HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterAl HPPEICROCE INFO M13bi BE CORIPEETED FOR APPOCA1109 10 BE ACCEPTED Date: 11/09/2020 Permit Number: Builaing Permit Application Yl e....... -y Pr X v. p. tv, ...e,, t Se, ,aces Buildiny and Code negularion vivision CummErzial RezAential z.rOO virg:n.aA.u..., , rorr r.... v� rt -14y2f21 PRone: {//Lf �6L-less Fv�: �//Lf 461-1$/S PERIVII I APPLIL-R I IUM FUR: HVAC / Mc-UhanLal PROPOSED IRIPROvt MEN I WC:A I IUN: Address: 902 Brpley St Fart PierCir, FI 34982 Properiyia,.I1)rr:34u2-dun-.0247-uuu-u site Plan Ramo: 902 BradlaX St _ Pro;eE[ n.ffle• Dic„num Juauph DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WuRK: Exact AC change out, no duct work 5 Ton, 14 Seer, 10 KW New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter uuM5 i RUC IUM IRFURIOIA I ION: Haa;tional work to be performed under this permit –check all that apply: 0 Lot No. 27, 28, 29 Block No. 27 E _Mechanical _ Gas Tank —Gas Pipins —Shutters _ Windows/Coors _ Pond _ Electric Plumbing Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitcn Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ iv, iLb aq. Ft. of First Floor: Otilitiu3: —Sewer _Septic Buildins Height: OWNER/EESSEE: c,Uly I RAC I OR: Name Gieunora aosepll Name: Dennis Zacek H0an.,.,:902 Bradley St Company: ARS / Rescue Rooter City: Fart Pierce State: H Hddress: -'-M 0 5 ^vv T I zipCode: 3,F,a/- Fax: Cit,,: VeroBe.un State: FL PRor,e no. 954-815-9480 Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: Phone No f IL-"yzF-'LOo Fill in fee simple t file Roliler on next page { it aiTTerent E-RUI myillis(avars.com horn the Owner listed above) State or County License CMC12z;vt ua IT value or construction is zsuu or more, a RECoRvev Rotice of Zommencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a REZURUPED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMAd—ul—t : DE�iGMER/EMSIMEErc: _ Rot Applicable fflVici'GmGE COMPAMV _ Rot Applicable Name: Dame: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Lip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ ROL applicable 60rl1uli1G COMIPAIC r: _MOT Applicabie Name: Name: AUaress: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Lip: Pnone: vvvMFER/ CC; R i RHC i OR HFFI0v1 i : Applic.t;a l is hereby made to obtain a Permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certiry tnat no worn or installation pas commenceM pi:ier to the i=a-.mee or � permit. M. Lucie Count makes no representation that is grantine a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the supject structure -mien iz in .oriflirt -itm ..nt ;-'pp6.6le Rome Owners A33v,,ation role., 6yl. s or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult witrr your Rome Owners Association anti review your deeti for an, re5triedom7 .,PLieff may ppiy. In consideration of the granting of tpis requesteM permit, I Do Merelsy agree teat I will, in ail respects, perrorm Me -erR in accorsance wim Me approved pla.z, tme Fiori I.. 6eild;ng CoBe3 _nig st. Ceeie Cvtinty Amenti... Crit— I R, tollowing Bvilaing pe. not applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimmi66 pooi.., renee,, —-ib, ;i6n,, :;ereea rovm, anti aeee33ory v3ue to an4tn7 r non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. a Notice of Commencement must Ile recor0et9 in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobbiLe before the first. inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of CommencemenL. ri 3r Qjapk ^ $,_ � 2llrvr..► Signature of Owner/ Lessee c: ntractor as Agent for Owner Signature of-Contractor/LicensCAIder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST LUCIE Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or Online Notarization this 4 day of W0\%&M6eC' 2020 by DENNIS ZACEK Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced A STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST LUCIE Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of X Physical Presence or Online Notarization this R day of�Jo Qf VAIW12020 by DENNIS ZACK Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced {Signature of 1lotar7-Pu'ilic-• nature of Notary Publi •!5 MIRAMDAGILLIS �;�+,� MIRAMDAGILLIS Commission No HH 4 �• MYCOMMISSIONItHH C mission No HH `, MYCOMMISSfO IMH845M EXPIRES: �� ` = EXPIRES: *tefnW 25,202A Sanded Torsi Nd wy PAdWk � Boom bMWB"GjkdW&&N REvIEvv3 FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE _ RECEIVED COMPLETEB 1 e klit right*' rytQRini1 ri p4'k t►►.ganarion Work Order EM. Stun Date Eat. Compramm vale if ��� ' �a+wr i 7 , 0S Hq.,,3100 CS le ur.r I, Vr.,e [Tewen, FL 3-4.1557>a� /y„rdGe; l.naelr�di:rl Sr.Mers.Ifh_IrLr, lint. Lltrnseu. rmei7•.rh :.,, Rewltomer ione r,r,: t Ei t 34lG3, E:C t 3cfiB.rrHn '866) 803-0879 sIzE.57orl, ITPE l.1ihL.l A EFFiCIENU SeEf OcuiL _All—$ SUBTOTAL I; W 17.5 MOArrrLYE51.' $ i-WOME'R INITIALS W r oid, Parte d% F_ VA Labor Labor AL4_I.Paessor�z.HeatExN.rg.r CLAIM YltiThlCrZe' + T � ML PHONE SIZE EFFICIENT, �yQu SUP I 1 rE I SIzE I FPI! $ 4f EFF101RUF SUBTOTAL "0 SUBiUtAL $,� MONTHLY t50 :5 MONitiffEST.' $ Cu5TOMER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS Warranty..” Part- Labor Warren Ly:-_ Parts labor irorsrprea—r A Heat EYw�anger C ...r ssor Heat �XGhanger •�tlllle8a VIl�IRnE r vw — alprw-iffs -.. ire., "m rwa 08VtM, g] Weatherproof dRecannoot Dr -i„ Lane 0 DehumidifGr Di;.eenrioet 0 Ceiling saver Kit 0 Outdeer Unit Pad Liretime Equipment Stab (Pa.-. & Float) ❑ Floa Venting R15.anB lsoRtion I•a'us �ain Drain Soler, S=tah u Ductwork Connecaons' gMgeid Tito Conduit ZZ New wnnections 0 Conceal. to adsting punnarr O Waa Kit 0 5epport Attie Equipment ❑ Duct Modifimliona u Rafrigo-1 CL. Dryer_ OSupply Plenum k—Not-rorsoc4warwc04 ❑ Re6iycr.nt Pipe 0 No= 4 R_■onneet ❑ Nu7. Duet System C New 0 reconnect C Return. Plunarn a No Duct Work ❑ 13e6:9or nit Pip4M:er E3New G Reconnec! ❑ Feel Pipes u Mansion Vatve ❑ EIcG—ie Air Cl I3 Eloeirical Wring T spot _Typo P. 1 pi 0 Mellia Filler 0 Home Service Plan - 0I75nnect to EA ❑PCU 1 Term (364 3ay-) Eloa,ria..1 u C,V Light in mew PlywooQ Disr7, cc D Hanud:fiar 0 ( ,inion Guarantee L Home I•roteetio Gu-rarlluc C! 24 -Hoar sarriea Goan ritee 0100% Un ... d-,fmnal IMnoTBac k Guaran-2m Ntt.,-� -r,4x fi ScLECTED OPTION: DI p2 03 SUBTOTAL a TvTAL $ 16A 'IT D CASK ❑ CRI=CK# _ 0 CREDIT CARD (LAST 4$0) EXP APPRUYAL — J(FINANCING UD EC 'Law Pm,&d Irl twazin e, ti rlretan rolm— a,od eredt iw a inreed ram. MWE— marft rC.au. Pal^+r� based w 6.99% a 9."% Nino M ma! on Van �.�.. erlecb.9 — d April 1, 2020. R,,,,,, r —Z w wry sea, 06 w .44 m M M,.,aro raen ap* vs+o ria w� rzqr be arajawe. 'ARS is not rasponailile far p__:st��, deal..=rk. Sire Terms teat wnditions on the 55U of this Bovenwal for acetA& • Written .11 be e61 -_WN oefors Beginning any unro> vvri .0tu w emomell worw -ANY CMMgFOR CON5TR0�HuNDEFECTS AREJa9 ucvrTOTHEAOuCEANDWREPRu 10R5vFCHAFER558,Fi01tID7ISTAwr" BUYER'5 RIGRT TO CANCEL: This Is a home solicitation sole, and If rte= donut -ant the aoou2r or services, y-11 mar inset tars agree• meet by p--iding -ripen notice to the seiner In parson, BY teiebr.m, * by, _IL This notice must In'ureate than, yva at, net want tae genius or services and must be delivered or postmarnvu before mlanight of the 110ra business Bay alter you sign this .areerRent. If yva cancel this agreemem, the seller may not keep all or part ..t .ny c.sh damn royment, see las reverse side hereof for an Z—wl_n.nen or till( Barn • I adsnowledgc that my righl to cancel leas Geon o+pia1ned to me anally end cn -..ling said without waiving my right' cental, 1-5N9e Bile performance 01 the wore, subject to all ienns and condition out forth on the re—a ado boreal, plea any taxes upon cumpteOm Notice To UWneT • Do not sign this hvma Improvemranl rntr.ct In blank. jou are enikled lo. copy iR tn.centrad at tae rime sue sign Keep It to p:�_-tect yo=. lege( Agate. This home improvement contract may contain . mortgage or otherwise crags a Ilan an your pr.q..rly that maid be fumclou.0 on If yon do net pay. Be sure you umaerstanl all provisions of .Bo oontl.ct berate you sign. a ice %] 1 B LG.41c" 17?.t� �tiI SL CUsToµenf — WT C.DMPANYREPREal,.,..,RE GATE alan...ene air. ave 0 202c.- raccoons a.rir:aa RW... riotr... .,eerre_FL_2eae2i 0200622 Certificate of Product Ratings ARRi Certified Refmance Number: 9549117 Date: r r-Z;5-20z0 Mlodel status: Active RRRI r ype : R%'u-A-Ce (split system: Air-Cooled Conaemo:mg Omit, Coil -illi 610 :er} seplon : COM FOK 1 14 AC Outdoor Unit Brand Name: CARRIER vut'aoor unit @lo0el Aumaer (ConZlenser or Single PacRage) : z4A4C460WUji5* Indoor omit Mwaol ROFFIDar (Ev..perator cn8lor Al. Randlvr) : FB4CRP0601 Rcgio..: Southeast anu Aorta k!mt, P%rc, I7C, DI_, I•a, GM, MI, K7, M, IMM, ICI5, MC, CA, 5C, I M, I A. VA, AR, CU, C 1, 10, IC, IA, IN, R5, IQIA, IRE, ILII, IGIN, MO, M I, RD, RE, RR, RJ, NY. OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA. WV, WI, vv 1. OZ. Territories, Region Note: central air conditioners manuractured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to Be installed i.. -11 bbivmu VIRtil Jumv A 2016. BeyimmlRg July 1, 2016 ontr.l air conditioners can only be inswlleu in region(s) far which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer or this CARRIER prolluUl is responsinle ror Me rating or tnis syste... er a;n„tiem. Rated as follows in accoruance with the latest edition of RARI z Ivrzwu with Aallentlum I, PeRormance Ratimv vT Omits,; Air-CeRBitioRiRS N Air-5eeree Rant PaR1p Eyeipmcnt ..nd _o5;cet to rating aecarcy by ARRI-sponsored, independent, thir'3 pang testing: Cooling Capa..ity (A2) - Single or High Stage (vUR). Ilfuri : 590'300 5REIR : 14.00 EER (Az) - 5imt lv yr Rign Stage (9oF) : 1 T.50 T'A.0-:v' M.del States ..re thyme that tun AHRI C.rdfiuoilon Prbgrem Pare.,ipani Is . QM nily P. oaad..g _Rw aefiing or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being prodeerd.' Prdeehem Stepped' M.del Stales „re those that .R AHRI Certifiva.iv„ Program Particip mi is nu longe, prti.,,icing EU T !s sit selling or offering for sale. 11jilincm that are a OM anicd u YVAS in;ii,::ate an in-olun,a re-raL- The nCl,w° , uWishcd rating is she-.. alonQ with Lne re%ne, r.o. WVA5 relirA . DISCLAIMER AHRI de.- net end.ree the pr.duet(m) l4twd on thin Certificate .nd m.kcs no rop..aee¢.do..a, Warr. mics yr gaa.antees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the produettsf listed on this Certifieat=. AHRI .--p.-17 dbelaints all Ilobllity for d..mago.- of any kind .rising oa'. of .h. ase or performance o7 Amo pr—uctls), yr tnno unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings a.. -.JId ..I; f.r models and eenfiguratiew- lizted In thu dir.c.ory a. www.aR:ialroctcry.a,rg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS l, pevmal and _ inThis Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This C=rtifi■_te -hall wnl; be eyed for indladeare wnsavmlal r.ror.nco purposes. a—.e contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; dissemim.ted; v„bred Into w .vmpetvr drmsw ..ab.se; yr ill.re wilizou, in any nn o, manner or by any means, except for the user's Individual, perS.R.,I .Rd .emfidentiol r.ferbnve. „Im-..vmsRlvmIme, new. Ime, CER 1PIr,W. E WERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE Tho Infarmuflun f„r'.11. model ked on .his ce.alnmta car. Do vv hied at w w.rshridirectory.org, click on `Verify Certificate' link w. „--kp I:fw hrr-.r” .,Rd .,.te-the AHRI Certified Referom v, Number and the d.,e vn whl.h ¢he c.reifi`aty w.aa iesava, which is listed above, and the Certlficat� N=., -h1■h Iz 11-ted at butte... right. 1324942615113194892 U/0A)m1monflI loning, Rearing, a..tl RuTrigo-tion Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: Michelle Franklin, GFA -- 5ai{ t Lazle County Pruparty Appraiser -- All rightb reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 902 BRADLEY ST 3eCFr0wn/Ka-ge: 02 35S140E Ya.�d 11): 302-606-0247-vw4 luristliction: Srmt Leeie Cem .ty Ownership Dieunora Joseph 902 Bradley ST Fo P:c:oo, FL 34982-7416 Lur,'al Description INDIAN RIVER ESTATES -UNIT 5-BLK 27 E 1 2 OF LOTS 27,28 AND 29 (MAP34102s) (OR 3945-167) Current Values lusulviamet value: 31y0,700 A-sr88ca Valor,: 1165.501 exemptions: .050.000 1115,501 Properry taxes are subject to change upon change or ownership, • P.3: ;..acs arc nor . reliable projection of future taxes. • Th:::;le of - p. eperty :ill p..rapt the .-e-o J of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifrcativer. Vsc 17 -pc: 0100 Account #: 37003 map lu: 34/02S Zorii.r�: —.S-3 - Cou TotalArEa3 2,532 Gross 3ketcnezi Area r3r1: 3,325 Luna biZv 0.68 Land Size ZSr): 29,700 Buildinb Dusian Wind SpCed Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF u"ara.my Catcgo,—y I Il III & IV 3peea 140 IN tru Alt inronnation -.- 6e1:e-v0 tv De ev-eot z;t tns t: ac, but :3 5a6�r­t :o cFirusv anil .s t,roaded without any warranty. V ZUZ0 S..4at Lwciv Cvw.-..y Yropc.-.y Appraiser. All rights reserved.