HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Div' BUILDING PERMIT OCT 2 7_r020 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT T IS .. Lucie County, Permitting (Company Name/[ ividual Name) have agreed to be the HvchQn ; c I _ Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) A(rr�L.l_��4 � FL 1 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at S1 0 u M-t V C► YJ 0 t (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) VJ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME k(k t-OUNTY CERTIFICA9 TION NUMBER ' State of Florida, County of - (, e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of Di t zo2� by �cullrl /1111n 4A7rY?S who is persona y n /� or has produced a as identification. I Signature of Notary Public STAMP Print Name of Notary Public PATRICIA AKIN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revised 11/I6/2016 ,F�d' EXPIRES September 26, 2021 -C RA TO/R�SIGNATURE (Qualifier) r C. , 0 c�ISS PRINT NANI'E COUIN I V CERTIFICAT O NUMBER State of Florida, County of Q F ttCit The foregoing instrument seas signed before me this day of OC1-.; who is persorjall vn �or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP a �1 �n rant Name of Notary Public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 l PERMIT # ISSUE DATE _AMMMEMONEW& PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT o c r 2 7 �0?0 p ST. Lucie County, Permitting �••IS�OM ►nI 17 R.c_'ti..I S I rf^'''��Inl{� � l�t21AvV SCfL�Icc,L'S (Company Name/Individual Name) .ZNC have agreed to be the tA (Type of Trade) � -Sub-contractor for Adam Homes otNoftrwestFloflda- (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 01 0 �� YC4 n p (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID d) Q If It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentinned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) AdWA Hanes of Noi tnrest Solfde. h>- PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTffICAT1ONq� — State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 0 C t 201 by William Bryan Adams Who is personally known ___.�r has produced a as identification. *tv+�viPlvta*7 Putitie �� STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Print Name OfNolary Public ..t '•°� SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION k GG 262074 EXPIRES; January 25, 2023 0ondedThruNO1aryPubflcUndtltmq&rs Revised 11/16/20 Lucie County will be gdvised pursuant to the SU13--CO_NT� G - SINATURE(QQue1fier) PROYT NAME as c� ) COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of V s• u-Ack The foregoing lostrument was sigoed before me this _Lq_ day of CC t 2i1� breri��.✓vI?.�rr_v,r2, who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as identification. It l /d'>'l/n,Q� STAMP Slgoature of Notary Public L C.hCsv 6 Qom_ .Itco "hY'SC'I Print Name of Notary Pr lic RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Public -SofFlorida 0,01e CsGG MY Commission Mar 22021 Ihraugh Nalfonal Nolaryksn. REI2MIT-#: (�ompangyNamelIn; the Roofing] (Type of Trade)- For the:;P Pro,, located.a Its understood fat, project, the Build>:ng fitmg.:of,'a'Change of Y ` E ISSUE, D/jTE FLANNiAIG&`DEVEL'O'1VIENTSERV�ICES Building & Cod`e C.ompiiarice D><viS M BUILDING PEI2114IT' �'Ic SIJB GUk3TXiACTtlR AGREE1YIl1:T' OCT 2� Uo EIVED ' ST. Lucie Count Y, Perm tt lttin be 9 ,g diyidua! Name)! _Sab-Contractor.' for Adams Homes of NorEhwest Florida, lNC tI �1 OD M) rG Y) D. i l\J f {{ (PioJect Sfteet Add ess or P.r6pdity'T`x ID:# 4 iere is, any change of status regarding; our paiticipatton with the al3ove mentioned Code,Regulation Division of -t Lucie County willtie advised pursuant`to t_Iie• . 'contractor notice: i uglifici) SUB CONTRACT. IGNATU u ili0cr) S ¢i S IBER '.COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of.Florida Couttty'of at �uCle. State ofF.Co�ida, County of St;Lucle: 1'h. c foregotpg instrument was s�gngd �eforc'mc Ills L dad of Tlic forego�n insti umetit lsas signed beEoee'tnetttiEs day of - c 4- �,2Q:C,4by WI�IIa►T1 BIyafl Adafi1S' 20.�D,by,l o V l_�_. FcNo is crsottn[( kno5+n VV or tins roduc�d a s i Gni produced us ldentifientioni Signoture of Nqkkry Cyblic " i :as`:identific'ation: .-Hom nah MODYleoo:r� Print Natne`.of Notar} Public! " Y Trint Naifti of Noturk, Pilbud +dr °I% Notary Public State of FLpruia Hannah E Moore ip ' Notary Public g�a a R�prida ,My Commission HH 017099 Hannah E Moore Rc� se�i i 11iG12016� • xpues 07/0172024 K MY Commise w HH 017099 att ' Expues 0710,IQ024 t PERMIT # I l ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® Building & Code Compliance Division - BUILDING PERIrIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Q C T 27 "! 3 ST. Lucie County, Permitting AAPEX Electric (Company Namt /Individual Name) — — • • have agreed to be the Electric (Type of Trade) __.•.•_ Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at — U D_0 r V X (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID x— It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the. Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME - --" 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this A day of Oc I .20 Qby W. Bryan Adams Who is personally known - or has produced a as identification. qs,Wure of Notary public Vannah Mow Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Flpride Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 ��► xpires 07/01/2024 R sWud la!'W72( I SUB CONTR4CTOR SIGNATURE tQualifier) PRINT NAME - -- COUNTY CERTIFI AT[oN NUMBER State of Florida, County o*& L_L)r;e, The foregoing instrument was signed before methiis t-g day of "C I 20'b?bywho is personally known )44-or has produced a as identification. STAMP � tot .Sy r�Bt�c JAIMELHARNER i ature of Notary Public * z MY C6AAMON # GG 0891ZZ "� ec EXPIRES April 2.2021 3Q21 �Bonded TN% Budnet Notary Services not Name of Notary Pu61ie