HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLD-Ei 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 3' x 0.024 x 1 LB EPS PANELS ;3' x 0,032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 3' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 3' x 0.030 x 2 - LE EPS PANELS DO KIM (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) 6 ASSOCIATES,LLC NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) 1 NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN FT) CONSULTING ALLOWABLE i ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE STRUCTURAL LOAD (PSF')' L/80 L/120 I L/180 L/240 t LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 I L/240 ENGINEERS 10 16,17 15.76 15A3 14,10 to 17.50 17.50 16,91 15.96 10 19.33 18.95 18.31 17.66 10 amil ZmUj 19.42 HIRI 20 13.44 13.44 12.22 10*35 i 20 16.64 15.96 14.06 12.16 20 IBM 15.06 766 6.36 20 19,02 18.81 0.58 16-35 30 10.78 10.78 9A1 6.60 t 30 15.17 1446 11.21 8.36 30 16.90-- 1636 14.41 12.46 30 17.93 17.58 15,73 13.69 PO BOX 10039 -r5-,4-9 _F5 0_6 16.83 16.35 13.89 1143 Tampa,FL 33670 40 9.22 922 6,60 2.851 40 13.69 12,16 8.36 M - 12A6 B6 40 15,74 15.12 12.05 8.971 a,;j.13]l 657-9955 50 6.17 9.17 37 - 50 IR 22 HIRE 5,51 1430 1176 10,51 7.26 50 V9 - --T 12,87 12.46 9.57 4.6 60 7.40 6,39 0198 60 10.75 �3-6 --T6-6- - 14.64 13.89 1021 52 FE�=71 6.81 4.51 70 9.27 6A6 11457 11.16 6162 2.07 t7E-T3-55 -T2-6-6 -8.16 4,06 RaYJDW Description so 7.80 a 12,46 11.43 6.52 1160 6,33 2.64 9B6 4.67 N' ISSUED FOR PRODUCT -6 4' x 0.024 x I LB EPS PANELS 14' x 0.032, x I - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0,030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS .1 ISSU (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) -1 PRO, 0", ISSUED FOR 2010 FOC XQ PRODUCT a' D"'SCO' ' ISSUE rEZ.B."m _2 PRODUCT I NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) - -15- ALLOWABLE :ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE fi�PROIYUCT ��80 L LOAD (PSF)' ��120 L/180 L/240 ;'LOAD (PSF)1 -L-/-80-T-L-/1-20T-L/I80 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' -1.-/-8-0-T-L/-1-2-07-L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 I L/180 L/240 10 19.00 19,00 17.17 16.531 to 20.50 20.50 1 20.11 1924 to 2157 21.97 21,52 M97 10 24,17 24A7_ P4,17 2447 20 15101 15.01 I501 13.95 19.61 ;19�2j 77.49 15,74 20 20,77 20,77 19.86 18.76 20 23.64 23.64 23.41 23.11 30 12.50 12.50 12,50 11.38 Z� 18.1749 '4�i7 1224 30 19.57 19.57 18.21 30 22.57 22.57 2130 - 1 !6. 1 40 IM97 1037 10.97 8,00 40 16J2 2 ' _14 1 40 10.36 18.36 6.55 1 4,34 40 21,51 21.51 EI -j a' a so 17.16 17.16 14.89 12.13 1 50 BOAS 2F4P=1 19==M9 < 50 9.92 9.9a 9,44 6.2 50 15.28 1��91� -L16-V -45_' 1.1. �3 yg - 15.96 1324 9.39 17.37 14.70 60 913 943 7.31 4 60 NUS4 IP-24 7.00 175 15.96 60 1%39 1 > 0 70 0.52 .52 558 1.07 70 12A0 10.49 4.38 �12. PJ5 14,75 11.58 7. 70 LU W >1 z 0. Be 8.02 �64 I so 75 13"D 13.55 so 0 <Z EL C 3: 0-R< 6' x 0.024 x I - LB EPS PANELS x 0.032 x I - LB EPS PANELS 6' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 6' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS .2-Z5 r'0' 1=win M 0 D.M 0 D (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS)l 0, OZO -i O--o NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN <FT> I NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT> NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN TT) NET X. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) O_Q U- �Mm ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE I C) a - 0:D(- LOAD (PSF)1 �ZSO L/120 L/180 L/240 I 6AD (PSF)1 7/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' I L/80 i L/120 I L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF), L/180 L/2401 E 5;13 0 20*85 24.00 1 24 23.4a to 2333 23�9� 1 23.89 a3.60 to 24�00 24.OD [-T4-00 -23.84 U 2 LU to E2.00 di.24 2L47 to 24,00 4)0 Ix ED 18.06 1906 lets 1646 20 23.34 1 a3,21 ZIAZ --foo-ze 20 E320 2120 23D3 22.46 ED 23.65 3.3 E o 30 ,15.13 1533 15.13 15.13 30 22.10 L 21.63 19.42 17.0a jo 2a.47 22,47 22.18 RI.33 30 22,94 22.94 22.59 21-83 1 L) - - 40 13.34 -13.34 1334 13.34 w 40 20.861 PaIS 17-02 13.82 40 e1.75 E1,75 21.33 BOBO 40 22.23 22-e3 21,85 BERG Q 0 50 3 1.53 21.10 19.86 to <-I so 12.10 12.10 -210 10.91 50 19.62 18.47 14.62 10.6a 50 RI.02 21.02 20.49 19.07 --J 0 0< - a 19.64 ---R-IF 20.82 2036--TO-36 - 11.17 11.17 11,17 e.43 60 16.38 IF 22 7.4a 6 amps 20.29 -C>0 U. Ea 0 60 W U) 70 70 20.11 But 19.6 (D 70 IQ44 10.44 1030 5.95 70 1 9.8i! �42Z 80 19.57 1957 17.87 in a 8-0 9.85 9.83 BA3 3.47 102 18.84 _18,84 1794 15.68 so 19,40 19.40 18.87 1 16.88 LU 0 SEAL JOINT WITH Lt. 1. Collipositr parick shall be constructed iming,type 1003-1 1 1 54 alurninurn lheingS,I or 2 PCI:ASTNI C-5-it caawnwr brood I'VIS CONTINUOUS CAULKING adhere to alitaiinuin liteirips wilh Ashland('heroical 20211)ISO grip,Fabrication to be by flite panel products only in accordance with approved Nbrication nrclhod& T.ECK.O'DY my; 0000 000000 1. 90090% CHECKED ft DYK Islite roof panels niahunin:I(A,1715(int)class'B*(est)siting Rod are N1,11-50 I approved. su = )0000 000,000 3. Thi;specification11.15 been designed and shall he fitbrlca(IN�j in accordance iviih the requircinents of the Florida Iloilding Code 00 "Mm"Now 2= - OAT L 21,9112 1"Edition 0`110,composite r lick comply with Chilild,7 Section 720,Chapter 8 Section S03.Class,A interior finish.and OPTIONAL wits Shall be adhered it)a�required. SECTION GUTTER D." :A, ..... Chapter 26 Sccfion.2603�All code anlelldo� klition,(it cluding 0 4. The designLrshall deternihic by accepted engineering practice Ilicillo,iable loads lbrsitc specific longi con I !(,in thealinwable lvol)4table.'notl spans `r5F In tIjjS pliproVal. SLOPE I�INA.'-01.I.TE.L.C.-V ry larval coollilioatiolls)Ilsing the dala I. P EL I',4'/FT MIN SLOPE) 3. I)CITC01011 lisledtolliect I'llCinclvdingthe IIVIIZ.III 11VIV,11iisproduoshill he Used 0 Ila.4 VEON Ki' Z III structures"not to be considered I ix-ing arcus"per Scdi6ji 16 1(1 unl"�;Inpact resistance in accorki'llue,Io the I I V I TZ '00 ILA".ZRT.NUI. 4 ka 0 0 0 EPS CORE ILD DR 2LB 0 W 00 00 rcquirtntionis are incl. 0�0020202020001 00 0 00 0 0. surety ractoroI72.0 Ills been use In develop allowable loluk and(Jxllls*4nn lesting.in accordance to Ill.Goid"lincs for J 00 D M SSOCIAT hu ALUMINUM BOTTOM A".�t E.. Box iOO;f' Aluminum Snnctores 1u"i I and conIbnos to the FDC Chliprcr Ili and 20. FACINGS 00 IN 7. Toiling has been condo CLEAR SPAN(L)INSIDE 70 INSIDE 00 O.H. conducted in accordance to ASTNM r;-2-'P5:Strength Test tit'llanels,for Buik6ng Coosiroction. 016. STATgroPpa,FL 3 0 Ii. I�eflercncc test reports:1 199.9.1 IIN'l-06-2 10-1.llti i 1-06-2066.1113TI-o6-2 10S.I I1.'TI-(j6-Zo67,IIPTI-05-100,Ill;"cl- 00 00 t)6-210.111�1-t-tI5-itn7. IIETI-05-1994,14ETI-05-1,p)l.Ill"11-06-2072, PROVIDE 00 ENGINEER OF RECORD TO ADO THICKNESS F 0 6'MAX IN r T X is IIETI-06-2073.IIFI 1-06-2,074,111:11-0-1996.fill" 989,[IFTI-05-1903.[IFTI-05-19.5ki.IIEI'1-05-199�, FOR ROOF CONNECTIONS& SIDES NAL SUPPORTING STRUCTURE DETAIL BY VALL F 000 Or PANEL VSDTH PA N, 00 (12 MAX L A AT S ES THIS OR ANY OTHER ENGINEER. 9. Linear inlurpolation Shall he allov.Cd tdr tigun's within thy tables Shown. Drawing No.-FL-1001 10, Panelskwith Got bcan,6 shall be"insidert-d cquh-rdent t" 1,fflar panels without but bcxns.Design professionals only Include EPS ROOF PANEU SPAN DESCRIPTION the sirenath of the fail beam to exceed shown ficurcii its I*nGi orsilspecilic engineering. SHEET.1 OF 1 CONTRACTOR:Master Craft Alum' DESIGN CRITERIA: Applicable Coder.Regulations,and Standards tgI �'• 1.The 5th Edition(2014)Flodda Building Code,specifically Chapter 16 Structural i Design.Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23 Wood. p7Ri1 O O;J 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Part I-A of tha _d•W v Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association,Inc. O - o r FQ- Washington,D.C.,2010 Edition and the Guide to Aluminum Construction in high !Nom•, Z N N�;�` wind area[,2010. G• co` 3.ASCE 7-10. !'Q•. �.. �; A►�FASiENEf�OAATTAC ........ �. wlnaLoaar `�• 1.Building Occupancy Category,Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: j Risk Category 1. hr 2.Basic Wind Speed,Table 1609C,State of Florida Debris Region&Basic Wind PROFESSIONAL SEAL Speed,Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Spool: 3. VULT=ISOMPH,VASA=116 MPH 4.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: Exposure B _ 5.Building Category for Aluminum Stmctmms,Pamgraph2002.6:Buildiue Category p_2 p I-Carport:No.-H.[table,Unconditioned 9'-4" N 9r-4" "I O W E Lq RoafType w a a 1.Roof Type:MONOSLOPE `3X3X0.093 L 2.Roof Material:3"x 48"x 0124"composite panel Elite 2000,1.0 density foam, 2XBSMB LL W z Florida Product Approval Number FL 7561-R3. - POST ' EDGE BEAM cc Foundation Design W v� Edstioe concrete slab.No additional concrete footing or slab Is required to maht the loads imputed uaom the existing slab by the Proposed construction ifthe x a e (D O extstine sla6Is a minamum of4"thick and In sound condition,free from m m 3"X48"X0.024^ to w o: a structurelcreckiag,spatting,or other deterioration. I I .1.0 DENSITY FOAM Specifrcatianr COMPOSITE PANEL 'a The following specifications me applicable to this prujem: 1.All work shall be in accordance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code, Z and other applicable dotal cadn and regulations. V 2.Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 TS Alloy.Due to quality control issues,no 2XBSM B J y 3X3XO.093 manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written,signed and N EDGE BEAM IS- authoriretion of 5uncoast Aluminum Enginaring,LLC. POST Q 3.Scrap Material:Design based on 18/14 or 20/20 Better View.Any other material Z Mott be approved. 4.Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant,minimum SAE Grade 2 or better ^ I- II, Q W �I'll 3 zine plated to ASTM B633,or mated stainless steel series 13000,or uncoated fir-1 21'-0" .T $r-1^-�f• Z�€R�E Sp t stainless steel series"400'. .R L 5.All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either 914 screws 6'from 1'-O" 1'-O" ends and 24"center to anter or 812 screws 6"from ends and 12"anter to center. y=j LU 6.Where vacate specifications ma required,whether in the scrap enclosure scope or not,by one or more regulatory agency,the following specifications are applicable: - a _ a Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the fallowing components: 1.Portland Cement Type 1,-ASTM C 150 u.Aggregates-Large Aggregate 3/4"max-ASTM C 33 iii. AireTmining+/-114-ASTMC260 A-2 iv.Wmer reducing agent-ASTM C 494 3 v.Clean Potable water 3X3XO.093 3X3XO.093 3X3XO.093 3X3XO.093 A. Otheradmixturesnot permitted I POST POST POST POST b.Metal accessories shall conform to: L Reinforcing Bars-ASTM A615,grade 60 y" ii.Welded wire fabric-ASTM A185 D O p c.Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3"or more than 5".Winer _ C Z yd added after batching is not permitted. Q id U It.Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of b O K Standard Pracrice,Pans t,re and 3 including hot c earm recommendations. ^ ^ W > W e.Moist care or polyethylcne curing permitted. Oy Fm C Prior to placing cancrere,treat the entice subsurface mca for termites in A-2 � K 5 W.sy, compliance with the FBC. a OR re g.Concrete shall be placed ova a polyethylene vapor barrier. L 6'-9 7'-0 7'-2^ h.All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a DRAWN BY bituminous paint or epoxy. AG 7.All flashing and wcatherproofmg shall be provided by the contractor. l 1U 1�V'L1 { DATE DRAWN 8.Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field. h ST.LU TF rf)L"NTY RIM• T`C TITt7SION 9.Use of theca plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design 12/20/113 andengineeingfa. RF.V1FN%10 FOR CO. A-SCE REVISION REVIL\VE Y DATE PLAINSAN PE UT MUST BE KEPT ON J0� OP-NO LNSPECTION NVML BE Nt&DE. SHEET NO: A-1 ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMENr•YS tf HOLLOWSECTIONS 2"x 0.046" copy 2x3:2"x3"x0.050"2X 4:2"x4"x 0.030" 1112 2x3:2"x5"xO.G50" OOPEN HACK SECTIONS1 v ° *N a o 14 2:1"x2"x0.040" (4)HIx47/8"6MS Wl O , 1X3:I"x3"x0.043" NEOPRENEFACED WASHER EA PANEL ' SNAP SECTIONS I •,r N �\. 2 x2 Smp:2"x2"x0.045" .. i i ,.d,:�ts" ��i �...•'j�Gj\\\ 2 x39%fip:2"x3"x0A50" 3^x3'x 8033` I I Ly p„y.• ,G{ Y PR \ ` 2x43Rap:2"x4"x0,045" POST i ) ,� �* f•�•` x�-"+��'•.�° t l7tl ittiil\ 3EGFMATHNG(SMH1 I � �v � PROFE 610N4L SEAL 2 x 4 SMB:2"x 4"x 0.044"x 0.100" 2 x 5 SMB:2"X 5"x 0.050"x0.100" I I W COMPOSITE PANEL ` 2XbSMB:2"xb"X0.050"x 0.I20" I i rxrx3'x iR'ALUMANGLE 3•x Rp6rAlUM ❑ n 2 x 7 SMB:2"x 7"%0.057"x O.I20" I RECEMNG CHANNEL 2X8SMB:2"x8"x G.072"x0.224" ) EACH SIDE OF UPRIGHT W/010x3/PTOPANO' _I31 CIA. 0 W13t8^DV xXCONCRETE BOTTOMASENDCAP c 2x93MB;2"x9"x0.072"x0.124" I i ANCHORSON EACHSIDS THFiU BOLTS O w 2xIOSMB:2"x10"x0.092"x0.398" 19 tai o: - (3)•14x3/1`SMSSCREWS W d i rx6'sM0 s UDIRAMDMUM FASTENERSPACING: PACIN:V4" :l2" ai 4. POST LL. MINIMUM FASTENER SPACB4G:3t4" � u" CO,I,NCRETE SCREW ANCHOR• + W d 97MPSON T3TEN HD OR EQUNALENT T" D W •� SR•EETMETALSCREWS(SNM: _Z z �( IZWtHUR.DEX OREQUIVALENP /�\ tZit toy �Sd g x 3"POST 70 DECK CONNECTION DETAILS COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION 3" A-2 - SCALE:NTS A-2 SCALE:NTS z� j� < re NII 0 . 3'COMP ROOFPANELSELF-MATNG BEAM Z(D p � tA 41 -- FLASHING i I I I 3'COMPOSITE i 3 ROOF PANEL t%1 W (4)014a47/8'SM3 W/ ow CC NEOPRENEFACED EXIBTNG , 1 C},�W WASHER EA PANEL BUttOtNG/) rx3'x003P Lu 0 IL ern (3)318'DIA KNEE BRACE UPRIGHT ❑agX 5 K 9 THRU BOLTS cs,• E3"2 S?LLD-1 2"x6^SMB is- RECEIVING CH NNEL i(3) DRAWN BY ' 3"x 3"POST G.D6rxrLONGALUMrlr� A�. RECENINO CHANNEL Wl(3) x12 x 314-SMs EA,FACE 8 DATE DRAWN I (3)#12x 31C INTO POST 12/01/16 REVISION S"-_...COMP.ROOF TO POST(414TH WALL DETAIL S-2 KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL 1 , -2 SCALE:NTS A-2 SCALE:NTSAS SHEET N0: A-�