HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned_Both Parties_Vegetation Removal_Lot 7 PATE St-flM1rrl:b:�� B�i1dYoR�`rrralr or6rr:„ _ fr.rprr�d tnir[7_ '+ems in�c tamdti fitaideme l ST. L UCIE COUNTY f NOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL APPLICATION 1. Plcw cnrrplem the regwwA information and sUbrrrii is the Sc Lucas Corm}'Fn6�ron mntsl Rcsmrccs Depmuneni or Bui lding A 24oning Depart nem. For addrtinnal infimw akm pka5e ti+sntac?the En im,rW "tal Rt.vnirbrs Department al 1',72)462-2526. f-OftlAduii dues r�affma M 0A as dadwri-za+iwr fo Co.,rrrnare arty t im remosvf or afferalf�. YN iin addiiien W the pile plian pros ided to the BeAdiag Deput>aeatl the plans must accurate l x'd:P;L11t I W4irrn Of Al i PETOse d t)w Minp,wwture--dmaeway%seplir tanks.and GftT imp rovr=Als- I]1COMPktC apphcativn6 Wilt rail hC )CCcptWd in accordance wills section 11.p5.(l6(c}of Ibc SL Lucie Coway Land Doxe"rlt Code, Within iwmiy 120)days aficr an awlication has been determined io be vDmpk-w, the Fneirarn wnjal 1Resouroes Departmrnt 4mil MYieW the aWtcaGtivn surd ZRPMvc.appFMe with CMAili0w+ nr deny the apphicatio%bo►scd on the standards set forth in Section 6-MO5 of this Cods. Applaeations"irimg a c-nncurFeW buildinjI person wtil Ire lwmpeswd w4hin the saxes[zwrrtty(20)day timefranw- horsier will " be tek2sed until ohe building Permit ix also apprmU. Per Srmion 1 1.05-06 h 6. of the St- Lucie Cotten}Land I7cvctti pnwnt Cody.tale filing of an ap}+Fi+:aripn stroll be da TnW to rx%cnd pumissian 10 Ilse FrlvirgnnwWel Resoumes Director,or 4crugnee, io irtslrer,Y th m xubgect sire for purposes of evaluating the apphicati,vn. Please try any specific inforrnm+ on such a�a puc co&-or the ��Ay of 24 hour notice due tie cattle gracing,,oxilrolled bunvF,%aside pet* etc. ]n the even[than ii is dcwnni noa that sny federal or stone pr*Uc&rd sgrcies is resident or+or&Vendcni upon the sul0ex parcel`all development%*x k which might adwrsety affect that individual species shall tads and a0p w - The applicam shall trnmediatcly rratify the F[nti>ira F i5h artd W ildl0 fonwrvatitm Commission,U.S. Fish seed 1k ildlife Service,and the C;ouniy- Apprtxprialt;Proec,raim 10 the MI4sfntion of all Pank-s sbAll he provided by the applicant pnor to rrmunir,y,dM±)opnxnl. PROJECT INFOR.MAMN OWNERS NAME: Ocean Estates Drism.1.LC OWNF3LS ADDRESS 95Ala1 Wirm Wee Drive,W 1=l +l'8G pR0 jECT L{3CATIOfi',l-`Ai)f]RF$S: Cot'.Ocean Fsteies Thtvc {:ITY: Fort Pierce STATE_' ZIIP_ U944 C:C TACT PHON W(S)4= Sirf4#l9r' _ _ PARCEL S IZE- W It 911E PROPERTY TAX 10 4; 14@3.500400234W-? GATE CODE I IF AMICABLE), FLIAILADDRESS: n!t1iW.korp.n6 - COKTAiCT FI1 r4 IE--NUM HER FOR PERM FT FK'K — — #' CONTRACTOR IN FORMATIO IFAPPLK %.HI-l &F. Lucie Cresson'Cade and{'ontpited Le7+F.x retfuirt.,v-4Fe rhos npe of won*fke4vne ky a firesrsed twnrt-,xv r. ff appijaW fps this pt emit ueder 6k,v w merl?rrtfefer erejnoxw.sne fDiscletitu►`e Savenww an page d LANJI C-LE.kRING CONTRACTOR NAMF- - ADDRESS. PHONE FIUMBF.R' FLORIDA RE€U—ERT 0 - ST LUCIE CO.l~:ERT-se_ HC:ILDI"H;CONTRACTOR ADDRESS, PRONE NU%lHEK- BRIEFl Y DESCRIBi Tiff.PROP05ED VEGUI A 110-N RFMOVAL, INCC..i;D1r. LCICATIQ.% TYPE: AND OVANITITY01F VF(;FTAr1QN TO BF RI-ARW LD. PROVIDE A SKETCH OR :iITF PLAN iF A P PL ICAB[ £. PI TIN G W1IERE F Rop tiF:1) RF51 OVAL AND---fl9 rlF.VF1.0PNi£�I1 %VI1.L C1CCUft, ca�rrrl � i l 1!FUATED 1 21-2414 Ctl%I PST E LLLE F R,PA IZT I OR l 11BELOIA PART I-EXFMMON Any prrun who intends to rcmo4,c or cansc the dash 0P any vegetation pursuant la any of the Foilawme cxrrnlxians must first fill out Part [ of this i~onn- The burden of proving cniitlerneni io arty parziculsr exemption shall lie.at all times,with Ilse person or persam claiming the exernfrtion PLEASE C14FCK ONE OF TILE FOLLOWING: i. -Fite minknal reavM1 of vegc ariw aewmary for the 6caring of a path not taea�eed 4'in width,to provkbc physical noo s ar view necessary to conduct a stwvq or site t:F m)itt9im OR 10' in width to pca+ride Vehicular access TW(,V.Uar)• to ,WrWi t sail tests. far tk prcparattoit of bone fide Six dcvc loprnetit plans ar ve getaiion invtmirn7e5; provided such ckarinft or rewwal is cond>ailed lt3i&r die dirmion of a Florida registered seu-wcvar(r engirxxr- Fee:SM 2. The mrim-al of vegexation in a utility casement.d1miTmgx caxn M,%Lorin water nunaprnerd bw or facility,or right-af•way provided such wcA is done by or under the control of the operating utifity cmapany and that company has ab and oil ne4'Y -s licenses or permits to provick utility srrvice through the easement. Fee-$55 3. The remmal of vegetation which has been determined to be a safety hw=i desirnyed or damaged -- beyond sating by maund,arms ar causes nos covered by other sections of this chapler. is infectcd with disease or is infested with inseexs*or whichconstituxes immcdtate pent to life prnl,rrty or0ifher trees, Fee!S56 4, The rcmovat of nwive vcgciate w upon anvdctached singk farnily residential lot Or VLyC]of laird having an area of<ww(1)acre of It3s. This exempt ion i s,however,subyect tip the following cowh ions-lF`er:$55 A) No-hirg in this exemption shall excrnpi any person+ from i.hc landscaping"uiremrrus ter Forth in Section 7-09.00'Of the St.Lucke County Land Dcvr lopmein Code; Et) This exemption shall naa be construed to altpw the removal or akeration of arty prrAecicd regclatioe wiMen a Vegoatian Rcrrm vat Perini[ ot►any lox or pared (if land ht•its arrfwdrvidev unles.the subdivider irterds to corystnKi a residential unit er unixa upon the lot err PM471 of Iand prior to its sale- Cl No native vegetation meaty-four inches (74"), or gxawr, dbh shall be rannxed from any residcrilial pane) (irwiuding those in the Ali-5, AG-2-5. AG-1, Air-I, RE-1. and RJC mooing di�,tricis), fegardlcss kf parcrt size, without a,n appwvcd Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mi-tigation plan. 5. The removal of any nwn-native vegemum. Fee-, 555 which will be wslivtd for removal of inv9seiwe exWiee only for ftle family kunnowFitt ar properLy owner's ascnriatioa remoNing exotics. �6. No ve ewrim io be trrwya Fee 555 i7. The Foliow,� mcilvhkm do not require the applic Con of F hk*ice 9f Yegcmion Rttmoval,however nvy require Building Permit a-pprovst err other such authorisation: Fee:alone A) Preserve and Parks Management ACIisitics Vegetation removal actrwitres assacia[cd with air adopted rranagcmcTIt plan for government rnainiaipcd paA ci,rccmi iun arras,wildlife maMgenxnt areas.eonservdt,cn,areas and preserve& the puiperw of rbe uege[atian reneaual acsivity sisal I bfi to prarect and preserx a dw narwal vsl ors and functions of the exological cwatmun.ities present,such as.clearing for fi rebreaks,c vnduc6ng prescribed burns,or comtrrn-ron Offer►ct5.. B) J`xlsting Agr cuttttrai 0prratiorts. Vcgetwmnremov3l associated with subsequonthwoWng activitie s,ex calm with In required pm Lwryr are ai or deeded wnTcT-% dar.casements,which a,re part pf the tin-ftoing activitic5 of the exis#i erg QQeratiorl shall itoi require a ptrmir. Initial ckering of a siic is nor air exempt activity, Fiona fide egricu aural acl�ti it+ca irrClude€pmme etas nursery,mere farm,aquaGulnar.ranch,or similar oputwina- %1 RoWjne IjwW &"MafrH&1Ya1Ce. -trimming or pruning of ttgetatlon which is nai inucnded io result in The&vent"death of the vegetation-inowi ng of yards or lawns,or any otter:larxdscap ing or ga nknirgR■ livity which is c-o nmoT ly r ognized as roue ine mat nienance.replpement.c r rc- Q- tlFU,4TE-D L4?.'I Old PART 11-VEGETATPOIN RSMOV.#L. PF.MIA Jl: Fes Sckedmk- 3IOD per Single F*m!H_% Homr L.utrt uilding SIWper Mu31ifamil3 Hnmr LIPt1Rkld ng $29$per Nnn-Residential Buildinp. Pk= rompktc ALL of the requdA,3d iftlIMM iiCit. A Vcpscmkn Rcmrnal Pezma shall andy be +sswd if wn#fbcicnl eui&-noc dcm wigrai ing that at least am of the fol3owing criteria hws boon satisfied- 1_The"liwnt for%ncgctaliov mmoval permit shall demure why pieservalicm-of the existing natiw Leg mauom is nee practically{rasiblt aril prek'rrrts Lhe reasarral*deti-eloprncni ofihe site_ _I The mnoLal of die lta ive vegetation is Ilvc miPPLmium rw%css.an in order to imp3etnem a Final DMClopment Order(i.e.,approved silo plan or appmed building p+crmitl- 3_ A Final De%v1fprwnt Chikr has not been i4xLlcd. ur is hat required by ibis Cade firr Lhe altcrickd n=*VkW1ura1 = iuf the land and +cgctatimt rcmuwal is Ll'tc mimnwin ntceswy is allow for the cons rue ion ofdrc inc&xkd Luc rar inip4Tw,:merrt_ ,ADDIr1OjNA1LSUBNIMAL RE U IRIFM EN15 FOR VF 3FT T -.RE;1i0V Al. FERMI : r:n9lrrrctlula l Woo n!the sitr pld>f provided in eke Ruildin liepprllnentl The plans WIJu L.1:. TLLLL'lx 6epic*the location cifall pruposcd buildings,struriums.d"vCures.selxic Lpnk&and Mhcr 1111provemems. 3. Tree Survey The sttney ttum amwatcly dcpki the individual Lbuitions,spucles name and owuman name_aril sires of all C-o=y-prniwcd F=r.to be t er[to+rrd wd,if Wlicable,the inditi idual krca(iow,sprries r6ww and common U&ff e,and sines w be p tserved Urrclocmrd. a. Ver"11Te94 Rewavid Flan The vcgcjv6on mnvDvaf plan muse it lusrrale the cxisi ing vepetarive CoM i Lions on Ile project site,including an idemijrxwion of what areas wA3 be impacted by the proposed dr%:rIOprnem activity and what areas arc Pn4 rCd For presmAtkM tw rrpunnling. �_ �iitQCatioo All Irarivc vegew ion shall be proteewd on site To the gt c desi c k-M possible_ If impac{if,wu akhHe, mitigoorr 4w)l be pravidi d iELroough imc of the mitigwion mcchudologics owliaxd in Land Chnvlopmerit Code Section 6.00.05.D. PhYYide inil#ga3i,00 CaIVUlalias&c per 3And 3cvcIrpmcn1 Ca&'*Wkm 6.00-05_D and include a rnnlgairon plan outlining p wposcd mitiguian orethod rm the tree survey aFA--'cY she plan If sulkieni mitigation cannot be acconv eidawd on-site and adrfitkhiai inches Mtreda arc required bawd on caleulativn_an ciMsilr mitigation peon shall be aatsched for mvic%v and approval of ERD Director iLaM Dvichiffrw%Code SociionCOQ.05.D). Prier to the is w.mcc of ony audxq zv6QP fpr r 4� nCc 'M of permutW dn'Cloprncol activity,the repLwentent vegetation shall be prewmak relocated at planed_{n Lhe ap[wopiaic miiigtirm frex 4wIJ hC paid to the C o m}_ As parr of the issuance of any permit requiring an itigatio -The Properly Owner dull submit to an inspo-lion of the plartrd.-reloetted;pFeser%-ed mc3terials IS months after the dmLoTwx of a CCnifiCaM ref OCCupULCy+x ptlk-r ucW aWKW17au011, 3 LTUATM 16-2 is'r0i fLLAffdUVJK TCIi.E FOLLOW LNG ACEL.tiOWLEDI,EME-PjT4 NOTARLZED: I CERTIFY THAT: SCHECK ONE) A- { } t AM THE OWNER OF ItF�C:ORDOF THE ABOVE DESCRIHED PROPERTY AND W IU-RF.CONIDI)C TING THE WORK AS OWYER1B ILDIA. i7a�e�" stav row na4w aysftcum 4�q be ddrar 4W fid~Fdry VW Arb a fbr a :x au 6p r io4w ThO CnMV"attars yaw,as de aM W aat MW PrrPWgr $t a¢as KXar armor+ r wxm awtow n5bupw VK- UK }m ab not Aww a krrw lrm d111& r of & A4wmm aI Me cNocumm l Yarn Imy&W or ff?WRW a ar-J y*or hryp�m5cleem or a farm ft9bawv- Y—nip diw hmv dr JAPum 0 m7wriervO bmtkig,Pw;&d YLwr coM ob eW eawW{ RV 7M&affng or immipxe>wirt be Aw toorawe arse ar ar ty:R;Wr A t be bra Or �anyr *-sale V'MEM ff#nu 96d ar 4biW e UMtbv floe+ fWW 1&Cr ice'MWMW&KU%W NAMO 1 "V&M@ r fllre zfta#rr&w is UwVkft the Adw 00 • wtv VW}nrr &W or-atom!1w J14NO ad it rur sale a fie, Ir viy 6 a m6DW OF my ewrvan T'b4 rigor rat fail,-an 0akrr&Lv perg-tv act ar jvw&wx mmr or to.s p"me people on year hamw. 17 a pnw rewo waNigy to mac serer bw algr!*w by)—ilow mo red t7,#ace faw and by w ar rrxxrwr wf&weow nmvumpm rpu Nw fax d ide AMMWO&W*V PAMM&MV wchk&a dr aped MN9rA1Vr 790 15 not&WMed 10 PfftWm Me ram#bftV 62V 4aV Awsw RMIM arr ❑e�aft w rQt Awi5ed rxrs!wm*w x*r rate Li1W-wA arad axle to s gr4p w by im mOm*&mom OW pm rrxJ0 abalre#Ft tra Ne r :14"tab"pmwmk roe A"w'awr*evsahcm fir&W�naPbJMf. at ai PwsoVed PY Qw.. Y"wnKftxr+musr nw7**rg4 au vp3eaLde As omwwnm* bU g ca im we"Ev +GIs. d. I i AEI IL40T THE OWNF-R OF RKORO(W THE.AHOVED DESCRIBED PROPERTY, HOWEVER.I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE f NER OF RECORD. I S;. bwjF ChWy Cck k+and Compiled Lr*-s r Nwkea IJutxrltrsl►p�o nr�rkr' rJrxtthra irYnsesdron rzY7or PLFANEFRiVIDE DOCUM EAGTATION). I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION StMMITTFO " H A"L ICATiON IS TRUE AND COMPL.ETE THE I'I#.s,ror INY KNOWLEDGE. O F.�AOFNTSIGNAIL+RF CCU: CTOR S�GNATIJRE STATEOF�FLORIDA. 5?AC F VLORIDA, C-O UNTY OF 9T. LUC'IF COUNTY OF ST-LLdCIE The foTing nr[n"w acknowled d The fOteping i knnwkMdg+ed bcforG rrw tbix de}'of 20� bL r is �'of a .2o b±: �,wino is by CAI ���_,s4� { Pexso u' erari nr has l+resdtrard r-A, in me or has priad000d .� a �dcnrifre�tion. idcnr#Ficatiaai. zi SigmhMr of Notsn urc f �t1 �� 4-1r fir-? Typo or Print Name of Nowy Type or Pri nt Narnt:a otanV Fh�,lic Title I,c Titllc !J&7A jvP Commission Number GR. Cwrkffiis� .m&r tS LOR3 ANNE DEMARCO itil=�i _ -Notefw Pubiie•Siate ai Flaride +,,, PA ,l PAYEE 3• -.`_ Commm Isiah 4 GG soo IJL NCanrY pv I L Sx A of Florida Corn+r satlran Et lrMa Commission s GG 946211 N+ A ma#29-20 9 ,F fi'ly Commission Expires .ra***s*+irys*•**s*i♦��♦i�*r*�r�.a+�*�.�.r....■iii*rr •.+�•" ; .li•Ot:4#C7� +��#. FOR OFFICE USE ON LA ,ktYR{J�'�{r rIF�{F g 8!►'TfM'F.D APrR01bEDB1 Fk-VR0NMFYTAI-RF-WMI-7kCESDfPARTMF..%T DAT'F. UMATED 1 2C3UI4 a•r --