HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Clearing PermitZ 2 N v O v 0 N ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DIVISION LAND CLEAIK"KI-lvG PERMIT ISSUE DATE 10/17/2003 PERMIT NO. 20031046 EXPIRATION DATE_ 10/1 /2004 SITE LOCATION +1-240 "acres on E side of Emerson Ave.; SW comer is-610 feet N of Indrio ZONING 230ac. AG-1/ 10ac.1X OWNER'S NAME F..merson Estates, 250 Emerson Avenue LLC 561-302-9205 LAND CLEARING CONTRACTOR TBA CONDITIONS: ALL WS FOR REMOVAL VLF ETATION AS PER APPROVED SITE PLAN. The areas shown on the cleariti Klan to be preserved must be barricaded of with orangev fence or comparable material inunediately The fencing must be placed at the out edge of the drialuies or [lie trees to be_preserved OR the limits of impacts as depicted ou the site plan — WHICHUER IS GREATER. Iu the event that any protective barricades are removed or altered and laud clearing or construction work is being conducted on the site all work at the site will be stopped witil the barriers arc restored and ERD staff shall be uiuuediatelycontacted to detentwie if any necessary corrective actions taken to repair oi• replant any vegetation removed or damaged as a result of these eucroacluhlents. Flease be advised that trees destroyed due tcy construction damage are reauired to he mitigated for at a ratio of A- I THE PERSON ACCEPTING THIS PERMIT SHALL ASIDE BY TILE TERMS OF THE APPLICATION ON FILE IN THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING AND ZONING DIVISION PURSUANT TO THE LAND CLEARING AND 'TREE PROTECTION REGULATIONS. - TILE APPLICATNT SMALL KEEP THIS PERMIT POSTED ON -SITE AT ALL TIMIsS DURING.LAND CLEARING. THE PROPERTY OWNER ANWOR AUIEN T SHALL IlE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING: ALL Al'1'LICABLE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL PERMITS. l't';� ,:,r , .. Nov 27 07 02:49p - p.3 Environmental Consultants, Inc. (772) 546-6255 FAX (772) 546-2316 E-mail: rlwl@adelphia.net' 8 October 2003 Ms: Amy Mott Resource Protection Coordinator St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Environmental Resources Division 6120 Glades Cutoff Road Fort Pierce, FL 34992 Re: Emerson Estates PUD, Vegetation Removal Permit Application Dear Ms. Mott: R.L. Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc. (RLW) has been retained by the Applicant to complete a Vegetation Removal Permit application for the referenced project site. RLW is pleased to submit the attached application addressing the proposed tree removal and mitigation associated with the. Emerson Estate PUD project site for your review. Enclosed for your review and processing please find -the following items: • Completed St. Lucie County (SLC) Vegetation Removal Permit application form, signed by the Applicant and notarized (2 copies); Project Location Map (2 copies); • 2000 Aerial Photograph -depicting the project site limits (2 copies); Proposed Tree Removal and Preservation Plan figure (2 copies); • Application fee check in the amount of $100.00 payable to St. Lucie County In addition to the enclosed inaterials, please refer to the Emerson Estates Project Site Preliminary Environmental Assessment report prepared byRLW dated April 2003 for existing. vegetation and site conditions within the Emerson Estates PUD project site. In addition, please refer to the Preliminary Vegetation Removal* Permit and Management Plan dated March 2003 which describes the existing conditions and means by which the Applicant plans to comply. with SLC vegetation protection requirements. Since both of these documents were previously submitted to SLC, copies of same are not included herein. 8985 S.E. Bridge Road • Suite A 0 Hobe Sound, FL 33455 Nov 27 07 02:49p p.4 M►J �3gjlp . Ms. Amy 14ott Resource Protection Coordinator, SLC Environmental Resources DiVision Emerson Estates PUD Vegetation Removal Permit Application RLW File #02-106.03 8 October 2003 Page 2 John G. ' Albritton & Associates, Inc. completed a Tree Survey for the project site in accordance with the methodology agreed to by SLC, as described in RLW's letter dated 30 April 2003 to yourself. John G. _Albritton & Associates, Inc. submitted three (3) signed and sealed copies ofthe Tree Survey to Hank Flores, SLC Planning. and Zoning, on 3 June 2003. The approved methodology located all native trees 12" diameter at breast height {D$H) or greater; however•, it did'not locate live oak (Quercus virginiana) trees within -the Oak Hammock preserve or sabal palm (Sabal palmetto) trees. Live oak trees within the Oak Hammock Preserve -were measured and counted; however, they were not located. The project site predominantly consists of improved cattle pasture'and has been disturbed by past clearing and long-term agricultural management. Although the project site does not include any areas of native upland habitat, the Applicant has designed the proposed Site Plan to avoid impacts to'the largest concentration of live oak trees on -site via designating an Oak Hammock preserve area in the northwestern portion of the project site. Additionally, two (2)..sabal palm preserve areas (north and south) are designated along the western -central property boundary. Live oak and slash pine (Pinus elliottii).trees will be preserved -in -place in these preserve areas, and in other areas that do not contiict with 'site development. All cabal palm'trees measuring 10' or greater clear trunk will either be protected in -place, or they will be:transpiaated from the development site to the preserve, buffer or other landscaped areas. Unavoidable impacts to protected trees consists of the removal of live oak and slash pine trees that are located within development areas or utility corridors that " cannot be practically relocated. Unavoidable.tree impacts consist of the following: removal of a total of 904" DBH of live oak trees removal of a total of 88" DBH of slash pine trees. Proposed mitigation for the unavoidable tree impacts consists.of the following:. preservation of 2,386" DBH of live oak trees preservation of 484" DBH of slash pine trees Based *on the SLC mitigationdmpact ratio of2" DBH mitigation required*per 1" DBH RLW'• s opinion that tree preservation for the proposed Emerson Estates PUD project will more than compensate for the proposed tree impacts. Trees to be preserved will be protected from impact during construction via the placement of barricades to be installed at the trees' drip line. The oak hammock and sabal palm preserve areas will be managed and monitored in accordance with the Nov 27 07 02:49p p,6 Ms. Amy Mott Resource Protection Coordinator. SLC Environmental Resources Division Emerson Estates PUD Vegetation Removal Permit Application RLW File 402-106.03 & October 2003 Pagd 3 Emerson Estates Project Site Preserve Area Management and .Monitoring Plan prepared by RLW dated August 2003. Thank you for your assistance with the permitting of this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (772) 546-6255. Sincerely, Thomas F. Fucigna, Jr. Sr, Environmental.Speciah.st TFF/djb Enclosures cc: Jim Spponer (250 Emerson, LLC) Ken Natoli (Houston-Cuozzo Group, Inc.) Richard Cabrera,:PE (CCL Consultants; Inc.) RLW File #02-106.03 Nov 27 07 02:50p No address. ±240 acres on the east side of Emerson Avenue PROJECT ADDRESS: Southwest corner is approx 610 feet north of Indrio Rd. PROJECT NAME: Emerson Estates SUBDIVISION: \/A LOT: N/A BLOCK: NJA SECTION: 11 & 14 TOWNSHIP: 34 RANGE: 39 230 acres AG1 MAP#: ZONING: 10 acres IX LAND USE: _ 131423100010107 131131000000000 PROPERTY TAX ID#: 131421100020009 131132000000001 RU 131421100030006 131421300010008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY): Please see attached sheet labeled "Legal Description" OWNER NAME: 250 Emerson Avenue, LLC ADDRESS: 5801 North Congress Avenue CITY: Boca Raton STATE: FL ZIP: 33487 OFFICE PHONE#: 561-362-9205 CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: SINGLE-FAMILY/DUPLEX W NON-RESIDENTIAL ( ) MULTI -FAMILY (i PUBL.IC ( ) (Townhomes) Page 1 of 3 - xLW JOB # 02-106.03 0 Nov 27 07 02:50p _ p.7 PERMIT INFORMATION Briefly describe the vegetation removal activity and the proposed development activity to take place on the property: Unavoidable impacts to native trees 12 inches DBH or greater is proposed to permit construction of a County -approved site plan. Number and type of trees to be removed (example: two - 12" dbh Live Oaks, one - 24" Slash Pine, and three Laurel Oaks 12" dbh, 15" dbh, and 17" dbh): i Trees to be removed consist of live oaks (Quercus virginiania), and slash pine LPinus elliottii). Location and size of trees to be removed are illustrated on attached Figure 3 of 3, Proposed Tree Removal and Preservation Plan. Is mitigation required? If yes, please outline mitigation plan: Mitigation will consist of preservation of native trees in three upland preserve areas (Oak Hammock Preserve Area, North Sabal Palm Preserve Area, South Sabal Palm Preserve Area). Total inches DBH of live oaks and slash pine to be preserved are illustrated in Figure 3 of 3. DATE WORK OF EXPECTED TO BEGIN: Intend to commence site clearing January 2004 DATE WORK IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED: _90 days from permit issuance CONTRACTORS NAME: Contractor not yet assigned ADDRESS: N/A PHONE (DAYTIME): NIA CITY: N/A STATE: N/A zip: N/A FL REG/CERT.# N/A ST. LUCIE CO. CERT.#: N/A Page 2 of 3 RLNV JOB # 02-106.03 Nov 27 07 02:51p FROM : RL wr=IGT ENUIRONMENTAL FAX NO. :561-546-2316 .Oct. 02 2003 12:50FM P6 PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ACKNOWLEDC;MENTS tgoT =D: I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A. (X) I AM THE OWNER OFRECORD OF THE A90VE DES CRIED PROPERTY. I AM NOTTHT OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AF i3OWEYER, Ir HAVR dUTHQItITY TO ACT AS AGE g�EQ PROpERTyi (PLLASE PROVIDE DiOCUWNTA1lTON) EN7' FOR T� OWNgg OF RTCa1�D. I CERTIFY 8AT AiG.L INFO1triiATl()N SAD W�H THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE ANDco1Dp &z%n' YANOWLEDGE. 250 Emerson AveAe, (Managing Part er) STATE OF FLORMA, CQiJN'1`Y RW 5�AEME Palm, Beach srdTl ( ox instrument was Adgwwtedpd bdare me this ayai 3q ,by ersa known or Gas produeed69:fa." as idptdt%atisnA Signatgre Of Notary Type or Print dame q. idinry -Notary Public <►� Diane Bucci cep ,t Commission#DDIM16. anNunober Title = •' *c EMjM Feb 28 2007 (SEAT.): slrlarmeBQ'DQyh%,- APPROVED Condidons; Resource Protect#ow CONTRACTOn, SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORMA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The AntVft ImtM3"j5utwas ackROWtedgad beior* Me tbis day of - • by pvMn My tma" to me ar 4_s px odgwdwho is as Idem&agae q, SlpostoKeQfNataty Type or taint _*Name of : etary Commbaid" Number Title (SEAW1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DENIED ( ) Site Inspection: h _� Dace: V Hand Inspection:� : D4tc: Nov 27 07 02:51 p - p,9 NOT A SURVEY a, North LATITUDE: N27137.812' LONGITUDE: W08012"75' 0' 400' $00' 1600' SCALE: 1" = 800' 3200' ST. L•UCIE COUNTY I SEC. I TWP. R. I RLW JOB NO.. DRA'V1'ING NAME: DATE: FIGURE: FLORIDA ll & 14 34S 39E 1 02-106 wmGmencrmwASRiiu-pw 7 OCTOBER 2003 2 OF 3 EMERSON ESTATES . R. L. WEIGT VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, LTC. 9985 S.E. BRIDGE ROAD, SUITE A, ROBE SOUND, FL 33455 2000 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH PRONE: (772) 546-6255 FAX: (772) 546-2316 E-MAIL r1w1 delpb12.Det 0 Nov 27 07 02:51 p p.10 NOT A SURVEY i i i SCALE: NTS North SITE SIZE: t 240.D7 ACRES SOURCE: 2001 DELORME STREET ATLAS USA, DELUXE. LATITUDE:127*31.8121 LONGITUDE: W080'24.675' ST. LUCIE COUNTY SEC. TWP. R. RLW JOB NO.: DRAWING NAMF,: DATE: FIGURE: FLORIDA ill& 14 34S 39E 0?r106 v11CLm?ACr1LOCM4F.D1VG 7 OCTOBER 2003 1 1 OF 3 EMERSON ESTATES VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT LOCATION MAP R. L. WEIGT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 8985 S.E_ BPJDGE ROAD, SUITE A, ROBE SOUND, FL 33455 PHONE: CM) 546-6:55 FAX: (TT2) 546-2316 FI%IAILrlwl@gdelphEa.net Nov 27 07 02:52p p.11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EMERSCN ESATES_PROJECT,SITE The N %2 of the N fz of the 'SW % of the NW i/ and the N %2 of•#he N %2 of the SE r4 of the NV4r %4 and the S % of the NW /4 of the SW %4 of the NW` 1/ of section 14, Township 34 South, Range 39 East; said land lying and being -in St. Lucie County, Florida Less and exception there from the Following described property. The east 1780 feet of that portion of the N 1/2 of the N Y2 of the N %2 of the SW V of the NW 4; and the N % of the N 3/2of the SE % of the NSA % ; and the S V of the NV�,r 1/ of the SW %4 bf the N(.� %4 of section 14, township-34 south, range 39 east, St.,Lucie County, Florida, lying west of the Fort Pierce Farms water management a;strict canal number 5, the said east 1780 feet being measured along the north _and south lines of the above described parcel. Contains 10.02.Acres, more or less. Parcel 1• The north %2 of the NW %4 of section 14, township 34 south, range 39 east, St. Lucie County, Florida, less and except the south 50 acres thereof; and less and except the east 80 feet and the west 95 feet thereof for road and carnal nights of way. Together with: Parcel 2: The SW %4 of section l L, township 34 south, range 39 east, St. Lucie County, Florida, less and except the east 80 feet and the west 95 feet thereof for road and canal rights of way. Together with: Parcel?: The south 50 acres of the north Y of the NW lie of the MV,y of section 14, township 34 south, range 39 east, St_ Lucie County, Florida, less and except the cast 80 feet and the west 95 .feet thereof for road and canal rights -of way. Contains 10,020,849 square feet or 230.047 Acres, more or Less. Nov 27 07 02:52p p.12 i FROM :•RL WEIIaT ENV I RONMENTAL FAX NO. :561-546-2316 Oct. 02 2003 12:50PM P6 PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING AM0WLEDCMENT$ NOTARMD; I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A, (X) I AM T= OWNER OFRECCW OF TIIE ABOVE DES QED pgapMTY, B. i) x AM Ivor THE OWNER OF RECORD of THE ABo Iti OWEVEIt, Y I VE AVT.HORM TO ACT AS AGENT FOR VZ CRiBIs'D p}�Qp •i,� . (PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTAT10N) TIM OWN= OF RECORD. I CERT THAT A&L LWORMATION SMMTI'TED COL O EST (�F MY WITH TJUS APPLICATION IS TRIM AND DiGE. wNER/AAGENT SIGMA 250 'Emerson Ave e , ' L . L . C . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (_Managing Part r) STATE O7F COUNTY OF scltjd •. Palm - Beach moowowtcw Ware me this .j by '"."' as tdcnttiicattoA. signature u(Notary Type or Print %jama arx0tary ' Notary public .,t�}+'vr.,� D13I10 BUCCl Cammp�Number Commission#01MN TWO — Bonded Thm {.�$Ai.): '�� n��� Atlantic Bonding Co., inc. STATE OF FLORMA, COUNTY OF ST. LUQE The farnains iort....f was acima"Ie ftd herora me lids by is peesonmu � prada cal f =Dwo tome or O pia Mentlf0icatiap, Slgnsture 4f Notary TW or Print Name of Votary Not,pry PabJtc rue Comml.tna Nun bar APPROVED{ ) FOR OF RcE USE DNLY Conditions: DENIED t D Resource Prorectiont Sltc Inspection: P'inxl Inspection: Date: 0-ate.