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Maronda Systems Engineer of Record Desian Criteria- TPI Maronda Systems 4005'Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Tomas Ponce, P.E. 367 Medallion PL. Chuluota, FI.32766 FL PE # 50068, Design- Matrix Analvsis TFF-I OK snftware PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL 3WT003 3 MEL-3WT STJB3 RIGHT 5T. JOHN UNIT B This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2004 BUILDING CODE for 140 MR.H. Wind Zone. Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-02. These trusses are'designed for an enclosed building. Truss ID 44-24-07 n Date Drawing Truss ID Run Date Drawing No. of Eng. 9 Revie ed Reviewed Dwgs: _ Lavout Floor Lavout 4-9-07 Roof Loads- V 7-27-05 FC 4-20-07 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 10.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 11-2-06 FD 4-20-07 FGRD3X 10/22/07 FE 4-20-07 FGRD4X 4-25-07 FE-GRD 4-20-07 G2X 4-25-07 FF 4-20-07 Total 43.0 psf M1X 4-25-07 FG 4-25-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" M2X 4-25-07 M2AX 4-25-07 M26X 4-25-07 S1X 4-25-07 TC Live: 40.0 psf TC Dead: 10.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 5.0 psf T4X 4-25-07 V12X 4-25-07 V13X 4-25-07 V14X 4-25-07 Total 55.0 psf V15X 4-25-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.00 DurFac- Pit: 1.00 O.C. Spacina: 24.0" V16X 4-25-07 INV # DESC 18331 THD26 18336 THD28-2 18329 THD48 18361 SKH26L 18363 JUS26 18370 THJ26 ROOF SEAdT PLATES FLOOR SEAT PLATES QNTY 1 8 31 28 DATE: OCT 2 5 2007 FILL01111111111 u 7 t t , `. ,4r•.n E a ST.JOHN ELEVATION. ."B" - FL • . GARAGE. RIGHT N^IR1'M 0 H1171 YNWM AOY6 mdaHomesjj Homes 94071 ]tl-00W 4005 Y1WOA VAT SMEMM. FtCRIOA HARDWARE LEGEND 0 HUS26 F2 HUS28 F3 JUS26 ® MP6F ❑5 MPA1 & MPAT © SKH26 L/R 07 SKHH26.L/R ® _SUS26 SUS28 10 THD26 11 THD28 12 THD28-2 13 THDH28-3 14 THD48 Q5 THJ26■= © LTW12 HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY USP x HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON _ = HARDWARE MANUFACTURED OCT 2 5 2007 BY CLEVELAND DESIGNER. CP DRAWN BY: K WARD SCALE: 118' - 1'-0' CHECKER. MIKE DATE: 1011612007 LOADING-FBC2004IT P12002 IMaaWur 2DDO TC LIVE• 16DO SNOW LOAD OAO TC DEAD 7Do LUMBER DOL 125 BC LIVE 10.00 PLATE DOL 125 5C DEAD 10.00 WIND f40 TOTAL 43.00 SPACING Z-O' el— F 7RD4 A F F A (p O F 67 O a FF G) o z C", G) ^'m FC FF FC FF FC FF _ Av FD 03 FF z FD FE-GR ma H 4 4AW ERS IV F R 11 HI 48 HANC ER W-M�l m � i 35-0 - - JOB NUMBER: STJBF DRAWN13YQ DATE:4-9-07 LAI CUSTOMER: T ''. BEARING: LOAD. JOB NAME: ST. JOHN'S B FLOOR BEARING: B" 8 3.5' LOAD: 55# STEPS TO SETTING TkUSSES r _AS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALLACION DE LOS TRUSSES jl 17 Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to around bmcino. 3) Set next 4 '-3 trusse-I with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install sveb member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize tile first five trusses (see 1:eirnv1 6) Install b7ttom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instae los arriostres de Cierra. 2) instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al an iostre de tierra. 31, Instale los pr6ximos cuatro trusses con restricci6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea aNjo). 4) instale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instale ariostre diagonal pans las pianos de los niembros secundarios Para estable los primeros Cinco trusses (vea abajo). 6) instale la restricci6n lateral temporal y arnostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita Lae procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos IDS trusses esten instalados. Refer to BCSI-02 Summary Sheet - Truss Installation & TemDOrary Restraint/Bracing for more information. Vea el res6men BCSI-B2 - Instalad6n de Trusses v Arriostre Temporal pans mayor informad6n. 2ESTRAINT/BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES =L REsTRICCION/ARROSTRE EN TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES. This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Este met000 de re5tricci6n y arriastre es pans todo trusses excepto trusses de Cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. 1) TOP CHORD — CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) Sparing Longitud de Tramo Espaciam(ento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' o.c. max. Hasta 30 pies 10 pies n-AAmo 30' to 45' B' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies B pies maximo 45'to 60' G o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 69 to 80" 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies' 4 pies maximo -Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60. 'Consulte a un ingeniero Para trusses de mas de 60 pies. f�f See DC51-M for TC I_R options. LJ Vea el BCSI-B7 Para las opciones de TCTIR. Refer to SCSI-B3 Sum- mary Sheet - Pernanen[ - Resrraint/Bradng of Chords & Web Members for Gable End Frame resbainVbracing/ reinforcement information. Para informad6h sabre restricddn/a rriostlWrefuerzo pans amazon de hastial vea el resumen BCSI-B3 - Re slricci6n/Arriostre Pernanerite de Cuerdas v Miembms Secundarios. RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES LA RESTRICCION Y EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 Refer to BC51_B7 Diagonal Bracing Summary Sheet t17 or 15"��� Repeat Diagonal Bracing - : .: ?: ;._ : every es (3P) es7�:; moment anent Restrain Bracing for Parallel ' .r i� - "- Chord Trusses for`! !.h '- more information. :;: 4 � �` k Vea el resumer Resc- i ! Y. -.'.• ! ' - Appy Diagonal - BCSI-87 — tri vertical webs at end- d6n v Arriostre cantilever and at bear ng All Lateral Restraints Temporal v Perrtanente de locations. lapped at least two trusses. Trusses de Cuerdas 'Top chord Temporary Lateral Restraint spacing shall be Paralelas pans mas 19 o.c. max. for 3x2 chords and 15' o.c. for 42 chords. informad6n. TN,TA.LLTN!G - I1N.STA ACION F h Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. L� 1 Tolerancias pans Fuera-de-Plano. Length — Max. Baw Max B v Length — Max. Bow —Z _ Length —► u O r - i n u m Plumb Tolerances for `��ob Out-of-Plumb. Tolerandas pans Du max Fuera-de-Plomada- Max.MANN Max. Truss Length D150 D (it) 3/4' 12.5' 7/4' T 7/8" 14.6' 1/2' 2' 1' 16.T 3/4- 3' 1' 4' 1-114" 20.8' 1-1/4" & 1-1/2' 6- 1-1/2' 25.0' 1-3/4' T 1-3/4' 29.2' 2' t8' 2' 233.3' CONSTRUCTION LOADING — CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION QDo not proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and bracing is securely and properly in place - No proceda con la mnstrucd6n hasty que todas las resbic- dones laterales y los arriostres esten colocados en forma apropfada y segura. ®Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-B4 Summary Sher.[ -Construction Loading for more Information. No exceda las maximas alturas recomendadas. Vea el res6men BCSI-B4 Carcia de Construction pans mayor informad6n. s Repeat diagonal braces for each set of 4 trusses. Ground bracing not shown for clarity. Repita los arrisotres dagonales pans cada grupo de 4 trusses. er r t • a r• a v \ qN�„=r NN 0 Do not overload small groups or single trusses. ll� No sobrecargue pequehos grupos o busses Individuales. ®Never slack materials near a peak. Nunca amontone material cer a del pion. Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Diagonal Coloque las cargas sabre tantes busses Como sea posfble. Bracing Position'loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sobre las paredes soportantes. Chords Diagonal Braces every 10 spaces (20' max.) bottom chord lateral Restraint Some chord and web members not shown for darity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD — CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraints - 2x4x12' or greater lapped over two trusses. Bottom chords m` ;gp y-�01=e Diagonal Braces every 10 truss spaces (20'max.) d and web members max. not shown for darity. Material Height Gypsum Board 12' Plywood or OSB 16, Asphat shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block 6' Clay Tile 3.4 ties high Trm bracing not ALTERATIONS — ALTERACIONES shmm for clarity. Refer to BCSI-B5 Summary Sheet - Truss Dames. Tobsite Modifications B, Installation Errors. (� Vea el res6men BCSI-BS Danos de busses. Modificadones en la Ohra y Frrores de Instalad6n. ®Do not cut, alter, or dull any structural member of a truss unless spedfimlly permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No torte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estruLtural de 'as 7 trusses, a menos que estL' espeaficamente perniddo en el dibujo de) diseiro del truss. 0 Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturers prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturees limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobremrgado durante la consWod6n o han sido alterados sin una autor zaci6n previa del Fabricante de Trusses, pueden redudr o eliminar la garantla del Fabricante de Trusses. NOTE The Ines Manufacturer and Truss Designer rely on the 'p esur np0o n that the Contractor and crane operator (9 applicable) are profestonats with the opabluty, to undertake the work they lave agreed to do on any given pmje L Ir the Contrsudnr behaves it needs assistance In some aspect of the mnmucdm pro aL% R should seek assistance from a competent party. The rneMads and procedures outmed In Mk document are intended to eruwe that the overall mnsbuctlon tectmiques mpbye d wal put the pusses Into place S*'W.. These recorn—da0ors for haWWS Instating, rustralnahg and bracing bhms are based upon the cotective exrx e4 x of k2dIng personnel Ion Ked with truss design, manuractue and bstatatlat, but muO, due to the name of resporsibNOa V..ved, be preserhled only as a GUIDE for use by a quaffed Butding Designer or Contractor. R Is not intended that these rrmrhrrerda0ons be Interpreted as superior to the WWaV Designer's design spedlloton for handling, IrstalliM restraining and Eradni; truss and It does not preclude the use of cater equh ateht methods for rhsbalding/braehg and prmWh g stabMy for the walls, miunm;, rmors roofs and all the tntarHated strudural bolldkhg components as dearNred by the CDIZ-.=. Thus, WICA and T17 expressly dlstdalm arty n spondbtoy for damages arising ham Me hse, application, or rerwnhce on the r mrmendatms and Wornobon contained tereln. With - - '�`°"°'a""• TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise lathe • MaclLson, WI 53719 228 N_ Lee St, Sbe. 312 - Plexandira, VA 22314 60=74-4849 • wwxshdMurstry can 703/683-1010 • www.tpinsLorg BIWARNIU17 20052115 GENERAL NOTES Trusses are not marked in any way to Identify the frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary restraining and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI Guide fo Good_Practice for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed Information NOTAS GENERALES Los trusses no estan marcados de ningun modo que identifique la henienda o lomlizad6n de resbicd6n lateral y arriostre diagonal temporales Use las remmendadones de manejo, Instalad6n, restrim6n y arriostre temporal de Jos trusses. Vea el folleto B6I Gu!a de Buena Practim oara el Manelo. Instalad6n. Restricd6n y Aniostre de loss Trusses de Madera Conectados can Plains de Metal Para inbrmad6n mas detallada. Los dibujos de diserw de los trusses pueden espedficar las Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of lomf®clones de restdod6n lateral pennanente o refuerro permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for en loss miembros Indiv!duales del truss. Vea la hoja individual truss members. Refer to the BCSI-03 resumen BCST-B3 - Restrioi6n/Arrrostre Permanente de Summary Sheet - Permanent Restaint/Bracin Cuerdas y Miembros Secundados Para mas infonnad6n of Chords & Web Members for more information. 13 resbo de JOS disenos de aniostres permanentes son la All other permanent bracing design is the responsablidad del D'tseilador del Edifido. responsibility of the Building Designer QThe consequences of improper handling, erect- ing, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a mllapse'of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. El resultado de un manejo, levantamiento, htstalad6n, restrcdon y arrisotre incorrecto puede ser la ca!da de la estructura o a6n peor, heridos o muertos. QBanding and buss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. -Empaques y placas de metal fienen bordes - - afilados. Use guantes y lentes protectores cuando carte los empaques. HANDLING - MANEJO A Avoid lateral bending. - Evite la flexion lateral. �� l.1 The contractor is responsible for propedy receiving, unloading and storing the busses at the jobsite. EI mntratista tiene la nssporuabilidad de redbir, descargar y almacenar adecuada- mente los busses en la obra- r: If busses are to be stored horizontally, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' to Won center. For trusses stored for more than one week. cover bundles to prevent moisture gain but allow for ventilation. Refer to BCSI Guide to Good Prartice for Handling. Installing, P.estrainina & Bracinn- Qf hletal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Si los trusses estar5n guardados horizon- talmente, ponga bfoqueando de altura suficiente detras de la pila de los trusses. Para trusses guardados par mas de Una semana, cubra Io6 paquetes Para prevenir aumento de humedad pero permita venti- lacion. yea el folleto @; 5!!j@ de Buena Pradica Odra el hlar!eia Instal rii n F.g=c16n v Ar (_'losers de loss T[y�sc�ge r ( rr png[ados. Opn ELIL5_dfl Metal Para ulformaci6n mas detallada sabre el mane)o y almacenado de los trusses en area de trabajo. QUse special care in Utilice cuidado windy weather or especial en dins near power lines ventosos o cerca de and airports. cables electricos o de aeropuerbos. Spreader bar for truss y " O O R1Use proper rig- Use equipo apropiado ging and hoisting Para levantar e equipment improvisar. 0 �Y Do not store No almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright trusses sueltos. /(1 Do not store on No almacene en �7 uneven ground. tierra desigual. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES. QWarning! Don't overload the crane. iAdvertenda! !No sobrecarga la gnia! ® Never use banding alone to lift a bundle Do not lift a group of individually banded bundles. Nunca use s6lo loss empaques pans levantar un paquete. No levahte un gropo de empaques individuales. ZA single lift point may be used for bundles with trusses up to 45. Two lift points may be used for bundles with trusses up to 60' Warning! Do not over load supporting Use at least 3 rift points for bundles with structure with truss bundle. trusses greater than 60'. iAdverbenda! No sobrecargue la estructur Puede usar un solo lugar de levantar pans apoyada con el paquete de trusses. paquetes de trusses hasta 45 pies. �[ Puede usar dos puntos de levantar para Place truss bundles in stable position- paquetes mas de 60 pis. Puse paquetes de trusses en Una posici6r Use par to menos tres puntos de levantar pans astable. paquetes mas de 60 pies. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES WHAND INSTALACI6N POR LA MANO DE TRUSSES INDMDUALES Trusses 20' Trusses 30' or or less, sup- r ` less, supportat t port at peak. quarter points. j Levante Levante de I del pico los loss cuartos trusses de de tramo los 20 pies o I I trusses de 30 I Trusses u to 30 �- Trusses up m 20' i 4- P -� menos. Trusses hasty 20 p!es pies o menos. Tnsses hasty 30 pies IOISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES - LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDMDUAL Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint is instilled and the Miss is fastened to the bearing points. Sostenga cada truss en posid6n con equ!po de grfia hasty que la resh iccon lateral temporal de:." cuerda superior est6 instalado y el truss esta asegurado en los soportes. 0 Warning! Using a single pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. iAdvertenda! O tso de un solo lugar Para I levantar en el pica puede hater dano al toss. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES 60 or lieu RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDMDUALES APPrOx. 1/2 Tagrine true length TRUSSES UP TD ", _ TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES Attach ara MSpreader bar 1Ir D.O. Spreader bar 12 to _ I above or s0lfb,,k malt Tagrine Ted truss teogm mil aighf TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRussEs HasrA fio PIES Spreader Iran 2r! m 1 314 buss mngm i a TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60- TRUSSES HASTA Y SOURE fio PIES —� TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL Q Refer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet -Truss Shy[-T�� Installation & Temoorary Restraint/Bracina for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI B2 - Resbicci6nf Trusses Para m6s!nformad6n. f J( Locate ground braces for first truss directly in U line with all rows of top chord temporary lat- eral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque Jos aniosores de tierra Para el primer truss directamente en linea ion cada una de las filar de restriction lateral temporal de la cuerda superior (vea la table en la pr6xima column). ®Do not walk on unbraced busses. No camine en trusses sueltos. Brace first truss k4securely before on of additior. s. 11 -,4 Job: MARONDA SYSTEMS Cue CSIGN INFORMATION 70P CHORDS: 2Xd• SP #2 deal go I. far.. indi W-1 ba11ding sampan!.,-d seen bnsed on Infa malion pm%idad by the client. The dicd.ims BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 ;net any nsponsibnhy rot damage.4. norravlly ar incerral Infer dim, specificadom WEBS: 2X4 SP 43 ' or designs famished to the buss designer by the slit" BE the e—ln u .r .cauncy of this inlbrrAmlon as It TIC MUST CONTINUOUSLY BRACED ' nlolx to. specific project and accept, no onslblliry or e.emisn no eonwl with regard to BY ROOF SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED test"' handling, shipment and installation or uamu. OTHERWISE, s Imss has been designed as an Individual building ' portent In ... ordgnce with ANSIRPI 1.1995 and i•97 to be lncorporslcd-t part bribe building dnlgn VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET Building Designer(rcgistcnd onhilml or 'casional engineer). When mvlbwed'For approval by PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES BELOW, ' building designer, the design loadings shown muss be Aed to be sure that the dais shown in In agreement IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES t the ]met building codes, local climatic records for dar maw lauds, pmjeal specifia.daas.r special BELOW VALLEY SET, VALLEY MEMBERS lied leads. Unless shown, trumhis not boon designad PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD nonage or—uponey loads. The design assumes iismsion chords (top or bottom) ore continuously BRACING, :ad by sheathing unless olhenvlso specified. Where , omchords liedded o. telling, Pollykneed laterallyraceat a oerly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced of o thnote/ WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY tlmum spacing or lly0'.... Connector plain shell be TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 1 OD NAILS PER mradured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized treat ;ling ASTM A653. Groda 40, unless otherwise shown. INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER, \BRICATION NOTES WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST n to rebri..lion, the rabr;eaw, shell nvkw this USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1) 16d NAIL PER ' xing to verily thol thisdroaing is in conformance with fabri"I.es plane and la n-lies. continuing INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. ,nobility for ncb verifie-lian. Any discrepancies — WOiVALLEY SET OF WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O,C, OR A SCAB OF T; E SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED T;O FACE (S) OF WEB WITH 10d NAILS STAGGERED VALLE Br D.C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACKING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH, 2X8 BRACE REQUIRED ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14'. coMMoN VALLEY: oanoles ONE edge or one face dencles BOTH edges or Bolh faces, (1) ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBB > a 94.0' LONG (2) TWO BRACES REQ'D ON WEBS > =126.0' LONG. " VALLEY TRUSSES ARE ACCEPTABLE TO BE CANTILEVERED UP TO TWO FEET, MONOVAL'LEY IVPFORTiXg TIIVItgg• VALIFY'fRUqgEA'tYP.I e pal In writing before calling or mbrieolian. Pill" Il not be installed over knotholes, knots or dletonad IF LESS THEN 3.0.0 THEN MOVE In. Members shall becut rmtight filling wood towood ring. Comrcotor pleru %hail be located on both raw of , DIAGONAL WEB TO NEXT PANEL, bun wllh n.ilt fully Imbedded and than be s)ms about Joint unless olhanvrse shown. A Sxd plate is 5' wide x ong. A ties plate is 6' wide x g' long. Slots (hot.) ' pv.11al la the plate length cccmmId. bins rtheDouble o mcmben shall meal at the ccnwid aftha webs unless le crnise shown. Connector pill, sizes an minimum VARIES —TI-7Ir—�If :s based no the farces shown and may need to be UP TO r112 2%4 reascd fro,w,in handling ands, erection stresses. .� 2%4 FOR s wee b rem lobe Nbricolad mllh van relardanl reated OR 6X6 Aber unless otherwise sbawn. For additional DIAGONAL WEBS REQUIRED WITH 4z6• 3xB lal WHEN DIGAONAL WEB PRESENT USE 4XII'PLATE (11 WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE' nm.lron on Ousity Conwl refer la ANSMI 995 SPANS GREATER THEN 26.0.0 `4x8 . 3Xe 4%6 • 4x6 OR RECAUTIONARY NOTES 2x4 bracing and erection recommrndadont an to be 3X6 ' 'awed I. .—rdanee nith'Handling. lostalllog and 2 x 4 icfng', HIB•91. Trusses in to be handled with titular care during banding and bundling, d.11—y and 2X4 Million to avoid damage. Temponry end permoncni 0.0.4 , Bing for holding busses In a %wight and plumb �hloo and lb, rvtlsdng 1.1-1 tones shall be desiped I Installed by others. Careful handling Is asenllol and , Won bracing is olu75•i required. Normal ptccaudonary 30 2x4• 2X4 2X4 2k4 4X10 Ian tar busies, reouInce such lamporary bncing during I-lletion between uvnm to avoid loppling and 3X6 on 3X6 ninoing. The supervision or erccllon orwisee shall be *4X6 OR for the conuol of person. atpericne.d in the 2 x 4 I II a r Pmf i ' OR 2x4 2x4 3xe VALLEY MEMBERS AT 24' O,C, (TYP) 2x4 _J VARIES 12 2x4 3X6 2x4 2x4 he — 2x4 -4X6 a . ton an. bursas. us anal .&',;, shall be sou ghl w arced. Connnwllon orconsinKlior losds greater than MAX. U-0.0 D.C.(TYP) MAX, 6-0.0,D.C. (TYP) sw design leads ihatl um,,ea-nill afbe ter tea ing andmon5•1, MAX, TRUSS SPACING OING r loads other than the weight orthc erectors sbail be disc to wssn until.suer -Il rast�ning and bncing la !BELOW . 4S' O.C. npletad. SPANS UP TO 60.0.0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE T120 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 WARNING; _ READ ALL NOTEa ON THIS SHIEST. A COPY OY THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN To �} x .L ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNINGr V Y1 fj1 'S Systems C Bmdna -hmm on Udt droning Ic I,at —lion bracing• wind bmeing• panel bmeing or slmlinr bracing which Is a pnn or iii ■■ V �16d aI J8 ipe i s the building desib and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is (br InIcnl supporl o(trvss members only to (cduca buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor talent bracing .1 end. and cpecided laetllons S detarml'ad by the huflJltrg designer, Adelllonoi bmeing ortha overall cwclure may ba rooulnd. (ary HIB-91 TI;V': Oty11 HHII - UPPORTINGTRUSSES 551is(TYP,) ... (TIIPI II II II''• t VALLEY AREA SUPPORTING TRUSS VALLEY TRUSSES (TYP.) COMMON OR GIRDER PI-7 COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) .VALLEY STRAPPING TO iBELOW' 4' 0, C,. :. Cont. Support Eng Job: Dwg: DagnrsTLY Chk% TC Live 16.0 paf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 paf BC Dead 2.0 psf Studs A 6-0.0 O,C W01 VALLEY SET T I : V 7/27/2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DFs 1.25 O,C,: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 _ Code: FLA vd 7 71-11 79;S L r7 O CV C...A uj 0 Designs Matrix Analysis ProfilelPatht Ci\TEE-LO1(\Work\Jobe\MAR0NDA SYSTEMS\VT.prx ;ICN WORMATTON alp is for as Individual Wilding component ®d m based on Iformatbn prwidd by the AIE.L 71,6 er disclaims ■ry responsibility for damages as a Ir faulty or Incorrect information, specifibadom design, famlmd to the trasa design. by'tdi client s contctoers or accuracy athis infotmsdbu u It .felt to a specific Project coal accepts no siblity or aerchis w non" with regard to rliw, handling, shipment load Installation aftrosses, toss has bran dmlpW u an Individualbulldlag ment to accordance with ANSVrPI 1.1995 cad r7 to be bnarporead as part of tho building design uiiding Dcdgncr. When reviewed for approval by Ild'ug deAgr., No dclge lodinp shown roost be W to be turn that the data Woven am in agredtdrt he local Wilding code, local climatic retards jot rr mow bads, projcu sp.Jgwdous or weal] d beds Uolw Wowq case has not been designed inga or oecapam.•y loads. The design, estimates mion chards (top or bottom) are cordaeusly I by Worthing anima otherwise specified. Where n chords in, tension are not iany ailed lat.ady by a rly applied rigid wiling, they should be brood at a num spacing of 10'-W o.e. O nnectorplotes iball be lactated from 20 gauge hot dipped gahrunized steel all ASTM A 653, Grad. 40. alesw othuwim andwrm. fe'fubriogdon, the fabricator Wan review this as to verify that two droving Is In wofarmaca*fth WCAuDes plans and to rwlim a-watiming osiblity fat $bell verification. Any discrepancies are pat In writing before cutting or r6d.atton. Plus at be Installed over 6mlholm kndu or distorted Mambas shun be vet for tight filling wood to wood tg. Co—dar piatca shall be loafed w both Is= of and with W13 fully Imbddd ead'ehan be rim .bdul in, elan othmvha blown. A Sa4 pine W S' wide a rg A 6a1 plate is 6" wide a g• long. g)ola (bdlca) aallcl to the plate length specifid. Double onto do amebas shall meol at the centroid orthe webs anfas ■Is. Wows Connector plate sizes are minimum based cc the forces Woven and may need to be nd for certain handling and/or ercodon tmesats. no is not to be hbriwted with the retardant fitil'ed cr adms otherwise shown. For additional nation on Quality Control mfor to AN$VI'M �s ECA'UTIONARY NOTES rmIng and.obdwtecommwdedans are to be cad In acwsdrioce with ocdgiled hyf uo udws Tresses are to bb bundled ividr paticalor hatog bandkg and bandift dWN=y and 1.6on to avoid damage. temporary cad permanent ng for holding bosses In a straight tord plamb Ion and rat resisting lot" fineas slioll be designed t nania by others G0e16I bandilog 6 bssradal and Ion bracing Wolways regrdred Ntimul'prtaotlblpuy a far busses rcq.b. such tcmpority btmtag dmIng Iladw betomca easso'm amid toopdag and wing. The myavislw of wecdoo of bosse the]] be r the control orpw= ulpericoced to the Madan of Irmarm Avftwoaal-idvloe lbdl be sought clad Cmnwuaatlen of wnnro6ldn toads greater then alp Weds zWI not be applied'io bWm at ury time. ads nth. Wan the wdght of W'e rriecion shaE b. d W trunes until ifi. all Wanting end brining b Acted Job: i13/4• BLOCK 5 3/12 (1) IX TO THE FRONT OF HIP TRUSS 1/16" On ROOF Si;EATMNO-\ TI: XL�iIP TRUS-8 BLOCKING REQUIREMENTS APA-FORM NO. TT-093 SPAN RATING AND BLOCKI NQ RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE OVER HIP -ROOFS SUPPORT AT 24. O.0 RAOf P.—I ma'— aeml w it-11 3/4• Nl7fgt S11ADWMHA RgQt)ft 3X LUIMSR W-WKM BHTWfsBN TRUR AT UN SUPPORTED PANQI, Maus IN Kl, RODF ARZU 6/12 OR ABOVE 2X BLOCKiNO TYP (1)'2X ONE FROM NAILED W/ 10D 12" O,C, & ONE BACK OF FIIF TRUSS ■larnr,r■ra■iwgrr■■■riri - ivAir'iif, e L... . r Fix=rsArx ws ON %V �- _- isRzezb 'daav'ti.. Ecng shown bn this &*MugIf q •4 ■ ii v+la7KK11Aii s en" the building dwlgnliod4bleh hibq members only't G bvxw Ic ... th lowdam dctermip y ebandln, to allemsorsabitlia'eda'i enelugn 4005 MARONDA WAY M)wflo Drives, Madison. P/iiwm Sanford, FL 32771 Compotlent EngIn "g by: frou I (407) 3=-0064 Past (407) 39,-5$13 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0065Waa 297 MedaDlon tat, Clauluollst, FL 32TH n...a..:.. ar.4-4- nw.1,v.4w n�r;aiie 'tl■rt,. r.\ NOTE: NO BLOCKWO 13 REQUIRED ON 4/12 AND BELOW PITCHED ROOFS F j O O ttV Z it 12 BLOGK. ` PRE •ENOV TRUSSES I•s SHFISr. A =�Y DV U= IJMW=o do :ors ;dux %D :drug +xo>a": wv7: ay ttrl-rlti> L lflmci$o W.Wilt.rr burg: fib: FiIP n-o-eldh bnch R whr4 tpaoluG bndng W ntr Rur bndng wMbh b o part 6f be considered fly Ihp building desig?'er. 8ragidg idm*ih Is J& jai" 0'*Vt aftrum -.1%e = 3 •'rIfY ;L',I'YjC : 11 2 /•Z•OdJ6 egth Pto ISiOns mhst be t4ade to wt bor ish"I bracing at ands ad.spgci6d " 1dt�e.� «,�.De�t vet bir"a'af � �n ivma°y0t�,affi� bdt•9fhbdditd. �Lj mB.91 TC )'give 16.0 p Of � a 1. m 53719). TC Dead 7.0 peL DV, >.. a s 'agine.Ing Co., P.A., SIS S9--Wde Rd, Edmton.NC7M7 8C Live 10.0 pef O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPS-02/FBC-04 SC Dead 10.0 oaf ' Code: FLA 1 \ f'f17eTTl-y nry STBJ3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a rash of fauily or incorrect information, spccifuoations and/or designs humishod to the muss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a specific pmjcci and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabricalion. handling. shipment and installation of hisses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSI/rPl 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designe, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sire [hat the data shown arc in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed far storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise speciriod. Wham bottom chords in tension arc not fully braced lalcrally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'4)• o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless othomise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricalor shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to malive a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies arc to be put in writing before milling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distonrd grain. Members shall be oil for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails filly imbedded and shall be rym. about Ihcjoini unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4° long. A fixR plate is R' wide x R' long. Slots (holes) nun parallel to the plate length spoeifcd. Double oils on web members shall meet at the ecnroid of the svchs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate Sims arc minimum sins based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imss is ..11. be f lidoiled with fire retardant healed lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSln?l 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and motion recommendations am to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses arc to be handled with particular cam during banding and bundling. delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Inusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Carcrul handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between misses to avaid toppling and dominoing. The supervision oreroction of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of tmssa. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Conconlralion of construction loads gmalcr than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the creators shall be applied to Imsses until aner all fastening and bracing is completed Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X TC: 2x 8 SP #2 BC: 2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E WE: 2x 4 SP #2 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This 3-PLY truss designed to carry multiple loads. See total design loads to verify load 3-PLY TRUSS! fasten w/311x 0.1201r nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 3 per ft. BC- 3 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft. Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. Distribute loads equally to each ply. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. 3 PLYS REQUIRED Lineal Footage = 348.1 11 8-8-8 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. [1 or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. WndLcd per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 35.0 ft W= 34.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glaring Req Supported span based on int, wind zone. This truss has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 4557 0 0 B Pin 16- 8- 0 1 13744 0 -524 B H Roll 34- 6-12 1 4932 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TI:FGRD3X Qty:3 Joint Locations 1) 0- 1-12 7) 34-10- 4 13) 12- 0- 0 2) 3- 1-12 8) 34-10- 4 - 14) 7- 4- 4 3) 7- 4- 4 9) 31- 4- 4 15) 3- 7-12 4) 16- 9-12 10) 27- 7-12 16) 0- 1-12 5) 27- 7-12 11) 23- 0- 0 6) 31- 4- 4 12) 16- 9-12 -- -------- TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ---------- - Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -345 0- 0- 0 -345 34- 8- 8 BC Vert L+D -212 0- 0- 0 -212 2- 6- 0 BC Vert L+D -387 2- 6- 0 -387 8- 2- 8- BC Vert L+D -212 8- 2- 8 -212 26- 6- 0 BC Vert L+D -387 26- 6- 0 -387 31-11- 0 BC Vert L+D -212 31-11- 0 -212 34- 8- 8 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -420 0-10- 4 BC Vert L+D -420 33- 6-12 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 9,12 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--_------ LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.14/999-0.40/999 5-4(L) Horiz. 0.03 0.06 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 34-8-8 r 3- 6- 0 3- 8- 8 14 9-5-8 1, 10-10- 0 3- 8- 8 3- 6- 0 13- 6- 0 2 7- 2- 8 3 16-8-0 4 27-6-0 531- 2- 8 �34- 8- 8 7 6x8 3x6 IOX10 1Ox10 1Ox10 3x6 6x8 Mail 13-5-0 13-5-0 VWW M All 3x6 r.<oul 3x6 3x6 3x6 rcAtl 3x( t --'--r 11,4x 1,41 6-0 , 3-8-8 6-0 7-2-8 4557# 1• ...-1 .----. 8-8-8 4 4- 7-12 3- 8- 8 3- 6- 0 - 4 2700 31- 2- 8 34- 8- 8 49320 3.50" 16 15 14 13 12 11 1420# CIL: 16- 8- 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: =Maronda Systems Bracing shown on this drawing is not traction bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of muss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and spceifrcd locations dcicrmined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the weralt structure may be required. (Sac HIB-91 of TPI).For specific Imss bracing requirements. contact building daigner.(rruss Plate Institute TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.. P.A.. 819 Soundsidc Rd. Edenton. NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 470050068 367 Medallion PI. Chuluo(a, FL 32766 l 420# Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1228 Eng Job: STBJ3X WO: STJB3X Dwg: TI: FGRD3X Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 10/22/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 Psf v5.5.6-10639 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\Backup Tdrive\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\St. John B Pitts\FGRD3X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been baud on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages es a molt or faulty or incorrect Information, specifications + And/or designs furnished to the Imss designer by Ilia client and The eorrottness or Accuracy or this Information as it may relate to a specific project and Accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Instaliadon of trusses. This bass has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of Ilia building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for npproral by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the dnia shown am in agreement with ilia local building codes, local climatic records for ,And or no. loads. project speeificild- or special Applied loads. Unless shown, truss has -1 been designed rot siomge or occupancy lands. The design assume compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Wbere bottom chords In tension am not hilly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing• they should be braced at a mnximurn spacing of 10• 0. o.c. Connector plates shall be mmint.,elured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless olherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review This dnming to veri6- that this draung is in conformance with the fobricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such vertlicsllon. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before coping or rnbricallon. Plata shall not be installed over knothales, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut far light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces or the Imss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym, oboe Ore joint unless otherwise shoo. A 5x4 plate is S' wide x 4' long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) ran pamllcl to the plate length specified. Dabble cuts on web members shall meel at the cenlroid of the webs unless othenisa shoo. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may teed to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. Tiris buss is not la be fnbricaled with fim mlardant treated lumber unless olhcnviseshon. Foraddilional information on Quality Control infer to ANSVfPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing And erection recommendations am to be followed in Accordance whit nocopted Industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with porinlar ram during banding and bundling, delivery And installation to maid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Irussa in n straight And plumb position And for reslsling lateral fonts shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection hoeing is always required. Normal precautionary ncdon far trusses requires such temporary bracing during Insallndon between trusses to Avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision oferm6on of imsses shall be under the control of persona experienced in the installntion or wsses. Professional Advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be Applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the armors shall be applied to losses until After nil fastening and bracing Is completed TC: 2x 8 SP #2 BC: •2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E WB: 2x 4 SP #2 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This 3-PLY truss designed to carry multiple loads. See total design loads to verify load 3-PLY TRUSSI fasten w/3"x 0.12011 nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 3 per ft. BC- 4 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft. Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. Distribute loads equally to each ply. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 202 0.09 A 16-15 2386 0.08 2- 3 -3727 0.32 A 15-14 2386 0.08 3- 4 -2775 0.67 A 14-13 3727 0.12 4- 5 -3534 0.68 A 13-12 903 0.20 5- 6 -4235 0.46 A 12-11 903 0.20 6- 7 202 0.09 A 11-10 4235 0.12 10- 9 2620 0.08 9- 8 2620 0.08 --------GLOBAL MAX DE�ZECT20I75=�=-�- LL I TL 2 3 in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.11/999-0.30/999 5-4(L) Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflect factor L .50 OX10 (L): Deflection af 3 P Lin 8-8-8 6968 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301;4. H or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation, This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, Iee 1.00, Exp.Cat. B., Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 35.0 ft W= 34.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int, wind zone. This truss has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/202,2-3=-3727/338, 3-4=-2775/278,4-5=-3534/298,5-6=-4235/369, 6-7=0/202, BOT CHORD 16-15=0/2386,15-14=0/2386, 14-13=0/3727,13-12- ,QOgL,a2-11=0/903, 1TT0-0rl4233,10 9- 9- -07'7E2D---- Webs 16-1=-632/4S4,16-2=-5988/209, 15-2=0/1559,2-14=-138/3488,14-3=-1079/164, 3-13=-1869/119,13-4=-59/4148,12-4=-10556/550, 4-11=-83/4710,11-5=-1507/139,10-5=-1915/219, 10-6=-196/4242,9-6=pd,IM2,6-8=-6574/231, TI:FGRD4X Qty:3 Joint Locations 1) 0- 1-12 7) 34-10- 4 -13) 12- 0- 0 2) 3- 9-12 8) 34-10- 4 14) 7- 2- 4 3) 7- 2- 4 9) 31- 2- 4 15) 3- 9-12 4) 16- 9-12 10) 27- 9-12 16) 0- 1-12 5) 27- 9-12 11) 23- 0- 0 6) 31- 2- 4 12) 16- 9-12 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -345 0- 0- 0 -345 34- 8- 8 BC Vert L+D -462 0- 0- 0 -462 34- 8- 8 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -73 3- 8- 0 BC Vert L+D -66 7- 0- 8 BC Vert L+D -66 27- 5-12 BC Vert L+D -73 30-10- 4 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 6 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 6968 0 -245 B Pin 16- 8- 0 1 13847 0 -545 B H Roll 34- 6-12 1 7507 0 -267 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. .,FORCE.,CSI. 16- 1 -632 0.23 C 4-11 4710 0.29 11- 5 -1507 0.15 15-52 155% 0.10 C 7 10- 5 -1915 0.14 2-14 3488 0.21 C 10- 6 4242 0.26 14- 3 -1079 0.08 C 9- 6 1602 0.10 3-13 -1869 0.18 C 6- 8 -6574 0.57 1 41 0.26 C 8- 7 -646 0 23 - - x 8 3 1 Foots 381.2 3- 1- 7 7 �7 +7 1- 0 6x8 3x6 6x8 112x12] {3x6) (12x12) 6x8 3x6 6x # 3.50" 13847# 3.50" 7507# 34-8-8 6 15 14 3 12 11 )0 173# b 6644 C/L: 16- 8- 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 66.2# f 73.4# x6 8-8-8 I 3.50" Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1724 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO yy ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Dwg; arond Booing sham on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing• portal booing or similar bracing which is a pan of , tiff S M V m the building design and which must be considered by Ilia building designer. Bracing shoo is for lateral support of Imss Dsgnr : TLY Chk .... .. members only to reduce 6nckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Addilionol bracing of the overall stmclum may be required. (See HIB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf of TPD•Fur sp=ific loss bracing requirements, contact building dmigmr.rrmw Plate Inslimrq TPI is located 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onorat 58] TC Dead 7.0 psf frio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A.• 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medslaon PL Chuluota, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 Design; Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN R\FrRndY - WO: STJB3X TI: FGRD4X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF; 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based an information provided by The client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages ns a result of faulty or Iacoreel informnron. spsxificotions and/or designs Furnished to the buss designer by the client and the co rccm- or aeeuracy of this imam ado, as II mqv mlule to a specific pmject and accepts no responsibility or mmises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and insrallalion of trusses, This buss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by tic building designer. the design landings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown are In agreement Mill the local building codes, load chmatic records for wind or army loads, project spechicallem, or special applied lands. Unless shovm, truss has not been designed For storage or occupancy lands. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously bmmd by sheathing unless oilienviw sp=Uled. Where bottom chords In tension are not Poll• braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling. They should be braid at a maximum spacing of 10'41- o.c. Connector pintes shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvi nlrcd steel meeting ASIT4 A 653. Grade 40. unless ojIc vdse.hm,,. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review ibis dmning to verify that this drawing is In confornsnco with the fabrienlor's plans and to realize a continuing responsibiliy For such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrialion. Plates shall not be installed over knolholes, knots or disioned grain. Members shall be at for light ruling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be loafed on both faces of the truss with nails full' imbedded and shall be sym, about the jaial unless otherwise shorn. A Ss4 plate is 5' wide s 4' long. A 6s11 plate is 6' wide:: a' long, Shut (hotel) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cols oa web members shall mect al Ilse cenimid of the ucbs unless othenviseshown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sirs based on the forces shone and nap' nod to be increased for certain handling and/oreration streses. This truss is not to be Fabricated with fire retardant baled lumber unless oth-rise shmvn. For additional information on Quality Control refer la ANSVrPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be Followed in accordance Mill accepted industry publications. Trusses ore to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damages Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Irussa in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral fonts shall be designed and Installed by others. Carehll handling is essential and elation bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusser to avoid toppling and dominoing. Tha super ilsion of erection of trusses shall be under the control ofporsans mTerienced in the Installation of Inuscs. Professional advice shall besought If needed. Concenimlion of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to ausses at any time. No loads other than the weighl of the ancient shall be applied to nurses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC:' 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 8 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 WG: 2x 8 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. .-FORCE.-CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -244 0.14 A 6- 5 115 0.05 2- 3 -244 0.14 A 5- 4 115 0.05 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, Hee 15.0 ft, Ize 1.00, ExP.Cat, B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 7.3 £t Wee 7.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-244/219,2-3=-244/219, BOT CHORD 6-5=-21/115,5-4=-21/115, Webs 5-2=-109/144, .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr ,WEB, ..FORCE..CSI 5- 2 144 0.04 C 3-8-0 41 3_8-0 1 2 3 12.00 -12.00 4x6 TI:G2X Qty:1 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 4- 0 '5) 3- 8- 0 2) 3- 8- 0 4) 7- 4- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss has ben designed for wind in the plane of the truss onlylli In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Los BSet Vert Soria: Uplift Y Type 0- 8- 0 1 361 0 -313 B Pin 6- 8- 0 1 361 0 -313 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr-------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.01/999-0.02/999 3-2 Horiz. -0.01 -0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 4- 5-13 'F 0 91I-13 mac' 361# 16.00" 361# 16.00" 7-4-0 6 5 1 -0-0 7-4-0 _0_0 1- 1- ) COSMETIC PLATES (8)2x4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING' Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: Maronda Sy � Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, Pons! bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of iiii//// the building design and which must be Considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral D8 r : TLY Chk : members only to nbmz buckling length, Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified f truss loatlans ddrumined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be require& (See H113.91 TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY olTPIl.Por stir, t 1micing requtrean-11,conmp building dotgner.1lTnw Piste lrutimiq TPI is located o158) D'OnoFrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL.. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 4VO05006B BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Modslilion Pill. Chuluots, FL 32796 TOTAL 430 sf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MP8\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\G2X.prx . Scale = 0.3618 WO: STJB3X TI: G2X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-91078 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. Tile designer disclaims any responsibility far damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs famished to the truss designer by the client and the comecmass or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or mercises no central with regard to fabrication. handling. shipment and installnllon oftmsses, This Imes has been designed as an individual building component in accordance Will] ANSIffPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as Pan of due building design by a Building Designer. Whin Weaved for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shmtm must be checked to be sure that the dale shmm are In agreement ttilh the local building codes, loco) climatic records for triad or aura, loads, project spcel0mtions or special applied leads. Unless shmm, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bonam) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chards In tension arc not fully braced lotemlly by a Properly applied rigid Wiling, they should be braced al a ma.simum spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be mamafactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized ""I Inceling ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shmm. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the robricalur shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with Ilia fabric foes plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in willing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed ever knotholes, knots or disloned grain. Members shall be cut for light ruling wood to wood bearing. Connector plaits shall be located an both feces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shmm. A Ss4 plate is 5' wide x V long. A 6v8 plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Slols (hales) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on uvb members shall mat at the eclumid of the webs unless otherwise shorn. Cannaelor plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces A. m and may need to be increased for certnin handling andfor.reclion stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shmm. Far additional infarmntian an Quality Control mfar la ANSVIPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations arc to W relished in aaordance with accepted Industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particminr core during banding and bundling, delivery and imlallalion to ovoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Inasses in a straight and plumb position and far resisting lateral farces shall be designed and installed by others, Careful handling is essendai and oration bracing is always required. Normal precautionary anion for trusses requires such temporary bmcing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dotninaing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons evperienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if n=dad. Commnlmlion of MuMcdon loads grenler than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the tmight of the erectors shall be applied to Wassail until Met all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP 42 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-6,3-5,4-5 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 21.3 ft W= 21.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1605/820,2-3=-875/391, 3-4=-168/31, BOT CHORD 8-7--1386/1428,7-6--1385/1420, 6-5=-776/727, Webs 7-2=-27/279,2-6=-742/6651 6-3=-272/630,3-5--983/1050,5-4=-128/381, -WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr -WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 7- 2 279 0.09 C 3- 5 1050 0.84 2- 6 -742 0.67 C 5- 4 381 0.11 6- 3 630 0.20 C MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result Of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 5,4- 5 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to VN either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" O.C. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-01' Cr--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- CLL TL C in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0.19/539 5-6(L) Horiz. -0,03 -0.05 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 21- 3- 5.00 TI:M1X Qty.19 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 21- 3- 8 7) 7- 6- 5 2) 7- 6- 5 5) 21- 3- 8 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 14- 4-15 6) 14- 4-15 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq - 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 1,5 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Lot BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 970 748 -646 B Pin 21- 2-10 1 907 0 -1086 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1605 0.51 A 8- 7 1428 0.53 2- 3 -975 0.76 A 7- 6 1420 0.60 3- 4 -168 0.72 A 6- 5 -776 0.48 6x8 3x4 3x4 )-2-8 p9q 9 970N 8.00" 21-3-8 9074 1.75" 21-3-8 6 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE M.iTek MT966-11- 9) WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �!f ,yy� �� ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: }� ' 1�r�il Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing. Lind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of Maroas >II/ t em the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of truss Dsg= : TLY Chk : members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lorallons daermined by the building designer. Additional bmcing of the overall structure maybe required, (SecHD3.91 TC Live 16.0 psf MARONDA WAYoP).PoTumss bracing equirtnanscontact building des(gner.(Tnass plate lnttlNt0. TPI Is loted n583 TC Dead 7.0 psf4005 OndfrioDrive,Madison,Wisconsin53719). Sanford, FL 32771 Component Engineering by: TrussEngineering Co., P.A.- 818 Seardside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 psf (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #005006a BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluof9, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 Psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\M1X.prx Scale = 0,1501 WO: STJB3X TI: MIX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA V5.4.18-90946 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for on individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of rnulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs fumished Ia the buss designer by the client and die correctness or accuracy of this information as II may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or cvemiscs no control with regard to fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of trussrs. This Imss has been designed as an individual building component in Accordance %with ANSIffPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated As part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown tiro in agroement with the local building codes, local climatic records far wind or snow loads, pmjw speCJCmiam or special applied loads. Unless shown, Imss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In lenston are not Polly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing. Ibey should be braced at a maximum spacing of IP-0' o.o. Connector Plela shall be manufactured from 20 gnuge hot dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653, Grade 40. ua]= otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fnbrialian the fabricator shall revicm this dinning to verily that this drawing Is in confonnnnce with die fabriatoes plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies no to be Put in writing before aping or fnbrialion. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be oul for light filling wood to wood hearing. Connector Plata shall be located on both faces of the Imss with nails fully imbedded and shall bee s)mh, about the join) unless otherwise shm%m. A 3x4 plate is 5• wide s 4' long, A US plate Is V wide s 96 Ion& Stoll (bola) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall mat at the centraid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes baud on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection straws This Imss is not to be fabricated with Piro retardant baled lumber unless oth-A. shown. For additional informalion on Quality Conlrol For to ANSMI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and ereclion recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted Industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing far holding inuus In A straight And plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and creclion bracing is ahwnys required. Normal precautionary action for Imases requha such temporary bracing during instAllAlion between IAssa to avoid toppling And dominoing. The supervision of erection of tmssa shall be under the conlrol of persons esperiencd In the Installation of busses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration ofconstmclion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to Irassa at any lime. No loads other than the %"eight of the ereclors shall be applied to losses until after All fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C6C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Azt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 50.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-441/34,2-3--413/88, HOT CHORD 6-5=-940/367,5-4=-940/362, Webs 5-2=0/259,2-4=-401/1042, 4-3=-146/588,0-0=-270/356, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.22/540 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Mar onda. �'I Ae 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL_ 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE fU0050068 367 MedaB)on PI. Chuluots, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced Oil o.c. T-brace must extend at least 906 of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-011 . TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC, .,FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -441 0.82 A 6- 5 -940 0.35 2- 3 -413 0.91 A 5- 4 . -940 0.35 1 2 3 10.00 M 498# 8.00" 2X4 9-1-6 JAI# 4204.75" 9-11- 8 L-4-0 5 9-11-8 4 ()'21- 5-15) TI:M2X Qty:9 -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 - 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, O.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq - 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sea. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 498 892 -88 B Pin 9-10-10 1 420 0 -1035 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 259 0.08 C 4- 3 588 0.18 2- 4 1042 0.36 C 0- 0 356 0.15 Wkul.NlNCs: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is o part of The building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss DSgnr : TLY Chk : members only to reduce buckling length. Pmvisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of die overall structure may be required (Sea HIB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf orTPr) For specific Irun bracing requtmment% centaci building dwigne Crmaa Plate hnadrom, TPI is loala at 333 D'OnofroDrive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Smindside Rd. Edenton, NC 27933 $C Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 43.0 psf Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOX\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST, JOHN B\M2X.prx Scale = 0.2110 WO: STJB3X TI: M2X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90947 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STTB3X TI:M2AX Qty:9 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is far an individhml building ocompomml and has been based on ir=aIIon provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages us a tenth of faulty, or incormcl information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by Ilia client and ilia correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may mince to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no central with regard to fabrication. handling• shipment and inslallnllon of trusses. This buss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSMI 1.1995 and NDS-91 to be incarporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be choked to be snn that the cimn shown am in agreement Mill the local, buitding codes, local climatic records for wind or snmv loads, project specifications or special applied lands, Unless shown, uws has not been designed rot storage or occvpancy toads. The design ossumes compression chords (top or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Wlmm bottom chords In tension am not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid calling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of I041' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanised atal meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise showm. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. ilia fabricator shall review this dmuing In went• that this drawing is in conformance with Ilia fabricators plans and to r mliu a continuing responsibility for Such verification. Any discrepancies an to be put in vvriling before culling or fnbriwtion, Plotes shall not be Installed ever knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be mil rot light fitting wood to wood bearin& Connector Plata Shall be located on both faces or the buss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihojoinl unless otherwise shmm. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (Boles) mn pamllcl to llto pinte lengtlh specified. Double curs on wcb members shall mat at the cenlroid of the webs unless olherhiseshmvn. Connector pintesius am minimum Sirs based on the tones shown and may need to be Increased ror cerufii handling nndle, creclion stresses. TUG truss "not to be fnbricnted with fin retardant treated InmberunI—Ihervise Showat. Foroddtlionol information on Quality Central infer to ANSIRPr 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and creation recommendations am to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling. delivery and Installation to maid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forms shall be designed and Installed by others. Comful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary onion for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to amid toppling and dominoing. The supervision cremation of tmcses shall be under the central of persons aperienced In the instnllaion of Imsses. Prollmlonal advice shall be ought if needed. Conantmiton of construction loads greater Ilrnn Ilia design loads shall not be applied to tresses at any time. No loads other than the weight of The enxlon; shall be applied to busses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 1-02, CdC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, 2= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 £t Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-472/22,2-3=-429/91, SOT CHORD 6-5=-974/392,5-4=-975/387, Webs 5-2=0/264,2-4=-429/1080, 4-3=-149/614,0-0=-221/369, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.23/545 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 9- MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to.Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 311x 0.1201, nails spaced 8" o.o. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-0" ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 7472 0.85 A 6- 5 -974 0.36 2- 3 -429 0.95 A 5- 4 -975 0.36 9-11- 8 1 2 3 10.00 0- 9-13 R 425# 1.75" 2X4 9- 1- 6 R 431# 1.75" ,, 9-11- 8 _ ^6 5 4 joint Locations--- 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 - 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X—Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1' 425 927 0 B Pin 9-10-10 1 431 0 -1078 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 264 '0.08 C 4- 3 614 0.18 2- 4 1080 0.38 C 0- 0 369 0.10 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 +4r+.r.rr.ri �r WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: jBracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing. panel bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of ••• iiitv ����iiii ts the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss D9r : TLY elk ... members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified psf . 16 Live Itrcalions delermincd by the building designer. Additional bracing of Ilse overall structure may be required. (Sec F(IB-91 TC F3 Scale = 0.2097 WO: STJB3X TI: M2AX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result or fnulry or incorrect infarm uion, specifications and/or designs furnished to the trials designer by the client and the correctness; or accuracy or this Information as It may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or mxcmises no canlml with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Insinuation or trusses, This truss has been designed as an individual building opmponenl in accordance will/ ANSVIPI 1.1993 slid NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan orthis building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design landings shown must be checked to be sure that the 61. shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special aPPllad toads. Unless sham, Inns has not been designed for storage or occupancy toads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheaOing unless olhemise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced lalemlly by a properly applied rigid miing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of lo'-0' o.e. Connector plates shall be mamdaetured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown, FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify, that Oils drawing Is In confamrance with the fabricators plans and to =it, a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be pill In writing before culling or fabrieallon. Plaice shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be col far light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on boll] faces of the Ims with nails fully imbedded and shall bo sym. about the joint unless ollmmise shown. A SW Plalc is 5' wide s 4• long. A 6sg plate is 6' wide x g' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plat. length spelled. Double cuts oa web members shall meet at the cemroid of Owe webs unles otherwise sham. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forms shown and may need to be Increased for certain handling and/or erecion stresses. This Ims is not to be fabricated with fire retardant healed lumber unless olhenvise shown. For additional information on Quality Central refer to ANSIn PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and ereelion recommendations ore to be fallo,d In accordance with accepted industry publications. Tmsses are to be handled with pnnicutar care during bantling and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding imsses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting Inleml forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Gimful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for cases regtlim such temporary bracing during Installation between irtrsses to avoid toppling and dominoing The nipervision ofereclton artmssa chap be iunder the control of Pcrsoos experienced in the Insinllalion of Imsses. Professional advise cltall be sought if needed. Concenlralion ofconsimctian lw6 greater than the design loads shall not he applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight afilic erectors shall be applied to Imssms until aficr all fasiening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WEI: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3,-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, Hes 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Bzt= 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 10.0 ft W- 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-402/174,2-3=-430/91, BOT CHORD 6-5=-86/141,5-4=-954/270, Webs 5-2=-343/73,2-4=-299/1057, 4-3=-149/615,0-0=-171/357, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB, ..FORCE..CSI 5- 2 -343 0.09 C 4- 3 615 0. 2- 4 1057 0.27 C 0- 0 157 n_ CANT: 3- 0- 0 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 31lx 0.12011 nails spaced 81, o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-0" ..TC.--FORCE..CSI.'Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -402 0.84 A 6- 5 141 0.32 18 Cr C 2- 3 -430 0.94 A 5- 4 -954 0.32 nR r 9-1-6 0- 9-13 9-11- 8 1 2 3 I6.66 2x4 9-1-6 Zx4 3x4 621#A3.50" 347#p1.7511 9-11- 8 5 4 TI:M2BX Qty:3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. Joint Locations = 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 3- 1-12 1 621 927 -50 B Pin 9-10-10 1 347 0 -1067 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). L,Cant.-0.01/999-0.02/999 1 I.Span-0.03/999-0.24/329 3-2 Horiz. -0.02 -0.04 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ""... WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO {� y ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: ,[�4,aronda,. 1 ■, Bracing shown on this droving is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing u similar bracing which Is apart of i// to the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Ices Dsgnr : TLY Chk : .. ... members only to milum buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of die overall simcium may be required, (See F♦7H-91 TC Live 16.0 psf ofTPl).Far spcelfie wss bracing requirements, contact building designer, frmss Plate Insllrute. TPI is located at 58J 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onohio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050069 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medalllon PL Chuluots, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 �s�f Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOB\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\M2BX.prx Scale = 0.2097 WO: STJB3X TI: M2BX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89200 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X TI:SIX (DESIGN INFORMATION This deign is for an individual building camponenl and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages ns a =,it of faulty or incorrect information, specdOm[(ons and/or designs furnished to the Imss designer by the icilum and thnec e wlnes or accuracy of this infonnallon as t ma)' mlAle to a speei(e project and accepts no responsibility or exemises no central with regard to fnbrication, handling, shipment and insiollnlion of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSViPI 1.1995 and NOS-97 to be inarpornled as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When rc ioted for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown muss be checked to be sure Thal the don shown are in pgmmenl ttilh the local building codes, local climatic mards for wind or snow loads, project apoeificalians or special applied loads. Unless shown, buss has not been designed for storage or owupnney loads. The design asumea compression chords (lop or bosom) see continuously bawd by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bonom chords in tension arc not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10%0' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped golvanimd steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. uNess otherwise sham. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricntor shall review this drntving to verifj• tin[ this drawing is in conib rmance with the fobriwlor's pions and to realise a continuing responsibility for such vaiftmlion. Any discrepancies are to be pill in writing before culling or fnbriaiion. Plams shall not be installed over knolholm knots or distorted grain. Members shall bend for light filling wood In wood baring. Connector plats shall be located on both faces of the. Ws trills nnils fully imbedded and shall be sym. about The joint unless otherwise sham. A 5x4 plate is S• wide x 4' long. A ling plate is 6' wide x a' long Slots (holes) urn parallel to Ilse plate length specified. Double cats on nab members shall mecl at the centroid of tin webs unless othentisc sham. Connector plate sins arc minimum sins based on the farces shotrn and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erecllon siresus. This truss is not to be fnbricalod i ilh fire retardant treated lumbcruntesolherwiseshetm. Foreddilionol information on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance nith accepted Industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to Avoid damage Temporary and Permanent bracing for holding crosses in a straight and plumb pe,silion and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Camfill handling is essential And elation bracing is shveys required. Noma] precautionary action for buses requires such temporary bracing during installation be woen trusses to ovoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of emolian of IT4= shall be under the wmrol of persons mwricneed in the installatiun of trusses. Pmr,4,ional ndwim sholl be sought if needed. Commnimiion of mnslmcllon lads grealer llian [lie design lads shall not be applied to Imssa at any time. No lads other than the tmight of the erectors shall be applied to busses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 SL; 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, Q.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1048 0.38 A 9- 8 776 0.31 2- 3 -1597 0.44 A 8- 7 741 0.30 3- 4 -1627 0.33 A 7- 0 1863 0.50 4- 5 -1975 -0.32 A 0- 6 1530 0.45 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.10/999-0.18/999 2-1(L) Horiz. 0.05 0.10 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner anel 5- P/-14 5- 10.00 0- 4-14 f 0-4-8 I I 7194 4.50" MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, 1 C&C, V- 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 16.8 ft W= 16.8 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1048/B29,2-3=-1597/1366, 3-4=-1627/1235,4-5=-1975/1705, HOT CHORD 9-8=-317/776,8-7=-281/741, 7-0=-1454/1863,0-6=-1285/1530, Webs 8-2ec-93/222,2-7=-871/1083, 7-3=-109/339,7-4=-331/533,0-0=-174/298, -5.00 5x6 Qty:17 �--Joint Locations- _) 0- 0- 0 4) 12- 5-10 a 7) 8- 4- 8 2) 5- 7-14 5) 16- 9- 0 8) 5- 7-14 3) 8- 4- 8 6) 16- 9- 0 9) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2- 4 1 719 -172 -586 B Pin 16- 6-12 1 722 0 -677 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 8- 2 222 0.07 C 7- 4 533 0.13 2- 7 1083 .0.35 C 0- 0 298 0.16 7- 3 339 0.09 C 2.50 -2.50 -4-8 722# 4.50" 8-4-8 8-4-8 9 8 7 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale = 0.3663 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X W0: STJB3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET.•A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO aar:s1 ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: TI: SIX i�qu:t dill� i% ' Bracing shown on this droving is not election bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or smilarbracing which is a pan of a y .s the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of imss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : 4 /25 / 2 0 07 .. ... . members only to reduce budding length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ads and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure maybe required. (See HM-91 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.25 ofTPp.For specific truss bracing requirements, contact building dWper.(Trxs Plate lrlsUmlt� TPI Is located 81533 4005 MARONDA TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 O.C. : 2- 0- 0 (407) 321-0064.Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf FHC-04/TPI-02/NDS-Ol TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00CISM66 HC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 Mac afflon PI. Chuluo* FL 32764 TOTAL 43.0 psf V5.4.18-89299 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path; C:\TEE-LOX\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\SiX.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client, The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a retail of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs tarnished to the tress designer by the client and the correctness or acouracy of this Information as it may reline to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This trots lips been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When rewinsed for approval by the building designer, the design landings shown must be checked to be sure that The dam shown am In agreemenl with the local building odes, local climatic records for wind or snow lands, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or oecopnncy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously bmadbyshwlhingunlessolhemiwspmiried. Where bottom chords in Ionsion are nor fully braced laterally by properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a minimum spacing of IIry o.c. Connector Plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting AS7M A 633. Grade 40. unless othenvies shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fnbrimtian, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verity that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verificalion. Any discrepancies me to be put in writing before adting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knolholrs, knots or disloned grain. Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both fans of the Iniss willh nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihejoint unless olhcrwtse shmm. A 5x4 pieta is 5s wide x 4"long, A 6x8 plate is 6'swide x 8' long. Slols (holes) inn parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on such members shall creel at the contmid of the webs unless otherwise sham. COUC110T ptale sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces sham and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or cri aten stresses. 71his trust; is not to be fabricated with rare retardant treated lumberunless otherwise sham. Foraddirional information on Qualiry Control refer to ANSVPPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in naordance wills accepted industry publications. Trusses are In be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, dclhtry and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding busses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral fonts shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erasion bracing is ahrreys required. Normal precautionary action for Utttes requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to mold toppling and dominaing. Thesupervision ofercelon oflmsses shall be under the mniml of persons aNperienmd in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shot( be caught if needed. Concentration afconsrtuetion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any lime. No loads other than the %night of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until idler all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.C. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2--164/122,2-3--164/122, BOT CHORD 6-5=-45/115,5-4=-45/l15, Webs 5-2--23/82, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in,/Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 3-2 Horiz. 0100 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 2- 5-13 0- 4-10 Bottom chord live loads based.on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4, MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CfiC, V= 140mph, H- 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type- encl L= 4.0 ft W= 4.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req .WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI, Cr .WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI 5- 2 82 0.03 C 2-0-0 2-0-0 1 2 3 9.00 -9.00 4x6 TI;T4X Qty:10 Joint Locations - '• 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 • 5) 2- 0- 0 ' 2) 2- 0- 0 4) 4- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1 21B 0 -232 B Pin 3-11- 2 1 218 0 -232 B H Roll I PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. I Cr 1- 2 -164 0.05 A 6- 5 115 0.04 2- 3 -164 0.05 A 5- 4 115 0.04 218# 1.75" 2184 1.75" 4-0-0 6 5 4 1-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 (Ml- 0- 6) (R1- 0- 6) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 1-10-10 0- 4-10 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO y��r System ,., ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: ' �Y ■ g� :1 `�'fl Bracing shown on this drawing is no erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bmcing which is a pan of s M ttll�� ur tw the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Iniss Dsgnr : TLY Chk ; ... ., members only to reduce bucking length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified F. locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See Ka-91 TC Live 16.0 psf of TPI).For specific toss bracing mquirements, contact building designet(Trusa Plot, InatituW. TPI Is located nr 593 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnofiioDrive, Madison,Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 p9 f (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluola, FL 3276C TOTAL 43.0 Psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOX\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\T4X,prx Scale = 0.5773 WO: STJB3X TI: T4X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any lesponsbiliry, for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect infomation, specifications and/or designs fumished to the bass deigner by the client and the correctness or amtncy of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or evereises no control vvith regard to fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This Iruss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-1995 and NDS-91 to be Incorporated as Pori of the building design by a Building Designer. When revienved for approval by Ilse Iuilding designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement nigh the local building codes, local climatic records for hind or snmv Iocls. project specification or special applied loads. Unless shmm. Ines has not been designed for storage or occupancy lands. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in Icnsion are not filly broad laterally by a properly applied rigid roiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-I" o.e. Connector plats shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized sicl meeting ASTM A 655, Grade 40, uNess otherwise shewn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricalar shall reviov this dni ing to verify Ihm this dewing Is in wnfarmance, with the fnbrimtols plans and to maties a continuing responsibility for such verificalion. Any discrepancies ore to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plnles shall not be installed ever knotholes, knots or distorted gnin. Memben shall be at for light fining wood to mod bunting. Connector pinta shall be located on both face of (lie truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sin, about unless the joint othenvisc shmum. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4' long. A 6xR plate is 6" aides V long. Stoll (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on neb members shall meet at the cinirotd of the webs unless olheruim shot". Connector plate sizes are minimum size based on the fords shmim and may need to be Increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This toss is not to be fnbdonied with fire retardant bested lumber unless oil—ise, sham. For additional Infomution on Quality Contmlmlier, to ANSVfPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations an to be follouved in accordance with Accepted Industry publications. Trusses are to be handled nigh particular am during bonding and bundling, delivery and installation to ovoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting Intent fonts shall be designed and installed by others Careful handling Is essential and ere elion bracing Is aluvnys required. Normal prrcaullanary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during inslnllallon between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of ermion of rrusses shall be under lite control of persons evgscriencid In the installation ofinisses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentnlion of instruction loads grater than the design lads shill not be applied to Ina= at any lime. No lads other than the weight of the ermon shall be applied to trusses until oner all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl Lse 3.3 ft W= 3.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 5.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -44 0.11 A 1- 5 1 0.02 2- 3 -44 0.08 A 5- 3 1 0.02 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 65 19 -21 B Pin 3- 3- 4 1 65 -19 -21 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHWULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 TI : V12X Qty: l Joint Locations- 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 3- 4- 0 a 5) 1- 8- 0 2) 1- 8- 0 4) 3- 4- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1.and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-44/l7,2-3=-44/l8, HOT CHORD 1-5=0/1,5-3=0/11 Webs 5-2=-40/25, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 -40 0.50 C 1- 8-0 1-8-0 1 2 3 12.00 -12.00 4x6 1-8-4 A3x43x4 1-8-4 I' + 0-0-4 rZ 0-0-4 2x4 IDEXXXXXXXXX 11 65# 1.50" Stud @ 4- 0- 0 65# 1.50" 3-4- 0 6 5 4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale = 0.5817 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X W0: ST17B3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: V12X . � Systems : Bmdng shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, nind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is n parlor ���Sffff 'may the bulleling design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shm is ror lateral support of buss Der : TLY Chk : 4 /25 /2007 ,., members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and speetned locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See MB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.25 ofTPq.For speelfio true bracing requirements, contact building destgner.rTruss Pluto Instinito, TPI Is located at 583 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF : 1.25 AY 4005 MARONDA WD'O af)oD ve, Madison, Wisconsin 53719), Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 O.C. : 2— 0— 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 90050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 3276G TOTAL 43.0 vsf v5 . 4 . 18-90948 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\V12X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B CUStomer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based an infonnalion provided b)• the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a msuh of fnulty or incorrect Informallon, speeifjohons and/or designs furnished to the Truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility at exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Instollatlon of lroues. This miss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVfPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be in cerpomied as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that Ilia data shown are in agreement with Ilia local building codes, local climatic records for wind or now, loads, project specifications or special appliod leads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed far storage or occupancy loads. The design a unaa compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously broad by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chards in Tension are not fully bmced Imerally by a property npplied rigid ceiling. They should be braced rut a maximum spacing of 10'-00 o.e. Connector plates shall be menufnclumd from 20 gauge hot dipped gohnnind steel meeting ASIM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise sham. FABRICATION NOTES Prior Ia fabrication, The fabricator shall review this droving to verily That This drawing is in conformance with The rabrimun s plans and to mollu a continuing responsibility for such vcTificalion. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before tuning or fabrication. Places shall not be installed over knuthoics, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to woad bearing. Connector plates shall be located an both Nets of The Truss will- nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about Ilia joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 40 long, A 6.x8 plate is 6- wide x 84 long Stela (holes) run Parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meal at the ccalmid of the webs unless otherwise sliewn. Connector place sins are minimum sins based on ilia forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or emcdon stresses. This Truss is not to be fabricated with fire relardant treated hnnberuni-therrAseshom. Foraddllional information on Quality Central refer to ANSMT 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with accepted industry Publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular sere during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding busses in a straight and plumb pavilion and for resisting Intent forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and creation bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for Trusses milaims such temporary bracing during installation bet eetl Irusus to avoid Toppling and dommaing The supervision of erection of Trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in The installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought ifneeded. Concentration ofconstrucdon loads grenler Than the design loads shall not be applied to busses at any lime. No loads other Than Ilse weight of The traders shall be applied to Trusses until stiff all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP 42 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB; 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl Ice 6.7 ft W= 6.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC. .,FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -98 0.54 A 1- 5 -1 0.09 2- 3 -98 0.39 A 5- 3 1 0.09 3-4-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted othervriee. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 141 41 -42 B Pin 6- 7- 4 1 141 -41 -42 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). i.Span -0.05/999-0.05/999 2-l(L) Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 3-4-0 .3-4-0 1 2 3 12.00 -12.00 4x6 TI:V13X Qty:1 ---Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 6- 8- 0 5) 3- 4- 0 2) 3- 4- 0 4) 6- B- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-9B/38,2-3=-9B/38, HOT CHORD 1-5=-1/0,5-3=0/1, Webs 5-2=-86/51, .WEB, ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 -86 0.99 C 3- 4- 4 0-0-4 it 141# 1.50" Stud ® 4- 0- 0 141N 1.50" 6-8-0 6 5 4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO y ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: aidt5t� Bracing shaven on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing portal bracing or similar bracing which is a parlor M ##S it �l/ Ile building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss Ds gnr : TLY members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions Muslim made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lotatiows determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the ovemll cuucmn maybe inquired. (Sea M.91 TC Liveof7W):For speeifle Truss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Truss Plane Instlmte, TPI 15 tocaed at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive,Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27937 BC Live (407) 321-0064 Fax (907) 321-3923 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0i00SWISE! BC Dead 797 ModaHlon PL Chuluota, FL 32766 TOTAL Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\V13X.prx Scale = 0.4195 STBJ3X WO: STJB3X TI: V13X Chk: 4/25/2007 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 7.0 psf PIt DF: 1.25 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 10.0 psf Code: FLA 43.0 psf v5.4.18-90949 t i STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B CuStOMer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by We client. The designer diselaims nny responsibility for damages as a result or foully or incomeu Information, speeificalions and/or designs famished to the truss designer by the client and the wtuclaess or nc amcy of this information as tl may mlate to a specific pmjml and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control wills regard to rabriation. handling• shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporaled as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the ditto shown are In agreement pith the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupaury loads The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) ore continuously braced by sllrathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully bmced laterally by a Properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' 0.,, Connector plates shalt be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fobricallon, the fabricator shall mica, this drawing to warily that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabricmons plans and to realise n continuing mspomihiliry for such verincrilion, Any discrepancies am to be pal in writing before culling or fabrication. Plales shall not be inslolled over knotholes, knols or distoned grain. Members shall be can for light fitting synod to wood bearing. Connector plates shoal be located on both faces of the Imss pith nails Poll' imbedded and shall be rya. about thejoinl unless othenviu shown. A 5A plate is S' wide x a' long A 6xg plate is 64 wide x g' long. Slots (holes) ran parallel la llro plate lengllh specified. Double cuts an web members shall mat al the cenlraid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Conneclor plate sizes ore minimum sizes based on the forces sham and may need to be increased for attain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to he fabric led with fire miardanl (rated tumor unless ahenwise shown. Par additional information on Qualit•Contral refer to ANSVrPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendalions are to be followed In accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses ore to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to amid &range. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a siraighl and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by oilers. Caalhl handling is essential and erection bracing is Plays required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during htsullmion between trusses to amid toppling and dominoing. 711c supervision of erecdon of trusses shill be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be might If neadrd. Concentration orconsiraction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to busses at any time No loads other than the wveighl of the erectors shell be applied to busses until nfier all fastening and bracing Is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L-- 10.0 ft Wes 10.0 £t Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loci Bset Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 116 84 0 B Pin 9-11- 4 1 116 -84 0 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 -147 0.03 C 7- 4 -147 0.46 8- 3 -48 0.40 C 5-0-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model, All COMPRESSION Chords are -assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only, FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-67/47,2-3=-64/53,3-4=-64/53, 4-5=-67/47, BOT CHORD 1-9=-1/0,9-8-0/0,8-7=0/0,7-5=0/1, Cr Webs 9-2=-147/l37,8-3=-48/l, C 7-4=-147/137, 5-0-0 5-0-0 I 2 3 4 5 12.00 -12.00 4x6 I t• I , 1 1 I I I s TI:V14X Qty:l =Joint Locations- -_ 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 10- 0- 0 ' 9) 3- 0- 0 2) 3- 0- 0 6) 10- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 5- 0- 0 7) 7- 0- 0 4) 7- 0- 0 8) 5- 0- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/311x 0.12011 nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required'on any web over 14'-0". ..TC. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE,.CSI. 1- 2 -67 0.36 A 1- 9 -1 0.05 2- 3 -64 0.24 A 9- 8 0 0.05 3- 4 -64 0.25 A 8- 7 0 0.05 4- 5 -67 0.27 A 7- 5 1 0.05 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I,Span-O.Ol./999-0.02/999 5-4 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 5-0-4 0-0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO Fondy� lay yy,,, ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: a ;■T:� Bracing shorn on this drawing is not erecdon bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of M S MM'VV The building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Into Dsgllr : TLY Calk ..._:. ...... members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and, specified ... locations delermined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall struclum may be required (See WIB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf mf7-Pry.For s)xcltic wsa brecing -, Immense, contact building designer•(TNss Plate fnstlhnc, TPI Is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DOnohiaDrive,Madison,Wisconsin53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by; Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 $C Live 10 , 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL'Chuluots, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C: Scale = 0.3166 WO: STJB3X TI: V14X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90951 r JOHN B\V14X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for nn individual building component and has been based on information pmaided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, spcciferaons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as 11 may relate to - specific pmjecl and accepts no responsibility or exam!= no'mnlrol with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This Imes has been designed as nm indhiduol building component in accordance Mar ANSVPPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 lobe incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for uppraval by Ilse building designer, the design loadings shmm must be checked to be sure that the data shmm are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind ar snmv toads, project speetfientions or special applied toads. Unless shown, cuss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless olhenviso specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not Polly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' c.c. Connector pinks shall be manufactured from 20 gouge hot dipped gahmnized steel maling ASTM A 657, Grade 40, unless otherwise shmm. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the rubricator shall mvimv this drouing to wrify that this drawing is In conforru ace widi the fibrialoes plans and to man a condnuing responsibility for such wrifiation. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before culling or fnbrialion. Palm shall not be installed one knolholm knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cul for light filling wood to wood hearing. Connector pinin shall be Immil on both faces of Ilse buss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about theo joinl unless dtenvise shoxm. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x g' long. Slots (hoes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on sstb members slwil mad at the centroid critic webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum size based on the forces shmm and may need to be increased for annin handling and/or creation stresses. This Imss is not to be fabriated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shmm. For additional iMormadon on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and creation recommendations arc to be follourd in accordance with accepted Industry publialtons. Trusses are to be handled pith particular care during banding and bundling, delinry and installation to nimid damage Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb Position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is c=nlinl and oration bracing is ahwys required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such Iempomry bracing during installation behveen Wssis to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision ofcrection of trusses shall he under the control of Persons e'ycriencod in the installation of tmsses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concenlration of construction loads greater than Ilia design loads shall not be applied to trasses at any lime. No loads other than the weight of the erector shall be applied to trusas until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 13,3 ft W= 13.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- S-Loc Bast Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 110 ill -22 B Pin 13- 3- 4 1 110 -111 -22 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. 13- 2 -129 0.34 C 10- 5 -107 0.32 12- 3 -107 0.32 C 9- 6 -129 0.34 11- 4 -58 0.72 C 6-8-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3-12,4-11,5-10 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-115/81,2-3=-68/8,3-4=-67/71, 4-5=-67/71,5-6=-68/8,6-7=-115/81, BOT CHORD 1-13=-1/0,13-12=0/0,12-11=0/0, Cr 11-10=0/0, 10-9=0/0, 9-7=0/1, C Webs 13-2=-129/118,12-3=-107/100, Cll-4=-58/12,10-5=-107/100,9-6=-129/118, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.01/999-0.01/999 7-6 Horiz, 0.01 0,01 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 6- 8-0 6-8-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12.00 -12.00 4x6 TI:V15X Qty:l Joint Locations---- 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 10- 8- 0 '11) 6- 8- 0 2) 2- 8- 0 7) 13- 4- 0 12) 4- 8- 0 3) 4- 8- 0 8) 13- 4- 0 13) 2- 8- 0 4) 6- 8- 0 9) 10- 8- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 8- 8- 0 10) 8- 8- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0,120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-011. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.,CSI. 1- 2 -3.15 0.26 A 1-13 -1 0.04 2- 3 -68 0.20 A 13-12 0 0.04 3- 4 71 0.24 A 12-11 0 0.03 4- 5 71 0.23 A 11-10 0 0.03 5- 6 -68 0.21 A 30- 9 0 004 6- 7 -115 0.20 A 9- 7 1 0.,04 11109 1,501,a l l 110# 1.501, 1 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO 1u ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: a onda sti�j�91s Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing.'vind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing when is a part of • {Ml Systems. j the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : .. .,.. members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified to locations determined by Ilse building designer_ Additional bracing of Ilse mtmll structure maybe required. (See f8H-91 TC Live 16.0 psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path; C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\v15x.nrar Scale = 0.2011 WO: STJB3X TI: V15X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C,: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90952 .r STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an indvdunl building component and has been based on information provided by Ilm client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for dnmagcs ns a result of fonlny or incorrect Information, spmiflmtio- and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness a or aumey of this Information its11 may mint! la p specific project and accepts no responsibility or emmises no control with regard to rubrication. Ihnndling, shipment and installation oftrusua. This Imss has been designed as an individual building component in nccordnna with ANSTfr'PI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by n Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be Alm than the data shown are In agreement will) the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, pmjeel specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, Into has not been designed for storage or orznpancy leads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) an continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension art not hilly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at e minimum spacing of 10'-Il• o.e. Connector pinta shnll be manufactured from 20 gongs hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASIM A 657, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, die rubricator shall review this droning to verify that IN. dnwing is in conformance with [lie fabricalor's plans and to realize a cominuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrsponcia are to be pal in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light niting weed to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be ]oaled on both faces of the Imss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5s4 plate is 5- wide s 4' long. A 6.,g plate is 6- wide s 8' long. Slula (holes) nhn parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on mcb members shall meet at die cenimid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes baud on the forces sham and may need to be increased for certain (handling and/or cmtion stresses. This truss is not to be fabriated with rite retardant treated lunar unless otherwise ahovn. Far additional information on Quality Central refer to ANSVTPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES A)I bracing anderation recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted Industry publications Tessa are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Inssa in a straight and plumb pesitlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Cnmful handling is essential and erecilon bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for Irhhssa requires such temporary bracing during installation bctw=n Irusus to ovoid toppling and domincin& The supervision ofereciion of tnzcses shall be under The contml of persons ewperienced in the installation of lasses. Professional advice shall be sought H needed. Concentralion of construction loads greater than the design lords shall not be applied to Iru s at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 5-14 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, 2= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 16.7 ft W= 16.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAR. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loa BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 115 139 -55 B Pin 16- 7- 4 1 115 -139 -55 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB, ..FORCE..CSI. 17- 2 -113 0.23 C 13- 6 -108 0.60 16- 3 -111 0.80 C 12- 7 -ill 0.80 IS- 4 -108 0.60 C 11- 8 -113 0.23 14- 5 -68 0.63 C --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.01/999-0.01/999 5-4 Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 8-4-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 4-15,5-14,6-13 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only, FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-162/120,2-3=-84/57, 3-4=-61/10,4-5--82/90,5-6=-82/90,6-7=-61/10, 7-8=-80/57,8-9=-162/120, HOT CHORD 1-17=-1/0,17-16=0/0,16-15=0/0, Cr 15-14=0/0,14-13=0/0,13-12=0/0, 12-11=0/0, C 11-9=0/1, C Webs 17-2=-113/100,16-3=-111/103, C 15-4=-108/97,14-5=-68/34,13-6=-108/97, 12-7=-111/103,11-8=-113/100, 8-4-0 8-4-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12.00 -12.00 4x6 2x4 2x4 2x4 6x8 2x4 2x4 2x4 TI:V16X Qty:I Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 12- 4- 0 13) 10- 4- 0 2) 2- 4- 0 8) 14- 4- 0 14) 8- 4- 0 3) 4- 4- 0 9) 16- 8- 0 15) 6- 4- 0 4) 6- 4- 0 10) 16- e- 0 16) 4- 4- 0 5) 8- 4- 0 11) 14- 4- 0 17) 2- 4- 0 6) 10- 4- 0 12) 12- 4- 0 18) 0- 0- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/311x 0.1201, nails spaced 811 o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0'r. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -162 0.19 A 1-17 -1 0.03 2- 3 -84 0.20 A 17-16 0 0.03 3- 4 -61 0.19 A 16-15 0 0.03 4- 5 90 0.24 A 15-14 0 0.03 5- 6 90 0.22 A 14-13 0 0.03 6- 7 -61 0.20 A 13-12 0 0.03 7- 8 -80 0.20 A 12-11 0 0.03 B- 9 -162 0.14 A 11- 9 1 0.03 8- 4- 4 0-0-4 1159 1 Stlad 1 1 I r 1 i6 i5 '14 12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO 44 ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: :% Dnis Bracing shown on this dmwing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a pan of D9 r • TLY Chk KMarm-da... the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Wss gn . _.. .. members only toreduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing of ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sea HM-91 TC Live 16.0 psf ofT'f).For Specific truss bracing requirements, contact building dwigner.(Tmss Plate institute, Thl Is located at 587 TC Dead 7.0 psf MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A.• 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 $C L110 , 0 sf (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-391Live 3 p TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion P1. 6huluota, FL 32766 _ _ _ _ Deeign: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C: Scale = 0.1944 WO: STJB3X TI: V16X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90954 _0 . JOHN B\V16X_nrx STJBF I Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component And has been based on information provided by the client. 711c designer disclnims any responsibility for damages as a result of Pauly or incormat information, spcoifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or Accuracy of this information as it may raise In A specific pmJ.1 and Accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses, This truss has been designed as an individual building component in Aaardance wilh ANSIVTPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part oftha building design by a Building Designer, When tevimvcd ror approval by the building designer. We design loadings ahmvn must be checked to be sure that the dma slim" are In agreement i ilh the local building codes, tort climatic records for mind or snmv loads, project specifimilons or,axial applied loads. Unless shm., miss has nor been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously broad by sheathing unless mli-ii. specified. When; bottom chords In lension are not Tully braced laterally by a properly Applied rigid riling, they should be braced oe maximum spacing of 1o'-0' o.c. Connector piste, shalf l be manufnctumd from 20 gorge hot dipped galvonlud steel meting ASTM A 653. Gmde 40. unless od-vise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to rnbrirtion. the fabricator shall revimv [his dmwing to verify flint [his drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility far such verification. Any discrepancies Are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrirdon. Piame shall not be Inslnlled over knolliolm knots or disloned grain. Members shall be col for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both (laces of ilia Imss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym, about 0rc Joint unless otherwise shomm. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6s8 plate is 6' %vide a 8' long. Slots (boles) ran parallel la the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall mew at the ammid of the webs unless allic-isa slim.. Connector plot. slue Am minimum Sizes based on Ilia Pones shmvn and may need to be 0 Increased for rntiin handling and/or erection stresses. This tows is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shniv a. For additional information on Quality Central miter to ANSVfPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and creation recommendations am to be fallaied in accordance with accepted Industry publicallons. Tosses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a simight And plumb position And far resisting lateral fares shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and creation bracing is ai mys roquired Normal precautionary notion for losses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid Toppling and duminoing. The supervision ofwection oftmsss shall be under Ilia control of persons.xparienaad in ilia insmllmion or trusses. Prormsional advice shall be sought if needed, Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any rime, No loads other than Ilse might of the canon; shall W applied to trusses until Flier all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise, FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3--1281/0,3-4=-2026/0, 4-5=-2026/0,5-6� 1919/0,6-7=-1295/0,7-8=0/0, BOT CHORD 15-14=0/814,14-13=0/1736, 13-12=0/2026,12-11=0/2026,11-10=0/1755, 30-9=0/809, Webs 15-1=-49/0,15-2=-1063/0, 2-14=0/649,14-3=-633/0,3-13=0/547, 13-4--234/0,12-5=-144/64,5-11=-322/48, 11-6=0/304,6-10=-640/0,10-7=0/677, 7-9=-1056/0,9-8=-56/0, Typical Panel = 3011 6-2-0 6-2-0 1.50 TI:FC Qty:3 [1 or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. -Joint Locations The Joint Detail Report must be included 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 7- 0 11) 8- 4- 0 with any submittal, inspection, and/or 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 12- 1- 0 12) 7- 0- 4 fabrication documentation. 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 7-.0 13) 5- 3-12 This truss is designed in accordance with 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 7- 0 14) 2- 9- 0 the 2004 Florida Building Code section 5) 7- 0- 4 10) 10-10- 0 15) 0- 0- 0 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- In -Plant Quality Assurance, per X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 0- 1-12 1 747 0 0 B Pin 2,7,9,10,15 13- 5- 4 1 747 0 0 B H Roll .,TC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr „ BC. ..FORCE ..CSI. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 1- 2 0 0.21 A 15-14 814 0.23 .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI, Cr 2- 3 -1281 0.25 A 14-13 1736 0.56 15- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -322 0.07 C 3- 4 -2026 0.47 A 13-12 2026 0.74 IS- 2 -1063 0.23 C 11- 6 304 0.12 C 4- 5 -2026 0.45 A 12-11 2026 0.74 2-14 649 0.26 C 6-10 -640 0.13 C 5- 6 -1919 0.43 A 11-10 1755 0.40 14- 3 -633 0.13 C 10- 7 677 0.27 C 6- 7 -1295 0.37 A 10= 9 809 0.21 3-13 547 0.22 C 7- 9 -1056 0.22 C 7- 8 0 0.17 A 13- 4 -234 0.05 C 9- 8 -56 0.01 C--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS --------- 12- 5 -144 0.03 C LL TL in./Ratio in,/Ratio Jnt(s), I.Span-0.09/999-0.17/942 5 Horiz. 0.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 13- 7- I -�7 r..r• 3X6 q 747# 3.50" 3x4 [3x41 5'3x.) 3x4 1 Gv2 3x4 RIG R 747# 3,50" 3-7-0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO f� `q y ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: �;Y; y��, '-Oi.�4'1i ice' Bracing shown on this droving is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing %vtilch is apart of n v M ss// 1st (�.je7 the building design and which must be considered by We building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Was Dagnr : TLY Chk : ., . ... ..... members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be mode to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified .. .. locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the merall structure may be remdred. (Ben HID-91 TC Live 40.0 p s f cpcclne trues bmctng m uimmeni A, contna building dmigner.frmse Ploie Instimle, TPI Is located el 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 10.0 pef Sanford, FL.(327' 1 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 0.0 p9 f (.4,,) 321-0064 Fax 407 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 5.0 pef 767 Medallion PL Chuluolm, FL 32766 TOTAL 55.0 iDsf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FC.prx WO: STJBF TI: FC 4/20/2007 0-3-8 f Scale = 0.4538 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA 688 STJBF Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF (DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a sesah of faulry or incorrect information, specifications :and/and/or designs furnished to the buss designer by the client or ocimotes or .-may athis Inform alon as is mu)• mtnte Io A specific project and occepls no responsfbiliry or aerciscs no control with regard to 'fabrication, handling, shipment and installation oflrussrs. This Ins has been designed as an individual building component In accordance wish ANSVfPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by A Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design landings shown must be checked Co be sure that the data shown are in agreement nith the local building codes, local climate records for wind or snow loads, pmJeel specili®llons or special applied lends. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy Inds. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously bmmdbysilwlhingunleasothenvimsp,eified. When bottom chords in lension are not fully broad latemlly by a pmperly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of imss* o.e Con,welor plmes shall be manufactured from 20 gauge 1101 dipped galvanized steal meeting ASTM A 653. Gradc 40, unless otherwise sham. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this droving to verify, that this drawing Is in confomwna with Clue rabricmoes plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for Rich verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before tuning or fabrication. Plata shall nor be instnlled over knodwIcs, knols or distorted groin. Members shall be cut for light fining wood to wood bearing. Conneuor plates shall be second on both faces of the truss with nails Polly imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless othcreise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' aide x Is' long. Slots (boles) con parallel to she plate length specified. Double cots on woh members shall meet at the cenimid of the welts unless e111MVIse shown. Coarmlor plate sixes are minimum sims based on The ro= shown and may need to be Increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. 0' T1119 Ws is not To be fabricated with It. retardant Cleared TumberunicuolhcrA-hown. Foraddiliorml Information on Quality Control refer to ANSIrM 1.1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Tmsscs am to be handled with particular are during banding And bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent racing for holding buses in a straight and plumb msilion And for resisting talent ro= shall be designed and Inslnlled by others. Careful handling is essential and :ration bracing is always required. Normal precautionary Iction rot Imses requires Rich temporary bracing during nsiallation between trusses to avoid toppling and tominoing. The supervision of erection of trusus shall be coder the control of persons ewperianad in the nstall.ion of Imscs. Professional adria shell be sought f needed Concentration ofconstmction loads greater then he design loads shall not be applied to trusses at Any draw. No lands other Than the height of the erectors shall be 'Pplicd to trusses; until after all fastening and bracing is completed TI:FD Qty:2 U or (); Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. ---Joint Locations The Joint Detail Report must be included 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 5- 4 11) 8- 2- 4 With any submittal, inspection, and/or 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 11-11- 4 12) 6-10- 8 fabrication documentation. 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 5- 4 13) 5- 3-12 This truss is designed in accordance with 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 5- 4 14) 2- 9- 0 the 2004 Florida Building Code section 5) 6-10- 8 10) SO- 8- 4 15) 0- 0- 0 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- In -Plant Quality Assurance, per X-Loc BSet Vert Boriz Uplift Y' Type sea, 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 0- 1- 8 1 739 0 0 B Pin 2,7,9,15 13- 3-12 1 739 0 0 B B Roll ,.TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.,CSI. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 1- 2 0 0.21 A 15-14 805 0.22 .WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 2- 3 -1264 0.24 A 14-13 1710 0.53 is- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -307 0.06 C 3- 4 -1985 0.42 A 13-12 1985 0.71 15- 2 -1051 0.22 C 11- 6 292 0.12 C 4- 5 -1985 0.41 A 12-11 1985 0.71 2-14 639 0.26 C 6-10 -628 0.13 C 5- 6 -1884 0.42 A 11-10 1729 0.39 14- 3 -621 0.13 C10- 7 665 0.27 C 6- 7 -1277 0.36 A 10- 9 799 0.21 3-13 523 0.21 C 7- 9 -1044 0.22 C 7- 8 0 0.17 A 13- 4 -219 0.04 C 9- 8 -55 0.01 C--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 12-5 -143 0.03 C LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0.18/999 6-5(L) Horiz. 0.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 W : Deflection is from local inner panel TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 S•P #3 (2) 4x 2 SP #3 8-9 Unbalanced load cases) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the Composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1264/0,3-4=-1985/0, 4-5=-1985/0,5-6=-1884/0,6-7=-1277/0,7-8=0/0, BOT CHORD 15-14-0/805,14-13=U/1710, 13-12=0/1985,12-11=0/1985,11-10=0/1729, 10-9=0/799, Webs 15-1=-49/0,15-2=-1051/0, 2-14=0/639,14-3=-621/0,3-13=0/523, 13-4=-219/0,12-5=-143/61,5-11=-307/53, 11-6=0/292,6-10=-628/0,10-7=0/665, 7-9=-1044/0,9-8=-55/0, Typical Panel = 3011 6-1-2 6-1-2 1.Sx3 3x6 3x4 [3x41 1.5x3 . 3x4 3x4 3x6 F9 739# 3.00" R9 739# 3.00" 3- 5- 4 is 14 13 12 11 10 9 13-5-4 0- JT,12 (R0- 1-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 :.. WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN To ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: DWg: Maron �° i1� 8mcing shown on I is drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, pones bracing of similar bracing which is n part of 'h . m the building design end which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is rot lateral support of truss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : ., members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor IAleml bracing AI ends and speed lacalions determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure cony be required. (Sea HIB-91 TC Live 40.0 psf f TPqoos. .Por!patine lbracing mquimmema, eonnrci building d=lgner.(Trau Pint, insrimte, TPI Ts lasted at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnorrillDrive,Madison,Wisconsin53719). TC Dead 10.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 Live 0 . 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC psf TOMIA,S PONCE P.E. LICENSE N0050068 BC Dead 5.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 32706 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C: Scale = 0.4538 WO: STJBF TI: FD 4/20/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-906R4 .prx e STJBF Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF TI:FE Qty:3 DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 4x 2 SP #2 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. Joint Locations Thisdesign is for an individual building component and BC: 4x 2 SP #2 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each 1) 0- 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) 19- 5- 4 has been based on information provided by the client.The WB: 4x 2 SP #3 ® truss with 3-3.5"x 0.135" nails. Splice 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 25- 7-12 30) 16- 9-12 designer disclaims any responsibiliryrot damages asn (2) 4x 2 SP #3 10-30,20-21 strongback on truss vertical. must of Nulty or inwrnrot information.specifications 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28- 2- 8 31) 14- 2- 4 nn&or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client I or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the 4) 6- 6-12 18) 30- 8- 8 32) 12- 4- 4 end ilia commincss or accuracy of this information as it The Joint Detail Report must be included composite result of multiple loadcases. 5) 7-10- 8 19) 33- 2- 8 33) il- 8- 4 may mlote to a specific project and ncmpts no with any submittal, inspection, and/or This truss is desi e responsibility or evereises no control wish regard to gn d to bear on multiple 6) 9- 5- 0 20) 34- 8- 8 34) 9-10- 4 fabrication documentation. fabrication. handling. shipment andinnallalionoftrucscs, supports. Interior bearing locations should 7) 10- 5- 4 21) 34- 8- B 35) 9- 2- 4 This gnus has been designed as an individual building All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if 8) 12-11- 4 22) 31-11- B 36) 7-10- 8 component in occortlar. with ANSInTI 1.1995 and continuously braced unless noted otherwise. necessary to achieve full bearing. 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 29- 5- 8 37) 6- 6-12 NDS-97tobeincorpomtedaspart ofthebuilding design This trues is designed in accordance with In -Plant Quality Assurance with C by a Building Designer. When mvimved for approval by q = 1.11 10) 16- 9-12 24) 27- 7- 8 38) 5- 3- 0 'the building designer. she design loadings shown must be the 2004 Florida Building Code section In -Plant Quality Assurance, per 11) 18- 2- 4 25) 26-11- 8 39) 2- 9- 0 checked to be sure dmflhe data sitcom am in agreement 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joints) : 12) 20 8- 4 26) 25- 7-12 40) 0- 0- 0 with [he local building eadw. lool climatic records for ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- 2,9,11,14,22,27,28,29,30,31,33,39,40 13) 22- 6- 4 27) 24- 6- 0 wind or snow load%pmjxtspecifications uspecial R-Loc BSet Vert Boric Uplift T Type FORGES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 14) 23- 2- 4 28) 21-11- 4 applied lands. Unless shown, truss has not ban designed for storage oroaupancy]ends. The design assames 6- 1- 8 1 331 0 0 B Pin TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-.3=-1391/0,3-4=-222, .TC. ..SORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..SORCE..C.2 compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously 16- 9-12 1 2331 0 0 B H Roll 4-5=-2311/0,5-6=-2094 /222, 6-7=-2094/222, 1- 2 0 0.16 A 40-39 862 0.22 braced by sheathing unless o0unvim specified. Whom 34- 7- 0 1 '853 0 0 B H Roll 7-8=-136E/642,8-9=-54/1219,9-10=0/3029, 2- 3 -1391 0.37 A 39-38 1889 0.43 bottom chords In tension am nol'fully braced tolemlly by a PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,11-12=- 97/1128.,12-13=-1501/560, 10-11=0 3029 pmperly applied rigid miling.they should bebraced ofa / 3- 4 -2106 0.40 A 38-37 2311 0.70 maslrnum spacing of 10'1P o.c. Connator plates shall be .WEB. .•FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 13-14=-1501/560,.14-15=-2523/42, 4- 5 -2311 0.36 A.37-36 2311 0.70 manufactured from 20 page hot dipped gelvanind steel 40- 1 -56 0.01 C 30-11 -1686 0.36 C15-16=-2523/42,16-17=-2649/0,17-18=-23a3./0, 5- 6 -2094 0.37 A 36-35 2311 0.69 meeting ASTM A 655, Grade 40. unless otherwise shorn. 40- 2 -1126 0.24 C 11-29 1323 0.53 C18-19=-1525/0, 19-20=0/0, 6- 7 -2094 0.31 A 35-34 1866 0.42 2-39 735 0.29 C 29-12 -1276 0.27 CBOT CHORD 40-39=0/862,39-38=0/1889, 7- 8 -1368 0.28 A 34-33 1866 0.43 FABRICATION NOTES 39- 3 -693 0.15 C 12-28 877 0.35 C38-37=0/2311,37-36=0/2311,36-35-0/2311, 8- 9 1219 0.46 A 33-32 -902 0.20 Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this 3-38 301 0.12 C 28-14 -907 0.19 C35-34=-414/1866,34-33=-414/1866, 9-10 3029 0.83 A 32-31 -902 0.20. the dressing to arify that this drawing is in wnfomwnce with 38- 4 -279 0.08 C 14-27 907 0.36 C33-32=-902/843,32-31=-902/843,31-30=-1815/0, 10-11 3029 0.82 A 31-30 -1815 0.28 ng responsibility plans tsuchndloraalacAnydiscrep 37- 4 -219 0.04 C 27-15 -344 0.07 C 30-29=-1763/0,29-28=-813/941,28-27=-310/2072, 11-12 1128 0.47 A 30-29 -1763 0.27 responsibilip� for such verification. Any discrepancies ore to be put in writing before wningorfabrication. Plain 36- 5 241 0.10 C 26-16 -313 0.06 C27-26=-42/2523,26-25=-42/2523,25-24=0/2669, 12-13 -1501 0.32 A 29-28 941 0.27 shall not be Installed rarer knotholes, keels or distorted 5-35 -646 0.14 C 16-25 510 0.20 C24-23=0/2669,23-22=0/2080,22-21=0/939, 13-14 -1501 0.20 A 28-27 2072 0.72 grain. Members shell be cut for light Riling wood to wood 35- 7 527 0.21 C 7 28 0.06 CWeba 40-1=-56/0,40-2=-1126/0, 14-15 -2523 0.66 A 27-26 2523 0.95 bee ring, Connector fully ain bedded located onboys.th abices of 7-33 -804 0 9-C -Y9 2y--egg 0.08 C2-39=0/735, 39-3=-693/0, 3-38=-73/301, 15-16 -2523 0.64 A 26-25 2523 0.95 The truss with nails fully Imbedded end shot) be eyes. about Ihejoidlunlessolhentisashoun. A5x4-plamis5`wides 33- 8 847 0.34 C 7-SIM; 421 0.17 C38-4=-279/208,37-4=-219/60,36-5=-39/241, 16-17 -2649 0.63 A 25-24 2669 0.61 4'long. A6s8plaleis6'widex8•long. Slols(holes) 8-31 -1219 0.26 C 18-22 -772 0.16 C5-35=-646/0,35-7=0/527,7-33=-804/0, 17-18 -2383 0.42 A 24-23 2669 0.59 ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on 31- 9 1248 0.50 C 22-19 816 0.33 C33-8=0/847,8-31=-1219/0,31-9=0/1248, 18-19 -1525 0,24 A 23-22 2080 0.48 vcb members shallCo=latthemnsruldizes or are mverbs unless 9-30 -1616 0.34 C 19-21 -1227 0.26 C 9-30=-1616 0,30-10=-117 0,30-11=-1686/0, 19-20 0 0.20 A 22-21 939 0.23 olharnisa shown. Connector plate sizes am minimum / / saes based on ilia foray shown and may need to be 30-10 -117 T$A cabPane2t--3Or -51 0.00 C11-29=0/1323,29-12=-1276 0,12-28=0/877,-------- increasedfor certain handling and/or.ereetion sucsses / GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 28-14=-907/0,14- Q/g07,27-15--344 0, This Imss (s not to be fabricated 1vt1M1 g i retardant healed �1 g / LL TL- IumberuNessblltarniseshown. Por additional �� win r,yb�e-a-�% n^ '5 17 2a3/$4, .� in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). infannaliononQualityContmlmferlo ANSMI 17-23=-398/30,232�.B�j31/421,18-22=-772/0, I.Span-0.14/999-0.30/701 16 I.199s 22-19=0/816 19-21=-1i4z'$r{s21-20=-51/0 Horiz. 0.03 0.05 NA PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 Long o deflection 1 Z to 20 1.50 All bracing and erection recommendations am to be _ followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with particular 0-3-8 8 1- 4- 01.5X3 W=3x6 3X6 cam daring banding and bundling, delivery and [3X4) 1- 4- installationloovoiddamage. Temporary and permanent 1.50 3x6 3x4 Px4l f3x4l3x4 4x6 4x6 3x4 4x6 - 4x6 W=3x6 1.50 3x4 3X4 4x6 3x4 bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb position and for revising lateral forms shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for lasses requires such temporary bracing during installation between Wsscs to avoid toppling and 3x6 3x4 1.5x3 W=3X6 W=3X6 4X6 4x10 4X6 3X6 1.5x3 W=3X6 3X4 3x4 4X6 dominoing. IU supervision of ermian of tnessas shall be 1.50 .3x4 3x6 [3x4 3x4 under the wnlrol of persons m'perienocd in the 3X4 instnllntlon of trusses Professional advice shall be sough) if needed. Con=nimiian of wnstmcdon lords greeter titnn t the design ]cods shall not be applied to misses at any time. 790# 3.00 rr " 853# 3.00" No leads other than Use weight of I Ica creators shall be 2331 # 3.50 applied to trusses until rifler ell fastening and bracing is - completed -1-2-4 34-8-8 _ 40 9 8 7 6 534 3 2 31 0 9. 8 7 6 25 4 3 12 1 C/L: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1898 WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF WO: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS .DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO y ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: TI: FE . y:• r�i ice. Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is apart of MaronYYiiM. 7sr[ qi the building design and which must be wnsidemd by the W ilding designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Wss DaCJi1r' TI'Y Chk : 4 / 2 0'/ 2 007 members only to tedu=buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor totem] bracing at ends and specified lowllons determined by Via building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure maybe required. (See HM-91 TC Live 40.0 psf Lbr DF': 1-. 00 . f TPt).Por specific muss bracing rcquiral... K come.. building dasignen(T,ves Prate InsU.ule, TPI is Iomtcd m 583 TC Dead 10.0 psf Plt DF : 1.00 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onfrio oDrimMadison,Wisconsin53719). Sanford, FL. 37771 Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 O.C. : 2- 0- 0 (4b7) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-39r13 BC Live 0. 0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050069 BC Dead 5.0 psf Code: FLA 367 Medallion PL Chu)uota, FL 32760 TOTAL 55.0 PEIf v5 . 4 .1B-90703 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FE.prx c v STJBF I Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design is far an individual Wilding wmponat and has been based an information provided by the errant. Tx designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a =111 of faulty or incomcf Infamsalion. specifications and/or designs famished to the Iruss designer by It,. client and the wrawineas or accuracy of this Information as it MY relale to a specific project and a=pis no responsibility at avereism no control with regard to fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of trosacs, This truss has been designed as on individual building component in accordance eilh ANSVfPi 1.1995 and NDS-97 Io be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the Wilding designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that ilia data shown ate in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic awards for wind or snow loads, project sycchficaliorss or special applied loads Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage cur occupsn y loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) see continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in Tension are not fully braced laterally by a Properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 633, Grade 40, unless othcnvim shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to rnhriwliart the fnbdcotor shall review this drawing to verity that this drawing is in confarmonce pith the fabrimlo/s plans and to maliu a marinating responsibility for such vcrillmlion. Any discrepancies ass to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knothols. know or distorted grain. Members shall be col for tight fining wood to woad bearing. Connector plates simll be located on both faces of Ill: ss with ..its fully Imbedded and shall be ay". about the W Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x g- long. Slurs (holes) run Parallel to the plate length specified. Double cots on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based an the torus sham and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire regarding [seated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional infarmntion an Quality Control refer to ANSlffPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection raommendalions are to be follo wad in accordance will, sampled industry publications. Trusses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installnlion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent imcing for holding busses in a straight and plumb Position and for mi isiing laleml forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and :ration bracing Is ahwways required. Normal prwesutiorary scion for pusses requires welt temporary bracing during 'nstallnlion between trusses to avid toppling and lominoing. The supervision of erecdon of busses shall be coder The conlrol of persons avp:rianced in ilia nstallxtion of lmssrs. Pmlimit nal advice shall be swghl f needed. Concentration of oonamction lands greater than he design goods shall out be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other Than the weighl of the areamrs shall be applied to busses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed TC: 4x 2 SP #2 4x 2 SP #1 D 6-13 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. BC: 4x 2 SP #2 ® 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each 4x 2 SP #2 D 21-29 truss with 3-3.5"x 0.135" nails. Splice WB: 4x 2 SP #3 strongback on truss vertical. (2) 4x 2 SP #3 9-30,10-30,20-21 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. H or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. This truss is designed to bear on multiple The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or supports. Interior bearing locations should fabrication documentation, be marked -on truss. Shim or wedge if All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be necessary to achieve full bearing, In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. In -Plant Quality Assurance, per This truss is designed in accordance with sec, 3.2.4 0£ TPI-1-02, for joint(s): the 2004 Florida Building Code section 8,9,11,22,27,28,31,32,34,39 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES(lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension ----MAIL, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1583/0,3-4--2481/0, R-Loa Met Vert Boris: Uplift Y Type 0- 1- 4-5=-2825/0,5-6=-2687/54,6-7=-2687/54, e 1 877 0 0 B Pin 16- 9-12 1 3021 0 7-8=-2030/445,8-9=-654/988,9-10=0/3777, 0 B H Roll 34- 7- 0 1 843 0 0 10-11=0/3777,11-12=0/1821,12-13=-1400/1144, B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 13-14=-1400/1144,14-15=-2447/479, ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. 15-16=-2447/479,16-17=-2589/213, ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 0 0.21 C 40-39 967 0.26 17-18=-2342/0,18-19=-1504/0,19-20=0/0, 2- 3 -1583 0.44 C 39-38 2164 0.56 HOT CHORD 40-39=0/967,39-38=0/2164, 3- 4 -2481 0.52 C 38-37 2825 0.92 38-37=0/2825,37-36-0/2825,36-35=0/2825, 4- 5 -2825 0.53 C 37-36 2825 0.92 35-34=-231/2507, 4-33=-70$f�4�8, 5- 6 -2687 0.55 C 36-35 2825 0.90 33-32=-702/1498, - _- , 31-30--1879/0,30-29=-2456 0,-28=-2456/0, 6- 7 -2687 0.33 C 35-34 2507 0.61 7- 8 28-27=-1451/831,27-26=-831/1981, -2030 0.30 C 34-33 1498 0.39 8- 9 26-25=-479/2447,25-24=-479/2447, 988 0.23 C 33-32 1498 0.41 9-10 3777 0.78 C 32-31 24-23=-53/2619,23-22=0/2049,22-21=0/928, 1498 0.41 10-11 3777 0.82 C 31-30 -1879 0.32 Webs 40-1=-56/0,40-2=-1264/0, 11-12 1821 0.52 C 30-29 -2456 0.46 2-39=0/856,39-3=-809/0,3-38=-32/441, 12-13 -1400 0.31 C 29-28 -2456 0.35 38-4=-467/156,37-4=-208/122,36-5=-94/236, 13-14 -1400 0.31 C 28-27 -1451 0.25 5-35=-680/0,35-7=0/537,7-34=-765/0, 14-15 -2447 0.82 C 27-26 1981 0.73 34-8=0/835,32-8=T/Meal3PSBJ-T-- `/o , 15-16 -2447 0.80 C 26-25 2447 0.97 31-9=0/2207,9-30--2565/6,30-10=-132/0, 30-11=-1759/0,11-28=0/1398,28-12=-1348/91 16-17 -2589 Q 7q 25-24 2447 0.97 R7htc-C 17 18 2342 24 23 2647 12-27=0/945,27-14=-988/0,14-26=0/1016, -0.97 18-19 -1504 Q$2®_1q 23-22 2049 0.49 (20.20-1,t 049 26-15=-376/0,25 6=-365/0 16-24=0/624 19-20 0 ,23-21 0.49 24 24-17=-364/0,17 23=- 85 105, 3-18=-80 4071 18-22=-758/19 24 d 32 11 TI.FE-GRD Qty:I Joint Locations 1)0-0- 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) IS- 8- 8 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 25- 7-12 30) 16- 9-12 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28- 2- 8 31) 14- 2- 4 4) 6- 6-12 18) 30- 8- 8 32) 13- 5-10 5) 8- 4- 2 19) 33- 2- 8 33) 12- 9-14 6) 10- 1- 8 20) 34- B- 8 34) 12- 1-14 7) 10-10-14 21) 34- 8- 8 35) 9- 7-14 8) 13- 5-10 22) 31-11- 8 36) 8- 4- 2 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 29- 5- a 37) 6- 6-12 10) 16- 9-12 24) 26-11- 8 38) 5- 3- 0 11) 18- 2- 4 25) 25- 7-12 39) 2- 9- 0 12) 20- 8- 4 26) 24- 6- 0 40) 0- 0- 0 13) 22- 6- 4 27) 21-11- 4 14) 23- 2- 4 28) 19- 5- 4 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -100 0- 0- 0 -100 34- B- 8 BC Vert L+D -10 0- 0- 0 -10 34- 8- 8 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -731 13- 5-10 .WEB. ,.FORCE.,CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 40- 1 -56 0.01 C 30-11 -1759 0.37 40- 2 -1264 0.27 C 11-28 1398 0.56 2-39 856 0.34 C 28-12 -1348 0.28 39- 3 -809 0.17 C 12-27 945 0.38 3-38 441 0.18 C 27-14 -988 0.21 38- 4 -467 0.10 C 14-26 1016 0.41 37- 4 -208 0.05 C 26-15 -376 0.08 36- 5 236 0.09 C 25-16 -365 0.07 5-35 -680 0.14 C 16-24 624 0.25 35- 7 537 0.22 C 24-17 -364 0.08 7-34 -765 0.16 C 17-23 -385 0.08 34- 8 835 0.33 C 23-18 407 0.16 32- 8 712 0.29 C 18-22 -758 0.16 B-31 -1745 0.36 C 22-19 802 0.32 31- 9 2207 0.88 C 19-21 -1212 0.26 9-30 -2565 0.25 C 21-20 -51 0.00 -30_10 -132 0.01 C ---GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS :-------- -19= /802,19 1=-121 0, 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 in. La7n./Ratdl� /1�tioZO Jnt(s) 21-20=-51/0, I,Span-0.14/999-0.28/713 36 3- 8 1- 4- 01.50 3x4 Horiz. 0.03 0.05 NA 4x6 [3x4]Long term deflection factor 1-$,90 1.50 4x6 3x4 3x4l [3x4l W=3x6 4x6 5x10 3x4 4x6 4x6 W=3x6 1.50 3x4 3x4 4x6 3x4 Nl 4x6 3x6 1.50 3x4 3x4 Sx8 5x10 4x6 3x6 [4x6] 3x4 3x4 3x4 4x6 3x4 1.5x3 2x4 W=3x6 1.50 W=3x6 877# 3.001 3021# 3.50" 843# .001, 34-8-8 40 9 8 i1i 36 15 14A21kk 0 9 28 27 26 5 24 23 22 1 1 7-14 *- 7314 C/L: 16- 9-12 --�cl0- 4 - EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: t� READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO 1st y,��e ,�{, ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: ta j■� i gy{.:7'�"i.� Bracing shown an this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is apart of agsMM �r j�� the building design and which must be considered by Ilia building designer. Bracing shown is for. lateral support orWss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lawtions determined by Ihe.building designer. Additional bracing of the overall lank um may be required (Sea HIS-91 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOA\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FE-GRD.prx Over 3 Supports Scale = 0,1898 Eng Job: STJBF Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf TOTAL 55.0 nsf WO: STJBF TI: FE-GRD 4/20/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90706 'r. STJBF I Name: STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an individual building component and has been based an infomtation provided by the client. Tles designer disclaims any responsibility, for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, speeifimlions and/or designs furnished Io the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this inforinntion as it may mlate to a spocific project and necepis no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses, This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance nilh ANsIM1 1.1995 and NDS-97 lobe incorpumled as Pori critic building design 'by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data sham are In ogreemenl nilir the local building codes, local climatic records for mind or an= tends, pmJW specifications or special applied Iwlds. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously bmmd by shathing unless othcmim spmifted. Where bottom chords in lension am not fully braced laterally by a Properly applied rigid miling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0• o.e Connector plain shall be ream llienued from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 655, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabriation, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verily that this drawing is in conformancewith the fabriatoes plans and to =It= a continuing responsibility for such verilicnlion. Any discrepancies arc to be pal in writing before coning or fnbrie lion. Plain shall not be installed over knolholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be col for light lilting wood to nwd hearing, Connector Plain shall be located an both feces of Ilve was with nails fully imbedded end shall be sym. abort the Joinl -Ins olhruwim dlavii. A U4 plate is 5• wide s 4• long. A 6A plate is 6• wide x 8• long. Slots (holes) tun Parallel to the plate length specified. Double cols on nrb members shall mat of the antrotd of the webs onus athenvise shown. Connector plate sizes am minimum ;izn based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased r r certain handling nndlor erecd- stress. Iris Cross Is -11. be fabrinled with fire retardant treated umber unless othenvis-hewn. F-midition-I nfomtation on Quality Cor lrol refer to ANSVrP1 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES kil bracing and erection recommendations am to be 'ollo wd In nmordanm with accepted industry mbliations. Trusses am lobe handled with particular Mae during heading and bundling, delivery and nsiallation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent racing for holding INSSeS in a straight and plumb tuition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed nd Installed by others. Careful handling is essential and necllon bracing is always required. Normal precautionary Ilion for trusses requires such temporary bracing during nstnllation between trusses to avoid topplingand ominoing. Tile supervision ofarection of mosses shall be ruler the control of Persons evpericnmd in the vstallation of imsies. ProfesShmai advtm sholl bo sought 'needed. Concentration ofconslmuton loads gremler than Ile design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any lime. 4. loads ogler then the veighl of the nectars shall be Relied to mosses until site, all farentng and bracing is ampleiad Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. 13 or 1); Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center The Joint Detail Report must,be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1838/0,3-4=-2967/0, 4-5=-3625/0,5-6=-3625/0,6-7--3539/0, 7-8=-2980/0,8-9=-1835/0,9-10=-1835/0, 10-11=0/0, BOT CHORD 21-20=0/1302,20-19=0/2541, 19-18-0/2541,18-17=0/3383,17-16=0/3625, 16-15=0/3625,15-14=0/3402,14-13=0/2537, 13-12=0/1104, Webs 21-1=-53/0,21-2=-1440/0, 2-20=0/1024,20-3=-978/0,3-18=0/592, 18-4=-579/0,4-17=-59/564,17-5=-214/0, 16-6=-182/93,6-15=-371/163,15-7=-19/342, 7-14=-587/0,14-8=0/616,8-13=-975/0, 13-10=0/1018,10-12=-1442/0,12-11=-51/0, Typical Panel = 301, 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each truss with 3-3.5"x 0.135" nails. Splice strongback on truss vertical. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s); 3,8,19 ..TC. ,-FORCE.-CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 0 0.18 A 21-20 1102 0.27 2- 3 -1830 0.30 A 20-19 2541 0.56 3- 4 -2967 0.40 A 19-18 2541 0.59 4- 5 -3625 0.46 A 18-17 3383 0.82 5- 6 -3625 0.43 A 17-16 3625 0.97 6- 7 -3539 0.69 A 16-15 3625 0.97 7- 8 -2980 0.39 A 15-14 3402 0.76 8- 9 -1835 0.26 A 14-13 2537 0.58 9-10 -1835 0.22 A 13-12 1104 0.27 10-11 0 0.19 A --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.25/836-0.39/535 7-6 Horiz. 0.05 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 8-4-12 8-4-12 18- ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TI:FF Qty:5 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 14- 0- 8 15) 10- 3- 8 2) 1- 6- 0 9) 15-10- 8 16) 8-11-12 3) 4- 0- 0 10) 16- 6- 8 17) .7- 9-12 4) 6- 6- 0 11) IS- 0- 8 18) 5- 3- 0 5) 7- 9-12 12) 18- 0- 8 19) 3- 5- 0 6) 8-11-12 13) IS- 3- 8 20) 2- 9- 0 7) 11- 6- 8 14) 12- 9- 8 21) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1- 8 1 992 0 0 B Pin 17-11- 0 1 992 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ." ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 21- 1 -53 0.01 C 6-15 -371 0.08 21- 2 -1440 0.31 C 15- 7 342 0.14 2-20 ' 1024 0.41 C 7-14 -587 0.12 20- 3 -978 0,20 C 14- 8 616 0.25 3-18 592 0,24 C 8-13 -975 0.20 18- 4 -579 0.12 C 13-10 1018 0.41 4-17 564 0.23 C 10-12 -1442 0.31 17- 5 -214 0.04 C 12-11 -51 0.01 16- 6 -182 0.04 C 9 10 11 0-3-8 1-4-0 4x0 W=3x4 3x4 [3x4] 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 4x6 4x6 4x6 992# 3.00" 1- 0-8 #`--# 992# 3.00" 18- 0-8 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 _. ►air-ifiYl+l- WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: � '�%? Bracing shown on this drawing is not erecdon bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of tititilll�'V the building design and which must be considered by Ilse building designer. Bracing shown Is for Inleml support of Wss ... ..,,,.. _ members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI).For cp=itie trose bracing mouimmems, cone-ci building dmigme,,Crms Plele rmalna4 17'1 l 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnofrioDrive.Madison,Wiscoasin53719). a IomtW at 593 Sanford, FL. 32773. Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edcnlon, NC 27977 (407) 321-0064 Fox (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 4y0050065 767 MedaB)on PL Chuluotia, FL 32760 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FF.prx Scale = 0.2846 Eng Job: STJBF WO: STJBF Dwg; TI: FF Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/20/2007 TC Live 40.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.00 TC Dead 10.0 psf Plt DF; 1.00 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 5.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 55.0 pSf v5.4.18-90699 r 4 STJBF Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF TI:FG Qty:6 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and . has been based on information provided by llte client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of rendry or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs Mmished to the truss designer by ilia client and the conacmesc or accuracy of This information as It may mime to a specific project and aazpls no responsibility or exercises no control rvith regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of imsses. This truss has been designed as an Indhiduai building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1-1995 and NOS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When rcvicaTd for approval by the building designer. IN design loadings teharve must be checked to bo sure that the data shosm am in agreement will/ die Cowl building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, prujecl sp=Ificallons or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. Tie design assumes compiession chords (top or bottom) ere continuously braced by sheathing unless othcnviu spedried Where bottom chords in lension are not Wily braced laterally by a property applied rigid ailing, they should be bread at a maximum spacing of ilry o.c. Connector plalw shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped golvenind sicel coaling AM A 653, Grade 40, unless ollmnvise shorm. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricalrr shall review this dinning to verify that this draping is In conformarra with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in rviiiing befom coiling or fabrication. Plaim stroll not be installed over knodtales, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be al for tight filling /rood to wood bearing. Connector plmes shall be howled on both faces of the truss nilh nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5xd plate Is 5' aide x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' ,vide x 8' long. Sloss (holes) nun parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on rveb members shall meet at the antruid of lite webs unless ethenvise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the (arras echo van and may need to be Inomased for certain handling and/or elation stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated atilt fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shorm. Foroddirtonal information on Quality control mrar to ANSVIPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be fallmsed in accordance with scoapted Industry publiwlions. Trusses am to be handled wish particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installntion to ovoid ratings. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In n straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral Innate shall be designed and Installed by others. Camhl Handling is esunlial and erection bracing is ainitys required. Normal pirrautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation buween trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of et=tion of husus shall be under the control of persons c,,w ianvA in the Installation of trusses Professional advice shall be sought if needod. Concentration of construction loads greater than Ilto design loads shall not be applied to biasses at any time. No lords other Ilion the weight of the erewors shall be applied to trusses until aner all listening and bracing is TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: (2) 4x 2 SP #3 4x 2 SP #3 3-11,3-10,4-10 4-9,5-9,5-8,6-8 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcasea. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 152 0.34 A 12-11 23 0.49 2- 3 -34 0.45 A 11-10 -520 0.58 3- 4 789 0.26 A 10- 9 -820 0.30 4- 5 819 0.27 A 9- 8 -677 0.17 5- 6 455 0.23 A 8- 7 35 0.02 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.12/638 10-11(L) Horiz. 0.03 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor - 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel Typical Panel = 30" 7-7 10,00 11 or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 14.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 0.0 psf, BCDL= 0.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS, PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0= 4- 0 1 349 -2 -428 B Pin 9-10- 0 1 349 0 -397 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr • .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 12- 1 212 0.04 C 4- 9 105 0.03 il- 2 -240 0.04 C 9- 5 -100 0.03 11- 3 752 0.19 C 5- 8 406 0.10 3-10 -276 0.10 C a- 6 -520 0.18 10- 4 140 0.04 C 7- 6 392 0.08 9- 4- Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 6-11-14 49) 5- 8-14 2) 0- 7- 4 j 6) 9-11- 8 SO) 3- 2-13 3) 1-11-13 7) 9-11- 8 11) 0- 7- 4 4) 4- 5-14 8) 8- 2-14 12) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -60 0- 0- 0 -60 0- 7- 7 TC Vert L+D -60 0- 7- 7 -60 9-11- 8 BC Vert L+D -10 0- 0- 0 -10 9-11- 8 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-103/152,2-3=-34/31, 3-4=-623/789,4-5=-671/819,5-6--367/455, BOT CHORD 12-11=-17/23,11-10=-520/439, 10-9=-820/717,9-8=-677/616,8-7=-26/35, Cr webs 12-1=-165/212,11-2=-240/187, C 11-3=-606/752,3-10=-276/256,10-4=-130/140, C4-9=-64/105,9-5=-100/76,5-B=-347/406, C8-6=-520/454,7-6=-343/392, C C JAY JX4 pg� q 3499 8.00" 3494 3.00" 9-11-8 12 11 10 9 8 7 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: Bracing sliawn on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, penal bracing or similar bracing which Is a pan of arsondai-Systems the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for laterDs: TLY Chkal support of truss s ' .. mambers only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lowlipns dpermlried by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structum maybe required. (See H)8-91 TC Live 40.0 psf of TPr),Forspecifictmmbmcingnequime ts,wnimtrulldingdmigmr.ffnus PlnrelnsUruie, 7PI Is located a1583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive,Madhain, Wiscumin5TC Dead 10.0 s£3719), p Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Eaginvering by: Truss Engincering Co., P.A., gig Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 0.0 p sf (407) 321-OOW Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 BC Dead 5.0 psf 397 Modalflon PL Ghuluofa, FL 32766 TOTAL 55.01 sf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FG.mrx Scale = 0.4655 WO: STJBF TI: FG 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-91040