HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE :.. :.,.. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Building & Code Compliance Division D ► BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (C m ny Name/Individual Name) the /1.72,6 AAJGj Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at have agreed to be �DUalel-q (Primary Contractor),e (Project Sfreel Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTO S A URE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME eq� 9' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument was sign bef re me this day of ,2t�b• who is personally know or has produced a as i n fi ation.\ STAMP Print Name of Notary Public o�PR ;Pue�c SHERRI FEHLMAN Commission # GG 187160 * * Expires March 14, 2022 \, "yTFpFF`oPo Bonded ihruBudget NotaryServices Revised 1-1/16/2016 S B-CONT CTO SI AT (Qualifier) kgs 6 2i . 'c cd /ice PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU BER State of Florida, County Th foregoing instrument was sig b ee me this dray of 20K/, by who is personally kn wn�or has produced a a ident' ation. STAMP gnature o ota ubii Print Name of Notary Public otsgYPue�, SHERRi FEHLMAN # * Commission # GG 187160 N do� Expires March 14, 2022 yrFOr' Ft�P\ Bonded Ttw Ekdgel Notary Services 0512412013 03:23 NN 9 nnie J6 Nuv r PERMIT O ISSILM OATS PLANNin & nEvELOPMENT SERVICES ` Building & Code Compliance Divislon • RUILIDING PERMIT %U&c0N11MCT0R AGREEMENT i have agreed to be (Co a y Name/Individual Nium) �� y! 6 " ,he .r� Sub -contractor for �.�_-a .. Tkimary Coatm-w* For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any chalage of statua regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code ReMxWou Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contr7rne. ter ly CONTRACTOR 51GRA RE 01111111904 s tQua1191et7 P NAB PR1VT NAND (? < I ! COUNTY C 97MCAMO � GOUNTY C$6 i tFiCA7701Y R/ State of Florida, Cminty 6tatc of Florldw. Coanry The 4ON9e10911" wmtatW09OP orb metbtr d of Imeforagologto91ntum,Will SIP Fore mefhlb of w !a ally ow r hn p►ro o wha (s no 1Y tmu p u produced a - i l an as Id o on. gT;AMP STAMP � foe roof Nola Pub a 81�na v of No4+rY aHi t lgetac of NotAly PUDIF print ame of Not■ SHE RR4FEHLMAAI otaRYP�e�; _ ' o Commission # GG 187160 SAY Poe ltevtsed 111161�016 e t N9r \oe OF F�°P Expires March 14, 2022 Bonded ThN i3optNokgservices �o ...., �, m� * SHERRI FEHLMAN Commission # GG 187160 IThm Bonded g pef No ly