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Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 Business & Professional Regulation Ed= PCIS. Home 1 Lag In I User Registration 1 Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Search FI rrda ' r 4Product Approval USER: Public User Psodact Approval Menu > Pmduct or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL30300-RD Application Type New Code Version z017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Shoreline Shutters Address/Phone/Email 105 Sebastian Industrial Place #8 Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 581-9006 sebastianaluminum@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Matthew Hall sebastianaluminum@yahoo.com Technical Representative n Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Sh utters Subcategory Bahama Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received n Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Pedro Paulo M. De Figueiredo 1 `r the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-52609 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Jesus Gonzalez, P.E. n Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method FL30300 RO COI 19-011 CI.odF Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Method 1 Option D https:llwww.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvH%2bffLfjp... 11/13/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted 08/14/2019 Date Validated 08/15/2019 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/21/2019 Date Approved 10/15/2019 Date Revised 10/19/2020 Summary of Products PL # Model, Number or Name Description 30300.1 Shoreline HVHZ HD Bahama Extruded Aluminum Bahama Shutter Shutters Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL30300 RO II 19-011 DWG.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Pedro Paula M. De Figueiredo PE# 52609 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Design Pressure: +100/-100 Evaluation Reports Other: Product to be manufactured, designed, and installed FL30300 RO AE 19-011 PER. df as per drawing specifications 19-011 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes eaci< Next Contact Us:: 2501 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/FFO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accesslb'I__ t S� tam :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, emall addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by treditionaf mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. "Pursuant to Section 455-275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Till W] ® cLFgch Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding-orglprlpr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvH%2bfTZfjjp... 11/13/2020 PPMF Inc, CA 32459 FAST & PRESENT MOVING THE FUTURE ENGINEERING SERVICES 9715 WEST BROWARD BLVD #247 PLANTATION, FLORIDA - 33324 Tel.: (954) 541.3e034 PPMF@ool.com PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT RULE 61 G20.3 - EVALUATION REPORT FROM A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Report Number:19-011 1- Date: 8/9/2019 2- Manufacturer: Shoreline Shutters 105 Sebastian industrial PI. #8 Sebastian, Florida - 32958 3- Product Name; Shoreline HVHZ HD Bahama Shutters 4- Evaluation Errt4: Florida Professional Engineer Pedro Paulo M. De Figueiredo -- PE 52609 9715 West Broward Blvd. 247 Plantation - Florida - 33324 3- Statement of Compliance: This product evaluation report is being issued per Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The products covered by this report have proven to be in compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017 —61h edition, not limited to the following standards: TAS 201, 202 AND 203; ASTM E330, E1886, E1996 Aluminum Design Manual 2015 and AF&PA NDS 2015. 6- Product Description: This product is an extruded aluminum Bahama type shutter. The system is Lage Missile impacted rated and tested for use in the HVHZ and non HVHZ. The product is designed, constructed and tested to provide protection from hurricane force winds and wind born debris within the allowable designed pressures and limitations state in this approval. Specification, fabrication and installation are as per drawings 19-011. 7- Technical Documentation: 7.1- Approval Document: Drawings number 19-011 prepared by PPMF, Inc. on 08/08/2019 sheets 1 through 8 of 8, titled "Shoreline HVHZ HD Bahama Shutters" signed and sealed by Pedro De Figueiredo, PE. 7.2- Test Reports — BT-SLS 19-002 — Signed by Constantin Bortes PE 7,3- Calculations: Calculations and design for framing anchorage and analysis of test results, prepared on 7120/2019 and signed and sealed by Pedro De Figueiredo, PE, Calculations are in compliance to new FBC 2017 -- 6t' edition. 8- Limitation and Conditions of use: 8.1— Product to be manufactured, designed and installed as per drawing specifications 19-011, prepared by PPMF Inc. dated on 08/08/2019 and signed and sealed by Pedro De Figueiredo, PE. 8,2 — Product maximum panel area and pressures not to exceed the drawings specifications 9- Others: Shoreline Shutters is a fictitious Name registered in the State of Florida with ownership by Sebastian Aluminum Inc. Registration number G08179900221, DE 4. Pedro De Figueiredo Fl. RE, License: 52609 System ID: 2504 AUG 0 9 2019 PPMF Inc, CA 32459 PAST& PRESENT MOVING THE FUTURE ENGINEERING SERVICES CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1, Date: 08/09/2019 2, Manufacturer: 3. Evaluation Report: Rule #61G20-3 Shoreline Shutters 105 Sebastian Industrial PI. #8 Sebastian, Florida — 32968 19-011 Shoreline HVHZ HD Bahama Shutters 4, Product Category: Hurricane Shutters - Bahama S Certification of Independence: 9715 WEST BROWARD BLVD #247 PLANTATION, FLORIDA — 33324 Tel.: (954) 541-39030 PPMF@aal.com Sheet 1 of 1 I, Pedro De Figueiredo, Florida licensed professional engineer# PE52609 performing the evaluation report #19-011 for Shoreline Shutters, does not have nor will acquire, financial interest in the company, manufacturing or distributing the products for which the reports are being issued. r � Pedro De Figuer FI. P.E. license: 526 System ID: 2504 AUG 092019 aaxa609M ]d angw2ammi uX 03LMd 1,3VdWl 31IS61W 3'J?JVl 9006 lB4 {ZLLI 1131 y - mBalinl9la WOD'lovejo 856Zfi VORlold 'NV115t+935 b2SE£ 1d 'NpiAVlNbld `I�.�;�1 1i��nmG dvm4vg 9M 13 ZVNIGMNI NVIiGV999 SO f < d Zi 'OAM hlaaavhume'n+slGe a ,e mNimn i`d 03an,2ux:d G,Jg unPG ANIIIN0145 z fig" o ' 4d9W dk$ 9iA 9 101a ei } O O yv% a as UD R o a j O 0.L X •b.d.,...1,dV Ln a 0 tl N z�c7 a4�c� �zz �Z'D a N t n z wFR�'-cvMm W 2z2 N S Z .00 Q U ¢¢uuuun tL- �w 2 Q tL Q= y-1� Q �-NK1�1n�9i�10 W �a� ape z TN �� Ln 2 1�- W N �_ rR o U Fud In J•• Fp 1�y Qz i`p� LU Qo yam-- O gz"0j m r^ n 'n� k3 � � y W�Eryt7]� 2 �j �t ��� a t 1nu a Q 4 Kl 3 � n F2x4 - A; �QQ o 000 o �� Wa UzD :0 0 o �w ul 5 p 8 18 z wz �� w "h' t�4z�o p ~OjooZz L4tr p p in �� y�w o az p pG°ii V1Va `J � n2¢8LQ N2 i-92 Mm ii �7 ¢ ram N to z,nQ %, �� E� i3� � on �iLnn a� �q Wany~pr w u p w NNrr q w0 upli yll, 9 ¢i T N twfiR w Fa' U _ N M C vi tp r m 01 eosxe �a cn�aunmaaavnwa 'oAI �3iMd 1.OVdWl31l551W 39aY1 9006-IQS {ZLL) �i31 mGrMNIVnz IIAIGWOo'7tltlodV7dd OS6Zn VtlRlO1J'NVI16V9-1E V26661J'MC!.I l tlld �a.unNG b'Wt pvg gp ld ltll�iSfldNl NVIISVBJ6 501 � 4 k s u O � o vnF Y] Si.]h/.YiCBi�'ali+atltN e z 41 *.:.a•�y� NnNINniv aaamii g G,JzunNS;miu JOWS - N �llnaraa �nnooaa IL A t7 x �z t� aEa I � z to m m� N� I-P ioe6 z 4io� z`>'z ❑�O zdw� N uj 6 u� smN l W Fi uZs ° t� Q 3 1L� J z ui J Q d' U� .Jw az Wz uov x u —�- � +a � �m Q r> a ig a z = - n3In SiVIS JZ H� .96 WnWIXVH yC3 �9NIN3dCI� 3 �g Nd Wniglxvw .96�+I X u � ti ti h ti m m� 0�1 G�1 Ohl G v a m rn +e', h �- m ca �. h ao co m os rn rn v a �L m � W � ti � h [p � � Emp Off! 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