HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (3) zi- a F 3 Nil' Dania Beach Blvd BUILDING DROPS + ,w 4�Y Suite 338 �� Dania Beach, FL 33004 a �� A Perfect Solution in Every Drop 954.399.8478 PH Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com Product Evaluation Report Of JELD-WEN, inc. Contours Steel Door, Wood Edge fog• Florida Product Approval Report No. 3291 Current Florida Building Code Method: 1 —A (Certificate) Category: Exterior Doors Sub — Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Product: Contours Steel Door, Wood Edge Material: Steel/Wood Product Dimensions: 74"x 8L 75" 74"x 80.5" 64.5"x 95.25" 64.5"x 94.5" Prepared For: JEIM-WEN, inc. 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR. 97601 ,`��►t r i i i������ S F. �1�1 Prepared by: •'�•• Hermes Norero, P.E. 7 =_ Florida Professional Engineer#73778 Date: 10/27/2014 = T T .• Contents: 'ii � '••......••.• G��`�. Evaluation Report Pages 1—4 s`9/ONAL Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. /III Reason:I am approving this document Hermes Norero, P.E. Date:2014.11.11 09:50:46-05'00' Florida No. 73778 9 s�•- s F ty L BUILDING DROPS � � ���;r��``� �: /2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 1 e Certificate of Authorization:29578 Report NOo:: 3 322911 Manufacturer: JELD-WEN,inc. Product Category: Exterior Doors Product Sub-Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method(1)(a) Product Name: Contours Steel Door,Wood Edge (Impact Rated-Doors Only) 74"x 81.75" 74"x 80.5" 64.5"x 95.25" 64.5"x 94.5" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for Jeld-Wen Inc. based on Method 1a of the State of Florida Product Approval, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation- Florida Building Commission. o - Hermes Norero, P.E. does not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions JW162009,signed and sealed by Hermes Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for specific use parameters. Limits of Use: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code, excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the current Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering on single and double door systems without a sidelite or transom, in all Wind Zones.Single and double door systems with a sidelite or transom do not require an impact resistant covering, in Wind Zones 3 or less. Florida approved impact resistant shutters are required for sidelites and transom. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing JW162009 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 5. See Installation Instructions JW162009 for size and design pressure limitations. Hermes Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 2 of 4 W BUILDING DROPS a A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 10/27/2014 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Report No: 3291 Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of products in accordance with the Florida Building Code for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation& Management Institute,Inc. (FBC Organization#QUA1789). Performance Standards: The product described herein has been tested per: • ASTM E 283-04 • ASTM E 330-02 • ASTM E 331-00 • ASTM E 1886-05 • ASTM E 1996-05b Referenced Data: 1. Product Testing performed by Quality Testing Inc. (FBC Organization#TST7638) Report#:SJW2009-199, Report Date: 1/18/2010 SJW2009-200, Report Date: 1/18/2010 2. Quality Assurance National Accreditation and Management Institute (FBC Organization#:QUA1789) c Hermes Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 3 of 4 0 BUILDING DROPS 014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 1 o 1 Report No:: 3 32291 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Installation: 1. Approved anchortypes and substrates are as follows: Through Frame Installation: A. For two by(2X)wood buck substrate, use#10 Wood Screw type installation anchors of sufficient length to achieve a minimum embedment of 1.50" into the wood substrate. B. For concrete or masonry substrate where one by(1X), non-structural,wood bucking is employed, use 3/16"diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. C. For concrete or masonry substrate where wood bucking is NOT employed, use 3/16" diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. Refer to Installation Instructions(JW162009)for anchor spacing and more details of the installation requirements. Design Pressure: Design Pressure* Positive 55 PSF Negative 55 PSF *Product has not been rated for water infiltration. If authority having jurisdiction requires that product meets this requirement, product shall be used when installed at location protected by overhang such that overhang(OH) ratio =OH length/OH height is 1.0. 0 Hermes Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 4 of 4 0