HomeMy WebLinkAboutModi Bitumen Product App Cover Sheet�f2$2020
Florida Building Code 0:6-le
MIS Frame f ivq 1. LPsar SUVIstrA%m : fpst Topes 1 ;ual`nM11. 9 u r charge Slat% IL Fads#
Prnduct Approval
USER: Nbllc User
Prpdurt !JMroyal Merru } 641ALI anDn Mg � Applical5an aetbil
r FL V FLi-554-R26
Appllcation 7yVe RENISlOn
Code version 2017
Appll caOn status Approved
Comm a nts
Arthl M-nd
- r
Publlutionrs k-�n[acc is B C I S 5:A = L 9!.
Prorliuct M-Anufarturer POLYGL45S USA
Add ressfPhone}�malI i 111 W. Newporr Center Drive
DearMleld 5eathr FL 33442
(9-54) 2 a3.1.330 1:xt 242
rni!21 pert Wolin lass xm
Authorlaed Signature Maury Alpart
real pert@RoWq lass. -corn
Ter,h nifal Representative TECH REP
,odd rtWPh One/Em a it 1111 W&St NeWport Center Drive
Dee rfl eld 6ea chr FL 3 3442
(866) 80 2 -8017
v splygl a SStechli Icai@ pDlygra ss-ca m
Quality Assurance Representative QA REP
Addressi pho n cIEr n-ml 11 i I West N twport Ce nt er Drive
Ocerfleld Beach, FL 33442
uspotyg Ia5!sCechn5ca I @poly -g lass, corn
Category Roofing
Sv brat-egory M od if ed Bitum e n Roof Syst-arrl
COmpll-arl6a Mftthod Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Ar-hltect or a Licensed Florida
Pmfawssicmal Engineer
Evaluation Report - Kardtopy Rem-e:ved
FJOri d a Engi neer ar Arch itect Na me who d eve loped the Robitrt N ieminen
Evaluation Report
Flori-de License PE-59166
Quality Assurance Entlty UL LLC
Quarlty Assurance Contract Expiration Date 11/07/202 z
V-311i d-Ated By John W, Knezevlch r RE
Certificate of Independence
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standarel)
Validation Checklist - tiardcopyr Reeelved
't, iiii r
ASTM D4897 2001
ASTM D6162 2008
ASTM 1)616-� 2008
ASTM D61-154 2011
ASTM D6222 2011
ASTM .136509 2009
FM 44710 2012
h4s:fhvww.florid-abuiading-oryipr)pr_aR;�_dtl,aSpx?pa-ram= EVXQwtDq-vqq L;2w%2bri Fy UN2low6pKxAh1Do6OlVlca8vssF1 dmed7WKA763d%3d V2
FlcHids Building Code Online
FM 4474
U L 1697
Equivalenc-e of Pr-odurt Standards
CertffFed By
Sections fmm the -Code
Product Approval Method Method I Option D
Date Sul;mitt�d
Oat-e VaIidated
Date Rending F$C Approval
Date Appr-nvad
eurnmery of Products
FL Model, Number or Name
1654,1 Poly -glass SIBS and App Muddied
Bitumen Roof Systems
Llmft of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ; No
A p prove d fo r use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Re si statrt:: N/A
D"i9n Pressures +NfAf-622,5
Other, 1,) The design R re55 u re in this a0ipII ra tlon relates to
ione Particular rise-nbry aver cpncret� deck. Refer to the ER
Appendix fki DtMr 5y5tem5 and deck types. Z,) Refer to ER,
Sertlian 5 far other Limits Qf U5e_
DOSCH pti-on
5 B5 and APP mad ifi Ed bity men roof 5y5tems
IFts1a lla#Ian Instructions
EL I-554 R26 11 � 019 10 FINAL Al � R PG MOD BIT FLI-554-
Veri Fed By: Robert N iem inen RE-59166
Created by Independent Third Party: Vey
Evaluation Report
. 654 R26 AE 2G19 ID FINAL EFi PG M D BBIT F L 1654-
Created by Independent Ttlird Rtrty; Yes
CDntmV,L ix :: 2641 Wair 5Wne Road. Taiianasi" FL 32399 Fhcne; 850-4$7-1&2+
The 51atLL of Flarldh is an A VEEG uTwAay&r_ "rUjigLe p( Florida.: E Pf iqaf�Y Stater, At ; ; xeees8ibililu 5tdlernr, ::. fEehrnd Statement
Under Fleeidb low, email addressee are Qublic rye Ards_ If you do not want yai;r c•rnpd PMr466 Lneleased in respon52 t4 a public-recaFds requeii't, dfl rat send gk:rtrpnlc
rn&4 to this e►t;ty. InsteM, mntecUM atnce hy+ plrahe to hyf tr6.dirlarael mtil. If lrnu have any qumtrorvs, pi "MnUct 1150.41517.095. �Purauant to Se l an 455.27Sj1 ),
Floflft Statutes, effeMwe Octoliert 1, 2012, licaniees Feemed under -Chapter 455, F_9_ mustWavdi� the Depart-ment with an ernBlt addheae IF they have ont_ The ernads
prwiddid rnep be „sed rar Oicial communkatloq wltn the licensee_ Hawevtr ernO addresses are putilic recorp, if ym Co not wish to supply a !Petj nel addrew, pease
prwifttS-* Dc:Cart-en`, with an erna4 address which can be rhMe available w the puSllr= To deterrryn-c rf yoo gkra a licensee and%r Ghi*W455. F!3 , *Bm eiek here _
Product Approval A�capficr
= ® Ell a
Credit Card
http&:WNYV +,i30rldatxUlidi rig, oF-g1prFpr_app_d1l.sspx?ps ram:zwGEV OwtDq vgqu2w 2bn F9VN20"P (xAh0o6QMos8vssF1 dmadTHfKA%3d%�d 212