HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of plumbing subcontractorPERMIT # . � ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMY1' UB- ON7'FLA 7'0I1 AGREEM NT Vision Plumbing, Inc_ (Company NanrAi fividual Name) the plumbing Sub-contr-4aor for Pace I�I�0, IllC- (Type orTradc) (Prin u'v Cordnictor) have agreed to be For the project located at ` - ! i'� { _ l � � '� P1ff (Project Street Addre or Property T&,; rD 4) It is understood that, 1fthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above rn, ri .oned pr-oj eM the Building and Code e U, Aon Division of t- Lucie County will�vised pursuant to the 5 I i n g of a Change of S ub-contractor not-] ce. C.0 N- TRACTOR c;1(.NATUR1E (Qualifier) F.,.TI O17M0 , P1 rT, PRINT NAME CBCO59859 UOUNrY[ERTHrIC'ATIQNNUM ER State of Florida, ( aunty of , 11w foregoi i"rwmcf t wwa signed hcfnre me Ih�ti cbky of 2 � � OA0i who is peisomttt known >( or his produced a As-A'U iei4��ririt In�M '�S�sture of �l�ry P Print Name of NoEary Public SIGNATURE (Oualificr) PRINT N F 1426848 COUNTY CERTIFICATION 1VUMBER fitstc of ! laridu, C'ouri l of a 11x furc-ping iuslrgzkwM was stpmed Before me #ris EL day of Y 2a) hY who is ptrsonml�y Iahwsn X1 or hw• produced a � aR idrntiflratiwL STAMP &Ld0_S.- A'Uah) SSgnature or NoUiry Awa S- E Print lk ne orNolary i'umc Pauka S. Brew �r-'7'" Carom.#�141�3���1 ;�, BOW Aaron N:" ►r Pam S. Dreier Comm.#HH031961 Fames: Sept` 15, 2124 B=W Thru AWN " ti I'.+ M P revised I if I e2016 PLANNING c DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONINGDIVISION COUNTY : 23M VI GI IAAVE FORT PIERC E, FL 34982 (77 ) 46 -15 3 FAX 46 -X 578 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT PLEASE SELECIONE OF THE FOLLOWING - CHANGE OF C;ONTRAC;TOR — Change of Contractor is to bu signed and notarized by tho property o)Nncr_ and the nmv contractor of record for the current permit. A trot%. perrnit application must also be completed with new contractor information and signature. A new Noti c of Cornmencenient must be filed in the now contractors name for job values grcator than $ .,500 ($7,500 if A/C Change -out). A recorded copy mast be subrnitted prior to commoncing an work. There is a S .00 fee for the Change of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR — Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general contractor_ The now subcontractor must fill out a Subcontraetor Agre mcnt Form, There is a 50M fee for the Change of Sub - Contractor. CANCELLATION OF P ER MIT — The cancellation of pennit is acceptable only if no work has been done_ Cancellation of permit is to be sig=d and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of rocord, There is no fee for cancellation of the permit Date: 11/512020 Permit Number; 20080127 Site Address: 11057 S. Indian River Drive Patriot Plumbing, Inc- Statc Licc:nsc CFC1428878 SLC I.Lccrlsc Original GC_ subcontractor orownerlbuilder VWon Plumbing, InC, New GC, subcontractor License F1426848 SLR' License Reason for Cancellation charge of piumb1ng s u bco n l: ractor The undersigned does hereby a;Tee to mdemnify and hold harmless St Lucie Conrity, its officem agents and employees from all costs, fees or damages arisi.ag from any and all claim., of action for any reason, which may arise n a muilt of this change of uontricterlsubc mraQ for or car l lativn of permit A permit cannot be cane work h SK ATUfRF, OF OWNER (or Gvunerftilder) SKINAIURK CIxNEP-AL OOMRACTOR (Cyr riew CiCy, as npphc:ahle) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Sule of ClcaickL Cuwsly of St [u+:ic Cinmov smw cif Ilmdk Comly oN. LUCIG COMT3, the fbllovring. instmmait Am aebto{vladged befoTeme Ihis dayuf _ _,- 2u_,by_ kvho is p`'l"afly knovm Ix) me OF LkjSU hM, W0dLK;,X1 as 11). 11 l6I2020 Ngmture or Noun Dof Rkkvi:jc'4 'flrc follrnving in, mcnt v.As ac},mrmlcd bc' to thi dayof� ,20Mby i 4 t 1 Vh3Oi9 pC19f11 alk-1,nMAM tO cu tto ha J ID. � J15W20 atw-e of ohtn llntc A"p"Iw Paula S. Bar