HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT rJ I �7 / ' I. ISSUE DATE >~g PLANNING & DrV) :LOPNIENT SERVICCS Building Sf Code Compliance. Division BUILDING VERM11p 8U.B-00NTIRA1C1*0It AG'R1-'BM, .NT C fit' tKL_�bytA ;o C+,*aw_u �� �J_Gtc� ✓' o�. have: agreed to be (C oinpany Name/Individual Nasto the ::4 ��r2'e at-. Sub -contractor tin. GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Type of Trade) , (Primary Contractor) ]'of- the project located 'at y � 3y (Project Strcyt Aiklress or htnpeny Tax ID Jt) '/ PrG — . _ It is understood that, if there is anllf chnnge of status regardimi our particilmition with• the -above mentioned project, the Building trod Code Regulation Division ol'St. Lucie -County will be ach ised pursumntto the filing of a Change of'Sub-contraetur notice. COUNll (liltltttt:,�ltn�(��tl�tut9lt Slalc urFlurida, cuumy dr J L - Lu— 6, a— fhr rruu7rccguhlg lustrunsc^t ss•ns slpncd hefnre sale rlds19-1d/n�r _ .✓_U_ Y1�. zn Zfl 1,/p . t1 ) y crsunsilly kuosen ✓ urvhus prdiliwal'o 23 Crinl Millar. ftcc,xtt I1116'2VI(I (r2unllncr) I'lill'I'1.\1Ih / 1� C0111IT (aial I1'h('NI1011VINIBER swig: ur rJuridn. Cuunly of 7[ The.f6reltnIQ ImIrumcm saws Q'.-ncd heron use this duy'ul " z0?�hr sir ri e41-r_l.C! Crto>_ I whu Is: perst) tail ih°8ui.1%6 , [,ur lius pruductdn ns i4eulilieathn a ). Slgunuu•c of \ulnry I'si ills r a 1!riut lilnsc nr �nt sry I'ulllir ,P�.'�u, , Rebecca BI 060a7G Comttii'ssion # GG9 2021 r�'�"�� `` SHvau T BRo AEto .v x Spites: JanuatY ,. i ; Noury P.ubltc - S"te of Florida on Not2tY a Commhstoss (;' 2li77 t1 tryi • • fl��. Bonded thnl rehi My Cornet. Expires Oct 17; 2022 'sri-M iondedythrough National Notarl Assn. PERMIT# ovu ISSU'E.DAT I E 91R 'PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildiag & Co.de Compliance Division BIALDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 'RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have,.agrced to be (C n nrn NaefindiAdyil.Namc) ;the PLUMING Sub -contractor for GRBK'GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) I (Primary. Contractor). For the project locAte&at (P�bj I D. 11) It is understood that, if there is my change o I f status regarding our participation with the above.menti6ned project, the Building grid ltbde Regulation Division of 9t. Lu.cle County will bbadvised .puesuant to thb, tiling of a Chang of Sub:contractor notice. William St8te CBC061 146 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER state of Florida, County f,,9t LUde 7x- The foregoing Inilrument was.algaid be flare me this 2:6—Iday or e. , 20 2Oby who is perionally known .2j_or has productd,a STAMP lure orNo, ary7ilblic, Prinl,Namc ol`0614ry Public. pjma Rebecca S' GREGC;KOZAN PRINT NAME 1:9=15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER, state ormorldi; County br'rLORIDA The foregoing Instrument was signed before me th. day or 7Tt--t_n-e- '20 byGREGORYKOZAN who Is IfirsonalliMow'n A_.r-his produced a as Iden lifits lion. ; STA4113 S1i;4lurc,orNot&,ry Public Print Nan(c ol'NoWy Public KATHLFr\! his .1,0130y Pdv4,;: - ]61c o( Olanda Comm-, in: C.C. I IDS'.Q. PERMIT" ''�J' fyO O/ T 2-� ISSU[:OATE ••ttt IN, Y' PLANNING & DEAI LQPMENT SEM/I.CLS Buildhig Code Compliance Division 13U.ILDINC PERMIT' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGUEMENT' otnplup�'N;une/lndtyidu;tl ?`lanu;� the me Subrcontractor for (Type ol'Tradc) For tits projccl located at ��Jy (fir 0_(1 w,2,,J i (Project Slreoi,%ddress or Propctty Tay ID have agreed to be GRBK.GHO HOMES, LLC, (Primary Contructor) It is understood that, if there is say change Ofstatus regarding our.p irticipittion with the above mentioned project, the Building and 'Code Regulation Division ol'St. Lucic County will be advised pursuant to the tiling oki Change OI'Stib-contractor notice. c r) l'Cll l�-1 .C:f•.1t 111 OIN ,INVAI BE, it ti6rlr ufTluridn, Cnuuly of,( Tht• furcguing inslrumeni si•us sl4ned, hernre mr tldc � d yr __ _% u i) � . �ozG Iry _L �i111cyt:)_�1�a-�.1•�,� rrnirls perwually-kuua•n �irrh:u�prgdr�rcJ n,_ —„___ as idcn~ Ili STMI, tift:mUir� ofllnlar ruhli--� Prim N;nne ur�lil 1, I'ubllc Dima ,,,,rr¢���, Rebecc � Gt060b1� �•• r-- COtn �uaN 9r 202 • �r a� � �Xpiias:� Sa �� t,titarl kz 1364ed %W Rccikd 11f162UIG SMI.C:OMIM11 i II,: Ai wtr munlln'cri ham_--1 C I3z -733 rfit �x'r1't•rlc'I'irlr;\'rlci,�.�uatntat Bluleuf I�,luridtt, Guuutj• of -� Thcc foregoing Insmumcul a•ns'slgncd Itcrorc me this OR) dnc of mLu is persu11101y linu+elr_nr hill prudacd n _ a, .irri•dlifihttiirn. CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI '= MY COMMISSION,# t3000t803 ?a EXPIRES Juno 13,,2020 WLM—,S•0167. FIaWnNole 9aMco.wn P8RM1T# 018811E DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Comphancc.Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRAL"t'Ott ACIRECMCNT Wive agreed to be �a.v+wi,awr n --•�w,u,u�r,w+w� �,wuw� the �,� Sub-controetoe for aRBK OHS NOMES,1.l.C. ('Npu brrm olo% �� (E'rinulry Coltlrncfbr) For the project lo*ted At it is understood thpt, Iftherc Ia any chapgo or status rusArding our pprtielptidon with. the above mentioned project, tho Li Iding and:Codo Rcguhtti�n (7ivialon of 8t. Lucie.Munly will be -advised pursuant to the filing of a Ch .geiufSub-contractor notice. col NIT t. 11,l 1 'A' WN Ni luNit �... 5 ship m 14a`IA Cnunly 4f 'J 1- • 1 iJ The rnrepolap Itulrutuonc 1r�1 dgncd bctare Me thie'?$ 1 ay ar ,A'�Uy,��liha ham, S15NNip' cca Dima Coro lesion#:6GaWT6 2� Itavhed 1171tiRU10 "%�� ���� BondBdtl!N su. +C N'rlsne:lY»t Sri:ivnt'iu , tUlwuner) Rang OBI el , PRINT NAM R, V(I 'Y C[:[ITIPIt AI-191K MIMUKU btalo of `lrlarldn, GpuNy ar��(uY.JL l) 1'bo hetltre lue th!>r ja do or %cllu is pusmully'huor het produccd a _ as IdetTlInco}lna, .TrAbB' mituaturo of Nohtry Pnhlle V(C.A� ar Print Nalnc orNolury P11411V ' Y{CTOAIa L CLOI %1!, SXPIRBS F�b�ulY e7, 2021 PERMIT I � D � D � ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERIMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �6 - h/2 ec'e�- 1� c%/�✓�'�� have agreed to be (Coq=y NameAndividual Name) the J Sub -contractor for & 4(-tes (Type ofTrade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Street Address or Property Tax lr It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the (Iiins or Change of40-contractor notice. NEW State of Florido, County or„S� .6 C This foregoing Instrument etas signed �before me th�0 J y or .:o? . byy I II i iQ L✓1 rl�l`�r a•bo u persisaall .known `or h is pradueed o r� as Ide nl nuloa. STAMP NI to � W Itevm•J 11/16/2016 SUB NTRACTOR5 GNATU[tEYQaaliner) Glee rlu�T NAaIE -3/0 L/5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION�NUAIOER Stale of Florida, County or. 1 1- L6.; 0 The foregoina Instrument was signed before me Ih1sL�day of t l +aGl,,IIIZRY 1 ea.i J & f-f whe Is penanally known _or tun produced o as hie aeo VV{pZ3 "Z,gl'4L„ -q/%.V • A�IP S • Notary 1 c ��c r~. �� vYl •� �eba�� � 6pB�6 711m. nte or Notory Pablle P o tr`t,ll