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SLC Utilities Receipt
St Lucie 107-26-2019 $ 17443/7005. GROUP ONE CONSCRUL 14940 WATERSONG WAY JENSEN BEACH ' FL 34957 ' !.Amount Tendered: 1,932.00 r Amount Paid: i,932.00 0.00 Chance Due f '� l Thank You User ID' MURRAYA Fort Pierce ierce t i l i t i es 206 S 6th S reet Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Telephone No. (772) 466-1600 07/26/19 10:54AM Receipt #: 042190726000002 Customer #: 258009 Location #: 10007928 For: GROUP ONE CONSTRUCTION & DEVEL OPMENT INC Payment Received: 2,140.00 Am—"+ T-4--4 - M-1.. 7 1 An nn � i'.� � 5 1 . �S •;z t 6 l ,: tYn, : �m'99`,{".5�,,"^%s6>a .. ; �! DIES<, , P:O.<BOX�728 FT.:P,IERCE°FL 34982r y, jt [SIONt LOTBLOCIC ADDRESS' , MOVE,IN/CL,OSING DATE anon herebytrequest and authonzeskthe t7thty to render water and/or sewage disposal the�prernises�detpnbed abo�e1in,accordance with+the"Uhhties}present or future rates, regulahons;�uyh�ch�by�reference armade a part�of ttus ycbntract Applicant agrees to pay promptlytfox such services m accordaneewrth the established rules and re'gulations:• [�ERSaDEP®SITS 4 ,NON�NEG©TI+ABLEtOR TRANSFERABLE � '' ` ` - }sEci. r s� ;,T t•SP®USE�SOCIAL SEC ' .rw,: FR E�USEVONLY t ' ' rr Fort, Pierce ut'i 1 i t i es 206 S 6th Street Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Telephone No. (772) 466-1600 07/26/19 10:54AM Receipt #: 042190726000001 Customer #: 258009 Location #: 10007928 For: GROUP ONE CONSTRUCTION & DEVEL OPMENT INC Payment Received: 60.00 N