HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Agreements PERMIT# ISSUE DA12 PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building&Code Compliance Didsion BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Cardinal Resoling&Siding, Co.,InG have agreed to be (Compaq NamelIndividual Wame) the Roofing Siubticoatractor for Rendr Builders,LLC -coo, Z_0 6 e,i,-A I') __!�( a 6-6��A4- il-1 Ifn rrxqjeot StxCei'Addrefs or property Tax 11) it is understood that.ifthere is any change of statps roprdihS our pardolpaiien with the abovo wontioned project the Building od Cbdd RomiWon Division.At.Lualb�quntywfll be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change of Sub-icontractor notice. G16nn A.DaVis 11 Brad HOgan FR MIN T WA—ME 0B Co NTY Ti ATIONNUnRQgrf NUM11 St.pcie St Lucie StmedMorldoXquaty of Theforqoing fustramentwa3 alped The who Is pawneRy knawn VhftPV1Dd%1Z4d1& STAMP STAMP Ago OdNatary�ftble _ Print Name ofXotary Public RHONDAOROWE RHONUAG ROWE GG 10056 Omfp, Revised 11116/2016 IRKPIros may 10'A021 may'109,2021 "ThrUandge1K0rwYwV1%S got Notary sorv,00 BondodThWM PERMIT# ISSUE DALE PLYING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance DWsi®la BUILDING PERMIT SUR-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control Services have agreed to be (Company Namelindividual Name) the Electrical Sub-contractor for Renar Builders, L!_C (Type of Trade) 5H t o - _�["y 066 ��f (primary Contractor) For the project locates. tea' 1 '` f (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. , CONMeroRSIGN TORE(Qoalifler) SUB-CONTRACt'ORSWN'A'd"[M(Qualifier) Glenn A Davis 11 Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME PRINT NAME C13C 1,,1�1228 .• eg r COUNTY t RTIEICATION NUMBER COUM CERTIFICA1TgN NUMBER State of Florida,County of Martin State ofTlorids,County of St,Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Sday of Ttl foregoing fnetrumtbtwas siggneedbeefo�re(mme this ;��dayyoof�yp J�jZ?bY oC',.;f\�• !\' l�_Jk\j),� •_1. 2UZt)tY (1�b ! I`00°Ys who is personalty ftaown___pr has produced a who Is personally kaomy—or has weed a asldenti leatlon, Aside ►fieatioa \• J c l STAIvtP Slgnatareof Notary Public g oatureof ryPuhll STAMP ��RfdN.t�,��� ff� Print Nama of Notary Pubtle Print Name of Notary 1'oblic vPu RFtONDASROWE ,����" tifs,..Bit COmn115slon#GG 104656 r vGB,n Notary Public State of Florida &Plres maya 19,2021 Klmia J Simone Revised I I/16tzOt6 ���'rFOF F�o4 h0ad��h$dpoFtlotoN kob oo-fl Expires 05118/20nlission 20901331 >z,ti�tJ'•ndh!`�hf.,'�"'���ryyra�,{4�k�`'w� PERMIT# 18SUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division s BUILDING PERNE UT SUB-CONTRACTOR At'=1 EAIENT .Hypoluxo Plumbing, Inc have agreed to be (Company itiame/Individual Name) the. Plumbing _ _ Sub-contractor for Rnar Builders, Inc. (Tyriir of T Crade) .~ p / _ jam, p e,-' (Prinlari Contractor) � it -- - For the Project located at (Projoo Street Address or Property Tax Ill-9) It is understood that,if there is any change of stattis regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change ofSub-contractor ao.tice. eONTRACTOR SIC:tiATtiR> )ualiftcr) SUB-C{)VTR:SCTtlRSifi?VATttRF,{tlualiticrj Glenn A Davis 11 David Price PRINT NAME PRINT NATNIF CBC 1261225 30791 St Lucie Go I CFC1430015 State of FL COUNT"YCEIVIVICATION'NU}IBSR Ct)I STYCE1ZrIF'It ATtU N[ 41(3RIt state or Florida,County of Martin State of Scirida,Coiiaty of Pain Beach The foregoolin,instruniCut was si ne(l before}ne this � clay of The foregoing instrument was '°— sibne}before me this d:)of t� �t z� fy by who is personalty known✓or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identificati n. Lrq&, JLQu i STAMP rvlP Signatu of;Notary Public Signature of Notary Pbbli Karl J. Hartel Print Nain6 of\otaev Public Print Name or Notary t'ubtic v Pu RHONDAS ROWS i �° Notary Public State of Florida Gommi�sion#Ge 104656 Karl J Nartel * c My Commission GG 164385 Expires May 19,2021or` ' Expires 11/3012021 Revised it/161201b I-.Ikl FF�q�`oz Bonded Thru Budget N0lery$etvlees j P D EFMIT# ISSUE 4TS &DEVELOPMENT 99RVICFS Building&Code Compliance Dion SMCONTRACTO)RAGREEMENT Preferred A10&Mechanical,inn have agreed tobo (Company Natne/IndiVIdual Name) the Me6hanloal[KVAG Sub-contractor for Renar Sullilm,LLG MpB offrade) ��rv..Contractor) For the project lociftd at (Projwt fted Address oirrop&vT �3 U, It is undeystood that,if$here is a4y cba4ge..Qf sta*regarding our par#pipationvvIth the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St,LVeia County will be advised pursuant to the Pft ofa Chaa&ofSub-contractor notice.' .......... Co­NMA_.ttoR 5M(30N=Cf0RNGNkTM(Q_qqI1r10r) Glop A Davis 11 Doh;ftfO WAY.nq Ql�ryorn . .:.NAME YRiNT'Nril!]E CBG 12 ftteorl�orlda,County _MLadln Coup of Palm 13020h The(hagolug lastrumentwas signed befom aw of Instrubw vm sigim banore uw thii.60.f ZO ko by who Is ymonally kndwA—ZI-or bag prePV5d Who is Vreaftity luoH �Lw has prodReed A_ 481dentMeatlon. j 6TAW Print Name 6f Notary Fu We LLY GABRIEL liv-Stal'of Florida 926942 GABRIEL public-St4je of Florida Commission t FF $Jan�1.2020 xpire yete RoViSM 111161'2016 f!�E Noctaormy mission#FF 926942 ",i M My Comm.Expires Jan 31.2020 RHONDAS ROWE li dk4,d thonh ulonal Mary Assn, Commission#GG 104656 Expires May 19,2021 Bonded Thru Budget Notary Servim