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Florida Solar Energy Center
t O .L.j✓L• :] ALAR EHt ER V 3 v_. \—L' `S �E. is � •�'#�r5' �4 Cape i7 r� - �D 300 5Eam R a !4 ce G a- rl^t o—UR�,I 1 at FSEC_� s;o&L OC 883 R vfsad .jul- 22--1 DIS-RIBl_JTOR -SYSTEM , Ac-La T errin =—dizas==yes, Inc. 1. 85 Rutgers u-..2'ce;szty Blvd. Eio-D-=_ecto_ ,Fool yr^_1tc-vTOQ@s_ �Ta:: jersey '08701 ystem The syssen 11si d below was evaluated by hs F loridc Solar Energy Cen 6k(FSEG) in accordance with tl Flo►-idp-Standards Progra_n;or Solar DornesiicIffifa,e,and Poo!Hea=inc Sys ns(1=�L_ P-8E7-T)and vv, sound LO meet 'lie minimum starrdards esiab?ished't)�f•FSP-C. , ri✓• � e,�mg a :J0^R Collector Model Units _ iota! §1LE I ucncz e =s olar dzso ?3 0? f1,S ryEIZ?=2d 36 oC0 Btu 2 Ama Lyar�'s s_o7 ar tie s i;nn? 29.500 BL , 3 I g-u^tha-zem"s Sol' r -i—'tdus.e 1 1 J_( T `J`�n "Q47 B£1 t AQua L. am' s SUE Z. -]e'.? 'Tank Model rya aeicv ®sr�c� i 1e� ha,��?^ab e 01, Int. Heat Ln h. 2 - —� Puri iVlodel - Poixe! Draw Rated P©?i=eI r _5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY Controller -Model _ m Dil:-•erenl 21 Teniperature 1 Solag Industries 2J FOR C®M , CE © Absolute i e peratdre 2 He 110trape R-114000A GOO REVIEWED BY 0 i hernosiph h 3«de-Dendeat ilner C35 DATE / - Pl.fi .�,4N PE6#1W1T G Other So?asLet_r cs spio/SF20 MUST F.35 KEPT ON JOB OR !I N9 IN-SPIic-1,1 1N WILL BE(MADE yG:f:O? dr irrim t.he'" fL :t pia lVlajor Cotit�70n nts 7 Flo-Diaecro_ 3F 3 aav VaZvn IFI addition Loa OvE 2 He110irUe Flo-7E_LEr va�vC - _ 3 a-3dl .J`v g 20fl valve -4 Ortega T._Valve- . -- If further irrflorra -dofl-is required you may contact the i lorita Solar Energy.Gen err alt i€ie abdlte addr8s: liar vi , - - ' ` ------� l ` � \ | K U ' ; pul Lu-4M-1 a mjo�5 saqsrnp nb-)C-LIZo7, kL-y k9l Izz Mz) v Z, G WO H D0 Eli li Ol Umvml. (P-:i.0O3 AVYLA-Z; a=- ;.!47 ILI Wuontiq, ai�Tjrjj—inm MZ f ld F Ot-O"GEL MOV OGUM (Zir Do'd FDO "rT7,7 T;'A V URS 218100ls -Iff IF, 407" U021 Ra