HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Codes4 Check List LS_Lucse Cut.riPzrrr Applications for compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy *Conservation shall include: This Checklist [] The full compliance report generated by the software that contains the project sumrjgaty, compliance summary, certifications and detailed component compliance reports. ❑ The compliance report must include the full input report generated'by the software as contigous part of the compliance,report. Boxes appropriately checked in the Mandatory Section of the complaince report. To incline input report in final submission, �o to the Project Form, Settings Tab and chock the,box - "Append Input Report to Compliance Output Report" Then rerun your calculation Igor - 0 3 & EnergyGauge SummitO Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 1115/2019 , Page 1 of 14 4 L PROJECT SUMMARY ShortDesc: ISLAND VILLAGE Description: ISLAND VILLAGE Owner. ISLAND VILLAGE CLUBHOUSE Addressl: City: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Address2: State: FLOPUDA Zip. - Type.. Office Class: New Finished building Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY, ST LUCIR COUNTY, FL (661000) Conditioned Area: 960 SF Conditioned & UnConditioned Area: 960 SF No of Stories: I Area entered trom Plans 960 SF Permit. No: Max Tonnage 2 If different; write in: EnergyGauge Summit@ Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 dh Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Pertormar 7/1/2020 Page 2 of 14 4V Compliance Summary component Design Criteria Result F LIGHTING POWER LIGHTIN(i CONTROLS EXTERNAL LIGI-I'llNG I-I'VACSYSTETA PLANT WATER HEAFINU SYSTEMS PIPIN(; SYSTEINIS Met all required compliance from ChecL Lis.l? 4 o..O 9 7 -1. 0 Pr' $.SKS PA 8SE- PASSES PASSES No Entr)- No F,*ufry INO Entry YesfNo/NA IMPORTANT MESSAGE Info 5009 An input report of this design building must be submitted .along with this Compliance Report, I EnergyGauge SummitO 1=la[Com-2017. TAM 2017-1 .0 Compliant Software Effective Date Dec. 31, 2017 an Edition (201 -1) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performer It 5 '2019 patle 3 of 14 CERTIFICATIONS I `hereby certify that the plans and lions covered by this calculation are in. compliance with the Florida Energy Code Prepared Building Of <cial: Date: Olq Date: I certify that this building is in compliance with the FLorida Energy Efficiency Code OwnerAgent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby certify (*) that the: system design is in. compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: .Electrical Designer: Lighting Designer. Mechanical Designer: Plumbing. Designer: Reg No: Reg No: . Reg No Reg No: Reg No: (*) Signature is required where Florida Law requires design to be,perfamed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. Project: ISLAND VIUAGE Title:ISLAND'VILLAG' E TYPes 0..fficc (WEA Pile: FL ST LUCIE -00 INTL.tiu3) Prescriptive :Envelope Compliance Item Zone Description Design Criteria Meei Req. PrOZ01 Exterior RoofAbsorptance (3-year aged) Max .400 0.450 Yes allowed Pr0Zol Exterior RoofEmissiviiy (3-year aged) Min .900 0.750 Yes Meets Prescriptive Envelope Requirements -- EnergyGauge SummitV Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 1 l./5/2019 Page 4 of 14 44 41 Project. ISLAND VILLAGE Title: ISLAND VILLAGE Type: Office (WEA File: FL-ST LUCIELCQ_INTL.tm3) Items IParent R-4.1 PrOZol R-30 Prozol. PrOZoIFO PrOZol (DA*UV)- Project (DA*UWall) (EA*US)- Project (W.Ulloof) A = 55.89 B -- -38.81 Comnonent performance Alternative Description kre! Desin LJ*QesiM. Area Budpve U Bucket UA Diff Exterior Wall. 810.0 .0 0:0800 81 - 0.6 0.0640 13.0 Exterior Roof 810.0 0.0800 8.10.0 0.0270 42.9 Stab floor '299.0 0.6000 .299.0 0.7306 X9. All Vertical 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0,0006 0.0 Glazing All Skylight U 1.0000 U 0.0000 0.0.. = 0.00 D = 0.00 E = 0.00 Project:.ISLAND VILLAGE Title.:ISLAND VILLAGE IYO. Office (WEA File: FL ST LUCIE. CO I external Lighting Compiinne.e Description* Category 'Tmdablei? Allowance or Length Etpw du a .. . , . : -,(W),. (W-) f (W/unit) or No. Units (Sqftort!) Ext Light I Main entries Yes 30-00 2.0 60 W Tradable Surfae6s: 60 (W) Atlowrince for Tradable: 810 (W) PASSES' All External Lighting: 60 (W) lComplicance check includes a excess/Base allowance of 750A0(W) EnergyGauge SummW Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective- Date: Dec 31, 201.7 dh Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2016 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Petformar 11/5p-019 Page 5 of 14 Project: ISLAND VILLAGE Title::ISLAND VILLAGE Type. Office (WEA File: FL ST_LIICIE_CO iNTL.tm3) Lighting Power Compliance Space Ashrae Description Area , height No. of Design Effective Allowance ID (sq.ft) (ft) Spam (W) (W) (W) PrOZolSpl 9,001 Playing Area 810 15..0. 1 640 640 972 Design 640 (Vi) PASSES Effective: 640 (W) Allowance: 972.0001.(W) Passing requires.Desien to -be at most 100% of Criteria. Project: ISLAND 'VILI AGE Title: ISLANID. VILLAGE Type.'Office (WEAF11e:-:FI. ST Lighting Controls Compliance Acronym Ashrae 'Description Area Design Min Compliance ID (sq.ft) CP Cr Proz.01 Sp 1 9,001 Playing Area 81.0 2 1 PASSES _ Project: ISLAND VILLAGE Titl"eOSLAND VILLAGE Type: Office (WEArdc:.FL ST LUCIE CO INTL.tm3). System Report Compliance Prosyl System 4 Room Units (Alimonditioners No. of Units & Heat pumps) I Component Category Capacity :Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff • Criteria 1PLV Criteria liance Cooling System Room AC HP with 24 20.50 8.10 PASSES Louvered Sides Heat'mg System PTHP All Capacities 16. 8.20 3.02 PASSES (Heating Mode) Air Handliog Air Handler (Supply) - 1500 0:80 0..82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PASSES Energy+Gauge SummitO FlafCom-2017: TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Sofivvare. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) _ Energy -Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Comipon6fit Performar 1.1/512019 Page 6 of 14 Plant C+oinpliance Description Installed Size Design 1Vlin: Design Min Category Comp No Eff Eff iPLV iPLv fiance None I 1 Water Heater Compliance Description Type Category Design Min Design Ma% Lump rscri p Eff tiff Loss Loss fiance r ]Yon J 11 PipingSystem Compliance Category pipe Daa Is: Operating ins Cond ins A q innsCompl- [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-in/hr Thick']in] Thick [in] I.anee IF] None EnergyGauge SummitO Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1,0 Compliant Software. Effective Date, Dec 31, 2017 dh Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with C.omp6nenf Performar 11 /5/2019 Page 7 of 14 • Mandatory Requirements (as applicable) Mandatory requirements compiled by US Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Adopted with. permission Topic Section Cam Yes N/A Exempt Insulation C303.2 Envelope Below-grade.wall insulation installed per Q 130 manufacturer's instructions. Insulation C303.2 Envelope Slab edge insulation installed per manufacturer's Q Q instructions. insulation C303.2 Envelope Abpve-grade wall insulation installed per ❑ 0 manufacturer's instructions. Insulation C402.3 Envelope High-albedo. rooff salilsfy one of the following: ❑ ❑ 3-year-aged solar reflectance.— 0.55 and thermal emwance — 0.75.or 3-year40ed solar reflectance index:- 04.0. Fenestration 0402A.4 Envelope U41actor of opaque doors associated with the building thermal envelope meets requirements. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.2.'12.1 Mechanical HVAC fan systems at design conditions do not Q Q e*deed allowable fan system motor nameplate lip or fan system bhp. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC. C403Z12.2 Mechanicai HVAC fan motors not oversized beyond allowable 0 13 ❑ Emits. SYSTEMSPECIFIC C403.2.3(8) Table Mechanical Heat Rejection Equipment:: Minimum Efficiency 0 0. 0. kaquirement meet those liste'd.in Table C4Q3.2,3(8) HVAC C403.2.7 Mechanical Exhaust air energy recovery, on systems meeting Q Q Q Table C403:2.7(1) and C403.2.7(2). SYSTEMSPECIFIC C403.3 Mechanical Air economizers'.provided where required, meet Q 11 ❑ the re for design capacity, control signal, ventilation controls, highrlimitshut-off, integrated economizer -control, and provide a means to relieve excess outside airduring operation. SYSTEM SPEC(FtC C4,03.3.2 Mechanical Economizer operation Kilts not increase heating - energy use during normal operation. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.3.4, Mechanical Water economizers.provided where required,0 0 C403.3A.1, mde.t therequirements' for design capacity, C403.3.4.2, maximum pressure drop.and integrated C403.3.1 economizer control. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.4.2.1 Mechanical "a -pipe hydronic.systems using a common 0 1. 11 return for hot and chilled waterare not used. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Hydronio heat pump systems. connected to a common water loop Meet heat rejection and beat addition requirements. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.3.4 Mechanical Open -circuit cooling towers having water cooled E3 13 13 chiller systems and multiple or valrable speed condenser pumps, are designed so that tower cells can run in parallel Wfli'larger of flow crtleria_ SYSTEM_SP.ECIFIC C4042 Mechanical Service water heating equipment insets efficiency 0. 13 Q requirements. Wattage C405.3 Interior Lighting EA signs do not exceed 5 watts per face. Plan Review C103.2 Envelope Plans and/or specifications provide all information D with which compliance can:be determined for the building envelope and doaumenf where exceptions to the standard are claimed. EnergyGauge SurnmitVa Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 compliant Software. Effective bate: bec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Perforrnar i. 115/2- 019 Page 8 of 14 9 • Ptah Review ' 0103.2 Mechanical Plans, speairicat€ons,'and/orcalcufationsprovide Q all information with which compliance can be determined for the mechanical systems and equipment.and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load -calculations per acceptable engineering at Plan Review C143.2 Mechanical Plans, specifications, arid/or calculations provide 0 11 13 all lhforrhatiori with which compliance can be determined for the service water' heating systems and equipment and. document where exceptions to. the. standardare claimed. Hot water system sized per manufact Plan Review C103.2 Interior Lighting Plans, spec cations, and/or calculations provide t � 1 3 13L..�t t��-t all ipformation with which compliance can be determined for We interiors€gluing and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are. claimed. Information.provided shout Plan Review C10.3.2 Exterior Lighting Plans, specifications, and/orcaiculations provide 13 El 13 all information with which eompiianee can be determined forthe exterior lighting and electrcal systems and equipment and document where exceptions lathe standard are claimed. Information provided shout Insulation C402.2.5 Envelope Slab edge insulation depth/length..Slab insulation Q ❑ extending away from building is covered by .pavem.entor>=10 inches of soli. Insulation 0402.2.6 Project R.Oak heating systems panels insulated to 0 Q Q >=11-3.5 on :face opposite space being heated. .HVAC C402.2.6 Mechanical Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of sensible ElQ heating panels have insulation >= Rn15. Insulation C402.2.6 Envelope Radiant panels and associated components, 13 13- 13 designed for heat transfer from the panel surfaces - - to the occupants or indoor space are insulated wo a minimum of R-3.6. Air Leakage C402.5.7 Envelope Veatibules.are installed on all building entrances. Q M Doors have Self-closing.devicas. SYSTEM. -SPECIFIC C403.2.12.3' `:, Mechanical Faris have efficiency grade (FEG) >- 67. The total © © ❑ efficiency of the farf at the design point of operation — 16% of maximumaotal efficiency of, the fan. HVAC 040ii.13 Mechanical Unenclosed spaces that are heated use only 13 13 radiant heat. HVAC C403.2,4.2 Mechanical Each zone.equipped with setback controls using 1313 automatic time clock or programmable control system. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.2.4.4 Mechanical Zone isolation devices and controls installed El 13 0 where applicable. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.2.4.7 Mechanical Fault, detection and diagnostics installed with13 0 Q air-cooled unitary DX: units Having economizers. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.2.5 Mechanical Hot water boiterssupply€ngheatvla•one-or IJ 13 two=pipe systems Include outdoor setback control. HVAC C403.2.6.1 Mechanical Demand control ventilation provided for spaces Q >600 ft2 and >25 pieoplel1.000 :ft2 occupant' density sand served.:by systems with air side economizer, auto modulating. outside air damper control, or design airflow >3.000 cfm. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.1.1 Mechanical Hydronic and multizone HVAC system controls Q .13 El areVAV,fans driven by mechanical cr electrical variable speed drive par Tebie.C403.4.1.1. SYSTEM -SPECIFIC C403.4.1,3 Mechanical Reset static pressure setpoint for 00C controlled © E a VAV boxes reportingto central controller based. on the zones requiring the most pressure. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.2 Mechanical Temperature reset byrepresentative building 0 0 a loads in pumping systems for chiller and boiler EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 11151?019 Page 9 of 14 IF 4 SYSTEAlt..;SPECIFIC C403.,1 Mechanical Closed-circuit cooling.towet within heat pump loop El 0 Q have either automatic bypass valve or lower leakage positive. closure dampers. Open -circuit tower within heat.pump loop have automatic valve to bypass all heat pump wafer flow around the lower. Open- or el SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.2.4 Mechanical Hydronlc systems. greater than.500,000 Btu/h t� 00 U designed for variable fluld.flow. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.2.5 Mechanical System tumdownrequirpment met through multiple single4riput boilers, one or more modulating boilers, or combination. of single -input and modulating bolters. Boiler input between 1.0;M1lletufh. and 5 M13tuith has 3:1 turndown ratio, boiler input between 5.0 SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403A.2.6 Mechanical Chilled water plants with.multiple.chillershave 1:1 13 Q. capability to reduce flow automatically through the chiller plant when a.chiller is shutdown. Boiler plants with multiple.boilers :have the capability to reduce flow automatically through the boiler;plant SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.4.3, Mechanical Fart systems with motors >-7.6 hp associated 040314.3.2 with heat rejection equipment to have capability to' operate at 2/3 of full-spe.ed and auto speed controls. to control the leaving fluid temperature or condensing femp/pressure of heatrejectfon device. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403A.4.5 Mechanical Multipie zone HVAC.systems have supply air 13Q Q temperature reset controls. SYSTEMC403.4.4.6 Mechanical Multiple ione-VAV systems with DDC of individual0 Q Q _SPECIFIC zorte boxes have static pressure setpoint reset controls. SYSTEM SPECIFIC 0404.2,1 Mechanical Gas-flred.water-heating equipment installed in Q 13 0 new buildings: where a singular piece of water -heating equipment >=1,000'kBtu/h serves the' entire building,'thermaf efficiency >=' 90 Et., Where multiple pieces of water -heating equipment serve the building.wi SYSTEM SPECIFIC . 0404A , .Mechanical All piping Insulated,in accordance with.section 0 Q . details and Table 6403.2A6 SYSTEM SPECIFIC 0404.5, C404.5.1, Medhanical Heated water supply piping conforms to pipe,' ,0 13 Q C404.5.2 length and voiume requirements,. Refer to section details. SYSTEMSPECIFIC 0404.6.3 Mechanical Pumps that circulate water between a heater and 0 storage tank have controls that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating cycle. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404.7 Mechanical Water distribution system that pumps water from ❑ a heated -water supply pipe back to the heated-watersource.through a cold -water supply pipe is a demand recirculation water system. Pumps within this system have controls; that start the pump upon receiving Wattage 0405.5.1 Exterior Lighting Exterior lighting power 1s consistent with what Is shown on the approved lighting:plans, demonstrating proposed.watts are less than or equal to allowed watts; Plan Review C405.6 Project Grdup,R-2 dtivellingunits have separate elecfiical i—i L _r< D Q meters. Plan Review C406 Project Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide 13 all Information with which compliance can be determined for the additional energy efficiency package options. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C408.2.22 Mechanical WAG hydronic heating and cooling coils have 0 means to. balance and have pressure test connections. SYSTEM C408.2.2,2 Mechanical HVAC hydronic heating and cooling coils have 0 —SPECIFIC means to balance and have pressure test connections. EnergyGauge Summit@ Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effectjve. Date: Dec. 31, 2017 tth Edition (20.17) = Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 11 /5/2019 Page 10 of 1.4 0 i insulation C303.1 Envelope Insulation C303.1 Envelope Fenestration C303.1.3 Envelope Fenestration C303.1.3 Envelope Insulation C303.2, C402.2.4 Envelope Insulation 0303.2.1 Envelope insulation C303.2.1 Envelope Insulation 0402.1:3 Envelope Insulation C402.2.2 Envelope Insulation C402.2.2 Envelope Air Leakage C402.5 Envelope Air Leakage C4015.1 Envelope Air Leakage C402.5.1.1 Envelope. Air leakage 0402. - Envelope Air Leakage C402. Envelope Air Leakage 0402.5.2; C402.5.4 Envelope Air Leakage C402.5.3 Envelope Air Leakage C402.5.5, Envelope C403.2.4.3 Air Leakage C402.5.5, Envelope C403.2.4,3 Air Leakage C402.54 Envelope Roof insulation installed per. manufaactureraETMs 0 0 instructions. Blown or poured.loose-fil{ insulation Is installed only where the roof slope is-3 In 12. Building envelope insulation is labeled with 0 0 Q R=value or insulation certificate providing R-value and other relevant data. Fenestration products rated in accordance with 0 0 Q NFRC. Fenestration prod ucisare certified as to Q [� a performance labels or certificates provided. Floor insulation installed per manufacturer's 0 Instructions. Cavity or structured slab insulation Installed in permanent contact with underside of decking or structural slabs. Exterior insulation protected against damage, Q sunlight, moisture, wind, landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. Exterior insulabQn;is protected from :damage with 0 13 0: a ptotective material. verifice6on for exposed foundation insulation may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. Non-swinging.opaque doors have R-436 ❑ Q Q Insulation. Skylight curbs :are insulated to the level :of roofs Q with insulationabove deck or R 5. Insulation Intended to meet.the roof insulation El0 tJ requirements cannot be: Installed on top of a suspended ceiling. Mark this requirement compliant W insulation is installed accordingly. Building envelope contains a continuous air, 13 012 barrier that has been tested and deemed to limit air leakage < z 0.40 cfrntft2. . ThB building envelope contains a continuous air barrier that4a sealed in an approved manner and either constructed or tested In an approved , manner. Air bawler penetrations are sealed in an ' approved manner. . All sources'of air leakage in the building thermat t� • u envelope are sealed, caulked, gasketed, weather stripped or wrapped with moisture vapor -permeable wrapping material to minimize air leakage. The building. envelope contains a continuous air E3Q 0 barrier that is sealed.m an approved manner and rneterlai 6iffheability s= 0.009 cf&OV. Air barrier penetrations. areseated.in an approved rrianner. The building envelope contains a continuous air ❑ E3 Q barrier that is sealed in an -approved manner and average assembly air leakage � i 0.04 cfm/tt2. Air;barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. Factory-built.fenestration and doors are labeled Q Ej as meeting air leakage requirements. Where open combustion air ducts provid 'burning Q .0 0 combustian.air:to.open combustion fuel appliances, the appliances and combustion air opening are Located outside the building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from Inside the thermal envelope St€ir'and elevator shaft vents.have motorized t--� © © Lt dampers that automatically close. Outdoor air and exhaust systems have motorized Q 0 Q dampers that automatically shut when not in use and meet: maximum leakage rates. Check gravity dampers where allowed. Weatherseats installed on all loading dock cargo Q Q doors. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Corn 2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Ded 31, 2017 dh Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation fECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option wifh Component Performar 1115/2019 Pagge 11 of 14 V Infiltration and be. 10* rated. 66d'labeled. Seat between interior finish and lumlhaire housing. WAG 04012.11 Mechanical HVAC systems and equipment design loads 0calculated In accordance with ANSIASHRAVACCA Standard 183 of by'an approvedequivalentcomputational procedure' VSTE"PECIFIC C403,2.10 Mechanical NAO piping nsu allon thickness.�hare pg : 0 0 sInstelled1noUnderaeflbon may adtoocc6r dungFounda6n Inspection. HVAC C403.2.3 Mechanical HVAC equipment efficiencylve6ffed. 00 0 SYSTAM_SPECIFIC C403.2.3 Mechanical FTikC ald,PTHP . with sleeves. 16 in, by 42 in, 13 13 13 lab plied Or replacement Only as per Footnote b to Table C403.2.3(3). SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C4032A.1 Mechanical Heating and cooling to each zone is controlled by 1:1 0 0 a thermostat control. Minimum one humidity ro*.ol device per Installed humidificatlon/dehumldirigafion -system, SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Heat pump controls prevent suoplemental electric -1 0 0 resistance heat from coming on when not needed. HVAC C403.2A.1.2 Mechanical Thermostatic controls have a 5 A*F dead.b.anA, 1:3 C3 0 HVAC C4012A.1.2 Mechanical Thermostatic controls have a AiF deadband. 0 [3 HVAC C4012.4.11.3 Mechanical Temperatufedorrtrols have seta6int.ovedap 0 0 0 HVAC C403., Mechanical AuiornaticContmls: Setback to 5WF (heat) and 0 1:1 Q C403.2.41-2 65°F (coot), 7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override,. 10-hour backup SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403,24.13 Mechanical S*ems include optimum start controls. E3 13 HVAC C403.2A.5, Mechanical Snow/ice melting system sensors for future El 13 13, C403 .2.4.6 'connection to :controls. Freeze orotoWch systems We automatic controls Installed. C40.3.2.*&2- Mechanical" - En6losed-' FdMilition has pa . ing garagev 13* - Q D, automatic contaminant detection and capacity to stage or modulate fans to 60% or Ies s of design capacity. I.HVAC C403A2.9 Mechanical"HVAC .ducts. and plenums Insuisted.. Where ducts 0: or plenums: are installed in or under a stab, verification may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. SYSTEM_SPECIF(C 0.403. Mechanical Ductwork operating >3 in. water column requires 1:3 0 air leakage testing. SYSTE"PECIFIC C403A.1.2 Mechanical VAV fan's have static pressure sensors locawso 13- 0 13 SYST8M_jSPEQIFi.Q C403.4.22 Mechanical TW6-pipe hydr.onic.systerns using a common 0 1:1 0 distributJoKsysteM have dontroWto*allow a de4dband -1 511P, allow, operation in one.mode for sk Ieas*t4 hrs*b6fdre'phangeover, arid hav6 I . . rest controls to limit'heattrig and cooling supply terriperaiur6to 4:im OF, SYSTEM _SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Two -position automatic valve Interlocked to shut Off water flow when hydronic heat pump with pumping system >10 hpis off. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403A.4.5, Mechanical Zone controls can limit shimitaneous heating and 0 E3 El C403A.A.5.114 cooling and sequence -heatinn' and cooling to each SY8TEM_SPEC1Ft0 C403.4.5 zone. Mechanical condenser heat recovery system that can heat 0 E3 1:1 water to.850F or provide 60% of peak heat rejection Is installed, for preheating of service hot water: SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.4.6 Mechanical Hot gas bypass Ifinited.to,, <440 k8WIh - SOO46.6packy, >240 kbtuih'- 26% capacity SYSTEMSPECIFIC EOIFI*G 6404.3 Mechanical Heat traps Installed on non -circulating storage 0 1:1 E3 water tanks. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/G.om-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 dh Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with. Component Performar 1115/2019 Page 12 of 14 I L SYSTEM_SPECIFiC C404.3 Mechanical Heat traps .installed on supply and discharge piping of non -circulating systems. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C404.3 Mechanical Heat traps Installed on supply and discharge ❑ ❑ piping of non -circulating systems. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404.6.1 Mechanical Controls are installed that limit the operation of a A_.t ❑ [� recirculation pump installed to, maintain temperature.of a storage tank, System retum pipe Is a dedicated return pipe or a colic water supply SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404,6:1, C404,62 pipe. Mechanical Automatic time switches. installed to automatically ❑ ❑ ❑ switch off the recirculating hot=water system or SYSTEM_SPECiFIC 0404.9.1 hest trace. Mechanical Pool heaters are equipped with on/off switch and ❑ 1:1 no continuously burning, pilot light. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC 0404.9.2 Mechanical rime switches are Installed on all pool heaters ❑ ❑ Q and pumps. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404.9,2 Mechanical Time switches are Installed on all pool heaters ❑ 13 Q and pumps. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404.0,3 Mechanical Vapor retardant pool covers are provided for ❑ ❑ ❑ heated pools and porrnanently installed spas. Controls 0405 2.1 Interior Ughting Lfghting controls installed to uniformly reduce the .❑ IiiMng load by. at 50%. Controls C.405.2.1 Interior Lighting Occupancy sensors Installed in required spaces. ❑ Controls C405.2.1, Interior Lighting Independent lighting. controls installed; per ❑ [� ❑ C405.2.2.3 approved lighting plans and all manual controls readily accessible and:visibie to occupants. Controls C4052.2:1 Interior Lighting Automatic controls to:shut, off all building lighting ❑ ❑ installed tn'all buildings. Controls C405,2.3 interior Lighting Daylight zones.provided with individual controls ❑ ❑ ❑ .thdt control the lights independent of general area Controls C405.2.3, ligtting. Interior Lighting Primary sidelighted areas are equipped with ❑. © ❑ C405.2.3,1, required lighting canirols. C405.2.31 Controls 0$05:2.3, interior Lighting Enclosed spaces with daylight area under ❑ C405.2,3.1, skylights and rooftop monitors are equipped with C4052.3.3 Controls C405.2.4 required lighting controls. InteriorLighting Separate'lighting: control devices for specific uses ❑ ❑ installed per approved -lighting, plans. Wattage C4052.4 Interior Lighting Additional interior lighting. power allowed for ❑ ❑ ❑ special functions per this approved: lighting plans. and is automatically: ritrolled and separated Controls 0405:2.6 from general lighting. - Exterior Lighting Automatic lighting controls for exterior lighting ❑ ❑ ❑ installed. Controls will be daylight controlled, set based on business operation time -of -day, or reduce connected lighting a 3D°!o. Wattage C405.4.1 Interior Lighting In dor installed lamp and fixture lighting power:is ❑ ❑ ❑ consistent with whst is showri on the approved Iigl'iting plans, demonstrating proposed welts are. less thanor equal to allowed watts. Mandatory Additional. C406.4 Project Enhanced digital lighting controls efficiency ❑ ❑ ❑ Package: Interior lighting has following enhanced lighting controls in accordance with Section C405.2.2: Luminaires capable of continuous dimming and being addressed individually, — 8 luminaires Mandatory Additional C4.06,6 controlled in Project Dedicate outdoor air system efficiency package: ❑ ❑ ❑. Buildings with hydronic and/or multiple -zone H'VAC systems are +✓quipped vAth an Independent vent Ration system designed to provide >_ ig0-percent;cutdoorair toeach individual, EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017=1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 cth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 1 V5/2019 Page 13 of 14 I 3 Mandatory Additional C406.7, C406.7.1 Project Enhanced Service Water Heat System efficiency 1111 13 package. One of the following SWH system enhancements must satisfy 60.percent of hot water requirements, or 100 percent if the building otherwise. complies with heat recovery per Section C403AZ: Waste heat re HVAC C408.2.2.1 Mechanical Airoutlets and zone terminal devices have means [3 p 0 for air balancing. HVAC C4. Mechanical Air outlets. and zone terminal devices have means 0 Q for air balancing. Testing C408.2.3.2 Mechanical HVAC control systems.have:been :tested to Q El E3 ensure proper operation, calitirafion and adjustment of controls. 4.o be craw d pecan a��"Q► o r: crfscanciC .�`r"'¢i,•s° u-s'c" Le WE �� sW e rq fyi-d�4z� ,- Lighting g.� .� ��" y �',.. �:�� ����������,� �^� �,.. w.. a. � ��� �. 1� '� �i �►`:����±��,. Post Construction C303 3, C4011.2.5.2 Interior Li htin Furnished O&M Instructions fors stems and equipment to the building owner or designated representative. Post Constriction 0303.3, 0408.2.5.3 Mechanical Furnished O,&M manuals for _HVAC systems Q0 13. within g0 days of system acceptance. Fenestratlon C402.4.2.2 Envelope Skylights In office, storage, automotive:service, manufacturing, non -refrigerated warehouse, retail o stole, and distribution/sorting area have a measured haze value > 90 percent unless designed -to exclude direct sunlight. Post Construction C408.2.1 Mechanical Commissioning plan .developed -by registered 0 design professional or approved agency. Post°Construation C408Z3.1 Mechanical HVAC equipment has been tested to ensure. Q proper operation. Post Construction C408.2,3.3 Mechanical Economizers have been tested to ensure proper operation: Post:Construction. C408.2.4 Mechanical' Preliminary commissioning reportcompleted a.hd 0 13. -❑ ce'rtifled by registered design.profess onal or approved agency. Post Construction C408.2 5.1 Mechanical Furnished HVAC as-builtdrawingssubmitted 013 Q i witiiin g0 days of system. acceptance:. Post Construction C408.2.5.1 Intedor-Lighting Furnished as -built drawings for electric power. Q systems witiiin 06 days of system acceptance. Post Construction C408.2.5.3 Mechanical An.air andlor hydronic system balancing report is Q Q 0 provided for HVAC systems. Post Construction C408.2.5.4 Mechanical Final commissloning report due to building owner ElQ ❑ within 90 days of receipt of certificate of occupancy. Post Construction C408,3 Interior Lighting Lighting systems have been tested to ensure 110 0 proper calibration, adjustment, programming, and operation. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1 .0 Compliant. Software. Effective Date. Dec 31, 2017 tth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Prescriptive Compliance Option with Component Performar 11 /5/2.019 Page 14 of 14 c wricghtsaft' Right-SuiteV .Universal 2018 Load Summary ZONE I For: ISLANDMLLAGIiE CLUBHOUSE, Mitsubishi, MLIZGL24NAUl Zone: ZONE 1 GOOUNG.C.C�AD Jabs Date: 04 DECEMBER 20.19 By. Paula's tcrtergy, lnr- 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at Jul 1700 LST Peak load at Jul 1700 LST Inside. 76 °F Outside. 88 °F TD. 13 T RH: 63 % Moist0iff 32.3 grAb M.ult: . 1.0 Ins wb Sensible. 2. SOLAR. RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 3104 3 TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 10822 walls: 6165 - Glass: 1816 - Doors: 393 - Partibons: 0 - Floors: 0 - G,eilings: 2447 4. INTERNALHEATGAIN Sensible Latent. 245 Occupants; 245 106 - Lights; 0 - - motors 0 - - Appiiancest 0 0 5. tNFtLTRATION: Outsideairch: 120 1714 SUBTOTAL: - ;Spaoe.'load. Sensible. Latent 15886, . EnW.ope 1588E '' 2735 - Lessextemai, 0 - - Redistribution 0 0 :.: 8. S"UBTOTAL; .: Space toad +supply dud Actua[cfm: 800 at fy Ttl: 20 1588E _ R. sup YEMLATION: Mae-upair 150 •2143 10. RETURNAIR LOAD: lighting � plenum (net) 0 01 12. TOTALNLOk S ON EQUIPMENT 1$0 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult 1.0 Inside: 70 Outside: 42 *F. TD: 28 OF 14. ,'F TRANSMISSION LOSSES 82032 Walls: 1i414 - Glaw. 3812 - Doors: 469 - Parfitions: 0 - Floors: 64799 - Ceilings. 1449 IS. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm:' 120 3693 16. SUBTOTAL:. Space load 85725 Envelope 85725 - Less eirtemat 0 - Less transfer 0 - Redistribution 0 - 17. SUPPLY DUCE. 0 I& 'VENTILATION; Make=upairefrn: 150 4616 19. HUNUDIFICATTON 1466: Piping 0 24. RETURN DUCT " 0 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 918.07 68 °F Latent 105 2630 2735 3288 6023 Tt— w•rfghtsoftC' 2019Dec-1009.41A8. •_ w rgtkSu7e�lkiversa120fi818.0.t$RSU1288B Page 1 C,1tJsersWaUSiUawt>a t!AW6ghtwftR AG127ONAp Cafe-" frcrt0=faow E w EnergyGauge Summit® v6.10 Pro' eet Information Project Name: ISLAND VILLAGE Orientation; 0 Deg Clockwise. Walls & Windows Project Title: ISLAND VILLAGE Building Type: be rotated accordingly Address: Buildiing Classification: New Finished building State: FLORIDA N.o.of Stories: j Zip: GrossArea: 960 SF Owner: ISLAND VILLAGE. CLUBHOUSE "Zones No Acronym Description Type Area [sfj Multiplier Total Area [sf] 1 PrOZol Zone 1 CONDITIONED 060.3 1 960.3 ❑ Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth Width [ft] [ft] Height [ft] Multi. TotalAre'a plier [sf] Total Volume fell 7/1/2020 EnergyGauge. Summit®-v6.10 1 In Zone: Pr0Zo1 I PrOZOISPI 200SPI Playing Area 45,00 18.00 15.00 1. 810.0 121504 ❑ lighting NO Type Category No. of Watu.per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminalre [W] Ctrl pts In Zone, Prozol In Space: PrOZOISpl I Compact Fluorescent General Lighting 16 40 640 Manual. On/Off 2 ❑ Walls (Walls will be rotat6d'c1ldqkvv!se;by building rotation. value) No Description Type Width 11'(1311cc)"Mvild Area Orientation Conductance Heat Dens, R-Value t1t] [A] plier. [94 113tulbr. [ F] Capacity Ilb/cQ [Lsf.F/Btuj [Btu/sal In Zone- Prozol I R4.1 5/8" stucco 18.00 45.00 1 810.0 East 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.1 ❑ /V'CMU/3f4"IS0 BTWN24"oc1.5" Gyp 2 R-4.1 518" stucco. 18.0.0 45.00, 1 810.0 South. 0-2067 54731 .34;65 4.1 0 ATMUI3/4111SO -BTWN24!'oc/.5" Gyp 3 R4.1 518" stucco 1&00 45.00 t '810.0 North. 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.1 0 :/8"CM15/314"IS0 BTWN24"oc/.5*' Gyp 4 R-4.1 518" stucco 18.00 45.QQ 1; 810.0 West 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.1 0. /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BT*N-24"oc/.'5` Gyp. 11/542019. . EnergyQaugp Summit® v6.1.0.. Windows (Windows will be rotated- clockwise by building rotation value) No Description Orientation Shaded U SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effee) Multi Total Area [Btn/hr sf F1 IN Cft] plier [sf] In Zone: PrOZol In Walli. PrololWal I PrOZo1Wa11%il l3aq No. 0:900.4 0.50 0.40 12.00 7.00 3 252.0 In Wall: Pr0Zo1Wa2 I PrOZolWa2Wi1 South No 0.9000 0.50 0<40 6.00 5.00 2 60.0 No Description Type In Zone: PrOZol In Wall: Pr0Zo1Wa3 1 Pr0ZO Wa3Drl Aluminum door, 1.25 in. potyst ne In WaIL• PrOZot Wa4 i PrUol.Wa4Drl Aluminum door, 1.25 in. polystyrene No Description Type PrOZol 1 R:30 Shngl/-1/2"WD DeckVl) Tuss/9" Batt/Gyp Brd Doors' Shaded? Width H. (Effec). Multi Area Cond.. Dons. Heat .Cap. RValue [ftl_ _: [ftj plier Isfj [Btu/hr..sf. Fi Ilb/Gfj jBtu/sf. Fj [h.sf.F/Btal No 3.00 7.00 1 2I.0 0.1919 43.67 0.53 5.21 No 3.00 7.00 1 21.0 0.1.919 43.67 0:53 5.21 [] Roofs It Value Width H (Effea) Multi Area Tilt Cond. Heat Cap Dens. 1111 [ft] plier [A Ideg1 [Btu/hr. SG Fj '[Btu/sG F1 11b/cf] Iii.sf.F/Btuj 1 810.0 45.00 0.0320 .1.50 8.22 30 12/10/2019 Energy.Gaugc Summitev6I0 3 In Roof: Floors No Description Type Width it (&Cc) 61 kiti Area Cond. Hout Ctip, Dens. R-Value Iftl' Iftl . pfivr jsfj 1810hr—d Fj 111talsf. Ff (Ib1cfl jhs(.F/Btuj In Zone: Prozo I I R-O ,oil, concrete lloor: carpet und nibkr Did 71AS 79.00 1 5575.4 0.2681 34.00 113.33 J) M N PrGSvI System 4 Room Units (AirconditionersA Heat No. Of Units I Pumps) pone -COM at. C-Ift9orY Ur C ty kkwy .,OLY I Cooling System 24,00 20.50 2 1 leating System 16,00- 8.20 C-1 Air flandling System -Supply 1500.00 0.80 0 Plaht Equipment Category bite Inst.No Err. IPLY Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capatit3cap.unit VP Rt. EMCICOCY Sass El. 111512019 Fj �A Ext-tghting .Description Category No.of,-.--; Watts per Area/L.en/No. of units Luminaires Luminaire [sf/ft/Nol ControtType Wattage [WJ 1 Ext Light I Main entries ' 2 ' 30 2.00 photo Sensor control 60,00. ❑ Pining No Type Operating Insulation Temperature Conductivity IF] 1. Btu-in/h.sf Fl Nomonal pipe Diameter [in] Insulation Thickness [in[ h R.unout? Fenestration Used Name Glass Type No. of Glass. SHGC VLT Coaducta*6 - L Panes ASHULDb1TntM User.Defined 2 0.9000 0.5000 0.4000 ❑ d-Oth frm Materials Used Mat No Acronym Description Only.4-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density Speci cHeat Used [hsf.F/Btul: [ftl [Btu/h.fuI [lb/cq [Btu/lb.l;�l 187 MatI187 UYFORP.LAS No 0.4533 0.0417 0.0920. BOARD,.1/21N 178 Matl178 CARPET WIRUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 ❑ 265 MatI265 Sail, 1 R No 2.0000 L.0000; 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 ❑ 48 Mat148 6 in: Reayyweight.concrete No 0.50,OQ- 0.3000 1.0000 146;00 0.2000 ❑ i1/5/2019 EnergyGauge SummitO v6:10 5 269 MatI268 6.625"stucco 42 MatI42 8-in-Lightweight concrete block 269 MatI269 .75" ISO.BTWN24" oc. 12 Matl1,2 3 in. Insulation 23 MatI23 On. Insulation 81 Matl81 ASPHALT -ROOFING; ROLL 244 MatI244 PLYWOOD, 1/21N No Name No '0.1302 0.0521 No 2.0212 0.6670 No 22321' U625 No 0.0066 0,2500 No 20,0000 0,5000 Yes Q.1500 No .0.6319 0.0417 Constructs Used Simple Massless Conductance Construct Construct [Btu/h.stF 1011 5/8" stucco /8"CMU/3/4" 1SO No NO 0.21 BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp Layer Material Material Thickness No. [l'tj 1 268 0.625" stucco 0.0521 2 42 8 in. Lightweight concrete block 0,6670 3 269 .75" ISO BTWN24".oc 0.0625 4 187 GYF OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N. 0.0417 1=1/S12Q19 EnergyGauge SummitQ v6.10 0.4000 16.00 0.2000 0 0.3300 X00 0.2000 ❑ 0.0280 4.19 0.3000 ❑ 0.0250 2.00 0,2000 ❑ 0.0250 5.70 0.2000 0 0,0660 34.00 0.2900 0 Heat Capacity Density RValue .111tu/sEF1 [ib/cfJ (h.sEF/Btuj 5.73 34.65 4.8 ❑ Framing Factor 0.00(} ❑ 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 6 No Name simple. -massless Conductance Heat Cap Construct Construct [Btu/hsf.Fl: lotutsf; 1038 Slin&VI/2"WDDecktWDTruss/9"-Batt/Gyp No 140 0.03 1-50 Brd Layer Material Material Thickness NO. 1 81 ASPHALT -ROOFING, ROLL .2 244 PLYWOOD,1/2tN 0.0417 3 12 3 in. Insulation -0X00 4 23 (w in. Insulation 0.5000 5 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD, 1/271N 0.0417 No Name Simple Massless Conduct Construct Construct [Btu/h.s 1057 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad No No 0.27 Layer Material Material Thickness No, 1 2.0 Soil, I -ft 1.0000 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 3 178 CARPET WIRUBBER PAD U15/2019 EnergyG.augo SummitS v6.1 0 Density RValue [lb1cf] jh4sEF/0tuj 9.22 31.2 ❑ Framing Factor 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ Heat Capacity Density RValue [UtutsUl 11b1cfl jh4f.F14tuJ 34,00 113.33 17 ❑ F"ipg Factor 0.000 ❑ 06000 ❑ 0.000 ❑ 7