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M1�1 F ® MIAMI -DADS CCIUM PRODUCT C(PaRCI SECTION DEPA 171TMENI' OF REGULATOR7d ANI: ECON(IMIC I; ESCIUF CES! (RER) 11805 9W 711 Street R! on :I 011 BCARIl AM] GaDE ADMIM87W TION DIVISION Miami, Florida I' 111:14 'kl T (716) 315-1590 F (7bl) 71:1-2: 99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NCIA) wYvw,miRmidad&eov/economy Ca rtainleed Clorl orat t a ZD M ooren Pj ad Malvern BA '1 S 355 " SCIOPF': This NOAI is beu ! issued uriden t) a all plicabla rules and reggl h tions 8 oven iii ig th( use all col i s truct'a n toot teris h. The documentation sul mitW has teen reviewed aid acaep e.( I y Miani, Dade Caluwt REIt -Pro( uct Contn I Section tel be used h MY mi -Il F da Ca unty and( ther areas v then allov i ed t y the Av tllor.'ity Hdvinl Jurisdiction (AW. Thin NC IAI sl all n c t N v( lid As r the axpirat'a n da to stater W low. The Miami -Da de County Prodi ct Contr( l Sedtion lin Mfam'-)`lade ( la unt; ) and!( r the AIHJ ilin areas othan that Miami-Nd(I County) mese rve the night to ha vii this pi oduc. oli nu 1 erial to ted ibn qualit, asst rat ctl pure( ses. If this ]Ima (l uct on maderial alai is to perform in th( I accell ted rnannen, the manufailturen will iricur the experts( of sticl testing and the AR m, y immediau ly rei okd, mo(ify, om auspand the we oil suich produc o(i tnsrteri i I within thein jurisdia tion. RT R reserves the right t( revol a tl is i ca epta nee, if it is da terminet by Mit mi -I It d( C:(1 untyPi of ti ct Cor 1tr(I l Sect'o n thi t this product on ruF texi (1 fails to meet the" ha melntt oil the apll tical le l u ilding code. Thi:ll pl iodua t i,u apll re i e( as described l areim, and has been designed to (oml ly witl I the I liof da Building Code ina lulling tl e H gh '� eW ity F urr'cat e Zarl a oil dl( Florida f Iuiidina Code. DESC IMPTION: A dde Eleni 111 " Fill r( d and 9 " Milt ret LABELING: Eact unit she] 11 ear m permanc m t labe 1 witl the rnanufac Itureti name a r logo, city, stat( and ill lla wing mtaten ent: "Miam'-Datta Clount; Product Control OgOrovec ", tui es: otherwise noted heneini RENENIAL oil this '� OA shall bt considered of ler i renevual a pplicatia n has 1 eet filed t nd there ha( been no (i hani e in the alplicuble t uilding code neggtively affecting the periormar:ce o1 t)lis 11 tie duct. T11 PjYl 0 ATICIN oil I tl ist, OAI will a ccur F fter the I e) piration data oii if there has bei r a v vision on ( hang( in the mt terials, use, and1c r mat ufaeture oil the pnodticl e r lira cesm. Misustl oil thi. NCIH am an and( rsement ( f any pn« uot, f)ri sales, ac verth ing a r anll oth( r purpose, s hall Futotnaltically tt rime ate this NCIA. l lai lun to co mply with an, i ,sec tion of this NCIA shall be cause foli termimition and remove 1 of NC A. ADVEITISIIMflNT: Th( TOpI number Ireceded b)I tll( wo;ids Miami -Dade County, Florida and Illovied by the exxlliration delta may be disph ye( in achien is'ng litetnture. ill any p(lrtian of the NC IAI is displayed, then it sl all 1 W (Iona in iti en tirety. 1ASPDCT ION: A cap) of thi: entire NCIA she I be l rovide( to thel user t y tW manufactureii on it: distributors and ;Ihal I tie aiiailat le ill inspectia n at tl a jol sit( at the req ues• oil the lluildin€ Off cis 1. This NCIA renews and revises NOA I# 114 2 31 A 5 an d c(i ns is t:1 of page: 1 thra ugh 4. I he s ul mitte( docutneii tation was rei iiewed I y A le x'Higen i. NCU I No.: 174 T 13.01 RHW1KKPAfi%Wj ExpliiWHnN1ta: 1611112' )IIIpr(va1 N t(: I5niII7 Pal ;1 01,11 rJ OOFD G C OMF ONENT AV PRC IVAL Cain Roofing f abc Sub-cp1eiagry:'% entila tion 08A 8l 06 c rh isi • Plastic 08/08/06 MWXnum Ile: ion Pressure- 1` IA AV G-001-112-01 Flue C'lasslfia s t OR NIAI AV G-00:11412-01 'T'RADI NAMES UP I IROV UCT.' MA.NII FAICTI IRHD 0111 LAM) 0411 Bad A PPIIICIANT: l Oki 8/11 Test Prcidust 11 uuduct DimeO onf Specification He c tic n CeMt in'lteedRIdgs Vent See detail drawit4 T1Ac 10( High(Iens itygolypnoll}flan lowprofila attic riidga vent 12" Filtered he rein 11om u is to latia n in i hingie roof sys ems. Cerh in7eed Rgdge Veal See do UO drawing TATS 10(1 Hugh density g(lypinpillerw tool profile attic ridge vent 9 " Filtered herein foji insb llation in i hingla moil : ystems MANM.ICnwiR C1 LOC ATICIN 1. Clrricic NO EVK EP CE � tBMITI`ED : `I est A. igina-vAdentifleir n� mo f abc Ara hitedturalIestingl Inc. TRIS IN A119! 197.01-109-11 08A 8l 06 TAIS 100A(9:1) 6.1193.01-109-18 08/08/06 P1;1 Cdnstruation Materials Technolc gies ASTM G 195 AV G-001-112-01 101118 11 AISI M G M 9 AV G-00:11412-01 10/11811 M T1v D 63 `I AN 1G-001412-01 l Oki 8/11 AISTMDW43 AV1C1-00'.1»[12-01 101]11111 NCV I N o.: 17-4113.01 cc Explirath x Data: 061:191127 Agprova Date: 051:11111.".1 Pr ga I of 'I Al PROVED APPmciA` xcINS: 7nada name: Clem in] eed Ridge N evt 12" Filtered and Clert hileed Rldge ' i ev t 9" llliltorec Sy, tem Type: Machanics1 attachri ani al st.Itic tient aue> a spi alt shim le moll systems anly. Slot: Clut a mininnim 1'1 " slot a long the aped of the rooil 131 cutting W on each., idol oil the ridge. The sic t sl all td rminate all proxirrgitel;l 6" from the rake edl e. 1Listallation: Place ridge `lent sec ion ceiiteret over tyle `laid at one encl ofthti :uidge. Pluglled end should bt flw ih will end wal of va ntilated space under rot f Pre-ilasten first sect on usit g i ioofing ne ils thlougi pre-drille( miiil boml . Continue to 11 re -fa: sten rr mainitig : ections, making ;lure supil or wa lis are flat on roeif and filu r is secuni betwedn ;i hingta s and vent. Cut final sea tic n to lengtl . Ridge Shingle: 1` tit cap shingles in pla ct using roo fin g ru ils k ng eriougf to pa nerd to througl the roa f sheuthingamin irnurn cfs/)e afan inch. U:ieaifit line] provided on vent. Na t Fnen Ai es: Refer to mavufach rens ilublishet liter: tu3re. Mlmin in Slope: 2:11 LimiTA ITIoN : 1. F efen to appl'cal le fluildingl Cos es fo:i iiegniret'. ve ntils tion. 2. Thii acceptance is for installations ova r asphalt sl ingh roof s}lste ms onli 1. 3. Cer ain'Ileed Ridj e V e nt 17 " Filtered, ar. d Cm t:lin'1 et d Ridge Ve m-1 9" Filteni c Rlldge Veli is aha 1 na t be fn stall( d on na c f mean ha ight: gref Iter than :I :I feet. 4. All ll rot ucts lie tet hei cin st all hf ve it quality nasi rat ce ai alit in acre jidance with tile Florio t Building Code f nd Rule 61 Gla of the Florida Aldministrati` ie Codti . 9. All app" is d ll roc ucts li: ted 1 erein A ill N labels cl arc shall bean tl a iml Irint on ide ntifial It mE eking of the manufaa tureen name (v lc go and following state mt qct: "Miami -Hide County 11 nos uct Control All proves " a r the Mif mi- Madel C la unty Phot uc t Clonnol S eal a st a wn belt w. IN OA I h o.: 17-0117.0' >3xpir M n 110 to : WI 1/21 A Ipptioval Date: 05111/11 Pagn 3 t 14 DI TAim DRA wiNG:I C EPTAW1 HETI R91CIE VIE NZ - 112" FmERED 8141 IE -11.3 mi CHIa] AIlVTEII D REDGH VO T -- 9" FIII TEREII END OF THUS A CCEHTAN C E Ki NUI R c.. 17-0113.(7 Enpuath n Date: 0611,02 A11 p ro vii 1 fl ati : 05111/17 lfg4 4cf4 SLOPE: This NON is 1 aing issuad under the applicat le mules and nagulations Sevenning tl a use a ac nstnuatian mate:iiials. The daaumentation submitte (I ha: bEion neviaysiied and accepted 131 Miami -Dade Clounty R11IR - Pmodnat Central : ection to t e us ed in Mia mi Ds de Clounty, E nd other ameas wl ere alk vied 13 the Authority H aving Junisdiation (AFJ). J). This NODI sl a 11 not be valid a f Ian tt a vipination (la to s to ted I elovi. 71 e M iami-Da de Clount,l I roduct Clontliol Seri tie u (In M iami Da d4 Clount31) a ndilon the AHJ (in ami a s (tt c H than Miami Dade (Jaunty) liesienvo t1 a eight to I ave ti is 11 nod u a t on mate ria l tested ilon qua lit31 as s uva n ce p uliposa s. Ill this limoduat or m atemia I fails to p enfa nns in the a ca a pted ane nno r, the man ufa ctunem will in cull the a xpo n sa of sue h tes ting an d the AIH] may in medic tely net w ke, ni odify, on susp end tl a use of auch line(luct on matcik I witl iii tt ch jui isdiation. H1111141lesenves the rid t t to :isvokc this aeaeptanae, iil it is determined by Miarni-dada Count31 Riioduat Oontnol Saation that this 11 r4 (hitt an niatenial fails to meet the nequiroments of the a pplk a blc I uildin g ca de. This pn( duct is all lira tied as demerit ed herein, and has been dii signed to ac mply with the 11 Inaida Building Cu de inaluding the High '� eloaity Hurvicll tie alone of the Flomida Buildin 1 C la de. UPIISCRIPTION: ClentsinTsed Shangle P idge, Shade mi Ridge, Hatlera s Aacvs( ry, Pucsidantial Alcaemsony, and Ca dl a r C Ities I Hill a nd Ridge SI hi l la ,i LA IBIHIJIN G: Ea ah un it sha 11 bean a perms hent la be] with ti a ma nufaaturor's na ma o: i logo, a ityi, sta to a n d following , tate ni (nt: "M is ria i-Illado C la unty Product Clontna I Alppl loved", un le is Otho rwiso noted herein. HHN EMIAIL a it tl is b CIA sha 111 a c(i n s ide ro d alto r a ro nevi iia l all p licatia n has bed r filed a nd theme ham bed n no a l anga in tl a apli lia able building nods neg i tiw ly a 1111a ting the pemfommanae r l thi,l piodua t. THRMITfAITION oil this i CIA will ( scum after tl a e)lpiration date on if there I Ei bean a ne,iision an ahanpe in the materials, use, and/or rnanuitictui ic oil the prcdue t arpnaaess. Misuse of this NOAI am an andonmement (Ifany pra(luct, ilom sales, advar icing a n any a tl c:i purpome,ii shall automatically to ]mints this Is OA I. Failusle to eompl,1 with any suction oil this NCAA ,I l all be aausc & n to rmiti a tion a n d uema `sa I of NCIAI. ADNI ERT:1119EINIIEXIII: TIIhe t CIA number pnoaedod by the wondsl Miami -Bade County, Flerida, and lbllovti(d by tle aaspi. iE tion da to may I e displa, ie d in adimitisin 9 lite i atune. Ill ati 31 portion oil the 1\ OAI is dis ph 31ed, th( n it it all be da n e in its entirety. INSPHC'11I014 : PI aop,i a f t1 is entire NCIAI ,i hall be pre vided to the usam 131 the ma nuilaatunc:i o:u its disituibutons and shall be available lion inspeation at the job slue a t tl a nequast a I tl a Fluilding Clllicia 1. Tllhisl NOP I ro neviis N C]At l 12-0611.01 and a ons ists of pages 1 thio ugh 9 The submitted doeurnentation ivas relliawa d by Alex 'pigena. NOA I NG.: 17-4 t ', 4.05 Haspiiialion Mita: 11/15,122 Appre val Date : 11/16,117 Pap1a 1 0119 MIA1111411 , _ 1L9IAl�tI-I ADE CClla'TY � ,=a I RCIDL'CJI CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT CIIII RE£lI'LATCIRY A''D 11C£ NUMIC RES OICRCES (RER) 1180 1 Su12A 91tniet, Ruorn 7©8 BOARD A I' ID CODFI ADN INISi 7 TION DIVISI(W N iami, IIlorida 13171-24 74 1(VC) 7 11-21I9( FI ('11d) _ 19-299 NOTICE CF A CCEPTAINCE iINQIA; www.miamidsdceavAioaiann• Clerlain7Fed Clorpom lien zI f 0 Union M ea ting Hoad Blue Be]], PA :11412 SLOPE: This NON is 1 aing issuad under the applicat le mules and nagulations Sevenning tl a use a ac nstnuatian mate:iiials. The daaumentation submitte (I ha: bEion neviaysiied and accepted 131 Miami -Dade Clounty R11IR - Pmodnat Central : ection to t e us ed in Mia mi Ds de Clounty, E nd other ameas wl ere alk vied 13 the Authority H aving Junisdiation (AFJ). J). This NODI sl a 11 not be valid a f Ian tt a vipination (la to s to ted I elovi. 71 e M iami-Da de Clount,l I roduct Clontliol Seri tie u (In M iami Da d4 Clount31) a ndilon the AHJ (in ami a s (tt c H than Miami Dade (Jaunty) liesienvo t1 a eight to I ave ti is 11 nod u a t on mate ria l tested ilon qua lit31 as s uva n ce p uliposa s. Ill this limoduat or m atemia I fails to p enfa nns in the a ca a pted ane nno r, the man ufa ctunem will in cull the a xpo n sa of sue h tes ting an d the AIH] may in medic tely net w ke, ni odify, on susp end tl a use of auch line(luct on matcik I witl iii tt ch jui isdiation. H1111141lesenves the rid t t to :isvokc this aeaeptanae, iil it is determined by Miarni-dada Count31 Riioduat Oontnol Saation that this 11 r4 (hitt an niatenial fails to meet the nequiroments of the a pplk a blc I uildin g ca de. This pn( duct is all lira tied as demerit ed herein, and has been dii signed to ac mply with the 11 Inaida Building Cu de inaluding the High '� eloaity Hurvicll tie alone of the Flomida Buildin 1 C la de. UPIISCRIPTION: ClentsinTsed Shangle P idge, Shade mi Ridge, Hatlera s Aacvs( ry, Pucsidantial Alcaemsony, and Ca dl a r C Ities I Hill a nd Ridge SI hi l la ,i LA IBIHIJIN G: Ea ah un it sha 11 bean a perms hent la be] with ti a ma nufaaturor's na ma o: i logo, a ityi, sta to a n d following , tate ni (nt: "M is ria i-Illado C la unty Product Clontna I Alppl loved", un le is Otho rwiso noted herein. HHN EMIAIL a it tl is b CIA sha 111 a c(i n s ide ro d alto r a ro nevi iia l all p licatia n has bed r filed a nd theme ham bed n no a l anga in tl a apli lia able building nods neg i tiw ly a 1111a ting the pemfommanae r l thi,l piodua t. THRMITfAITION oil this i CIA will ( scum after tl a e)lpiration date on if there I Ei bean a ne,iision an ahanpe in the materials, use, and/or rnanuitictui ic oil the prcdue t arpnaaess. Misuse of this NOAI am an andonmement (Ifany pra(luct, ilom sales, advar icing a n any a tl c:i purpome,ii shall automatically to ]mints this Is OA I. Failusle to eompl,1 with any suction oil this NCAA ,I l all be aausc & n to rmiti a tion a n d uema `sa I of NCIAI. ADNI ERT:1119EINIIEXIII: TIIhe t CIA number pnoaedod by the wondsl Miami -Bade County, Flerida, and lbllovti(d by tle aaspi. iE tion da to may I e displa, ie d in adimitisin 9 lite i atune. Ill ati 31 portion oil the 1\ OAI is dis ph 31ed, th( n it it all be da n e in its entirety. INSPHC'11I014 : PI aop,i a f t1 is entire NCIAI ,i hall be pre vided to the usam 131 the ma nuilaatunc:i o:u its disituibutons and shall be available lion inspeation at the job slue a t tl a nequast a I tl a Fluilding Clllicia 1. Tllhisl NOP I ro neviis N C]At l 12-0611.01 and a ons ists of pages 1 thio ugh 9 The submitted doeurnentation ivas relliawa d by Alex 'pigena. NOA I NG.: 17-4 t ', 4.05 Haspiiialion Mita: 11/15,122 Appre val Date : 11/16,117 Pap1a 1 0119 1ZIOOI41', G A ssiEMHIIN A PPRC 4,AII Clat eQa ny: Moofinil Sub-CIstogoluy: AlsllIalt Shing les M ail a i& Is Lai rr inata d Thea l Type : Wood 9COPH 11his appnown ClerlaivTlaiad Shingle Hidga, 5 t ada va Illidgc, L atteuas Aacisiory, Pjiaaiduntial A1cte:i sory eucl Cladan (Iue:it F ip acid Ridge Shingles as rnrnuilaatured by ClartainTeed Clorpowtion (PAI) c nd dasarit ed in Saation 2 ail tl is I` otica a 8 Alco aptanae. 1IIPODt oit DIESCRIPT111ION Product Tliansiolls Teat SBcificatiow Sha n glle Ridge IF' x 13" TIF 191 110 Maunuifactuiiing Dwation(s) # JI Sha de vv Ridge 11 " x 11 " TIS 19 110 Mcitiaifactu)iing Lcoaoation(s) # jI, 2, 3,�I Hlf Ucrai Acaeisony 17" x I11" TIAT 110 Manufacturing Lciaation(s)#ill PuemidantiailAlcc usoril Ill" x 11" TIPIS 110 Met ufacturing Lanation(s) #7 Cedaji U4 sl I7" x 17" '11/19 110 Maintfacturingl Lanation(s) #;I HHOIIU C74. MA IN OF A( IT [II PII18111;11 HN 01IHIEW Product Paioduiit 111o(iriution Any a11p:wvecl sealant uiitl a cunraut Miami 91aalalat Dada NCIAI Piioduct HlesoWP Iia in F I pre -c :i s eni t led, double la yen hip a nd iudgEi fiba rg Ie ss ua in 1a mu d asphalt shingle u iitl � n S" expo suns . A pre-aasenit led I in and nidgci fit eugl,i s:i iieinilorca cl a: phi It s hingl le with a n 5" ao poaiilra . AI pre-aasenit led I in and nidga fit eaiglass winiloucacl asphsi It Shing It with a n 8" ulpo,iuna. PI pra-aaisenibled I ip and uidga fibenglasa ueinllorca cl asphi It Shing la with a n 5" uapoauna. AI pra-aaiscnit led hip and nidge fiberglass winiloncad aspha It shin) It with a n 8" axposuna. Size Manuilaci urs 11 vaniou:1 Anal all 11ruied manufactura:u (,A ith a curuent Miami Dada NCIAI) Any appuovecl adhesive with a aunu(nt AVIIM C S 20, Tlypa c , VEAousi Au 31 apgnaiied manufmtumr Miami Dada NCIIA Uncle NS, niin Clas:i 25 (with a current Miami I1ad4 NC 1A) XCIA Na.: 11'111-1824.19 13113.ipiration Hate: 11/15/77 AIllpuoval Hate: 11/16/ill lam( :I a119 MAP1 UAA(IT UH11% G LOCAITIION 1. 0iland, N(I. 1, SNi I open, M N. I . A 111e liy, OH 41. Na nviood, M A. ENi ju m CIE 9UHMIT1111L1 111aat Al2ena 'Illest lldeutifieu 11eat MmORanort Dade PHI Asphalt Ta a hnola € ies, In c. C1(1418 -02-01 ASTM 11 6'1,'1 1 (H06/07 CTC -0 2 1-02-01 7AS 10 0 (A 1) fl 5,116/06 CTI(I-lI 19 -02-01 7AS 100 (AI) fl F,106/07 C71104 3 fl -02-01 II AS 1 a a (A I) a 8,106,107 CT(14Ifl-02-01 711AS I16(A1) (5,116,106 C110 -I 112 -02-01 7AS 1(I (I (AI) ( 2,110,111 C110-3 14-02-01 TA 19 107 ( 8,129,117 CT(I-3 3 fl -02-01 TA 19 107 0 8,127,117 CTC -:I 1(-02-01 71AS 104QAI) 45,131,117 C1110-311-02-01 TAS 1(14(,41) (5,131,117 CT(I-312 -02-01 TAS la fl (AI) (5,131,117 CT(I-313-02-01 TAS 10a(AI) 46,119,117 C1(1-1 14-02-01 TAS IO a (SAI) 06,119,117 L nda nvanitars Labors tc rie a , lei a . 07C IA3f18 25 ASTM D 31111 08.106,107 R(184 ASTM D 34(12 08104,104 R04 ASTM D 34(17 08/05,104 1OCIA4,1960 ASI IVI D 34(17 11.111,110 IOCIA449A0 AS11M D 31(11 111111110 478 V 5510 ASTM D 31,41/3462 07,127,117 47V f 551(14 ASTM D I I81/3462 06,127,117 478Ila 67(112 ASTM D 11(11/3462 07.126,117 478178551(12 ASTM D 3 1(11/3462 06,126,117 47878551(17 ASTM D I ]d1,13462 06,130,117 LimIITAITTONS I . Fine (i 1, ss ificatia n is not par a f tl is aacepta nca ; ueii r to a a urns n t Alppmova d R of fing Mat(Tk hi TI ire (to- )11 114 n fine natinl s 111 tl is pnoduat. I . Sha 11 not ba insta Iled oa noa I rnaav heights in a aiie es s a f 3 3 ft. 1. All 11voductj listed Immim shall hmve a quality asmuanae audit in aaao idarce with the Florida Building Cade and Rule 61CI20-3 a 11 the Fla rids A(Iministnativa ( lade. ]I\ STAILIlAMCIN 1. Ridga Clap Shingles shall ba installed in aomplianae viith Roofing Apllliaatiain 9ltandand RA91 115. 3. Flashing sl all be im ace (rd, nca with Roofing Application Standard RAS I II 3. Tha manuhatmet shall pnovida claanl3l written application imitriiations. z1. Exp( sone and aoujise layout shall I ( in aomplianae witl Layout Retails hati(in P UAI Pia .: 1174 8: 4.05 fbipivation I]Iata: 11,115,122 Appm val I]Ilate: 11,116,117 Pale3oil9 LpIUMLING 1. Midg(i C:ill 5 hinglo < shall ba labc led wittl the Miami -hada c eal as seen t elovi, om the viordin g "Mia rn i -hada Clounty A no( uct C lontaoi Apll no i ied". BunU.IN G PHRMI'D REQUIRE N FRITS Applica tic ri fa r building 11 a rmit A A W -. ca ompan is d by eopic : of tho fa llo wing: 1.1 'phis N otica of Ao c epta n ce. L. Ai I)l Otho i dociumems nequirad t y the Huilcling Clfflaial a n tie applicable code in wden to pnopenly ei is luato tha in sts Ila tic n of thin sys tem. LAMOUT DIETA ILSI RITAINGUE FJDGH 18' Exp 030re I flan I he left side FIRS11 LEH RernDve e flam thI rig" side and fast an SEaaffl X/ RIGHT NOA I No.: '11-03 1,4.05 Emphintian Data: 11/15/22 Approua l Da W 111/16/17 Pap 4 of 9 SHIM avid RIDCIE fl ,H rt H ATTHRAS ACCESSORY NOAI No.: 11-41874.05 Emnitiation Datc 11115,122 Appr4 va l Datc 11/16/17 PaNc 5 A 9 PRESIDEN T]Au Aucim 9 aw CHIJAIR CREST Sea lan1 4 " alta toll Is OA N c .: 17-0824A 9 KKAMinkDECOUNnIM Expire lion Uatc : 11111142 �Mjla AllpiovalE121c: ]11161117 Pl ell(H NAMING DnwI11us SE AING1114i RIDGH 12' 1/4" milde !oath (i f ad? asiva, 7" long, 311"-V from side eche oil cap ; hirtgle (215 rri rn)- ,.- (91 EI i719P } 00 $„ (457 mm) 8 b191" (2191 MM) A a Oin 91 r attern all application., - two mi Ila peo1 shingle. SHADCIW 114HICE 1114" wid l bead of adhea isle, T-3 , 1r "long, ---- j " (ausl mrUT' 3114"-i" frons side edge of (i ap shingle _.------ .____._._.. 1„ (36 11itTl) (2.'l wni) 5 SA MMI) N ei cling pasta m 111 applica'l lonz - two nails per shin( to. � CIIAI P d..- T "IA 1: 4.07 1 a phiation E a to : 11/15121 Appiwval plata: 11/16/17 11gt 701 HIATTI RAS AcciasSOfIY 12" 'IM w de bead of adhesive, 5" long, 3J,lu I" from sde edge of cap ahIngk r 'r (26 rran- fwl� �I�II 1 ti) ..,�� 1$„ (� 157 mm] (9 58 rrxnj N 8111% pattern 11 11 appkallorwi - twu nails pq r at Ingle. PRESIDHT T]A11 A CC IEISSORI IA' wldd boad of adhes vii, T-' 1,12' long,w 30#1 MM) 12" 314'-1"from side edge of Dail shingle •---- 1' _ 1" (25 mm) 26 mm) I-- 6 — 5 CA" (305 mrs) ('1431mm) h ailing pattern all app k atlonz „ two nail: per Swrql le. N CIAI N c.: 17-C» 24.05 Hapination Ila to : 11/15/22 Appuval Ila te: 1 l /16,117 P1ge80119 1/4" wide bard dad) 4sive, el" long , 314"-1" ]barn side ailgla oilcall ilitigle CHDAP CHAST i � averiof a --� � � 1 i 12" (309 mm) N ailing paitcrin all applicaticln s ., twa nails pun sr Ingle. FIND OF TIHIS AC CEPTATICIE I NUAI No.: 111 9924.05 Enpination Date: 11/15/22 Appra`ral hate: 11/16/17 Isfe9oil9 , AM SSMacts H v I Loy In I UV r Re*W don I Hof TOM submA suc,azW staft a Fan I Cmten us aas Srl, Map not I swrtn Product Approw 1 d5dor LLS : Pww user -L; "I p� > Pmducl or AonNanr w Smrd > 62AWOMje s Appnwtlw 0,*W Product K nufactureo 0erL InTee Corporation-Roofini Address/Hhone/Emall 71 MOI re! Roar Ma veal, 1 A 191E 1! 1 (EI10) 893-`.1401 rnz ri Lr I,he rr►er@5aitr -gob, la.cm AWN razed gip natun Ma6l tlarne i rrr, rl .f 1-hamer@s4 lot -got ala.com 11e hritcai AepresWatllni Plaril G. Hamer Address/Phoue/EmIII 11 Mooren Roar Ma vem, A A 19 39:11 (910) 911-58411 W4,11.Harner@slin-9obain.ccm QuaUty A: sari ov Representative Address/111 one/IImall Cates ory Root u g Subcategory t nderiaymet is Compliance Method llhaluallori Reportfrom a Florid Renis eree Archllect cr a Licensed Fiallda Plofessbnal Enineer ❑ Evalua tion Report - tlardcal ly Receivef Florida Erq lnee orf ArcMeti Plane whf kvikMe Robe rt 111, mines the EA luation Reps rl Florida License P1 -99 156 Qullity Assdranu Entity IIL UJI Qualit} Assuraoaii Corltrae 6q*abon M 11/17/2127 vablatee 871 Ahn vii Knelt Ach, 19 8 Va14 atiorl Checklst - Flardcolly FecetveiI Cerl SG to of Indape mdeil a FLI5692 R4 COI 2019 01 CO1 MEMINEN.bdif Refen n eed � ta nc and an Yef r (01 Sts rK arc) Standard Year AS1 M 11151 ( (tea r) 7015 ASTM C 2.26 (pl ysic F) 2009 ASTM D4796 1011 Edi Nalence of PTeduct Et; ndt rds CertMed 911 Sect ams from 0111 Col e s : , FI # FU 15612 -414 Applicatlon'fype Rev sla■ Cnda Version ]l 17 Applicadln Slmtu ApprvIed ComrtHI nts Archlvel1 Product K nufactureo 0erL InTee Corporation-Roofini Address/Hhone/Emall 71 MOI re! Roar Ma veal, 1 A 191E 1! 1 (EI10) 893-`.1401 rnz ri Lr I,he rr►er@5aitr -gob, la.cm AWN razed gip natun Ma6l tlarne i rrr, rl .f 1-hamer@s4 lot -got ala.com 11e hritcai AepresWatllni Plaril G. Hamer Address/Phoue/EmIII 11 Mooren Roar Ma vem, A A 19 39:11 (910) 911-58411 W4,11.Harner@slin-9obain.ccm QuaUty A: sari ov Representative Address/111 one/IImall Cates ory Root u g Subcategory t nderiaymet is Compliance Method llhaluallori Reportfrom a Florid Renis eree Archllect cr a Licensed Fiallda Plofessbnal Enineer ❑ Evalua tion Report - tlardcal ly Receivef Florida Erq lnee orf ArcMeti Plane whf kvikMe Robe rt 111, mines the EA luation Reps rl Florida License P1 -99 156 Qullity Assdranu Entity IIL UJI Qualit} Assuraoaii Corltrae 6q*abon M 11/17/2127 vablatee 871 Ahn vii Knelt Ach, 19 8 Va14 atiorl Checklst - Flardcolly FecetveiI Cerl SG to of Indape mdeil a FLI5692 R4 COI 2019 01 CO1 MEMINEN.bdif Refen n eed � ta nc and an Yef r (01 Sts rK arc) Standard Year AS1 M 11151 ( (tea r) 7015 ASTM C 2.26 (pl ysic F) 2009 ASTM D4796 1011 Edi Nalence of PTeduct Et; ndt rds CertMed 911 Sect ams from 0111 Col e IrauctApploual tleth, cl tietbod 1 Opt!♦n 11 beta Subnl ittel 04 /12t. a 19 Date VaYtatet 04.1Af.IE19 Da to Pending FBC Approl to 1 01 /19f i c 19 Data ilplrovei 06 IV C19 ■L AI 0lodel, Plumber or Name iDeaerip0 r 5642.1 01emor1110eck SclIii reiilforce,l*mer-base roof unckriayttllert I-lrn is of Use Imita latic rl Anst ucth r II A pll r& ed for Lu a In III IHZ, Ni f1 1 5622 R4 II 2019 04 FINAL ER CE RTAINTFED DI_nm_ _ li A P1 ru+led F I r usie c utside WHZ I ' les DECK 1 FLl.-02-,114.odf Iol pac Resistant: hl/A Verriec By: F a bert Niendnl n PI -59161 Dear r Irev..lure: NIA Create( by int epsndllnt Third Pi rty: Ye! a thfl r I Wel to EI R SectU n 9 for L Imlts a f llse_ Evaluation EI ei DE{]C 1 FL15692-R4.ndf Crl ate( by int ependsnt Thin Parr : Yes Comas 11 2601 2501 aglr Slum Road. TaMbeesee Ft 37394 Phone: 650-Ae7-7a24 The Std e d Flodtla It m AMI EO erwploye .. Coovdolw 2007-2013 Stele of Fbrfda.:: :: AccmMWStati:: Under NMI I n, emu addresses are pdW reOflrM, if yon dd wet tray it you 1 *-nal addrae mkitser N mopons,l to a poblk-record regiai do riot surd elecGoab I mal 4 this IetOCad cnwlso the dap by phOm Or by tradkii FRIA If YOU have are! 9undans, ptl"* contact ♦151.487.1395. 'Pu01 to Seglee 455.245(1), FM rkMI 6tatuln, of eW 04ober 1, 2012, k meet Scemad under Orel I W 4SS, F,S. mw p W1de the Department Mth aw uW addrei I I they hove ods i This WMA FrovWad may be vaa0 fb 4W..,.mk:aW wk the kwsan 114 v r araaa address. urs poi record. If you do no *.h to supply a per"" addm , please provide !M pepartrw wk an em iA ad6ts which cog be wade Was bil 0 the ppb*— To dr ermlrr 0 you are a boi wider Chi 455, F!, planar I cM11W , prodac Approval Ampler rT W] W Ea ®I CCI7.11.141tT3Sa .I. 5Ni i, NEmo I etc. Cerci to Wuthorirn don #31� 55 393 CI iiistian Sioi Unit ll]3 Clxfard, C10!1478 (203) 263 -1, 45 ICol III: THIS Ova luaI]on Rapgrt is Issued tlydar Rule OIG20-3 and tie appiicabie rules and nlgulations govercirgIhe Ilse of oonsi ruction nlaierlals in tte 91aie of RlorItla. 7 I a documentation submit ed I as bear rev em ed t y Rot er Nieminen, 111.11i use a III he A roc ua l utl cler the Florida El Code and Fllorkla A uilc ling Coda, Rn sidential Va luni Tha p ioduct l (1(:i ail ed I are In I ava been avaivatacl ilor eomplianaa wit the III edition (2037) illorid; Bulldinj Coda le:ctlan:l role(! I erein. Da cRmPTtol O e rta inTa e d Dia mon clDeck• Wil t Performance 9yntho tie Un clerial lmeni LAI ELI Pe: Labeling shall bI it aacalndanoe wit It rec viilenle nts of tl a Accredited Quality AI:Itranoe Age ncy nolec I erein. GoNTINUIID CompuAMCE: This Elvalua lion I e pori Is %ialid t I r 111 s ua h lin E a s tl f named pllodo ici (11) ct ani:les, IN rellenerl a d 01m AsstlraniIE documcnlalkrichar ges,(Inpravsic nsoll11c CoteINtrelilte to the puo+ticicharge. Aaceplanaea l tills evah al ion F eporl t y WE ni mil cl it lleat eonsi tutee afire eme r1'l to 1c tifyl F obf rt Nie minen, F.M. of a ny changes to We g ra duc (s), tt a qua lity klsu ran c e c r the II rti ductia n fd cility to ca tions j. NON O j el i I . req! lira i a aonl g tete re v'e w (if 1 t is Elvalwition Report relative to tlpcatec Calcle neglulremont; vlitt eacl Ooi iI AdvERmimENI: The I►Ialuatian Fegort number pnaceded by tte wcirds "NeMOielc. Eualuatecl'nay be clispli)IIi it a ch le r ping litenl tt ra Ham portio r of ti a Eaialtlatio n Ra g or is di5 ph yec, then it sl 211 k e done In its e r 1 iret, . IhCIF 1l CfldPl: Upgn rin glues , a cop y a f •I hls entlne fli flil F eport shall be provide cl ilo l he tr:i e n blithe man ufach re r or Its clistrlt utorl an d a t all be eve IIS bite •Ion iespectla n i t tt a ja k site a t I t e rc qu4 sl ol1 t e Buil Iing Off ala I. This Ivilluatlon Ragor con:li.lts (if 1 111 retlgl 4. F i epi Irec b+l: A oberl J.M. 11' 1 l min a n, P.B. F brio n Regi trotfa No. 59:156, Ill la DCA A N91983 �++nc ipa ♦F .L 3Y�rt T1 a fisc Orr W 1 sea I appe p I ns vras authorized to Px&m p� t Ilius P.E.w 01 + teen, /12%019. -[his e« I mt seen ..tan electlonla It Alneddocuraent Cd§TIWATMN OF IN Dr PEHot:NCE: 9. Nil 0 El C-, 11.111.4 does not have, nor does it Into ncI to aal uirc ar will It r Iquire, a financ a Irr eres in ar1. nomllany ON nu acinrla1 c r distributlrq it rode cts it evaluates. 2. NiN G E fll, I I C i not c wnec, opera ted a montrolia cl by arnI aomll a uyl m: nufi cturing or clistr It udne I roduct: i evacuates. 1 1 oill P1h rrinen, a.1. +lot s not have nor Will acq torr, a flnanc lel inte rest In say camp:lnll man tii urirq e r distributing product,- fa wl kh the evadrlallan reports ar. beiri l issi to I. 4. 1 obert PIN mire n, 1.1. 41a s nat I arlt', narN 11 acq tiii financial inter la rtml otN r entit} inw Ivnd in filo approval process of the I roduct. S. This Fs a building coda evaIii Neither PION Olate.rorRabertilieminen,F.l.are, G;In,lway,thebe,IgeerofRncwilfoiiirypro]cc ai whirl tl i Ivaluatlan Re port, or prev our+iersic ns tFe reef, Ci used for permitting ot design guidiru a unless nitained snecMlaily fartl at pi rpt se. ONEMCII 1 (111 C. FloomING (I OMP( NEN1 EVALUATION: Sectiar - I rti :. . Slar .d�.- Year 8905.3.3 Eiceptkxl i I ru ollir g, 81 ea king 9trn r gth, PU-, b lti ASTN 0 � 36 1009 .1507.L:1, 8905.3.3 Ell ee ptids 111 z r strey gi I ASTM C L 70 :1 C 3 5 TAS UO Acaele rated We atherinll ASTM D43 98 1 C :I 3 axar(nmtir® 1E'r n Iat IIED (T51WI!I } Phylslca I Pi of erties C3028a.1:.09 :12r 13/: 009 ERCT (TST6041 ) ph)lsic: I Pi opertles 0307 80.12-09-87 08,1:1 C /;10:10 EA D (1 ST6041 ) 11u e r strei gI I CTR -SI 16080-37 MAI, 11It. 0:17 NIIA+O (TST6049 } (Iomllerafive ruIltura (gull -through} 4I -CTR -19 SSCRT 04,110j,10:19 UL, LII(I(QIIA9925) Qv;1I1t)0011trol Servlo Canfrrnpticn Exp.a1/0,/jM0 Dia m on dDeal F9 (1130'. .3.3 & Ha ng71 a u, s c inI-rc info rcec , ll c lyme r -t s sec roa fl R90!.1,3 (Eine ptionj I I undo ria)Inc ni 9.1 TlisF abuiidirgcccleevalualtion. IlaithanFtMOETI(IJUnarFol art Niaminen,P.9.are, Irar+Iviiall,tiaDes4nerol Rea on I foi at y I rcl jest on wl [at this Ivalua tiai E ell a rt, or ll re v c us vc n:Ilol is tl la reef, h /Wa s used fla r pa rrr ill ting or design gulcl In cc u1 less ret.i fined spa cifti z % fla r tha t p urli o e. 9.2 TI is MItiatic in I a pe rt is not for use in FI a HVH1 ji ir'u is Ion s. 9.3 F I re C a ssif cal Ion is in at li z rt of this repor ; refe r to curra in t All p rove d A oofl n g N ater ,l Is C irectory or to st rc pe ri from as credited iastingagcncyfor fire ratings 4fthla Ira disci. 1A C lanl(in4IDdal8 mai'1 ba used Yids as}i prc para d roof aoNier whare tha pros uct Is specifically rimferen ced %iitl In IEC app raval docun a ft. If nat listed, a reI nest may be made tc thc Aud la rhy IIz+ ing Ji Irisl lictic n fa r a p prom I based a r ttHetaIuationccmblrec vItFsiill portingdata fortlaIIreparedraafcovering. 9.5 Alla wu t Ic Roaf Cclva rs: 1.6 0-.pQ§urii Limitations: tl iamc ndDd cl • sl a li r at t e leftexp Diel I far la n ge 1 tha n 3 80 -day Is aftc r installs tion. rinnlC r1r—uc InaUiatimiFeportC4011(.06.11-8+1 aerWa re ofAulhorlrmIon JR24M e'" EE Imo PI (3117} Feil NON-HVIIa EVAu � mOII F1.118997414 Il -i rtain7a rcl Dk mondDec '; (CIC ) 65:1-1847 Revi tori -I: (W ,113, Izo: I Nse2ofI ONENCIEltC. 6.:1 C lamon(IDE ck' s I a It I e Inti lied in ac corda n ce vAtf Certaln1lee d Corpol a tier Fut lisha d ins talla tion Instrl Icl iow sut jail to thn Urn tailor s set fort] in Section °I here In art c1 tl a spec f cs noted below. 6.1 1 0 ianlonoIDeck' 6.7.1 Fe -Wen a n)l loose cleakin g p;1 nels, and o heel llor protrui line nail E eads. 9uleap ti a gut stra to tharc ughl%l to remove ar}I du:itand debris llriorta application. 6.7.1 Fasta no rs. Underlayml n1 sf all be attached using aorrosio n rel t tact, min. 14 gage (M13 -inch sl ant die mater) ring sl ani rool r g r a )Is with min .1 -Inch diame ter F last Ia or mato I a ps. CcicleFleferervt: 71F Ixaellt"onstatemeatforroinforoeclsyrltfetic underlal1manti in IEC15(l;J.1 and 1ECR90C.1.1 stales: `—nietol nap nails shall6tl jet furred wd ime tt e t !timate de.I iga wlndspe�i d, 16 oclua la oil exaaeds .7511 mph."' CalrtilinlleedCalpgrilalnIasflirni:Ihec clatalc 11ermittfause ofl-Inahcliarrnterllastiacall nails inliecioflmetaicalp nails for tf ev a pplicatior s, wil an the Dk ma nd Dec1 I`j ua clerlaym en t Is hl s to I le cl ten eat! m eoha niG 11+1 fa stE nec prer are cl roe hiv cars reilere reed in UB(I Table 1501.1.3 or 11909.:1.1. See Tal le l for atti lcl nlent requirement. Ir dire fdate ne rs are Installed at 90 dagreo a rg1E to tl a dedl N ith flush aoritac between the plant c ormet; I tap ;Ind the ug rev strfacealthe unclerlaymert. Flastanenshall Iecfsuffldenl length to ponetratetflraulf tfle underside of t Iywoo d or OSB clerks, or ni inimura 5:-lnah ami a dment into dimensional lurrbe r,l tongs ie:l art d-gnova Mood do C415. 6.2.3 3 Was of 4:11 orgreater: Ind (iiertic, 1) lap:i sl all be minirrurrl 6-11n,lhes ar d dole (horizcnt I) laps sl all be rrinimum d-irnfes. Elnd (vertical) laps shall E e offset frorr i1 nurse to nourse not lem t1an 6 feat Side (ha rizontal) laps shall n n wlith We flow of vliater In a :i f WE ling manner. lu inimum atladlrtient shall t e not lass tl an Tal le ]. Note: Tf esa pattorr s }ave beer determinecl as rueatlnl tf e intent olldlase set lorth Ir IlHC7a1 le ]107.].1 ar R105.1.:1, regardless of wl ether I" II lasl lcl cap nails or ]" metal cap nails Ere utilized. 6.7.4 Slopes of 2:12 to less than 4::1] : Eloulle4+ei1application; begin tyfasterin8a;5.!1finch%%ika.tarterstr'llalangltheeaves. Placel1full-vidtl sleet overthe:starter,carrpletel)lavarla11pirl®tlastatUrcourse. Continue asnotedir (1.2.:,kutmain lain nlinimum 29.5 - inch side (harizartal) lalls, w to side -lap fa!Itenars located 2 -inch from tl a dclwlnslope edge, rel uldng it a clout le- lal er application. tins ! (vc1 rticcl) laps a f a ll I e ra inim unl 12-ir ehes a nd sl a 11 t o affiet fro m course to course not leis th;i in 6 fe et. 6.7 .! Consult Cdrt;I inTe of l p ti bushed reoorn mo r da tloc s for the in sta lla tion of a leak barrier of ASTM D1970, sr is l as Certain eerlWirterGuard(I1;172$S),arequalh(ildingpl4rldaStaleviidaProduc Apprcvalat+iulnerabloleakarea:. NaMC ElIC,LIC Haluation lepl rl [407111.06.17-14 Cert#ke to of AutharLU tion 0314111:1 a'"E D T10r J7 01]) FBC Ne PI-ltVHa MLUA TION FL156%-14 Certatnleed E lamom DW; i 1141 fiE 1-584' Revision 4:04A112/2619 RpSc(4 C(4 NEMCI I (11C. As ll I tyWE Bt11(linj OffldaI orAutflarityflailing Jurisdiction In ordartcl property e+rlluate tha installalian of this 1lllot. Contac th9 ma ll ctt rE r or th e n arrl ed CW en tity for plants c a uer9 d undti r Rule (17 G] 013 OA regluirern en ts. Rmfe r to Section 4 1 all foa product & p rodllatian loi atia nr having meta clified p hysi;1 E1 ra pa rt ej spec f cations. a UL, I l Cl — QUM 639; (414) 248-1 09; karen.t uchmaril l.c9 rr - IND OF I_VIAI UATION REPOR1 - Nil MO Ell il, Lt9 Eaalu i tion Re port CM 111.06112-R 4 CeWjtmte qAI thorhatran AS2411 Ell' 'I C rrl9 P1 17 9171} FBC PION 411M2 EVAl IATION Ell 5612-114 0trlalnierdEianwndlledl^(a10)a5]-5847 Ill4.04t1:17tl]M1 Pell1.1af<I 4 {y Product A pill rr va 1 r (k LisE�: NAM UW Pmdncc Aoorwal Now a Pcoduct of AccMilim Searth > AopbCNt*n List > APP90OSw N b I Fill * -F is Apel cath r Type Ra vish n God. Version 2111 Apo 1cab r Sly ti s Approved Comma nts AI chive -- Fhvduc Mai ufacb rer Certainlee, CorporationiRoofing Ad( resrr" ormk Email 21Moores load Mahrem, AA 11191 (C 1C) 84. 3-54 IN mer11.11.harrmirOs(Irt-got), Ia.com A uttvort:led 91gn U re ill Hanna! me rl I,, Lhaml lrbsi In t -gob. Ili .corn - ei h n kal Repreo n tt this ! I e ri I D. Hamer Adc ress/P M Ema ll 11 Moores 1 oad F 2 Iv'v m, IA M -1 91 (41C) 111-5841 F It ri LD.Harnertl t-gobainmi m Quality Assuran, a RI p re sentattvil Ack ressiPtwne/Eml II Cates ory A o01 n g Subcatei ory Asp! aF Shingle Com11IR nce Method 9vaivation Repj rl fron .I Florida Fel Is eyed Architects a Lkerlsed llorid Professkmai Engin eer -i Ill tion Report - Ha! � IcolIM ReW e( FlArlda EN Inee r s r Architect Namai wh deal lope+ Roll rl Niemhvn tl a i l Illation F apl rt Fla rh1 a L Icon sa PE -99166 Quality Assurance Entltj lit LLC 4lality Assurance Contrac Exllratlon Date 11)113/4!12] validate) Ill A h( V. Knezevid , PE 71validation Gheddist - Hardcol yl Re ei le( Certlfka a of Iudepefoerica EL5444 RIS COI 2019 01 COI NIEMINEN.od Rei ei enced Sl andau I and Ya a r (o I ti nd rd) Standp Yea r ASI M t 31111 10111 ASl M 1341 2 30111 ASTM 171158 .1011 Elqulvalerxc o Ilraduct 9tanda rds Cer Ifled & Sel hlor[<.I from thle flode YLog BL7S uom In 1 I leer kc&UALiM HUL Topics _ subd K swcbwge sIW II nmu -. PobY &Ol CoWw Us B0. She Nip L491M Surd 4 {y Product A pill rr va 1 r (k LisE�: NAM UW Pmdncc Aoorwal Now a Pcoduct of AccMilim Searth > AopbCNt*n List > APP90OSw N b I Fill * -F is Apel cath r Type Ra vish n God. Version 2111 Apo 1cab r Sly ti s Approved Comma nts AI chive -- Fhvduc Mai ufacb rer Certainlee, CorporationiRoofing Ad( resrr" ormk Email 21Moores load Mahrem, AA 11191 (C 1C) 84. 3-54 IN mer11.11.harrmirOs(Irt-got), Ia.com A uttvort:led 91gn U re ill Hanna! me rl I,, Lhaml lrbsi In t -gob. Ili .corn - ei h n kal Repreo n tt this ! I e ri I D. Hamer Adc ress/P M Ema ll 11 Moores 1 oad F 2 Iv'v m, IA M -1 91 (41C) 111-5841 F It ri LD.Harnertl t-gobainmi m Quality Assuran, a RI p re sentattvil Ack ressiPtwne/Eml II Cates ory A o01 n g Subcatei ory Asp! aF Shingle Com11IR nce Method 9vaivation Repj rl fron .I Florida Fel Is eyed Architects a Lkerlsed llorid Professkmai Engin eer -i Ill tion Report - Ha! � IcolIM ReW e( FlArlda EN Inee r s r Architect Namai wh deal lope+ Roll rl Niemhvn tl a i l Illation F apl rt Fla rh1 a L Icon sa PE -99166 Quality Assurance Entltj lit LLC 4lality Assurance Contrac Exllratlon Date 11)113/4!12] validate) Ill A h( V. Knezevid , PE 71validation Gheddist - Hardcol yl Re ei le( Certlfka a of Iudepefoerica EL5444 RIS COI 2019 01 COI NIEMINEN.od Rei ei enced Sl andau I and Ya a r (o I ti nd rd) Standp Yea r ASI M t 31111 10111 ASl M 1341 2 30111 ASTM 171158 .1011 Elqulvalerxc o Ilraduct 9tanda rds Cer Ifled & Sel hlor[<.I from thle flode Pro( uct Approval Method Meths 10Ptiou D D:b1 Sutdrnitlad 08/111/7419 Dahl Val dated 08/1-1/74119 Di 1:11 Peadin( FB( I Appl-1 vi 1 06/111/19 Da to Apprllvet: 10/15/; 11 19 ;wnmary of Praidiiii FL Model, Dium1 er im Na me Def cr F tion 5444.1 de -k Asphalt loot SI angles 3 -tab, •1 -tat, Strip (no -cut -alts), lamlrll ted and and INec ural a Spic It roof shlrel les L Imita o Use mats Her ill r It stt nctk ns All II: roved for use In li Ila FL5444 R15 1I 2019 06 FINAL ER CERTAIWEED FL5444- AllFroved INr use outside HVI12. )les R15,odf Impar, Rel Ist1 rrt: N/A Verified i • I: Ra ber Nlerr IrH r, PI I 1 E-91 166 Design Rres:Itlret NAA Cleated by IrldeperldentThird PIrtl : Y(m Other: 1 el tc AIR Section 5 N r Limits < r Use Eva luatk n A ell Fl_�444 R15 AE. 2019 QB FINAL 5R MTAIUTQEQ FL5444- land{ Creetel I y Independa nt Third A j rty: Ye< Contact ua :: 2601 fill SLOM PjRiL UMAINI FL 32199 Phone: 850-457-1824 The Stale or Meld! a an AA/EEO employer. CwvdaM 2007-2013 State a Flotdda :: ill 511 :: Acciessilpility SW 111i St tlndd I rlorlda la., emaa W*itisss an puha records- tl yow do ea vmm yeaI eye a addrm released t neprnw to a pubk-reWM roqusu, do nal sea ekrlrom meq to this entlt . Imtead, "mW lh orac W pone or W traditional auk. I I you hares"pvastil pleas I contac 634.487.7395. IN" nt to Sectio 453.273(11 Florida Statute , e4rett.M OcioW 1, 2012, kertsea i awned w,dar Chepter455, li rows pravkN the Department wild be eMO edt4ess If tho; bare ane. The snap provided el be used N o(Rcir I cammunietio with the aatfts a limerei am" adde4ues are pubk records II YOU d I not rdsh to aoppd a pmaona adorn , pkm prwdde the De p&r l with m ewes address mt cae be teed era4Wi t the pubac 11 datemNe r you are a ate,vxe under 41Mapw 455, FSI rya let did:QlQ. Product Adprw" Attu rm"®I® NEN O 1 Eft. Cerdfi mta a,1jI Eithoriaa tlen AL12451 I93 Chris ian 91 rel ei, Ur it #L•I Ox ord, CT 06411 (103) 7 0 2-9241 1EINGINEIR BVAIIIIATE HEST CONJt1LT CIF F'I Ceti alnTe ed Corpora lI Ion 2U Moore: Rot d Ma Iva m, F A 19331 (610) 631-58'r Ivalm tion F eport 312219.03411:111 IL5444-R3 Da -1 e of bs t is nce: 09/12:1 10119 Hevi: ion 36: (10:14/: 03! Scot a: 71 it I%ri luatIan F epart is iasuet I under Rule 63 G20-3 and the ail p IiG 114 rule i an d negi ilatia ns loiieming the use c f (an An We r ma-1erhh in II ( 'Itate c Florltla. TI a Iloct mentation suI mlttecl ha been revlawed b}t Rot ert Nit:mInem, P.A. far use of tie pro( uc uncleu the Ilcriela I UIldinl Coc a and Flory la Bt it ding Cdde, I ealt le ntia I Va lume. TI a pradnct dascr bed 1 erein I a, ie been eve hr let lar aom F [lanae Witt the 61 Edition (2037)1 Iorlda Ek ik inF1 Co( a sectien:l noted 1 eneir. DESCMFq ore: CertainTee d AIFI t all Rooll 9F ingles. LABELING: Labe liq sl all be in aaaardince mitt the requirement: of the Accredited Qialit} As=i ranee Agenglmated herein and F11 :1501.2.1.11 j 11903.2.111.111 Cwnpiumi CoMrum CE: Tt Is Euaivatic n Re port Ij valid un til the name d E ra disci (a) chat ges, the referancec Cli iali4 Asi un r ce de atirnentatiou cl aoges, c r provNions of the Glcle that relate to this prof uct chanife. Acceptauca a l this Ivaluation Report bill the a, mad client aanatitutes agieement to notify Rt bert Nisrrinee, H,II, (f aa)1 ch,Inge1 to the pro clucts), the qua lit} Assuretiae as the production ftaalitil location (s). NEN Oleic. require s a torr plito re%iew of ti is illiaivation Report relative to uticlalecl Code req+ ire niant- milth each Cot E Cysle. ADvaTM11MENT:The Ilmalwtion Fell c rtnurri or preceded I )I ti a w(rdi'1rIEIMOIetc. Iualuited'rr qbe (11. q Led Ir Adiiarthing Ilte ra tuni . If i n) pq rtiou of 0 E Iva lua tion F ep art is c1li p lays d, tI on it s ha 11 t e Ont is its a r tlret) . INsm mi: LIF on reque.lt, a eop}1 of this (ntlre Elia Imlion Fepgrt sta1E be provdt d to tie user I }1 the rranActi re or it distribute rl an cl shall E e ave ila ble for inspectio n a t the jot :ilte a t the requi 1st (1 f 1 he Building Of licial, A Li Eli altiatla n Re port at n llsts of pages I ti ra ugt :19. H reit ; red It y: A obi rt J.M. Nib min E n, P.I. F IorkGt Aeglstratk n No. 29:164, Nor t to AG AN8.1913 the h[simne sai I .Ppb arini was at horkm b}I Rcb4 rt Ni minen, PA w OS, 14/2,119. n6 daed no serve as an eiau on c *led documer i Q W W Gi iia N a F WDEPEMWPI E: 3. NIMOle e. does nct hale, nor aloes 11 intend to acs u1re, or will F ac(uire, a financ,il lstereit in any company manufachrliq of ills ril uting prods acts ItLm alua tes. �. NIMOI etc. is not owned, ape rated or controller byl ai i )l as mil any man ufac uring or dis ributing products it ei ialua tes. t. Robert Nienitnen, I.N. iIo(s not Fav( nor w II a(iuire, a fins rrial irterest In any company mi"Macturlry or clisU butt g p roduct far wl b 1 tf le evaluatk n reports a re be Ing Issue d. 4. Robert Men Ines, 1.1. 11 cm s not Fa ve, nor will a uire, a f na ncial interest In a n, I ott er astlti involvecl In the a pproval prace si of the IIra ucL 3. This h a t ufldiN ai dd evalt atic n . flelthr r Nl1 t] 1 e tc- nor F obertNle minae , R.1. a re, in a ti y way, the Desigriq r a f 1 ecwd for any prale:ct or wl ich this E,ri li i a I la s Report, a r ll revie us ve rsiorls tt ereof, ishmis i ised fa r II a rm lttini e r de sign guicbt nce usless retained s pecH tally ferthtt11urllcsa. 6121111, FI EN 0 ETU, LI C ON(rvojetc. ROOTING S' STEMS RVALUA TIOf I: Pro cluct G M goryl Rc1 c flag 1 ub-Caiege ry: Aspl alt Shin glej C(Im pl anae Si atemen t. Ca rta inTeed A:Iphi tt Raul !tinges, e 1 pros uaei k y Certs inTc e( Corr a re (tion, ha va da mon stn to d aorn K lie nail watt the fa Il4 w ng sect a ns of tie 6" Eld It Ion (7 0:17) F arida Buildln g Code ml 11" Tclitia n (2(171) Florida Building Cot E, AeAdeniial Volume tilrougt lesting in accordance wlitl tie following Cti ndiircl:l. CIIrrpliari c 1 i:l i ub]E c to tl a In staile tion Rol Q1uiraand r tl an cl Llrlitstion1,I Ca nditiom of Use! et forth t erein. 5eORPro pe St n i r War :1911 x.2 .'.I, R9( 5.1 ,I Phy. icaI Pra perties ASTN 9 34 6:1 1c :1 a :1541.2.1.:1,1909.1.11.1 Wim Ieslstarme ASTMiE:IGI 09,11(1,11998 15012." .1, R901.1.4. I W Ind 1 e sista rm a ASTM 0 7:1 SA 11,23,11999 tntlt X111 n� tli n e iE nce Dal a PRI (M 5371) ASTM 12:16:1 296TGO:19 08,111/2019 UI (-IST 1140) ASW 0=10:1 94NK91c1 09,11(1,11998 UI (j ST 91401 ASTN 0t:l(:I 991141<24500 11,23,11999 UI (I ST V 40) A: TM 0 ::I 03 03 CAI 17(12 0`.1,12. /200:1 UI (15-11740) ASTM D319:1 03CA117112 06,111,12003 UI (JS71740) ASTM W1 6:1 03NK298.Ix 10, 103, 2003 UI (TS11 1740) ASTN D3.111 04CA31329 05,1211/2004 UI (151117,10) ASTM D'161 04 CA32936 17,103,12004 UI (TSII37d10) ASTN D3181 CRIK97D S 04,11:1.12001 UI (TSS 1740) ASTM 03161 {1PIK1677f 05/17,1200:1 LII (TS71740) ASTN 03111 UICA T18 09,111/2009 LIL(TS11:17110) ASTM WW1 {r! PIK14831 09/21/200:1 LIL(TST'170) ASTH D3141 01PIK22M 01/21/200!I LIL[ISTI 740) ASTM D3402 868-1 0!/2:1/2003 UL(TSil :17,10) ASTM D1198 01P18108031 04 /28/20(1 LIL(1ST-.1740) ASTMD3111F D30:1 090A78813 ['1/2:1/2001 LIL (TS -1 :1740) ASTM D3412 ]0CA413W IIIIX /211111 LILC1971740) ASTM D3111 30CA41303 10/01/2410 LIL (T9'1 :1740) ASTM D715E 10CM1303 30/21/2030 LIL (T91 :1740) ASTM D31 If 1 f D3442 14CA4 49 60 1:1 /11:1 /7 03 0 I It LVI (TS111618) ASTM I 03 3111, D.144 2 10.1158 :1 3M-1 219, 1:1 /x .11201:1 lit LL1 (TS79638) AS -IN D:13113, D34112 TFWZ R684 04A7JA-9Old 111 LL(1 (TST'.16:8) ASTIN DIME 1GAILR6841 04)171A;01,1 LIL 1.113 (TS19 6] 8) AS7N D] 3111 & D3442 4786234-134 09AI 6/109 4 UL L L L (I (TS11 1618) AS -M D1161 & t 34412 171657087 d 9 2/112/203 5 lit U4 ((519838) AS7N D1161 41736821391 02/:11./20]5 l I t U 4 (TS -1 1918) ASTM 03161, 0 346: & D1158 011691701111 12)116 ] 03 5 V[ Ll C (T519 81 E) ASTM D3163 & Cl 4112 � 171719567 8 0 2)I09A] 016 111 LLC (MI 163F) ASTM 03161,0346: &D1158 1)1719113-1 :10/:11./7016 l It LI C (T57 961 a) AS1 M 0 3161,1 34 W & E 1 158 d x1738t 356 10/:16j1: 016 UL LIC (1971018) AS1M 0346: 4x17380357 :I0jI1.3/11016 ULUC(T_!Tl811) ASI 1M17158 ,1111738(1397 :1 1/1084 03 6 UL L I C (TS11 103 8) A STM 113163 431718(3!17 1 b 09)1709 6 Ul LLC (T9119 018) )1 STM 13161, 9 34 6, & 17158 4`11171864:17 I11 SI 13017 U l LI C (T5T 96.11: ) ASTM 0 3161 & ( 3462 4711804 3 4:12 Ujl'15117017 UILIC(TS79618) ASTM 03161,13, 63&07158 4388:1(]707 13,I113i170:18 Ul U C (QUA c 11211) Chlality Contra Servicii Cont rmatie n Exp.13,109/2W 0 r Ma el C, LLC IWIuation f eport 3'131,09.114UII CrrfUkale R,1ALrdid karA n AL1.1455 fl"' 1t Ina PI (20:17) FBC PION-HVRZ BIARIA714 PI F15444 -R] 5 Certainleeil Al ph itfoofSt ryles; (61()ED-5841 Rtvfst)j 11:118,1141114111 l agi 1 of 15 oftmajetc. 4.1.3 CT20"',XT'139,XT' 34 and XT" 1311 Rare fberelassralnfareed, 3-tabssphalt roof shiagte:I. 4.1.: Aucadla", Belrnani', 11tInlanit" IFJ Carriaie House Shingla', Graucl Nanclr 9hargk*, LandmarlM", L rldnlark" IF, ndmarll" o, ndnlark"Pic IArts, Landmarl*I Prerrilum,Lanclmar}I"TI, Landmark" 5olarts,Lamidn ll"Scllarls r c"" 9e arts Gohl/Platin um are 11: erglass ralnfaraed, la minatocl alpha It roof.lt Indies. 4.1..3 North6atol is a fibs rp la ss ra Infa reed, la n it a to d, 3133 mod ifl ed bits rr et roof st inghl . 4. 1.4 Pi es Id a al U l I hal eTM, I resk en tial SM kaI IR, I re: Iden tial Sl r ks TI "' an cl Pne sides tie l Sok rial" a re III bo rgla s y rel III forced, archltc cb Ira I an It ha It roof at isSles. 4.1.9 Hatteras', IllghlerI S441e"' and IIlgl lanc SI; te"' I ara fibs rgtass rehifc rcecl, 4 -tat as pt altrc ofsI inll le. -i. 41.11 Patric 11 Is a fit erglass reir loraed aspt alt roof strip -:It in ®la (alith r o cut -c ub ) Irovk infl a la ni it ate d e pll E a ra nae tt rougt an Intarmttlent shacloalline witt sontrastir gI:land drops forcalonclell'nitior. 4.2 Hip 81 Ridge Shin es s: . 4.2.1 Pues G Ic nth I Accessory, Ac olesl c ry Ior Hatt eras, 3 ha r gle F Idge" , SI a de wI Rlc Ig1 "", Cedar CI Cedar Crc sff III, NortiIRhI aaadNor'JIA41cosserylarafitarglassreinforiIedeacesseryshinghnforIipanc1ri4ldelnstallatlar. 11.3 Accessory St: rter 5tt Ips. 4.3.3 Higl -Ferf4 rnlauaa Starter is a ;Ita iter shingle, nleasiArg 30" :i 36", oornXrise( of a fN r Blass neat I ase I rid cera rI cc ate( nelneralflranLids erriNddedinaipirIt. Ttesestartershinglesaroder Igrsedfor +lsc WthGra ndNaserStartple", Hatt eras'" a Ind F Iigl land SI; teu". 4.3.:1 PresW 4lnthI St; rter is a starter st int le, measuring 33-1/4" a 44" (o%eralll), aorviIII c-1 a fit ar glass mat I ase and ee ranlic-coated minora] ipnrlles ernbscldocl in asllHIt wild a reinforotment on its urdo rsicle (for Irrpact resistarcc can side r, loo ). 1hes4l ata rter i hin glen, a pplied using to o (1) over I a pil in11 k y4I rs, are desiI noel for I. se vulitl Presk a ntia l SI s ko TO � nd Pra sic lenllaI 9 hale 111'". 4.3.3 Preside ntia I Ste rter IR is a sta rl c r st Ingle, meas uric g 13-1/4" )1 4Q " (c ve ra H), camp rlsed a f a tit er f11a ss mat base and ceranI ted min era I gra nules ambcl Me 6 in aslt at . These starter silingles, a fill lies 4lsing two (2) overh p ping lar era, ane des idn41 d for use vitt I Prean la nlial It at el IR. 41.3 41 Stn iti t5ta rt" St; rte r SI Ingle is a starter stc Ip for a :1 F ha It roof shingles. It over, 11 !124 of 3 5-:I yldl" )1 38-3 /4" tills Ids two (] ) �-5)11")I38-3jId"storterpiecei pnrstinfIle. +1.3.1 Universal St. rtes is a starter shingle, n e,IlslArg T' )I ifl" (cvera11), camprlsed of a fiber ON is n at I ase and aerarnia- co ated minera 111r< miles ambed4lc d In au p halt. These starter shingle s are desil no cl for use wlitf l an y Cer1a inleed s hin gig rr ea surinl 17'" x 3 6" 1 a, ling a we athe r expose ro _15". 4.4 Any of tI is a 1: (Yve Its: eq I st III lies TTI a)I I c pro duriei I in AF (a Ilae iI is E nt) %a rsia mi. 5.3 This Is abuildingcocleevahiation.I'IeiticrNEN 01et(.norIobertNierrlinen,A.I.are, in�mINai.1,t11epc!IignerofRdcard fa r a m t p roje ct an wl ich tt is L, Ialuatia r Rep ort, or pro %lic us ve rsio r s tl en4l c f, is, Awa used 1lor 11 a muittir g a r de sign ! uiclaaac unless rete Ina cl specif ci lly for tt ai purpose. 5.1 This Ivalw tion Ra port Is not for use wlitt in RBC FIVHZ furls dicitans. 5-3 Fire Wwsifluii Con isnot part of this Iva luatiou I epoI refer to ctlrrort App reved Iocfln g N aterkIs Diraclory for ire ratings of this product. NEA O E114, CL41 Evl lwtlon gu p(n IS-- 1,09.0! -Ree arrtykotr a,lAufharta tkln A3] d.15 11' EDITION (1 C 111) FDC INION4V I EVAU UA71ON FVI4"4115 n erta In1I4 .i t1 A4 phalt F oof Shfaigles; 11.1 C) 651-5841 RV ufs Ion 16: DQ:14/24119 Pi go a 01 1S *11 EN CI I Ell G. 9.4 Will cl Cia ssifica tion 9.4.3 All st Inglis noted l arein are Classifier] in aacc rcl v ith IBC Tat les 31 SM .2.i .1 z nd RIC to A9Th E 3183, flllas! II art cl/a r AS11M D11511, Ch ss i•1, incliclath g t1 a 91 irgles are ;I anell table for us in z ll wird 24 r es t p to 1l = 151 ri l (V„tt 394 ml t ). F efel r to ! eation 6 for install. tior requlrern ell t9 tcl ri et ti if v 1in1 I rating. 9.4.; PrasiclentlaI Acaassory, Aaaef:lary -lor Flatiera s, !hall@le Ridli , Sl ado%%i Riilfe, Sledar (Ire,lt, NorIMtc Fidlle all NorthGata Accessory kip & ridge shingles hal%le tear evaluated in zec:orclanae witt AITM D316:1, Class III. All c: cent !I k adc w F Wile lilyd duo lclin Oxfarc, NQ, Nori hGa to Ridge and No rtI tla'l a Aaeessa ry rogi lire use of F ASI! anola;Itic NF 1 adhesive or Henkel PIO PtIytlrethane Real & Was irg sealant, aplliacl as :Ipeaifiad in rranufacturar's applhizIisn isstruc- lon s, fa r us e in win d zo n es t p to V.,4= 350 nl n h (11„It = 194 mph ). Refer to Section 6 fc r iast;l Ila tion reel irs ni anti to meet tti! mind ratirg. .11.4.3 Hill t -Pa rfa rni an a ita rter, 11ref is r tic l 9 tan er, Presidential Sl arta r IR, Jim iftita rt® Stat rttl r f k inl I le an cl U■ iv{ rs a 1 Itarte r have teen eve lua tel I in a ccorclz rl as witf A: TM 1]316], (lass F. Rafe r to F ectia r III for in sta llatiori re qi lire nl ants to meat till is aiirl cl rel tir g. 9.4._.:1 Hilt-Perimrnlanail 9tarier shingles are lirritad to use wit] Grand Manor SI zngle°, Hatteras""' and Higt land ShleT"' !11 ill gill S. 9.4.:.:1 PrasiclentlaIJtartarshin glasrriustba;llplPill! IILisinltwo (2)everialipMg [aye rsaniIzrelire iteiItousewnti Fresid( niial 71 al a"' and Prosiclectiz I Slha I' a TIT"' sF Inglis. PnisidentialItarterIf Shinglesl lslke2pilRodtisirgtwo(2)olieriappinglaileraandzreliniitedtou.ldwithflresideniial SI al a "' IR shingles. UnhierizISlarlerslinllles are lirritecltousewliti01rtaWile eclshirlgle:lmazsurinplJV'x3111"Ia+lint awazlhcre:iposure < 9". 9.4.4 Cla:rsificalionb1lA?ITMD;118appliestoenfloaurecatogariBorCand abuildingIsilt•tof6Ufeelcrlest.fllalailail l bl a cualified design prafE:Isicn;ll alre raiquirecl for oonditiens outside Ill linlitztians. Contact lho Wrigia manufactllrarfor clala spenitiato east sling](. An;lly!isIhlailccrdarlceullihAITMni198inilicatefthe nleasuracltinliftrcihtznee (FT)for thc Certain' eeclasllaltRo(f skinAllas listell it Section 4.:1.3 tF rnuI1 k 4.1.9 (ax(imptPne.lidilntial!'Iola lli:r"; dant ril "Pro:IlalalrusencI!oriclmard "'loiai,iu:l Gok1/1 lotinunl) e:1ce ells tl a aalaulatecl ulliift force (FI-11) ;Ilt a nla:limtirn ele:lign wind sllaecl of V„d - 1'.10 nIFIh (V„rl = 394 mpt )forrl sidential i uilclinls loaatl cl in Il re D oonclitiotls witt as topagratl f Teal variations (fiat to rrain) I wi lg a mean roof ha igi l le:11 Il z n or eglual to 80 fet11. ' the shin glc f are lle rmi9! iI le under Cade for in.lta lla tion it these ca r ditions tlsir g tt a installalian g racadi Ire s de to ile d it tl it Crialuatian F epc rt ani c1 Cartairl Til is d n- hl imi m regL iriil rr en t1, tibject to mininnLnl codified fastening regtirenlentf asti lisied within ailil Icc.l jurisdiction,'Alid :shall take precede nee. !1.5 All gmod titts is the roof assemt ly sl ail I ave Itialitya istlranee audit] in all carclaoam vdth IACFuIe 6:IG20-3. NEW E11a, LLa E u luation F e pa rt 3532.09 .a 1 -Rt I demi kcate all orizolion All il'H EQIi1C N II C17) FI C Npl I-FIV611 EVA LLIM N FL!114r1.I-M 11 eerto it In ed N II t all Ra of lhl (11111) 651-11:11141,11 1 e vision 19: 011,114,1301!1 mass'I df 111 *Nmmo i eltc. 9.1 Hoof 11ecli slope, tl nde rla ylri and fa sta n eri stall comp ly 'A itl II BC 150il.2 A 11905.7 a nd tt a shingle n a nufa ctt re r,s rr In irr, 1 Im nn q ulrn rr er ts. 9.1.3 Underla, lm en t:I hi1111 E a cce p tal le to CeIrta in -lead 9arpon tion a nd ihali t old curreil t n1c ride fta tewidE R rodun A f prorial, a r be Locally Aij proue!d per F uls 61G20-3, per Fll Q lection: 1507.2.3,1903.2.4 or RC 0:1.2.3 . 9.2 In ata lla tis n of a s pl alt st ingles shall ca m plyl with the 9e main l e" Cdrpo r. tion current lid d ins rud ions, u:ling m Inlml lm four (4) r ails par sl mala in a ccordan ce with IIBC 15011.;1.7 or Semis rl R905.7.6 a nd the minin t m re quire ma nts l ereir. . 9.2.1 Ilasten ens shall k e in arca cis n ce m lith m.1 r ufa c tt Ire is it t Iblisl Ed re qt ireni er , I: ut not le: s the r IBC ].507.2.6 or IM 05.:.1. S to g lel a re rl of Il a rm iti a d. 9.2.7 Wt era the roof slope e: co el is 71 units uertiaal in 31 units t orlaoll tal, we tt a "Ite eI Sla pa" direatia n:1 9.3 (lertainTti ell aapl alt shingles are acceptable for use in reroo f (tear-aff) or re cave r applica tic ms, s11t )ect to the linlitatiar:1 sat forth in IBC Sen ion 1111 or R9C g c nd Co rta Inleed publish ed ins allatlon irstructla ns. 9.4 HK H P6 FORMAN[ SI ITER: 0.4.1 ilaues: Aa r tt e f rst st.1 rte r shirr gra in eacl roof as rrer, use fhla (5) nails as shown Wow. All other starter chin glk s re quire foil r (4) n aih per sl Ingle. Na ih must k e o f suffice nt IE nett to penetrate Into the docl l 1141" or tl re ugl the t1 icknel s of the decl ling wlhicl eve r is le:ls. Na ils a re to t e ] 1 a 11 ga ul1e, carrosian-llesiata n roofing nails Hiith 2,18` leach. Apply the V"starter shinglemithits facory-applkcliealant:ltripe! atthe atinala'alowiir-riadge and nail I rmhl into the roof decl as a ar m pa sill le 4 (ma! iin111rr 3 ") to the eaves e4Ige wl Ile a+loidinj the :1e a Ian t. With the starier :1t irlgla mic 11 fas en ed to the deal and tl a sealant law c n tl a starter inE Iii, it a n firmly add- ere to tl e i rst cot irst st in files. " If mi illt g with in 3' k not poi 111 le, r a i1 a s cla:Ie ill a sit ossible, tl en lift and a di a re tt a su rte r shingin to tl e I m de rlayma r i a n d to the supporting stn n ura with Q ertair Ta el I F Iiri r d" AApt a It F ooi r g Cerr en t -Cal I Ik dl rade, ara1lpiio+lad equal. Rakc :1: Pr Ic r to Ins allati(l n of ti- a field shingle s, sta iter s I In(lles mall ba all plic d tip tf le s le p e a to n g tt a ral a e c 1$e v iitF sellantedgeplcaedclasasttotilisniFeedfe. FastenaaindiaatidI(low. F IGH- PORRORMM CIE SAARIiEIR SIF INGLES 1` A� r�r �I !� AAAA AAS A A 6" 9' 9" I s• AAAA rr i1A11111 � � ^ 'art MM .1 7 1 A �� so" A 1 A A � 1 3/8' (M a x V) MEMO Ll II, LUI Ev ikra Nor Rep[ rt 3532-09.01 -11i111 drrtfrieote OjAurhorh+ tkn,1131<I71 I'" HIMCIN GI C17) FSC NON•HVF 111 VA LUA110N FL544A I -M !I Cerl I in1lel t1 A: phAit Roof SMngles;16:10)151-5847 Revision 10: 0811 1 41120J i 1.Igj as 311 C(4 NEMCI I Eli C. 11.5 1 F II.IID!N1 IA L JTI RTI R Ar 18. l RUIC1aN1 lA L "'1 U RuR iR: 111.5.:1 Gil reral: The icshinglis11:1tall beaRplieiIb,lusinilltvio(3)ouerlappinglayers. Begin applimtion ofthe Ili ttcniawsr laysrofstartsrshingles b!l-1uttingendaplllyirga73-3ki"x20" IIieiea1this loisnrleftrake, havesaornenoverlar in11 rah es ancleaves l,W"to 3, I4", tlantinua alnn®the eaves wit[ fiIll-sizc 13-1AK")11111itarler sl ingles. Baal top)juHl;er starter calur.llcshirgleshall tarleits e"toll :lEationramiitthc periarations, res ultinil in 11-1/4"x40"shinglE1.T1e sola red granule portion I1his "top"startersl inlles,iha11 keloaalacl nil aresttl E Inv iermasteaueedle. Install ti a list I ap /t ppe r starter sl Ingle s o tt at it is flush tc1 tl a left :icle a nil bottom it clga s of tl a first I ottonl/lav c 11 srl arta r st ingle. lit is first tap,Iupllerrlartersl irgle91 all ba 1:1-1,14":131". Cartintie alonl I c iiEliuW11h 11-1/4"x410"top/upper starter stinill1osensuringtlaIthil Iaweredges are flush wild this ieredgEsofttebottom,Ilo>,nlenJai. lEr. BefrlriinaettE 11Ira cluat'sviral ger fcrmore ipeaific delails. Ilavai: Il a sten asslovnbelomi, Rikcls: After apill lyirgttestarterihirlglesattievailes,lLit llrliclrIoinsltallingthe field shingles, slartllrstin81les maiIbeall J iEdLipttesloneattIt rakaeilte.Aaster a 1tor.nlelaw. Aasteninll : loi 1r nails are regtlired per st ingle. Nails st all be of sirlfinien t length tc 111 anetrate into tt a sleek 3, I4" 0111 tlreflgi this thiolnesaofttadEahing,vtiii hilverisless.N:ihareto bil11cr:1]Ila iiii arrc:1ioa-resistantraafingnails vlith 3, I8" he ads. A nesident)al Slallten and A nes ideal ial IR Slairler It ingles 'I tBailom � aria lull8oltamlllariet I 1stTpf 'tan Ier 4 1 � I•j 6.0 I.FNI11iIII At SW-IEF : 6.9.1. Genf ral: Wt He Universal Starter ltrip sl ingles are !ipeclificallll deiign ed to be usiod m ith sl ingles 3 t3" lerltt art d I aving a veltterfixllcatlreci5",ihilymall IaimitilicdIEneatl stirlfles(if anylen@thifspocWnrecairtionsaretaker. IN I Of TAN'11: In all eases til a end join is c f tl a starter a nil the first cc urlE shinglai sha lI P IHVER [31 1.1151 -I1-IAN 3-1/2" a A art. Eaves: Ttesealant or startercoursea-itouldface out and lie aseloseaspossil leta tl aeavc.I eilllecftle roof. 11lastea as cle!lcril ell baloul. Hal es: A fter a ppllling tl e s tarter sl ingles at tl a eaves, but price r to in:ltallini tt a field shinglai, ita rter shir glee nl a, I be all 11 IN cl up the slog e at l he ra l e a dIc witl sealant fa cin1i of It and nal s t to the oute r roof edge. Fa:ltan a.1 desariI ed I eI(Iw. Fastening: U 1 c fe ilr nails on these itarte r st in@ les as st oven t e1i w, llhe sealant c n starter aauni es shall lie as close a s possible tathoeavclsedflleoftheroof. N;I!is shall Iaofsuffidiontlengtl toRenatratalintctlecleek%K"(Irtlroullhtia thiakn ci i of tt a de4W g, wl ict es1Er is less. IN ils a rE to be 11 or 12 ®atllle, co rrc:lion-rasi:lta nt ronfit f1 n ails witt 3)18" he a ds. li ERSAL STARTER SHINCIIL ES —3 6' IT 12" tA3l� j" �i���wwM.�r� ww.erlr���n�wwwMw ii Ni I Mal E111a, LLC Eva luatic n Of I orl 3 532 A 11.115416 uerti/gote of Autl odu 61 n 4132455 (IT" EC 1111110 DI (2 0'1 a) ME 11 Na N -I All 112 E1 AL1 A• 1101 FL54a4-F 15 ciiI Aspl alt 11 o If 51 ine1es; 1610) 89:1-5847 F41 fisdn:l6; 0I/]4.12019 Pall e6of:l5 4.7 g V IF1S'IAI Ta ]TA R1111R SI IINII LE: ONury o 1 Eft. HastEin ing: US(I 'fou II n ails, local ec ais sh c iw n b eilow 8 hl" (E ;14 mm) a mm) from a dge 1- (23 mm) In Ill i1 dgle —I A -9 1f " i w w . (194 mm) Max c' rrwr* i MM �i Mwii � � am M" Millis ■rr 210101d,w l wwrrt www (Al mm) t tthe inner tura fasteners r ust be p laced such tl 1t the}i i.1ti ,I t Teat t 3' (71 mm) (rem It a eid joints of ti a shingle in if a succee ling course. f1.13 C'120'"!, XT" 2:1, XT"' 30, XT'"A 30 IF: LOW I 1 F D 11V 11 DA RI 'I LE PE 9TEEF SLOPE EUGLISII 12" 12" 121, - (3f 5 Iran)- ► --(3t it mr. ); *NENI C I (d ( . 6.! A ll CADIZ UWANE FAIMEA51,11FE ITEEll 1101E Vie :T' 1I ailz fur' E'VCI'V 1111 shili,lc Iurale[I a, shalul hehff. t:se six nails awl Foull spurs urasphali ximi lr p eenlelit for (-%(ry full slritll'le as Altmn I eIOW alllll}' asphalt rnuftn'. u-nival 112i 111111} filnnc ed3[ uryhill,te.:t'phiIt rIJAM [[vT3f'tll nl[vai[l,.iti1151 [)-i 5111 Tale I I is slli-Lesty I. r{ 1 i75fHl) r'ti'?Rml—w - ZEEi1v,— Ek i tipot.j:1se"fix jujilsfirmrl'lIrfir1lshilggdc. C, Ci �l .f E'ii ttn • f: 1:a+sie urrit, ('11 Cutr s p !1. nfrixl'balt tTfr�llq Cement on deep SAJ111's. 9.9.1 Hip & F idee fa r Arca dialm: Cedar r Great;"', Ceclar Cr( it' IH Use wio (2), rr in imi lrrl :1 34-jr at la n® fastfl r err pa r i f irl glc . Ha r tt a sta rte r shingle, Choi fast en e r 7 -int h fra m e ash side 6F7e ansl al cut l -incl ull from 0 a start+Ir shingle's oxpc:led I utt ealge, ensurinlf misimllnm %-ural enit ednr eat into 1 t e dal c l , a r full par etre tion tt rot I®h tt a cleak. liar c a I h full Cet E r Crest st in®le, jime fa itenors 8d ff -inah up from its e;lposacl I Lttedgealld 1-irnt from east slide edge. Fa r A5' IM D3 ] 6], Cla :IIs FI p erfornl as as u31e E AS1 "Sa n ola :itica NF 1T"" aslt esivlt or Hsi n kc1 I "pl ®Fol}lure ti ane Roof & Flailing Ilea lani",in amordanaewitt Certainileaclrat uiremanis,toIznd-seal Ceclardrestslinjiv. ApillyIIA ].ar FI adhasivefrom ttamilIdleoftiashingle'1mistdaverla}lonthe toll plata irdextenilingalfroAnlaielltI-innh alangthe ]ides offhe hasdlap along aline %to ]-hid from eaal .iide oftl a =hind le's I eadlall. Immediately align a nil ally ly tho oiierlflingl Wig 14,1 eatly prest:Iing tab sides into tl a adi esive, i1 nil install nails. To leouro tho other side, applyal-incl diamoterlpotafNi 1arPl adhesi%io betwoentteshirglelarleo. .1 `z z F< I •\"f S I �.Z y afiT Nerd -8 ea ling a(hes hie ffi NMUMNAMMOO-NN Dal of asp hitt comet tbetween still glie la yet$ 1„ NEW E- C, LLII E11a11 ration F ( pc rt 3539 .e 9.03-81e i l itti rcote n, I A[ilha ritotion (43a,I5S 1'" eDITION (1 C 11) F8a P1011 -HIM] EVE LUA710 N FLET -144 -119 [I ertainlli ed A spt alt F a of Shingles; (810} 1151-318411 11 eliislon 16. a 8iI1Iil911 19 Rag( a cf 33 ONEilvlojetc. 6J( BELMQN116CRB1LMCNII®IF: I ow s nd It; n laud Sk pe Stee p Sloll a (greyte r than 21:12): (7 :12 to 21:12): Use SEVEN nails and EICIH7 spgta of U9 e Fh Ill rails for e%iegI full Be Ima r t 9hingia , locate( wi sl ov in be lora. 9.10.1 9.1{I .L: 7 PC a�iEa,e=na€s� •rlarea I i12 81 Ridge 11or I eInionV c r Balm onts II I— f 5`d- i?s'np I 5ra° " as pi a it rc oll n g a enl ent" fa r every full Belmon t 1 i' ilI g le. Apo ly is sp ha It roa fing u lie nt 1" (25n m) ira 111 edcl a of : hingle . Sea be low. As pl alt ra oil ng cement mee tin g ASTI4 D451 a Tt 1pe A is I uggestE d. cC<t"11 CF-a:a- optic n 1, f or fl elmoll t°, refer r to instrLnitions I e rein for 9etlar Cre1 sl"' or sellar Cie st" In hip a r d ridge lhingke i. Aor E eln oni" IR, refer r to irI strt latior :1 he rain foo 9eda r Crest"" IR f ip ad ride a sl in®les. Optic p is n 7 : I* I c Irrl mit" : 111- atl gta ® A idle • FI 11Il0�il to d 12' 16 1xp m I rE irorr the rigt t sidq 1• ;' f •� arll 51611 SBGII~ID Fe move Iii 11 ft I 11a`�1 t IGHI This Tale II II S1 LIII I11 Fijina . I1-.19: inllrldhlticl n of SJ angled Mike s! I1lgdls Flgime 1;1-.18: S/V11gh11" Rrdga on blpa and 1dikes. I1or AS11M D31163, it fae,e F n erforrn aeco use f ASH "So noia stic" NP:I "" a ftch11 or He ni el "Ill" Polflura tf ane Ra O N Illalhkill9e;I [ant", in acaorda nee wlitl Ce rteitffeocl n1quirgmants. NI MHE'IC, LLC P III cation AapartM3Z.05.01-R1 III Cereifirate-ijA lorizatlnnA111.1455 el"11LIll(Nl2(17) I'M MCN-I1VI17BIALtIA111a1N F1,141ld-R15 Ca rta in'llleei 111 sF I alt Rau( 5h hill la s; (61C) 651-584 Ill Re alSfpa 11: C 8, I14, 1015 I ONE I of 1'. 6,13 CAM RIE G9 He USE SIIAI IGLI'S I NO GRAND MAPI01 :I HAI IGIl 9'11iF 91©AF L01h1 A ND 1111AIII;AFD9101E Itsr ft►•r mails for gran full Slimigle. L1(2J (25—) F1 A 5[9 1151" (16 mmj � I) I IL J 1VImi /Ill- l•(.!Xdf.rettrlllrtum•f ffGkilidf11611b1r$IkruglI. 6 irriag4 Ilalrm SLal dte, a r (Anil mAd SArtie. *N11ry a 1 cite. Use sa•rcu noils and lhmv sIms of asphalt mcifin.1 a mcm for t vvy full {•Anel ) am r;'hangle. Use i viii nails anti three sl o1s a f asphalt mofi9l, c unit for evil full 1arri.lge MI use AW gl+I aad Cxa leleo hi 9lsle. ,lpplt asll lts 111 n nQnj at inei l Y E?i m:10 front ec llc of shit gh {,1 nrr til-S�. ,SsBGdll ivolYnl t�entullclix h ig A,ifM D,1911I 1�1tc ll is suggested. �-"� (251) 5I8}" 1 (tfltmttlai , f38lrrl ) oriels ` .•• 1518' (25 id, � E eating Cenent Fusin 111--,j . Ill insidlinj !k'eutd •ifttt cirJN , Il Ivs en sit', ip slp]xrs, Ilse reran renrlint 6.1:1.1 Hip 81 Ridge fc r Carr House It au lea i1 r d Gra rid lV Ile r Shang] : Ill r to it i tri Ictic m I E rein for Sita ngie m FI Id f e I ip a m I ridge si+tnRlp.Y r Y 1 IIU111 C.111 LAr is it a K'", Li NDMiI F I P' IR, LAm MAI h17"' I R4, L PIIDMAW" Pilo SOLI RI.1, LAPIII Km 111 HN 1lIM, LAPIDMAFI SOLAI IIJ, Win AAll I i:IOLAPIII11,LArIDMA9K-9ol l9 Ma LDtIlaLA11rIUMOANOFTliGvrg: STEEP 19" 14.3.14" 12' RUN -r—(3!V mm)— — (37E1 mrl ..(30;11 MM)-- NAILING M)- -`TAILING Nallii9t l imi�I A 171114 �.-.-1'{29 mm} I ewl eln r r 1'(21 mmj :Y1a1 ua� Tres, tr;11P 12- 144' 2' AREA E -w- (305 rur} --. :3?.1 rima —► -w— i37s ,t,.; i I I I 1 r+� i Lropl'^zl{no -�-- 1" A roc -r +- t' IZ%'K':: 1 ttY`II • �t-i t i� r ' � il Nailinl all at R r i Ri p slop it s [IlIll ar 91:12) a illi Cl I's tt3l Nabig ateas for Ill and siattcard dlopes W -0m'12 t 21:521 Nl li 1 i at Sailtml+tenrwu9 na161e. , s.5aa 1tale, °el D -- new ufq:=1 it 31a«." l'ea as 4;h'fl at YYa NEMO 97111, LLtl Ih ialuafion F i pc rt 3533.119.0-111111 Ill afAutldriraition 432,L115 6T" IIDI7IUN(24:171)FOC PION-FIVIIZEVALLIAII14N M1,144-1113 le rte Will l e i I Al;ll aft F s cf Shingles; (ills l 691-384 ;I 1 euhsion M. a E)1:l4tp 1111 F111elaaf13 9.1; .1.7 (1.1; .1.2 *Nmfvio I atc. Hip & Ridge br I ail Elmarl "', I anElmal r1 F" IR, t a n dnl s rk'"' t rc , I all dmi ri "' lino 9oiaril. l a nilmarl "' Rrenf iunl I arlldma A"' .111c la ris, to ndnla rkTMl Solaris IR, I andn r rk'"' !Iola ris Gc ld/Pla t intim or Nara (1 ale: Opticn J: 9hadow 1[dips"' or Nath Gate Allcessoryl 12' (315mm) - - 6- 6-- (115(m) -(15(mm) (15011 m ) Ndt hfor U feriug Smnl) Iltttchesfor.l5 nmellto 1 e e lbp E lge o1I1 a Il1whil us 3 Ca l l for 5' (125mrr) Exposure (180mm) L F a glisl 11 Im1'Il SI -I n 9l 21143 I idge L16'16;12'1 I i 1 Ck'Se1L � M�iLn L (^9571 raj 1 I � ldflln these I rot:h¢st»tot € �•st.t�ls r:�c.rs= Nortt Gil tf 0Igo � { 125m1n) ldxGasuy. srrs' (250r Inl ) 416111 4151161 (115mm) 1 (125mn) I I olehfor N me wing 114' mm) Elc Iches fort ggnmenI to 7511 ` th 1hpEdgedtheFrevious (MH nlm 1 Clpfo55A'('tlimm)Eposum I ) I L .1 Ms the DWI nsiol 91 adawl Ridfle" I! It rthGa tl Ammessory 12' ,,.. /Layl1911oich 'a I Afgrrre l;l -:h I: Use lnJ'lnl! nrl ldlrs h eenler sl ingl& on G1A1 mul rid8m, am S loran fba carren t eipI s1 lrB 011tionalf(r'•Ita(Icv I:I11fe`MorcdticadinOaffond,N : FarA5111V DIJ6:1,CWisFnerforninen use IASFI"9a rolastic° rIFI'll" 21Itejhc or IleniEI "I I° Folyluretlznl Roaf 8I Fla itinj 'Ica)ani", irl asifardanae wit} Certain7Ee11 reqs firenfantl. (1.17.1.:1 Option ; : F efar to instrlmtial n�I h11 re ill for Ccdir 0rest"', Ccdar 0reiVI IFI 1 1p an11 ridg( shirglel- h IEMO ETC, LLC Eu< luatio n R(II orl 3532.0.415 -FIG 0ertihlateaf�ol1 tharimtionA3MI e'H EE 1' lot (; II 1i ) Fra Na N-11MH8 ElIALI Il III 10f I U5444-111:15 Oo rtaill Te e I As11 I F o visio n 1 I: E 1 /191,12019 la®11 1:1 of 15 1:1 ira°• •s- (3:3 rlrrl)s 7 1 518' ► � II 5f8` � {a9 rum)] (161 mrl 1 j Cenleing a211A' Ilotcl xr `[[m) (331m '•Afiinlhosa ndWho st1 top (194 rinu) edge of r Frevilusclurse. r I! It rthGa tl Ammessory 12' ,,.. /Layl1911oich 'a I Afgrrre l;l -:h I: Use lnJ'lnl! nrl ldlrs h eenler sl ingl& on G1A1 mul rid8m, am S loran fba carren t eipI s1 lrB 011tionalf(r'•Ita(Icv I:I11fe`MorcdticadinOaffond,N : FarA5111V DIJ6:1,CWisFnerforninen use IASFI"9a rolastic° rIFI'll" 21Itejhc or IleniEI "I I° Folyluretlznl Roaf 8I Fla itinj 'Ica)ani", irl asifardanae wit} Certain7Ee11 reqs firenfantl. (1.17.1.:1 Option ; : F efar to instrlmtial n�I h11 re ill for Ccdir 0rest"', Ccdar 0reiVI IFI 1 1p an11 ridg( shirglel- h IEMO ETC, LLC Eu< luatio n R(II orl 3532.0.415 -FIG 0ertihlateaf�ol1 tharimtionA3MI e'H EE 1' lot (; II 1i ) Fra Na N-11MH8 ElIALI Il III 10f I U5444-111:15 Oo rtaill Te e I As11 I F o visio n 1 I: E 1 /191,12019 la®11 1:1 of 15 6.73 LANoniARP ""7i: LAII I: NMI 11111111. IM MARII TL 1311 j -y—(; 43 mm] -—(39 o mm)----(:lI,II mm} I~—I" (19 rllm) 1" IJ mm)—�� Hpor1,3 F vmfunitunitsforeregfull.1iIL C(4 NEM[! 10 a, - V/2" 1. " 131!2"- 143mm) I (3 31 mm) 1 (3 13 mm) 112" Mrnl Ftsure III LM i sixnaiil rudlfiurspot of nlpGnll rotf',1 t�usri r m steep sG � 11.3 3.9 Flip & F idle fla r Ls ns Irrl a.rk"" 1 L: F efe r to b tic n 7 or; fo r La nE I m arl ". —1 .. (21 wl) 14.14 IS E911DeNIU L :I HANI°1, PI 11M IN' IAL SF IAI itiT " IFI, R 111Strl UITIAL S M ILEI TI "", PII ESIIC IPI111AL Sa Lf RI:I'"': L€WAtIt SIII HI)eR1 SLOIF: 111M ILOIII: Pc r h w ap d standard sh pia, use flit rat s for each 1 it F residditial llor steep slapell, use nine nails for earl full Presi, lemic I shingle aid sill le al slow, I el i w" :Ippi11 I'd ameter spot a f asihall roof III amerbin er ea It shingle H. Afferalpl}1n15rid sh betwa'nlhcrat nfgaydelhes,apply4nasl` Naming � •IC' bi abotietalauwulsmaldrl�eerlaicEilsafo��dyfrpsi111�eccceriaiEs Gt "de Lines (1014 rpm) 5114' f13�Am)• • • • 1.11/1' 1 111' 31 mri} pu MM) NMI: AAI I I nails or i aini g l liil iline. ftwe 16.6. Auterring Pmsida IAV i iinrl PI esider I tial 31 dliAI sbingkeson Li to an IA nrklra siopei 1 t' 4lianetet aspt all railing cintent Ptg pre Blk 1,lnretittp PresidenHal Bind Pre kAmtirtl 1/IG:IAI ke sdi"&or siee sl 0l 6.34.3 Hi &Riil efcrProlsidentialRaleN' IrciiidllrtiallSIeke"'III, II r tiai $1 alke Till."'Are:llidenlialSalarb"': Optic n 1: F resid en tial AcoeS 3ory PI 111ID11111TU I A 010SOR111 Pr(sidestia a1 ceasoily stilg es au I e used fan oolllring I ips and ridges,Agplyslip gesuptc the:lidga (exposeromute thanYfrom tl e t ottom edgy of the "N c tl ." Paiten cul assessor; I v4d two J11I tinct!. TI it faster e1 s milst be 1'41" Iang ar lot ge, sc 11 eA gens trate slither 44' alto ill daaii a ca mplaWI1 th otlgl It E ddal . Presk iInllal acclssu l aorL111 shi two diffareni sillw- AcAessi rypni dalced A 8(rmiigl am, AL is 12" x 1a'; A rtlaadi, 411 pna ducd1II !I 14I" x 111/4' Ia(�Is;a llll Ilio r AS"IM M 36% Clr 1 s R 11 E rfornl 2 nae use I ASM "Son ola stiaw MF 17R` ai It es irle c r Hen ica I "PI 0 Iloi11urel hal r e F oof Sd 11 121 hill J ! e1 last", in a ccorda nae aitt Ce rte in Tee cl nn q uira m o nt:1. Opiiot 2: F efor to instrt ctie m he rein for (lei la r Crc st'", Cede r Crest"' IR I ip and ridge st iri NEW O Eilil, LLe eaiali cation r apart 3532A 9.Cl-116 llertificate aJAutl oriaotioe AL37•11.I5 6'" ED1110 N (:I (Ill) Ail C Not 1-141111 EVA LIIAIIa N FL9.10-1 Is d e rte in'bi etl N pt alt Roof 11 hingles; (f I C) 1151-l14. 11 eeision 1e: a 8/1:14112119 Fame afls NNervoleitc. 9.15 HIiTEIiA$r"': 1011 51IMDIRI AN IIIIIE l SLOPE rI �I I (I33mm) (m mi) (n no) 5MOM) �t?sl�l zsmI I•• ,•. 93Ig I Wtor 15.3: Ph*s itg llallems 0Im*Frs an 1.arr a ued .vMmfard.%lmXI Fd low smc am Int xlglr . use f r m I fol (IX I fitl llnucrsu st tngM Itc AI Ibmi. 9.:19.1 Hip & Rillge for Hattara: O t on :1: Aacaasar4 fa r Hattanll I'k- I ' I flotlll>,1C(tretd ' ' 140 mm) .I�-,xr U- L lean img idawrrSbvK+t n i n-p.VL&s I For sleep slapcz n: • fnn w is aK elgk spm a(alpha! I roabl g meter f rruh i 1 ILlttera A III m slmxn abo". Apple I- ItSn�I) tli lntirr sprMs of rrnlin, rtrm (AM 114imI j j* I1 su=m 1) umb m& ub tomo. Pres sl*1 imm Fixe, 61 ad GI Irr W: Ttx cmvk runNg c %wm nm cwv sljiugles b Mime I I r 2 � Figure a5 -j14.' la IhM-PiOM unffs sepr:lufe fo Aube 511 hAthm Aawsxlry sbMgla Opli(I n 2: Cilt l 4tterall St ingles I ([3(9'im� (46( rw60inllle — — ale Shing I11 � �,m Fin ,l$ -Z0: Crit bkpt m jAngfe to mak wm cap: FYgtlre 1j-2jL- hL taffW oll O,f wA gibnR Gips and rfdgssl la r A511M il316:1, Clads FI perform s ntle t sE IA -91 ''Bona lastia' NI 11TM'" a I It e5h ie a r HEM el "RL" Pa lyl ra 1 h at a Rtl of 81 11whing9ealent, inmortlrnaewitt CartainTeedrequireminu. III IMa ETC, LLC avalvalla11&port2332.091.05-1i]6 LlertUmcfea/Autborbatim 113.1459 f" EDIT 10fl (2411)FBa PION-IIVHZ E:%LAL1IAT1011 IILS444-R] 1 Ce talnTee Asphalt 141 ar .1} Ingle ; (61t) 61.1-SB41 Revision NI: C 1,114, IZC:19 Page 1:1 If IS 6.16 HlclKANDSLA1E"",HiciHLArlo9LA110'IR, L(I NI AHC ITAHDA RD S10PL: STEEII ILOIF: Nemo I etc. L1se FI Vll nall 2111 1fGIrE spot of asph: l t roc l ni cemel t' f11 t each full Highly d Slate shingle. Fir f Barns•➢a e, SDI naffs a le rel uife . Al ply 1" dfame I r spglts 11 f asg hal[ ra ding term i ni r It ler each tab corner. AsFh:lt rooiinl cement meesng AMI 14586 li"pe III is suggested. h5a6n8.7e f j&& c IXna,.s(t" naw mdare I al ' oa.-d W1a1ea sur.+, ]Ygurell;jej•IkeJ�TVEn+IllsmReigr: aJrotsgfrullmJ! mofjllq miinitLin& &wlWcornm: Y .I#17'1411: excez1ve l se of roc 1 ng ci mens tan cause shingles to 1 Est r. 9.19.1 Hip & 11 id a io r F 191 land Slal Cm, 1`11 91 land SIa tell' IR: Re fer to instruction s l ere in fc r Cl clar slllro:lt'l', Cedar 4 mit'" IR or !t a1 E is Riclge'" I ip and l rid@ a st inille9. 9.1111 F A'Ill lO V" : LOW Al` ID 7111 M [ ARI 5 LOK U,:V R11 alt Halls Ii1r every hill shingle locate 11:is r mvii below. S�u1e,, is � j ;m- 11 Ij -.J— t r :n' —j— 1TEEI Use IFOUR nails and four sixth of asphalt nwfing ceine111 for l'7'm full sl,irnle its shomi helmv. Aqilrill ronflnp ctinc• ll hurting .1`TM 11 ii 8h lipc 11 is sulvcslcti..killily I'l2` mint sii lis of Aiplmlt rwrill' evint`111 1K sheocll. C� U10Y. Efftersitr 11;1• of rwrini, (xmv11 cAti to hli%tcr. �+- s l JRanlingESAmnty 11.11.1 Hila & l idge b r F14rtricl tl"* Refer to in strut tie r s hire in for Oedi r Cre st"', Uel la r drel,l t'"' IF , 9ha cloy I Ridge"', Nor hGa to or SI a nille F idi e""' hip e r d ridge shir gle s. NEMO 9iD 1, LLa Eisai 11111111111 F a Pon 35:7A 1.09-1119 dertificate a lA"tf ii riz i tie n A33,155 d'" EDMON (1011) Fla P1011411 Will EVE LUA711U N F1911.1441.19 l le r l ainl4 i d i slit alt Roof shingles; (9:10) HIM Al l 43 1 evisior 18: 4 Q14/2 (1.1 E Palle14of IN 11 o 1236enj (M—.) Izslg.a� _l 1318' [Naafi 51;11la'siLvan'1s ft25a1aI an Cfialet AL BI81ID7 _--ry_ , DA E I IiIle4M,• li:gufB1.1-.I llulilVVEnatA fanennryMAMIneISWe.hftle- Nemo I etc. L1se FI Vll nall 2111 1fGIrE spot of asph: l t roc l ni cemel t' f11 t each full Highly d Slate shingle. Fir f Barns•➢a e, SDI naffs a le rel uife . Al ply 1" dfame I r spglts 11 f asg hal[ ra ding term i ni r It ler each tab corner. AsFh:lt rooiinl cement meesng AMI 14586 li"pe III is suggested. h5a6n8.7e f j&& c IXna,.s(t" naw mdare I al ' oa.-d W1a1ea sur.+, ]Ygurell;jej•IkeJ�TVEn+IllsmReigr: aJrotsgfrullmJ! mofjllq miinitLin& &wlWcornm: Y .I#17'1411: excez1ve l se of roc 1 ng ci mens tan cause shingles to 1 Est r. 9.19.1 Hip & 11 id a io r F 191 land Slal Cm, 1`11 91 land SIa tell' IR: Re fer to instruction s l ere in fc r Cl clar slllro:lt'l', Cedar 4 mit'" IR or !t a1 E is Riclge'" I ip and l rid@ a st inille9. 9.1111 F A'Ill lO V" : LOW Al` ID 7111 M [ ARI 5 LOK U,:V R11 alt Halls Ii1r every hill shingle locate 11:is r mvii below. S�u1e,, is � j ;m- 11 Ij -.J— t r :n' —j— 1TEEI Use IFOUR nails and four sixth of asphalt nwfing ceine111 for l'7'm full sl,irnle its shomi helmv. Aqilrill ronflnp ctinc• ll hurting .1`TM 11 ii 8h lipc 11 is sulvcslcti..killily I'l2` mint sii lis of Aiplmlt rwrill' evint`111 1K sheocll. C� U10Y. Efftersitr 11;1• of rwrini, (xmv11 cAti to hli%tcr. �+- s l JRanlingESAmnty 11.11.1 Hila & l idge b r F14rtricl tl"* Refer to in strut tie r s hire in for Oedi r Cre st"', Uel la r drel,l t'"' IF , 9ha cloy I Ridge"', Nor hGa to or SI a nille F idi e""' hip e r d ridge shir gle s. NEMO 9iD 1, LLa Eisai 11111111111 F a Pon 35:7A 1.09-1119 dertificate a lA"tf ii riz i tie n A33,155 d'" EDMON (1011) Fla P1011411 Will EVE LUA711U N F1911.1441.19 l le r l ainl4 i d i slit alt Roof shingles; (9:10) HIM Al l 43 1 evisior 18: 4 Q14/2 (1.1 E Palle14of IN *Nomo I etc. -END UHEXALUA710PI RI1UFT- rI1Mt ETq u C Evatuatico leporl 5!137.0! .05-RIII CerlirnieteofAiiUmlkation ill. 12455 0' Et 1-110M 1]11171} F&I lK N-HVH2 E)IAUTATIOPI Ft.5444-RL' G rtalnree Asph It H ■oi St irk les; {6111) 631-59411 Re vislol III M /] 4/ 1 ]!I 1 814 150 15