HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Warranty Deed ._ — .__ - _-_--.._-__._. -- ___._-_ `_--- - .. _ E. Q`SSCIC UC[i=�,icz.,a9■a.wc�•
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Parcel ID Number: 3402-608-'8-39-000-v
This Indenture, Made this 27th day of September , 2016 A.D., Between
Kathleen Barden AKA Kathleen Stanton
oIF the County of ,Bergen , State of New Jersey , grantor, and
Dale D_ Y-=ssev
n:hose address is: PO Box 9557, Port St. Lucie, FL 34985
of the County of St. Lucie , State of Florida , grantee.
Witnesseth that the GRANTOR,for and inconsideration orthe sum of
------------=-----------TEN DOLLARS ($10) ----------------------- DOLLARS,
and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has
granted,bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S heirs,successors and assigns forever,die following described land,situate,
lying and being in the County of St. Lucie State of Florida to wit:
Lot 14,, Block -53, Indian River Estates Unit Seven, according to the Plat
thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10, page(s) 75, of the Public Records of
St. Lucie County, Florida.
The property herein conveyed is vacant land and DOES NOT constitute the
HOMESTEAD ,property of the Grantor. The Grantor's HOMESTEAD address is 143
Woodside Avenue, Apt. 1, Ridgewood, NST 07450,
and the grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whontsoevet
In Witness Whereof,the grantor has hereunto set her hand and
year first above written.
Signed,sealed and delivered in ourpresence:
y (Seal)
Printed Name: AKA Kathleen
P.O.Address:143 Woodside Ave.Apt 1,Ridgewood,NJ 07450
Printed ame-
STATE OF New._Jersey
The foregoing instrumentcvAs acknowledged:before me this \.6Cday of September , 2016 by
Kathleen Barden AKA Kathleen, Stanton