HomeMy WebLinkAboutESR-1388, evaluation reportDIVISION: 07 00 00-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 52 00-MODIFIED BITUMINOUS SHEET ROOFING REPORT HOLDER: CERTAINTEED CORPORATION EVALUATION SUBJECT: CERTAINTEED FLINTLASTIC MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS ICC PMG LISTED "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States SeIsMic policy Council (WS5P0 Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no x-arranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any Ending or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. om Prpducl CeRiG[yy�i p�,y�• -1--co Cvaluatian Report ESR-1388 Reissued May 2019 This report is Subject to renewal May 2020. WWWJCC-ems 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 52 00—Modified Bituminous Sheet Roofing REPORT HOLDER: CERTAINTEED CORPORATION! EVALUATION SUBJECT: CERTAINTEE❑ FLINTLASTIC MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Code' (IBC) ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Cod' (IRC) Properties evaluated. ■ Fire classification ■ Wind uplift resistance ■ Physical properties • Impact resistance 2.0 USES The CertainTeed Flintlastic modified bitumen roof covering membranes are used as roof coverings in Class A, B or C roof covering systems, described in this report, an new or existing roofs. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: CertainTeed roofing membranes are atactic polypropylene (APP) or styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) modified bitumen membranes complying with ASTM D6222, ASTM D6162, ASTM ❑6163 or ASTM D6164, as applicable. Roof covering systems utilizing CertainTeed roofing membranes consist of single -ply membranes, base sheets and ply sheets, approved insulation, flashing, asphalts, adhesives, coatings and mechanical fasteners that are installed to produce an integrated roof system. 3.2 Membranes: 3.2.1 Flintlastic FR Cap 30 (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic FR Cap 30 is a 0.138-inch-thick (3.5 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a glass fiber mat impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type i, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6163 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 7.2 pounds per square yard (3.9 kglm). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.2 Flintlastic FR-P (Standard or CoolStar):Flintlastic FR-P is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.4 pounds per square yard (4.6 kglm2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.3 Flintlastic Premium FR-P (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic Premium FR-P is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), mineral -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type II, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM 06164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.4 pounds per square yard (4.6 kglm`). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.4 Flintlastic GTS (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic GTS is a 0.176-inch-thick (4.5 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced. SS5 modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type II, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D3164 and intended for torch application only. The membrane weighs approximately 9.9 pounds per square yard (5.4 kglm). The membrane is also avaiiable as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.5 Flintlastic GMS (Standard or CoolStar): Flintiastic GMS is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), granular - surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.0 pounds per square yard (4A kglm2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.6 Flintlastic Premium GMS (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic Premium GMS is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), X C-F. S ,L,,,alntiion Reports etre not ro he coF1S1_e.das reprerentirrg ar thetre. rsr any other auribures nut speafcaily udr1re"'c4 rnrare thei• ro be consmied as all endonernenl of the sml iect Of the report or ❑ recommendation for a-,, aye, There is no warra�ry by fL'["Lvalanrinn fienice, I.LC, erpress nr ttnplrei, crs 049b uolyoaS 081 ql!M aouePt000e ul uo?Padsui 's6uuanoa ;001 Mau 10 uo4ege;sul of tolld :fiul;ao OU Z•Z•'Y 06L -in to 9o9 3 WISH y;!M aauept000e u! s6ultanoo loot 0 to g 'y sse(:) ale 'Podat srgl tam aoueptoaae ur Pallelsul MLIM 'fl6 g6notgl yl salgel ul paclposap swalsl�s 5ulJanoo 1oo�l :uol;ont;suo� ►inaN L Z-v :uol;eor}!ssel3 aald Z•k 'apt algealldde aql pue suol;an4sul uorlellelsul pegsllgnd uoiletodtoo paalurEWOO ail; gum aauBptooae ul ;g6yt9y;eaM aPew pue payseg aq ;snw 6ultan03 loot ay; to suolleulwtal pue suor;et;auad 'Q( g5naty; yl� salgel ul pe4r-lads se wa;sAs aelnol}:ed ay; Jo) edols wnw!xew uegl atow aq lou ;snw pue (adols ;uaoJad e) zl.: ra jo wnwiuiw a aq ;snw adols ;ow eql pule Q6 y5nat "dZ g6notyl b2 g; Hl saigel ul paquosap se s;ooi 6uilsixe to Mau aano palle;sur aq Aew leg; Swa;SAS 6uuanoa ;ooJ to sluauodwoo ate sauetgwaw 6ugoat allSellurld paa1uleltao •uol;elle;sui buunp allsgof aq; uo sawn; ile 3e algelfene aq ;snw suol;orulsul uol;ellelsul paysllgnd s,jaan;oelnuew ayl ltodaj sryl pue suorpnt;sul uoilellelsul Pags!lgnd s tatnloelnuew aql 'apoo algearldde ay; y;inn Alcfuaoo ;snuff Pod- srq; ul paquosap swalsAs fiuuenoo ;pot aueagwaw ollsep!1A paalulepeo aq; ;o uor;elle;sul :IetauaQ L"p NQUVIIVISNl 01, OL" Wd ;.a g•l, uO!PGS gWM eouepaaooe ul aoue;s!saa loedwi .io; luawaa!nbai ay; laaw laodaa sryl ul Paquuosep s6ultanoo loot uawnlrq pag!pow Ogsel;ulld paaLu1p jai agl :asue;slsaN;oedull $•E -sales a6etanoo pue san[sagpe aol `g alou;oo} 'AZ algel aas :sanls84Py 9-E 'palou asluuaylo ssalun £ algel y;im aaueptoaoe ul aq lsnw slaags aseq pate uolleinsul ualse; AIleo!ueg'oaw o; pasn sa;eld pue staua;sed :saaua;seA ti•g •swa;s�Cs 609001 o41oads gum asn tot. pal;iuued suor;elnsul to; dZ g6naag; HZ pue l 'Hb saigel aaS 4,9d W1S'd to EZL in tIJ!M aouepioaae ul `asn taj papua;ul ssaujorg; u nw!xew ay;;e 'pa;sal uayM gL ueg; avow Mu jo xapui peatds-aweg e aney Ism 'pasn aaagM uo4elnsul of;seld weod :uoileinsul £"E -salnur?t6 ol!yna 146ltq sazll4n yalyM'uolldo aelSl000 a se argei!ene osie sr auetgw2w ayL -( wI6j tr l,) pmA atenbs tad spunod l•g Ajojewlxordde sg6iaM aueagwaw ayl -Aluo uorleo!ldde goao; tol papualui sl pue £9b9Q W1Sy g;!M 6u!Aldwoo aueagwaw 0 apetE) 'I adAj a si aueagwaw ayl 'uawnlrq pa!ppow S8S gl!m patanoo pue pa;eu5atdwi lew tagg s3e15 a woa; painpr4nuew euetgwaw 6ugoot uawnlrq pag!Pow SeS 'paotolu!at 4paoepns-aelnuet6 '(ww 2-0 Aoig4-y3ur-5l'a a si L 0£ deo dd ollsel;ulld :(ae;gi000 to p-Jepue;S) 1 OE deo lid of;sel;upd E4'Z"E .salnuet6 al!gM 146laq saz!il;n go!gM 'uoildo ie4SjooC) e se algellene osle Si auetgwgw agl 'llot aad spunod 96 Alalewlxotdde sy6laM aueagwaw ayl AM uorleolldde patagpe;las tvl uawnlrq paiJ!pow ;o ePet6 touadns a yliM pa;eoo-PUB paleu6aidwi 'lew uolleurgwoo wlaos ssel6 Jag9laajS,9Alcd uanOM-uou a wog; patnloe;nuew aueagwaw 6ugoot uawnlrq pag!pow SSS `Pao-1odu!ar `paoe4rns-aelnueafi '(ww 0"0 PLf;-your-9VO i; s! 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aq Amu swalsAs 6uuanoo loci 0 10 8 y sse10 TABLE 713--EKTERNAL Plow FIRE CLASSIFICATIONS'" N014INSULATED NONCOMBUSTIBLE €lECK&- SYSTEM 00. CLASS MAX. ROOF ROOF COVER SLOPE � Base Sheet Ply Shece Membrane Surfacing Flintlastic GTA, Flintlastic GTA CoolStar, Flintlastic GTS or tf 9 A 1:12 TYPe G2 or G2 Glasbase Base Sheet Flintlastic GTS CcolStar (HW) or (MA) or (HM) None Flintlastic GMS, F€intlastrc GMS Karnak No. 97 Fibrated CootStaror F#inf3astic Premium Aluminum al 1112 gallsq. GMS, Flintlastic Premium GMS CoolStar, (HM) 2 A g1a:12 Base Sheet Type G2 or T32 (HM) [MA) or {HM3 Norte Flintlastic STA or Flintlastic STA Karnak No_ 97 Fibrated B 1:72 ire G$ or G2 Glas6ase Base Sheet None Plus (HW) STA or Flintlastic STA Alum num of 1t1z gaUsq. Karnak No. 97 Fibrated (MA) or (HM) Plus {HYV) Aluminum at 1'12.gallsq. R 1 412 Type G2 or G2 Glasbase Sale Sheet (] or {HM) (OP l) One or mom Type G1 Flintlastic GTA-FR or Filnifastic or G2 {HAA) GTA-FR COGIStar(HW) None A 'P212 Flintlastic SA NaiEase (MA) None Flintlastic SA P-Cap-FR (SA) None Flintlastic SA NMBase (MA) or Ftlntlastic t A E/� 12 $A PlyBase (SA to Primed DensDesk or Flintlastic SA Ply6asa Flintlastic SA Ca FR, Flin#lastio SA P RensDeck quraGuard only) (SA} Cap FR Cool Star (SA) None 7 B IP:12 Bone Flintlastic Ultra Glass 1`4ntlastic FR-P fully -adhered with SA (SA) FllntBond Brush Grade Adhesive at None I % gailsq. B f :t2 None Rintlastic Ultra Glass SA (MA) Flintlastic FR,A (HM) None A Na Ff�iriiast#c:SA:M'0P11 Ri I la5#ic:SA..CaP.F��.& Ftlintlastxc (SA) SR,:Cap FR 06013tar MA) I t its E1 1(F A %,12 Rinifastic APP Base T (MA) or (HW) (O onal) FFli `liia�j Ffintlastic T o Flintlastic -FR GTA-FR r {HWJ None B-11 B 1412 Flintlastic APP Base T (MA) or (HW) (Optional) Flintlastic Flintlastic GTA or Flintlastic GTA APP ease T {H1M1rj CoolStar (HW) None F S - 1 bch = 25.4 men. t gallsq- 0.41 Ve. TABLE W—EXTERNAL_ ROOF FIRE CLASSIFICATIONS"JNSULATE© COMBUSTIBLE DECKSe SY MM Nth ) MAX. ROOF ROOF SLOPE VAPOR BARRIER OR INSULA-RON "'61 TMCKNESS gases Sheet` RDOF Ply Sheee COVER Membrane Surfacing Flintlas5c STA.,, FlintlaSifc STA Plus. Flintlastic GTA, Flintlastic GTA T Type Gh Penile 1 Type G2 or G2 i CoolStar, Flintlastic C 1 A 1:72 B s Glasbase Base Sheet Min. 1-ine -inm. may, enax Glasbase ease None GTS or Flintlastic Flood coat and (LL) or (MA) 1 c Sheet (MA) or GTS CoolStar HVV GMS,} gravel at 400 (HM] or F3intiast c pounds per square Flintlastic GMS CoofStar or Flintlastic Premium GMS, Flintlastic Premium GMS CcolStar (HM) Flintlastic GTA, FiintlasGc GTA CooiStar, Flintlastic L A 14:12 (OPtonaly Type or G2 Perlite, lass Tiber or `� T e G2 or G2 Type G2 or G2 Ginsbaseaase GTS or Flintlastic GTS CoolStar fHw} Kamak No. 97 B Glas(LL) Base Sheaf (LL) or {MA) NOod fiber! T.2-rr3ch la eel (Lse Base Sheet {LL) or (MA) Sheet {AAA) or or Flintlastic GMS, Flintlastic Ffbrated Aluminum GMS at 1'12 gailsq. CoolStar or Flintlastic Premium GMS, Flintlastic Premium GMS Conistar (HM)