HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH FILE# E. SMITH, 4777287 CLERK OF THE OR BOOK 4504 CIRCUIT COURT� SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 760, Recorded 11/06/2020 09:43:51 NOTICE or COMi\1E.NCEJ\1EN1 AM \Ti\ IE OF Florida COU/1. [Y OF _.st Lucie THF UNDERS[GNED hereby gives nonce that unpmvement 11ill be made lo certain real property, and m accordance with Chapler 713 Flonda <;( tut, the lolJ01,1ng 111(u,1Tmt101T !S pro,1def. m rt11,.Nou� ::ifCommer,�emcm .Da. vce I \ D . 131.lf �vco, 604-1 ,, "'· Dcvupuon of property (lcg:11 descnption of property, eao sueet tl{!dr��, if a,·a1labk) - · -@-5 C:RECC.<SIOE PLAT NO 1 {PB 55·12) LOT 37 6705 Cobblestone Dr, Ft Pierce. FL 34945 2. General de.c1,plm11 o• 1mpro,emen( lnstilll 234' of 4' alumm�m lenc0 wil/"12 �' gates 3 0"11c1 m!crmdt!On a I\Jmc ,!lld address h Pho1�1wmb,•r c 'came and J(:ch·�, ol tee ,1111pk utlcholdcr (1f otrcr tha:i owner] 4 Contractor 'vame and aodress. Superior Fence and Rail of Brevard County, Inc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32935 h Pl1une number. 321-636-2829 ������������- 5 Surety a Nm11c and address �n,/,a � b At""101mt of oorcl $rn"'-------------- a l\J'lle and address. __J\{'a•--------------------------------------- b Phone mu-ibcr n/. ��--------------- Pc r «ms WHh the State of Flonda devignuted by Owner npon whom nohc:s or other documents may be served :is provided b) Secnon 7lJ. IJ(1 )\ilP Flrmda <;;3nn�, � '-,�nt .md �ddrt""-'- 0nl=•�--- b P10ne number; X In ,._1J1( nn lo h,m,clt Owner ocs-gnercs the tonowrug pcrsoi.(s) l<.1 r,;ce•YC � copy ol th� I.tenor's Not« e as orov.dcd m Sccnon 7H O(IXb), Florid,, Statutes ,, 'lime JnC ,u!drc» 0n/=�------------------- h Phone n�1nOC1 n/a ��--------------- ') [,r,11Jt1on c!Htc ot rotu-e of commencement (the expiration dale rs one (1) year f1om the oere of recordmg unless a d,fr'e1ent date IS specrfief _ \.\-'.<\RNr:'iG TO OW�ER ,\NY PA YME:NIS MAO!:. UY J Ml: OWNER AF! ER I HE EXl'llu\ !JON OF 1HE NOTICE OF COMMENCE:VH:.">H ,\[ff CO"l',lDfRfD lr--lPROPrR P\YM! /1.lS LNDrR CHAPTT.R 713, PART I. SECTION 7131.l, FLORIDA Sl'AlUlE�. AND C.AN RtSLll IN YOUR l'"i Ylt\U I WJCI:. �OR fMPROVEME.NTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF COM�NCEMENT MUST BE RECORDCD ;\ND POSIUJ ov lHC JOR s111:: l:lHOKE rHE JlRSl INSPECTION ff YOU l""IITND 10 OIITA[N FINANC!"'lG, CONSlil,I W!lH voun Ll_")['R OR ,\N MIUR,>Y r,,-,,oR, COMMc,nNG :�YOUR� ------ S1gn.it11rl olOwn�rorO"'n�11'urt11cr/Man,1gcr Signatory', T11lc/Officc _o.,.,,wun,earc_ _ I he •('r�g0111g mstnnnenr "'��a�knowk.J�cd refr,rc me th1,�day ol' l\\rl'fe_f't\t!,(f_ . ;)�� _ by CarJQS Del Arno (name of person} ,I� owner (typc of autborhy . c g officer. truster auornc:, 111 tac-) fm . �me of party �halt ..,f ,,horn m,trum�nt ,H, cxcc.<!ul) ::::::---::: ;::;? ; . .? r=:«. -- � grr.TILIT"t" r,(�y Pub'ic St�le offlornb Pnnt 1yp.!Y,'"ur �ht!HI" commrssioncd name of Notary Pub I 1, l\c1,onf,ll; Known -·--- OR.- �t(odLt,�d tconunca-ion I'ypc ot dcnuficauon produced �-±7zj_.L..,, ---------- Verification mus11ant tv Sss:llQn n 525, F)Qmb St.1tyte.-, ca-los Del Amo; 8705 cocctestcr-e Dr. Ft Fierce. FL 34945 c Phooc munbcr nLa�---------------