HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 1525ROOF ASSEMEILIE9 ANTI p 00FT0r1 ITRL CTL FEES SIECI ION 1515 l igtl Melocityl Hu rricane Zones L in Houmi )i ertriill INSTMUCTIC N PA GE CIOMPIIETFI THE P11110ESSAIRY SEC111111ONS OF AHE UNIFORM HOOHING FERMIIT AFIP1111CAMON ROHM AND AIITACH THH REQUIRED DOU M ENTS FIHLOW: PlaallSyslem Required Seelions of the Pevmiil Applicalion Hom m Alta cihmenlls Raglnirnd Sea Dis l Ba la w Low Slope Application A,H,CI 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Piieaariplive HCIR•-RAS 150 A,H,CI 4,5,6,7 ,phallic Shingles A,HI,EI 1,2,4,5,6,7 Clonciiele on Clay Tile A,H,D,E 2,3,4,5,6,7 M el al Root A,H,LI 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 'Wa a cl Shingles and Shakes A,11 j] 1,2,4,5,6,7 Clthan A:i Alpplicable 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ATTR CHIMIEN IS PHQ LI 11RIEU: I. Fine Dhectony Listing 2. Fnom Product � III ll noval: Front Pa ge Spa aMe System Ell esaniption Specific Systam Limilations Cleneiial Limitations Alpplicable Detail Duawingl I . Design ea Ic ulal is ti E peu Chapters 16, or if a pplia a ble, RAS 127 on RAS 128 4. C111 a r Clomll a n a n1 Pnoduct Appiioval 1. Municipal Perniiit Applin, tion 6. ON nelu',,ii Notification Iloa 1400fIng Clonsidanations (IRe roa frog Only; 7. Plti�lRlequivadRloofTcating,ICalculation Fla auntctitotian G:1i.ojiin, 1Qoq\Farms aad Fam11bi da cumeritsMibsita 1, a cumert:i\Buikimgll-ornnstl %r_ Iarriaue__roaf apn.pd1 Modified: 17.17.1015 ROOF X19 I Elk ELIES ANO ROOFTOP STRL (Ill. f El SECTIC N 152 5 ]HIIiME Velocity Hurricanie Zones) Unifurmi Permiit Secll ion A (C en enal In formiall ion', Peiimit Nurn I or: Uon racllor's Name: FHIA LLC Job Addneis: 7203 Manta Clara ®Ivtl Fa r1 Pience FL 34951 ROOH CATHCIIORII ❑ Low Slow ❑ M echari iaall)I Faslenad Mile ❑ M ortan J Adhesive Se Tile ® Asphall is Shingles ❑ Metal Pancl,l Shingles ❑ Ala a d Shingles / Sha 1 e s ❑ Pne:i ariptive HL R• RAS 150 ROOE1 TYPE ❑III New Ra oil lel Re -Ra a Gng ❑ Recovarung ❑ Plepain ❑ Mainlenanc4i AC I OH SYS71EM INKI RM ATIOI La vi S lope Rloof Avea (SF) 9 Nap S loped Hoof Alrea (SF 'Ilolal ill F' N,IA 23,e 8 %,Ilq Ft 2348 Sq F1 'lecllion B (Raof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illuitnate all le`1ah and ii e clions, hoof dit im, sa tin) ))ani, oveiiiflow scuppers a rd t rianflow chains. Include dimensions al seclions and levels, a )early idii ntify dimension:i c I elav-,led pliessura zones and local ion of parapets. :_ G:V,ciiirg2a091Farmsziicl9zmplc (loci imaulslVdetsita Dociuinants\guiltling11--urnisltiv_I urriu.11ia_rno11 app.flIIf 2loil iffid:91.17.a111 1" Premiium Report e i e V i e YY Ij I]]J (20 MAC I h d values are showy in Inches peI 'loot and arrows indicate C k pe dii ec is n. T e predornina n I pitch on this roofl is Q-_ t F E Note: This & pra m contair s lal:x le( Ditches -lor 1a cet a rF as la rger tha r 20.0 sgt are Led. In sorts a cases, pftd [at els ha t ie been remmed lar readability. Blue shading indluite± a pitch of 3,112 � nd greater. 4, 2008-2020 E69L Yap T&fW"UU*S W aid PIctAem ]nlcmatiON Cod. -AV RiQW ReWVW - Protech by Ewopean Patent AppkbW Na. 101621993 - Cmar N one o mored U.� Path No,, 8,071,436; 8,145,576; 8,171,810; Q 209,152; 6,515,125; 6,825,451; 9,135,737: 8.670,961; 9,514,566; 6,818,77[, 8,512,6&1; 9,244589; 9x29,711; 9,591,466, O1Mr Patent! Pe kFN. PAIGE 5 P OOF ASSEMaLIE! AND ROOFTOP 'I TRt CITU R ES SIECT ION 1525 High Vlelocirly Hutricane Zonles Un ifclrnr. Aermlill Secllion l] (Sleep Sla ped Rooil Sysilem) NON E: Items 3 A 4 a na not uegluimad :loin it ingles witl NUAI 1. Roof SystemManufaaturan: CE_R.TAINTEEDCORP 2. Not ice oil Acceptance Numbti v: FL5444.1 3. Minimum Design Valincl P>iessuim, 111 Applicable (11`ra m RAS 127 of Ca la ula lionsl : Pmax 1: -39.1 Pnl a x2: -68.1 Pma 211: -100.7 S11eep'I1opec Rll(lof 9yaliem D41C1Iiplionl Da a k Type: WCI OD 518" `lllype Undedaymeni: CIEIIRITA11NTEEE DIAIMCINCI DECK NCIA# Illi 15692.1 Insulation: N IA Moof Slope. 4 " : 12„ Rlidge Veniilaiion? N as Mea n Rloof F a igh 1 '10 ' " Fire P wiritl n: NIA 1 1111 RS NAIL 6" OCICaLAPS 12" Faatoner Illype & Spacing: OCI C KIEL D, � RCIWS Adhesive 7i IA a : i 1k 7)Ipe Call Sheat: I\IAI Ra a f Covalning: ASRHAL119HINGL ®S `hype & Sipa Drip Edge: > >13 GA rvANIZED 2e GA GAZa n iu g 100 9\Fi nns and Sg i i it It dan uma nts,\Wel site Da a un i nts\Bt ih I in1I \Fa rmsl Iv_1au rrica ue_roa i a pp .II d II 11 a d ifiad: 0'1.17.] i) 15