HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrussr 1 i _ I JOB 14, PP.QT 1KIN 20 3450 t fj CC 317 ��III�II�II� cm PIECE' MARK WE FILE NAME 2 1 1 ROOFPLAN VIEW MR SCALE : -I NA L3 5C1 ul L3 R'RI 2 1251 Ibs I I ~�- U Ang I I I I I *L� 1 I --------------------- 2L5 i 2L5 2I L5 2L51 2L5 2L5 2L5 Igo up L2 AngleL1 Cont Ang L4x4x1 /4 I 1_4x4x1 /4 I I I 2 OVERALL ROOF PLAN VIEW �1 E Y N A CHECKED BY: N Afl, � DATE : x 06 17 2020 L.B. REVISED SHEET # 8 OF 9 11;;;;i Developed for: Structural Calculations Report Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Best Industries, Inc. / 15860 Westpark Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 / Phone: (772) 460-8310 Fax: (772) 460-8311 Project Number: 20-3450 7-11 Store 3.8944; Indrio Rd & Kings Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34952 1. Job Information and Description Structural design.and Calculations for Steel Joist, 7-11 Store # 38360, 77' 4" x 44' 8", located at Indrio Rd & Kings Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34952 Reference Documents: Construction Set Drawings dated 02/28/2020. Steel Joist data: • 28 Deep • 44'-4" Long. • Separation between Steel Joist Var. Max. 6'-0" • Separation between Joist Bridging 5'-0" Structural Steel • Steel Angles, Gr. 50 • St'-ip :Steel Plates A36 i f i • -St'eel Rods 1" diameter A529.Gr50 • ' Fqr Structure's Connections, Galvanized A-325 Bolts (External thread) - E{�• For connection to Walls, Masonry Screws Anchors W �I IG' iAYl✓. N. t' .w { 5 ! 141 4656',NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com /+1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 1 of 25 • It LFAi 1• -GLOBAL : r2..:Codes and'.Standards • AISC 36,0-16 • ASCE7'10 • LRFD Analysis. 3. Loads and ;Combinations. • (DL) Dead Loads - 36 psf (216 plf). • (LL) Live Loads = 24 psf (144 plf). • Equipment Weights according Building Construction Set. • . (W) Wind Conditions (Enclosed Structure) o 124 mph (ASD). o Exposure Factor C o Risk Category 2 o Max. Wind pressure — 40.0 psf. o Topographical Factor Kzt = 1 o Gust Factor = 0.85 o Directionally Factor Kd = 0.85 o Solid / Gross Area Ratio = 0.20 • Loads Combinations Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 o P1=1.4DL o P2 = 1.2DL + 1.6 Ll o P3=DL+W. o P4 = 0.9P2 + 0.8Wz o P5 = 1.2DL + 0.5LL + 1.6Wz o P6 = 0.9DL + 1.6Wz o P7 = 1DL + Wx o P8 = 1DL + Wy 4656 NW 1141h AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaalobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com /+1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 2 of 25 4. Overall Roof Plan 0 | � / 46S6NVV114mAVE APT 4OS DORALFL, ]317O/ www.alfaglobalservices.com / info P alfaglo balservices.com +1-954-330-6829 20'34SO7-E|evenStore 3D944FtPierce, F|349S2Rev.00Page 3of2S ® LFA GLOBAL SERVICES Inc S. Overall RopfPlan Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 rz X' Option 1 (Trusses 45 degrees) 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@aIfaglobaIservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 4 of 25 LF�! GL06AL SERVICES Inc. Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Z'. Option 2 (Trusses 60 degrees) 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaelobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 5 of 25 LFA GLO©��SCRVICCS Inc 6.- Loads Assignments Dead Ldads,to`Rrimes and Equipment Weights Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 114t'AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, Fl 34952 Rev.00 Page 6 of 25 ® LFA 6106AL SERVICES Inc Dead Loads to Roof at Tower Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaslobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 7 of 25 LFA ��oan� sERvi�es i„o Live Loads to Frames (Distributed Loads) Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.aIfagloba[services.com / info@alfaelobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 8 of 25 U:ALFAI 6L0DAL SCRVICCS Inc Wind Pressure Assignment to Areas WX Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.affaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com /+1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 9 of 25 ALFA GLOBAL SERVICES In. Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 kt.$ Wy 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaslobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 10 of 25 nL�n GLODAL SERVICCS Inc Dated: Wz 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@aIfaglobaIservices.com /+1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 11 of 25 LFA GLO©AL SERVICES Inc. 7.- Elements' Design Option 1 (Trusses 45 degrees) Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaelobalservices.com / info@alfaglobaIservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 12 of 25 TO( # 7?� LFAI Option (Trusses GOdegrees) Dated: 06/29/2O2O ^� 4GS6NVV114mAVE APT 48S DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 A I/xLF I, GLODAi- SERVICES Inc Dated: 06 29 2020 q?C2,X-1/8 BDG I Option 1 Bott JV orn Doul p de Angles 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 14 of 25 1. 0.9 06 -7- GLOBAL SERVICES I�e .b. C. 2xl;TBD' -L 2 x 2,018 BDC 1A,118 BDC X'118 BDC- Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 L2x2xAJ8.BQG 7 1 �zU x12 x.118 501311 I tL2 x 2 x,118 BOG4.' 0 ,LZ X Z X, ;L2x 2 X. Option 1 Upper Double Angles 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfagloba[services.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 15 of 25 ELFA GLOBRVICES In Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 I. L? x,2%1188D6i )G < g� g &.6 7*2. 118 BDO 7 x I x x X� T x j. -UX2X,V4�DG: 'I L2x2x I/88DG, It 30. L2x2x VOSM 7-5, � - - �--p Option 2 Bottom Double Angles 4656 NW 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 16 of 25 I LFA GLOBAL SERVICES In, Dated: 06 29 2020 T 8DG - jL2X2x1J8W3 L2.x2xI/88M g.L2X2.xI/8BDG 6 g 0 gr X :Ni x !3� x, A x x IX4111IIDI w r .!L2X 2 XVSBDq xj18 sc4q i -;A 17B Ux2xvassi Jr - Option 2 Upper Double Angles 4656 NW, 114" AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 17 of 25 GLOOM SCRVIC[S lnc Option 1 (A36 plates 7/8" x 2") — ----- - 3tedDes, nSections WSC3b0.1� —-----i---'--- _� _2L2. x 2 X,.114 Pq,A Steel Joisf� Elements> Morerestrictive.cond'ition for Upper,'Angles..,c:k0oX et x=;66'4'` More restric `iJe,c6. 0ition f6i,(3oitom Angles = 76%,at,x = 60'=,6' .� Cisgnmilm frame 06eit,3;{2Lii 3f;3/BOW, �X _enaL shcien;` I 'usWroam G s Je'f,5; Q S=vefrb4ee �� me. u.p Mem Wl ishc,.vee=a io el O snawL � I 1575.999e, � ^EwNakm Laeh-ftaesaer Wymn.(ConcaobekOfmwa Fld. CoememeELertemee WFl ______._. � ` 6stLUEl:�el �_ L FT. ;� _. -- 1_-- „cy�:pi l VofHf+eF3EieCon �: is � N9ieaBF I ., 40ffi.B]LbJn . sza e OeMetl=n 116r) ,. ,eb 7h . 1 Q aeeeeneQ Y tlXab lew4 O Rtebab6aemGGi ' �. aeee,m FdelUnd _0 user e, F:f �� 1 Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Max. Deflection = 1.6654411 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com /+1-954-330-6829 20-3450.7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 18 of 25 Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Option 2 (A529 Gr50 Steel Rods 1") ,:Steel Joisf:Elements More. ►estrictive condition for Upper Angtes,=;88:9 %,at x; 54`-W, 1 More restrictive condition for Bottom Angles =91.3 bt'2&-2" 2 ' I;�:D'ugiimiforirami'btije`tt 304;Q13.i33jBDW �X , tR 0onj J`t 305 f Y O scw I v,Faa ' � emo (uyrMuw uar-�: �snyrne.eaF �' i. ��� fan) r}} psnew n4� B . J EauFn4nl Lcid Rvi BUdY Maim(G ntiilidF hlb,CwomtralaOG inenliNllN)�,' r Wit Laed lxN+l ;' � 1f00 05 110 B0, ��� F-2 creaFn t // - - Max. Deflection = 1.6778 R 7 11049G1 Lb 8108281Lbki. I . a mneaNn lz�rl - . fl 1 1.9TtBU N . a. - tt31015Bh f . I� O Aew�,f� O ar+w.mB.mvN m � O r+ebv+iroB Bnd �'� I 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 19 of 25 LFA: r_iGLOBAL SERVICES In 8.- Steel Joist Configuration. Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Option 1 (A36 plates 7/8" x 2") 2 L2 `2 X 2-- STEEL 9, O".� Top Angles: 21-3" x 3" x 3/8" Grade 50 Bottom Angles: 21.2" x 2" x 1/4" Grade 50 7/8" x 2" A36 Steel Plate Lateral Bridging L2" x 2" x 1/8" A36, @ 5'-0" Max. Deflection = 1.66544" 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / infoCeDalfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38.944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 20 of 25 1 l( LFAj:a - --- . - -- - Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 71 STE' E,G, i5 f L 7 2", " S-, _--_- -1 �- Tp iEE A 41QLEr+ Is, ETIi:A 4656 NW 11411 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaslobalservices.com /info CcDa Ifaglo ba Iservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 21 of 25 LFAJ iGLOBAL -- - - - Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Option 2 (A529 Gr50 Steel Rods 1") 2 L3 x 3 x. 3/8 ' Joist ;Brrdgm 5' 0"' A�29Y Gr�O 1. Steep Rods F J -81 r it e.• n -11: STEEL, ANGIE Gr5 c +f •1 +4� f' } f d •' i � :, , ,... .�; • .' - - f l' �� ��� J st,;Hrrdgmg�•®5 0:�` tq .F ;r. _A5E L2" x 2'° xr1/$'' STEEL Ai1,GLE' Gr50; - Max '.D;eflectron 1,6778°` Top Angles: 21-3" x 3" x 3/8" Grade 50 - -- -- -- --- Bottom Angles: 21.2" x 2" x 1/4" Grade 50: Steel Rods: 1" dia. A529 Gr50 Lateral Bridging L2" x 2" x 1/8" A36 @ 5'-0" . Max. Deflection = 1.6778" 4656 NW 11411 AVE.APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450.7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 22 of 25 ELF/® GLODAL SERVICES Inc A529 Gr56 Steel Rod 1 /4" TYP. - zLz„x2°x1/4. STEEL Gr50 SECTION. Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@alfaglobaIservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 23 of 25 �LF'� Gl0©ALSHRVIC[S Inc. Joist Brijgi�& Detailis Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 Fir st ; Panel is'n Joist )eck -A'3.6, L2 "',x �x 1,/8,7' 0!! J.o i's' t; `Bir- i d 'g"M 5" J x,1 "First, Panel Joist B V A3'6.','L2,,` 2 x� r A36 L-27 Y X� :1 /8" 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.aIfagloba[services.com / info@alfaglobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, F1 34952 Rev.00 Page 24 of 25 nL� GLODAL SER CCS In. Additional Conditions Reinforcement at Equipment loads •4asT: Dated: 06 / 29 / 2020 4656 NW 110 AVE APT 405, DORAL, FL, 33178 / www.alfaglobalservices.com / info@ alfaelobalservices.com / +1-954-330-6829 20-3450 7-Eleven Store 38944 Ft Pierce, FI 34952 Rev.00 Page 25 of 25