HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrussMaronda Systems Engineer of Record Design Criteria- TPI Maronda Systems 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Tomas Ponce, P.E. 367 Medallion PL, Chuluota, Ff. 32766 FL PE # 50068, r)acinn• MafriY Analvcic TF1=-1 r)V cnfh—rn PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL 3WT001 1 MEL-3WT STJA3 LEFT 5T. JOHN UNIT A 10 x 24 HIP PORCH This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2004 BUILDING CODE for 140 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Truss load Ina is in accordancp with ASCF 7-n2 Thpcp trnscaa ara dacinnarl fnr an anrin¢arl hi iilrlinn Truss ID Run Date Drawing Rev ie ed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Revi wed No. of Eng. 9 Dwgs: Layout 4-24-07 Floor Layout 4-24-07 Roof Loads- V 7-27-05 FA 4-25-07 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 10.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 11-2-06 FA-GRD 4-25-07 FGRD1X 5-21-07 FB 4-25-07 FGRD2X 4-25-07 FC 4-20-07 G1X 4-25-07 FD 4-20-07 Total 43.0 psf G3X 4-25-07 FG 4-25-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" GRD1X 4-25-07 M1X 4-25-07 M2X 4-25-07 TC Live: 40.0 psf TC Dead: 10.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 5.0 psf Total 55.0 psf M2AX 4-25-07 M2BX 4-25-07 M2CX 4-25-07 MG1X 4-25-07 MG2X 4-25-07 MG2AX 5-1-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.00 DurFac- Pit: 1.00 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" S1X 4-25-07 TI-GX 4-25-07 T3X 4-25-07 T4X 4-25-07 V10X 4-25-07 V11X 4-25-07 V7X 4-25-07 V8X 4-25-07 KLIE V9X 4-25-07 PH1X 4-25-07 PHGRD1X 4-25-07 PX 4-25-07 P1X 4-25-07 P2X 4-25-07 INV # DESC QNTY DATE: OCT 2 5 2007 P3X 4-25-07 18331 THD26 . PJGRD1X 4-25-07 18336 THD28-2 1 PT2 4-25-07 18329 THD48 5 V1 X 4-25-07 18361 SKH26L V2X 4-25-07 18363 JUS26 44 V3X 4-25-07 .18370 THJ26 2 '-'V4X 4-25-07 IROOF SEAT PLATES 28 M3X 10/19/07 SEAT PLATES 8 M3Gx 10/19/07 HFLOOR r 6 e•, wl. ST. JOHN ELEVATION "A° - FL PORCH OPTION GARAGE_ LEFT mwxcMr p am rvaw nags 1V�a►ronda Homes A. '407) 321-0064 4005 ALDDDDA MT SANFORO. FLORIDA HARDWARE LEGEND U HUS26 0 HUS28 JUS26 ® MP6F R55 MPA1 & MPAT © SKH26 L/R Q SKHH26 L/R ® SUS26 0 SUS28 10 THD26 11 THD28 12 THD28-2 13 THDH28-3 14 THD48 15 THJ26•■ © LTW12 HARDWARE MANUFACTURED / BY LISP x HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON OCT2 5 x x HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY CLEVELAND 600� DESIGNER: CP DRAWN BYn K WARD SCALE: II8' = 11-0" CHECKER: MIKE DATE. 1011512007 LOADING-FBC2004/TPI2002 IATEK 2000 won s"sa UW.64=87 TC WE 16.00 SNOW LOAD 0.00 TC DEAD 7.00 LumBER DOL 125 BC LNE 10.00 PLATE DOL 125 BC DEAD 10.00 WIND 140 TOTAL 43.00 SPACING 0-9 JO-V A FA FA 9D 0 0o FAT 90 0 It N o FB Z G') a co -H 'T' N X_ ao Z N G) x zoo � m� FC r i FB FC FB FC FB = p A FD FB D Z FD FA-GRD N RS o w o FI z — 11 �. .A 0 ,. 18 8 1-4 36- 4-8 1-4 10-0 ��9nm 6J41 & a vdv. JOB NUMBER: STJAF I DRAWN BY Ct)yD DATE: 4-24-07 CUSTOMER: REVERSED PITCH: OH: JOB NAME: ST. JOHN'S A FLOOR BEARING: 8- & 3.5" LOAD: 55# 'TEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES .AS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALLACION DE LOS TRUSSES 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to around bracing. 3) Set next 4 -" trkses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) Install bottom dliord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (.see below). %) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all busses are set. 1) Instate Los arriostres de sierra. 2) Instate el primero truss y ate seouramente at arriosbe de tierra. 3) Instate los pr6ximos cuatro trusses con restdcci6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea abajo). 4) lnstale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior plea abajo). 5) In=_tale arriostre Diagonal pare los pianos de IDS miembros secundarios pars estable IDS primeros cinco trusses (vea abajo). 6) Instate la restricci6n lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita este procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos los trusses esten instalados. Refer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet - Truss Installation & Temporary Restrdi iIjg acing for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI-B2 - Instalaci6n de Trusses v Arriostre Temporal para mayor information. 2ESTRAINT/BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES _L RESTRICCION/ARRIOSTRE EN TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES. .21 This restraint & bracing method is for all Lmsss except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Este methdo de resbiccinn y arriosoe es paro !odo trusses excepto trusses de Cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. 1) TOP CHORD — CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) Sparing Longitud de Tramo Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' D.C. max. Hasta 30 pies 10 pies maximo 30' to 45' 8' D.C. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maxima 45' to 60' 6' o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 60' to 80" 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies 4 pies maximo -Consult a Professional Engineer for tresses longer than 60'. 'Consulte a un ingenieno para trusses de mas de 60 pies. FO See BCSI-B2 for TCRR options. Vea el BCSFB2 para las opciones de TCTLR. Refer to BM-B3 Sum - A! nary Sheet -Permanent - - & Web Members far Gable End Frame res Taint/bracing/ reinforcement Inforation. Para inforad6n sobre rest ricci6n/arriostre/refuerzo pare araz6n de hastial vea el resumen BCSI-B3 - Re- Iruawl-1173 }'FS4'KsLDt•. sPl7t• RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES LA RESTRICCION Y EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 0 Refer to BC51-B7-B7 Diagonal Bracing Summary Sheet 10 or 15"�Repeat Diagonal Bracing - Temporary & Per- S +i every 15 truss spaces (301 moment Restrain - Bracing for Parallel 1,�{ •; I I "�'' Chord Trusce< for more information. I •.h - ai!.. i ..� Vea el resumen BCSI-B7 - Restric- Apply Diagonal Brace to cinn v Arriostre vertical webs at end of Temporal v cantilever and at bearing All Lateral Restrains Temporal v de - locations. lapped at least two trusses. Trusses de Cuerdas *Top chord Temporary Lateral Restraint spacing shall be Paralelas pars mas 10 o.c. max. for 3x2 chords and 15' o.c. for 4x2 chords. infonnad6n. INv�F'iLLikG:v iG�STALFri6ri�CiG. �( Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. l� I Tolerancias par Fuel -de -Plano. Maus Bow Length RI —►I (� " Man Bow I-- Length —=-� -Max. Bow �— length - 1AX-umb Tolerances for b1-1/2'6'Out-of-Plumb- Tolerancias para Dy50max Fuera-de-Plomada. Max_ Bow Truss Length D/SO D (fL) 3/4' 72.5 1l4' 7' 7/8' 14.E 1/2' 2' 1' 16.7' 3/4' 3' 1-118, 18.8' 4'1-114' 20.8' 1-7l4' S' 22.9' 1-112' 25.0' 1-3/4- 29.2' 2' z8' 2' 233.3' CONSTRUCTION LOADING — CARGA DE CONSTRUCTION i\ Do not proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and (� bracing is securely and properly in place_ No proceda con la construcci6n hasty que todas las restric- clones laterales y IDS amostres esten colocados en fora apropiada y Segura. ®Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BSSL-B4 S rmmary Sheet - Construction Loading for more information. sue. No exceda las maximas alturas recomendadas. Vea el resumen ''-,•ran` x BCST-B4 Carga de ConstruCCl6n pare mayor inforad6n. Repeat diagonal braces for each set of 4 busses. Ground bracing not shown for clarity. Repita IDS arrisorres diagonales pars cada grupo de 4 trusses. 2) WEB MEMBER PLANE— PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS ♦ �• ! t ®Do not overload small groups or single trusses. No sobreargue pequenos grupos o trusses individuates. ® Never stack materials near a peak. Material Haight Gypsum Board 12' Plywood or OSB 16' Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles rompee Block ay Tile 3A tiles high, Nunes amontone material cera del pico. ® Place loads over as many trusses as possible. .Diagonal Coloque las argas sobre tantos busses Como sea posible. Bracing position loads over load bearing walls. CDloque las argas sobre las paredes soportantes. Trus54ncing not ALTERATIONS — ALTERACION ES sh mD for cam. .� ,& Refer to a . la w` Vea el resumen BCSI-B5 Dafios detrusses.Modifiadon n la Obra yEmores de Instalad6n Chords Diagonal Braces every 10 ss spaces (20' max.) bottom chord Lateral Restraint Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD — CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraints - 2x4x12' or greater lapped over two trusses. Bottom &ords IN, ` ° ?r>n' Diagonal Braces every n/Aix a-��• Fv �!/` 10 bussspaces (20' max.) 10'-15'Some chord and web members max. i not shown for clarity. ®Do not curt, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No Corte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro esbucturdl de Ids trusses, a mends que est6 especifiamente peritido en el dibujo del diseno del truss. Tresses that have been overioaded during construction or altered Without the Truss Manufacturer's L� prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Thisses que se han sobreargado durante la construcdon o han sido alterados sin una autorizad6n previa del Fabriante de Tresses, pueden reducir o eliminar la garanda del Fabriante de Trusses. NOTE: The Truss Manufacturer and Truss Designer rely m the presmnptlon that the Contractor and crane operator (B applicable) are professionals with the capabtity to undertake the wok they have agreed to do on any given pm)ecL If the Contractor believes a needs assistance in some aspect of the comtructlon project, it should seek assiso roe from a competent party. The Matlads and procedures outlined In this doamment are intended to ensure that the overall uanstmdlah techniques employed will purl the trusses Into place SAFELY. These recommendations Far handling. InstaBhy, restraining and baring Mines are based upon the collective experience of leading personnel imotved r t h buss design, manufacture and Installation, but must, due to the more of msponsiblYtres Involved, be presented only w a Gt11DE for use by a qualified Bullring Designer or Contractor. It Is not intended that these remmrnendatlons be Interpreted as superior to the Buadktg Designers design spedfiapon for handling, hilatli g, restrainIng and bracing buses and It does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for nsoalning/braci g and providing stability for the vans, umlumnq floors, rook and BE the Interrelated smuctrral bulling components as determined by the Contractor. Thus, wrCA and TPI expresly, dlsdarm arry responsibility for damages arising from the use, application, or rellance on Bce recommendations; and Wmnatlon contained herds. # 1.99b TRUSS PLATEINSTITOTE 6300 Enterprise lane • Madeson, VA 53719 218 N. Lee St, Ste. 312 • Aleondra, VA 22314 608/274-4849 • wwwsbdndustry.Com 703/683-1010 • www.tpfnsLDrg BIWARN12XI72DO51215 GENERAL NOTES Trusses are not marked In any way to identify the frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary restraining and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI Guide W CQQd Practice for Handling. Installing,Restainina & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed Information. Truss Design Drawings.may specify locations of permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for individual truss members_ Refer to the SCSI-B3 Summary Sheet - Permanent Restraint/Bracing of Chords & Web Members for more information. All other permanent bracing design is the responsibility of the Building Designer. NOTAS GENERALES Los trusses no estan marcados 'de ning6n modo que identifique la frenlenda D Iocalzad6n de restiicd6n lateral y arriostre diagonal temporales. Use las recomendadones de manejo, Instaladdn, restricli6n y arriostre temporal de IDS trusses. Vea el folleto BC5I Guia de Buena Pr5dio para el Manefo Instalaci6n Restricd6n v Arrtostre de l% Trusses de Madera Con con Plains de Metal Para infomuad6n mAs detallada. Los dbujos de dL&D de los trusses pueden especificar las local®dons de restrioci6n lateral permanente a refuerzo en IDS miembros individuales del truss. Vea la hoja resumen BCSI-B3 - Resbicddn/Ariostre Permanente de Cuerdas v Miembros Secundados para mbs inforrmad6n. t3 resto de IDS dlseRes de arr ostres permanentes son la responsablidad del Disenador del Edifido. QThe consequences of improper handling, erect- ing, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse'of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. El resultado de un manejo, levantamiento, instalad6n, restricd6n y arrisotre incorecto puede ser la caida de la estructura o a6n peor, heridos o muertos. QBanding and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when e cutting banding. -Einpaques y placas de metal tienen bordes afilados. Use guantes y lentes protectores cuando torte los empaques. HANDLING - MANE]O /a Avoid lateral bending. — Evite la f!exi6n lateral. (� Use special care in windy weather or near power lines and airports. QThe contractor is responsible for properly receiving, unloading and storing the trusses at the jobsite. El contratista tiene la responsabilidad de recibir, descargar y almacenar adecuada- mente los trusses en la obra. r'. If trusses are to be stored horizontally, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' to 10' on center. For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to prevent moisture gain but allow for ventilation. Refer to Kit Guide to Good Prarti a for Handling. Installing. P,estraining & Bracing. gLMeta! Plate Connected Wgad Trusses for more detailed information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Si las trusses estarAn guardados horizon- talmente, ponga bloqueando de alturd suficiente detras de la pila de los trusses. • Para trusses guardados por n,As de una Santana, cubra IDS paquetes Para prevenir aumento de humedad pero permita venti- laci6n. 'Vea at folleto BC$�tlDia d� Buena Prac[ica Qara el tlarl-_io. ins lairin._EekL[kC'Ln_Y�: LIQaLfiQ 1gi ICpl ecL - tier r-noz;liidL'. Lpn larz15 di- klejal pars infor naei6n ;nAs detallada solire el manejo y almacenado de IDS trusses an area de Lrabaio. Utilise cuidado especial en dias ventosos o cerca de cables electricos a de aeropuertos. r •.r• t. I . r t mf �1rL�QTf © Use proper rig- Use equipo apropiado ging and hoisting Para levantar e equipment. improvisar. PK) Do not store No almacene �Y unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright. trusses sueltos. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS,FOR TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES. 0 Warning! Don't overload the crane. iAdvertenda! NO sobrecarga la gnia! ® Never use banding alone to lift a bundle. Do not lift a group of Individually banded bundles. Nunca use s6lo IDS empaques pat levantar un paquete. No levante un grupo de empaques individuales. �( A single lift point may be used for bundles u with trusses up to 45. Two lift points may be used for bundles with trusses up to 60. Warning! Do not over load supporting Use at least 3 lift points for bundles with structure with taus bundle. trusses greater than 60'. iAdvertenda! No sobrecargue la estructur Puede usar un solo lugar de levantar pars apoyada can el paquete de trusses. paquetes de trusses hasta 45 pies. Puede usar dos puntos de levantar para Place truss bundles in stable position. paquetes mess de 60 pies. Puse paquetes de trusses an una poslc16r! Use par to menos tres puntos de levantar Para estable. paquetes mess de 60 pies. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND INSTALACION POR LA MANO DE TRUSSES INDMDUALES Q Trusses 20' Trusses 30' or L ` - -' - _ _ or less, sup- t less, support at f ` port at peak. quarter points. Levante Levante de del pico los los cuartos trusses de de trdmo los 20 pies o I E Trusses up to 20' -Y I trusses de 30 I -4- Trusses up to 3(F menos. Trusses hasty 20 pies pies o manors. Trusses hasta 30 pies IOISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES — LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDMDUAL Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chard temporary lateral restraint is installed and the thus is fastened to the bearing points. Sostenga cada truss en posid6n con equipo de gr6a hasta clue la restricci6n lateral temporal de I; cuerda superior est6 instalado y el truss esta asegurado en los soportes. 0 Warning! Using a single pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. iAdvertencia! El use de un solo lugar pars levantar en el pico puede hater dano al truss. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES 60' or less RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDMDUALES App— 12 truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TO 30' _ d TRUSSES HASrA 30 PIES Toe -in n Attach Lombi Spreader bar. Vy D.C. Spreader bar 12 to above 0r stnb ck may- 2/3 U— length mid -height TegGne TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRUSSES HASTA 60 PIES — I -I— I Spreader bar 2/3 to 3M truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' TRUSSES HASTA Y SOME 60 PIES TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL /.\ Refer to Br Sr-B2 Summary Sheet - Ll Installat on & Temoo2ry RestrainUBracina Truss for Top Chard Temporal \ Lateral Restraint f` \ a��) more information. Vea et resumen BCSI 82 - Re_stricdon/ 20 min. Ariostre Temocral v Instaladdri de IDS i1i ;. Trusses Para mess information. r',t r f L'J line with all rows of top chord temporary lat- --a " -- - - oral restraint (see table in the next column). Cf =g0" Do not store on No aimacene en Coloque IDS arriostres de tierra Para el primer uneven ground. tierra desigual. truss directamente an linea con cads una de Brace first truss las filas de restrircidn lateral temporal de la Q— securely before cuerda superior (vea la table an la pr6xima erection of addition. ��� •�'at.- column). trusses. v Do not walk on unbraced y;r•_ -•sue - .. ", trusses. / ® No camine en trusses sueltos. ' : fGN TNFORMAT,30N , Ign is for an individual building component and I bnsud on Information presided by the client. The disclaims any responsibility for damages .e . foulry ar incorrect info—d-, spcaill—1 na lesig 15 famished to the truss designer by the elieot camcctncu or accuracy orthis inramulion o h ale to . specific project and ....plc no Ibiliry or exemisu no control with regard (o ton, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. „s has bees designed , an individual building lent In accordance with ANSIrTPI 1.1995 and I to be Incorporated as pan of the building design idling Designer (registered architect or 'onal engineer). When revinvcd for approval by ding designer, the design leading. shown muss be i to be sure that the data shown are in ugreemeni e local building codes, local climatic records for new load,, project so..nesliee. .''Peet.! loads. Unless shown, buss has not been designed age or occupancy loads. The design assumea ssion chords (top or bottom) the continuously by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where chords intension we not fully braced laterally by ■ y applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a um spacing of [,yo" o.c. Connector plain 'ball be lclured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized Reel It ASTM A 653. Omdc 40. unless otherwise shown. IRICATION NOTES I fabrication, the rabrieator shot[ review this g to verily that this drawing is in conrormence with ric.tor's plans and to realize a continuing dbtlity for such veriguli... My discrepancies we at 1n writing befare cutting or rubrication. Plates at be installed over knotholes, kraals or dfsionad Member shot] be cut For tight filling wood to wood I. Caanaror plalu shall be located on both than of ss with nails TVIT Imbedded and than be sy abmn nt antes otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is S" wide x 1. A kli plate is 6' wide x 8" long. Slats (hole.) Mlet to the plate length specified. Doable cuts on embers shall meet al ihc. ccntroid cribs webs unless is, shown. Connector plate sizes .0 mtniroum aced eo the fames shown and may need to be led for certain handling and/or erection siressce. ass is not to be fabricated with fire rci.rdanl vested r unless olb-0,.'hewn. For additional ution on Quality Central refer to ANSUTPi i IKCAUTIONARY NOTES icing and erection recommendations are tote ed in ....rdence with *Handling, lostalling and Ili', HIB•91. Trusses are to be handled with liar cam during banding and bundling, delivery and .,ion to avoid damage. Temporary mod permanent g far holding trusses In a straight and plumb to and tar restating lateral Tomes shall be designed stalled by others. Careful handling Is caninlid and in bracing Is always required. Normal precoudo alry fur trusses requires such temporary bracing during ation bcrvem mosses to avoid toppling and Ioing. The supervision or—a.n or".su'boll be the control of persons experienced in the Intion of trasse.• Proressfonal advice shall be ought dcd. Concentration ormnstruction loads greater than sign loads shall not be applied to busses at any drive. ,ads other than the weight or the erosion sball be d to tosses until after all fastening and bracing Is Ielcd. Job: MARONDA SYSTEMS Cust TOP CHORDS; 2X4- SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 WEBS: 2X4 SP #3 TIC MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY BRACED BY ROOF SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES BELOW, IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES BELOW VALLEY SET, VALLEY MEMBERS PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD BRACING, WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 16D NAILS PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER, WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1) 16d NAIL PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. VARIES UP TO 7112 DIAGONAL WEBS REQUIRED WITH SPANS GREATER THEN 26.0.0 0-0-4 2x4 3z8 2zt 2x )mer:- WOiVALLEY SET 2KTR7(1T9V RAG NG GE-- _ OF WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O.C. OR A SCAB OF THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED TO FACE (5) OF WEB -WITH 10d NAILS STAGGERED VA►.LI 81 D.C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACKING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH. 2X6 BRACE REQUIRED ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14l. COMMON VALLEY: oenoles UNE edge or one face "" dandles BOTH edges or Bolh feces, _ (1) ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBS > to 94.0' LONG (2) TWO BRACES REQ'D ON WEBS > =126.0' LONG. 6. VALLEY TRUSSES ARE ACCEPTABLE TO BE CANTILEVERED UP TO TWO FEET. \I VALLEY 1RUBBEa' r. P.)! I�I�II . YI'' IF LES§ THEN 3.0-0 THEN MOVE DIAGONAL WEB TO NEXT PANEL. e 2z4 .aft 2x4 OR OR 4x6 6z6 3x6 MONOVAL'LE•Y II II • _ _,[urrognxalnu�a[r I �. ... 4; (•) WHEN DIOAONAL WEB PRESENT UBE 4Xe'PLATE (i) WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE •4x6 3x8 4x6 .4x8 OR OR 2X4 \ 2x4 2x4 . 2x4 2X4 4z10 2x4 3x8 3x6 4t4X6 0xR '4x6 2x4 0 2x4 VALLEY MEMBERS AT 24 - D.C. (TYP) 92x4 3x8 2x4 r 12 2x4 2X4 3x8 MAX. 6.0.0 O.C. (TYPI MAX.,C, (T•YP) MAX, TRUSS SPACING 1 ;BELOW a 48, O.C. 1.4 SPANS UP TO 60.0.0 -� TI : V: Qt,y;1 Ilom r . _ lawn •��'I I I 1 t SUPPORTING TRUSS VALLEY TRUSSES(TYR) COMMON OR GIRDER COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) *.VALLEY STRAPPING TO'fRUBS BELQW" 4' 0, C.. XCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1.-1995 Cont. Support Ma ronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY -all ford, FL. 32771. (407)321-0064 Fast: (407)321.3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE W0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR. OVIEDO FL 32766 WARNINdi READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTORBRACING WARNING, Bracing chow,, rot; this draw.ing is not emcllon bracing. wind bTcing, portal bracing or similar bracing witch Is a pan of the build fng desigh and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for Inleral support of Wes members only In Seduce buetlfng length. Provisians must be mode to anchor lateral bradug al ends and specified locations determined by the building deeignar. Additional brncing of the overall structure may be required. (See 1-1I6•91 of TPl).ror spectre WH biasing m9alre.-I., ...—I building designec(Traar roam Innlwic, Trt Is I.anled at Sex D'Onordo Drirc, Madison, Wisconsin $3719). SES Y iC7 (� O \ \ O CV Studs (� 6-0-0 O.C. Eng Job: WC: VALLEY SET Dwg: Ti; V' Degnr;TLY Chki 7/27/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF; 1.25 TC Dead 7,0 psf F1t Dr; 1.25 BC Live 10,0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0TpI_02/FBC-04 BC Dead 2.0 pef Code; FLA TOTAL 35.0 osf v4.7-21-4355 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile'Pathi C:\TEE-LOX\Work\Jobe\MARONDA SYSTEMS\VT.prx 'No. xPl3ET7tiL t I -. liip Gty: I ti 3N INFORMATION - . I n Is for an Individual building componcert and,* ..6d on nformtion PmAded by IM c1lbut. no 1.16.1imy aresponsibility for damagesas■DTP TRUSS BLOCK.ING REQUIREMENTS mIty or hicurrect information, specifications Ilion Varnished to the Iran designer by't ' bi client APA-FORM NO. TT-083 Trueniomin accouracy.ribis woroado'll a it SPAN RATING AND BLOCK]NO RECOMMNDATJONS FOR USE OVaRW.ROOF8 SMq#ORT AT 24- O.0 ; to a specific prel"t"d am" on ility or acrelses no control with regard to Panel So n Rellno o, handlshipment ad Installation ofU=- .. 40120 48124 .'r , has b= designed u so Individual building - 8 16P a —24110 32/18 it In accordance with ANSVTPI 1.1995 and -9 1:12 o be incorporated u part orlha building design OK OK - OK 0 ding Deaignor. Whm reviewed for approval by ii 2:12 .0 K — OK 0K OK C= ng design, the design loadings drown remmodbe 2'K 0 K —0 K OK 0-4 o be sum the data shown are in agirccitical 4:12 0 R coal building codes. local climatic records for 0 K 0 K 0 K now loads, project specifications of special 14 84 2 0 K. 0 K 0 K UiM )ads. Unless dwj% brom has not been designed 4 8:12 0 K 0 K 0 K ,. or ecoupancy loads. The design —ma - .. ion chords (top or bottom) us contirmondY 19 8:12 0 K OK 0 K shestlaingurdeastotherwin specified. Where -9 7:12 0 K 0 K fiords In lormian are not runY braced laterally by a applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a 8: 12 0 K 1 0 K 0 K n Fpwing of 10.0' o.c. Connector plain iliall be 9:12 OK OK cored from 20 gap hot dipped g%lvmiz-d elect 0: 2 ASTM A 653. Grad. 40, unloss othawis. sbila- K :12 OK OK V-11 3/ ^ _4 IL IlVt2 I I Pam, fabrication, the fabricator shall review this ., T 3:1 T 2 to verify then this drawing is In coul'braosoccwttli Ic cwtor's plow and to rculiza a continuing A 4112 bility for such verification. Any distircinencins are t In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plata wargi ADMAREA REQUIRE 13 H 3X LUMBSR DLOCX8TWEM TRUSS AT UN SUFMM RTPA.. F RO OF i be lustalled ever knothol es. knots or didistortedaLOCK Pl A—licia shall be out for light Steins wood to wood Connector platics shall be located on both fiam.of i with calls My Imbedded and'sball be rim abdut I milloss; otherwise an— A 5.4 plate is S' -ids a A 6xg plate Is 6- wide I V long. Slots (hdlw) 12 ,11.1 to the Vista Icogth stiocificell. Double cuts do liters shall rimet at the Z'=Idcfthe wcb1 emtcss� su sho. Connector PI&to sizoa are 12 m7 Wi6 sod an the fumes shown and may new to be A for ccrusin handling mWor enaction sawscs. 51 a I n not to be rabricatcd with fire rulardand tidtod i.W. otherwise shown. For additional ,don an Quality Control refc3;to ANSIrM 6112 OR ABOVE ;CAUTIONARY NOTES 2X BLOCKING TYP (2) IX ONE FRO Ding and craction recounceirdathrus are to be 1 5/12 (1) 2x 1-113/4' NAILED W/ 10D 12"O.C, ONE BACK OF ,d In accordance with acdWd inabstry H7 TRUSS lines. Traii;cs; are be handled with particular TO THE FRONT OF cing banding ad bundling, delivery and W TRUSS IC dom to mid damage. Temporary and permanent f for holding basses in a straight and plainic a and for rcsisdag lateral fumes shall be chisipud 7/160 OSB ROOF awned by others. Careflif handling b trAindal and PRE - HNGD TRUSSES n Iftecing Is'savoys *wd. l4dur�oal'precmiflbeary SFMATMN thr trustics; requires such temporary bracing decring ethic between trusses; - to — pit, Id , ar:� Ding. no aptimision 0 no f, sliall be Ilia combal ofinswas experienced In ille, FUOU OfIDUSM PrOficW011111 'i"CO 812211 be Sought od• conceinemHou arconornann Icinds C dp loads shill tint be uWlcd'io triiiscs u arty sine. ads other thanthowerightofthatex6noissli.11be d to lru:� untill ifte, all fastening and brachi, is NOTE: NO BLOCKING 15 REQUIRED ON 4112 AND BELOW PITCHED ROOFS cued ... .... ... ... .............. N)A1iTae fvltafon da Systems the be dedi members only A lmdons do. 4005 MARONDA WAY olio ralMve` Sanford, FL. 32771 1 CDOMPOOMI Eligh (407) 321-00" P— (407) 321-3413 IOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 347 Medullilion FL Owlavats, FL 32760 IS Slqr. A COG]( Or tHIS ORA-M-90 " AZ #VVEMI E;XAC:WC; 14W*. 't Motion biniong. wind 1)racbn& Portal bradnj or similar brecteig which hi a be considered by the 1=44ing dosipqr. grachit pbown Is for Wick WiDpoirt agLhlircIvisions thlift be Wade to anchor iubcral bracing at cod's and bp * befflod 1 designer. Additional bro qfng . ofthi . blerall lurtichira I they lidirbo oe6tw. wrdi"u in 37 1 9). agin..W Co., P.A., 818 Sounclsid. PA Edenton, NC 27932 Jbb': p, ffivw TC Live 16.0 psf tibr 0F: 1.25 Tr. Dead 7.0 piat Vltt M)V, 1.2S BC Live 10.0 psf O.C. ; 2- 0- 0TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 )psf Code; rLA STJA3X 3SIGN INFORMATION s design is for an individual btllding componenrwnd been based on information provided by the client. The per disclaims any responsibility for damages as a dl of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications for designs furnished to the truss designer by the client the correctness or accuracy of this information as it mine to a specific project and accepts no omibility or exercises no control with regard to ication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. is truss has been designed as an individual building iponent in accordance with ANSMI 1.1995 and 5-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design i Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by building designer, the design landings shown most be :ked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement i the local building codes, local climatic records for d or snow loads, project specifications or special lied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes ipmWon chords (top or bottom) are continuously zd by sheathing unless otherwise specified Where om chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a ierly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a cimum spacing of i w-o" a.c. Connector plates shall be iufacrered from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel ding ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. 0RICATION NOTES u to fabrication, the fabricator shall review Ws sing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with fabricators plans and to realize a continuing ionsbility for such verification. Any discrepancies am 6 put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates II not be installed over knotholes,,knots or distorted in. Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood ring. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of trusswith nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x ong. A6xg plate is 6- wide x 8' long. Slots (hotel) parallel to the plate length specified Double cuts on i members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless :rwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum s based on the forces shown and may need to be used for certain handling and/or erection stresses. s truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated fiber unless otherwise shown. For additional 'math. on Quality Control refer to ANSIR'PI 995 tECAUTIONARY NOTES bracing and erection recommendations am to be owed in accordance with accepted industry lications. Trusses are to be handled with particular : during banding and bundling, delivery and allalion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent :ing for holding trusses in a suaighl and plumb ikon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed installed by other. Careful handling is essential and ,ion bracing is always required. Norma] pnxaulionory on for trusses requires such temporary bracing during allalion between trusses to avoid toppling and - ninoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be ter the control of persons experienced in the allalion of cusses. Professional advice shall be sought ceded. Concentration ofconslroction loads greater than design loads shall not be applied to trusses at my time. loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be died to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is ,pitted Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST, JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:FGRDIX Qty:3 11 TC: 2x 8 Sp #2 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. =Joint Locations BC: 2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E Bottom chord live loads based on 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 35- 9-12 13) 12- 0- 0 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 uninhabitable areas without storage 2) 3- 7-12 8) 35- 9-12 14) 7- 4- 4 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4, 3) 7- 4- 4 9) 32- 3-12 15) 3- 7-12 composite result of multiple loadcases. [] or (.); Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. 4) 16- 9-12 10) 28- 7- 4 16) 0- 0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be The Joint Detail Report must be included 5) 28- 7- 4 11) 23-11- 8 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. with any submittal, inspection, and/or 6) 32- 3-12 12) 16- 9-12 L. and R. End verticals designed for wind fabrication documentation. ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ This 3-PLY truss designed to carry This truss is designed to bear on multiple Uniform PLF From PLF To 9111" span framed to BC one face supports. Interior bearing locations should TC Vert L+D -345 0- 0- 0 -345 35- 9-12 16' 0" span framed to TC opposite face be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if BC Vert L+D -212 0- 0- 0 -212 3- 9-12 WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CBC, V= 140mph, necessary to achieve full bearing. BC Vert L+D -752 3- 9-12 -752 7- 2- 4 Hez 15.0 ft, Iee 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 3-PLY TRUSS) fasten w/3"x 0.120" nails in BC Vert L+D -182 7- 2- 4 -182 35- 9-12 Bld Typeee encl L= 36.0 ft W= 35.8 ft Truss staggered pattern per nailing schedule: Concentrated LBS Location in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf TC- 3 per ft. BC- 6 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft. BC Vert L+D -73 3- 9-12 Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. BC Vert L+D -66 7- 2- 4 Supported span based on into wind zone. Distribute loads equally to each ply. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1,00 This truss has not been designed for ROOF This truss is designed in accordance with In -Plant Quality Assurance, per PONDING. Building designer must provide the 2004 Florida Building Code section sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 2306.1 and referenced standards, D.N.O. 12,15 in./ft. min, slope to drain). Truss must be ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- markedto prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. X-Loci BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 0- 1-12 1 4713 0 0 B Pin LL TL 16- 9-12 1 13590 0 -703 B H Roll in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). 35- 6- 3 1 3880 0 -264 B H Roll I.Span-0.17/999-0.50/999 5-4(L) PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Horiz. 0.03 0.06 NA 35-9-12 Long term def ction factdir ce 1.50 (L):.Deflection it from loca8 inner paned. 4 5 6 7 3 PLYS'REQUIRED Lineal Footage = 353.9 8-8-8 6x8 3x6 10x10 10x10 10Y1n IY6 6YR 3- 5- 0 V W � -A / 3-5-0 ILI 3x6 [6x8] 3x6 10x10 3x6 10x10 3x6 [6x8] 3x( 8-8-8 R P1 PM 47134 3.50" 13590# 3.50" 3880## 7.13" 35-9-12 6 15 14 13 12 11 io 73# 1 66# C/L: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �!f y ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: I� Jr;�il4 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of �j M \'e s the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of wss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing al ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall slruchim maybe required. (Sea HM-91 "".For specific trusa bracing requirements, contact building designer.Crniss Plate insdwte, TPl is located at 583 40�5 MAROIVDA WAY D'Onofiio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 327.73. Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407)-321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 40050068 367 Madu ion PL Chuiuotsa FL.72766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1791 Eng Job: STJA3X Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7,0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf WO: STJA3X TI: FGRDIX 5/21/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA 28 r Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\FGRD1X.prx STJA3X Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:FGRD2X Qty:3, DESIGN INF6RMATIQ)N TC: 2x 8 SP #2 Bottom chord live loads based on it Joint Locations - Thisdesignisforanindividualbuildingeomponentand BC: 2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E uninhabitable areas without storage 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 28- 9- 4 13) 21- 7- 8 has been based on infonnatiomprovidedbytheNenl.The designer disclnimsany responsibility for damages asa WB: 2x 4 SP #2 loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. 2) 3- 9-12 8) 32- 1-12 14 16- 9-12 ) mma of faulty or incorrect information,specifications Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. 1) or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint Center. 3) 7- 2- 4 9) 35- 9-12 15) 14- 4- 0 and/or designs furnished to ilia truss designcrbythe Client MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the The Joint Detail Report must be included 4) 14- 5-12 10) 35- 9-12 16) 7- 2- 4 and ilia eorteclnea or accuracy of this infornaion as it composite result of multiple loadcases. with any submittal, inspection, and/or 5) 16- 9-12 11) 32- 1-12 17) 3- 9-12 may relate to a specific project and accepts no All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be fabrication documentation. 6) 21- 5-12 12) 28- 9- 4 18) 0- 0- 0 responsibility at memises no control with regard to fabrication•handling. shipment and installation oftmssas. continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 4n-- This truss is designed to bear on multiple -------___ ____________ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS This truss ties been designed as an individual building Icomponent L. and R. End verticals designed for wind supports. Interior bearing locations should Uniform PLF From PLF To inaccordance wilhANSMT1-1993and NDS-97 to be incorporated as ofthe building design This 3-PLY truss designed to carry be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if TC Vert L+D -362 0- 0- 0 -362 35- 9-12 part iibyouildiigdDesigner. Wesignlndingwed or 21' 311 span framed to BC one face necessary to achieve full bearing. BC Vert L+D -462 0- 0- 0 -462 35- 9-12 er.il design landings showmus b iliabuildingbe agrmustt 16' 9r' span framed to TC opposite face 3-PLY TRUSS! fasten w/3"x 0.12011 nails in This truss is designed in accordance with checked tobe suretlual the data shown are in agreement sum I. WndLod per ASCE 7-02 P , CeC, V= 140mph, staggered pattern per nailing schedule: the 2004 Florida Building Code section hwith the local building codes, local climatic records for H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 TC- 3 per ft. BC- 4 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft. 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. wind or snow lends, pmj=l specifications or special applied lands. Unless shown, truss has been designed Bld Type= encl L= 36.0 ft W= 35.8 ft Truss Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. In -Plant alit Assurance with C = 1.00 Y 4 not for storage or ocwpanry loads. The design assumes in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Distribute loads equally to each ply. In -Plant Quality Assurance, per compression Chords (top or bottom) are continuously Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req This truss has not been designed for ROOF sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s) : braced by sheathing unless olhcruise specified. Where 'bottom Supported span based on int. wind zone, PONDING. Building designer must provide 8,16 chords in iension am not fully braced laterally by a properly npplicd rigid miling,(hey should be bmaed at a ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 FORCES (lb) - Max Co r rap /Max Tension maximum spacing of 10'-0* o.c. Connector plate shall be X-Loo BSet Vert HOriZ Uplift Y T P Type in. /ft. min, elope to drain). Truss must be 3=-4 TOP CHORD 1-2=0/199,2-=-4311/389, 31 manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel 0- 1-12 1 7628 0 -325 B Pin marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. 3-4=-4311/389,4-5=-3103/367,5-6=-4670/423, meeting ASTM A 653, Gmde 40. unless otherwise shown. 16- 9-12 1 13430 0 -484 B H Roll .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr 6-7=-4968/412,7-8=-4968/412,8-9=0/199, 35- 6- 3 1 8455 0 -355 B H Roll 18- 1 -629 0.22 C 5-13 6252 0.38 CBOT CHORD 18-17=0/2761,17-16=0/2761, FABRICATION NOTES PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 18- 2 -6700 0.58 C 6-13 -2806 0.21 C16-15=0/3050,15-14=0/1799,14-13=0/1799, Prior to fabrication. ilia fnbricalorshall review this ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 17- 2 1233 0.08 C 6-12 779 0.05 C13-12=-20/4625,12-11=0/3031,11-10=0/3031, droning to verify that this drawing is to conformance with the plans ng 1- 2 199 0.08 A 18-17 2761 0.09 2-16 4028 0.25 C 12- 7 -2100 0.16 CWebs 18-1=-629/64,18-2=-6700/297, esponsiwiers suchveiomaon.Anymiscmp responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancivare 2- 3 -4311 0.18 A 17-16 2761 0.16 16- 3 -2134 0.16 C 12- 8 5036 0.31 C17-2=0 1233,2-16=-173 4028,16-3=-2134/224, / / to be pin in writing before cutting or fabricadon. Plalas 3- 4 -4311 0.2A 16-15 3050 0.19 4- 5 -3103 0 16- 4 1996 0.1235-0I-12 11- 8 1204 0.07 C16-4=-39/1996,15-4=-3181/2 3,15-5=-154/5198, shall not be installed rarer knolholes, knots or distorted grain. Meanbers shall becut for tight tilting canned to wood bearing. Conn=ior plates shall be located on both hum a, , 1i 5- 6 -4670 0.215 A 14-13 2 1799 0323 9'�b b 15- 5 51218 0.39 C 10- 9 6 -606 0.22 L; 14-5�1 U b 1 /1 - _- 252 , C6-13=72806/237,(8-12=-67 /770.�,12-7=-2100/222, tile truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about 6- 7 -4968 0.26 A 13-12 4625 0.20 14- 5 -10617 0.79 C 12-8=-210 /5036 ,11-8=0 / 12 04 , 8-10=-7609/330 lhcjointunlessolherwiseshown. A5x4plate is5•wide x 7- 8 -4968 0.17 A 12-11 3031 0.16 , 10-9=-606/61, 4'long. A6xgplate is6•wide xe•long. Slots (holes) mn to hepinielcngrhacninatcd.Doublecolson 8- 9 199 0.07 A 11-10 3031 0.09 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS --------- wcbino be.sel amb members shall meet ar Ilac anlraid of the webs unless 33%YS REQUI6W 1OX10 6x8 1Ox10 6x8 L 1Ox10 16)�S 3 6 otherwise ahowm. Connector piailc sizes ere minimum L eal Foot = 417, tie Jnt(s) . sizes based on the ron- shown and may need to be HOr3.Z 9 99 .99 7- 6 NA increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. 'This truss is not to be fnbrienled with tam mtardam trammed Imnberuntoss.11-viseshown. Foraddilional %j a- LO term tion f for = 1.50 infonnadon on Quality Central mfer to ANSVIPI (� 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 8-8-8 All bracing nod erection recommendations art to be I $- $- $ followed in aaordanm with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to ovoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during 6x8 3x6 16x8l 3x6 1OX10 10X10 6x127 3x6 6x8 i installation between 1nrs5G5 to aoid(oppling and dominoing. The saaponisionofcrecdonoftmse shall be under ilia control of parsons &%Wrienmd in ilia installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Conantralion ofconstrucdon leads greater than (lie design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. We leads other than ilia ueighi of the emc(on shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bmcing is 7628# 3.50't 1343035 . 8455# 7.13 rr completed L 90" 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 0 C/L: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO r.dttic ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Y(:g■� � S Stets Bracing shown an this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is apart of A ss n it [�� Ilia building design and which must be considered by [lie building designer. Bracing shosm is for lateral support of lmss ... members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor laleml bracing et ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sec HID-91 of7P ).Far specific truss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Truss Plate Institute, TPI Is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE **0050068 367 Medalllon PL Ghuluota, FL 32766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0,1738 Eng Job: STJA3X Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf WO: STJA3X TI: FGRD2X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90767 l' Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\FGRD2X.prx STJA3X ,S Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building cump9maa and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of fault• or incorrect inrormalon, specilmalions endlor designs furnished to the muss designer by the client and The correctness or accuracy of This information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or evercius no conlral with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of lasses. This muss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as par or the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, (lie design loadings shown must be checked to be tam that the data shown am in agreement with the local building codes. Icon) climatic records for wind or snow loads, projecl speeifiu-ttions or special applied loads. Unless sla tim, truss has not been designed for Stange or occupancy leads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by slnathing unless ollicmin specified. Where bottom chords intension arc not fully brand lalemllyby a properly applied rigid calling, they should be brad at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plales shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mecling ASTM A 653, Gmdo 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. [he fabricator shall review this drawing to verify, ihmi this drawing is in conformance with the fabriator's plans and to malin a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before ailing or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed ever knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be al for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plales shall be baled on both faces of [lie muss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A Sx4 plale is 3' wide x 4"long. A 6x8 plate is 6° wide x 8" long. Slots (hales) tan parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet .1the centroid of the webs unless othemise shown. Connector plate sins are minimum sins based on [Ire forces shown and may need to be increased for Armin handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire relardenl treated limber unless other ise shorn. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSlfrPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular am during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damnge. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for misting lateral forces shall be designed end installed by others. Careful handling is essential and cralion bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for tmsscs requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid loppling end continuing. The supervision orerection of trusses shall be under the central of persons experienced in the installation or tmases. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction lads greater than the design lads shall not be applied to musses at any time, No leads other [lion the weight of the erectim shall be, applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. BC: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be GB: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, composite result of multiple loadcases. E= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 This truss is designed to bear on multiple Bld Type= encl L= 16.8 ft W= 16.8 ft Truss supports. Interior bearing locations should in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req necessary to achieve full bearing. This truss is designed in accordance with Wind loads have been checked perpendicular the 2004 Florida Building,Code section to the face of the truss. 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 Bracing Schedule: ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint X-Loc BSet Vert Boriz Uplift Y Type 1/2 4-16 0- 0-12 1 74 -68 -23 B Pin Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 16- 2- 0 1 121 -232 -142 B Pin FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 16- 8- 4 1 79 0 -2 B H Roll TOP CHORD 1-2=-50/74,,2-3=-53/78,3-4=-52/147, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 4-5=-54/112,5-6=-42/25,6-7=-39/0,7-8=-80/0, PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 8-9=-184/12, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr HOT CHORD 1-18ce-1/0,18-17=0/6,17-16=0/0, 18- 2 -102 0.13 C 14- 6 140 0.54 C 16-15=0/0,15-14=0/0,14-13=0/0,13-12=0/0, 17- 3 -116 0.51 C 12- 7 96 0.29 C 12-11=0/0,11-0=0/0,0-9=-26/253, 16- 4 -76 0.42 C 11- 8 255 0.12 C Webs 18-2=-102/94,17-3=-116/94, is- 5 217 0.87 C 16-4=-76/0,15=5=-92/217,14-6=-93/140, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 12-7=-81/96,11-8=-123/255, LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 4-3 Horiz. 0.00 0.01 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 TI:G1X Qty:2' -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 13- 7-14 15) 7- 7-14 2) 1- 7-14 9) 16- 9- 0 16) 5- 7-14 3) 3- 7-14 10) 16- 9- 0 17) 3- 7-14 4) 5- 7-14 11) 13- 7-14 18) 1- 7-14 5) 7- 7-14 12) 11- 7-14 19) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 7-14 13) il- 0-14 7) il- 7-1,114) 9- 7-14 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MOST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0 ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 74 0.10 A 1-18 -1 0.02 2- 3 78 0.15 A 18-17 0 0.03 3- 4 147 0.20 A 17-16 0 0.03 4- 5 112 0.12 A 16-15 0 0.03 5- 6 -42 0.09 A 15-14 0 0.03 6- 7 -39 0.05 A 14-13 0 0.03 7- 8 -80 0:13 A 13-12 0 0.02 8- 9 -184 0.20 A 12-11 0 0.04 11- 0 0 0.04 0- 9 253 0.14 5-7-14 11-1-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.00 4x6 -5.00 3x4 5-1-7 0- 6- 0 74#I .50" Stud @ 2- 0- 0 121 130"79# 1.50" 16-9-0 19 18 17 _ 16 15 14 1312 11 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 C/L: 16- 2- 0Over 3 Supports Scale =0.2325 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO HE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: G1X aronda Syst e�' s V iMi Y/ J Iry Systems Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of lire building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : 4 / 25 /2007 . _ members only to reduce tackling length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified TC Live TC Dead 16.0 7 0 , psf psf Lbr DF : 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing or the overall structure may be required. (Sea HIB-91 ofTPra .ForspifiC"sbracingrequirements,contactbuildingdesigner.CTmasPlateinstitute, TPI Is located W587 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.. P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Bdenton, NC 27932 O.C. ; 2- 0- 0 (407) 321-0004 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10 . 0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 Medallion PI. Chuluota, FL 32760 TOTAL 43.0 psf v5 .4 . 18-89303 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA_9X\5T .Tnnm a\r-Tv ,,e STJA3X A Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHNIS A WO:STJA3X TI:G3X Qty:l"----I DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP A2 This design is for an individual building outpatient and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 has been based on information provided by die client. The SL : 2x 4 SP #2 designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a GB: 2x 4 SP #3 result of faulty or incorrect information. specifications 2x 4 SP #2 6-17 andlor designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the wr elness or accuracy of this information as it MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the may relate to a specific project and accepts no Composite result of multiple loadcases. responsibility or exercises no central with regard to WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, fabrication, handling, shipment and installation oftmsscs. H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, E .Cat. B Rz t= 1.0 This truss has been designed as an individual building xP r component in accordance willi ANSMI 1-1995 and Bld Type= encl L= 18.7 ft We; 18.7 ft Truss NDS-97 lobe incorporated as part ofthe building design in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Ilia building designer. Ilia design loadings shown must be In -Plant alit Assurance with C = 1.00 checked to be sure Thal file data shown arc in agreement Quality 4 with the local building codes, local climalic records for FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension wind or snow loads, project specifications or special TOP CHORD 1-2=-168/l24,2-3=-104/75, applied lands. Unless shown, Imss has not been designed 3-4=-55/20,4-5=-52/45,5-6=-98/112, For storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes =-52 4 ,7-8 112 compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously 6-7=-98 / / 5,8-9=-55/20, braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where 9-10=-104/75,10-11=-168/124, bottom chords in tension am not fully braced laterally by a HOT CHORD 1-21=-2/4,21-20=0/0,20-0=0/57, properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a 0-19=0/36,19-18=0/0,18-17=0/0,17-16=0/0, maximum spacing of 10'-0' o.e. Connector pintes shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvonioed steel 16-15=0/0 ,15-0=0 /36 , 0-14=0 /57 ,14-13=0 /0 , meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. 13-11=-4 /0 , Webs 21-2=-104/100,20-3=-113/103, FABRICATION NOTES 19-4=-112/102,18-5=-108/97,17-6=-71/24, Prior to fabrication. the fabricalor shall review this 16-7=-108/97,15-8=-112/102,14-9=-113/103, diming to verify flu this drawing is in conformance with 13-10=-104/100,1-0=-5/1,0-11=-5/1, the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knothales, knots or disloned grain. Members shall be cut far light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector pima shall be located on both faces of the Truss with nnlls fully imbedded end shhall M sym. abaui thejainl unless oihenvise shown. A 5s4 plate is 5" wide s 4' long. A 6s8 plate is 6- wide s 8' long. Slols (halo) mn parallel to the plate length specked Double cuts on web mernbers shall meci at the eenITid of the webs unless ollicniisc shown. Connector plate sins are minimum sins based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for cocain handling and/or erection stresses. This cuss is not to be fabricated with fire minrdanl treated limber unless othemisc shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPf 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed in accordance willh acccpled industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling. delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb 7-11-13 position and for misting friend forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for insses requires well temporary bracing during installation between Wsses to avoid toppling and daminoing. The supervision of erecion of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of lmso& Professional advice shall besought if needed. Concentration of rnnslnndon loads greater than file design loads idiall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the electors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ` aronda . 5 tems 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050060 367 Medallion PI. Ohuluota, FL 32766 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 4-19,5-18,6-17,7-16,8-15 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loa BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 113 137 -167 B Pin 18- 7- 4 1 113 -137 -167 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 21- 2 -104 0.06 C is- 8 -112 0.34 20- 3 -113 0.33 C 14- 9 -113 0.33 19- 4 -112 0.34 C 13-10 -104 0.06 18- 5 -108 0.61 C 1- 0 -5 0.00 17- 6 -71 0.56 C 0-11 -5 0.00 16- 7 -108 0.61 C --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 8-7 Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 9-4- 0 9- 4-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9.00 -9.00 4x6 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 9) 15- 4- 0 17) 9- 4- 0 2) 1- 4- 0 10) 17- 4- 0 18) 7- 4- 0 3) 3- 4- 0 11) IS- 8- 0 19) 5- 4- 0 4) 5- 4- 0 12) 18- 8- 0 20) 3- 4- 0 5) 7- 4- 0 13) 17- 4- 0 21) 1- 4- 0 6) 9- 4- 0 14) IS- 4- 0 22) 0- 0- 0 7) 11- 4- 0 15) 13- 4- 0 8) 13- 4- 0 16) 11- 4- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.1201r nails spaced 811 o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 1- 2 -168 0.08 A 1-21 4 0.02 C 2- 3 -104 0.12 A 21-20 0 0.02 C 3- 4 -55 0.12 A 20- 0 57 0.03 C 4- 5 -52 0.12 A 0-19 36 0.03 C 5- 6 112 0.15 A 19-18 0 0.03 C 6- 7 112 0.14 A 18-17 0 0.03 7- 8 -52 0.12 A 17-16 0 0.03 8- 9 -55 0.12 A 16-15 0 0.03 9-10 -104 0.11 A 15- 0 36 0.03 10-11 -168 0.06 A 0-14 57 0.03 14-13 0 0.02 13-11 -4 0.02 7-9-13 0- 9-13 8x10 x100- 9-13 3x10 2x4 2ux4 6x8 2x4 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x4 3x4 2x4 3x4 113# 1.50" Stud 8@82- 0- 0 113# 1.50" 1-�- 1 0 9 818- 7 0 6 5 4 1 6) (R -6- 6) vUseu44.2vti: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection brad ng• wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bmcing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Imss Dsgnr : TLY Chk members only to reduce buck)Ing length. Provisions muss be mnde to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See 1HB.91 TC Live 16.0 psf ofTPf).For specific toss bracing requirements, comae(building dwigna.ffmss Plale Institute. TPI Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7 . 0 pelf p Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co.. P.A.• 818 Scundside Rd. Edcnlorc NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 43.0 psf Scale = 0.1271 WO: STJA3X TI: G3X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-91042 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST, JOHN A\G3X.prx STJA3X I Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:GRDIX Qty:14 DESIGN INFORMATION this design is for an individualbuilding eomponarl and os bmn based on information prodded by the client. The Imigncr disclaims any responsibility for damages as a cull of faulty or incorrect information, speeiflutions md/or designs Pomished to the truss designer by the client ind this correctness or aavmcy of this information as it nay relate to a specific project and accepts no esponsibility or exercises no control with regard to 'abricalion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building omponent in accordance with ANSMT 1-1993 and 4DS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design ty a Building Designer. When reviaved for approval by he building designer. The design loadings shown must be :hocked to be sum that the data shown are in agreement vith the local building codes, local climatic records for rind or snow loads, pmjea specifications or special ipplied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed or storage or orxupancy lends. The design assumes nmpression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously traced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where totlom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a troperly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at n naximum spacing or 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be nanufaclured from 20 gauge trot dipped galvanized steel nesting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless odrervise shmvn. FABRICATION NOTES 'rior to fabrication. Ilia fabricator shall review, this Irming to verify that this drawing is in conformance with Ise fabricalors plans and to realize a continuing esponsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are a be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates hall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted Imtn. Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood oaring. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of he truss oilli nails fully imbedded and shall be sym, about he joint unless o0¢rnise shown. A 5s4 plate is 6' wide x I' long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) un parallel to the plate length specked. Double cuts on vrb members shall meet at the =nlroid of the webs unless nhemise shown. Connector plate sizes ore minimum izes based on the farces shown and may need to be ncmnsed for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This muss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated umber unless otherwise shmvn. For additional nfonmlion on Quality Control refer to ANSMI -1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 11i bracing and erection recommendations are to be allowed in axordirim pith accepted industry tublications. Trusses arc to be handled with particular arc during banding and bundling, delivery and nstallalion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent �mcing for holding trusses; in a straight and plumb osillon and for resisting Initial forces shall be designed ad installed by others. Careful handling is essential and region bracing is always required. Normal precautionary cti- for trusses requires such Temporary bracing during nstalladon between Imsses to avoid toppling and lominaing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be order the control of persons c Wrlcnced In Ilm nstaiwon of losses. Professions) advice shall be sought f needed. Concentration ofconstmetion loads greater than Ile design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the creators shall be pplicd to trusses unlil after all fastening and bracing is ompleted TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 6-8 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-8,3-8,4-8 WG: 2x 6 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This 1-PLY truss designed to carry 10' 0" span framed to BC one face 2' 0" span split -framed to opposite face WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 26.0 ft W= 26.0 ft Truss In END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2558/870,2-3=-1396/578, 3-4=-1410/582,4-5=-333/397, BOT CHORD 10-9=-612/1955,9-8=-609/1942, 8-7=-252/219,7-6=-279/212, Webs 9-2=-236/1165,2-8=-1134/476, 8-3=-442/1267,8-4m-240/1592,4-7=-2174/671, Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. ---- Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 26- 0- 0 9) 6- 4- 1 2) 6- 4- 1 6) 26- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 13- 0- 0 7) 19- 7-15 4) 19- 7-15 8) 13- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -46 0- 0- 0 -46 26- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -205 0- 0- 0 -205 26- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 1,3,9 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 2449 0 -811 B Pin 19- 8- 0 1 3475 0 -997 B H Roll 25- 8- 0 1 902 0 -287 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -2558 0.85 C 10- 9 1955 0.72 2- 3 -1396 0.47 C 9- 8 1942 0.79 3- 4 -1410 0.46 C 8- 7 -252 0.93 4- 5 397 0.46 C 7- 6 -279 0.93 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s), I.Span-0.17/995-0.33/502 3-2 Horiz. -0.10 -0.19 NA Long term deflection factor = 1,50 13-0-0 13-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 13 or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2- 8 1/3 4- 7 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o,c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-011. .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI. 9- 2 1165 0.37 C 8- 4 1592 0.29 2- 8 -1134 0.35 C 4- 7 -2174 0.41 8- 3 1267 0.72 C 9.00 4x6 -9.00 [3x4] 8x10 (3A) Cr C C 10-6-13 00- 9-13 f 11 2449# 8.00" 26-0-0 34754 8.00" 902# 8.00" 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 CIL:19-8-0 .�III WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO `�0 y ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: i'r!�] "„��"T411" Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of i i li��diii W iVI 97 M jj�rrj the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shorn is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations dclemmined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall snuclure may be required. (See HM-91 ofTPq.For specific truss bracing requirements, contact building designec(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0f0050068 367 Medallion Pl. Ghuluota, FL 32766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1287 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: GRD1X Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\GRD1X.prx STJA3X ,f Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X M M1X DESIGN INFORMAT16N This design is for an individ71 building mmpvcnl and has been based on information provided by Ilia client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of fattlly or inrnrreel information. speeifiralians and/or designs frtmished to ilia truss designer by the client and the wrreemcss or aecwracy ofthis information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or &%cmises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and inslnilalion of trusses. This taus has been designed as an individual building camponcnt in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1993 and NOS-97 to be incorporated as part of Ilia building design by p Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by ilia building designer, lie design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown am in agreement with Ilia load building codas. local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless showm. buss has not been designed for uorage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by shealhfng unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chards in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a mnximua spacing of 10'-0' ox, Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped golvanind steal meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, ilia fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is in confarmance with lute fabricator's plans and to malice a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before tuning or 0ubricallon. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distaned grain. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be locmed on both faces of Ilia tress with nails fully imbedded and shall be sync. about thejoinl unless ollam•ise shown. A 354 plate is 5' wide s 4• long. A 6s8 plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Sloss (holes) ran parallel to site plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet nl the ccnlmid of the webs unless olherwisc shown. Conneclor plate sins am minimum sins based on the (paces shown and may need to be increased for ¢vain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fnbricated rilh fare retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For addilioml tnfortnation on Quality Central refer to ANSIffPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and creation recommendations are to be fnllowed in accordanx will, accepted industry publications. Trusses ram In be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a stmighl and plumb position and for resisting talent forms shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and creation bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary, action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation belumn busses to avoid toppling and dmninaing. The supervision of erection of Imsses shall be under the central of persons experienced in the installation of Imsscs. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentnlion of mnsimclion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied IU Imsscs at any lime. No loads other than the %%tight of the areclors shall be applied to busses until Mer all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-6,3-5,4-5 All COMPRESSION,Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE .7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 21.3 ft W= 21.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1605/820,2-3=-875/391, 3-4=-168/31, BOT CHORD 8-7=-1386/1428,7-6=-1385/1420, 6-5=-776/727, Webs 7-2=-27/279,2-6=-742/665, 6-3=-272/630,3-5=-983/1050,5-4=-128/381, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, 7- 2 279 0.09 C 3- 5 1050 0.84 2- 6 -742 0.67 C 5- 4 381 0.11 6- 3 630 0.20 C MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 5,4- 5 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.12011 nails spaced 8" o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-011 Cr--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS----_---- C LL TL C in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0.19/539 5-6(L) Horiz. -0.03 -0.05 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel -3-8 5.00 Qty : lid -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 21- 3- 8 7) 7- 6- 5 2) 7- 6- 5 5) 21- 3- 8 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 14- 4-15 6) 14- 4-15 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 1,5 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 970 748 -646 B Pin 21- 2-10 1 907 0 -1086 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1605 0.51 A 8- 7 1428 0.53 2- 3 -875 0.76 A 7- 6 1420 0.60 3- 4 -168 0.72 A 6- 5 -776 0.48 2x4 9-2-8 6x8 3x4 3x4 R A 970# 8.00" 907# 1.75" 21-3-8 1.1,0- A 21-3-8 6 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATESARE MiTek MT6-11-9) Maronda S ct e s 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL.32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 90050068 367 Medallion Pl. Chuluola, FL 32766 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing Shawn on lids drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of Il,a building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling lenglm. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified laalons determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See NI3-91 ofTPI).For apeeit.. I.. bracing requirements, centre building dwigner.(Trum Fiat. tnctimte, TPI is loceaed at 593 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Tress Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd Edenton, NC 27932 Eng Job: STJA3X Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf Scale = 0.1501 WO: STJA3X TI: MIX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O,C,: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A prx STJA3X Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFIAMATION This design is for on Individual building component and has been based on informatioa, provided by Oc Ilient. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as o result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the wrroz ness or aeeuney of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or memisrs no central with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. Milt; Imss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSIfIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design bya Building Designer. When revieived for approval by the building designer, the design loadings sham must be attacked la be sure that the data shorn ram in agraentanl with the local building codes (owl climatic records far wind or snow leads. pmjccl specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, Russ has not been designed for storage or oacttpzncy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Wbem bottom chords in lension rare not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ¢(ling, they should be braced a1 a maximum spacing of I(N)" o.c. Connector plmes shall be manufactured from 20 garage hot dipped galani=d steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this droving to verify that this drawing is In conformance with Ills fabricator's plans and to realize n continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies arc to be put in seining before citing or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knolholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to wood beiring. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of ilia truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihejoinl unless otherwise shone. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6x8 plate is 6• wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the nobs unless olhenviso shorn. Connector plate size ate minimum sizes based an the fames shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANS1ffP1 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance wills accepted industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with particular cam during banding and bundling. delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Irusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral farces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is ahra)a required. Normal precautionary action for tmsus requires such temporary bracing during installation bemeen trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision cremation of tosses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installntion of Inusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentralion of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to busses m any time. No loads other than the might of ilia ercclors shall be applied to trusses until altar all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H=. 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Eld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2ea-472/22,2-3=-429/91, BOT CHORD 6-5=-974/392,5-4=-975/387, Webs 5-2=0/264,2-4=-429/1080, 4-3=-149/614,0-0=-221/369, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(a). I.Span-0.06/999-0.23/545 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-0" ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -472 0.85 A 6- 5 -974 0.36 2- 3 -429 0.95 A 5- 4 -975 0.36 9-11- 8 1 2 3 10. 00 0- 9-13 A 425# 1.75" 2x4 9-1-6 2x4 3x4 4314 1.75" 9-11- 8 6 5 4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 FWARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: MMM BracIng shown on this dmwving is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a par of MaronSystemthe building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length, Provisions must be made to anchor talent bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See MB.91 ofTPI).For specific Iruss bracing requirements contact building designer.(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is Iawted at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co:, P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 367 Medallion PI. Chuluota, FL 32766 TI:M2AX Qty:9( Joint Locations _ 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Boriz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1 425 927 0 B Pin 9-10-10 1 431 0 -1078 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 264 0.08 C 4- 3 614 0.18 2- 4 1080 0.38 C 0- 0 369 0.10 Scale = 0.2097 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: M2AX Dsgnr:TLY .Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA r Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\M2AX.prx STJA3X •I Name:-ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building eompatenc and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims airy responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect infom ation, specifications and/or designs famished to the truss designer by [lie client and tile es e correctness or uccnracy of ibis information os it may relate to a spocific project and accepts no responsibility or uciciscs no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of Imsses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance milli ANSln?1 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of Ilse building design by a Building Designer. Mien micied for approval by The building designer, the design loadings shmm must be checked to be sure that the dntn shown are in agreement math the local building codes, local climatic records for mind or snow lads. project specifications or'spechd applied loads. Unless shoim, Imss has not been designed for slomge or occupancy loads. Tie design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords intension me not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 113%0" o.e. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless othermise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall mview this drawing to vcrifr that this draping is in confonmancc whit the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verifhcalion. Any discrepancies are to be put in pairing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed ocr knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Menhbers shall be cut for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the Imss milli nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoinl unless otherwise shown. A 5s4 plate is 5" wide s 4" long. A 6A plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slals (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts can rich members shall meet at the ccnhnid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector pine sizes arc minimum sizes based an the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with rim muirdam created lumber unless othcnrisc shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSMT 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and crcction recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Tosses are to be handled with particular cam during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary, and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is cssental and emelion bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for Imsses requires such temporary bracing during installation betwom misses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under Ilia control of persons ewporienwd in die installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of eunsiraction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than Ilia mvighi of the erectors shall be applied to misses until alter all fastening and bracing is romplelcd TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP 93 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp,Cat, B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-402/174,2-3=-430/91, HOT CHORD 6-5=-86/l41,5-4=-954/270, Webs 5-2=-343/73,2-4=-299/l057, 4-3=-149/615,0-0=-17l/357, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI 5- 2 -343 0.09 C 4- 3 615 0. 2- 4 1057 0.27 C 0- 0 357 0. CANT: 3- 0- 0 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(a) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 311x 0.120" nails spaced 811 o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size,species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-0" .,TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ,.FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -402 0.84 A 6- 5 141 0.32 Cr 2- 3 -430 0.94 A 5- 4 -954 0.32 18 C 06 C 9-11- 8 1 2 3 10,00 2x4 9- 2x4 3x4 6214 33.50" 347#M1.75" I. 9-11- 8 4 ,, 6 5 TI:M2BX Qty: Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. Joint Locations _- 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAR. REACTIONS.PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 3- 1-12 1 621 927 -50 B Pin 9-10-10 1 347 0 -1067 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). L.Cant.-0.01/999-0.02/999 1 I.Span-0.03/999-0.24/329 3-2 Horiz. -0.02 -0.04 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 Scale = 0.2097 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: M2BX Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf PIt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O•C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA _ TOTAL 43.0 psf v5.4.18-89200 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\M2B� - EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO X` ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: 11ril!tMS Bracing showvn on this drawing is not eection bracing, wind bracing, porml bracing or similar bmcing which is a part of 333 111 s7 the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of die overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 orTPI).Fe, specific truss bracing requirements, comma building designen(Truss Plate Insdour, TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050668 367 Medallion PL Ohuluota, FL 32766 STJA3X • I Name : , ST . JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHNIS A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for no inditidut<I building cempdneal and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility far damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information. specifications ,and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and du rorrectness or neeurary, of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercise no cemrol with regard to fabrication• handling, shipment and installntion of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSIrml 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be dncerpomied as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When mimved for approval by the building designer• the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown am in agreement es with the local building cod. local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, Truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) ore continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling• they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabrientnr shall m•iaw this droning to verify that this drawing is in conformance with [lie fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed ever knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Menhbers shall be cut for light fitting wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both toces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A Sx4 plate is P wide x 4' long A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to The plate length specified. Double cols on web members shall mcel at the centroid of the webs unless othemise shorn. Connector plate sires are minimum sins based ern the forces shown and may need to be increased forcertain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shorn. For additional hnfommian on Quality Central rofer to ANSVPPI 1-1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be follemd in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation bcnwun trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the central of persons experienced in the installation of Imsses. professional advice shall besought if needed. Concentration or construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No leads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-457/35,2-3=-429/91, HOT CHORD 6-5=-978/367,5-4=-978/362, Webs 5-2=0/259,2-4=-401/1084, 4-3=-149/614,0-0=-270/373, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.23/538 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced 81, o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-01I ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -457 0.85 A 6- 5 -978 0.35 2- 3 -429 0.95 A 5- 4 -978 0.35 9-1-6 0- 9-13 9-11- 8 1 2 3 0.00 Pq 437# 8.00" 9-1-6 2x4 3x4 420#91.75" 9-11- 8 6 5 14 TI:M2CX Qty:l Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.0. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert 80riz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 437 926 0 B Pin 9-10-10 1 420 0 -1079 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. .,FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 259 0.08 C 4- 3 614 0.18 2- 4 1084 0.36 C 0- 0 373 0.15 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO /♦t ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Drug: V�I M1■ Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing portal bracing or similar bracing which is a {art of MMM V j���r,,jj the building design and which must beconsidered by Ilhc building designer. Bracing shmn is for laieml support of truss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations dclemined by like building designer. Additional bracing of the overall stroclurc may be required. (See Fi1B•91 TC Live 16.0 psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\M2 Scale = 0.2097 WO: STJA3X TI: M2CX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89204 f STJA3X ,I Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:M2X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individnn I building component and has been based an information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and [fie correctness or accuracy of this Intermm(an as it may relate to a specific pmjec and accepts no responsibility or esereises no central eidi regard to rubrication, handling, shipment and installation of Imsses This Imss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVTPi 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan or Ilse building design by a Building Designer. When ro•iemd for approval by the building designer, the design landings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shosm am in agreement with the l=1 building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow leads. pmjwl speeifirntions or sp=ial applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not ban designed for storage or occupancy lends. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whem bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-v o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped gahnnized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless othernise shorn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. [he fabricator shall review [his drawing to %rdry that this dmuing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ycrifiation. Any discrepancies are to be pill in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plnles shall not be installed omr knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to wood bearing. Connector pintes shall be located on both totes of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be Win, nbout [he joint unless othernise sham. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 14" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (hole) mn parallel to [he plate length specified. Double cols on web members shall meet at the eenlroid of the webs unless other ise shown. Connector plate sizes ore minimum sins based on thin forces shorn and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or enaction stresses. This Imss is not to be fnbriealed with fire relardart baled lumber unless otherwise sham. For additional information on Quality Central refer to ANSlrrPl 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publiations. Tosses are to be handled Mill particular aim during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to mloid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for Bolding Inisses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Coreful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for masses requires such temporary bracing during installation bcl%%=n Imsses to amid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection ortrusses shall be under the contral of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Prafessional advice shall be sought if needed. Concenimlion orconsimciion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any hoe. No loads other than [lie might of the ercaors shall be applied to tosses until alter all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-44l/34,2-3=-413/88, BOT CHORD 6-5=-940/367,5-4=-940/362, Webs 5-2=0/259,2-4=-401/1042, 4-3=-146/588,0-0=-270/356, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.22/540 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 31lx 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14-0" ..TC. ..FORCE „ CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI, 1- 2 -441 0.82 A 6- 5 -940 0.35 2- 3 -413 0.91 A 5- 4 -940 0.35 9-11- 8 10"00 1P 498# 8.00" 2x4 9-1-6 ".va A 420# 1.75" ,, 9-11- 8 , - 4- 0 5 9-11- 8 cl ( 1- 5-15) Qty: 21 -----Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of: TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 498 892 -88 B Pin 9-10-10 1 420 0 -1035 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. .,FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 259 0.08 C 4- 3 588 0.18 2- 4 1042 0.36 C 0- 0 356 0.15 Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: . Bracing sho m an this drawing is not erection bracing• wind bracing• portal bracing ear similar bracing which is a pan ofD3 Bo building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of toss r:TLy ChktMarondalysteins members only to reduce buckling Icngtli. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf lotions determined by the building designer. Additional bracing orilie overall structure may be required. (See HIB.91 of 7P1).For specific truss bracing requiminems, ..met building elmign-ffmss Plate lnstimie, TPI is located a, 583 D'OnofrioDriw,Madison. Wisconsin 53719). 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 400050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 MedsO)on PL Chuluofa, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 Psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\M2X.prx Scale = 0.2110 WO: STJA3X TI: M2X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA r STJA3X I Name: F . JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:MG2AX Qty:l " ,ESIGN INFORMATION tis design is for an individual `wilding componcal and s been based on information provided by the client. The signer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a oll of faulty or incorrect information, specifications tiler designs furnished to the truss designer by the client d the cor claess or accumcy of this infomtnlion as it iy relme to a specific project and accepts no ,Wnsibility or axemises no control with regard to nimlion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. his Truss has been designed as an individual building mponenl in accordance mith ANSlrrPl 1-1995 and )S-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design a Building Designer. When revicmedfor approval by building designer, the design loadings she= must be eked to be sure that the data shmm are in agreement th We local building codes, local climatic records for nd or snow loads, project specifications or special plied loads. Unless shmvn, truss has not been designed storage or occupancy loads. 7Le design assumes mpression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously iced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whore nom chards in tension are not fully braced laterally by a )party applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a esimum spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shalt be mufacturedfmm 20 gouge hot dipped galvanized steel cling ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shouts. ABRICATION NOTES for to fabrication, the fabricator shall =law this ncing to verify that this dmuing Is in conformance with : febricalm's plans and to renlin a continuing �ponsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are be put in noting before tolling or fabrialion. Plales all not be installed over knmholes, knots or distorted tin. Mcnnbers shall be cut for light fitting ivood to wood tring. Connector plates shall be baled on both fans of : into eith nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about :join) unless othermisc sham. A 5x4 plate is 5' (vide x long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8' long. Slots (hobs) a parallel la the plate length specified. Double cuts on b members shall meet at the cenlroid of the orbs unless mrnise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum as based on the forces shoum and may need to be :reared for certain handling and/or erection stresses. is Imss is not to be fabricated with rim mlardanl,trmned nber unless otherwise shmvn. For additional 'oru olion on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI 1995 RECAUTIONARY NOTES I bracing and creation recommendations are to be lowed in accordance math accepted industry bliations. Trusses am to be handled with particular re during banding and bundling, delivery and aallallon to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent icing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb sition and for resisting lateral fortes shall be designed d installed by others. Careful handling is essential and ration bracing is ahvays required. Normal precautionary don for trusses requires such temporary bracing during aallation Mhveen trusses to avoid loppling and mining no supervision of ereatian of trusses shall be der the control of persons experienced in Ilse aallation of Wsses. Professional advice shall be sought vecded. Concentration ofconslmcdon loads greater than : design lads shall not be applied to Trusses at any time. a leads other than the meighl of Ilse erectors shall be plied to Imsses until after all fastening and bracing is nplcted TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 6 SP #2 6-7 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 5-8 {1 or {): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center, The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -513 0.13 A 1- 0 917 0.19 2- 3 -866 0.08 A 0-11 0 0.05 3- 4 -710 0.11 A 11-10 0 0.03 4- 5 -426 0.11 A 10- 9 0 0.03 5- 6 -121 0.11 A 9- 8 0 0.03 8- 7 0 0.02 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0,02/999-0.02/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.02 0.04 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. --_Joint Locations MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 7-11- 8 9) 5-11- 8 composite result of multiple loadcases, 2) 3- 1-12 6) 9-11- 8 10) 3-11- 8 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 3) 3-11- 8 7) 9-11- 8 11) 3- 1-12 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 4) 5-11- 8 8) 7-11- 8 12) 0- 0- 0 End vertical(s) not designed for exposure WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, to lateral wind pressure. H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp,Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Wind loads have been checked perpendicular Bld Type= encl L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss to the face of the truss. in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Bracing Schedule: Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint ® Continuous lateral bracing attached to 1/2 4- 9,5- 8,6- 7 either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be Bracing shown is for visual purposes only, positioned to provide equal unbraced In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq - 1.00 segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- of web with w/3"x 0,12011 nails spaced 8" o.c X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 0- 0-12 1 739 0 -132 B H Roll 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14-0", 3- 0- 0 1 127 910 -104 B Pin FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 9-10-12 1 73 0 -171 B Pin TOP CHORD 1-2=-513/110,2-3=-866/168, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 3-4=-710/143,4-5=-426/88,5-6=-121/27, PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE HOT CHORD 1-0=-216/917,0-11=0/0,11-10=0/0, .WEB. ,.FORCE.,CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 10-9=0/0,9-8=0/0,8-7=0/0, 11- 2 327 0.83 C 8- 5 468 0.59 C Webs 11-2=-140/327,10-3=-57/243, 10- 3 243 0,71 C 7- 6 172 0.84 C 9-4=-105/437,8-5=-114/468,7-6=-42/172, 9- 4 437 0.49 C 1- 0 816 0.12 C1-0=-580/816, 9-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 10.00 2x4 9-1-6 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 739# 1.50'1274 1.508tud @ 2- 0- 0 73# 1.5011 9-11-8 2 11 io EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 C/L:3-0-0 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: aria da Swteins Bracing shmm on this draw rag is not erection bracing, hind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan or J.E.jaaj the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specifned loalions determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of Ilse ovemll structure :nay be required. (Sea HM-91 .",For specific truss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is loafed a1583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 267 Medallion PI. Chuluota, FL 32766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1610 Eng Job: STJA3X Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf WO: STJA3X TI: MG2AX 5/l/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA f Design; Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\MG2AX.prx STJA3X j Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an indisidngl building competpent and fins been based on information provided by Ilia client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a ­11 of faulty or inncerrecl information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the mrreuness or accuracy of Ibis informmlon as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss lids been designed as an individual building component in accordance %ilh ANSIRPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorpomtcd as part of the building design by a Building Designer, When revintmd for approval by the building designer, ilia design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement avilh die 1=1 building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy lends. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords intension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of Ifr ow o.e. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mmling ASTM A 653. Crude 40. unless otherwise shorn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to sarify that this drawing is in conformance with Ilse fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies ore to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be col for light fitting mood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the two with nails fully imbedded and shall be syan. about Wejoinl unless otherwise shoum. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x g' long. Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double culs on web members shall meet at the centmid of the webs unless otherwise shove. Comimlar plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSIIrPI 1-1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES A11 bracing and erection recommendations are to be fo2uvd in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and inslellntion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding homes in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and 'erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation betmxn Imsses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the inwnllalton of trusses. Pssional whim shall be sought if needed. Concentmlion of construction loads greater than Ilia design loads shall not be applied to busses at any time. No loads other Than Ilia weight of the erachors shall be applied to rmocs until after all fnslening and bracing Is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x'6 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 8-15,9-14,10-13 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 163 742 -152 B Pin 21- 2-12 1 72 0 -102 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. 22- 2 217 0.10 C 17- 7 145 0.53 21- 3 155 0.25 C 15- 8 205 039 20- 4 157 0.53 C 14- 9 268 0..50 19- 5 134 0.78 C 13-10 280 0.42 18- 6 153 0.38 C 12-11 103 0.89 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I,Span 0.00/999-0.01/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.03 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 21.3 £t W= 21.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 6-18,7-17,8-15,9-14,11-12 1/3 10-13 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only, In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 FORCES (lb) = Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-759/182,2-3=-673/155, 3-4=-611/140,4-5=-528/113,5-6=-473/99, 6-7=-410/81,7-8=-349/64,8-9=-266/46, 9-10=-158/29,10-11� 46/10, HOT CHORD 1-22=0/0,22-21=0/0,21-20=0/0, Cr 20-19=0/0,19-18=0/0,18-17=0/0,17-16=0/0, C 16-15=0/0,15-14=0/0,14-13=0/0,13-12=0/0, C webs 22-2=-141/217,21-3=-87/155, C20-4=-101/157,19-5=-78/134,18-6=-94/153, C17-7=-91/145,15-8=-92/205,14-9=-92/268, C 13-10=-98/280,12-11=-36/103, TI:MGIX Qty:l- - Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 9) 17- 3- 8 17) 13- 3- 8 2) 3- 3- 8 10) 19- 3- 8 18) 11- 3- 8 3) 5- 3- 0 11) 21- 3- 8 19) 9- 3- 8 4) 7- 6- 5 12) 21- 3- 8 20) 7- 3- 8 5) 9- 3- 8 13) 19- 3- 8 21) 5- 3- 8 6) 11- 3- 8 14) 17- 3- 8 22) 3- 3- 8 7) 13- 3- 8 15) 15- 3- 8 23) 0- 0- 0 8) 15- 3- 8 16) 14- 4-15 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0". ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -759 0.08 A 1-22 0 0.08 2- 3 -673 0.08 A 22-21 0 0.07 3- 4 -611 0.04 A 21-20 0 0.03 4- 5 -528 0.04 A 20-19 0 0.03 5- 6 -473 0.04 A 19-18 0 0.03 6- 7 -410 0.04 A 18-17 0 0.03 7- 8 -349 0.05 A 17-16 0 0.03 8- 9 -266 0.06 A 16-15 0 0.03 9-10 -158 0.06 A 15-14 0 0.03 10-11 -46 0.06 A 14-13 0 0.03 13-12 0 0.02 21-3- 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,8 9 10 11 5.00 2x4 2x4 2X4 2x4 2z4 2x4 9-6-11 6x12 2x4 E 9-2-8 2x4 2X4 0-4-1 3.4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2,4 2.4 2,4 4 2.4 3x4 163# 1.50" Stud @ 2- 0- 0 I 72# 1.50" I, 21-3-8 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT26RO-11- 9) Seale = 0.1439 �. WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: wg: TI: MGlX (!MarondaL.Systein Bracing shorn on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which roust be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of two sgnr:TLY Chk • 4/25/2007 members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing al ends and specified C L1V@ C Dead 16.0 7.0 psf psf Lbr DF : 1.25 Plt DF : 1.25 4 locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall atroctum may be required. (Sea HIB-91 orTP1).For specific truss bracing requirements, canton building desigricn(Two Plate Institute, 771 Is located at 587 fri D'OnooDrimNfadison,Wisconsin 53719). 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 C Live 10 0 p 9 f O.C. : 2- 0 - 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 . FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 C Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 MedalBon FL Chuluofa, FL 32766 OTAL 43.0 sf v5. 4 . 18-90940 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\ G1X.prx STJA3X Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:S1X Qty:117 DESIGN INFORMATION 711is design is for an individual building wmpdheni and has been hfo hosed on innnalion provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as n mull of really or incorrect inflammation, specifications and/or designs famished to the tross designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relic to a specific project and naccpls no msponsibility• or=raises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of Imases. This cross has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVrPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When revinted for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shorn must be .hacked to be sure that the data shim are in agreement with the local building codes, Iow1 climatic records for wind or enor loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shun, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise speed. Where bottom chords in tension am not Polly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shell be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvinimd steel mcalibg ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review [his drawing to veriry• dint this dmning is in conformance with [lie fabricalor's plans and to nuf in a continuing rasponsibility.for such verifhcalion. Any discrepancies tiro to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Planes shell not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shale be col for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both fares of the Imss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sy rn. about thoj.ml unless othentise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6s8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on curb members shall noel at the antroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sties am ininlmum sizes based on the forces shmm and may need to be increased for eenain handling and/or erection drosses. This buss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant Ircated lumberunlessothemiseshotm. Foradditional infomhntion on Quality Control rercr to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be fellotted in accordance Hitt accepted industry publications Trusses arc to be handled will particular cam during banding and bundling, deliver and installation to avoid damage. Temporaryand permanent bracing for holding losses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by. others. Camfil handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation benison tmsses to tweid toppling and dominoing. Thempenisionoferationoflmsusslhalibe under Ilia central of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional ndt4ce shall be sought if needed. Concemmlion of wnsnmclion loads gmaler than the design leads shelf not be applied to trusses of any time. No loads other than the weighl of the erectors shall be applied to musses until one, ell fastening and bracing is compldc l TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 SL: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1048 0.38 A 9- 8 776 0.31 2- 3 -1597 0.44 A 8- 7 741 0.30 3- 4 -1627 0.33 A 7- 0 1863 0.50 4- 5 -1975 0.32 A 0- 6 1530 0.46 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.10/999-0.18/999 2-1(L) Horiz. 0.05 0.10 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.60 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 5- P1-14 5- 1- 7 10.00 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, E= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 16.8 ft Waa 16.8 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1048/829,2-3=-1597/1366, 3-4=-1627/1235,4-5=-1975/1705, BOT CHORD 9-8=-317/776,8-7aa-281/741, 7-0=-1454/1863,0-6=-1285/1530, Webs 8-2=-93/222,2-7=-87l/1083, 7-3=-109/339,7-4=-331/533,0-0=-174/298, 2 3 5x6 11- 1- 2 -5.00 4 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 12- 5-10 7) 8- 4- 8 '2) 5- 7-1A 5) is- 9- 0 8) 5- 7-14 3) 8- 4- 8 6) 16- 9- 0 9) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift y Type 0- 2- 4 1 719 -172 -586 B Pin 16- 6-12 1 722 0 -677 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 8- 2 222 0.07 C 7- 4 533 0.13 2- 7 1083 0.35 C 0- 0 298 0.16 7- 3 339 0.09 C 5 6x8 I 3x4 0-'4-14 4x6 2x4 1-8-0 6x12 0-'6- 0 2.50 L-2.50 0-4- „_4_8 719# 4.50" 7222,#��4.5=0" 8-4-8 8- 4- 8 9 8 7 6 11 16-9-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 1 !arXonda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-OOG4 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050008 367 Medallion PG Chuluota, FL 32766 READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shot" on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by Ille building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Imss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by Ilia building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 ofTPI).For spectrea truss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is locales nl 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 Fang Job: STJA3X wg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: C Live 16.0 psf C Dead 7.0 psf tC Live 10.0 psf C Dead 10.0 psf 5-1-7 Scale = 0,3663 WO: STJA3X TI: S1X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89299 e Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\ prx STJA3X . Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI•T1-GX Qty:l' DESIGN INFORMATION Phis design is for an individuaybuilding component and ias been based on information provided by the client. The lesigner disclaims any responsibility for damages as a wait of faulty or incorrect information, specificalions Indfor designs furnished to tha truss designer by the client Ind the coreclnew or accuracy of this infarmation as it tiny relate to a specific project and accepts no esponsibility or exercises no control with regard to bbrication, handling, shipment and Installation of busses. This Inlss has been designed as an individual building umponenl in accordance with ANSIn?l 1.1995 and 4DS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design tyaBuilding Designer. When reviewed for approval by he building designer, the design loadings shown must be :hocked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement vilh llte local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, pmjxtspceifications or special applied Inds. Unless shown, Ines has not been designed brstorage or occupancy loads. The design assumes :ompression chords (top or bottom) are continuously ,raced by sheathing unless otherwise speed. Whom rallom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a ,acperly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a naximurn spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be nanufaqured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized stet] nesting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Her to rubrication. the fabricator shall review this hawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with he fnbrimloes plans and to realize a continuing esponsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am o be put in writing before cutting or fabrication, Plates ;hall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted ;min. Members shall be cut for light Filling wood to wood ,caring. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of he tross with nails Polly imbedded and shall be s)ml. about he joint unless othenvim shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 1" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slols (holes) tin parallel to lite plate length specked. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless nhenvise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum izes based on the forces shown and may need la be maersed for certain handling and/or erection stresses. Mis truss is not to be fnbricated with Ore retardant treated umber unless otherwise shown. For additional nformation on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI -1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES UI bracing and erection recommendations am to be blloved in accordance with accepted industry ,ublications. Trusses am to be handled with particular am during banding end bundling, delivery and nstallation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent imcing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb witinn and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by otters. Careful handling is essential and rection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary clion for Imsses requires such temporary bracing during nstallation between trusses to avoid toppling and lominoing. The supervision of erection of tmsses shall be rider the contact of persons experienced in the aslallation of Irnsses. Professional advice shall be sought f needed. Concentralion ofconstruction loads grater than he design loads shall not be applied to ,maws at any [line. No loads other than the weighl of the erectors shall be pplied to Imsses until after all fastening and bracing is ampleted TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-8,3-8,4-8 SL: 2x10 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 0-0,0-0 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 26.0 ft W= 26.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDLea 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-967/614,2-3=-680/554, 3-4=-682/555,4-5=-325/2351 HOT CHORD 10-0ce-309/601,0-9� 335/714, 9-8=-335/709,8-7=-60/215,7-6=-35/206, 0-6=-95/247, Webs 9-2=-7/l97,2-8=-541/454, 8-3=-340/459,8-4=-12/446,4-7=-794/481, 0-0=-25/112,0-0=-71/59, MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. ' This truss has ben designed for wind in the plane of the truss only!!! Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 31'x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-01'. .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 197 0.06 C 4'- 7 -794 0.47 2- 8 -541 0.63 C 0- 0 112 0.10 8- 3 459 0.56 C 0- 0 -71 0.04 8- 4 446 0.08 C 13-0-0 1, 13-0-0 9"00 -9.00 4x6 --Joint Locations _ 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 26- 0- 0 9) 6- 6- 0 2) 6- 6- 0 6) 26- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 13- 0- 0 7) 19- 6- 0 4) 19- 6- 0 8) 13- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 927 0 -629 B Pin 19- 8- 0 1 1003 0 -513 B H Roll 25- 8- 0 1 482 0 -360 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE..CSI, 1- 2 -967 0.52 A 10- 0 601 0.16 2- 3 -680 0.50 A 0- 9 714 0.27 3- 4 -682 0.52 A 9- 8 709 0.42 Cr 4- 5 -325 0.49 A 8- 7 215 0.33 C 7- 0 206 0.32 C 0- 6 247 0.20 C -------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in.:/Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.10/905-0.16/556 3-2 Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflection factor ee 1.50 3x4 2x4 6x8 2x4 3x4 3x4 3x4 iM BE! 927# 8.00" 1003# 8.00" COSMETIC PLATES (44) 2x4 (R1- 0- 6) C/L: 19- 8- 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO Systems. jj ERECTING CONTRACTOR.' BRACING WARNING: (!Maronda. 1yste s Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of 1R the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support oftmss members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified ). ]orations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sec MM-91 ofTP ).For specific toss bracing requirements, contact building designm(Tmss Plate Institute, TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE F30050068 367 Medallion PL Ghuluota, FL 32766 10-6-13 0-9-13 Pq 482# 8.00" (Rl- 0- 6) Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1354 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: T1-GX Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O•C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 _psf v5.4.18-91061 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\T1-GX.prx r I STJA3X .I Name:.ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:T3X Qty:1F DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individul building compoienl and has been based on information provided by the client. 71a designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a mull of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to ilia truss designer by the client and the correctness or nccurory of this information as it may relate to a specific prcJee( and accepts no responsibility or ecemises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSIRPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. Wlien reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design landings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown or; in agreement with ilia 1=1 building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shmm, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'•0" o.c. Connector plain shall be manufaclured from 20 gauge hot dipped gllvanimd steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior la fabrication. Ilia fabricator shall review this diming to wnrify that this drawing is in conformance with ilia rebricnioes plans and to realise a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be antfor tight filling wood to wood beating. Connector plain shall be located on both faces of Ilia truss with nails fully imbedded and shall he sym. about ilia joint uNess all,.* shown. A 5x4 pima is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6xg plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to [lie plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meal at ilia cemmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connalor plate sizes ales minimum sizes based on the Forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant heated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANS)RPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and creation recommendations are to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Tresses are to be handled with particular cure during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and creation bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision ofenection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of Imsses. Professional advice shalt besought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater Wan the design loads shall not be applied to Imsscs at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 3-7 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-876/571,2-3=-723/523, 3-4aa-723/523,4-5=-876/571, BOT CHORD 8-0=-240/541,0-7=-348/663, - 7-0ce-348/663,0-6=-240/541, Webs 2-7=-330/329,7-3=-384/604, 7-4=-330/329,0-0=-120/132,0-0=-120/132, 7-11-13 0- 9-13 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00•R301,4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, v= 140mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl Lee 18.7 ft W= 18.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 pelf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -876 0.29 A 8- 0 541 0.34 2- 3 -723 0.28 A 0- 7 - 663 0.75 3- 4 -723 0.28 A 7- 0 663 0.75 4- 5 -876 0.29 A 0- 6 541 0.34 =Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 14- 0- 0 7) 9- 4- 0 2) 4- 8- 0 5) 18- 8- 0, 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 9- 4- 0 6) IS- 8- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 849 0 -567 B Pin 18- 4- 0 1 849 0 -567 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. .,FORCE..CSI. 2- 7 -330 0.24 C 0- 0 132 0.21 7- 3 604 0.34 C 0- 0 132 0.21 7- 4 -330 0.24 C --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s), I.Span-0.05/999-0.20/999 0-7 Horiz. 0.01 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 9-4-0 9-4-0 1 2 3 4 5 9.00 -9.00 4x6 'x" 6x8 3x4 8494 0" 849 8 0011 0- 18-8- 18-8-0 (Rl- 0- 6) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO s ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: EMaroinda 1 Ct 6" S. Bracingshown on this drawing is not erection bracingwind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of llhhii [��n7 the building design and which must be considered by Ilia building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of loss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing a[ ends and specified Itxnfians determined by Ilia building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 or,r).Fa, specific truss bmeing requirements, contact building designer.(Trum Plate Institute, TPI Is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL 32773. Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax-(407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OOOSO068 367 Medallion PL Chuluola, FL 32766 (R1- 0-'6) Scale = 0.2646 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: T3X Dsgnr,TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O•C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 psf v5.4.18-91047 STJA3X , IName: ST. JOHN A Customer.ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building comlunenl and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclnims any responsibility for damages as a msull of (nutty or Incorrect information, specifwlions and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and de correctness or accuracy of This information ns it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or mercises no central with regard to fabricalion, handling, shipment and installation of Trusses, This truss has been designed is an individual building component in accordance pith ANSIfM I-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated As part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design landings shown must be chocked to be sum that the data shown am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow leads, project specifications or special Applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension am not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid tailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of IW-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured fmhn 20 gouge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown, FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, [lie fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fnbrimlors plans and to mali= a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing bcfam culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light failing woad to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the mass with nails fully imbedded and shall be syrn. about the faint unless odherwise shown. A 50 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at [lie cenimid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes based an the forces shown and my need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabriulcd with rim retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control ref to ANSVPPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and imclion recommendations am to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular cam during banding and bundling, delivery and installation Io maid damage. Temporary and permanenl bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Camful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such lemponry bracing during installation beuexn misses to avoid toppling and dmninaing. The supervision of erection of misses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of Tresses. Professional advice shall be might if needed. Concentration of consmaclion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses ni any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trasses until afar all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-164/122,2-3=-164/122, HOT CHORD 6-5=-45/115,5-4=-45/115, Webs 5-2=-23/82, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in,/Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 2-1 Horiz, 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 4.0 ft W= 4.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI 5- 2 82 0.03 C 2-0-0 A, 2-0-0 l 2 3 9. 00 -9.00 4x6 TI:T4X Qty:5 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 5) 2- 0- 0 2) 2- 0- 0 4) 4- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1 218 0 -232 B Pin 3-11- 2 1 218 0 -232 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .,TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 1- 2 -164 0.05 A 6- 5 115 0.04 2- 3 -164 0.05 A 5- 4 115 0.04 1-10-10 0- 4-10 2184M 75" 218# 1.75" 4-0- 0 6 5 4 1-0-0 1, 4-0-0 1-0-0 (Rl- 0- 6) (R1- 0- 6) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 r...,.r� WARNING: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO tMaronda ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: i$I<41 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which isa patof Systems ( the building design and which must be considered by [lie building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss DSgnr : TLY Chk : ....._...:,... ... members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends And specified locations determined by die building designer. Additional bracing of the overall stractum may be required. (See HI8-91 TC Live 16.0 psf 400$ %IARONDA WAY ofTPI).Forspecinc truss bracing requirements, contact building dcaigncr.(Tmss Plate institute, TPI is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton. NC 27932 $C Live 1 g (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050066 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluots, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 lDsf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOBN A\T43i_nree Scale = 0.5773 1 WO: STJA3X TI: T4X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89307 STJA3X • 'Name; ST. JOHN A Customer:ST" JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for on individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility far damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the dent and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When re%ieued for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be Sire that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or anon• loads. project apeeiricallons or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design nssumm compression chards (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not rally braced literally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at e nmximum spacing of lo'-on o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured (min 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that [his dinning is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to renlin a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cul for tight filling woad to wood hearing. Connector plmes shall be located an both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihejoint unless otheruise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' tong. Slots (halo) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless othcmiw shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the farces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not la be fabricated with fire retardant limited Iumbcrunlessotrerwiseshmn. Foraddilional information on Quality Central refer to ANSin?i 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be follmwmd in accordance %with accepted industry publicalions. Trusses are to be handled with particular cam during binding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and pemancnt bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautanary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between Imsses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of musses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation orinhsscs. Proras(onal ndvice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction lands greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No lands other than the weight orthe ereaors shall be applied to tmsscs until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CGC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp"Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 17.3 ft W= 17.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Smpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-102/50,2-3=-108/93, 3-4=-108/93,4-5=-102/50, HOT CHORD 1-9=0/0,9-8=0/0,8-7=0/0,7-5=0/0, Webs 9-2=-248/220,8-3=-118/22, 7-4=-248/220, 6-6-0 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/3 3- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq ze 1.00 ..TC. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.,CSI, 1- 2 -102 0.53 A 1- 9 0 0.17 2- 3 -108 0.51 A 9- 8 0 0.17 3- 4 -108 0.52 A 8- 7 0 0.17 4- 5 -102 0.39 A 7- 5 0 0.17 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.08/999-0.08/999 2-1(L) Horiz. 0.01 0.01 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel TI:V10X Qty:l Joint Locations _ 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 17- 3- 5 9) 4- 7-11 2) 4- 7-11 6) 17- 3- 5 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 8- 7-11 7) 12- 7-11 4) 12- 7-11 8) 8- 7-11 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown, Bracing MOST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0". ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Boris: Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 178 108 -3 B Pin 17- 2- 9 1 178 -108 -3 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 -248 1.00 C 7- 4 -248 1.00 8- 3 -118 0.71 C 8- 7-11 1, 8- 7-10 1 2 3 4 5 9.00 4x6 -9.00 2x4 6x8 2x4 6-6-0 0-0-4 11 s r 1 1 1 I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: i Y"!'N re Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, srind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is n part of 777��� 111 Dsgnr • TLy Chk MMM System lla the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified IL psf 16. Li ve locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sec HIB-91 TC p ofTPI).Farspecifictruss bracing requirements, contact building designer.frnrss Plate lnsttute, TPI is located at 587 TC Dead 7, O psf 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE d0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion Pl. Chuluofa, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 sf .� Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\V10X.prx Scale ee 0.2061 WO: STJA3X TI: V10X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA V5.4.18-89308 STJA3X . ! Name:- ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individ.al building component and has been based on info r nalion provided by the client. The designer disclaims nary responsibility for damages is a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications nnd/or designs famished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to rabriemion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as nn individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When mvievved for approval by the building designer. Ilse design landings shovm must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement will" the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, pmjml speeifiw[ions or special applied lords Unless shown, Truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy lards. The design nssumos compression chords (top or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whcm bottom chards in tension are not fully braced Inlemlly by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a minimum spacing of 10'-0• o.c. Connector plaits shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped golvanized stet] meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise ahovn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricalor shall review this draping to verify that this drawing is in conformance with [lie fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in wri"ing before calling or rubrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cad for light lilting wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located an boll" faces of the Imss will, nails Nlly imbedded and shall be a)an. shoo[ thejcinl unless othemise shown. A 5a4 plate is 5- wide s 4' long. A 6s8 plate is 60 wide s V long. Slots (holes) run pemllel to the plate length specified. Double arts on web members shall race[ al the ceruroid of the verbs uWcas otherwise shoran. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes baud on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses, This truss is not to be fabricated with rim mordant treated limber unlessolhernise shown. Far adi ilional information on Quality Control infer to ANSVrP1 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed in accordance uilh accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to maid damage. Temporary and permanent bmcing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral farces shot] be designed and installed by others. CamOd handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bmcing during installation barmen trusses to amid toppling and dominoing. The mpervision of c=lion of [msses simli be tinder the control of persona experienced in the installation ortrussu. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater dean the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than [lie weight of the erecmrs shall be applied to trusses until tiger all fastening and bmcing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 4-11 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This 'design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 21.7 ft Wee 21.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL=,6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-152/107,2-3=-103/21, 3-4=-113/120,4-5=-113/120,5-6=-103/21, 6-7=-152/107, HOT CHORD 1-13=0/0,13-12=0/0,12-11=0/0, 11-10=0/0,10-9=0/0,9-7=0/0, Webs 13-2=-191/172,12-3=-229/209, 11-4=-132/0,10-5=-229/209,9-6=-191/172, 8-2-0 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog -Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3-12,5-10 1/3 4-11 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -152 0.21 A 1-13 0 0.10 2- 3 -103 0.48 A 13-12 0 0.13 3- 4 120 0.52 A 12-11 0 0.13 4- 5 120 0.51 A 11-10 0 0.13 5- 6 -103 0.46 A 10- 9 0 0.13 6- 7 -152 0.12 A 9- 7 0 0.10 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.061999 3-2(L) Horiz. 0.01 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 10-10-5 10-10-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.00 -9.00 2x4 2x4 6x8 2x4 2x4 TI : V11X Qty : Y' =Joint Locations _ 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 18-10- 5 11) 10-10- 5 2) 2-10- 5 7) 21- 8-10 12) 6-10- 5 3) 6-10- 5 8) 21- 8-10 13) 2-10- 5 4) 10-10- 5 9) 18-10- 5 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 14-10- 5 10) 14-10- 5 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown, Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-011. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 103 143 -29 B Pin 21- 7-14 1 103 -143 -29 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, 13- 2 -191 0.39 C 10- 5 -229 0.76 12- 3 -229 0.76 C 9- 6 -191 0.39 11- 4 -132 0.64 C 8-2-0 0- 0- 4 1034 1.50" Stud @ 4- 0- 0 1039 1.50" 21-8-10 4 3 12 11 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO System � m ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: rill rill 1 arinnda ysteC' ow . Bmcing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bmcing, portal bracing or similar bmcing which is a part of D9 r • TLY Chk : . 1rf l�j the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bmcing shown is for lateral support or truss .,. members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made la anchor lateral bmcing at ends and specified psf locations determined by the building designer. Additional bmcing of the overall structure may be required. (See F{IB-91 TC Live 16.0 p 41UU$ MARONDA WAY or TPD.For specific truss bmcing requirements. contact building design -(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is teemed tin 583 TC Dead 7, 0 psf D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 33719), Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 $C Live 10.0 psf (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 307 Medallion P1. Chuluotts, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 psf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\14010H\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\V11X.prx Scale = 0.1439 WO: STJA3X TI: V11X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89309 STJA3X Name: ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:V7X Qty:lr , DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building mmpoenot and has been baud on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims nay responsibility for damages as a =,it of fsulry or incorrect information. specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the wrcclness or nccumcy of this information o it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation oflmsses, This Imss Ihns been designed as on individual building component in accordance with ANSIRPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of Ilse building design by a Building Designer. When revievvrA for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be clhecked lobe sure that the data sltawvm are in agreement milk the loan building codes• local climatic records for mind or snow loads, pm=t spceificat ions or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy lends. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by shathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in lension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-m o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvaniwd steel mating ASTM A 653, Gmde 40. unless otherwise shun. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify (lint this drawing is in conformance with Ilia fabricators pinns and to realize a continuing . responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plales shall not be instilled over knotholes• knots or distorted gnin. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to wood baring. Connector pales shall be located on both faces of the truss with nnils fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless olhemisc shown. A 584 plate is 5" aids s V long. A 6s8 plate is 6" %vide s 8" long. Slots (holes) con pnnliel to the plate length specified. Double tuns on %veb members shall meal at the centmid of the vvebs unless olheniso shown. Connector plate sins are minimum sizes based on the totes shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or creation stresses. This truss is not to be fnbrialed with 0m retardant treated lumber unless olhcrwiu sham. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSIrMl 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in noardance will% aacpled industry publialions. Trusses tire to be handled with particular are during banding and bundlin& dclivcry and tnstailalian to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding misses in n straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Camhd handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between Imsses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses; shall be under the control of persans experienced in the in tallalion of busses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration or construction Inds greater than the design loads shall not beapplied to trusses at any lime. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to Inhsses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V-- 140mph, Hez 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 3.9 ft W= 3.9 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I,Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor ce 1.50 1-6-0 0-0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 70 22 -31 B Pin 3-10- 9 1 70 -22 -31 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 5- 2 -57 0.39 C 1-I1-11 1-11-10 1 2 3 9.00 -9,00 4x6 =- Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 3-11- 5 5) 1-11-11 2) 1-11-11 4) 3-11- 5 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-45/22,2-3=-45/22, HOT CHORD 1-5=0/0,5-3=0/0, Webs 5-2=-57/46, ..TC. ,.FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.,CSI. 1- 2 -45 0.10 A 1- 5 0 0.03 2- 3 -45 0.07 A 5- 3 0 0.03 0-0-4 /♦_♦_♦_♦_♦_♦_♦_�_♦_. /�R I• I ( r i l l I• I 3-11- 5 6 5 4 /_ WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO j( /?f ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: DWg: Ilj,►7� >yrs,S Bmcing shown on this dinning is not erection bracing, wind bracing, ponal bracing or similar bracing which is apart of De r : ThY 4>4 �l J the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shot" is for lateral support of tmss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified Ioalions dUenmined by Ilia building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure nay be required. (Sec HM-91 TC Live ofTPH.For specific truss bracing requirements• anina building dcsigner.(rross Plate Institute, TP1 is located a1 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onifra Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A.• 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 $C L1V0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 32766 TOTAL Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\V7x_nrs Scale = 0.6900 STJA3X WO: STJA3X TI: V7X Chk: 4/25/2007 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 10.0 psf Code: F'LA 4 1 STJA3X Name:.ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:V8X DESIGN INFORWTION Tilts design is for an individual building component and has been based on inferwelion provided by it,. client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs famished to the miss designer by the client and the carreetness or accuracy of this informntion as it may mlale to a specific project and accepts no responsibiliy or csemises no central with regard to fabrication, handling shipment and installation oflmssrs, This toss has been designed as on individual building componcnl in accordance wills ANSVMI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. Wlien mvieeed for approval by din building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shorn am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic mcerds for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. Imss has net been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously bmcedbysbwltdngunlessothenviospecifiM. Where bottom chords in tension am not full)' braced laterally by a property applied rigid calling, they should be braced at e macimum spicing of Ia,Am o.c, Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galnnind steel meeting ASTM A 653. Gmde 40. unless otherwise shorn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review (his dinning to s'eri6- that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to malive a continuing 'responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in urling before tuning or fabrication. Plales shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distoned grain. Members shall be caul for tight filing wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the toss w(lh nails fully imbedded and shall be sytn, about lhejoint unless olhcmise shown. A 5s4 plate is 5' wide s 4' long. A 658 plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Slots (holes) con parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cenlmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Conneclor plate sins are minimum sizes based an the fames shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or election stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSV(PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed in accordance wills accepted industry publications. Tosses am to be handled vvilh particular care daring banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent - bracing far holding tosses in n straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is olna)s required. Normal precautionary action for tosses requires such temporary, bracing during installation benmen Imsses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The Supervision of erection of Trusses shall be under Ilse control of persons alacrienced in Jim Installation of Imsses, Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of consinuaian loads greater than the design lands shall not be applied to trusses or any time. No lends other than the weigh) of the erectors shall be applied to amsses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: '2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301,4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 8.4 ft W= 8.4 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.06/999 2-1(L) Horiz, 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 3-2-0 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 164 52 -66 B Pin 8- 3-14 1 164 -52 -66 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr ,WEB, ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 5- 2 -134 0.89 C 2-5 9.00 Qty:I ---Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) B- 4-10 5) "4- 2- 5 2) 4- 2- 5 4) 8- 4-10 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-107/50,2-3=-107/50, BOT CHORD 1-5=0/0,5-3=0/0, Webs 5-2=-134/100, ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -107 0.52 A 1- 5 0 0.16 2- 3 -107 0.36 A 5- 3 0 0.16 4-2-5 2 3 -9.00 0-0-4 a� 164# 1.50" Stud @ 4- 0- 0 164# 1.50" 1, 8- 4-10 6 5 4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000050068 367 Medallion PI. Chuluota, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis WkLK N.L V U : READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Bracing sheen on this drawing is not erection bracing, ,wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by Ilse building designer. Bmcing shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall Structure may be required. (Sce HIB-91 ofTPl).For specific truss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Tmss Plate Institute, TPI is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drivc, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Tress Engineering Co., P.A., $18 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 Profile Path: C: Scale = 0.4972 Eng Job: STJA3X WO: STJA3X Dwg: TI: VBX Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O•C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\V8X.prx r STJA3X .1 Name:,ST. JOHN A Customer:ST. JOHN'S A WO:STJA3X TI:V9X Qty:ll �I DESIGN INFORMATION This design is farm individdi building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect infominlion, specifiwlim" and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or aecwmcy of [his information as it may relate to o specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling shipment and insinllafon of Intsses, This wss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1993 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of llte building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer. It,e design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy (ands. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bolmm) arc continuously hmmdbyshmlhingunimso[henvimsp=ifed. Where bottom chords in leasion am not fully braced Inlcmlly by a properly applied rigid coiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'{1' o.c. Connector plates shall he manufnctured fmm 70 gauge hol dipped galvanized slcel meeting ASTM A 653. Omde 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to veri4- Wal this drawing is in conformance with the fabri=lars plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verific jinn. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be col for light filling s,.ad to wood bearing. Conneclor plalas shall be located on both in= of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoint unless o[hemise shown. A 5x4 plait Is 5' wide x 4' long A 6A plate is 6' vvidt x 8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall mat at We centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes based eaon the Tomes shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imss is not to be fabricated will, fire retardam treated lumber unless olhcnwiso shown. For additional i,Jormmian on Quality Control mfcr to ANSVTPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and elation recommendmions om to be followed in accordance wilh accepted industry publications. Trusses an to be handled with particular cam during banding and handling delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding busses in a straight and plumb position unit for resisting Initial forces shall be designed and installed by others. careful handling is essential and election bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for busses raivims such lemporory, bracing during insmllaiian between misses to avoid toppling and duminaing The supervision of enxlion of trusses shall be under the control ofpersons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shill not be npplied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of [lie erectors shall be applied to Irsses until arbor all Fastening andbmcing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 12.8 ft W= 12.8 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-8l/26,2-3=-110/73, 3-4=-110/73,4-5=-81/26, HOT CHORD 1-9=0/0,9-8=0/0,8-7=0/0,7-5=0/0, Webs 9-2=-188/176,8-3=-132/65, 7-4=-188/176, 4-10-0 0-.0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -81 0.17 A 1- 9 0 0.09 2- 3 -110 0.55 A 9- 8 0 0.14 3- 4 -110 0.51 A 8- 7 0 0.14 4- 5 -81 0.09 A 7- 5 0 0.09 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.06/999 3-2(L) Horiz. 0.00 0.01 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 6-5-0 il 6-5-0 1 2 3 4 5 9.00 -9.00 4x6 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 12-10- 0 9) 2- 5- 0 2) 2- 5- 0 6) 12-10- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 6- 5- 0 7) 10- 5- 0 4) 10- 5- 0 8) 6- 5- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 81r o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 84 57 0 B Pin 12- 9- 4 1 84 -57 0 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 -188 0.27 C 7- 4 -188 0.27 8- 3 -132 0.71 C 4-10-0 0- 0- 4 10 1Stud 1 1 1 I 1 9 i i , EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STJA3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO Systems ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: ��, Bracing shown an his drawing is not erection bracing wind bracing portal bracing or similar bracing sel,ich is a part ofMariDSgIIr' TLY Chk - the buildingdesign and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for late ml supportoftrum members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations delemdned by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall struclum maybe required. (Sce FHB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf of7Pq.For specific wss bracing requirements, contact building designer.(Tmss Plate Institute, TPI is to=led at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drivre, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., Sig Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 psf (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0i0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 307 Medallion Ill. Chuluofa, FL 32768 TOTAL 43.0 Dsf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJA3X\ST. JOHN A\V9R.urx Scale = 0.2488 WO: STJA3X TI: V9X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA ei I STAJF 'Name: TC: STAAF Customer:ST, dx 2 SP #12 JOHN'S A WO:STAJF TI;FA Qty:3 )ESIGN INFORMATION. his design is for an inelklehil building component and 4x 2 SP H2 D 13-21 Unbalanced load case (s) have been checked. - --� _ Joint Locations=- 15been bascdoninformation prmidodbylheclient. Ilia BC: 4x 2 SP 02 ®2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each 1 p_ ) 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) 21-11- 4 :signer disclaims nm•responsibilip• for damages ass still of rallln or Incorrect lnfomnlion, spacificellon"s WE. 4x 2 SP #13 truss with 3-3,5"x 0.135" nails. Splice strongback on truss vertical, 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 26- 5- 0 30) 20- 1- 4 Idlordesigns hlmishedtothe truss designer bythe client correcinmu; as It (2) 4x 2 SP ##3 10-32,21-22 4x 2 SP 02 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28-11-12 31) IS- 5- 4 4) 6- 6-12 18) 31- 5-12 32) 16- ,lbe mla(."'speciromra�•oflacept.nnnllon mlirsibeiryoreercises no ontr aCwithreg [] or ()I 0-0 Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. Composite result of multiple loadoesses. Partial Double 9-12 5) 7-10- 8 19) 33-11-12 33) 14- 2- 4 bricadbtliq•odling. shipment briun(on. handling. shipment and lnslnllation oftmsses. andIri[hationoo The Joint Detail Report must be included P Chord to be same size and grade as chord to 6) 10- 5- 4 20) 35- 3- 8 34) 11- 8- 4 his hiss has been designed as nn indhidiml building with any submittal, inspection, and/or which it is attached. This truss is designed in 7) 11- 1- 4 21) 35- 9- 2 35) 9-10- 9 mpon.nl in recvrdanco rrilh ANSVrpI I.1995mnd DS-97tobe fabrication documentation. accordance with the 2004 Florida 8) 12-11- 4 22) 35- 9- 2 36) 9- 2- 4 incorporated aspart ofthebuilding dmign a Building Deslgna. When retierred for appm•al by All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 35- 3- 8 37) 7-10- B e building designer, the design loadings shown most be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq 1.11 10) 16- 9-12 24) 32- 8-12 3e) 6- 6-12 11) Wired to be sure that the darn shown are In agreement This truss is designed to bear on multiple ,= In -Plant Quality Assurance, 18- 2- 4 25) 30- 2-12 39) 5- 3- 0 ill Ilia 1=1 building codes. 1=1 climatic records for nd or snow loads. project specifications supports. Interior bearing locations should per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s) 12) 20- 8- 4 26) 27- B-12 40) 2- 9- 0 13) or spacial s. mess shown.his;n t been not designed be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if : 2,9,11,19,20,24,31,32,33,34,40,41 22- 6- 4 27) 26- 5- 0 41) 0- 0- 0 14) 23- rllamge OrO I stedlond1Dicapsssharm, . Th. arraign T esS mpmssion chords (top or bottom) am continuously necessary •,TC. to achieve full bearing. g• -,FORCE.,CSI. Cr ----MAR. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- 2- 4 28) 24- 6- 0 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension iced by sheathing unless Otherwise specified. Where 1- 2 ,.BC. „FORCE..CSI. 0 0.18 A 41-40 870 0.22 X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1405/0,3-4=-2133/0, ,,am chords in tension are not hilly bmmd lalemlly by a uperq•applieddgidceiling.thel•shouldbebmcadata 2- 3 -1405 0.37 A 40-39 1909 0.44 0- 1- 8 1 797 0 0 B Pin 16- 9-12 1 2378 4-5=-2349/40,5-6=-2141/274,6-7=-1429/709, ,simum spacingofio%a,... Connector pletesshall be 3- d -2133 0.37 A 39-39 2349 0.44 0 0 B H Roll 35- 5-15 1 912 0 7-8=-1429/709,8-9=-129/1300,9-10=0/3034, Inufnctumd from le gauge hot dipped galmniud steel 4- 5 -2349 0.37 A 38-37 2349 0.71 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 10-11=0/3034,11-12=-126/1032,12-13=-1633/466, :sting ASTM A 633. Grade 40. uniessoihensis. shown. 5- 6 -2141 0.37 A 37-36 2349 0.69 ,WEB, FORCE. Cr 13-14=-1633/466,14-15=-2871/0,15-16=-2871/0, 6- 7 -1d29 0.28 A 36-35 1921 0.44 .WEB. ..FORCE. ,CSI. 41- 1 Cr 16-17=-3032/0,17-18=-2702 /0,18-19=-1833/0, ABRICATION NOTES 7- B -1429 0.27 A 35 34 1921 0.44 -56 0.01 C 11-31 1394 0.56 41- 2 C19-20=0/0,20-21=0/0, !or tofnbthe fabricator shall miewibis 8- 9 1300 0,47 A 34 33 -975 0.22 -1136 0.24 C 31-12 -1337 0.28 2-40 CBOT CHORD 41-40=0/870,40-39=0/1909, mrilyricnlion. ruing loor'spl Ihnlnd to ruing in confomanse trilh tenon. :fabrioitorsplsuch 9-10 3034 0,83 A 33-32 -1820 0,27 744 0.30 C 12-29 927 0.37 40- 3 C39-38=-40/2349,38-37=-40/2349,37-36=-40/2349, mto a any dinWng �ponsibiliry• for such terifiallian. Any dlserepnndes are 10-11 3034 0.81 A 32-31 -1715 0.25 -702 0.15 C 29-14 -999 0,21 3-39 312 0.12 C36-35=-474/1921,35-34=-474/1921, be putb es heforewer culling or knots 11-12 1032 0.47 A 31-30 1024 0,2.6 C 14-2e 1115 0.45 39- 4 -293 C34-33=-975/910,33-32=-1820/0,32-31=-1715/0, ins%Titalled III not be installed cost knolltoles. knots or distorted oran. istort 12-13 -1633 0.33 A 30-29 1024 0.33 0.09 C 2B-15 -472 0.10 38- C31-30=-717/1024,30-29=-717/1024, tin. Members shall be oil for light filing nmod to trvod iring. Connector 13-14 -1633 0.22 A 29-28 2277 0.49 4 -224 0.05 C 27-16 -344 0.07 C29-28=-204/2277,28-27=0/2871,27-26=0/2871, plates shall be localed on both foes of truss with nails hilly Imbedded and shall be slaw. about 14-15 -2871 1.00 A 28-27 2871 0.97 37- 5 245 0.10 C 16-26 564 0.23 5-36 -657 C25-25=0/3035,25-24=0/2379,24-23=0/1167, joint unless whendser shorm. A 5A plate is .5- wide s 15-16 -2871 0.98 A 27-26 2871 0.67 0.14 C 26-17 -242 0.05 36- 6 535 0.21 C23-22=0/0, long. A6Aplate is66widet84long. Slots(holul 16-17 -3032 0.81 A 26-25 3035 0.74 C 17-25' -464 0.10 6-34 -805 CWebs 41-1=-5G/0,41-2=-ll36/0, I parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on b members shall mecl nl the cenlruid he 17-18 -2702 0.46 A 25-24 2379 0.69 0.17 C 25-18 448 0.18 34- 8 847 C2-40=0/744,40-3=-702/0,3-39=-84/312, or webs unless icndse shmm. Connector plate sizes are minimum 18-19 -1833 0.35 A 24-23 1161 0.94 0.34 C 18-24 -759 0.16 B-33 -1220 0.26 C39-4--293/219,38-4=-224/59,37-5=-38/245, es based on the fortes shown and may need to be 19-20 0 Q. CBPPaarR230" 0 0.70 C 24-19 927 0.37 33- 9 1249 0.50 CS-36=-657/0,36-6=0/535,6-34=-805/0, .msedfor cartoinhandling nndlorerection stresses. 20-21 0 0.93 A C 19-23 -1587 0.33 9-32 C34-8=0/847,8-33=-1220/0,33-9=0/1249, Is miss is not to be fabricated with fire mmrdnnt trailed nbintionss additional -------_GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------�. -1616 A q C 23-20 679 0.27 19�JI4 C 9-32=-1616/0,32-10=-118/0,32-11=-1757/0, Quality Commlrefer #mallow on lZunlin•Conlrol refer to ANSVIPt LL TL C 77 9t sae n nF 32-i1 -1757 25-9�8 C Cll-31=0/1394,31-12--1337/0,12-29=0/927, vvs in./Ra o in./Ratio Jnt(s), 35-9-2 29-14=-999/0,14-28=0/1115,28-15=-472/0, Z.Span -0.23/ _ 27-16=-344/0,16-26=-7/564,26-=-242/97, RECAUTIONARY NOTES to be bmcingaa,rdantanrteommpted Horiz. Long Long 0. 4 N 5 '''f�) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 - _- - _ --759/0, 16-19=0/447,19-219-1587/b9232�0/679, loved in acmrdana industry Induslq• term de£lec Lion fee or0 = 1.50 with accepted 22-21--568/0, illecli.m. Tmsus nra to be handled with panicular a during banding and bundling. delivery and 01-M-801.5X3 [3X4j W=3x6 4x6 Iallinion to amid damage. Temporal), and pemnnenl cing for holding trusser in a slmighi and plumb 1.5x3 3x6 3X4 3x4 3X4 4x6 4x6 3x4 4x6 4x6 W=3x6 1,Sx3 1-4-0 3X4 3X4 3x4 4x6 2x4 3x4 ition and for Ieslsting Inlemi forces shall be designed I installed by others. COMM handling Is mandal and Ilion bracing is n1m)s required. Normal prmutionan• ion for trusses rerfaim such lempomn• bracing during allmiri.timing. Thseenlrosseslonlmmitoppling mailing. Ilse 3X6 3X4 1.5j32-W=3x6 3X6 4x6 4x10 W=3x6 6x8 [6x8 3X4 3x6 3x4 anorinr,a IR Itie *pmria lad of trusses shell be 3x4 I-�x� of arse s control Of perSOnE eCpCriCORd 10 the 'milRllan of inisses. Proressionat 3x4 4x6 x 14x61 edriw shall be sought eaded. Concentration ofrnnsiuciion loads greeter than design lands shall not be applied to Irosses al any time. load- mm har than ,79,'# 3,00" e welghl orlha erectors shell be lied 2378# 3.50" in Imsses until after nil fnslening and bmcing is rplcted 35-9-2 9129 6.38" 41 40 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 CIL: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ter" WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: =Maro NVS Bmcing shmm on This dmrring Is not creation bmcing, mind bmcing, portal bracing or simitor bmcing which is a pan of �I Ilia building design and which mnsl be considered by [lie building designer. Bmcing shown Is for lateral support of Inin members only to reduce buckling length. Pm•islons must be made to anchor Inteml bracing at ends rind specified loall lons determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the cn cmll sinicium cony be millil ed. (Sea, 14I8-91 aMI).For specific buss bmcing mquimmenis, conlnct building destgneefrruss Plate Inwirata, TPI Is [Waled at 533 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnoMo Drits, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Tniss Engineering Co., P.A., Big Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fall: (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE gt'0050060 397 Medallion PL Chuluoty, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJAF\STJAF\FA,prx Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1843 Gng Job: STAJF Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10,0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 pef WO; STAJF TI: FA 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF; 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code; FLA v5.4.18-90959 ,[ STAJF 'Name: S.TJAF Customer.ST. JOHN'S A WO:STAJF ESIGN INFORMATION a s design Is for no Indisidual building component and been tinted on information pm•Ided by the client. The igner disclaims any responsibility for damages as a ill of fnnhy or incoved Informntion. specifications Vor designs furnished to The Iruss designer by the client I Ilia cortMness car aceumcy of this informntlon as II r minle to a specific pmimt and accepts no mnsibilit• or eseraises no contml with mgord to ricalion, handling, shipment and installation or trusses. is truss has been designed as an Indisidual building wpommi in accordance mith ANSIRp1 1.1995 and 5.97 to be incorporated as part of the building design r Building Designer. %"on m-immil for appmnl h)• building designer, the design loadings shown must be cked to be sure that the darn shown ore in agreement h Ilia local building codes 1=1 climatic records for id or snmv lmdL project specifications or special lied loads. Unless shown, truss has not ban designed ssomge or occupancy loads. The design ussumes rpression chords (lop or bottom) ate continuously and by sheathing unless olhm%ice specified. Where Ion chords in tension amnotfully bmmd Itaemlb• by a party applied rigid ailing, they should be bmced a1 a 0mu n spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be nufnelumil From 20 gauge hot dipped galnnized seal :ring ASTM-A 653. Grade 40, unless obemise shone, \BRICATION NOTES tr in fabrication, the fobriw1or shall mim Ibis ping to andt• that :his dmsing is in conformance }with fabriisuces plans and to realize a continuing mnslbilit• for such mrificallon. Any discrepancies are a put in nriling before culling or fabrication. Plows II not be Installed suer knotholm knots or distorted in. Members shall be cut for tight fining ueod to ncod ring. Coanedor Pinter shall be located on both fans of truss nigh nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about joint unless olh.ndse shmn. A 5x4 plate Is 5' aide.x ong. A 6xB plate is 6" aide x B" long, Slots (bola) parallel In the plele length specified. Double cuts on t members shall mat at the anboid of the webs unless :misc shone Connector plate sizes am minimum is based on the forces shorn and may need to be eased for certain handling Andlur erection stresses, s truss Is not to be fnbrimmil with fire minndrun treated char unless othensisc shmn. For nddidonnl tmntion on Quality Control refer to ANSIMI 995 2ECAUTIONAR1r NOTES bracing and erec.ian recommmdnlions are to be owed in necordAnm nigh accepted Industry liendons. Toasts am to be handled with pmlicolnr : during bnnding and bundling, delherq and allalion to maid damage. Temporary and pemnnent :ing for holding tmsses in o straight and plumb .don and for resisting Intend forces shall be designed Installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and :don bracing Is always required Normal prrcoutlonary on for lmsses requires such temporary bracing during allolion behrcen Incases Ica maid toppling and Anoing. The suprMsion of erection of lmms shall be ter the control of persons experienced in The nllnlion of Imsua. Professional advice shall be sought ceded. Cancenlm..on of consmetion loads greater Than design lords shall not be npplied to timuses at art• time. lords other than the weight of the eractom shall be Iied to Imsses until after all ihsening and bracing is ipleled TC: 4x 2 SP #2 Unbalanced -load cases) have been checked. 4x 2 SP #2 D 6-13 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each ® BC: 4x 2 SP #2 truss with 3-3.511x 0.1351' nails. Splice 4x 2 SP #2 D 22-30 strongback on truss vertical. WE: 4x 2 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the (4) 4x 2 SP #3 8-34 composite result of multiple loadcases. (2) 4x 2 SP #3 9-32,10-32,21-22 Partial Double Chord to be same size and 4x 2 SP #2 D 0-0 grade as chord to which it is attached, 4x 2 SP #2 0-0,0-0 This truss is designed in accordance with H or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center, the 2004 Florida Building Code section The Joint Detail Report must be included 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. with any submittal, inspeotion, and/or In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 fabrication documentation, In -Plant Quality Assurance, per All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be eec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(a):. continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 3,8,9,11,24,31,33,35,41 This trues is designed to bear on multiple ----MAX, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ----- supports.- Interior bearing locations should X-Loa BSet Vert Rorie Uplift Y Type be marked on truss, Shim or wedge if 0- 1- 8 1 890 0 0 B Pin necessary to achieve full bearing. 16- 9-12 1 3055 0 0 B H Roll FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 35- 5-15 1 904 0 0 B H Roll TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-.1611/0,3-4=-2536/0, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 4-5--2903/0,5-6=-2787/102,6-7=-2787/102, 7-8=-2155/505,8-9--801/1059,9-10=0/3703, ,.TC, .,FORCE „ CSI. Cr .,BC, ..FORCE..CSI, 10-11=0/3703,11-12=-16/1656,12-13=-1537/1001, 1- 2 0 0.21 C 42-41 983 0.26 13-14=-1537/1001,14-15=-2801/287, 2- 3 -1611 0.44 C 41-40 2204 0.57 3- 4 -2536 0.52 C 40-39 2903 0.92 15-16=-2801/287,16-17--2980/7,17-18--2664/0, 4- 5 -2903 0.53 C 39-38 2903 0.92 18-19=-1815/0,19-20-0/0,20-21=0/0, 5- 6 -2787 ,0.58 C 38-37 2903 0.91 BOT CHORD 42-41=0/983,41A = /2204, 6- 7 -2787 0.40 C 37-36 2621 0.63 40-39=0/2903,39j88s:0%290373 L- 7- 8 -2155 0.36 C 36-35 2621 0.64. 37-36--286/2621,36-35=-28'./S.621, 8- 9 1059 0.29 C 35-34 1642 043 35-34=-769/1642,34-33=-769/1642, 9-10 3703 0.95 C 34-33 1642 0,.43 33-32=-1819/0,32-31=-2338/0,31-30--1295/922, 10-11 3703 0.99 C 33-32 -1819 0.30 30-29=-1295/922,29-28=-681/2194, 11-12 1656 0.62 C 32-31 -2338 0.43 28-27=-287/2801,27-26=-287/2801,26-25-0/2990, 12-13 -1537 0.34 C 31-30 -1295 0.27 25-24=0/2352,24-23=0/1151,23-22-0/0, 13-14 -1537 0.15 C 30-29 -1295 0.33 Webs 42-1= @apRBHeh/Or 14-15 -2801 0.65 C 29-28 2194 0.50 2-41=0/873,41-3=-826/0,3-40=-42/461, 15-11 -2801 p. 5 C 28-27 2801 -0.71 40-4=-498/166,39-4=-213/127,38-5=-100/2,0n �a-i7 -loan 1Zf 1 r. 77 9a oani n 71 5-37=-690/0,37-7-0/544,7-35=-759/0, 17-is -2664 291-51 8 C 26-25 2990 0.75 35-8=0/822,34-8=tp/722,8-33=-1747/6, 33-9-0/2199,9-32= 18-19 -1815 0.4$54,Z-24 2352 0.71 255i6/0 32-11=-1818/0,1:1-31=d/1457,33-12=-13A5/0, 5 c 27a £'3 1 11511 0.97-F- 6 720-21 8 0 90,5i0 C W-22 1.2 o13d47215 12-29=0/982,29-14=-1077/0,14-28-0/1219, 28-15--494/0,27-16--411/0,16-26=0/684, 663-18-3011-/46Q1SN%=-453/53,25-18--37/43.4, W=3x6 6x8 23?�20=0/63/ ,2q-.5,9y"g23,l93q$=-15 3x4 3x4 4x10 " 5x10 3x4 4x6 4x6 W=3x6 3x6 4x6 3x6 1,50 W=3x6 3x6 5x8 5x10 W=3x6 6x8 [6x8] 1.5x3 3x4 6x8 4x6 3x4 TI:FA-GRD Qty:l -Joint Locations -- = _ 1) 0- 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) 21-11- 4 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 26- 5- 0 30) 20- 1- 4 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28-11-12 31) 19- 5= 4 4) 6- 6-12 18) 31- 5-12 32) 16- 9-12 5). 8- 4- 2 19) 33-11-12 33) 14- 2- 4 6) 9-11- 5 20) 35- 3- 8 34) 13- 5-10 7) 10-10-14 21) 35- 9- 2 35) 12- 1-14 8) 13- 5-10 22) 35- 9- 2 36) 10- 3-14 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 35- 3- 8 37) 9- 7-14 10) 16- 9-12 24) 32- B-12 38) 8- 4- 2 11) 18- 2- 4 25) 30- 2-12 39) 6- 6-12 12) 20- 8- 4 26) 27- 8-12 40) 5- 3- 0 13) 22- 6- 4 27) 26- 5- 0 43.) 2- 9- 0 14) 23- 2- 4 28) 24- 6- 0 42) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -100 0- 0- 0 -100 35- 9- 2 BC Vert L+D -10 0- 0- 0 -10 35- 9- 2 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -731 13- 5-10 .WEB. .,FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. .,FORCE..CSI. 42- 1 -56 0.01 C 32-11 -1818 0.38 42- 2 -1284 0.27 C 11-31 1457 0.58 2-41 873 0.35 C 31-12 -1395 0.29 41- 3 7826 0.17 C 12-29 982 0.39 3-40 461 0.19 C 29-14 -1077 0.23 40- 4 -498 0.10 C 14-28 1219 0.49 39- 4 -213 0.05 C 28-15 -494 0.10 38- 5 240 0.10 C 27-16 -411 0.08 5-37 -690 0.15 C 16-26 684 0,27 37- 7 544 0.22 C 26-17 -309 0.06 7-35 -759 0.16 C 17-25 -453 0.09 35- 8 822 0.33 C 25-18 434 0.17 34- 8 722 0.07 C 18-24 -747 0.16 B-33 -1747 0.36 C 24-19 923 0.37 33- 9' 2199 0.88 C 19-23 -1565 0.33 9-32 -2556 0.25 C 23-20 638 0.26 32-10 -134 0,01 C 22-21 -537 0.05 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- XRatLWI Jnt(s). 49/448 16 0.06 NA factor 4-9-.Do x8 3x6 3x6 3x4 [4x6] Pal 8904 3.00" 3055#3.50" 35-9-2 904# 6,38" 42 41 40 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 5 4 2 0 731# C/L: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �'t� ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: 1 i i$'� (C Bracing shoum on this dntring Is not creation bracing, wvind bracing, porinl bmcing or similar bracing which Is n part of S eili � ��7 the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing Shona is for lateral support or ..... .. ........ members only to reduce buckling length. Prmislons must be mnde to anchor Ialernt bracing nl ends and specified loco...... determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the memll sirucl.re may be required. (See MD-91 ofTPp.For specific truss bracing requirements, contnct building designm(Tntss Plate Institute, TPI Is locoled nl 563 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drin, Madison, Wisconsin 53719), Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., BIB Sollndside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE N0050068 307 Medallion F1. Ghuluots, FL 32760 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile -Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobe\STJAF\STJAF\FA-GRD,prx 16 17n./Rat18 in I.Span-0.22/999 -0 Horiz. 0.04 Long term deflection 6x8 6x8 3x4 6x8 3x4 3x6 3x6 Over 3 Supports Scale =0,1843 Eng Job: STAJF Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf TOTAL 55.0 ne£ WO: STAJF TI: FA-GRD 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0- FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90962 A- . [ STAJF, I Name: S'TJAF Customer;ST, JOHN'S A. WO:STAJF ESIGN INFORMATION - s design Is for an individual buckling component and been bnod on Informalion prmided by the client. The gner disclaims any responsibility for damages as n ,if of fault• or Incorrect information, speculations /or designs filulSlled In Ilia Muss designer by Ilse client the cormciness or nmsmcy of this Infer nitton as 11 r mince to a spedBe projael and accepts no tonsibilit or exercises no minim[ nith regard to ialion handling, shipment and installation or tresses. is truss has been designed as no Individual building iponcm In accordance pith ANSV2PI 1.1995 and S-97 to be Incorporated as pan of ilia building design i Building Designer. When mimed for approval by building designer, the design loadings chum must be :ked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement i the 1=1 building codes, local climatic records for d or snore lontls project specomitions or special lied loads. Unless shorn, truss has not been designed storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes iprossion chords (lop or bottom) are continuously led by sheathing unleu olhernise specified, Where ore chords in tension arc not fully braced laterally by a xrly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at n thrum spacing of t0'-U' o.c. Connector places shall be nifncmred from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel sing ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless alhervise shone. 0RICATION NOTES n to fabrication, the fabricator shall mvinv this . ling to rerifi• that this draining is In conformance nilh fabdatoes plans and to realize a continuing onsibitin• for such verification. Any diurepancies axe e put In mriling before culling or fabriatlon. Plates I not be installed ter knotholes, knots or listened n. Members shall be of for tight fining neod to nvad ing. Connector places shall be foaled on bath faces of Iru s ,ilh all, fully Imbedded and shall be tin, about joint unless athernise chum. A 5.4 plate is 5' wide s Mg. A 6x5 plate is 6'tide a S' long. Slots (holes) Parallel to the plate length specified. Double mils on nrembars shall meet it Ill. eentmid of the nobs sinless :raise shone. Connmar plate sizes are minlmnm s based an the forces shone and may need to be eased for cartnin handling and/or creation strasw. s Iniss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant created bar unless oche ise shmvn. For additional million on Quality Conlml refer to ANSV(PI t95 ZECAUTIONARY NOTES bracing and erection rtmmmendations am to be coed in accordanceuith accepted industry liarions. Trusses am to be handled pith pnrieulor : during banding and bundling, delivery and nllstion to maid damage. Temporary and permanent ;ing for holding Imsses in n simighl and plumb lion and for misting lateral cores shall be designed Instilled by others. Cnreful handling is essential find lion bracing Is alnm's required. Normal precautionary on for Imsscs requires such temporary bracing during nllalion bemeen trusses to avoid toppling and lining. The supervision of enaction of musses shall be or the control of persons exyerienced In the n1hition of I..- Professional advice shall be sought aided. Concentration of eamc action loads grater than design loads shall not be applied to Imsus at ore• time. lands other than the Height of The erectors shall be lied to tresses until until nger all fastening and bracing is iPlaced TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 4x 2 SP #1 D 13-21 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 (2) 4x 2 SP #3 12-13 4x 2 SP #2 0-0 U or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center, The Joint Detail Report must be inoluded with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Ce .WEB. ,.FORCE..CSI. 23- 1 -53 0.01 C 6-17 200 0.08 23- 2 -1530 0,33 C 17- 7 233 0.09 2-22 1108 0.44 C 7-16 -645 0.14 22- 3 -1058 0.22 C 16- 8 630 0.25 3-20 668 0.27 C 8-15 -954 0.20 20- 4 -673 0.14 C 15-10 1154 0.46 4-19 737 0.30 C 10-14 -1939 0.39 19- 5 -305 0.06 C 14-11 733 0.29 18- 6 -223 0.04 C 13-12 -608 0.06 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.34/644-0,53/412 7-6 Horiz. 0.05 0.08 NA Long term defleccgyDI&flt )_�0BO 0- 3-'8 1-4-0 8-9-6 8-9-6 1 2 3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. 2x6 continuous 8trongback. Attach to each truss with c-'3,5"x 0.135" nails, Splice strongback ion truss vertical. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. Partial Double Chord to be same size and grade as chord to which it is attached. In=Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3,2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 2,3,4,8,14,23 FORCES (lb) ' Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1!2=0/0,2-3=-1968/0,3-4=-3209/0, 4-5=-4037/0,5-6=-4037/0,6-7=-3952/0, Cr7-8=-3321/O,B-9=-2182/0,9-10=-2182/0, C10-11=0/0,11-12=0/0, CBOT CHORD 23-22=0/1171,22-21=0/2728, C21-20-0/2728;20-19=0/3693,19-18=0/4037, C18-17=0/4037,117-16=0/3784,16-15-0/2868, C15-14=0/1353,114-13=0/0, C Webs 23-1=-53/0,23-2=-1530/0, C2-22=0/ii6e,22-3=-1058/0,3-20=0/668, C20-4=-673/0,4-19=0/737,19-5=-305/0, C 18-6=-223/O,fi-17=-116/200,17-7=0/233, 7-16=-645/0,16-8=0/630,8-15=-954/0, 15-10=0/1154,10-14=-1838/0,14-11=0/733, 13-12=-608/0,. I i 4 5 6 7 TI:FB Qty;5 _- -Joint Locations- = 1) 0- 0- 0 9) 16- 1- 8 17) li 0-12 2) 1- 6- o 10) 17- 3-12 18) 9- 9- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 11) is- 7- 8 19) 7- 9-12 4) 6- 6- 0 12) 19- 1- 2 20) 5- 3- 0 5) 7- 9-12 13) 19- 1- 2 21) 3- 5- 0 6) 9- 9- 0 14) 18- 7- 8 22) 2- 9- 0 7) 12- 3-12 15) 16- 0-12 23) 0- 0- 0 8) 14- 9-12 16) 13- 6-12 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 1050 0 0 B Pin le- 9-15 1 1050 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI, 1- 2 0 0.17 A 23-22 1171 0.28 2- 3 -1968 0.31 A 22-21 2728 0.61 3- 4 -3209 0.46 A 21-20 2728 0.49 4- 5 -4037 0.76 A 20-19 3693 0.76 5- 6 -4037 0.72 A 19-18 4037 0.97 6- 7 -3952 0.87 A 18-17 4037 0.97 7- 8 -3321 0.45 A 17-16 3784 0.66 8- 9 -2182 0.23 A 16-15 2868 0.63 9-10 -2182 0.43 A 15-14 1353 0.89 10-11 0 0.57 A 14-13 0 0.67 11-12 0 0.57 A 8 9 10 11 4x6 W=3x6 3x4 [3x4[ 1.50 3x4 3x4 4x6 2x4 4x6 [4x6) 1050 3.50" 1 2 10504 6.38" 23 22 21 20 19. 19 I18 17 16 15 14 13 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale = 0.3212 WARNING: Eng Job: STAJF WO: STAJF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: FB r.�1d ■ i �� Systems C: Bmcing shao'n an Ihls dunning Is nol erection bmcing, itind bmcing. ponnl bmcing ar similar brncing sehicli is n purl of The building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shmvn is for Inteml uppon of Imes Dsgnr : TLY Chk : 4 / 2 5 / 2 00 7 .. , ... members only to reduce buckling lengtin. Provisions must bat sonde to anchor lateral bmcing at ends and specified TC Live r1rL. Dead 40.0 10,0 psf: psP Lbr Dr: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 locations delennlncd by the building designer. Additional bracing oflhe rnnrell stmnure may be ramdred.(Sea HIB-91 oMI).For specific tress bracing requirements, contact building dosigner.(Trues Pint, lnrilme, TPI Is located at 583 D'Onafrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. 4005 MARONDA WAY Stanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Component Engineering by; Truss Engineering Co., P.A., gig Soundslde Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 0.0 0 psf O . C , 2- 0- 0 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE HOo50069 BC Dead 5.0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 767 Medalilon PI. Chuluot3, FL 72766 Code; FLA TOTAL 55.0 Psf V5 , 4 . 18-90966 Design; Matrix Analysis Profile Path; C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJAF\STJAF\FB.prx r� STAJF _ I Name: SWAP Cuetomer:ST, JOHNIS A WO:STAJF SiGN INFORMATION a design is for an individual building component and an based on infarrar ion pmwided by ilia client. The ner disclaims an)• responsibility for damages as a of fault• or incorrect information, specifications u designs famished to the Intss designer by the client he correctness or accuracy of this information as it mlate to a specific project and accepts no risibility or mircises no annual uiih mgnrd to :.lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. Inus has been designed as an Individual building client in accordance with ANSVTPI 1.1995 and •97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design Milling Designer, When "•hired for epprmal by liking design.,. the design loadings shown muss bra and to be sure that ilia data shown are in agreement The local building codes. local climatic records far or snow tends. project specifications or special xl lands. Unless shoe", truss has not been designed omge or occupancy lords. The design assumes cession chords (top or bottom) am continuously d lt'sheathing unless otherwise specified Whets in chords In tension ore not fully band leleaily by a illy applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a mum spacing of w two o.c. Connector plates shall be Acared from 20 gauge hot dipped galwmnized slat ng ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. BRICATION NOTES to fabricotiori, the fabricator shall "•tau• this Ing to %Trifi• That this drawing Is in conformance with bricntor's plans and to realize a continuing risibility for such ivriOation. Ant• dlccapancies are put in waling before rolling or fnbriend.n. Plata not be installed over knotholm knots ar distorted . Members shall be cut for light filling wood to wood wg. Connector plates shall be located an both faces or ass Willi nnils fully imbedded and shall be s)m. about IN unless obi shorn. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide s Ig. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slols (holes) nmllet la the plate length specified.,Doubte cuts on nembors shall meal at the anueid crib. webs unless nix slim". Co".tor plate sizes am minimum based on the faros aI m and may tad to be ised for certain handling and/or erection stresses. 0' miss Is not to be fabricated with rim nuardrnt treated a unless otherwise shown- For addiHeard nation on Quality. Central refer to ANSVT'PT ,5 ECAUTIONARY NOTES racing and erection recommendniions am io be led In accordance with accepted industry anions. Tosses am to be handled with particular luring banding and bundling, dclisery and Intion to ewoid damage. Temporary and pennoneal ig for holding trusses In in straight and plumb on and for ralsting Inteml Ibras shall be designed rs filled by ethers. Careful handling is essential and on bracing is rhwms required. Normal precautionary I for trusses requires soh temporary bracing during Intion between Inisses to maid toppling and noing. The supenision orereclion of trusses shnll be the control of persons evperit ad in the Intion of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought ded. Concentration of consrucllon loads greater than sign loads shall not be applied to trusses of any time. ands other Ilion the might Orlin erectors shall be d to Trusses until ancr all fastening and bracing is Icied TC: 4se 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 Unbalanced load ciai have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1281/0,3-4=-2026/0, 4-5=-2026/0,5-6=-1919/0,6-7=-1295/0,7-8=0/0, HOT CHORD 15-14=0/814,14-13=0/1736, 13-12=0/2026,12-11=0/2026,11-10=0/1755, 10-9-0/809, Webs 15-1--49/0,15-2=-1063/0, 2-14=0/649,14-3=-633/0,3-13-0/547, 13-4=-234/0,12-5--144/64,5-11=-322/4B, 11-6=0/304,6-10=-640/0,10-7=0/677, 7-9=-1056/0,9-9=-56/0, 1-4-0 [) or 0: Plates) OFFSET from joint center, The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This trues is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-too BSat Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 747 0 0 B Pin 13- 5- 4 1 747 0 0 B B Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 1s- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -322 0.07 IS- 2 -1063 0.23 C 11- 6 304 0.12 2-14 649 0.26 C 6-10 -640 0.13 14- 3 -633 0.13 C 10- 7 677 0.27 3-13 547 0.22 C 7- 9 -1056 0.22 13- 4 -234 0.05 C 9- 8 -56 0.01 12- 5 -144 0.03 C Typical Panel = 3011 6-2-0 6-2-0 1 2 3 4 1.50 1.50 3x6 3x4 1.1i 11vAl q-A TI:FC Qty:3 ------Joint Locations-­_7 - 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 7- 0 11) 8- - 0 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 12- 1- 0 12) 7- 0- 4 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 7- 0 13) 5- 3-12 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 7- 0 14) 2- 9- 0 .5) 7- 0- 4 10) 10-10- 0 15) 1 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec, 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 2,7,9,10,15 ..TC: ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 0 0.21 'A 15-14 814 0.23 Cr 2- 3 -1291 0.25 A 14-13 1736 0.56 C 3- 4 -2026 0.47 A 13-12 2026 0.74 C 4- 5 -2026 0.45 A 12-11 2026. 0.74 C 5- 6 -1919 0.43 A 11-10 1755 0.40 C 6- 7 -1295 0.37 'A 10- 9 809 0.21 C 7- 8 0 0.17 A C_-------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(a), I.Span-0.09/999-0.17/942 5 Boriz, 0.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 II,En 3x6 3x4 R 747# 3.50" 0-3-8 1- 4- 0 R 747# 3.50" 3-7-0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 [3x4] 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 .3x6 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: �d�666eis '5 C Bracing sham on this dmaing Is not erection bracing, hind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of Maronilia building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shonm is for Inleml support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor Intent bracing at ends and Rac ied locations determined by ilia building designer. Additional bracing of Ilia awemll structure may be mqufmd. (Sce RIB-91 4005 MARONDA WAY of TFI).Fa, speelfrc lass bmelng rcqulremems, contact building deslgncr.frmn Plate institute, TPI Ia located at 393 D'OnoMo Drh%Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering b)•: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., HIS Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE p0050068 307 Medallion PI. Chuluota, FL 327GG Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJAF\STJAF\FC.prx Scale = 0.4538 Eng Job: STAJF ITI: WO: STAJF Dwg: PC _TLY Chk: 14/20/2007 TC Live 40.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.00 TC Dead 10.0 psf pit DF: 1,00 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 5.0 psf Code: FLA r� N STA07 . I Name: STbrAF Customer:ST, JOHN'S A WO:STAJF SIGN INFORMATION Iaign is for an Inditidual building component and to based on informtulon prmided by the client. The ,at disclaims an)• mponsibili0• rot himnges as n or faulty or Incorrect iaromaRon. specifications r designs filmisbed to the truss designer by the client e concstness or accuracy of this Infomtotion as It elate to a specific pmjeel and accepts no Isibiliq• or exercises no control iAth regard to ,lion. I lingi shipment and installation of Imsses, Iniss has been designed as an Inditidunl building mend in omordnnce pith ANSVIPI 1.1995 and 97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design luilding Designer. When m•fmtad for appmtml by ilding designer, ilia design loadings sl mun be sd to be sure Ihm Ilse daln shmm are in agna l Ire 1=1 building codes, local climatic records rot it snore loads, pm)ecl specifications or special d lands. Unless shmm truss has not been dolgned nge of oecnipancy lands. The design assumes ession chords (lop or bottom) are continuously I by sheathing unless othendse, specified. Where i chords In tension an not Rally bmmd latemll• by e 'Iy applied rigid calling, they should be braced at a nun spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be 'Related Ilium 20 gauge hot dipped galtmnind steel ig ASTM A 633. Gmdo 20. uNess mhmviise shmm. 3RICATION NOTES. o fabrialion, the Ihbrlolor shall retiem this rg to terifp that this dinning Is in conformance Stith nicalor's plant and to ratliu n continuing sibilir for rich verification. Any discrepancies am cal in tailing before tuning or fabrication. Plain lot be installed mtr knotholes, knots or distorted Members shall be cot for tight filling ­ad ad to wd g. Connector plates shall be localed on bulb faces of ss Mtn nails fully imbedded and shall be s)m. about at unless othernise shmm. A 5A plate is 5- aide x g. A 6xg plate Is 6' aide x 8' long. Slots (holes) radial to the plate length specified. Double cuts on embers shall mmu .l the cantmid of the nobs unless iris shmm. Connector plate sizes am minimum esed on the forms shmmm and may need to be 0 sad rot cannin handling and/or erection stresses. siss is not to be rabricaled uilh rim miardnni treated r..]as othernisc shone. Per additional moon on Quality Control infer to ANSVI-PI T LCAUTIONARY NOTES icing and erection mcommendalions arc to be ad In naordanca ttilh accepted industry ,ions. Trims; are to be handled Milt pnnlmlor ,ring banding and bundling delhen• and colon to maid damage. Temporary and permanent g rot holding trusses In n stmight and plumb m and for resisting lateral Ibma shall be designed stalled by others. Careful handling is essential and m bmcing is nlnuys required. Normal ptecaulionnr• for Irussa requires Mich temporary bmcing during mion bennen Irusscs to m ld toppling and Ding. The mpenisicn cremation of inissa shall be the conlml ofpersons mperienced in the Ilion of inassas. Professional adtica shall be sought ed. Commstralion of construction loads greater Than sign lands shall not be applied to Trusses at miy time. ids other than the uelghl of The anal shall be I To Irussa until after nil tesioning and bmcing is :led TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WE: 4x 2 SP #3 (2) 4x 2 SP #3 8-9 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES --This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) -.Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1264/0,3-4--1985/0I 4-5=-1985/0,5-6=-1884/0,6-7=-1277/0,7-8=0/0, HOT CHORD 15-14=0/805,14-13=0/1710, 13-12-0/1985,,12-11-0/1985,11-10=0/1729, 10-9=0/799, Webs 15-1=-49/0,15-2=-1051/0, 2-14=0/639,14-3=-621/0,3-13=0/523, 13-4=-219/0,12-5=-143/61,5-11=-307/53, 11-6=0/292,6-10=-628/0,10-7=0/665, 7-9--1044/0,9-8=-55/0, T 1-4-0 Typical Panel = 3011 6-1-2 6-1-2 1 2 1.Sx3 1.5x3 3x6 13 or 0: Plate(a) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This trues is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N,O, ----MAR, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- VLoa BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1- 8 1 739 0 0 B Pin 13- 3-12 1 739 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI,.Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 15- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -307 0.06 IS- 2 -1051 0.22 C 11- 6 292 0.12 2-14 639 0.26 C 6-10 -628 0.13 14- 3 -621 0.13 C 10- 7 665 0.27 3-13 523 0.21 C 7- 9 -1044 0.22 13- 4 -219 0.04 C 9- 8 -55 0.01 12- 5 -143 0.03 C 13-7-0 3x4 1.5;T3 fivdl i-A TI:FD Qty:2 --Joint Locations=---_------ 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 5- 4 11) 8- 2- 4 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 11-11- 4 12) 6-10- 8 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 5- 4 13) 5- 3-12 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 5- 4 14) 2- 9- 0 5) 6-10- 8 10) 10- 8- 4 15) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sea. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 2,7,9,15 ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. .,FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 0 0.21 A 15-14 805 0.22 Cr 2- 3 -1264 0,24 A 14-13 1710 0.53 C 3- 4 -1985 0.42 A 13-12 1985 0.71 C 4- 5 -1985 0.41 A 12-11 1985 0.71 C 5- 6 -1884 0.42 A 11-10 1729 0.39 C 6- 7 -1277 0.36 A 10- 9 799 0.21 C 7- 8 0 0.17 A C -------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s), I.Span-0.09/999-0.18/999 6-5(L) Horiz. 0'.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel II, 11j 3x6 3x4 [3x4l 1.50 3x4 3x4 3x6 N 739# 3.00" N 739# 3.00" 3- 5- 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 13-5-4 0- 2 (RO- 1-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ...1. WARNING; READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �'T ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: � >�� 4 ± �11 Bracing all on this drawing is nor erection bracing. u1nd bmcing, Postal bmcing or similnr bmcing which Is n pan of GGii Y/ s i3a the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral sappon of Imss members only to reduce bneWing length. Provisions must be rondo to nnchor Inleml bmcing nl ends and specified Iocnlions determined by the bullding designer. Additional bracing of the ostniil structure cony be mcufmd. (See HIS-91 ofTPI).For specific Imss bmcing requirements, contncl building dnIgnen(Tmss Pirtle Insllhne, TP1 Is located nl 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'onafrla Dritt, Mndlson, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.; P.A., 818 Soitndsidc Rd, Edenton. NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000050068 367 Medallion PI. Chuluoia, FL 32760 Design: Matrix Analysis Eng Job: STAJF Dwg: Degnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf. BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf TOTAL 55.0 psf N Scale = 0.4538 WO: STAJF TI: FD 4/20/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-0l Code: FLA v5,4.18-90684 `r Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJAF\STJAF\FD.prx a I STAJF IeName: $TJAF CuStOmer;ST, JOHN!S A WO:STAJF 'ESIGN INFORMATION its design Is for an Individual building component and s ban based an informntion provided by the client. The signer disclaims nm rasponsibil!ry for damages as e ;ill of trap)• or incorral Information, spectflalians dfor designs fumished to the truss designer by the client d the corr ,1l or accuracy of this infamnl!on as it t• raffle to a specific project and accepts no ipensiblllly or c%cmises no contral with regard to srialion, handling, sh(pmenl and Inslnnalion of trusses. his Imss has been designed as an individual building inpatient in accordance pith ANSVIPI 1.1993 and )S-97 to be incorporated as pan of Ilia building design a Building Designer. When mic%ed for opprovrd by building designer, the design loadings shown must be inked to be sure that the dale shown are In agreement Ill the foal building codes, local climatic records for nd or snow lands, pmjm specifications or special plied !cads. Unless shmM from has not been designed r storage or oaupimV!ends, no design assumes repression chords (lop or bottom) ate antinuoush• aced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where llom chards in Icnsion am not filly braced laterally by a operly applied rigid ailing, they should be broad at a uimum spacing of 10'-0' o.e. Connector plates shalt be inufoctund from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mling ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless olhenvise shown. ABRICATION NOTES tot to fabrication. The fabricator shall review this outing to verlR• that this finning is in confarmance with e ftbrieflor's plans and to realize a continuing iponsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are be put in venting before calling or fnbria!lon. Plates all not be installed over knolholes, knots or distorted min. Members shall be at for light rifting food to wood tiring. Connector plates shall be lanced on both faces of : miss milt nails fully Imbedded and shall be see. about Jainl unless otherwise shmm. A 5s4 plate is 5' wide s fang. A 6s8 plate is 6' wide A 8' long. Sloss (holes) a pandlel to the plate length specified. Double ass on :b mcmbcn shall meet at the antmid of the uebs unless 'rernise shown. Connector plate sizes pre minimum :as based on the farces thrown and may need to be :mused for aneia handling andfor erection stresses. Its Imss is not to be fnbrienled with ram retardant treated mbar urdess olhereise shown' For additional formation on Quality Central rater to ANSIfIP1 1995 RECAUTIONARY NOTES I bmeing and mliar recommeadntians nm to be (lowed In accordance with acaepled industry bliradons. Tresses as to be handled niih particular m during bonding and bundling. delivery and titillation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent acing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb sition and for misting lateral farces shall be designed it Installed by olhers. Careful handling Is essential and Mien bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary lion for Imssas requires such temporary bracing during itallaitun between Irusm, to avoid toppling and minoing. The supervision of erection of abuses shall be ido time control of persons etperienad In the siallation of trusses. Professional advice shall be smrghl needed. Conantraliun of consirunion leads grater than e design lads shall not be applied to Inlssa of any lime. 'o leads other than the neigh) of the creciors shall be plied to Imsses nnlil aller nil fnsiening and bracing is mplo.d TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WE:- (2) 4x 2 SP #3 4x 2 SP #3 3-11,3-10,4710 4-9,5-9,5-8,6-8 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. --FORCE..CSI, Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE „ CSI.. 1- 2 152 0.34 A 12-11 23 0.49 2- 3 -34 0.45 A 11-10 -520 058 3- 4 789 0.26 A 10- 9 -820 0,.30 4- 5 819 0.27 A 9- 8 -677 0.17 5- 6 455 0.23 A 8- 7 35 0.02 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.12/638 10-11(L) Horiz, 0.03 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel Typical Pane) = 30" [I or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 125mph, Bq 15.0 ft, Iea 1.00, Exp,Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L=•14,0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 0.0 psf, BCDL= 0.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq ea 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Boris: Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 349 -2 -428 B Pin 9-10- 0 1 349 0 -397 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 12- 1 212 0.04 C 4- 9 105 0.03 11- 2 -240 0.04 C 9- 5 -100 0.03 11- 3 752 0.19 C 5- 8 406 0.10 3-10 -276 0.10 C 8- 6 -520 0.18 10- 4 140 0.04 C 7- 6 392 0.08 TI:FG Qty:3 ----Joint Locations- 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 6-11-14 9) 5- 8-14 2) 0- 7- 4 6) 9-11- 8 10) 3- 2-13 3) 1-11-13 7) 9-11- 8 11) 0- 7- 4 4) 4- 5-14 8) 8- 2-14 12) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -60 0- 0- 0 -60 0- 7- 7 TC Vert L+D -60 0- 7- 7 -60 9-11- 8 BC Vert L+D -10 0- 0- 0 -10 9-11- 8 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/MaxTension TOP CHORD 1-2=-103/152,2-3=-34/31, 3-4=-623/789,4-5=-671/819,5-6=-367/455, BOT CHORD 12-11=-17/23,11-10=-520/439, 10-9=-820/717,9-8=-677/616,8-7=-26/35, Cr webs 12-1=-165/212,11-2=-240/187, Cll-3=-606/752,3-10=-276/256,10-4=-130/140, C4-9=-64/105,9-5=-100/76,5-8=-347/406, C8-6=-520/454,7-6=-343/392, C C I�7- 9-4-1 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 10.00 .. ,... ..w. JAY 349# 8.00" 12 11 10 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: MLajsREAD ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: r d Systemn Bracing shown on this dinning Is not erection bracing. wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for Inteml support of iniss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bmcing of ends and specified laal!ahs determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the avemll clnimute may be mm ircd. (See H1e-91 arITI).For speeine truss bracing requirements• contncl building dalgner.(Tniss Plate Institute. TPI is located of 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive, Mndlson, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0I0050068 367 Medallion PI. Chuluo}a, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobe\STJAF\STJAF\FG.prx JX4 349# 3,00" Scale = 0.4655 Eng Job: STAJF WO: STAJF Dwg: TI: FG Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 40.0 psf Lbr DF! 1.00 TC Dead 10.0 psf Plt DF: 1.00 BC Live 0.0 psf O,C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 5.0 psf Code; FLA TOTAL 55.0 pSf v5.4.18-91039