HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractors PERMIT# ISSUE DATE it PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT One Stop Cooling & Heating LLC /Zachary Boera have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical Sub-contractor for VVD_ 'FL LL C (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor)For the project located at 60017 Na I 30 1�r- bl"I L q, Od' (Project Street Address rdProperty Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I project,.the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNAT erg SUB-C OR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) 1\A0 Zac " ry Boera PRINT NAME J PRINT NAME G G G 15119450 CAC1817652 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMMWA State of Florida;.(!ounty of_B t`ftdc r i State of Florida,County of GRAN GE q,6 i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this l day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 16th day of i A tt f3.Sk .20 � 20Z by Zachary Boera who Is _or has produced a wbo is personally known X or bas produced a UP20� as Identification, as idendfleado . STAMP STAMP Signature of'Nolary Public o Signature of N i 1qeCX`t't)IeJ- Dain In Kelly Ashlock Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Nomy psi sofa of F WW j Mtii W C DNt11n �• MY Can,n+haioe►ti'I 020oto Kelly Ashlock NOTARY PUBLIC Revised t 1/t6/20t6 STATE OF FLORIDA Comm#GG969901 *C 'rri Expires 4/4/2024 i I f i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE f PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division e BUILDING PERMIT I -SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT j I E k rn_ ' F (G[ y ,L L I Ilan Ag. Bf(�1iR�bave agreed to be (Company Nmendvidal Name)li ! the_ I(nci l lr1G Sub-contractor for W'17 FL- LLC. (Type of Trade) J (Primary Contractor) For the project located at S 0 A", 1301 - b15 0'10 - 600-1 (Project Street Address or Poorly Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTR/►crORstcNA: er) PRnV7 NIGNEi PH1NT AMS. GGG 5t745$ CCC13342+0 COtJNTYGEE MIZATIONNUMBS13 - - CoVKrYC6RTMCATWNNUMBSR j Stataof Ffoiiifu,Co of [`P.y'Q State of F7orlds,County of The forceotaQ fmlrumeat ware slpned Fxfara me Idts 'dny of The foreeotng ias mmmtwas signed before we this day or f Ceti ..:aby_eAr�..*•.. rs'..,_.a� szo_Zti1-1�+�Clev j Who is er M "haown or has produced a _ who is personally{mown ar bas produced a Las Identification. as ldefadficadoa, A�. ti �.J STAMP STAMPA Signature of Nolary•Puhgc Signature or NV P Ile Print Name of Notaryyaff'17 Print Name of'Notory Public ptilieSMrdflra(iM. F�wrc c ti.ern It �-"Ion Illm GPM Mang Notary PuMie Slate of Florida Revised I l/16/2016 Yesenie PeraRa +� My Commission GG 251702 I �}a Expires OW22/2022 i i i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE j I PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • Building&Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i I �7 I �LN1 have agreed to be (Company Name/Individuai Name) —► the f04-0 Sub-contractor for VV--r { FL LL.0 Crypt of Trade) (Primary Contractor) I For the project located at SOCCI /ate, 1302 , (0(S'• 01 uG • (pCr)o , I (Project Street Address 6f Property Tax ID#) I It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTORSIGNATU er) SUB-CONTRA SIGNATURE(Q-11111 r) PA oil-* G( l // PRIM NAb1G PRWrWAME C&C 1511145$ COUNTY CERTIRCATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMB p� State of Florldoi County ofz rQ c Stott of Florida,County of lit I061- }St The foregoing instrument was slated before me this ! day of The fareeobre instrument was aleaed/b�efore me this day of fi-1 �20_q by �C C,� !D? L - 201,by V 61 who b�noaally knows or has produced a who b personally tmowa or has produced a '1— as Identification. ea Idea dot -1C_Jlt STAMP STAMPSlgantureorNotaryyPublic S re 6"Public �-1PC-a)&- Tta,h I n.monto L d Print Name of Notary Pubtic PrintName of Notary Public MOYIy letO�C Blw of Flaffr my c4mrroosion.� NHonm0 _,�o �; SAMANTHA STANFORD `a E>�MOlIOSf20" Commission N GG 48974 _* •@ Revised 1 1/1620 1 6 ^,��? „� My Commission Expires �� November 20, 2020 I i