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Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) High-Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform-Permit Application Form Section C (Low Slope Application) Top Ply Fastener/Bonding Material: Heat Welded Fill in specific roof assembly components and identify manufacturer Surfacing: N/A (If a component is not used,identify as"NA") Fastener Spacing for AnchorlBase Sheet Attachment: System Manufacturer:,__ GAF Materials Corp Field:. 9 "oc ra Lap,#Rows 2 c@i 12-cc. Product Approval No.: 18-0919.12 —- Perimeter: 6 "oc @ Lap,#x Rows-A-@ 6_"oc Design Windpressures,FromRAS 128 or Calculations: Corner: 6 "oc @ Lap,#Rows 4 @6 "oc T �. pl; � P2 71.7 P3: Q8.0 42.i Number of Fasteners Per insulation Board: : 1 •- .V•.J - � Field PerN/ Corner Max. Design Pressure,from the specific product approval sysft.,m- _...- w45 Illustrate Components Npted and Details as Ap;.ficabio: Woodblocking, Gutter. Edge 7wmina�on. Stripping, Flashing, Da` Plytilooci Continuous Cleat,Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Ccunterftashing, Coping, Etc. Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base Gauge(T'hickness: tulip. M" - _^ Flashing, Component Mate dal, Material Thickness, Fastener 1i8.12 Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Deteils that Slope:T ._ Comply with RAS 111 and Chapter 16, AnchorlBase.Sheet&No.of Ply(s). 2 ply 75#base /anchor/Base'Sheet FastenedBondinAG Material: ` 1 1/4" RS) Gods & 1 5/8" T _. _ —__... FT. I 0 __.. insulation Base Layer: NIA i Parapet f Base Insulation Size and Thickness: yet ht Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: ,_ 4" s+rip rwr tnr.k N/A WA lie - I op Insulation Layer: _ — __ .._.. ......__ ..._.._. . Top Insulation Size and Thickness: N/A Plywood N#tn. 5/8" ; Mean Y Roof ' Tnp Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: N/A Height f i Base Sheet(-,) &No.of PPy+(s): NIA_._ .. Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: N/A i Ply Sheet(s)&No. of Ply{s): NIA Ply Sheet Fasteo-nerlBonding Material: N/A Top Ply: GAF Ruberoid HW 170 FR 123 b1-48 4/19 PAG516 ROOFING SYSTEMS I UL product iQ Page l of 1 55.Deck;C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 Base Sheet:---Two or more plies 7ype G2"GAFGLA5(D #75 Base Sheet" or"7ri-PlyO 4�75 Base Sheet"or"GAFG€.ASa?, 480 Ultirna°" Base Sheet"or"GAFGLASO StrataventO Mailable VenVng Base Sheet", mechanically fastened. Membrane;....."RUBEROIDe HW P{us Granule FR"or"RUSEROIDOD HW Granule FR"or"RUBERU€D(ID EnergyZap"" HW Nus Granule FR"or"RUSERrJ I) HW Pius Granule" or"RUBER4€CAP HW Granule",torch app€ied_ https://iq.Ulprospeclor.couVen/profile?e--148955 4/19/2019 M Ate' D x iv IAMI DADS C��UN Y a. rR0D! T C0 NTR0LS1:CTY0N 11.905 SW 26 street,Room 208 KPARTAIENT OF REGLILATORY AND-ECON07 I1C RESOURCES(RER) Miami,]`lurch 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DMSIt3N 'f T(736)315.2539 -NOTICE OFACCE T CE( 0 ._ 3:�••.rni mitlaft�.�ovJeean mr GAF 1 Campus Drive Parsippany,NJ 07954 'ScopE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use Ofconstruclior] materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County R'.11R- Produat Control Section to be used in Miami bade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having 1arisdi!ction(AHJ), ThisN40A shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The mi=i-Dade Caurty Product Controi Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade Coun,' reserve the right to have this product or rna#eriai tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or naterial fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHT may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of'such product or material within their jurisdiction], RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptwee,if it is detertr]ined by Miami-Dade County Product Central Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein.,and has been designed to comply vvifa the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity H,,irricane Zone of the Florida Building Code, DESCRIPTION: GAFRuberoid8'PvModified Bitumen Roof System for Wood Decks. LAI3Eun: Each unit shall bear a per nanant label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and foliorving statement:"Miami--Bade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted berein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and tbere has teen no change in the applicable building cede negatively affecting the perforrna±"ce Of this prOd"ct. TEMNAT'ION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if'there has been a.revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or proceas.:vfisuse o`this NOA.as an endorsement of aay product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically Terminate this_NOA.Failure,to oomply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. AkDVERTISEMENT: The NOA comber preceded by thz words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. Ifarny portion of the NOA is d dsplayed,then it$hail be done in its entirety. LNSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturar or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official T":nis NOA renews and revises NOA No, 15-102D.0 I and consists of paves 1 through 67. Tie submitted documtritation was reviewed by Jorge L Acebo. NOA No.- 18-0919A2 r tss�rrnraa cou�rrr E•xpiratzozr T1ate. I I1lbf23 Approval Bate: lIl')V I S Page I at O Ro+C FLNG SYSTEM APPROVAL C_a1:ego-.�', . Roofing sut>gEaay Modified Bitumen material: APPlSSS deck Te: Wood lYfa;�iartum Design Pressure .145 psf. TF',ADF,NAwis OF PRODUCTS MANUPACT`LtRED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT' TABLE I Test Product Pr__od ct Uittixensi4ns Specification ktm nation GAFGLA.S'Ply 4 39,37" ASTM D2178 Smooth surfaced asphaltic,ply sheet (1 meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass that_ Tri-PlyO Ply 4 Ply Shoat 39.37" ASTM D2179 Smooth surfaced asphaltic ply sheen (I meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass mat. GAFGLAS`) 39.37" A STM ID2178 Smooth surfaced asphaltic ply sheet Flex1'1y-6 (1 meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass mat. GAFGLAS'9 97$Base Sheet 39.37" ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply sheet (l meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass mat. Tti-Ply'#75 Base Sheet 39.37" ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply sheet (i rr zlw)Aide reinforced with fiberglass mat. GAF13LAS'#80 Ultima'Base 39,37" ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/pl,�sheet Sheet (1 meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass triat. GAp'i;r1.,ASQ Strataventy 39,37" kSTM D4997 Smooth surfaced asphaltic perforated Perforated Venting Base Sheet (1 meter) Wide venting base sheet reinforced witi fiberglass coat. GA.i;c;rl,,AS0 Stratavent" 39,37" ASTM D4897 Smooth surfaced asphaltic nailabie venting Na,11able Venting Base Sheet (1 meter)Wide base sheet reinforced with fiberglass that. Bottom side surfaced with granules. RuberoidO HW 25 Smooth 39.371' ASTM D6163 Smooth surfaced torch applied SB5 base f 1 meter)Wide or ply sheet reinforced with a fiberglass mat. Ruberoidffi HW Smooth 39.37" ASTM D6164 Smooth surfaced torch applied SFIS base (1 meter)Wide or ply sheet reinforced with a polyester raat, RuberoidO RW Grannie 39.37" ASTM D6164 Granule surfaced torch applied SBS cad, (1 meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester mar. RuberoidO HW Granule F'R 39.37" ASTM D6164 Eire retardant granule surfaced heat- (I meter)Wide welded SBS cap sheet reinforced-with a polyester mat. Rubomido HW Plus Granule 39.37" ASTM D6164 Granule surfaced torch applied SETS cap (l meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester inai. R,uberoidt HW Ph2&Granule 39,37" ASTM D6164 Fire retardant granule surfaced torch FR (1 meter)Wide applied.S13S cap sheet reinforced with a polyester coat, ts�a�s��y-- NOA No.,I8-09 t9.17. txpiratioa Date! I vi)6/23 Approval Date, 11/01 18 Page 2 of 67 Test Product Product Dimen ia-ps fi ecitrees„anon Rescrtt�tian Ruberoido Enerucar HW i meter ASTM D6I64 Fire retardant granule surfaced heat- Plus G.rrartule FR. (39.37)Wide welrled SBS cap sheet reinforced with a polyester mat, Cap sheet is factory coated with TOPCOAT'EnergyCote7 Elastomeric Coating. RuN,roidg Tomb Smooth 39.37" ASTM D6222 Smooth surfaced torch applied APP base (I meter)Wide or ply sheet reinforced with a polyester mat, Tri-PIYO APP Smooth "a9,37" ASTM D6222 Smoc&surfaced torch applied.A&P cap, Membrane (I meter)'Wide base oi-piy sheet reinforced will a polyester mat. RuboroidO Torch Granule 39,37" ASTM D6222 Granule surfaced torch applied j4PP cap (I meter)Wide sheet reinforced with apolyestei mat. Tri-Ply0 A PR Granule.Cap 39,37" ASTM D6222 Granule surfaced torch applied i�??cap Shea (I meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. Ruberoido Torch Plus Granule 39.37" ASTM D6222 Fire retardant granule surfaced wrch PR (I meter)Wide applied APP cap sheet reinforced with a polyester mat, RuberoidO EnergyCar 39.37" ASTM D6222 Fire retardant granule surfaced torch. Torch Plus Granule FR (1 meter)V1ide applied APP cap sheet reinforced witb a polyester mat, Cap sheet s factory coated with TOPCOAT"EnergyCote" Elastomeric Coating. Rule"�roido snergyCapT" 39.37" ASTM D6222 Fire retardant graauie surfaced torch i orch Granule FR (l meter)Wide applied AF?cap sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. Cap sheet is factory coated with TOPCOAT-'EnergyCote' Elastomeric Coating. Rubcsroid°24 Smooth 39.37" ASTiwf D6i63 SBS polymer-modified asphalt base or ply, (I meter)Wide sheet-reinforced with a=iberglu!:mat. 1`ubr:roid'30 Granule 39,37" ASTM D6163 Granule surfaced mop applied SIBS cap (I meter)glide sheet reinforced with a fiibzrgla& Mat, Fuberoi&30 Granule FR 39,37" ASTM D6I63 Fire retardant granule surfaced atop (I metier)Wide applied SBS cap street miriforcec:with fi oe:glass mat. Ruberait€�30 Pius Grwule FR 39.37 ASTM D6163 Fire retardant,granule surfaced troop (I Mixer)Wide applied SBS cap sheet reinforced witll fiberglass mat. Ruberoid"Mop Granule 39,37' ASTM D6164 Granule surfaced mop applied SB3 cap (I meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester that, Triply",SBS Granule Cap S9.37" ASTM D6164 Granule surfaced mop applied SINS cap Sheet (I meter)llide sheer reinforced with a polyester mat. Inter,Flex Ply' 39.37" ASTM D6164 Graswule surfaced mop applied SES cap (t meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. Rubemido Mop Smooth 39.37" ASTM D6164 Smoctb surfaced prop applied SBS base (1 meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. ?VOA No_:18-0919.12 rst sad&�D I Ex :ration Date, 1I.'O6/23 Approwat Dstet 11,101118 Page 3 of 67 TeA Prcoduct ?�rodttet Dimensions SQeclfication Description RuberoidO Mop Smooth 1.5 39,37" ASTM D6164 Smooth surfaced atop applied SBS base (I meter)Wide sheet reinforced with a polyester-mat. Rtiberoid°2 Mop plus Smooth. 39.37" ASTM 1D6164 Smooth surfaced mop applied SBS base or (1 meter)Wide ply sheet reinforced with a poly.ster mat. R.uberoid`'Mop Plus Granule 39.37' ASTM D6164 Granulc surfaced mop applied SBS cap (I meter)Wide sheet r6nforced with a polyester mat. RuberoiO Mop Plus Granule 39.37" ASTM D6164 Fire retardant granule surfaced mop FF, (1 meter)Wide applied SBS cap sheet reinforced with a polyester tnat. Ruberoido EnergyCap'r'Mop 39.37" ASTM D6164 Fire retardant granule surfaced mop plus Granule FP, (I meter)Wide applied SBS cap sheet reinforced with a polyester:rat, Cap skeet is fact,ary coated vrith TOPCOAT`-EmerffCo#e'` l lastvmeric Coating. Ruberoi&Mop Granule rR 39,37" ASTM D6164 Fire retardant granule surfaced Mop (1 meter)Wide applied SBS cap sheet reinforced a=ith a polyester mat. Rubreroi&0 EnergyCap"30 3937" ASTM D6163 Fire retardant granule surfacers 1.10P Granule FR (1 meter)Wide applied SBS cap street reinforced with a fiberglass mat. Cap sheet is factory ccatsd with TOPC€;'A I EnergyCote Elastomeric Coating. GAFO AS"Mineral-Surfaced 39,37" ASTM D3909 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap sheet Cap Sheet (I meter)Wide reinforced with fiberglass mat_ TriwPly°1:3tJk~s Granule Cap 39.37" ASTM- D3909 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap sheet Sheet (1 meter)wide reinforced with a Fiberglass mat. GAFOLASOEnergyOW' 39,37" ASTM D39€79 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap§Wet Minwral"5urfaeed Cap Sheet (1 rneter)Wide zei'nforced with fiberglass that, Cap sheet is factory coated with TOPCOAV' 15nergyCote,Elastomeric Coating, TOPCOAT' Membrane 1,5 or 55 gallons ASTM D6093 hater based elastomeric coating, United Coatingse'Roof Mate 1, 5 or 55 A;STM D6083 Water-based elwtomeric coating TCfiYI Coating Gallons TOPCOAT' 5 or 55 gallons ASTM D6083 Solvent based thermoplastic rubber saalant Surfaw Seal SB designed to protect and restore N,3ed roof surfaces and to increase roof reflectivity, Unitod Coatings"Surface Seal 5 or;;5 Gallons ASTM€06083 Solvent-based thermoplastic rubber S8 Roof Coating sealant designed to protect and m5tore aged roof surfaces and to increas.roof reflectivity. TOPCOATS mB Plus 5 or 55 gallons Proprietan, Water based, law VOC primer used to block asphalt bleed-through. united Coatings'"Roof lvtate 5 or 55 eallons Praprietary Wafter based.,low VOC primer designed to M.B l'lus Coating block asphalt]deed-through, NOA No.: 18-0919.12 MSAMtADpo�CgLi� Expiration Date: 11.106123 Approval Date: i:1:41flg Page 4 of 67 Test Product I?rnduct Dimensions Specifrcatian DescrivtiQn FireOuf"Fire Barrier Coating 5 or 55 gallons Proprietary row VOC,water-based fire barrier coating. l"lex Seai" 1,5 gallons TAS 139 Solvent-based etastomeric sealant. or 1 qt,tube VersaShield�'Fire Itesistart I x l00'rolls ASTM D226 Non-asphaltic fiberglass-based Roof Deck Protection uuderlayment and/or fire barrier. Ve;saSltiele So}cr"Fire 42"roll wide, ASTM DI46, NQn-asphaltic,fire resistant x bcrglass Resistant Slip Sheet 100 ft. D928,D4$69, underlayment Db757 Matrix` 102 SBS membrane 3,5 or 55 gallons ASTM D3019 Fiber reinforced rubberized colti• Applied Adhesive adhesive for.modified biturnerr roof systems. APPI OVF,D INSULATIONS' Table z Product Name Product Description Manufacturer CW ith Current NO A) lvnergyGuaxd�"Polyiso Insulation 'Polyisocyanurate foam insulation GAF EnergyGuardm I'apered Polyiso Insulation Polyisocyanurate foam insulation GAF BnergyGuardY"KA Polyiso Insulation Polyisoryariurate foam insulation GAF Ene'rgyGuarr RH Polyiso Insulation Polyisoryanurate foam insulation GAF EnergyGuardm F%ff Tapsxed Polyiso Poly!socyanumte foam insulation GAI, Insulation Ene3'1Guar-d'' RN Polyiso Imulat?prt Polyisocyarturate foam insulation GAF Pet-Iite Recover Board Perlite reu,over board GAF EneigyGuardY Perlite Roof insulation Perlite insulation board GAF EnmgyGuardT"RA Composite Polyiso Polvisoeyanurate foam insulation GAF Irtsuiation Nit4 high density fiberboard or pcxmalite Struc>todW High Density Fiberboatd Roof High density fiberboard 51ue Ridge Fiberbc ard,lm. Insulation SEC IDRdCKO Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board Gypsum:board United States Gypsum Coz P, SECURGCKO Glass.Mat,Roox'Board G;'psum board United States Gypstsm Corp. DensDeckO hoof Bwxd Gypsurn board Georgia-Pacif-Ec Aensl nV'Pdnie Roof Board Gyps= board Gepxgia-Paciik r�tarttsaa� tv NOA No,; 18-019.12 � Fxl}irsEiar7Date: 11,106113 Approval Date: 1 ti'0118 Page 5 of 67 APPROWD FASTENERS: TAFLE 3 Fastener Product Product Manuf'actarer i'tiamber Name description Dimensions (With Current NOA) Drip-Tec'"M 12 Fastener Phillips head,tnodilted #12 x S" GAF buttress thready pinch Max,Leaglh point,carbon steel fastener 43 Phillias `'car use in steel or woad head. dears.With CR-10 coating,Available with a pinch point or drill point. 2. Drill-Tec'#14 Fastener Truss head,self drilling, 914 X 164 GAP' pinch point, high'thread Max.Length fastener for use in steel, #3 Fillips wood or concrete decks. head. 3. Drill-Teo"'XHD Fastener Truss head,self-drilling, #15 x 16" GAF pinch point,high thread Mu,Length fastener for use in wood or 43 Phillips steel decks.Carbon steel tread, extra heavy duty fastener used in steel decks. 4� Drill-Tec`T'Steel Plate Round Galvalumlzo Steel 3"Raur<d GA]` stress plate with reinforcing ribs and recessed for use with Driil- Te&'&st.ners. 5, Drill-Teo"3"Standard GalvalumeO roated steel 3"Round GAT' Steel Plate stress plate for use with approved Drill-Tee' fasteners. 6, Dr""€ll-Tee ASAP 3S Drill-Tec'"#'12 fastener #12 x 8" GAF with Drill-Tcc7 3" Max,Lengib Standard Steel Plate. 93 Phillips Read with 3" Round plate 7. Drill-Tee Aeru'T'raeFlat A2-SS alurninized steel 3"squares GAF Plate plate for use,with Drill- .017"thick Tee,faste-,�eTs. 9. Drilf-Tecx'Accdrrae Galvallime,steel ptate 3"square; GAF Recessed Plate with rccess ft�r use with 017"thick.. Drill-Tec!"fasteners. 9. Drill-Tec'"3 in,FOb(� d Roland Galvalurneplated 3"Ro�:nd GAP Gaivaiure Plate(Flat) steel stress plate with reinfarcing ribs for use with Drill-Tec'>`fasteners, 73iRtf,DA:t?r C l fib INOANo-1&0919.12 ; xpirativn Date: 11105123 Approval Bate; 1 t/01118 Page 6 of 67 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Azau Test l:tlentaj5er Description I]ste FM Approvals 3001276 FMRC 4470 01/2.3199 3010215 FMRC 4470 03/01/01 3029832 FMRC 4470 05111/07 3036980 FMRC 4470 08114/09 3034312 FMRC 4470 04/09109 3040738 FM1RC 44'70 0511 V12, 3042887 FMRC 4470 11/I 1/12 3046081 F ;RC4470 02111113 3043633 FMRC 4470 01/20/12 IB9A8.AM FMRC 4470 09/04/97 3B9Q 1.AM FMRC 4470 Ell/011M 3D4QZ2 AM FMRC 4470 (14130197 ODIAS,AM FMRC 4470 04101/98 797--03221-267 FMRC 4470 09/24:107 797.10229-26 7 FMRC 4470 0111.;115 797-04694-Z67 FMRC 4470 0611'1)09 797-03825-267 FN4RC447u 07/i�-10 RR203450 FMRC 4470 1,104415 FM Letter FMRC 4170 04/11113 PM Letter FMRC 4470 09/1`/15 LK,LLC 1R1306 UL 790 08/21/18 IRT-ARCON, Inc. 02-005 TAS 114-J 07/IS104 02-014 TAS 114.1 04/08/02 Trinity ERD C8500SC.11.07 ASTM D6862 11130/07 030250.02.10-2 ASTM D6222 11/11/10 030250M.10-3-R2 ASTM D3909 06103115 G31360.03.10 ASTM D6164 03/31/10 G3252G 06.11 ASTM D:876 06/28131 G33470A1,11 ASTM D6164 01/1M1 034140,04.11-2 ASTM D6163 04/25111 G34140.04.11-4,U ASTM D4601 6/412015 G34140.04.11-5-R3 ASTM D4897 6/4/2015 G36780.07,11-RI TAS 114 J 07/18111 (340620.07.12-2 ASTMD6222 07/17!12 040630-01.14-1 ASTM D6163 01106.114 040630.01,1.4-2A ASTM D5147 01/07.114 G40630.01.14-2A-1-R1 ASTM D6164 04/10.114 G4063MI.14-2I3-Rl ASTJN4D6164 01/161`15 G40630.01,14.2C ASTM D6164 01/07,14 G40630.03.14 ASTM D5147 03106i 14 043190.03.24-1 ASTM D5147 E13/0614 G43190.03.14-2 ASTM D5147 03106,14 G43190.05.2 4-RI ASTM D5147 051201'14 G43610.01.14 ASTMD5147 01122r'14 MI�tMFDA€3 o INOA Na.: 18-0914.12 ' Expiration Dare: 11 f06/2,3 Approval Date: IV01118 Page i of 67 T�t� Test Identifier Descriotivn bate Trinity F-RD 043190.I1.13-1 ASTM D6222 11/1.15413 046160.02,15 ASTM D6163 02/1,Y15 040160.02.15-21)-1 ASTM D6163 02/09116 G46160-03.15 ASTM D6163 03f11/15 G46160.09.14-2A ASTM D5147 09109/14 G46160.09.14-3A ASTM D6164 09/r9/14 046160,09.14-3B ASTM D6164 ON9114 G46I64.09.14-3C ASTM D5147 MOWN G46160.1.2.14-3E ASTM D6164 12/2��114 G6850.08.08 ASTM D6163 08101/03 C6850.08.08-Ri ASTM D6164 04l14111 G6850-10.08 ASTM D6222 IOtO6108 (56850A 1,08 ASTM 06222 02/1,/09 SC6870,08.14-M ASTM D3909 09/04/14 P13,1 Construction Materials GAF-122-02-01 TAS 139 05101106 Tevltnologles,LLC GAF-245-D2-01 ASTM D6083 06/10/10 GAF-276--02-OM-y ASTM l~2178 01/04/11 ASTM,D6093 GAF-306-02-01 ASTM 1196 07/07111 GAF-314-02-01 ASTM D2178 08/23/1) GAF-315-02-01 ASTM D2178 08/2-3111 GAF-369-02-01 ASTM C1289 1012202 GAS'-434.02.03 TAS 11.4-J 091061,13 GAF-434-02.04 TAS 114-J 091061 13 GAF-464-02-0 I A 5TM C 1289 02/06.'I 4 GAF-498-02-01 ASTM D6083 09/16/16 GAF-499-02-01 ASTM D6083 03/12`l4 GAF-500-02-01 ASTM D6083 03/12'14 GAF-559-02-01 TAS I17($) 09/30 14 G F-559.02-04 ASTM D1876 101011'14 GAF-559-02-05 ASTM D1876 10/15)'14 GAF-559-02-06 TAS 114(H) 10102114 GAF-559-02-07 ASTM D903 10/02114 GAF-559-02-08 ASTM.D903 10102!14 GAF-559-02-09 ASTM D903 IID102i 14 GAF-559-02-11 TAS 1 14 J 10/14/14 GAF-559-02-12 TAS i 14-J 10114114 GAF-559-02-13 TAS 114-1 10/15/14 GAF-559-02-14 TA5114-J 10/15114 GAF-559-02-15 TAS 114-5 10/15114 GAF-559-02-16 TAS 114-1 10115114 GA.F-559-02-18 TAS 114-J 10/15/14 GAF-559-02-19 TAS 114-J 04/16115 DYRRteclh Engineering Corporation 44482.02.95-1 TAS 114-C 09101/95 CrAdECO Wry 1kaA No.-18-09I9.12 Expiration Nte: IW6123 Approval Date: 11/011I8 Page 8 of 67 Membrane Type: APP/SBS Heat Weld Deck Type I� Wood,Non-insulated Deuk Description; Miry. 19/32"or greater ply.A.,00d or wood plank secured 6 in_o,e_with 8d ri;,tb shank nails to supports spaced 24 in.o.c.max. S}stcm Type E(2), Anchor sheet is mechanically attached to roof deck, (Mon-insulated systems) All General and System Limitations shall apply. Fine Barrier; FireOut"Fire Barrier Coating,VersaShield'Fire-Resistant Roof Deck (optional) t rotectiol,VersaShieldO Solo'"Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet,€7ensDeck'Roo" Board,SECUR©CK0 Gypsum.-Fiber Roof Board or SECUROCK0 Glass-Mat Roof Board. rase shed, GA.1"GLASO AU Uitima"Base Sheet, GAFGLAS�StrataventONailable Venting Base Sheet,RnberoidO Mop Smooth,Rubemid,Mop Smooth 1,5,Ruberoif Mop Plus Smooth, Ruberoidl24 Smooth,RuberoiO HW Smooth or Rubereidl HIV 25 Smooth[nechanically fastened to deck as described below; l asteriing GAFGLASI Ply 4, Tri-Fiy�Ply 4 Ply Sheet,GAFGLASO FiexPly°"6, Option#I- GAFOLAS'475 Base Sheet,Tri-Ply°#75 Base Sheet or any of above base sheets attached to deck with approved annular rind shank.nails and tin caps at a fastener spacing of 9"o.c.at the lap sUgge-red and ip_two rows 19" o.c_in the field. Not for use with DensDee or;ECUROCK Fire Barrier (Maximum&segn.Pressure—45 psf,See General Limitation#9) Fastening GAFGLA"a'Ply 4,Tri-PlyO Ply 4 Ply Sheet,GAF'G.LA,S FlexPly"6, Option 42. GAFGLAS°475 Base Sleet, Tri-Ply"#75 Base Sheet or any of above lase sheets attached to deck with! rill-Tec""412 Fastener or Drill-Tec"914 Fattener and Drill--i ec'3"Steal Plate,brill-TeC7 AecuTracO Flat Plate or Dffll-Teo' AccuTrae Recessed Plate installed 12"o_c.in 3 rows, one row is in the 2`"side lap, The other rows are equally spaced approximately 12.5"o.c.in the fishd of the sheet. (Matb=m Design Pressure--45 psf.See General Limitation#9) Fastening GAF'GI ASS'F1exPiy`d,GAFGLASn 975 Base Sheet,T'ri-Plyo#75 Base She4+t Dpaon#3; ar anv of above base sheets attached to deck with approved annular ring sN nk nails and tin caps a-,a fastener spacing oil 9"o.c.a,the 4"lap staggered and in tvvo rows 9"U.C.in the field. �1at fot use�+h'DensDeck 2r SECI ROCK Fire Sanier (Maximum Design Pressure—52 S psf.See General Limitation#7) Fastening GAPOLASO r75 Base Sheet,Tri-?Iy"�47 S Base Sheet or any of above base Option : sheets attached to deck w,th Drill-Tee"412 Fastener or Drill-Tec7'#I4 Fastener and Drill-Tec'3"Steel Plate, Drill-Tec"'Acr=Trac'Flat Plate or Drill-T% " AccuTr&O'Recessed Plate installed l 2"o.c. in 4 rows. One mw is in the 2"side lap. The other rows are equally spaced approximately 9"o.c. it the field of the sheet. (Maximum Design Pressure—45 psf.See General Limitation#9) MtA Id?AL}E�� NOA No.. 18.00.12 # Expiration Date: IM6/23 Approval Date. 11101118 Pa��53 of 57 Fastening GAFGLASI'#80 LLrltima""Base Sheet,R.uberoidg 20 Smooth,RuberoidI>NIop Option#s: Smooth base sheet attached to deck approved annular ring ;h mk nails and 3" invcrted Drill-Tec" 3"Steel plate at a fastener spacing of 9"©.c.at the 4"lap staggered in two rows 9"in the wield, riot f r use with DensDeck or SECUROC Fire Barrie (Maximurn Design �'re €�zre Q psf.S,-_-Gerterad Limitation#7) FWening GAFGLAY1#75 Base Sheet, Tri-FlyO#75 Base Sheet or any of alcove.basE. Option##6; sheets attached to deck with Brill-7"ec'"#12 Fastener,Drill-Tec' #14 Fastener or Drill-Toe"X14D Fastener and Drill-Tec'°3"Steel Plate,Dril)rTec""Accu'l'raco Flat Plate or Drill-Tec AccuTracl Recessed Plate installed&"o.a,in 4 roes. Qae row is in the 2"side lap. The other rows are equally spaced approximately ` ,O.C.in the field of the sheet. (Maximum Design Pressure—45 psi:See General Limitation#9) Ply Sheet: (Optional except over RuberoidO MOP Smooth,Ruberoi&$stop Smooth 1.5, Ruberoid'Mop-Plus Smooth, Ruberoid*20 Smooth,Ruberoid`l HW Smooth or Rubercid'HW 25 Smooth)One or more plies GAFGLASO P3y 4,Tri-Fly' Ply 4. or GAFCLASIFlex.-'iy'b sheet adhered in a fill:Hopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq.or Ruberoido T�roh Smooth torch applied according to manufacturer"$application instructions, enrbr ar1e: One ply of Ruberoid'�Torch Smooth, Tri-Ply'APP Smooth Membrane, Rubero,AO Torch Granule,Tri-Ply` APP Granule Cap Sheet, ,kuberoidl` LtzergyCap'Torch Granule FR,RuberoW'EnergyCar Torch Plus Granule FR, or RuberoidO Torch Plus Granule FR torch applied according to manufacturer`s application instructions. Or One or more plies of RuberoidO HW Plus Granule,RuberoidO IOW plus Gnnale FR,Ruberoid'.HW Granule FR,RuberoWI EnergyCap`Mw Plus Granule 1�R, Ruberoid'HW Grenule,Ruberoid'HW Smooth and RuberoidO HW 25 Srr.:octh applied according to manufacturer's application instructions. :iUriaring: Optional on granular surfaced m.erabranes; required for smooth membranes. Chrrsen components must be applied according to manufacturer's applizatittzt instructions_ All eo2tiags roust too Bated Within a current NOA, 1. Gravel or slag applied at 400 lbs./sq.and 300 lbs,isq.respectively in a flood bloat of Approved asphalt at 60 1bsJsq- 2. GAFQLASI Mineral-Surfaced Cap Sheet,Tri-Piy's BUR Granule Cap Sheet Or GAFGLAS®EaerKvCap' Minera.]-Surfaced Cap Shoot adhered in a full nIopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbsJsq. 3. TOPCOAV'Surface Seal SB or United Coatings7`Surface Seal SE Roo'Coating applied in one or more coats at a minimum rate of 1,0 gal,/sq.per drat. OR T€]PCOATo MB Pius or United.Coatings"'Roof Mato MD plus Coating applied at a minimum rate of 1.0 gal.lsq.(To be used as a primer)followed by TO GOAT`Membrane or United CoatingsT Roof Mate TCII Coating applied in one or more coats at a minimurn rate of 1,0 galJsq. per coat. 4. Fiber Al-ominurn Roos'Coating. lkla)imum Design Pressure: See Fastening Options Cre%r+turxataacou NOA No.: 18_0!H9.12 ar )expiration Date, t l lo6m Approval Date: 11 to1lI8 Pave Sk of 67