Cross ventilation No b)Single assembly 11 b. c)Whole house fan No c) Knee walls/skylight walls 11c. d) Multizone cooling credit d) Radiant barrier installed 11 d. No e)Multizone heating credit D Programmable thermostat Yes 'Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. I certify that this home has o ed with t lorida Building Code, Energy Conservation,through the above energy saving features which will stalled (or exce ded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL display card will be co a sed on' de compliant features. Builder Signature. Date: " Address of New Home: 80 N RTH LAKE DRIVE City/FL Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL 7/18/2018 1:40:22 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02-FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit when e ,o placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31,2016. NIL! CE , g certificate ®f Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:8064266 Date:06-29-2018 Model Status:Active AHRI Type:HRCU-A-CB-O Outdoor Unit Brand Name:DAIKIN Outdoor Unit Model Number:RX12NMVJU Indoor Type:Mini-Splits Indoor Model Number(s):FTX12NMVJU Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 210/240 with Addenda 1 and 2,Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning&Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent,third party testing: Cooling Capacity(95F):10900 EER(95F):12.50 SEER:19.00 High Heat(47F):13500 Low Heat(17F):8100 HSPF:9.00 Sold in?:USA " Y ;p L 1 t"Active"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale;OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced"Production Stopped"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still selling or offering for sale. Ratings that are accompanied by WAS indicate an involuntary re-rate. The new Dublished rating is shown along with the previous(i.e.WAS)rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ®� This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for Individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,In whole or In part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; �� ®■ � entered into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.abridirectory.org,click on"Verify Certificate"link we make life better- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which is listed above,and the Certificate No.,which Is listed at bottom right. ©2018Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration InstituteCERTIFICATE NO.: 131747740332405028 1 fir. +I+wrightsoft° Project Summary By: t: Jan 23,2017 Entire House QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-46668799 Fax:772.466-6796 Ema➢:OUICKCALCS@AOLCOM - ProiectinformatJoh For: CAPELLI GARAGE CONVERSION 805 NORTH LAKE DRIVE,FORT PIERCE,FL Notes: Design Information Weather. Fort Pierce,FL,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 °F Outside db 90 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 28 "F Design TD 15 °F Dailyrange L Relative humidity 50 % Nbisturedifference 61 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 8828 Btuh Structure 6346 Btuh Ducts 1629 Btuh Ducts 2491 Btuh Centra I%ent(23 cfm) 714 Btuh Central vent(23cfrn) 383 Btuh Outside air Outside air Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 11171 Btuh Use manufacturers data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 8758 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 1119 Btuh Ducts 6Btu Central vent(23cfrn) 970 Btuh Heating Cooks Outside air Area(ft2) 558 558 Equipment latent load 27,56, Btuh Volume(fe) 5022 5022 Air changes/hour 0.61 0.32 Equipment Total Load(Sen+Lat) 11515 Btuh Equiv.AVF(dm) 51 27 Req.total capacityat 0.70 SHR 1.0 ton, Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary kbke DIAKIN Make DIAKIN Trade Trade Nbdel RX12NWJU Cond RX12NWJU AHRI ref 8064266 Coil FTX12NWJU AiRlref 8064266 Efficiency 9 HSPF Efficiency 12.5 EER,19 SEER Heating input Sensible cooling 8400 Btuh Heating output 11500 Btuh @ 47-F Latent cooling 3600 Btuh Temperature rise 27 'F Total cooling 12000 Btuh Actual airflow 383 Cfm Actual airflow 383 cfm Air flow factor 0.037 c1mA3tuh Air flow factor 0.043 cfmiBtuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.77 Capacitybalance point=40°F Backup: Input=4 kW, Output=13571 Btuh,100AFUE Calculations approved byACCAtD meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ w_rlghtsoft" 2018Jun•2211:09:13 Right-Sufle®Universal 201818.0.16 RSU08101 Page 1 ...Documenta%Wrlghtsoft HVACICAPELLI RESIDENCE.rup Calc=W8 Front Doorfaces: N FN - LE j +�wrightsoft• Right-M Wor?l aet DatJobe Entire House Date: Jan 23,zot� By: QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:77246M799 Fax:77246rr6796 Email:OUICKCALCSQAOLCOM ' Room name BEDROOM 2 Exposed wall 20.0 It 3 Room height 9.0 it heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 140.0 ft 5 Room area 140.0 ft' • Ty Construction U-value;' Or HTM Area (ft') Load I Area Load number (BtutditF (Btuhlfl') or perimeter (ft) (Stuh) or perimeter Heat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cool 6 W 13A-4oes 0.143 n 4.00 255 54 54 216. 137 13A-4ors 0.143 a 4.00 255 0 0 0 0 t_G 4A5.2om 0.770 a 21.66 47.10 0 0 0 0 Vt� 13A4ocs 0.143 -a 4.00 255 0 0 0 0 11 � 4AS2om' 0.770 a 21.66 19.31 0 0 0 0 T1— 11DO 0.390 s 10.92- 11.31 0 0 0 0 Vy 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 255 126 108 432 275 �G 4A5-2om 0.770 w 21.58 47.10 18 0 388 848 C 16B-3Dad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 140 140 125 235 F 22A-tp1 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 140 20 554 0 6 c)AM excursion 302 Envelope loss(galn 1 1716 1797 12 j a) Infiltration 374 105 b) Room ventilation 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 Applianceslother 0 Subtotal(Ones 6 to 13) 2090 1902 Less external load 0 0 Lese transfer 0 0 Redisbibution 0 0 14 Subtotal 2090 1902 15 Dud loads 18% 39% 386 747 Total room load 2476 2649 Air required(cfm) 91 11 Calculations an Proved bvACCAto meet all requirements of NFanual J 8th Ed. -F}F wrigt�ec_oYe- 20184un-2211:09:13 • Right-Suite®Universal 201818.0.16RSU08101 Paget ...Documents\Wdghtsoft HVAC1CAPELLI RESIDENCE.rup Calc=M18 Front Doorfaces: N r{3 wrightsoft' Right-M Worl�_2`,-et Da�: Jan 2s,2017 Entire House By; QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,FT.PIERCE,FL 34948 Phone:7724663799 Fax:772466-6796 Email:OUICKCALCSQAOLCOM 1 Room name Entire House LIVING AREA 2 Exposed wall 84.0 It 64.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft d 9.0 It heaV000l 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 418.0 It 5 Room area 558.0 f t' 418.0 f t' Ty Construction U-valueOr HTM Area (fl') Load Area (Btuhlftz'F (1tLoad number (BtutYlt') I or perimeter (ft) (Blah) or perimeter (ft) (Blah) Heat Cool Gross NOS Heat Cool Gross NOS Heat I Cool 6 W _ 13A4ocs. 0.143 _n 4.00 2.55 108 108 432 275 64. 54 216 137 W 13A4ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.55 225 207 829 527 225 207 829 527 1 4A5.2om 0.770 a 21.66 47.10 18 0 _398 848 18 0 _388 848 13A4ocs 4.143 s - 4.00 2.55 207 169 674 428 207 168 674 428 114A5-2om 0.770 s 21.56 19.31 18. 18 381 341 18 18 381 341 11D0 0.390 a 10.92 11.31 21 21 229 238 21 _ 21 229 238 W 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 216 180 721 458 90 72 288 183 <-G 4A5.2om 0.770 w 21.56 47.10 36 0 776 1696 18 0 388 848 C 16630ad 0.032 - 0.90 1.68 558 558 500. 937 418 418 375 702 F 22A-tpl 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 558 64 2326 0 418 64 1772 0 8 c)AED excursion 156 -145 Envelope losstgain 7257 5904 1 1 5541 4107 12 a) Infiltration 1571 442 1197 336 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 internal gains: Occupants@ 230 0 00 0 Appliancestother 0 0 Subtotal pines 6 to 13) 8828 6346 6738 4444 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 8828 6346 6738 4444 1151 Duct loads 118% 39% 1629 2491 18% 39%1 1243 1744 Total room load 10456 8837 7981 6188 Air required(chn) 383 383 1 292 268 Calculations anaroyed bVPCCAfo meet all reauirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Fla- 201"un•2211,09:13 - -• •-• Right-Su Be®Universal 2018 18.0.16 RSUOe101 Page 1 ...DocumentslWrightsoft HVAC1CAPELLIRESIDENCE.rup Calc=MJB Front Doorfaces: N