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Modular Home Technical Installation Manual
FIELIF EIFIEF \I ,JACOBSEN Homes MODULAR HOME TECHNICAL INSTALLATION MANUAL These prints comply with the Florida Manufactured Building Act and adopted Codes and adhere to the following criteria: APPROVFD BY � 0 lor N *11 r, f SIC. Const Type: VI - Unprotected Occupancy. R3 Allowabe No. of Floors: _ CNE (1) cC�M Velocity: \g Fre Rating of 110 mph . Ext. Walls: 0 HR Man No.: GO,r/ST 4er Allow. Floor Load: 40 PSF Approval Date: 11/01/95 Manufacturer: Jacobsen Homes Document Number: MSU-01-001-A P. 0. BOX 368,600 PACKARD COURT, SAFETY HARBOR, FLORIDA 34695 PHONE (813) 726-1138 THIS MANUAL MUST REMAIN WITH THE HOME FOR REFERENCE BY THE HOMEOWNER OR OCCUPANT. This Technical Installation Manual MUST be read carefully and understood before any attempt is made to install your home on site. Keep this Technical Installation Manual with your home. If jou sell your home a copy of this manual must be given to the new homeowner or occupant. Copyright © 1995 by Jacobsen Manufadzu-ing, Inc. APPROVED BY OON�NOV 01 11995 INC. FOREWORD This Technical Installation Manual MUST be read carefully and understood before any attempt is made to install your home on site. The methods used to install your home greatly affect the way your home functions (i.e., window and door operation, saggingfloors or ceilings, air conditioning and/or heating. systems,., electrical and plumbing systems, etc.). The instructions contained. within this Technical Installation Manual and it's ADDENDUM'S are provided to, insure the proper installation of your home. All instructions and procedures.outlined within this manual must be strictly adhered to. Only trained personnel with the proper tools and equipment should attempt to install any modular home. There are many situations that could cause severe injury, death and/or possibly cause the modular home to become damaged. Such damage caused, , to the home by improper installation procedures may not be covered under the terms of your warranty. Installation of themodular home, by methods other than those prescribed within this Technical Installation Manual, may affect your warranty rights.' Your home has been designed and constructed to comply with the Standard Building Code (and other applicable codes) and applicable sections of the National Electrical Code that are in effect at the time of it's manufacture. Always check with the local authorities on codes or regulations that may affect certain aspects of the installation of your home. Performance and/or safety tests are required to be performed on certain utility systems in your home. These tests are required to be performed by experienced personnel. Laws or local codes may require the installer to possess a license in order to perform these tasks. Always check with local authorities before beginning the 'installation of the modular home as to what licenses, permits or other approvals are required. Statements in this manual that are written in a BOLD TEXT, ITALICIZED TEXT or a COMBINATION OF BOTH have special significance, also pay special attention to statements that include the following terms: WARNING: This -indicates possible personal injury or death if the statement preceded by this is ignored or not strictly adhered to. DANGER - USE EXTREME. CARE.! CAUTION: This indicates possible damage to the modular home if the statement preceded by this is ignored or not strictly adhered to. USE CAUTION! NOTE: This statement indicates, special interest items to the installer or the homeowner. This "NOTE:" is also used to identify special installation requirements to the installer. ii APPROVED BY NOV 01 INC. Please read the following carefully and be sure you completely -understand these warnings. These items may cause serious injury or death if ignored (also read other WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES throughout this manual). WARNING: Only qualified personnel should attempt to make any electrical connections or repairs of any type (and then only after the power has been disconnected). Electricity can be extremely dangerous to untrained or unqualified personnel. Extreme care should be .taken to prevent serious injury or even death. Unqualified personnel must not tamper with or alter in any way the electrical system in this home, this is very serious fire and/or safety hazard. WARNING: Only qualified personnel should attempt connections or repairs to the gas system of your home (If your home is so equipped). Failure to properly connect or test the gas supply system may result in fire, explosion, other property damage or personal injury. Extreme caution must be used when working with any gas system. Unqualified personnel must not tamper with or alter in any way the gas system in this home, this is a very serious fire and/or safety hazard. A leaking gas system may cause nausea and possibly even cause asphyxia or suffocation. If you smell gas .turn off all burners and pilot lights, do not use any electrical devices (they may spark and ignite the gas fumes). LEAVE YOUR HOME IMMEDIATELY! Notify your gas company (from a location other than your home) immediately! WARNING: Do not light appliance pilot light until each appliance has been checked to ensure that all exhaust and/or intake vents have been properly installed, all utility, connections have been completed and the entire gas system has been tested (by qualified personnel) to ensure that no leaks exists. WARNING: YOUR MODULAR HOME WEIGHS SEVERAL TONS! Adequate support blocks must be installed to ensure the safety of the installation crew(s) and to prevent damage to the structure itself. No one should be allowed to work under or near the modular home where they may be injured or killed should the home slip or fall during the installation process. APPROVED BY id 110 V 11 1995 ON . P1 . INC. SECTION ONE SITE PREPARATION 1.1 SITE PREPARATION: In most cases some .preparation will be required before the installation of your home can begin. The site must be graded or leveled in such a manner as to provide for water or storm run-off. Special care must be taken with the area directly beneath your home. Your site, must be prepared in such a manner as to prevent water from standing or puddling under your home and around your home supports (controlling water under the home will improve the stability of those supports). This is a very important step. Water standing under your home will create condensation and moisture build-up in your home. Excessive moisture and condensation may cause parts of your home to deteriorate (other types of damage may also occur). It is required that a layer of minimum 6 mil polyethylene plastic or similar material be'installed over the entire. area under your home to cover the ground and. form a vapor barrier to help prevent excessive moisture from entering your home. Another reason for controlling the moisture under your home is that water is an excellent breeding ground for insects, bacteria, mold, algae and other organisms. Most local areas have their own requirements on the height the soil is required to be built-up or the height the -modular home is required to be set off the ground due to the height of the water table or the susceptibility of your area to water standing or flooding during rainy times. See your local codes for specific requirements. of the home is installed higher than the maximum allowable heights outlined in this manual, you must have a registered professional engineer design your specific set-up to conform with the requirements of the Standard Building Code or other applicable code(s).) Pier supports must be placed on level, compacted soil (all grass and other ,organic matter must be removed) or clean fill which is compacted or fully settled. In areas that.are susceptible to frost, pier supports must be installed below the frost line. Optional: Piers may be installed on concrete ribbons 4 inches x 16 inches x the length of the home minus 18 inches, reinforced with welded wire mesh. SECTION TWO BLOCKING AND LEVELING 2.1 BLOCKING: Unlike a site built home, your modular home does not need a foundation to support it completely around it's perimeter. The steel frame or chassis used for transportation, also supports the home once it has been set on site. This steel frame must be supported (see figures 2.3.1 through 2.3.3) to.prevent your home from .. sagging and. to keep it level. 1. APPROVED BY ON NOV 0 11995 INC. a NOTE: Additional piers are required at all ridge beam support columns The maximum allowable height of a typical pier is 24 inches. If a pier is doubled tiered it may be installed to a maximum height of 48 inches. Double tiered piers shall have blocks interlocked and shall be capped with solid concrete or pressure treated wood. (60" when cells are filled -=FIGURE 2.3.8) NOTE: Also see tie -down requirements to determine the maximum herd from the ground your home may be installed All supporting structures or piers over 60 inches must be approved by a Registered Professional Engineer. Optional steel jacks or piers may be used only when approved by a certified testing agency. 2.2 LEVELING: Proper blocking sequence is essential in the leveling of your home. See Section 2.3 for the recommended blocking sequence. Take care to check your level between each step. The recommended level is a 48 inch carpenters level (see figure 2.2 below). 1/8- IS MAXIMUM! ACCEPTABLE BUBBLE TYPICAL CARPENTER'S LEVEL HAIRLB+i<5 FIGURE 2.2 2.3 TYPICAL BLOCKING SEQUENCE: REFER TO FIGURES 2.3.1, 2.3.2 AND 2.3.3 1. Locate the home or heavy section on the site and level as close as possible using hitch jack. 2. Locate supports (Blocks # 1) under both I -beams just forward of the front spring hangers. 3. Locate supports (Blocks 92) under both I -beams just behind of the rear spring hangers. 4. Locate supports (Blocks #3) approximately 24 inches behind the front cross member. 5. Locate supports (Blocks #4) approximately 24 inches from the rear end of the home. 6. Additional supports (Blocks#5 and #6) maybe necessary between Blocks #1 & #3 and #2 & #4, if they are needed they should be equally spaced (maximum spacing is 10 feet 0 inches). BLOCKING SEQUENCE IS CONTINUED ON TRENEXT PAGE 2 APPROVED BY M 01 1995 OorPINC. 2.3 TYPICAL BLOCKING SEQUENCE (Continued): REFER TO FIGURES 2.3.1, 2.3.2 AND 2.3.3 ' 7. If your home is equipped with 4 axles a support must be'added between the middle set of axles. 8. Blocking is complete for sin lg a wide homes STOP at this point. 9. For multiple wide homes remove all shipping battens and polyethylene plastic close-up material and set the light section(s) as close as possible to the already set heavy section. 10. Install the light section(s) to the heavy section using jacks and a come-along(s). 11. Repeat blocking sequences 1 through 7 for each addition section until unit .is completely in place. NOTE: a. All jacks must be rated at a minimum of FIVE TONS. b. ALWAYS use supports under jacks. C. ALWAYS follow blocking instructions. d. FOR MULTIPLE WIDE HOMES ALWAYS SET THE HEAVY SECTION FIRST. e. ALL door openings along the sidewall areas MUST be supported on EACH SIDE of the door openings. f. ALL door openings along the marriage line of multiple -section homes MUST be supported on EACH SIDE of the door openings. WARNING: YOUR MODULAR HOME WEIGHS SEVERAL TONS! Adequate support blocks must be installed to ensure the safety of the installation crews) and to prevent damage to the structure itself. No one should be allowed to work under or near the modular home where they may be injured or killed should the home slip or fall during the installation process. Use extreme care when jacking and/or sliding unit sections in place to prevent personal injury or damage to the home. CAUTION: Jack reinforcing plates should be used to adequately and uniformly distribute the concentrated load from the jack head to the unit frame/chassis. Failure to use such jack reinforcing plates may cause damage to the frame. Damage to the frame caused by such failure may adversely affect your warranty rights (possibly voiding your warranty). CAUTION: When installing a multiple section home, care must be taken to ensure that the marriage line of the units are tight fitted to resist the infiltration of air from the exterior of the home. Infiltration of outside air may cause condensation build-up within your home. Excessive moisture and condensation may cause parts of your home to deteriorate or other types of structural damage to your home. Infiltration of outside air may also cause your utility bills to be elevated. NOTE: Periodic re -leveling of the home may be necessary due to the weight of the home and natural settling that may occur. APPROVED BY N 0 V 01 1995 INC. TYPICAL SINGLE WIDE BLOCKING SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE 15 4 2 I 1 6 5 SEE NOTE 12 3 I NOTE 11 / I SEE NOTE �3 NOTE #4 FIGURE 2.3.1 NOTES: 1. Main frame/chassis I-beam. 2. Locate piers under frame/chassis I -beams. Refer to Tables 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacings. 3. Locate piers under floor joists) closest to each side of sidewall openings 31 inches in width or greater (i.e. windows, recessed areas, etc.). All door openings, regardless of width, shall be supported. Locate piers a maximum of 4'-0" o.c. under all garden tubs, fireplaces and kitchen areas located along the sidewall of the home. Minimum 16" x 16" pier pads may be installed at these locations. 4. Axle assembly center -line. 5. Refer to Tables 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacing. 6. Blocking sequence numbers. Refer to Section 2.3 Typical Blocking Sequence. CAUTION: Always use extreme caution when installing a modular home to prevent damage to the home or personal injury to yourself. APPROVED BY NOV 01 1995 INC TYPICAL.DOUBLE WIDE BLOCKING -SEE NOTE {/ SEE NOTE 16 A 4 2 I 1 6 5 SEE NOTE 12 3 r- NOTE 11 NOTE 14 /I SEE NOTE 13 NOTE 15 FIGURE 2.3.2 NOTES! 1. Main frame/chassis I-beam. 2. Locate piers under frame/chassis I -beams. Refer to Tables 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 for minimum footer sizing and,maximum pier spacings. 3. Locate piers under floor joist(s) closest to each side of sidewall openings 31 inches in width or greater, (Le. windows, recessed areas, etc.). A11'door openings, regardless of width, shall be supported. Locate piers a maximum of 4'-0" o.c. under all garden tubs, fireplaces and kitchen areas located along the sidewall of the home. Minimum 16" x 16" pier pads may be installed at these locations. 4. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches of ridge beam column supports) and within 9 inches of marriage wall -openings 36 inches or larger. All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. Refer to Tables 2.3.9 through 2.3.12 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacing. (Refers to multiple -section homes only.) Locate piers, a maximum of 4'-0" o..c. under all garden tubs, fireplaces and kitchen areas located along the marriage wall of the home (minimum 16" x 16" pier pads May be installed at these locations). 5. Axle assembly center -line. 6. Refer to Tables 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacing. 7. Blocking sequence numbers. Refer to Section 2.3 Typical Blocking Sequence. CAUTION: Always use extreme caution when installing a m6dular home to .prevent damage to. the home or personal injury to yourself. APPROVED BY NOV 01 1995 000rINC. TYPICAL TRIPLE WIDE BLOCKING SEE NOT , '4 �. NOTES: 1. Main frame/chassis I-beam. 2. Locate piers under frame/chassis I -beams. Refer to Tables 23A 23-5, 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacings. 3. Locate piers under floor- joists) closest to each side of side -WA opek-Mgs 31 inches in width or greater (i.e. windows, recessed areas, etc.). All door openings; rq=Aess of width, shall be supported. Locate piers a maximum of 4'-0" o.c. under all gardenmbs, fireplaces and kitchen areas located along the sidewall of the home. Minimum 16" x i5'* pads may be installed at these locations. 4. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 i-1-ofadge beam column support(s) and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or lagFL All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. Refer W Tables 2.3.9 through 2.3.12 for minimum footer sizing and maximum pier spacing. (Refers to maple -section homes only.) Locate piers a maximum of 4'-0" o.c. under all garden tabs, fic 1 and kitchen areas located along the marriage wall of the home (minimum 16" x 16"piierpasmay be installed at these locations). 5. Axle assembly center -line. 6. Refer to Tables 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 for minimum fouler sizing and maximum pier spacing. 7. Blocking sequence numbers. Refer to Section 2.3 Typical BloclingSequence. CAUTION: - Always use extreme caution when installing a modular home to prevent damage to the home or personal injury to yourself. 6 APPROVED BY 00or YJ NOY 01 1995 ON INC. TABLE 2.3.4 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MAIN FRAME I -BEAM SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 120"* WIDEMAMMUM FLOOR WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this floor width. .........:..:............ ,A :-I'ley«::<::««;:.<::;::;<:::::;;:::: ..:.:::.:.::.:.:. 1000 3 feet maximum 1500 from each end of unit 2000 Pounds and 8 feet maximum 2500 on center spacing 3000 3500 1000 4 feet maximum 1500 from each end of unit 2000 Pounds and 10 feet maximum 2500 on center spacing 3000 3500 NOTES: 1. Check each section of multiple -section home individually. 2. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations. of the frost line). 3. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 4. If soil bearing values are not available (and.an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 5. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a maximum side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 6. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer APPROVED BY NOV. 01 1995 IN. TABLE 2.3.5 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MAIN FRAME I -BEAM SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 144" * WIDE MAXIMUM FLOOR WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this floor width. a .,,:,.:.:::..:::....:...,,,:.::.. W. 0. << .;.>;,,,..:::`�' ::SLR;:•::,,,:,:::;;:::: ....:...:..::::................ AI' PO ............ 1� pp•1�!(���T�f{{��' .... ;: ;..;:,:,::.: .:............ ,; etE , i18L........... llI!(15 .......................:.....:::::.... ...........;;.: :::.............:::::.::.::::::: ::::::::::::...:::::.::::::::::.:.:::::::::.: ... ....:. ::.::::::..:: •:;::::::::::::..::::: : ....;.:;::::::.::::::.. ;;;..: ;•.;::.: 1000 688 3 feet maximum 1500 459 4180 from each end of unit 2000 344 Pounds and 8 feet maximum 2500 275 on center spacing 3000 3500 1000 860 4 feet maximum 1500 574 5225 from each end of unit 2000 430 Pounds and 10 feet maximum 2500 344 on center spacing 3000 3500 NOTES: i. Check each section of multiple -section home individually. 2. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 3. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 4. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 5. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a max imum.side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 6-. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer APPROVED BY 8 00or N O v 01 1995 INC. TABLE 2.3.6 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MAIN FRAME I -BEAM SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 160"* WIDE MAXIMUM FLOOR WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this floor width. .:.:::::.......... :..: 1000 728 3 feet maximum, 1500 478 4384 from each end of unit 2000 359 Pounds and 8 feet maximum 2500 287 on center spacing 3000 3500 1000 898 4 feet maximum 1500 598 5480 from each end of unit 2000 449 Pounds and 10 feet maximum 2500 359 on center spacing 3000 3500 NOTES: 1. Check each section of multiple -section home individually. 2. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 3. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 4. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 5. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a maximum side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 6. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer APPROVED BY 9 IN NOV 0 1 +995 INC. TABLE 2.3.7 ALTERNATE PIERS AND FOOTERS FOR MAIN-FRAME I -BEAM SUPPORT ALTERNATE PIER SPACING AND FOOHR TABLE * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in aaamon wzmFyoor wiarn. 4" MINIMUM, AND/OR PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 30' MAX (TYP) NOMINAL 16" X 16" SQUARE PRECAST T CONCRETE FOOi1NG T 16" MIN. EACH SIDE FOOTING TYPICAL PIER FOOTER i MVA pp� ih� co �L 4X8X8SOLD CONC. BLOCKS 6X7X8SOLID CONC. BLOCKS TYPICAL PER -CONFIGURATIONS Figure 2.3.7 Concrete Notes: 1. All footing concrete shall have fd = 3000 psi minimum at 28 2. All solid concrete blocks shall have fin' =1500 psi min,m�m 3. Center all piers on footings. J- General Notes: I. Refer to other details for additional pier footer sizes and spacin-m 2. Start I -Beam pier spacing at one-half the allowable spacing sham in the above table from each end of the home at each I -Beam. Use the maximum spacing sbma in the above table for all. intermediate supports. 3. See other details for pier requirements at the marriage line(s) of m d i-wide units. 4. See other details for tie -down requirements. 10 APPROVED BY ONN O v 01 1995 INC. TYPICAL MAIN FRAME I -BEAM BLOCKING MAIN FRAME I -BEAM CWTEP-en ON p1m WOOD SHIMS (DECAY RESISTANT) AND/OR PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER PIER CAPPED WITH SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK (MIN. 4' THICK) 8' X 8' X 16' CELLED. MASONRY BLOCKS WITH OPEN CELLS VERTICAL SEE TABLE 2.3.4 THROUGH 2.3.7 FOR PIER FOOTING SIZING, SPACING AND SPECIFICATIONS SEE NOTE REMOVE ALL ORGANIC MATERIAL AND PLACE PAD ON STABLE SOIL L BELOW FROST LINE PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. FIGURE 2.3.8 SEE NOTE 12 (DIMENSION VARIES WITH MAX. ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING) NOTES: 1. 48" maximum pier height for hollow core blocks, 60" maximum pier height with block cells completely filled with concrete (pier systems taller than 60" must be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer). 2. Maximum pier/pad exposure: 1000 psf soil: 2500 psf soil: 1500 psf soil: 3000 psf soil: 2000 psf soil: 3500 psf soil: 3. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer (exception: precast 16" x 16" pier pads are only required to be 4" thick or per local building codes - see Figure 2.3.7.) 4. All footing concrete must have a minimum compressive strength (W) = 3000 psi. 5. Place minimum 4 mil poly on ground prior to pouring footing concrete. 6. All piers must be centered on footing. 7. Footing construction must comply with all applicable local building codes. 11 APPROVED BY OKOOI�M'N0 V 01 1995 IN it 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 NOTES: TABLE 2.3.9 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 20'* WIDE MAXIMUM UNIT WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this unit width. 1. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 2. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 3. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 4. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a maximum side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 5. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer 6. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches of ridge beam column support(s) and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or larger. All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. 7. All opening less than 8'-0" in with may be supported with 16" x 16" pier pads. 12 APPROVED BY N O V 01 1995 ON INC. TABLE 2:3.10 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 20' L 24' * WIDE MAXIMUM UNIT WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this unit width. m _» ''` :: ......................: ......:::::::.:......::.:::::::..::.::.....::::.. ,::::::.......:.......:::::: :::::::: >;. <«:�2;;,.16;»<::>: 40. s....... . �..... 1000 366 sq.in 460 s.in 553 sq,in 646 sq.in 740 sq.in 833 sq.in 1500 244 sq.in 306 sq.in 369 sq.in 431 sq.in 493 sq.in 555 sq.in 2000 183 s . in 230 sq. in 276 sq. in 323 sq. in 370 sq. in 416 sq. in 2500 147 sq. in 184 s . in 221 s . in 259 s . in 296 sq. in 333 .'in 3000 3500 Ivh Pi'" >:>::......n,......e aC.. :«:<:1944# ...;>>{<>2592#....:::....3888#......?<;3 6.. NOTES: 1. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 2. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 3. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 4. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a maximum side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 5. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer 6. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches of ridge beam column support(s) and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or larger. All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. 7. All opening less than 8'-0" in with may be supported with 16" x 16" pier pads. 13 APPROVED BY NGV 01 1995 lNrAINC. TABLE 2.3.11 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZINGTABLE 26'* 9IDEM,4"MUM UNIT HWEF * - 6" side overhang(s). maybe installed in addition 9211iisunit width. :8 f's ;G:yV AIaT � . ....Squa�r....::;;:$, .�7•.:....: �2 16 ;16... ��::>:;>:; <>::;>:2�:;...,..24..,:2$::.sx;i `21�.;:-3?. 1000 390 sq. in 491 sq. in 592 sq. in 693 4 in 794 sq. in 895 sq. in 1500 260 sq. in 327 s . in 395 sq. in 461sqin 529 sq. in 597 sq. in 2000 195 sq.in 245 sq.in 296 sq.in 346 in 397 sq.in 448 sq.in 2500 156 sq. in 196 s . in 237 s . in .277stin 318 sq. in 358 s . in 3000 3500 .. XX 221 NOTES: 1. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LEVE&kerck with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 2. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achi=the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 3. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable w3heming test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 4. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit maylave a maximum side overhang (eaves) of 6 inches. (A11 units are also designed for a M1-ch maximum front and rear overhang.) 5. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largestilmension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 hsch4 by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum wired thickness of footer 6. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches ofddge beam column support() and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or IargmAll door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. 7. All opening less than 8'-0" in with may be supported with 16" x Ili pier pads. 14 APPROVED BY ONNOV 01 1995 INC. m TABLE 2.3.12 POURED IN -PLACE FOOTERS FOR MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORT PIER SPACING AND FOOTER SIZING TABLE 28'* WIDE MAXIMUM UNIT WIDTH * - 6" side overhang(s) may be installed in addition to this unit width. is O C` AP.�. wnsPer SciUa£eu4t • �� ,. ......... 3 8:•-12'::>::,;;«<::�2'.-IG':<::>;..=;;::x�'-�p".;„ ':>:��:.:> .;;�..:28....:..:.::..78..:�33. 1000 413 sq.in 522 s.in 631 sq.in 740 sq.in 848 sq.in ..... 957 sq.in 1500 275 sq.in 348 sq.in 420 s.in 493 sq.in 566 sq.in 638 sq.in 2000 206 sq.in 261 sq.in 315 sq.in 370 sq.in 424 sq.in 479 sq.in 2500 165 sq. in 209 s . in 252 s . in 296 sq. in 339 sq. in 383 .'in 3000 3500 .Pier.. ac :,... NOTES: 1. ALL footers MUST be installed BELOW THE FROST LINE (check with local authorities to determine the locations of the frost line). 2. More than one footer and pier combination may be used to achieve the minimum required footer size listed in the above table. 3. If soil bearing values are not available (and an acceptable soil bearing test has not been performed) 1000 psf soil capacity must be used. 4. In addition to the maximum floor width listed above the unit may have a ma�dmum side overhang (em,es) of 6 inches. (All units are also designed for a 18 inch maximum front and rear overhang.) 5. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer.used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer 6. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches of ridge beam column support(s) and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or larger. All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. 7. All opening less than 8'-0" in .with may be supported with 16" x 16" pier pads. 15 APPROVED BY Nov 0 1 1995 IN INC. Y COLUMN SUPPORT SPANS FIGURE 2.3.13 NOTES: To properly size the piers located at the ridge beam support columns, survey the arrangement of rooms in the home. Measure all marriage wall openings and pay particular attention to any opening 36 inches Ride or larger. 1. 48" maximum pier height for hollow core blocks, 60" maximum pier height with block cells completely filled with concrete (pier systems taller than 60" must be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer). 2. Locate piers under marriage wall perimeter joist within 9 inches of ridge beam column support(s) and within 9 inches of marriage wall openings 36 inches or larger. All door openings in the marriage wall, regardless of width, shall be supported. 3. To calculate the spans in the above example: Span for Column #1: Simply use dimension "A" Span for Column 42: Use dimension "C" (or use "A" + "B" = "C") Span for Column #3: Simply use dimension "B" 4. Once the spans have been calculated refer to TABLES 2:3.9 through 2.3.12 to determine the minimum footer size for each column support. APPROVED BY 16 NOV 01 1995 IN . INC. TIE -DOWN STRAPS ATTACHED TO RIDGE BEAM COLUMNS ON - EACH SECTION TO BE CONNECTED TO A DOUBLE HEADED ANCHOR SEE NOTE 13 DOUBLE HEADED ANCHOR SEE NOTE 12 _/ NOTES: TYPICAL MARRIAGE LINE BLOCKING WOOD SHIMS (DECAY RESISTANT) AND/OR PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER PIER CAPPED WITH SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK (MIN. 4' THICK) 8" X B' X 16' CELLED MASONRY BLOCKS WITH OPEN CELLS VERTICAL (SEE NOTE #1 FOR MAX PIER HEIGHTS) SEE TABLES FOR PIER FOOTER SIZING AND SPACING SPECIFICATIONS REMOVE ALL ORGANIC MATERIAL AND PLACE PAD ON STABLE SOIL BELOW FROST LINE PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS —SEE NOTE 12 (DIMENSION VARIES WITH MAX. ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING) FIGURE 2.3.14 1. 48" maximum pier height for hollow core blocks, 60" maximum pier height with block cells completely filled with concrete (pier systems taller than 60" must be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer). 2. Maximum pier/pad exposure: 1000 psf soil: 2500 psf soil: 1500 psf soil: 3000 psf soil: 2000 psf soil: 3500 psf soil: 3. To calculate the minimum footer thickness, divide the largest dimension of the footer by 3. i.e., 20 inch by 24 inch footer used divide the largest dimension (24 inches) by 3 24 divided by 3 = 8 inches minimum required thickness of footer (exception: precast 16" x 16" pier pads are only required to be 4" thick or per local building codes - see Figure 2.3.7.) 4. All footing concrete must have a minimum compressive strength (fc') = 3000 psi. 5. Place minimum 4 mil poly on ground prior to pouring footing concrete. 6. All piers must be centered on footing. 7. Footing construction must comply ,"7th all applicable local building codes. 17 APPROVED pY I "4� NOV D 1 1995 INC M SECTION THREE ANCHORING AND TIE -DOWNS THIS SECTION ANSWERS ONLY GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT ANCHORING AND TIE - DOWN REQUIREMENTS, SEE THE ADDENDUM(S) TO THIS. TECHNICAL INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SPECIFIC ANCHORING AND TIE -DOWN PJ.QUIREMENTS. READ BOTH SECTIONS THOROUGHLY! 3.1 ANCHORING: There is a tendency for the top of the anchor rod to deflect and move or "slice" through the soil when loaded. This action is not desirable, since this "slicing" permits the home lo be displaced and tend to slide off the piers. To minimize deflections, auger -type and other anchors using steel rods should be put in at an angle (see addendum(s) to this manual for specific angles required) so that they are more in line with the direction of the "pull" of the load. this can best be accomplished by bmtOng these anchors prior to the home being placed on the lot. If vertical anchors are desired, the anchor must be listed "for use vertically" at the required capacity for the straps being attached (this method will also require a registered professional engineer to determine your anchoring/tie-down design). When anchoring the home, materials of adequate strength must be used. These materials must meet or exceed the following requirements (and any requirements set forth in the addendum(s) to this manual): All anchoring equipment shall be capable of resisting an allowable working load equal to or exceeding 3,150 pounds (design load capacity) and shall be gable of withstanding a 50 percent overload of 4,750 pounds (ultimate load capacity) without any fame of the anchoring equipment. (See addendum(s) to this manual for specific anchoring requirements, some anchoring/tie--down configurations require larger anchors.) All materials exposed to weathering shall have a resistance to YmAer deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 ounces per square foot of surface coated. 3.2 TIE -DOWNS: There are basically two types of wind that cause damage to your home: horizontal and uplift. Your home is designed per the Standard Building Code (and other applicable codes) for either 100 mph winds or 110 mph winds. The purpose of the requirements in this manual and its addendum(s) are to protect you and your home from these forces. When tying down the home, materials of adequate strength must be used. These materials must meet or exceed the following requirements (and any requirements set forth in the addendum(s) to this manual): 18 APPROVED BY 7NNOY Q 1 1995 INC. All tie -down straps shall be type 1, finish b, grade 1 steel strapping, 1 1/4" wide and 0.035" in thickness, certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as conforming with ASTM Standard for Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals. All materials exposed to weathering'shall have a resistance to weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 ounces per square foot of surface coated. (Exception: Slit or cut edges of zinc coated steel strapping need not be zinc coated.) WARNING: NEVER PRE -TENSION TIE -DOWN STRAPS ON ONE SIDE OF THE HOME ONLY. IF TENSION IS NOT APPLIED TO THE TIE -DOWNS ALTERNATELY, ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE UNIT, THE HOME MAY BE PULLED OFF THE SUPPORTS, POSSIBLY KILLING OR INJURING PERSONNEL. THIS MAY ALSO CAUSE SEVERE DAMAGE TO THE HOME. 19 APPROVED BY ON P Nov 01 1995 INC.