HomeMy WebLinkAboutHVAC informationI it work. M.+kll+ Making n Insrallarion Work Omer �rrz��sr X100 2800 US H;Uh ay 1, Vvro Buz -h, FL 32960 Arnerean Reei.fenbwl Se.rviee� of Florida, Ire. Lienn„, # CMC 124973, . AC 1813963, EC 130085 8 E-... 5-r: Dai. ff' 1.3 one V E t. Cumpl.uun Mai. CsrPseata CeotVW"F Relations 1'8661803-0879 CUSTOMER 7 ) `R EMAI® :. nee Or 7 u 7 ADDRESS 0 , r.i 5� Ci . ZIY r c 110Fi[ Pnpl7e © O O . E' Y. rltnl W;?RI. I'hCh= • • OPTION SIZE S TYPE Iz:E `,L_ � TYPE r"_' E TYPF EFFIvIENvY f EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY /+ $ �J SOBTOTAL 4i a Sa 5UBT0TAL$ � � UBTOTAL $ MONTHLY EST.' $ MONTHLY EST' a MONTHLY E5T' CUSTvMER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS W-anlyl-ns �Pn E.6or W.,rra ty' . Parts 4-9--c- r Warranty:"_ Pa.•r:; ITIbor Compr..�sor He... Ex{hangc, pre.:sar x --hanger ----Co, Heat E Cvmpre or Heal Exchanger "tyhb•m olheiwivo muted. J. war -,tiny „re frmr if- n•rn.ilu;wo..-. WW 0-e- SPECIFICS OF = SELEOTED OPTION: 9;+-0 t ❑za eathorproof ❑ Reconnect Drain Line ❑ Dehnmldifior , f 67 vQ -'zSUBTOTAL $ conn..:ct eirmc Egalpm.nt Slab ❑ Ceding S-.er K:t 0 Oelde�p Unit Pad ;Pan & Floaty ❑Flue �e,dmg 1 a n �. t�a0�� 5 nU I�vl-bon Pad:; Deetwork Cm.r clions' ❑ Muln ❑ruin Sufcty 5w i1�Fi Elc Liquid T to Conduit 0 Seal New Conn-clions G Connect to existing plenum 5 ❑ Start Kit ❑ 5 on Atli. Egeipmv..i ❑ Deet M ddlvahv , ❑ Refrigerant L.e. Dryer _ EYSuppiy Pienun Isoe 0'We t < 1e: F. TOTAL Il R-frig±r.ni Pipe- [3R-unn�ol ❑ Ne- Deet Syetern 11Nc 11Rrronneoi E n Plenum ❑ No Duct Work PAYMENT 0 Refrigerarll Pipe Ce.er [3Reoonnent ❑ Fool Piping ASR ❑ s✓RECR# G Ey�ansion Valve 0 Eluate .ie Air Cleaner 17 Electrical Wiring I -1-11-Type ❑ Mvdlr. Filter ❑ Hom. Service Pl.-'. ❑ CREDIT CARD LAST 4#sr G vonnecl to Existing 0 PCv 1 Term 1364 days) EXP APPROVAL EL.trle..l ❑ (IV Light G New Plywood Deck Ci H-lwldfizr In FINAN;-,dNG I,-- pt— pro., by !'JI1.7eanR ev�, rllemSL!��1e:u-. OUR apprawo revs mr a,rnn..�. tine. G5'=mal�ti mw,illlr rr1 : ^y-nls based on 6.99% or 9.99% f.ed APR ❑ Comfvrl Gear,-.ntce ❑ Homo Pr.6raon Gn.ranfea loans. dopendirre on loan.max,:. eiiecii- - of Aprd i, 2020. ©24 -Hour ServiceGuarante,, 15100% Unconditional Money. Back Guarantee R_ -en. rnmvc - from ve 1.: -, morr.Rr ..rn IA.n u— r NOTES #7'e_ (_ r 'ARS 1s not respo.,slble ror preexisting ductwork See Terms and Conditions on the back of this document for details • Wrifrvn customer aarhoraaiiun *4 uo olliainav oerore beginning any unforeseen additional or extended work. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE RO, ICS x,1717 CURE FRvYISIORS OF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA 3TATUTE5. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: Thi, is a (tomo olickoitiorl sola, and if you do no: want .he gouda or services, you may cancel this agree- ment by pravldi.-.g written notice to tho aollor in person, by tal.gr..m, or by moil. This riudc moa: indicate that you do not want the goods or aerrims and mast 6o delivered or postmarked before midnight of :he Third busineaa day after you sign this agreement If you cancel IN- ogroemo..1, the seller moy not keep all or par of any cash down poymenw See the reverse side hereof for an explanation of this ryht. • I acknowledge ihat my nght to G.ncol hos boon explained ro me urally and in wr ting, anu millom warning ...y ngRt to cancel, I authorize the performance of the work, snbj.ci iv 411 term. and wndlhons 6.i forth on the re% -e side herouf, plus arty taxes upon co...pletion. Notice To Owner • Do not sign this home imprbYomori comr vt in blank. You o. -a cndiled .o a copy ...f .Re contract at the time you sign. Keep it to protect your legal rights. Thi., ham- imprtr.emvnt contract moy cv rafn a morgogv or V:hvrwfae create o lion on your prope.T .ho. could Re .areclosed on if you do not pay. Be sure you understand all pr. visioMoe;ntract bete yy,t sign. T5% Yae olllen ,. lrE :)AIr .:c; F4 n ` CUSTOMER SIG NATURE 94T-- c 4T-e re 2-377 e:<eo:i.. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI C o idea Ref�r�nee Number: 0 r roii550 Date: i r-16-c9c0 Moael statea : AetiTo Ulu ARRr Reverence 11umQer: f2laTzzo ARRI I,pe : RUO-A-uS (Split Sy.,tvm: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Uetdoor Unit Brand Name: ITMEEM 7.ut'uoor unit Mo'ael RumQer (ConQeHuep or single P..eRiaye) : RA1430AJ 1 Intloer Unit I onvi Ne ;her (E V.pvr.tvr andfor Air Handler) : Rn i E5'v1 r o r All Rogi.,n : Southeast anu 1lortfl (AC, AR, CC, DE, FE, CSA, RI, KY, M, M13, Ives, AC, DK, SC, IN, I X, VA, AK, CO, CT, ID, II', IA, IN, K5, MA, RIE, MI, IVIN,191D, MT, ND, NE, NPI, 113, R T, UM, vR, PA, RI, 50, C L, v r, vvA, vvV, vvl, vv T, 0.5. erritories ) Region Note: Central air conQitioners manuiactur.0 ppier to Janeu.—1 1, ZU1 b aire, eligible tv 6e Installed in all regions Wil Jane 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 4 M central air conQitioners can oniy oe instahen in—;6m(u) Ter which they meet the regional anreiene, re.,eirerne„ t. The manuiacturer or tnis RREEM protluci is respenaiQle for thi. —ting vT this ayatom mm61'nation:. Rated as follows in accoruance with the latest euilion or HRRI z10fz4U .itlli Aa&ndeln 1, Per-fvrrm.noe Rating of Unitary rdr--,onciitioning X Air -seep --o Re -t Pernp L iaip., orlt and sebject to rating accuracy By AriRI-sponsored, nUepentlent, thirO part, twull-5:. Gaoling Capacity (A2) - Singe or 111911 utage �ydp1, Muh : z8600 aEER : r4.Uu EER (Az) - 5inyle e- Ri9R Stage (vW) : 11.00 T'Aeti. Model Stota= -re these tha an AHRr Ceniin d-.— program Participant is currently prr3dudrig AND selling up .ffer;na for --ale; OR n.- models that -re boing marketed but are not ; al boi..g prod=oed'Predaetio', Stopped' Madel Spaias art U vaso 1W an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longe, prod -tong BUT is still sellingor offering for sale - Rat,., s Lhai are'cpcirpanied ow WAS indii:,tlo a -i nvoluntarr re{ate. Tho rmw published ra:irg is shown along wiLt-,1h s previcis ii a WAS i -a?l na. DISCLAIMER AHRI deo -.et errdame the product(,) Used .n ihl. Denr�rc.ty and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as t■, end oaamaz no rtaponoibllity for, the product(s) listed on thlc C.rtiflvate. AHRI e;;pr zly disclaims .II liabifriy f..r aamatt� of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the pr_du■tt-), .p the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certlfiva6. Certlfled ratings „ra vatld only for models .n. conTign-tions listed In the dir.v vey at www.anrialr.ctory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are propsietapr products wf AHRI. Thl„ Certiflv :e shall ovily be esea ivr inoiviaual, personal and vonffvenaal ro�ronce purposes. The contents of this Certificate me, .,_t, in -hole .p in port, ba pQprodaved; vopied; disseminatQ.i; entered Into ii v.mpmar u.ms.se_ or vi mrwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any mean_, ...uw,.t f.p thv szop' s Indl.Ida.l, personal Rad rnflderdl-I referenec. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CER IFICniC VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Inform -tion for the mvaei cixa vn tnis certificate can be verified at www.ahrid Irectop,-,.pg, ■1lok on'Veplfy Cartifia..to' linkc;ccr- and _nt.p the AHRI Certified &I'aren.. Na ,:bar pnV .iv .alaVII wHich the certificate was Issued, which Is listed above, and th= Certifleate Nw., -hl.h Is listed .i boibm rlarrt, MAmiI-cwontlixioning, Rv-dog, and Refrigeration institute UER i Rum E Rv.: 132500215725642676 Mic5elle Franklin; CFA -- Saint Lucie County Proper�y Appraiser -- All rights reserves. PruperLy Idendficadon J:to Addrum: 208 N 39th ST Sec/TowntRange: 08 355 L40E Yw.-eel mi. 2408-603-0-is-UUM Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County ownership Vasty —stien Fr.. -..z P:eF_-Lv-zir, Jean Franz Pierre -Louis 208 N 39th 3T F.; -L Pic..., FL 34947 Legal Description WILBf ! WE BLK , n 15 FT vF LOT 4 AND ALL LGT 5 !0 23 Aii AOR 3745-1934 ,759-2758) Current values ntsuLviaricet value: $70,600 A53c.,3e1 V lz;.: x46,348 exemptions: $12,818 V_Iuv; :33,530 Property taxes are sal;rct to chance upon change of ownership. Pa.z - s rc not a reliable pa+ctiva of fuiurc 2awca. • The =1T wf .. psspe. ty -:11 pits= -t the e e- l of all exemptions, assessment caps, andr speciaf classifications. i axes to.- lni- , o.-ewi: aLC T ;; Cellee:o:'., Off!=. V. W nload "FRIM for this parcel: Downloau PDF Use Type: 0100 Account u: 20647 Map ID: 24i08N c -ening: RS -4 C. -z. -.t 1 oral Hreas rinisllew uunuer r.ir 13r1: 1,153 GrL1.,;j SKetvneg A-eu (SH): 1,843 Land Size (acres): 0.23 La, -M J:Z:e (SP). 10,0183 Building Design vvind z peed Occupancy Category i ii 1u at i v Jpccd 14U 13U I6U All information is believed to be correct at this time, -out is suSJect to cnange an'u is proviaetl witnout any warranty. u iopyrignt zvzU saint Lucie County rroperty Appraise.-. Ali ea. trrroject 5am> wryy o ffi w : lrighrsoft° Entire House By. wOICK UALCS; INC. 317 ST. LLICIE LANE, Fr. PIERCE, FL 34948 Phoiw:772-466.6799 Emil. OUCKCALCSGAOL COM Project• • For: PIERRE-Luuolzi 208 N. 39thATREET, FT. PIERCE, PE Notes: Laiculadons approved byf►CCH m meet z.II rvgaiFcma lts oT M.maal J 8th Ed ffF wriW.Ammirt' 2020-Nov161118:48 ..— -- MgM-Sut@&LMlve=t201919.021 RSL=101 ZR�ERllera�:�igllt ,..cv'I�IQICt'v�wrtp Ceiu=MJ8 F—riDooffeoe& W Page Design Information vveaner: Fort Pierce, Fc, Uzi WhA.-r Design Cunditionai Summer Design Conditions vuLsiee 00 4z OF aamiae to 90 OF InsiCie ub I `F Inside ab 75 OF Design 10 zs `F Qesiyn 10 15 OF Dail, ramgv M R.lative humidity 50 % 141visafrc aitnerenov 61 grAb Hoeing Summary Senuible Cooling Equipment Load Siring str Mre z5-150 Wn biruc cure 17601 Btuh UUM3 41z5 Btun Ducts 5912 Btuh Central vent (0 t=mtj 0 13turi Central vent (0 dm) 0 Btuh nn Rume iaindadon 0 BMH Slower r 0 Btuh PiIJR5 0 Btuh Equipmentloaa zvz/5 Stuns Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swingg multiplier Equipment load 0.9Z) Infiltration sensible 22338 Btuh Metnea Simplified Latent Coaling Equipment Load Sizing Cep struction quality Average Firtpl�.va� 0 Structure 2094 BLuh Ducts 15 ('o 8MM Central vent (0 cfim) 'u BTM Hea 'ng Cooling (none) fvea (1r) 1453 1453 Equipmerrt latent load 35510 8TIM Volume (ft) 13077 13077 kr changeslhour Equiv. AVF 0.45 0.23 98 Equipment, iowi EoaD `oen+Ear) auuvva BTIM (cfm) 50 Req, total capacity at U. 10 3MR c. r ton Hewing Equipment Summary Cuuling Egaipmznt Summary Make maRe RMeem Trade Trade RMIeEM Model Cona RR I Z;30/ -u I W AHRI ref Coil RR IP3u I rs Iruvuh mmRI ret (ZFy 105 Efficiency 1000 EFF Ociency I 1.5 EER, 14 SEER Heating input a.ls Rvv sensible Cooling z004 BRin Heat ng output 2935v BtuM Eatent cooling 15580 5Mn Temperature rise 50 IF IotaicotAing zud00 Stum Actual airflow aazr elm muual airnow ass am Air flow faMor 0.0115 t'RTILMM ArnowraMr 0.041 cfmA3tuh Static pressure v.51; in Rzv SCduc pressure 0.50 in F120 Space uierrnosrat Coaa sensiBle Meat rade 0,86 Laiculadons approved byf►CCH m meet z.II rvgaiFcma lts oT M.maal J 8th Ed ffF wriW.Ammirt' 2020-Nov161118:48 ..— -- MgM-Sut@&LMlve=t201919.021 RSL=101 ZR�ERllera�:�igllt ,..cv'I�IQICt'v�wrtp Ceiu=MJ8 F—riDooffeoe& W Page wrigMTsv>R RigFit-Jw1 warRAect Job: Entire House Date. QUICK CACM�. IAC. By. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE. FT. PIERCE, re Z,WRe FlMne ; ��ee•e ga �rrm;l: gCICRG4erl, v�.pv . 1 Room name EalreHouse 19TCHEN 2 E4osedwell 182.0 ft 30.0 R 3 Room MIght 9.0 ft 9.0 It heaycoal Roar cdrm rciv 10.0 x 10.0 A 5 Roam area 1453.0 IF 100.0 fe Ty Construction U-Ndwo Or HTM Area i'ffj Load Area (li) Load member I yBWR"'F) perinwar Z.v iBtuh) or perimeter (ry (Btuh) R- cool areas 1105 Heat Cod Gress NRrt, Heat Cod e VlJ ; , . , , , e2uv n 722 4.49 468 444 3207 1990 90 90 650 404 I—G 1A-dom 1270 m 35.56 34.77 24 0 853 835 0 0 - e VL! 13AS-Dors v.�.-. a :.�.,c "M .77; 5z. 2335 1450 0 0 0 0 1 --C 1A-dom 1270 ■ 35.56 80.98 4 1 142 324 0 v v e 11 I—C 1AC1am a w. -w w.w - 4 853 2065 0 0 0 0 1QJ 1 a4B Docs 0258 0 722 4.49 468 426 3076 - 7. .A -d— ;au.ua 34.77 6 13 222 217 0 0 0 0 t—GG 1A-dom 1.270 s 35.56 34.77 36 72 1280 1252 12 12 427 417 ;.H,.tvvw v258 w 7.22 4.49 351 312 2252 1400 90 90 650 404 1A -clam 1270 - 35.56 83.01 6 2 222 519 0 0 v e ;A-dom 1.270 w 35.56 86.05 12 2 427 1033 0 0 0 0 1100 0.390 r 10.92 10.34 21 21 229 217 e e a v C ;eB ;-zad owa - -.Zr 2,a 1453 1453 1994 3560 100 100 137 245 F 22A -vi 0.989 27.69 0.00 1453 182 5040 a M v y r �o a u,rSon 0 -67 Envelopelossfgain 22132 16775 3258 1753 .2 ) In61trallam $016 826 497 136 b) Reern vWfliden e e o v 13 hiamalgains: Map -=0 230 0 0 0 0 rcppianoesblher 0 0 Subtotal (lira v e. 25150 17601 3756 1889 RM 0 0 0 0 L esstrarsfer v e v 0 '�iwimw 0 0 0 a 14 Subtdat 25150 17601 X756 '- X635 13 16% 34°A 4125 5912 16-A 34% 616 Total roam load 29275 23514 4372 2524 Air Rwored (dm) - ST oe 102 CalCUlakns apprOveO DYAC-Cm to meei all rewiremenis 4T Maf1Ual J um M. L �'}� wrlQlgtpoTC- ..e�e•Rer;e ;;:�.,:�� Right-SUIeSUN-rss1201919.0.21 RSL108101 ...UleRMWMnrs,rig IIRR4hCIPIERRELOUISnp Calc=Ml8 Fron[Doorfaces: W wrighlimoft Rlyliwv w'vrRarllcct Efttirc House QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LIJCIE LANE, Fr. PIERCE, FL 34948 PFnee: 772-46"799 Emil: QUCKCALCS@AOL.COM Job: Data: BT J 5911M. -rIol- wriwn7 —TIE- 2020 -Nov -1611°18:49 .&A RigMSU"Llriversol201919,021RSLI08101 Page 2 .viCKtiOomnanar-^9re�— erIBlE�ev�l�np talo=RqE Ror> Mpr.aoas: TV Rwm rfrnne M BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 2 EVosed wall —v W Zu°v r 3 Room 1 rww M 9.0 a hesHaoal 9.0 R heaVwd 4 Revi dim rr: is .5.0 n i-0 it 10.0 x 13.0 R 5 Room area 210.0 IF 130.0 tit= TY Cor truction U -value Or HTM Area (rr) Load Area (1r) Load nember (BtdVS-*n (BhddR'} - perimeter (14 yr Pedes ilv M21) Heat Coo! Gross NlPIS Bm, cm canvas Id,r,u Raaf Coot 6 1M 13AB4)ocs u-58 n - —9 v v v a 0 0 0 0 t --..G IArclom 1.270 n 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VFI 13AB-Oom 0258 a 7.22 4.49 0 0 e e Ij�—G 1Aclom 1270 a 35.56 80.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 'A -d 1270 a 35.56 86.05 e o e e v v „ o 1qJ 13AB OoC9 0.258 s 722 4.49 125 114 824 512 117 111 800 497 1A-cl— 1270 a 35.56 777 e v v o v a 222 217 1Ardom 1270 s 35.56 34.77 12 12 427 417 0 0 0 0 13AB-0005 vsr -�L ...a iaa i�� 930578 0 0 0 0 1A -clam 1270 w 35.56 83.01 6 1 222 519 0 0 0 0 isr0 n a.uM uvv9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 DO 0.390 w 10.92 10.34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 18B -199d 0.049 - 1.37 X45 Zitl pie — I'D 5w IM s 319 F 22A -ax 0.869 - 27.69 0.00 210 29 803 0 130 23 637 0 6Ca�AED�caopL 125 -53 C ��ur�oviii�/o bwAjmm ✓� LWJ LY00 1.]QY 12 ..} Infil7atian �52 361 104 b1 Room+RnGlation 0 0 0 0 13 IrAmnalgaim uoarparreigr 230 0 0 0 0 .y,r,da wl� 0 0 Subd tal Qinee6la 13} ate, u -F I 2869 148a Less eANM load v 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redimibut 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 3975 2797 2869 1488 ,51 Daeebads 16% 349,6 652 940 16% 34% 471 500 �Io1, VU 111OAC1 4627 3737 3340 1988 Air requrad idm) 84 151 61 81 J 5911M. -rIol- wriwn7 —TIE- 2020 -Nov -1611°18:49 .&A RigMSU"Llriversol201919,021RSLI08101 Page 2 .viCKtiOomnanar-^9re�— erIBlE�ev�l�np talo=RqE Ror> Mpr.aoas: TV 1+ wrighuof#° K!Vfit;JUP VYrur`zrirwut Er►firG Mous@ QUICK CmECa. INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE, Fr. PIERCE. FL 34946 Phore:772-466.6799 En il: QUCKCALCS;;-,ol.calll Job: Date: By: Calculations approved WACCA to meet all relauiremenls or Manual i aui M -+}t- wa-��naazof't- .e�e■ne�.e :::a:y� .. Rigtt-Sute®Unversal201919.0.21 RSU08101 P_s_3 !lICIlEBw,rer.a...rigll�, r er.!•IR�BaI913RP calc=.— rcvrtE88umm., Tr Rvwrr roma BATH BEDROOM3 2 Bposedwall ;.v a 20 ft a Roan height 9.0 It heaVood 9.0 It heaVood 4 Ream di.,.....Mo i A n r A It 14.0 % 10.0 ft 5 Roam area 49.0 IF 140.0 IF TY Cororuction U-Mwue Or HTM Area Irr) Load Area (T) Load number (8hittrWn (BtuW or perlm or vy ZM.-M) yr penmerer lry lBttilh) H— Cool Grow Ig1T Rem Cod Gross NIPS Heat Cod 6 13AB-Oocs 058 n — —5 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A dom 1.270 n 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB4Docs 0.258 a 7.22 4.49 vz— J1 zw iv 18 130 81 1A-dom 1270 a 35.56 80.98 4 142 324 0 0 0 tr 11 1A -d— 1.270 0 35.56 ,,,,.05 o v v e 0 0 0 0 Y�J 13AB-Oocs 0.258 s 7.22 4.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e Mrd 1270 a — V p v 0 0 0 D 0 L�_(r lXdom 1.270 s 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AB.Oom pew m ; �� —ap O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Aclom 1270 w 35.56 83,01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESG vm _7V m 33.50 86.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 DO 0.390 w 10,92 10.34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e C 166-19ad 0.049 - -- - ya ye o. 120 140 140 192 343 F 22A -gm 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 49 7 194 0 140 - p 6 C) AED w raien -25 -15 Envelopeloss/gaie ox, 684 377 409 12 a) Irrllt Bion 116 32 33 9 b) Roan verr61alon 0 0 0 0 13 Iniemalgains O—P=M 230 0 0 0 0 ry�nlw ru �rvu �cr 0 0 Subbhal (lina6 b 13) 946 716 411 418 Lm exlernal Ioad 0 0 0 0 Less Twister 0 v V v Re(]Wbulim0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal946 716 411 418 to bads 16% 34% 155 241 16% 34% 67 140 �va room lo¢ro 1101 957 478 558 Air required (�) 20 39 a 23 Calculations approved WACCA to meet all relauiremenls or Manual i aui M -+}t- wa-��naazof't- .e�e■ne�.e :::a:y� .. Rigtt-Sute®Unversal201919.0.21 RSU08101 P_s_3 !lICIlEBw,rer.a...rigll�, r er.!•IR�BaI913RP calc=.— rcvrtE88umm., Tr wrightsurt- Righz-J®WorRSr1ee1[ Job: Crrfrrz MVDO D -Is- QUICK CALCS, INC. By: 317 ST, LUCIE LANE. Fr. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone• 772466.6799 E-0: OUICKCALCSUAOL.COM 1 Reem none RVIRm BEDROOM4 2 OMM wall 41.0 A 50.0 A 3 Ream height 3.v -. heaVood 9.0 R heaV0001 4 Room dimensions 1.0 ;; 524.0 A 20.0 ; am n 5 R--- 02,11 1P 300.0 r Ty C-06- 19 -Mw er Rim Area yirj Load Area (w) Load number fthAFL-r) (99 (Btuh) er penmeter (fi) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross NIPIS H -t Cool Gross NIPIS Hem Cod 6 ulv 13A&O= 0.258 722 4.49 243 219 1562 983 135 135 = - vvv G iAC1vm i c C n -- 3-,.77 24 0 853 835 0 0 D 0 13AB•0ocs 0.258 a 7.22 4.49 0 0 0 0 180 156 1127 700 ..z.o a a,av 80.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1Ac1orn 1.270 a 35.56 86.05 0 0 0 0 24 2 853 X552 i.rr�vw�a 0.258 s 722 4.49 0 0 0 0 135 123 889 m-clom 1.270 v 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 e a 1At1om -,v a .,.,AO .rr.77 0 v 0 0 12 12 427 417 13AB.Ooas 0.258 - 7.22 4.49 126 93 672 4.7 e e a v i -v N au.se 83.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1ACism 1270 - 35.56 86.05 12 - ioo:; e o v 0 ..pe v..v w 10.92 10.34 21 21 229 217 0 0 0 0 C 168-19M 0.049 - 1.37 2.45 524 524 719 1284 300 300 4-.z - F 2--q- 0.989 27.69 0.00 524 41 1135 0 300 50 1385 0 6 q AED a rsi- 2.7 119EE96�lossgagain 5618 4986 6067 12 a) Infiltration 680 186 - r- =7 �0 6j Rvv--uila6vn 0 0 13 laiemalgainm v®panum „, D 0 0 0 Appiianaesbtl�er e o Subtotal nines 6 to 13) 6298 5172 07 -- oLesseMemalload Less eMernal load 0 0 e Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribull. v v v o Sublolal 6298 5172 6896 5121 15 DUG loads MA v,% .W..'. -.75,ivh .rr iais 1-13-1 1720 Total ieeer load iiui vsoa 8027 6841 „ir r"dred kfti 134 280 147 277 Q �',��tisV� �� 2020-W--161118,.49 SGA•••. ._.._,- •._.--..�.. .. [EgR��dle�tll�rsal SVSS is.o.ci R3w-u ioi raga, _UICKV)Oom ertslWostbcA WACIPIERRE LOUIS..,. Cale= MJ8 Fro.. Doer face:; W Duct System Summary Job: Vrignt5un- Dais - &I lr;jr w ate:&Ilr;jrC I'ft1'A'iMO BT (.I'UICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE. FT. PIERCE. FL 34946 PhDw 772466.6799 El it OLRCKCALCSGAOL.COM For: PIERRE -L -OIs 208 N. 39thATREET, FT. PII•RCr-, F1'_ ER6 � gal Mr, pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure suppl, ! rvtLlrnu.uila5l� pm-ary LoweS►fricuon raw Actual airflow 1 oral Uffecuve lengm (TEE) Reaung 0.50 in H2O O in r zO 0.55 in ncv 0.25010.250 in H2O 0.348 inrl"UOR 534 cfm 144 Supply Branch Detail Table U,.Vling 0.50 in H2O 0 in F120 ti -50 In M20 0.250/0.250 in H2O O"Ka in/10M 733 UI T1Tl Name 17cuiyn MMM) Fitt, MM) Cig MM) Design FR Diam (in) HxW (in) Duct 19la6 Actual [n (n) Ftg.E-yv EM (11) 1 rank en^ c Vol z0 35 0.485 4.0 Oxo MFx 8.1 95.0 P-RAWr BEOROOM2 c 17x0 51 31 U.$81 0.17 vx Q VIFx 8.y Vo,O 133 BEDROOM3 O 558 9 23 0.373 6.0 Oxo V1Fx 19.0 115.0 SIL eeelevvma c 34/0 !3 119 0.351 5.0 0.,0 vIF;z zb.0 115.0 SO BEDROOM 4-A c 3420 73 139 'U.3'oo 55.00 vx 0 V I RX c'u.a I I D.O s[ 1 KUCHEN c Z5Z4 ts0 10_2 0.348 6.0 Ox 0 Wx 28.9 115.0 st2 eTNa C G3t13 43 y3 0.35/ 5.0 OXO VIFn LD.L 115.0 3-12 LMNG-A c 2303 45 93 0.498 6.0 OX 0 ViFx 5.4 55.00 EIQIRG-B c Z3u3 45 ys O.;srs 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 18.9 115.0 SO MBEDROOM C 3t3f M 131 0.430 13.0 OxU VWX U.t 95.0 Bold&-fic --hies ha-. wrliaftsorc, '.. .w.W • ,,_ .., Rig"%iWOUliwsa1201919.021 RSU08101 Page 1 ��...UICK10oamewWgR91w.Mll-.ErlelMetyamn valu=R a FmmMOra-mx ., Trunk Hty CIg Design Veloc Diam H x W CUM Mame type MM) MM) FR (tpFn) (in) (in) Material Trunk Kl P-RAWr 191 371 0.357 679 10.0 0 x 0 UnIFIX s¢ Pearmvr 133 118 0.348 400 WX V .. a vinlFlx Bold&-fic --hies ha-. wrliaftsorc, '.. .w.W • ,,_ .., Rig"%iWOUliwsa1201919.021 RSU08101 Page 1 ��...UICK10oamewWgR91w.Mll-.ErlelMetyamn valu=R a FmmMOra-mx ., (game Grille alzcd tin) Htg (am) Clg (Cfm) TEL (ft) Design FR valor (tpm) Giam (in) R x vv (in) 5Mmoisi Opening (in) DuR Mad Trunk rb6 0x 0 118 232 0 0 0 0 Ox v VIN Mi Oxu 8z 161 u 0 0 0 Ox 0 MFx rb1 Oxo 6:) 131 uu 0 0 0 Ox 'u v1Fx mz 0;� 0 124 196 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 MFx MR Ox 00 51 al 0 u 0 0 u„ 0 ViFx rb5 Ox 0 84 151 0 1 ol 'u 0 uux 'u viFx wrlyAtso.�• ,.•�• RigMSdtaSUtivers•l207919.0.21 RSU08101— P-su2 UICKUoamerzAWdgN&oRW QPIE„ —I!tyOl:;xW ee1E=M PromMvr..—z:.. Job #: Purruff ed for. PIERRE -LOUIS 20S N. 3991h ATREET Ff. PIERCE, FL QUICK CALLS, INC. 317 ST LUCIELANE FT. PIERCE, FE34946 "M r (Z-F000fm QUlCM=S@AOLCM scale: -I : ns Page 1 RightSubM Universal 2019 19.0.21 RSU08101 2020-Novl611:18:23 �� PIB L99ERRE LOUIS.nip