HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) `.,'� -3°i '' �. k+u:.Y•"C .Y'_ "t�' x` t"ba� L '"rerv'YA - § aal •ws:I we. I COO In 1.Low pegmlt alit o t9d}t.TC?j5i b;s:Sutntastsmfwrge 'Mats f r 6+ri4*cdiph' i FEY&:Marl "'Ucisso Map 4i k,: Sthmif R� a ,* O'be useac r�a�a�su-,�. PED 'i'tA t fig'&.='r.�'i..1:k ,>p, r r ;'::?,4?,?. w!9 rzla;a:.. :,$"AlaCxiieacion•I{Tcynil. I CEI k9 R f FL5 7�1.Rh: ZOIC " 'App!(cation'1"ylre. fit,vlslora FEB 2 Cade Version M4 A.ppticatiaia<Status Ali it PER ITfI�JG St.Lucie County,FL ' Cbnisrient.�. Archived Produa.Manuf acturer East`Coast Metals,Inc: Address/Phont/Email 2 tO :Wa tH byre. fiiala,ait FL 33010. • {3t}5}SHS 99tJ 1; arastelianasC�eas�:caa t-liaetais:corai Authorized Signature Tam cim.teltanos aCastelianasr nstrUtasE!natal :coins 'Tacttnitn!R.�pr€5etltative. iala,Casttllactca5 t+ildressJPiiora/Email 2301 We-'k 6 Und tlaleata,El.3auit9. (305);885 0991- tcaste lianr�I�castcoasf-ltt eEals.t�'atst Quality Assurance Reptesentatiwa Howard Ciltokf 3r. asldre�5/Ai7taatuJ mail .23,01 wbst 8(„ane: {305)H85�8a3i; (anallepder�tCa5tcoa5t-anetals,cniri: ' Category Rooting Sutrcat ory Roofing AcccSSsa We -Mat are an Ylatopr<al:f?arY aC.tltf:Roofing System Compliagscra Met-had 'EYa U3tiata Repssrt,frnns a Ftorida;Etegistured Architc ct;gr a€3censed , Florida Professtt%nai Cnriinelr: Y: EvaluationReport-Hardcopy Recdlvdd Florida Engineer of Architect Nance who.devel.¢j*d '06bert(diettttnt?ra the Evaluation.Repert Florida license igE;S55IJ66 Quality Assurance.Entity Architectural-resfim Inc, quaiity'Assuranke Contract Expiration..IDatc 12/3112019 Validated By acahn L1i itntrevicii,_Ri: Valldatiorr Check€ist-Hartlmpy-itoceived Certificate sat independence ` K I a iulS?s rJk' Referenced Staridard asci Year(of Staruiard) tend YOU FP--A/Tt21 Aptil''201 :(04-1z) 2012 RAS 11$: 1095 PAS119: 195: (2A5':I20 :1995 SUM SSfl):141 1997 TAS lot 1995 r VI Equivalence a Ocodoci Starlda rdi5 Certified OW Sections:from the Code PrO.duct ApPrO14,11,-Metbod IVIL-thod A Option ID Date Submitfed Date VAdat6d Date Pendinq:AC Approval 15 Date Approved NX)15: Summa ry of Products FIL Modelli Number ofNam,4k 5374,1 PrOur6i'del metal dwnnuls designed for use at a hip Ek ridge, bas-4*w who roof 6les art?.bonded. Limits of Use Installation 16structions. Appiroved for use in HvHz.Yes EL14 Paw? MX� 4. .Approved for use Outsid6:14v"Z:Yes -.* MIA , , .li :Impa.dAes Stant-NIA Vedfied By.RoWrt Allefoibed PE-59166 .0V*Slqn*ii"i3r.O,+N -1711 6th, Created W Indeppodv6pt-T lr;j:.Party.Ye.% atuatio Secticiffs 5 and 5,3 EvluzstiLtn;Reptirt$ hiirelt)per6109 to lige kpi in non>kiVH jurisdictfons in cbrijuOction with Tible'IA of r-ircitO by Indeperident7b.1rd-Party.,Yes, RSAITRIApdf 2012(04-;12).Refei to Tables 2A and:W fn the EVaWtlon:Re0ort for all options and as,;ovjjait.eMjjjowabjo design pre ssilres K. .=Eau;. The state,a+Ratida is',to �M t Undo.,rtopwa(6w,ernall jmiit4ho I've 6.bMr CLOY J3,.ffyviidv "A 0 vePpstz t.a vrnwm,4a not s;—d Ioctm,E mat toNW-I'mt immwti,,Mmle omlwt QWW7.th6.:-PuMmAt to stman _",4sed for OMM�C.4,CZ1In 4.t"W��However Mail sldresses irr&W VOOM If yc�u do notzrishla supple ix pv�.dnhvl addw,1:4, rv!caie PWM--the of pvxfpcot rnm 69 vin,,maqre!;4 Wnich 66a tevkmftn ify(ki nwa tcQtpsSM un.4,r cilaw"45N r :Ptudu.ct Approval At"pw f*�04'REIM Ofedif COW: ,= EXTER(OR.RESEA0.0&DEMPN LLC, �.,t �` ��rt+J?u�tea�luth�srrs?tlorr�t�s0� � ` �w, 353ct1RISTIAN STREET.1lNIT 413 Tg V OXFO :Cr 0647 PHONE:(2Q3)-26249245 fAX (203j 2629243 EVAWAT JON' REPORT. _ East coast M ta15,Ince. Evaluation.Report E1o240.08.OB R4, 2301West& ane FL5374=R4 Hialeah',ih FL 33010 ©ate of issuance:61163/2609 Revision 4.03/17/2015 SCOPE' This Evaluation Report is issued under.Rule.6IG20.3:and the applicable;rules :and :regulations.,g6verAing the useof construction materials in:the State of Florida.The.documentation submittedhas been reviewed by Robert.Mjerritneri,P.1.for use of the product under the Florida Building-Code and:Florida Building-Code,Residential Volume.. The products described: - �to herein.liaye'been evaluated.for compliarice w th the 5 -Edition(2014)Florida:,Building Code.sections noted iiereinr DEscRIr TION: East coast:Metals channO Metals. LABEUNs::Labeling snail be Iri:accordance with the'requtrernents the Accredited Quality Assurance<Agency noted hereiri. C{NTiNwo CcimpUAkiir This Evaluation Report:is.valid until such time as the named.prpdqu lt(s) changes, the referencod Quallty Assurance doWniettation changes,or jaravisioris of the Code that retatev the.prod(ict-change, Acceptance'of'this- Evaivatiorl Report by the.named ciierit constitutes agreement to.notify Robert Nietriii.eri,P.E.if the product.changes or the: refe'renceii Quality Assuirbri,te documentation changes. 'TriiiltyIfRD;reiiuires p;complete review of-this Evacuation.Report. relative to updated code requirements with each wile cycle. AovERTISEMmNT: The Evaluation Report numb& preceded:ley the w.brds."Trinity{ERD ;Evaluated" may be. displayed in. advertising literature;. If any.portion of:the Evaluation Report is displayed then-it shall be done'tn its entirety: INSPECTION:Upon request; a-copyof this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the;user by the manufacturer or,its distributors ancf_shall be-available for inspection:at the ji b site at the request faf'the Building Official. This Evaluation:R.eport consists of:pages 1.through 7.. Prepared by: - �.:,.•-""" .y ��{ y X84 41 vsa� is 'St '1w J� nsp faLunek!srt7l�piSe3nnQ was xairctt€rtMAubetrMn ..en, . ROber#1M Nletninen,p.E: 3��,ti,: EC,�j� r•:r.nnit31t7j3fr3S.l3rhdaasmhCacwaas'snvianrca�»µpsggires?' f1widt,AMIStfo'tir7ibW 59166,FtorldaDCAAIVE1983ea�dtarcLepits tmw'b 035traesrhMPA inMil '.✓�++nf•r+"" + WalactApttresPsrlifrrtfa±PitratorsodtotFierib,rsilc'�(it CER7IFICATroNof INDEPENDENCE'.. 1, TrinitylEftD does not have,.nor does it.intend to acquird or atilt it acquire,a:ftnancial interest`'In!any.com 't-r panariuf7CtCiting'or dsttbvting,prtiduets it evaluaries. . 2 TrlriityllRt3is:niatowner#,riperated'orcontrolledbyanycarppatiyman6facturiogordistributingprndidcts:itevaluatrs 3. Robert Nieminen,p E:does not have nor YAI acqutre,.a:Wanda(Interest in,any company.manufactucing or distributing products for which the)evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert.Nierninen,0,440es volt have,:nor vrill acquire..a.financial'-interest in any:other ent ty.iiivriived in ilia approval process of the product. 5, This,is a bui lchng cobs evailuatlon, Neither Trinityi ERP rcor Aoti rt Nieminen f'E.;ere,:in any o%,the Desigliet orf Record for any project:on which this'Evaluation Report,o previous versionsthxeeof,is/was lurid fur:permittingor desigwguidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.- TKIN#TY . 15 ROOFING G uPONENT EVALtfdTI,ON 2 SCOPE* tsrksductCategpry: R60firig'. 5itb�ategary`: it0af ng Accessories that ani in tntegraFhO Ofth,e:Roofing System rfamptlaifce=5taterrte tts East Coast m talsthinnel iaatetals,as producer!by Cast Coast Metals,have dernonsOated compliance tiuith the follovuing:sections of the-riotida agll firigtode thiodgh t6bog iti:aMitdrOnce u46Jh6,fbilowing Standards. tomOliance is cibjncttothetristall4ti6haiequiiumentsandtimitations/Con itiarisofUsk;set fort'htl&ein7 2. STANpAROS: Sect o�a. P, m9day Standard Year 15,07$3- nstallatI66,nano M i~KiNiM April 2012(04-12) 2011Z is28,g;:3:, tnstaliatl€ ,)IYCIZ RAS�tB;-115:&9: 1505 123.6.5;22 Siatclfplill.rtesls2axtce" TA510195 1711:2;1. Static'tlpliftResist6me S t 1,SSTD41 :1993 3. REFERENCM Ettti Examirtatian Rgfo(ertCe Dale ERR(TST6049) svitk uplift'ROAR.nce K27 t1K.3 oti12 3J,�013 CRC1(T5'l6049) Static VO4n,ResistmCe LTM 5 5735".12.14-1 021Z?12k335 EIfDtT5766491Stafi tJplifftte i tptir Etkd Cfr755.12,21-? D2/2"tJ2015 Florlde`TIC(T5T7873). TOk5to) St"2811 - 14I12712fI1 PRI MT58M) TAS ibi CCt t 3t}1r^fi„•01 :09/2112001 PRl(TST"878) TAS 10 t CF l t3Q8 gzt01 t161ti3/2tx PRI tTs 878): 7M lhit cry- Q4sf?2-t)x :4611312, 8 PRI(TSTSO*7 TAS::101: Ct h d]t?a-Gt2-D1 Q5/ 5»t tt3 PRI(TsTa878) _TA ,ioi 6 o0fa02=t1 C�GrL3/2Q R, Pttl(TS.Y587R) TAS'1Pf E . otl7 i72-0i 061012008" PRC(5n$78) TAS.1.01 CGrrt f 241 06/13/26t Ooticla BuildingGode Attkhme4Requirements FRSAtTRIApri7'2012(04.:22) 0412012' Florida auildhoCode:.tlVi#2_ tiP6110 13 and 120: 18 5 '64.Cdast WlelalsCN tai Qra ii{ty: i tf rtif?i itun-s Yaridas ArdfitantfrMTesiln (gUAi844) klGaibti}?C ntrtil Parti ipattc?itetter Cxp;121 112018 4. P kObucT DESCRIP n.ON,: 4.1- HIO&Aldge-Channel MAW-Pre-formed,metal thannel deslgneO for use a5 a hip and ride:baS6.0 which roof-Illes are iionded.ltl FSC Approvedioof the adhesive. < Hip'&itidgek' hannei Metal Y availatsle ut 11 =3JS 0YlCh{ �/8-itch}iertgth b(+7i5,'3,:3.5,�,tea,6 trr 7 inch;(�'��B-inch) , hetlglim mtfi' .5-ittch(+1/16-i6ch)deck:fiar+ges, =' ;' . a t P } 1 Exterisar:.Resear+;6:artd DOt�f�a,t.lG:. t»valriattatt.Rept�tC E202?CO138.08-RA Zrrs cut �)€trth�tttrouaa#9stt1 45374-A4 Revtsiort 4 p31171zfiis Page 2 af;7 iERD 4:2' Trlm Lock Channel Metal: Pte-formed- roetai channel designed for use asa hip and.6dge base to Which. tiles. are bonded'in FIX-Appri7ved roof file adhesive, Trim Lock :Channel Metal is .charai.-tedipd. by. its profiled .and Perforated upper horizontal fizin9q designed to receive :and allow for Interlock with the overlyin4 file adbosive. Trim lock ChannelMetal is-available in 1191318•inch { .518"j,length-by 3,3,5,4,S or 6 inch;l+�/&inch)height With 1.54kh(1/16-inch}deck-flanges. 41 Tfm Lock t lus Channel Metal.Pre-formed metal:channel designed.for use as a hip and ridge base to which.roof bles aro bonded in,FBC Approved roof file adheslve Trym Lock phis Channel:Metal is characterized by its prfifitod and J r perforated-upper horizantal-flange designed'toreceive s r and allow::for interlock ivit'h the overlying tile:adhesive it > and its perforated deck flanges,designed for irufallation p 1 ,terf . .atop the roof underlayment via` placement iii FEiC Approved roof:the.adhesivp which: flows-t arid. l tnferidekswiththe.:underlying:adhesive '�� rx �f:_ TrimLotk;Pius Channel Mil i.;available in 119-3/84nelt L+3/9-)length.by 3,3-5,4,5 or 6•inch(t 3/84melt}heights `' z with 1,5-inch.q 1/16-Inch)dec&flanges: f ' .fir= x�r $.4 East CoastMetals:Channel ivietals,are fabricatedof.the foilowingmetals: . Galvi rilzr d Steel: Min.0.01016.002-inch,ASTivI AGSM{G�3fi}.'rntn:33 K5iF r Gaivalum6 Steel: Min:d.pig±O.00Zdnch; ASTM A792,AZSS:trim 35:9St: Aluminum: Miii.t).032+t1{i42-inch; 15th:u7ti9,-3R03N1A,:rtairi,Zl:KSi'. r. 5tainles5 steel;,Min:0.019±0.402 inch,ASTM A24()IA480,`i.04l min.35 KSI,. 54 This is:a building code evaluatiion`. Neither Trinityl MD nor Robert Wiieminen,Pk aPe;in any way,the Designer of Record forarty project on vtri iclt this:Evaluatiein Report, or previous versions theredf,Js/was used:for permlttng.or 00199 guidance:unless retained specifically'for that.purpose. Exterior Research and Design,t:Ct Evatuat[on Repdrt ElplAt}.48 48=R4 trtiJtcuteataattorrtatianA5b3 FL5374•R4 Advisl6n 4:03/17/2015 Page 3 of 7 __ '� 7 �a 6'1 �•�9 rr.� �G"�}j it�s _N �) 5.2 FOR HVHZ:ftIRISDICTIONSt 5:2,1. Dor Hip$i-fticige+funnel fvlotal or Tiim Lock Channul Metal,refer-to.FBC RAS 118,:brawing 23, Detail 3 RAS 119, Drawing 12, detail'3;or A45-120;brawing 15,_Detail 3• For'T(im lock Plus Channel Metal,refer to the installation insiructlons•herein.. 5.2.2 For HVHZ,jurisdictions,installations of Nip&Ridge Ghannp!Metal nd`Trim lock are prescriptive by RAS 118,-119 and 12D..andthedata:'tnfableslAand'1>3issuppiety t3tattothese.proscriptive.allowantm _ instapatipns.of Teim Lock Plus are:liinitetl to.projpcts having a'requtred mantent reslstanc -(lvl}:or,iipllft rusistarce as determined in accordance with RAS 127,not:greatu than the following values, Refer to the:file adhesive manufacturer's.Published`insUffation Instructions for adhesive paddy:piaceiiient cieta i 'INDEPENDENT"paddy Enlacement means each nsdsviduai file i�do tded fo tlie:C}ianriel Metal In;its ovrn,.single foam.paddy; the hetid•imps are not Bonded. 'fills method.is limited to:1-part tile adhes(ves. Allowable performance data below for"IND,EPENDENr paddy placerntnt already has a 246 1:mare of safety'applied to ultimate performance; "INTERDEPENDENT"p ddy placement means eacfr ndividualAile is bonded to_ihe:Charind Meta.I in_a foam paddy, and a second foam paddy fronds the tile.head lap,Of two tiCes.ore bonded tri the Chante!Metal using:a single foam:paddy: .Allowable P'erforniance data below for"INTERDEPENDENT";paddy placement already has a A to.l markin of safety applied to ultimate performance. - -' 'rz'•`�'r;� ''t`Atii.l li' CE IMCrAIi �'y :c zU; 3 c _ { � � �6�It+f�iVJr !`� H1fH INtS_�EQENll�F�FAAIIYf51Ati"Mk��ir r.;t� x �� s >' ?�.K z`.r,..ym...""�:. ..•F�.�«t..._..;: � ��S"M!lRG1NbE�AffTYAt$XAQYJt (�YaJ4<r,�'... a ..� Nip/Ridge Metal :' adhesive_ - Hip&Rid c i Ype ..; Pncem_entMf f`t.lb P tfo ance Design MIARBfaz ed•¢ k;ibtJ f 8 clpy nr 3M 2:Corrapuraeni t`aam gaivaniztd IndettQnclent 127 Charrne!Metal . . ciAnrretr*: ..r Roof Tile Adhes€ve ill{tca, 1G9 Trim tock laivanized,Gatvalumem tray or [3M'"Z ttzrrsporerti>oarti ind perfdent 171' ]S9 aluminumor stalitiess sleet csintrete:, ,c Roof Tice AdhesiVe:Fiti-1bG galvanized,i3aivalumii', clayci, s dMs rcm000entFoam ?rirrrLack➢lia5 t independent 177 fG5 aluminum pr stainless steel cfFncref Roof Tale vu h-1yeAR-00 ,• � �. ,,��} ��i+'� v �* �TltBtE�Q �`lr�flf UMrrAT[tt#� }�LrF�2r f # k�is�,l 1���►�I�1C PtACEI�ffi1�"��'��, m � '� ��a " hlpjRidge Metal Adhesive Attowable terformance: Mloinerrf Based Design Meta!Type ( U fType r Pface_ment pif tf3ased w .. _ ...E _ _ IVti fftdblJ w p1?fJ Trim Wcicor Trfm galvanized;xaivalume clayor 3M" 2`crmpunnntFoam. Iock Plus. aluminum atstainiess:steet �ontrete;. Roof TlEe;4+ittesiveAH.150 'tnctirdependenc 95 g8 Trim tack. galvanlxed, alvalurn2 clay ar 3M Ropt rile Adncsfve lntc rtiependerrt 99. 99. statnless'steat coximte. RTA-I � _ clay or 3M"Fr7am Roaf Tile Trim Lark aluminum ! }Concrete Adhesive RTA- rnt�rdependent j 9U� 84 -TYim Lack Pttss, (talvaniied;Gaivatume, day or At-Ftsans itbave" aluminum or staintess-Swel corsretr?: Adheifve;RTAF� ln.irdepenien4 ge! Trim Lock itwonlze'4atunre*ar :66Y'or' TJLE 8E17£t Rtsof Tile interdcperident 123 i i 7 sWrniessstee! coraeieE Adhesive c pr TILE BON "hoof 1110 Trim Lock aluminum interdependent: 79 7j: ctiriereie Adhesive Trim lorkP}us Ralvariizesl,Gatvalumc , clayor TrLE BOND,"RpvfTile aluminum at stainless steal concrete Adhesivit Interdependent ) Z Trim loci: B7Evanjted,c alv�luine�:or cfay.tsr ToOwil.Sea!atrprrnRorid _ stainressstaal Concrete._,..Roof TilpAdhesive taterdepensferit 1%G 4;5 Trim Lock Aluminum coy or Touch'n.Sea1 Stormi$ond � _ bbncrp-*e Roof Tilo'Adhesivd Interdepcnderit §8 .54 galvanized tialvalumeR, clayor. Tauch'ri561-Starmaond TrimLocdcPius aluminum arstamipss5teel contiVile Roof Tile hdhesive interdependent 513 54, Sxteesor Research and Vesigt�,LiG £watudtiom.RCport ElQd0A8:08-R4 Ccrr3flcv;eaJAixEhartrarkn.a9S03 FLS3?4-R.4 RBvislart�t q3f i7j2015 Ga$e 4 of 7 i a o E V7.l r 't i.Ty N L �" I[ 1$ ERS 5:3 EQR C+QWHVHZ'JURISDICTIONS 5.3,1 For Hfp&Ridge Channel Metal-of Trirn.Luck.Channei:Metal,refer td FRSA/TRI_April 2012(a4 12}. For.Trini CAek,pius Channel Metal,refer to the installation instructions herein SAA For"ba-HVI Z,#nstailations are limited.io project's having hip and Od-Re design prt=.sstire reclulreme?n' .det&ftfined iia ai:cordanC6 With Table 1A of FRSA/TRf Apill 21 12 Jo4 21j, not greater than fhe'fol€Haring values. Refer to the.tilt hdhes#ve manufacturer's published installanon instructirins-far adhesive paddy piacehientdetalls. 'INDEPENDENT'paddy placement means each individual tile,is bonded to the Chatitiel Metal-in its oven;sin& foam paddy;the head laps are not bonded.,This method i$ilrnited to 2-part file:adheslves< This ttlethod is limited to2-Ort tileadhes)ves., Allowable performance data below far"`1Ni7EPENOENT'`paddy-placement aleeady2 has a t0-1 margin of safety applied to uitimate.perlormance_ �+ "INTFROEPENbENT"paddy placement meanseach individual the is bonded to the Channel Metal It:o f im paddy, and a,second foam paddy tionds:the tile:h-bad lap,,lir two:t6fes are bonded tb the Channel Metal using as single foam(caddy. Allowable perEorrnarice-data belo,"�:fpr 1NTERDEPENDENt"paddy piacetnent.airmadyhis[a 4 tie i margin of safety applied-ta ultimate performance. ,'TA$IE 1 PERr£Y#t Pf �1fi IT&TIt3d HVHi: AEF JtQO p IVi 3 s ^h -,,—d ,r�A"'•rn.Jk lf.:,.k _. e'� M .,jT_�'4, ., fN�ear+v�i+a+i�f`�`�'".t'"`�T����r� 'L��/ *'S� ,�� � 4ID•.. '� Hip/Ridge:Metal —Tide Adhesive ARawabte tlpiitE: _. •- Design Metal Type TYPe.. Placement... fPst1- _ .. _ HIP&Offte clay,or 3M" ompcsnnnt roam Roof galraniaSi irtidp endent 1% channelMetai cancrete Tits ht3fcsivrilirtt5 ndependent 77:3 Trim Lock galvanized, aivalumeo,atun inuln Or cdaycr, fV1 2-Cpmpo6ent warn Roo �.. sta n ess steel oncre-tem .Tile Adh'esrOlAH•1Gtf Lock NUS,T 11 T.Lock GalvalutiuM'sluminurn or clay or 310-?Coinponent roam Rotel stainless steel concrete Tile Ad.hP&. Inddpenden17f3 a AH tri} K }Ind - t 78 { $<Yi tSl & frGRfOCtMAhiCCtt9N(rAr�lt5111C3Aa(�VILL�N7EriDEQTN�NTPDJfI.kACtMENT 0 MASS ..- � of 'SSS,• � .� NipJRtdge'Ntetal lild Adhesive Allawa6te Uplift Design. MetatType TYire Placemet+i (tssfl. Trim Lock or Trim_ galvanised:Cafvalume,aluminu'tn or clayor 9rv1"'Z*Componenrfoani,rtoof °fntatxfepgndent $ ` Lock Plus. stalrlessstezxl concrete: TileAdhesivaAH40 Trim lock 8aivanised,Galaraiume�orstaI Foss' dad 3MT`ream Noot10ie_Adhesive interdependeni� 710 steel concrete. RTA-1 Titm Lock aluminum cryor 3W,Foam A66f TH.P.Adhesive lnters{epenileiat 3 concreid RTA-1: ... _ Trim tock PPlU �atv snizr d,Galvalurtl ,..,tumirYurrt rsr clay o, 3M"Fijam Ruat Tile RNhi si4e statnleSs steel concreteRTA•1 lnterdependent 93: Trim lock' ealvaniat d Ualvalurne _orsta(ntes clay or TtEF OflND" Roof T€leAil#iesive lntirYic= endertY: 452 - _.._ ..-...._.-.. :.6t@ I. t`6acrete p o clay r TILE BOND' Roof`rile Atlh ive interdependent $2. Tits Lack: :aluminon) + -- concrete, galvanized,Galva►urne°;:afuminum rrr cia or U BpNR Roof Tile Adhesive Intertle enderit 32 Trim incl:Plus clay or steei concrete p . _ - . Tztrn t.nck P,atvanire'd,':Galvatumeor stain}ess ct�y ar Touch`ci Seat Sttirmt3iind R®of . steel . concrete Tile Adhe3iy,,� fnterdeuendent 143 Trim Lork Aii3minum clay or Touch'n Interdependent 61' concrete. Tile AdhesWe galvanrrad,G va!uhse turninurs ur elayerr Toirctr:`n SealSLarrntltanis Roof Trim Lock Pius stainless steel concrete Tile.Arth.esi nr ►nt rdependent 6 Gzterloc ftessrattti and t?eslgn,itC , EvalUatfon Repolif(}7sltl,n&0 >Ri CerxlJ7torE ituCirBrPrau6tt i9sli 715374.114 (teals{ott 4:p3I17jztf]5 Pages of 6. INSTAUNTION q 1 'the roof deck shaEi be minimurh 15/32-inch plywood(han-iiilFiZ)or tttinirrlurn 19/3?inci�.pEy�vaod(kIVHZ�attaefier3 in acr6r&nce with FBC Cbapter;l��to of the•AEi). 6.2 Nip&REdgp ghannel Metal and,Trim Lack Channel Metal shalt e:lna0ed using min,.11 ga,x lyWr ch long x 3/8.-inch head diameter galvanized annulai` ring shank;nai�s spaceet.64kfs o.c...along bath deck=fianF,es, Fasteners:shall be positioned:K-Inch from the.outside edge of each deck-flange,set in:a hed plastic roof cement. For-FBC HV Z>refer to FBC tiR$llif,Drawing 13;tltY,ii 3 Rr4x'115,Dra4ving'12;Detail 3,or RAS12Q,braving 9,5,i�E�talf 3. 6,3 Trim Lock.Plus Channel Metal shjllbe installed atop theApproved roof'unde'ridgment in continuous 2e tich wid .c ii tions of the adheslue centered 6anealh oach 1.5-iiic. wide:deck flange; place"the Trin!Lk+ck:PEus ChannelVetal l.nio the wet adhesive arrd allow it to set-itp pylar to installation of roof tines, 4 t 9rY r x �4 y+ V ee 'View of'PolySotAH160Piacementfor Trim Lock'frllxs.Channel etaf:4nSfailatian.. It is critical that the band<berWeen the Trim Lei*Plus Charing)Metal,the t i*:azihnslve.and the.urcclrtriaym'ent:is teat dlsttirbed;priorta or during placerof the;tidge tiles. 6.3.2 tapprounct kinderlayments are the codffiect"3{7/9IY system or other approved' use of't(e subject the atlhOve. Exterfor Research and Ciesign,Ltt. Evaluation Report E3(324tf.{S 08 it4 R55744". fettilic�rr Y!€ utJ+sNrattcr,A S{t3 MWSWU4.:W, 2015. Rage 6;of:� L i rJ • tea«"'^ . � 9 V�fl 'Tile shalt be instalted.atop the Ch.a inel Metal in,accardance,sivilh,ttre file adoec ive rnanuficturer,`sAppt6ved publ6bed -instatlatiort lnstruciions,subject to the limitations outlined Jn Seition S herein, The:exposededgcs sh4 W OAcWcl and 36lated with approved mortar o('weathdr'triac Ing adhesive wkh.T€xSNTRf*1l,2611 W. A2)or AkS 1:18,135110,RAS 120 regdireme)its.: Hip I Rid, c Tile > . z :t Tr ite t.oek Fitts N� 1 hY✓ h l r �-..-- 1 ortar or Weatl er Block 1 4 ew ofTrim Lack PtusChanne?l Metal tostaijattan after-lAldathergfocked 64.1: Channel Motal:shail be free 6f dust;debris;tells Qr other'bondEbrealift. to ptacernent of rdh6,ive; 7, 6UILDING:P'ERMITIREQUIREMENTS: As,required.by the Building Official or Autharity,'Having JurWictign in prder:ip:properiv eualuate the intailatign of thls product: contact;the named oA entity for manufacturing facilities co ered'by i.A,G.Rule-61U20.3 OA requirements. 9. f,vAuYYASSURAN(:E.EMU[W.* ArchitecturalTesting.Inc. —.1Q.UA1844 j"v)1764.7700' END;.OP EVALUATION.REPORT E)itciior:�esearch'aAd fTes�yr�,:t.lt., fualumtloh:Nepvrt E1ti2Aq:O8:Q8-F24: Eertrfket#+�vfAttitror}urthtn�35i#� €iS37+T,RA: ft6rSl6rr403/17/2Oi5- Page'7 of 7