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i t D ' Maronda Systems Maronda Systems 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Engineer of Record: Tomas Ponce, P.E. 367 Medallion PL. Chuluota, FI.32766 FL PE # 50068, Desion Criteria: TPI Desian: Matrix Analvsis TFF-i nK snftwara PLAN JOB # 3WT002 LOT V ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL ST. JOHN UNIT B 2 MEL-3WT STJB3 LEFT This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2004 BUILDING CODE for 140 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-02. These trusses are designed for an enclosed buildina. Truss ID Run Date Drawing Revie ed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Revie ed No. of Eng. 9 Dwgs: Layout 4-24-07 Floor Layout 4-9-07 Roof Loads- V 7-27-05 FC 4-20-07 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 10.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 11-2-06 FD 4-20-07 FGRD3X 10/22/07 FE 4-20-07 FGRD4X 4-25-07 FE-GRD 4-20-07 G2X 4-25-07 FF 4-20-07 Total 43.0 psf M1X 4-25-07 FG 4-25-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" M2X 4-25-07 M2AX 4-25-07 M26X 4-25-07 TC Live: 40.0 psf TC Dead: 10.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 5.0 psf Total 55.0 psf S1X 4-25-07 T4X 4-25-07 V12X 4-25-07 V13X 4-25-07 V14X 4-25-07 V15X 4-25-07 DurFac- Lbr: 1.00 DurFac- Pit: 1.00 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" V16X 4-25-07 INV # DESC QNTY DATE: OCT Z 5 Z00% 18331 THD26 18336 THD28-2 1 18329 THD48 8 18361 SKH26L 18363 JUS26 31 18370 THJ26 ROOF SBNT PLATES 28 FLOOR SEAT PLATES J J y 4 -a t F ST. JOHN ELEVATION. °B FL. GARAGE: LE/7 m^T O aw ..vurw -Owes 1V�aronda Homes 140T7 321-0064 4005 YCItCNDl •AY SANFOm. FLORIDA HARDWARE LEGEND Q HUS26 f2 HUS28 ❑3 JUS26 ® MP6F n MPA1 & MPAT © SKH26 L/R Q SKHH26 L/R ® SUS26 0 SUS28 10 THD26 n THD28 02 THD28-2 13 THDH28-3 14 THD48 ©5 THJ26•- 16 LTW12 I/[/ HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY USP x HARDWARE MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON x x HARDWARE MANUFACTURED 2 5 007 BY CLEVELAND .. DESIGNER. CP CHECKER: M/KE- - DRAWN BY: K WARD SCALE: 118 = 1-9 DATE: 1011612007 LOADING-FBC2004ITF12002 °Ta 2000 LAW M tl1 ll=.64 35eT inld s `"' TC LNE 16,00 SNOW LOAD ODO TC DEAD 7DO LUMBER DOL 125 LIVE IODO PLATE DOL 125 IBC BC DEAD 10DO WIND I40 TOTAL 43M SPACING 21-a JJ-V F RD4 F FE c °D CDF OD O a J FF G) i C3 --I z C _ % cG)k. I . FC FF FC FF FC FF _ o FD FF Z FD FE-GR m HIAE F IANGR F R HE 48 FIANC IRS n m X m 35-0 5 2007 NP JOB NUMBER STJBF DRAWN BY© DATE: 4-9-07 0��� CUSTOMER: REVERSED BPFrew EARING: JOB NAME: ST. JOHN'S B FLOOR BEARING: B" 8 3.5' LOAD: 55 -TEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES - -AS MEDIDAS DE LA YNSTALCACION DE LOS TRUSSES /t ;1 Install ground biacina. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground brocino. 3) Set nex: 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below•1. 6) Install bottom Chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (.see below). 7) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instale IDS arriosbes de tierra. 2) Instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al arnostre de tierra. -1) Instale los pr6ximos cuatro trusses con restricci6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea abajo). 4) Instale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instale arriostre diagonal para los pianos de IDS miembros secund-nrios Para estable los primeros since, trusses (vea abajo). 6) Instale la restricci6n lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita este procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses pasta que todos los trusses esten instaiados. Refer to BC51-82 Summary Sheet - Truss Installation & Temporary Restraint/Bracing for more .information. Vea el resumen SCSI-82 - Instalad6n de Trusses v Aniostre Temporal Para mayor informadon. 2ESTRAINT/BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES =L RESTRICCI6N/ARRIOSTRE EN TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES. This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Este metodo de restricci6n y arricistre es Para todo trusse-s excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. 1) TOP CHORD — CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) Spacing Longitud de Tramo Fspaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' D.C. max. Hasta 30 pies 10 pies m"mo 30' to 45' 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies m6ximo 45'to 60' 6' o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 60' to BO" 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies' 4 pies maxima -Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. 'Consulter a un ingeniero pans trusses de mas de 60 pies. ; See BCSI-Bra for TCRR options. L1 Vea e( BC'SI-B2 Para las opdones de TCTLR. Refer to BG51-B3 Sum- Restraint/Bracing of Chords & Web Members for Gable \ End Frame restraint/bracing/` reinforcement information. ta'i,`�'3..`•" Para infornad6n sobre restdoi6n/arriostre/refuer2o pans armaz6n de hastiai vea el resumen BCSI-B3 - Re stricci6n/Arriostre Permanente de Cuerdas v Miembros Secundarios. RESTRAINT & BRAQNG FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES LA RESTRICCI6N Y EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 Q Refer to BCSI_B7 Diagonal Bracing Summary Sheet 10 or 15' �Repeat Diagonal Bracing - Temporary & Per- S : - - _ every 15 truss spaces (30) manent RestrainU Bracing for Parallel Ili _t �'I I .I� Chard Trusses for L. I �'� t,�`I -�- .�-_ - �• more information. .::- r:_. Vea el resumen BCSI-B7 - Restric- Apply Diagonal Brace ta•" �• k� . •.j �1 Vim, - vertical webs at end of o6n v Arriostre cantilever and at bearing All Lateral Restraints Tporal v Temporal v de locations. lapped at least two trusses. Trusses de Cuerdas 'Top chord Temporary Lateral Restraiml spacing shall be Paralela Para man 10 O.C. Max. for 3x2 chords and 15' o.c. for 42 chords. information. INST®LUNG - TRISTALACION Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. Z! L Tolerencias pare Fuera-de-Plano. max. Bow Truss Length Mex. Bow Length —►1 i9 M f_ t-a— Lengur —►D D/50 1/2' D (ft.) 2' 314' 12.5' 7/8' 14.6' 1' 16.T Mex. Bow 3/4' 3' 1-118, 18.8' - Length ► ( O r 1' 4' 1-114' 20.8' - t m i Plumb Tolerances For a6 1-V2'J6-1-318= 22.9' 25.0' Out-of-Plumb.7-112' 1-314' 29.7Fuera-de-Plomada. Tolerancias Para D/5o max 2' 2' 1 233.3' CONSTRUCTION LOADING — CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION QDo not proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and bracing is securely and properly in place. No proceda con la constructi6n hasty que todas las restric- dones laterales y IDS arricistres esten colomdos en forma apropiada y segura. Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-Bq Summary Sheet -Construction Loading for more information. No exceda las m6ximas aituras recomendadas. Vea el resumen BC51-B4 Carcia de Construction Para mayor information. Repeat oreach braces for each set of 4 trusses. Ground bracing not shown for clarity. Repita los arrisotres diagonales pans cada grupo de 4 trusses. r � • L «`���, 4��ytisart` �r \ .A. r 0 Do not overload small groups or single trusses. No sobremrgue pequefios grupos o trusses Individuales. ® Never stack materials near a peak Material Helght Gypsum Board 12' Plywood or OSB 16' Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Bloch 6' Clay Tire 3d ales high Nunco amontone material cerca del Pico. Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Diagonal Coloque las cargas sobre tantos trusses como sea posb(e. Bracing Position loads over load bearing walls. CplDque Las cergas sobre las paredes soportantes. cling not ALTERATIONS — ALTERACIONES Ishm for daft. Refer to - - . L Vea el resumen BCSI-B5 Danos de trusses Modificedones en la Obra v Erores de Instalad6n Bottom Chords ® Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a buss unless spedfimlly permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No torte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estruchrral de IDS Diagonal Braces every 30 truss spaces (20' max.) des, a menos que esto espedficamente permitfdo en el dibujo del dLseno del truss bottom chorcl Lateral Repaint Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. 3)BOTTOM CHORD —CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraints - b0x:12' or greater lapped over two trusses. Bottom chords ? �-+-* r�&N` Diagonal Braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) 10'-is, d and web members max. not shown for clarity. Trusses that have been overloaded during corisbudion or altered without the Tnlss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturees I tufted warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobremrgado durance la construm6n o han sido aiterados sin una autorizad6n previa del Fabricante de Trusses, puedet reducir o egminar la garantfa del Fabrimnte de Trusses. NOTE The Truss Manufacturer and Tnss Designer rely on the pnsanptlm that the Contractor and vane operator (d applicable) are professfo ab with the capability to undertake the work they have agreed to do on any given pro)ecL B the Contractor b -es it needs ass%tanoe in same aspect of the construction pmlecL It should seek assistance from a esrnpetent party. The mednads and procedures outrued In thls document are lorded to ensure that the ovaag construction tedutkem; employed win put fre brass into place SAFELY. Thee mconrnrndalAx s fa tanding, instaning, rest mini g and bracing trims are based upon the mGealve eperleuce of lead rg personnel Imtolved with truss desi gt —famne and InSanatian, bad must, due to ft rawre of mspordoONes U-Ned, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a quarrtkd Building Designer m Contractor. It Is not Intended Oat these recon— da5vu be Interpreted as superior to the Buadmg DrSgnert design speonmOan for handling. InstaW , re5rawrg and tradig trusses and It does not preduda One use of otrer equivalent methods for resDaWWbaAg and providing smbi0ly, for the ml1% rntunris Boors„ rods and all the intiwetated strumral Wading components as delearned by dw Contractor. Thtq, WTCA and TPI egressty, dtsdalm arty respon hIrly for damages adsirg ham the use. appauadon• or reliance an the remrrnadatons and WmwOpn oanmined to ]n. TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 63DD Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 218 N. Lee St, Ste. 312 • Merandira, VA 22314 608/2744849 • wwwsbdndust y can 703/683-1020 • w Apinstorg BIWARNIU17200611rc GENERAL NOTES Trusses are not marked in any way to Identify the frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary restraining and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI Gslldeto Good Practice for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed Information. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for individual truss members. Refer to the SCSI - Summary Sheet - Permanent RestraintIBracina of Chords & Web Members for more information- AII other permanent bracing design is the NOTAS GENERALES Los busses no estin marados 'de ning6n modo que identifique la fremenda o loalimd6n de restrcti6n lateral y arriosbe diagonal temporales Use las remmendadones de manejo, Instalad6n, restriod6n y ariosbe temporal de los busses. Vea el folleto BCSI Guia de Buena Pructra pars el Manelo. Instaladdn. Resbicddn v Aniostre de las Trusses de Madera Conect3dos inn Placas de Metal para informadon mas detallada. Los dibujas de disefiio de las busses pueden espedfiar las loafizadones de msbim6n lateral permanente o refuerlo en IDS miembros Individuales del truss. Vea la hoja resumen BC5I-133 - Restriod6nifArriastre Permanente d -Cuerdas v htiembros Seim arroc para mas inf lrmad6n. 6 resto de los diseoos de arriostres permanentes son la responsab!Gdad del Dise%dor del Edifido. responsibility of the Building Designer. 0 The consequences of improper handling, erect- ing, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. FJ resultado de un manejo, levantamiento, instalaci6n, restricd6n y arr'isotre incorecto puede ser la caida de la esbuctura o a6n peo, heridos o muertos. QBanding and buss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. -Empaques y placas de metal tienen bordes afilados. Use guantes y lentes protectores cuando torte los empaques. HANDLING - MANEJO Q Avoid lateral bending. — Evite la flexi6n lateral. L� l.1 The contractor is responsible for property receiving, unloading and storing the busses at the jobsite. FJ contratista tiene la resporvsatt lidad de recibir, descargar y almacenar adecuada- mente los busses en la obra. © If trusses are to be stored horizontally, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' to 10' on center. For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to prevent moisture gain but allow for ventilation. Refer to Practice far Handling. Installing. P,estraininu & Bmcinn, 4f hletal Plate Connected Wood Truss for more detailed information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Si los trusses estaran guardados horizon- talmente, ponga bloqueando de altura suficiente detras de la pila de [as busses. Para trusses guardados par n.as de una semana, cubra los paquetes para prevenir aumento de hurnedad pero permita venti- lad6n. vea el folleto 8951 Gur; de Buena Practice bra el hlageio. Instal r ii n fg�ci6n v Ar- riostrrs de IC T.LU45.2id�1 r'r pA�ta�4:. [tin I _ jg_W para information mas detallada sabre el manejo y almacenado de las trusses en area de trattajo. rr®rr r�r. �c `iir�' �6rW _Ill �sry�-v= u. 7 QUse special care in Ublice cuidado windy weather or especial en dins near power lines ventosas o cerca de and airports. cables electricos o de aeropuerbos. Spreader bar for truss no " O QUse proper rig- Use equipo apropiado ging and hoisting - para levantar e equipment. improviser. Do not store No almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente IDS upright trusses sueltos. /(1 Do not store on No almacene en �y uneven ground. tierra desigual. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES. QWarning! Don't overload the sane. iAdvertencia! IND sobrecarga la gnia! ® Never use banding alone to lift a bundle. Do not lift a group of individually banded bundles. Nunca use s6lo los empaques para levantar un paquete. No levante un gropo de empaques individuates. FA A single lift point may be used for bundles with trusses up to 45. Two lift points may be used for bundles with busses up to 60. Use at least 3 Oft points for bundles with trusses greater than 60'. Puede usar un solo lugar de levantar pars paquetes de trusses hasta 45 pies. Puede usar dos puntos de levantar pars paquetes mas de 60 pies. Use par to memos tres puntos de levantar pars paquetes mas de 60 pies. Waming! Do not over load supporting stiudure with buss bundle. iAdvertenda! No sobrecargue la esbuctur apoyada con el paquete de busses. �✓ Place truss bundles in stable position. Puse paquetes de tnsses en una pos!ci6r estable. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES WHAND INSTALAQ6N POR LA MANO DE TRUSSES INDMDUALES ® Trusses 20' ' - ® Trusses 30' or or less, sup- r ` less, support at f ` port at peak. quarter points. I I Levante Levante de I del pico IDS los cuartos trusses de de tramo las 20 pies o trusses de 30 Trusses u �- Trusses up Oo 20' i II @- P to 30' -)o. menos. Trusses hasty 20 pies pies o menos. Trusses hasty 30 pies IOISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES — LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIDUAL - Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint. u is installed and the buss is fastened to the bearing points. Scstenga cada truss en posid6n con equipo de gnia hasta que la restrlcci6n lateral temporal de !: cuerda superior esta instalado y el truss esta asegurado en los soportes. Q Warning! Using a single pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. iAdvertencia! E) use de un solo lugar para levantar en el pim puede hater dafio al buss. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE �Jr' TRUSSES 60 or less RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDMDUALES r Toe-kr _T—ln Spreader bar W to Tagrina � truss length TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRUSSES HASTA 60 PIES Appr 1/2 Tag6na truss length TRUSSES UPTO 30' TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES Attach Locate Spraadar bar 1 V O.C. above rx St.. r max. rridhelghi Spreader bar 213 to 3/4 trace length Tagfine TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' TRUSSES HASTA Y SOME 60 PIES TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL QRefer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet - Truss Installation & Temporary Restraint/Bradna for more information. Vea el resumen BCSf B2 - Restrircitin/ Tn rCSPC para mas informati6n. f_ T Locate ground braces for first truss directly in iJ line with all rows of top chord temporary lat- eral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque los arriostres de tierra para el prim. r truss directamente en linea yin calla una de las filar de restricci6n lateral temporal de la cuerda superior (vea la table en la prpvima columna). ®Do not walk on unbraced trusses. 4. ,No camine en trusses sueltOs- Brace first truss a —securely before erection of additior. trusses. SIGN INFORMATION design Is far an individual building campdnm, and aeon bused on Infic—lart pCmiidod by the client. The pan disclaims any mponsibilhy for damages as a It of Peony or ime race lurb—ion, specification or designs famished to the Irvu designer by the cli,m the emm ilm or accuracy of thls infam.Von -a It relate to -speccseific preject and tceapU no onsiblliry ar ralses no eonual with regard to Icalion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. s Ire. hot beer designed n an Individual building Parent In accordance with ANSVTPI 1.1995 and i•97 to be Incorporated -t pan of the building design Building Designer (ngislcrcd achilal or mioml angina"). When reviewed for approval by Blinding designer, the design loadings shown mum be Aud to be sure that the data shown -re In agreement the local building codes, local dinullc rtcord, for d or snow load4 project spaiftamiee, or spacial lid loofa Unless shown, truss has not bon designed nuns, or occupmcy loads. The deign assume Ipression chords (lop or bottom) an continuously :ed by sheathing unless oLh.rwI6. specified. When am chords In Icudom art non fully braced laterally by a only applied rigid ceiling, they should be bnced of a ,Imam species of 10'•0' e.c. Connector plain %boll be mfeclurcd from 20 gnge hot dipped galvanized oval ping ASTM A 655, Grade 40, Maim alherwin shown, kBRICATION NOTES u to Nbrinllon, the fabriastar shell review this wing to verity that this drawing is in conrormmce with fabric.wes plan, and a realize o continaing nsibitity for sacb verification, Any diacion. Pl ae are , pun In wridng before tmling or hbncotion, Planes 11 not be Installed aver Lnothe, ... firms or distend in. Members shall be cur fm Ughl finjug Iwad to s%od ring. Cenncclar plates shall be lowed on both foal of am, with n-II, fully Imbedded and shall be O'er aboun join' unless otherwise show. A Sx4 plane is S' wide a ong. A 616 plate is 6' wide a 11' long. Slate (holes) parallel to the plate length specified. Doable euU on r member shall meet at the cc ltroid of the webs unles marls, shown. Connector pine sizes am minimum :s based ad the forces shown and may need to be reused to' ,main handling mNor election s ressea. s tern 1, non m be Ibbricotd with Rn rdwrd.. at. fiber ante. tathenvisa sbmm. Par additional rmation an Quality Central refer to ANSVTPI 995 RECAUTIONARY NOTES bracing and erection recommndotlons an to be owed in aa,atdanee with *Handling. Iasullloa and wing', IVB•91. Trusses an to be handled fit ticutor ere during banding and bundling, dellvery end lallatiun to meld damage. Temporary wad permanent tins for holding tresses In s itnighl and plumb dtiao and far rcdsdng Inml foan,holl be dnigod I ingtailed by others. Careful handling Is tanumdal and Lib on bracing Is ahss}s required. Normal precautionary Ion for W ran n-quires such tompontry bracing during illation between must to avoid toppling and rinsing. The supervi%ion of erection ortrusse %boil be tar the central of person, experienced in the loItalian of tra.es. Pmresional -dvieni shall be caught Bedell. Concentration of construction loads grater than design loads shall not be applied Io Ina— -I Buy time. a loads other than the wcighl of the cr clars shall be died to Ins— until -flat all Pasturing and butting is nplelad. Job: MARONDA SYSTEMS Cuet TOP CHORDS; 2X4' SP #2 BOT CHORDS; 2X4 SP #2 WEBS: 2X4 SP 03 TIC MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY BRACED BY ROOF SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES BELOW, IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES BELOW VALLEY SET, VALLEY MEMBERS ' PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD BRACING, WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 160 NAILS P.ER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER, WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1) 16d NAIL PER INTERSECTION , OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. VARIER UP TO 2I12 DIAGONAL WEBS REQUIRED WITH SPANS GREATER THEN 211.0.0 ri WOiVALLEY SET OF WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O.C. OR A SCAB OF T1 E SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED TO FACE (5) OF WEB WITH 10d NAILS STAGGERED 8! O.C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACKING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH, 2X6 BRACE REQUIREQ ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14', COMMON VALLEY: oenolee ONE edge or one IBce •"' denoles BOTH edges or Bolh faces, (1) ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBS > 0 94.0' LONG (2) TWO BRACES REQT ON WEBS >=126.0' LONG, •' VALLEY TRUSSES ARE ACCEPTABLE -TO BE CANTILEVERED UP TO TWO FEET, ,• VALLBT• I RU B a EA rTP.( I�I IF LESS THEN 3.0.0 THEN MOVE DIAGONAL WEB TO NEXT PANEL, Ill 2X4 2x4 DR OR 4x6' 6xB 3x6 MOND VALLE-Y TI:V..- 1.L IIY TRII SSIIS (� 9 TIIVss[i I-) WHEN 010ADHAL WEB PRESENT UBE 4Xe'PLATE Ill WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE •46 3z8 4x6 .4x6 OR OR 2x4 2x4 2xd • 0.0 4 2x4 30 2x4• 2x4 2x4 2k4 410 2x4 3x6 3x6 •4k6 OR a4x6 2x4 r 2x4 VALLEY MEMBERS AT 24 - D.C. (TYP) 2X4 3x6 2x4 _VARIES 12 2x4 : 2x4 3x6 r MAX. 0.0.0 D.C. (TYP) MAX, 5-0.0,0,C, (TYP) MAX, TRUSS SPACING BELOW a 40' O.C. SPANS UP TO 60.0.0 Qty:I I -- �HHHII SUPPORTING TRUSSES (TYP) VALLEY AREA L SUPPORTING TRUSS VALLEY TRUSSES (TYP.) COMMON 0R GIROER COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) •.VALLEY STRAPPING TO fFljb$ BELQW' q 4' o, c,. EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE T120 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Cont.-Support Studs 0 6-0-0 O,C WARNING; Eng Job: WO; VALLEY SET READ ALL NOTHB ON THIS S"SIT. A COPY O! THIS DRAWING TO 138 OMN TO BRSCTINO CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNrNG, Dwg: T1: V ii�� ,}p. y�yy�yyrr Bracinghow an lhls drenin Is eat e-11.0 bracln 10nd broeing, panel bracing or,Imllnrbrattng 0,10 it a pun of rondo Systems , � g e' Degnr:TLY Chk1 7/27/2005 Ills building dust and svllicll .lust be consldcrcd by Vic bll(Iding dcslgncr. 0racing shmun Is for 161cn1 support orwas mmnber only to duca bucUing length. Pnvlalons snug be made to anchor Moral bracing at ends and sprained loeotlon, dalaamlAad by the buflJllag daaisnor. Addlllonal bncine of lha overall swelure may be rvaulred. (sea HIB•91 TC Live 16.0 p 19 f Lbr DF : 1.25 Deeigni Matrix Analysis ProfilelPatbi C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobe\MARONDA SYSTEMS\VT.prx Job G'�etoIner: _ fi0:I3��PI5�TT�L 'EI:IiIp Q'ty:1 . 3IGN MORMATTON esip to for m Individual building eomppueol ®d on based on IrdormadPn pmvlded by the cAlEnL the a dimldms nay rcponsibhiy lot damages as a of fealty at 111= tnfowatmn, specifltadam d.is. 0aou alsbd to the t desipa by'Jle client e mrramess or accuracy of this loformstlim as It :late to a speclfk project aW accepts no rsibility or arnica co control with mgud to niaa, bmdilog, shipment and Installation oftrouea no has been dnipet! as m individual balldiag meal in accordance with ANSVM 1.1995 and 07 to be toap'uatd a Part ofthe building deslge Wilding Dcdpa, W1=reviewed for approval by Ild'ag desipa, site design loadlop shown twat be ed to be ton that the data down ate in opocetal he local building code& local climatic records (or a moan 1..4 projeu Reelficetiom a special d loads. West down, tress has out boo designed -go or occupancy leads. The chip atsamn =;ion chords (rap or bottom) are; continuously I by sheathing and® othcwim specified. Where n dords In tension are sit Polly braced laterally by a dy applied rigid calling, they should be braced u a num spacing of tow P.C. Connector platter iball be factored from 10 pup hot dipped galvanized peel oil AST M A 653, Grode 40, unlm otherwise ehiiivn. fo'hbricado, the fobriwtm shall review this rag to verify that,thin drawing to in coulormacoeivith ldicaton's plans and m aealiea a.coutinaing mb01y fa such verification. Any dlsaepenciev see pat in writing before ottiag or Rbrioadm Plata Pot be Installed ova knolhdes, ►vets or distorted Memshill bers be cut fro tight fleing wood to wood % Connector Plata shall be looted on both raceoof an with nails lolly Imbedded and'ahall be sym, WNW' , rim ordm otha.l. afioauo. A 5a{ plate W S wide a % A 64 plate 1.6- wide a g- long. Slate (WI.0 mild to the plate length specified Doablo cuts do nembm shah map at the mtroid of the webs a ica win dhawa tbmcaor plate sine m mi lmuct hued cc the Iona sbowe and may need to be Dad for certain budliug and/or aeelko soma. Pon is net 16 be r%briatd with fire retatelmt &Uted or ado otherwise poem, ?or additional use= on Quality Control refer to ANS'TrM �5 ECAUTIONARY NOTES taubg and asodo roeoonaodadoas am to be NW in accordance with mctod btpiutry Patient. Trusses an to be handled tvilb particular during bardldg and bmdift delivery and lido to avoid dwh.p. 7etnporsy and petament og for bolding basses In a straight and plumb ion and for red dog lateral Mess sHefi be dedgod astadia by oWaa Claetbl handling to bgeu rdat and Ian biedng b'always ngoircd. Nrimul'pra uradim ry o fbt truss tegohea soeb latpordy bran* during Iladw betwco lrvesa m amid tappllug god Doing. The eapervisio of aeetiw of bosses mall be r the ontrol ofpmans mtpaieacrid In the IINo of auact 1Roh3eional advice shall be sought tied. Coricodaa0on Prot: loads gteafer than alert kadr shall riot be applled'io Mtisea at arty dine. Parris other thm the wolght of the seam abail be d m anti until tlBa all futoning mil bracing 13 dad BLOCK 5/13 (1) 2X TO THE FRONT OF W TRUSS 7/161OSB ROOF SHEATMNa ----- raraararaaaaratrrrraaat araartrata 1`VA12 aaaaramrYra.anaar�aa.n nsAa ; IFRYOT "Mardi aqua ` e the build] mombm ... location 4005 MARONDA WAY ponPFriP Sanford, FL. 32771 Comport, (407) 3=-0064 Fox (407) 32;1-9g13 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE godtI Ot9H 307 1400O011 FL 0141kioto, FL 32764 nwwa..:.. vwa...{. Twwl.rw{w OwnF HIP TRUSS BLOCKING REQUIREMENTS APA-FARM NO, TT•OSJ SPAN RATING AND SLOCKRVG RSCOMMBNDATIONB FOR USE OVER W-ROOFS SUPPORT AT 24- o_c NUM:. HlfAD'DARHA RHQ=H IX LUMBUR 13LOCK040139TWEM TRUN AT UN S "MT. FAMI, BDO. w t p RODp M. / 12 16 BLOCK. 6/12 OR ABOVE 2X 13LOLIGNO TYP I (2) 27C ON S FROT NAILED W/ I 17" 0.C, & ONE BACK OF HIP TRUSS NOTE: NO BLOCKWO IS RSQUWZD ON 4/12 AND BELOW PITCHED ROOFS PRE • SNO D TRUSSES g iiF7 : WO • 71PDF7�F, L 'S lgBB$T.. � CO#Y Ok I=- - Ij3 AW3:VG # ;As -#.VVW %0 Itla ci*; p[A*7Ti#a, •19tvg: fiI: TIP t emdoh brae h,g, wisp 4rns. Purcell h%ci4 in dmila tmdog wwoh ta e part of to considered by the bdj*g dcvi pqr. 9rapidg pboirb is felt Iatertil wVpott efaow �gth Pedvistoos tit6dt be glade to anrba Bind Brucmg at ends said aptzrifid .. aai Add Drum%fyb trai seemB.91 TC Live 16.0 pef lbr 0F: 1.25 �l*X(4�ooffthatftraH n 53719). a. WC Dead 7.0 PB= Pit DF• 1.25 agineeriug C.,,F.A., S to Sow Wde Rd, pdeaton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 pa£ O.C.: Z- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 lief • Code: FLA e 15ofh• (�. \'1'CR. .7 \ f'flltfTl'-'I ni�v� STBJ3X I Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X TI:FGRD3X Qty:3 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building oomponcnl and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information. speeifioations and/or designs linnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or amiracy of this information as II may relate to a specific pmjecl and accepts no responsibility or evocises no conlrol with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSIffPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When revicsvcd for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown arc in agreement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or ocenpancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) ere continuously broad by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whcm bottom chords in tension am nor fully bmcod lalcmily by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of iw4r o.c. Connector plates shall be mamdaclumd from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanind steel meeting ASTM A 653. Gradc 4n. unless otherwise shown, FABRICATION NOTES Prior to rabricetion. the fabrimlur shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conrormanec with the rabriOlDeS plans and to malin a continuing responsibility for such verificolion. Any discrepancies arc to be pul in writing hero. noting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be eel for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails tally imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihcjoinl unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6xR plate is 6' wide x R' long. Slots (holes) nun parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on sorb members shall mecl at the aneroid of the webs unless othcnsisc shun. Connector plate sirs arc minimum sivcs based on the forces shun and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or croction stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with Ore retardant I.aled Lumber nnlcss olhcrwisc shoe. For additional information on Quality Control mfcr to ANSIrMl 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations an to be (allowed in accordance with accepted industry publications Trusses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling. delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Irussas in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by olhers. Ca.PoI handling is essentinl and erection bmcing is always required. Normal precautionary ru action far Isses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision ofereetion oftrusses shall be under the coniml of persons experienced in the installation of tnasscs. P.fcssional advico shall be sought it needed. Conanlration of cunstruelion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 8 SP #2 BC: 2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E WB: 23c 4 SP #2 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This 3-PLY truss designed to carry multiple loads. See total design loads to verify load 3-PLY TRUSS! fasten w/3^x 0.12011 nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 3 per ft. BC- 3 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft. Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. Distribute loads equally to each ply. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. 3 PLYS REQUIRED Lineal Footage = 348.1 8-8-8 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. [] or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rat-- 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 35.0 ft W= 34.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glaring Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. This truss has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 4557 0 0 B Pin 16- 8- 0 1 13744 0 -524 B H Roll 34- 6-12 1 4932 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Joint Locations 1) 0- 1-12 7) 34-10- 4 13) 12- 0- 0 2) 3- 7-12 8) 34-10- 4 14) 7- 4- 4 3) 7- 4- 4 9) 31- 4- 4 15) 3- 7-12 4) 16- 9-12 10) 27- 7-12 16) 0- 1-12 5) 27- 7-12 11) 23- 0- 0 6) 31- 4- 4 12) 16- 9-12 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -345 0- 0- 0 -345 34- 8- 8 BC Vert L+D -212 0- 0- 0 -212 2- 6 `0 BC Vert L+D -387 2- 6- 0 -387 8- 2- 8 BC Vert L+D -212 8- 2- 8 -212 26- 6- 0* BC Vert L+D -387 26- 6- 0 -387 31-11- 0 BC Vert L+D -212 31-11- 0 -212 34- 8- 8 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D —420 0-10— 4 BC Vert L+D —420 33— 6-12 In —Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In —Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 9,12 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--:------ LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span—0.14/999—0.40/999 5-4(L) Horiz. 0.03 0.06 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 34-8-8 r 3-6-0 0-8-8 9-5-8 10-10- 0 3- 8- 8 3- 6-114 13-6-0 27-2-8 3 16-8-0 4 27-6-0 531-2-8 }_ -8-87 6x8 3x6 10x10 10x10 1Ox10 3x6 6x8 N ,3-5-0 3- 5- 0 WVW -/,I pf�_ 3x6 rr-ur 3x6 3x6 3x6 K.1117 3x( 4557# 1 420# IILRILI js..w•�,f ,____, C/L: 16- 8- 0 4- 7-12 3-8-8 3- 6- 0 Z7- 6- 0 31- 2- 8 34- 8- 8 49320 3.50" EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 OF iU,RNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN -TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not croction bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of �Idronda Systems the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall stricture may be required. (See HIB-91 ofTPG.For specific Intss bracing requirements. contact building designer.(fruss Plate Institute. TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL.. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.. P.A.. 818 Soundsidc Rd. Edenton. NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 9*0050068 367 Medallion Pl. Chuluots, FL 32766 b 420# Over 3 Supports Seale = 0.1228 Eng Job. STBJ3X WO: STJB3X Dwg: TI: FGRD3X Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 10/22/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\Backup Thrive\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\St. John B Pitts\FGRD3X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an ind'h•idual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. 71. designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a rosull of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs rumislred to the truss designer by the client and The correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may ¢late to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or evercisn no central with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed ae an individual building component In accordance srilh ANSVfPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviiamd for approsal by Ile building duigner, the design loadings clicsvn ..in be eheokd to be Sam that the dntu she'" are in agreement nigh the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow load& pmject specifications or special applied loads. Unless shmvn, truss lies not been designed farstoregeoroaopancylonds. Thedesignassumes compression chords (lop or bollom) arc mntinuawly braced by sheathing unless ollienvise specified. Where bottom chords in Tension are not filly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a mnsimum spacing of In%oo o.e. Connector plates shall be mnnafaconed from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless olhemise slim., FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall mvimv [his drawing to %mrily that this droning Is In conformance with the fnbricator's plans and to realist a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before culling or fnbri®lion. Plates Shall not be installed wee knotholes knots or dislorled grain. Members shall be at for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plain shall be located on both faces of the truss uilh nails fully imbedded and shall be sym, about thejoini unless otherwise slim". A 5s4 plate is 5• wide x 4• long. A 6s8 plate is V wide x 8• long. Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Dobble cuts on web members shall ¢eel at the centraid of the orbs unless olhemiw shmno. Connector plate sizes are minimum Sim based on the forces Shaun and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This taus is not to be fabricated uilh fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shmvn. Foraddilional Information on Quality Conlml refer to ANSV7p1 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations ore to he Followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Tresses are to be handled with particular am during banding and bundling, dellvery and Installation to moid damage. Temporary and permanenl bracing for holding tosses in is straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection bracing is niways required. Normal pmemnionary action far Imsms requires such temporary bracing during installntion holiness 1, SScs to maid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the central of persons esperienced in the inslallnlion of trusses. Professional adsice shall be ought if needed. Coneemmnion ofconstmallon loads pealer than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the emclors shall be npplicd to tosses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 8 SP #2 BC: 2x 8 LSL LSL 1.7E WB: 2x 4 SP #2 Unbalanced load cases) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This 3-PLY truss designed to carry multiple loads. See total design loads to verify load 3-PLY TRUSSI fasten w/3"x 0.120" nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 3 per ft. BC- 4 per ft.' WEBS- 2 per ft. Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. Distribute loads equally to each ply. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 202 0.09 A 16-15 2386 0.08 2- 3 -3727 0.32 A 15-14 2386 0.08 3- 4 -2775 0.67 A 14-13 3727 0.12 4- 5 -3534 0.68 A 13-12 903 0.20 5- 6 -4235 0.46 A 12-11 903 0.20 6- 7 202 0.09 A 11-10 4235 0.12 10- 9 2620 0.08 9- B 2620 0.08 --------GLOBAL MAX DIE 0i q- -�- LL l TL 2 3 in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.11/999-0.30/999 5-4(L) Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflect' factor 50 (L): Deflection is f 3 P Lin 8-8-8 6968 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. [1 or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1,00, Exp.Cat. B, 3Lzt= 1.0 Bld Type- encl L= 35.0 ft W= 34.7.ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. This truss has not been designed for ROOF POI -DING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/202,2-3=-3727/338, 3-4=-2775/278,4-5=-3534/298,5-6=-4235/369, 6-7=0/202, BOT CHORD 16-15=0/2386,15-14=0/23B6, 14-13=0/3727,13-12=03kW,g.2-11=0/903, 9"5-07`2Tz u , Webs 16-1=-632AS4,16-2=-5988/209, 15-2=0/1559,2-14=-138/3488,14-3=-1079/3.64, 3-13=-1869/119,13-4=-59/4148,12-4=-10556/550, 4-11=-83/4710,11-5=-1507/139,10-5=-1915/219, n_e__,ee ran.n TI:FGRD4X Qty:3 Joint Locations-- _) 0- 1-12 7) 34-10- 4 13) 12- 0- 0 2) 3- 9-12 8) 34 _10_ 4 14) 7- 2- 4 3) 7- 2- 4 9) 31- 2- 4 15) 3- 9-12 4) 16- 9-12 10) 27- 9-12 16) 0- 1-12 5) 27- 9-12 11) 23- 0- 0 6) 31- 2- 4 12) 16- 9-12 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -345 0- 0- 0 -345 34- 8- B- BC Vert L+D -462 0- 0- 0 -462 34- 8- B Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -73 3- 8- 0 BC Vert L+D -66 7- 0- 8 BC Vert L+D -66 27- 5-12 BC Vert L+D -73 30-10- 4 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 6 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1-12 1 6968 0 -245 B Pin 16- 8- 0 1 13847 0 -545 B H Roll 34- 6-12 1 7507 0 -267 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 16- 1 -112 0.23 C 4-11 4710 0.29 11 r11- 5 -1507 0.15 15.5 2 155% 0.10 C 7 10- 5 -1915 0.14 2-14 3488 0.21 C 10- 6 4242 0.26 14- 3 -1079 0.08 C 9- 6 1602 0.10 3-13 -1869 0.18 C 6- 8 -6574 0.57 Dxzr IOx10 - ,.�.�,�--10x`HY`ro-6=-oaf9��a1, It 41 80.26 C3 1 Foots 381.2if7 j d L L i t��[fr 6x8 3x6 6x8 R M # 3.50" 13847# 3.50" 7507# 34- 8- 8 615 14 13 12 1 ]0 173# b 6641 C/L: 16- 8- 0 ]12x12] {3x6] (12xl2) 6x8 3x6 6x EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek 14T20 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 1d005006a 397 Me"FIen PL Chuluots, FL 32766 READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing sham on this rim ving Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing slim" is for lateral suppof Imes members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall simclum may be required. (See HM-91 ofTPI).For speck toss bracing requirements, contact building d=igmr.(Tmm Plate Insdmto, TPI is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by; Truss Engineering Co., P.A., Big Soundside lid, Edenton, NC 27937 66.24 b 73.4# x6 8- 7 -646 0.23 8-8- 8 3.50" Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1724 Eng Job: STBJ3X WO: STJ133X Dwg: TI: FGRD4X Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C: JOHN .Drx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims arty tesponsibtlip• far damages as a mull of faulty or incorrect INormolion, specifications andlor designs furnished to rite truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as II may Male to a specific pmj=l and aceepis no responsibility or mcmises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installeilon of trusses. This buss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSVIPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 In be incorporated as pan critic building design by a Building Designer, When revioscd for approval by The building designer. Ilse design loadings shmvn must be checked In be sure that the data shown are in agreement ufih the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, pmjoct specllleatim s or spcdnl applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy Inds. The design assumes compression chards (lop or bottom) ere condman sly bniaW N• sheathing unless otimnviu spccffed. Where bottom chords in Icnsion arc not fully braced Ialcrally'by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced al a ma..-imum spacing of 10'4)• o.c. Connector plates shall be marmfaclumd fmm 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized sal mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shorn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fnbrialor shall review this draping to verify Wol this drawing is in conformance with the fabrialor's plans and la malin a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall no be installed over knotholes, knos or distorted grain. Members shall be at for tight fining wood Io -rood hearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the Iruss with nails fully imbedded and shall be M. about tbejuinl unless ulltensise shorn. A 5.0 plate is 5` wide x 0 long. A 6x8 plate is 6w wide x g' long. Slots (holes) runparallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on nab members shall mecl al Ilia centmid of the nabs unless othenviscshown. Connector plate sins are minimum sixes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for amain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imu is not la be fabricated with fire nnardant treated lumber unless othenrise sham. For additional inrormation an Otality Control refer to ANSUTPI' 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be follmr:d in accordance with ocmptcd industry publications. Trusses an to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to ovoid darting?. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lulernl forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful handling is essential and oration bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to mid toppling and dominaing, The supcnision of erection of irusus shall be tinder the can lml of persons evyerienced in the installation of irusses. Professional advice shell be sought If needed, ConcemnalIon of construction loads grater than the design lands sho11 not be applied to pusses at any doe. No lads otter than the weight of the eralors shall be apPlicd to trusses until all" all fastening and bracing Is completed CUStomer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJ83X TC:' 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 8 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 WG: 2x 8 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. TC. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr ..BC. ..FORCE,.CSI, 1- 2 -244 0.14 A 6- 5 115 0.05 2- 3 -244 0.14 A 5- 4 115 0.05 4-10- 8 0- 9-13 J, MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp,Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 7.3 ft W= 7.3 £t Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4,2 pef, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-244/219,2-3=-244/219, HOT CHORD 6-5--21/115,5-4=-21/115, Webs 5-2=-109/144, ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB, ,.rORCE,.CSI 5- 2 144 0.04 C 3-8-0 3-8-0 rAl 1 2 3 12.00 42.00 4x6 TI:G2X Qty:1 Joint Locations -� 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 4- 0 5) 3- 8- 0 2) 3- 8- 0 4) 7- 4- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss has ben designed for wind in the plane of the truss onlylll In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Soria: Uplift Y Type 0- 8- 0 1 361 0 -313 B Pin 6- 8- 0 1 361 0 -313 B B Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr -------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.01/999-0.02/999 3-2 Horiz. -0.01 -0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 361# 16.00" 361 4 16.001, 7-4-0 6 5 4 -0-0 1, 7-4-0 -0-0 COSMETIC PLATES (8)2x4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 4- 5-13 0- 9-13 wruuvirf�. Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO {� yy�`��,�, ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: aronda' -;1 i'Y S. ., Bracing shorn on rids drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, papal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of the building design and which mild be considered by the building designer, Bracing shown is for talent support of truss Degnr : TLY Chk : .. ..:. members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions muss be made to anchor lateral brocing at ends and specified to®tlons dWermined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the avemll structure maybe nxlul (Bee Fi1B-91 TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, ofTpp.Por spectre aura bmcing requirements, contact building doigner.(Tmsa Plate iwlruiF TPi Is heated ul 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Componenl Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co„ P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050068 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluots, FL 32764 � BC Dead 10.0 psf Deal 13n: Matrix Analysis TOTAL Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPB\STJB3X\ST. 43.0 Z.sf JOHN B\GU.prx Scale = 0.3618 W0: STJB3X TI: G2X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA V5.4.18-91078 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of Cattily or incorrect Informaden specifications and/or designs fumished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of ibis information as it may nlale to a specific pmjecl and accepts no responsibiliry or exercises no control with regard to fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of hisses, This Truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANS1f1'PI 1.1995 and NDS•91 to be incorporated as pan of We building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings chmwm must be checked to be sure that the data shown an in agreement With the local building codes, local climatic records for wind ar anmv loads. P-Jecl 6Peelfi®flans or special applied loads. Unless shown, Irass has not been designed Car storage or Occupancy toads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) art continuously braocd by sheathing unless otherwise specified. When bottom chords In tension an not fully braced Inlemlly by n properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced al a masimum spicing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured From 20 gauge hot dipped gaMnind steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless Otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall m0mv Ibis drawing to verify that this drawing Is In wnfonnana with the fabricator's plans and to reulim a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies ran to be put in writing bcrom culling or fabrication. Phases shalt not be installed over knotholes, knots or disioned grain. Members shall be at for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plaits shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about Iltajoinl unless olhenviO shown. A 3s4 plate Is 5- wide rc 4' long. A 6sg plate is 6' wide s 8' long Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified, Double cuts on %web members shall meet at The cemmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector phase sizes am minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain Trundling and/or erection stresses. This 0um Is not to be fabricated with tin retardant treated lumber unless ahen\im shown. Furadditional information an Quality Central refer to ANSMI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed In accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses an to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to mid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Inissm in a straight and plumb position and for misting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and creclion bracing is always required. Normal precautionary anion for tnssm requires such tempomry bracing during installation between Ins es to avoid toppling and dominoing Tate supervision of erection of busses shall be under the central of Persons experienced in the installation oftmsses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time, No toads other than the %might of the erectors shall be applied to busses until aner all fastening and bracing is Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-6,3-5,4-5 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp,Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 21,3 ft W= 21.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1605/820,2-3=-875/391, 3-4--168/31, BOT CHORD 8-7--1386/1428,7-6=-1385/1420, 6-5=-776/727, Webs 7-2=-27/279,2-6=-742/665, 6-3=-272/630,3-5=-983/1050,5-4=-128/381, .WEB. „ FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI. 7- 2 279 0.09 C 3- 5 1050 0.84 2- 6 -742 0.67 C 5- 4 381 0.11 6- 3 630 0.20 C MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 5,41- 5 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" O.C. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-0" Cr--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS - - - - - - - - - C LL TL C in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0.19/539 5-6(L) Horiz. -0.03 -0.05 NA Long term deflection factor - 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel TI:M1X Qty:19 -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0. 4) 21- 3- 8 7) 7- 6- 5 2) 7- 6- 5 5) 21- 3- 8 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 14- 4-15 6) 14- 4-15 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 1,5 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Los BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type, 0- 4- 0 1 970 748 -646 B Pin 21- 2-10 1 907 0 -1086 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1605 0.51 A 8- 7 1428 0.53 2- 3 -875 0.76 A 7- 6 1420 0.60 3- 4 -168 0.72 A 6- 5 -776 0.48 21-3-8 1 2 3 4 5.00 2Y4 9-2-8 6x8 3x4 3x4 )q A 970# 8.00" 907# 1.75" 21-3-8 14-0 21-3-8 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT200-11- 9) Marionda.. �ysv��ns - 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE POOSM68 367 MedalBon PL Chuluola, FL 32760 Design: Matrix Analysis Wtkt112N 1N 1.i : READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of We building design and which most be considered by We building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of buss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing of ends and specified locations determined by We building designer. Additional bracing of We overall strue may be required, (See H1B-91 of7PD.For sPecifle hiss bracing roquiremente, contact building dcalper.(Truss Plate re maye, TPI Is loafed nl 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., RIR Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 77932 Profile Path: C: Eng Job: STBJ3X Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf �BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 43.0 psP 140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\M1X,prx Scale = 0.1501 WO: STJB3X TI: M1X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information prmidcd by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a resell of faulty or Incorrect information, speclficaUons and/ar designs furnished to the Imss designer by the client And the coneeiness or ncmmcy of this information as 11 may mlate to a specific pmjeol and nacepls no responsibility or exercises no control svilh regard to fabrication, handling shipment and inslnllatlon of Imssrs. This gross has been designed as an Individual building component In accordance nigh ANSifr'PI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated As part of the building design by a Building Designer. When mvimved for approvol by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown am In agreemol pith the local building codes, local climatic records for mind or snmv loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shmvn, Imss has not been designed for storage or eseup -cy loads The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) tiro continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In Amision Am not filly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' A.A. Connector plates shall be manufactured Itam 20 gnuge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 65), Grade 40, unless otherwise sllmm, FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fnbricalion, the fAbrolor shall review this draning go verily that [his dmning is in conformance wish the fibricatore plans and to =lien a continuing responsibility for such'Trifiralion. Any discrepancies are to be put In wvriting before culling or fabrication. Plates shell not be installed catr knotholes, knots or distorted Brain. Membera shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood bearing. Connector pinta shall be located an both faces of the Imss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. nbou[ Ihejolnt unless otherwise shmwm. A Sao plate is 5' nide.v 4' long A 6.8 plate Is 6' wide a 8' long Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cols on wvrL members shall meet at the cenlmid of the webs unless otherwise shmm. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based an the fords shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imss is not to be fabricated with 0m marginal treated lumber unless othemise sh-ri. For additional Information an Quality Central refer to ANSIfIPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be folloacd in accordame with accepled industry publications. Tmsus are to be handled i4h particular cam during banding and bundling delivery and instniiRlian to awaid damage. Temporary and permmnent bracing for holding Imsses In A straight and plumb position and for resisting Inteml forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is ahmys required. Normal precautionary action for grosses requires such temporary bracing during insmllntion beween lasses to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervislan of erection of trusses shall be under the control ofpersous experienced In the Inslnllntion of busses Professional Advice shall be sough) if needed. Concentration of cons(mction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to Imssis at arty time. No loads other than the meighl of the erectors shall be applied to grosses until Alger nil rosining and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl Lee 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-441/34,2-3ea-413/88, HOT CHORD 6-5=-940/367,5-4=-940/362, Webs 5-2=0/259,2-4=-401/1042, 4-3=-146/588,0-0=-270/356, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.22/540 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.03 NA Long term deflection factor ce 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Mar onda.Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0004 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050060 307 Medallion cal. Chuluota, FL 72786 Design: Matrix Analysis MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ®Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.12011 nails spaced 8" O.C. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web, 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 14'-01' TC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE,.CSI. 1- 2 -441 0.82 A 1 5 -940 0.35 2- 3 -413 0.91 A 5- 4 . -940 0.35 9-11- 8. 1 2 3 1O.00 9- 498# 8.00" 420A.75" I 9-11- 8 4- 0 5 9-11- 8 4 ( 1- 5- 5) WARNING: -- READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shaam on this drawing is not erection bracing wind bracing panel bracing or similar bracing which Is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral mppori of truss members only to induce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall stmclum may be required (See HM-91 of TPD.Far cp uric lmw bracing mcgulmmants, contact building designer, ffruss Plate lninutu% TPI h1 located el 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Saundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 Profile Path: C: JOHN TI:M2X Qty:9 -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 498 892 -88 B Pin 9-10-10 1 420 0 -1035 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE " PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI, Cr WEB, ..FORCE..CSI" 5- 2 259 0.08 C 4- 3 588 0.18 2- 4 1042 0.36 C 0- 0 356 0.15 Scale = 0.2110 Eng Job: STBJ3X WO: STJB3X Dwg: TI: M2X Dagnr:TLY Chk: 4/25/2007 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 _psf v5.4.18-90947 ,M2X, prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is far on ind'nidtml building component and has been based on informalion provided by the client. The desigoer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a mvii of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the wss designer by Ilk client and the correctness or acoumcy ofthis information As it may mince to a specific project end accepts no responsibility or mcmises no control with regard to fabricalion, handling, shipment and Inslallndon of imsses. This Imss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSMI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be inwrpomlW as part of die building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be chocked to be rote Bent the data shown am in agreement will Ole local building codes, local climatic records far wind or snmr loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not ban designed for aIomge ar occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension am not fully braced laterally by a pmporly Applied rigid coiling, they should be braced at a minimum spacing of Hr-ow c.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise Sharon FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this droning to wcrifp Thal this drawing is in confarmnna with the fnbricatofs plans and to maths a continuing Amponsibilily for such wrificlion. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before wiling or (Inbrication. Plnles shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shnli be oil for light ruling wood to wood burin& Connector PIAIes shall be Iocoted on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded nod shall be sym. About Ihejoim unless otherwise shown. A 50 place is P wide s 4' long. A 6.8 plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Sloss (hales) run parallel to the plate lengdt specified. Double curs on web members shall mom l At the contruid or the verbs unless olhcnwise ahovn. Connector pints sties am minimum it= based on the forces shaven and may need to be imrand far certain handling And/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated limber unless olhernise Amri. For additional information an Quality Control refer to ANSVTPI 1.1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and emclion recommendations am to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with pnniellar ore during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to mvid domage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lrICml formes shall be designed and Installed by others. Camful handling is esenlial and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for busses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusser In maid toppling and dominoin& The supervision aferection of trusses shall be under the control of persons evperienced in Ibc inslnllmton of lmsscs. Professional ndvice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to busses a1 any time. No loads other than the weight onto emaors shall be applied to trusses until after all Installing and bracing Is TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WEI: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. S, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type- encl L= 10.0 ft W- 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-472/22,2-3=-429/91, HOT CE01RD 6-5=-974/392,5-4=-975/387, Webs 5-2=0/264,2-4=-429/1060, 4-3=-149/614,0-0=-22l/369., --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/999-0.23/545 3-2(L) Horiz. -0.01 -0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 3"x 0.12011 nails spaced 811 0.0. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-01, ..TC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 7472 0.85 A 6- 5 -974 0.36 2- 3 -,429 0,95 A 5- 4 -975 0.36 9-1-6 0- 9-13 9 425# 1.75" 9-11- 10.00 2X4 9-1-6 JAY 431# 1.75" 9-11- 8 5 4 TI:M2AX M :9 ----joint Locations= 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 23 06 .1 and .referenced standards, U.N.C. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Boris: Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1' 425 927 0 B Pin 9-10-10 1 431 0 -1078 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI.' 5- 2 264 0.08 C 4- 3 614 0.18 2- 4 1080 0.38 C 0- 0 369 0.10 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 _... _ . WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �f ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Dreg; Yi, yste � r Bracing shown on [his drawing Is not amolion bracing, wind bracing, panel bracing or similar bracing winch is o part of v dl , :I� { ��s7 the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for I8tergl mppon of Ws Dsgnr: TLY Chk; .. ... members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends end specified locations dcicr Wncd by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall slmcture may be required. (See M13-91 TC Live 16.0 psf orTPT).For spine trus bracing mquimmmis, contact building designecrTmss Pla[c InsWute, TPI Is located at 333 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OoofrioDrive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27931 BC Live 10.0 psf (407) 321-0064 Fax.(407) 321-3013 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE ei0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 MedaHion PI. Chuluots, FL 32706 TOTAL 43.0 7s f Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\M2AX.prx Scale = 0.2097 WO: STJB3X TI: M2AX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-891e9 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST, JOHN B WO:STJB3X 'DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building wmponcal and has hecn based an information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any msponsibiliry for damages as a result of faulty or inserted information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or nceumcy of this information as II may miale to n specific project and accepts no msponsibiliry or exercises no Contra] widen regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When mvienvd for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown am in agreement Milt the localbuilding Codes. Iota] climatic records for wind or snow lands Project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shorn, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy lends. no design assume Compression chords (lop or bottom) am Continuously braced by sheathing unless othernise specified. Wbem bottom chords in tension am not filly braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-04 c.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gouge hot dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless olhen iss shown, FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrimiion, the fnbricalor shall review this droving to verify that Oils drawing Is In Conformance with the fabricator's plans and to maliu a Continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be pm In writing before culling or fabrication. Plain shall not be installed over knolholos, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light timing wood to wood hearing. Connector plain shall be lomled on bolls fmxs of III@ truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless oihenwin shorn. A 5A plate is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6xg plait is 61 wide x g' long Slots (holes) ran parallel to the pinto length specified. Double cuts on web members shall raw at the cenlmid of the unbs unless otherwise sham. ConnColor plate sizes ere minimum sizes based on the (ones shown and may need to be Increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imes is not to be fabricated with fire mtardonl treated lumbcruninsothcrwi-hoot. Forodditional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSVI'PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be faltered in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses nm to be handled with particular Com during banding and bundling, delivery and insinuation to avoid damage. Temporary and permancnl bracing for holding trusses In a suraighl and plumb position and for misting Inleml forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Nonni precautionary action for Wssss require such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of c=i,. of trusses shall be under the conlml or persons aperierlced in the installation of Imsses. Professional advice shall be soughl if needed, Concentration rconstruction IoadS greener than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any dine. No loads other than the night of llla erectors shall be applied to trusses until afler all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #1 D BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB; 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-4,3-4 SL: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 10.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-402/l74,2-3=-430/91, BOT CHORD 6-5=-86/141,5-4=-954/270, Webs 5-2=-343/73,2-4=-299/l057, 4-3=-149/615,0-0=-171/357, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. .,FORCE..CSI 5- 2 -343 0.09 C 4- 3 615 0. 2- 4 1057 0.27 C 0- 0 351 n_ CANT: 3- 0- 0 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result Of multiple loadcases. End vertical(s) not designed for exposure to lateral wind pressure. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 4 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. Continous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown OR a T-brace, nailed flat to edge of web with 311x 0.1201, nails spaced 8" o.c. T-brace must extend at least 90% of web length and be same size, species, and grade as web. 2x6 T-Brace required on any web over 141-011. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI.*Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -402 0.84 A 6- 5 141 0.32 Cr 2- 3 -430 0.94 A 5- 4 -954 0.32 18 C na r 9-1-6 0- 9-13 9-11- 8 1 2 3 10.00 9-1-6 2x4 3x4 621#I.50" 347#M1.75" 9-11- 8 5 4 TI:M2BX Qty:3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. Joint Locations- -- 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-11- 8 5) 3- 1-12 2) 3- 1-12 4) 9-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and .referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): - 4 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 3- 1-12 1 621 927 -50 B Pin 9-10-10 1 347 0 -1067 B H Rol-1 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). L.Cant.-0,01/999-0.02/999 1 I.Span-0,03/999-0.24/329 3-2 Horiz. -0.02 -0.04 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ,,,,r,,.o WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO yvp Systems ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: .■-g\T Bracing shown on this drawing is not cnzdon bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is o Pori of M S V lime building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of toss Dagnr : TLY Chk Lf !"..!! members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified local----- determined by the building designer. Addidonal bracing of the overall sltuclum maybe required. (See lam-91 TC Live 16.0 psf ofTPl).For specific truss bracing requirements, Contact building deslgrim(Trum Plate Institme0. TPI Is located m 583 TC Dead 7.0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY O'onohioDrimMadison. Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by; Tress Engineering Co..P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 $C L1 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-391V0 10.0 8f3 P TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050060 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 22706 TOTAL 43.0 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST, JOHN B\M2BX.prx Eal Scale = 0.2097 WO: STJB3X TI: M2BX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89200 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X- TI:SIX DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damngn ns a resit of roulry or Incorrect information, spcilutiom and/or designs furnished to The truss designer by the client and Ilhc correctness or eecumcy of this information as it MAY relnle to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or cecmises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Inslollntion of Irusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSVIPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Irxorpomled as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When minvil for uppmeml by the building designer, the design loadings sham must be checked la be sure that Ilia data shmm am In agreement uilh the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shmm, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes mmPmesion chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension ore not fully braced Initially by a Properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced cal e maximum spacing of to%ow o.e. Connector plain shall be manufactured from 20 gouge ha dipped gsinnind reel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise Shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. Ilia fabricator shall mime this drawing to verify, that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabrimim's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies arc to be pal in writing before culling or fnbri®lion. Plain shall not be installed oicr knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be on for light fitting wood to wood bearing. Connector plain shall be located an both faces of the truss wish nails Polly imbedded and shall be s)m. about Ihejoinl unless olhenvim Shown. A Sx4 plate is S' wide x 4' long, A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) nun parallel to Ilia plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shell raw at the centmid or the webs unless olheniise shmm. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes based on the forces shmm and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or ereoicit stresses. This Imss is real to be fabricated with ire retardant treated lumber unless othemin shown. Foraddillonal information on Quality Conlml refer to ANSIRPt 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in aaurdance nits accepted industry Publication Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, dellvery and installntion to tumid damage. Temporay and permanent bracing for holding trusses In n straight and plumb pnillon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection bracing is nhn)3 required. Normal precautionary action for wash requires such temporary bracing during installation be:"-- in- to amid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of busses shall be under the control of persons c,%Wrienced in the installation of trusses. Pmressional A". shall be sought if needed. Concenlrelion ofconslruction loads greater than ilia design loads shall not be applied to trnssn of any time. No loads other lean the walghl of the erectors Shall be applied to busses until after all faslening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 SL: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1048 0.38 A 9- 8 776 0.31 2- 3 -1597 0.44 A 8- 7 741 0.30 3- 4 -1627 0.33 A 7- 0 1863 0.50 4- 5 -1975 0.32 A 0- 6 1530 0.46 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.10/999-0.18/999 2-1(L) Horiz. 0.05 0.10 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner anel P V 5- -14 5- 0- 4-14 0-4-8 719# 4.50" MMTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, He: 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 16.8 ft W= 16.8 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1048/829,2-3=-1597/1366, 3-4=-1627/1235,4-5=-1975/1705, HOT CHORD 9-8=-317/776,8-7=-281/741, 7-0=-1454/1863,0-6=-1285/1530, Webs 8-2=-93/222,2-7=-87l/l083, 7-3--109/339,7-4=-331/533,0-0=-174/298, 1-2 10.00 -5.00 5x6 Qty:17 �----Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 12- 5-10 7) 8- 4- 8 2) 5- 7-14 5) 16- 9- 0 8) 5- 7-14 3) 8- 4- 8 6) 16- 9- 0 9) 0- 0- 0 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2- 4 1 719 -172 -586 B Pin 16- 6-12 1 722 0 -677 B H Roll I PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE a I .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 8- 2 222 0.07 C 7- 4 533 0.13-; 2- 7 1083 .0.35 C 0- 0 298 0.16 7- 3 339 0.09 C 2.50 -2.50 -4-8 722# 4.50" 8-4-8 8-4-8 9 g 7 6 16-9-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 � waxtvlNG: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. -A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO r Marto ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: >rl ii l#.j � Sys' Bracing shanm on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bmcng, panel bracing or similar bracing which is apart of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing slim" is for lateral support orlmss DSgi1T : TLY Chk : ........ .. ,,... , . - members only to redo=buckling length. Provisions most be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specked lowllons de4mmined by ilia building designer. Additional bracing of the enroll Suuoum may be required. (See HM-91 TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY of TPi).For cpeclne truce b(fr etng requirements, =ilinel building designor.uss Plate Institute. TPI IS located at 583 D'OnofrioDrive. Madison, Wiscamin33719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Componenl Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.. P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*0050068 BC Dead 10.0 367 MedaRlon PI. Chuluofa, FL 3276C psf Design: Matrix Analysis TOTAL Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\S1X.prx 43.0 psf Scale = 0,3663 WO: STJB3X TI: SIX 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2-.0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-89299 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building eumponenl and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a mull of fautry or incorrect Infonamion, specifications and/or designs 0tmished to The Iran designer by the client and the correeroms or accumcy orihis Information as It may relato to a specific projeel and accepts no responsibility or turcises no control with regard to fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of trusses. This Into has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan or the building design by a Building Designer. When mimed for approval by The building designer, the design landings shown most be checked to be sure that the data shown am In agreement milk the 1aw1 building codes, local elimalie retards for wind or snow loads. pmjwl specifications or speclul applied leads. Unless shown, Truss has not been designed fm sloragc or oecupamy loads. The design oasumm compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously bmcedbyshcalhingunlessothensiwspxiged• Where bottom chards in Tension Are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid siting, They should be bmeed at a maximum spacing of wlo, a.e. Connector phis shall be manuraelumd tram 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized arml meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify, that this drawing is in conformance with the fobricator-s plans and to res iiu a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any diumpancim arc to be put in writing before nulling or fabrication. Plata shall not be inarniled ewer knohales, knots or diverted grain. Members shall be cot for light fitting wood to woad bearing. Connector plates shalt be located on both fags of The into with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym• about Ihejoinl unless otherwise shi m. A 5x4 Plato is 5' wide x 4' long• A 6x8 pinlc is 6• wide x 8• tong. Sluls (hole) con parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet al the aentmid of the webs unless olhcirwse shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sima bnsed on The forces shown and may need to be Increased for mnain handling and/or erection susses. This buss is not to be fabricated with Fire retardant united lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional m ornaiion an Quality Central refer to ANSVTPT 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing And cralion recommendations ore to be followed in necordnrice with accepted industry Publications. Trusses are to be handled with pnnicuinr care daring banding and bundling, delhery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in o stmighl and plumb Position And for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by o0mrs. Careful handling is essential And erocllon bracing is Alwlays required. Normal precautionary Action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between losses to asoid Toppling and dominaing. The nperosion oferedlon of im= shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional Advim shall be sought if needed• Concentration ofmns ruction loads gmaier than The design loads shot) not be opplicd to Trusses at arty time. No loads olhm than the weighl orihe erectors shaii I. applied to Imsses until after all fastening And bracing is Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-164/122,2-3=-164/122, BOT CHORD 6-5=-45/115,5-4=-45/115, Webs 5-2=-23/82, --------GLOBAL MAR DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I,Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 3-2 Boriz. 0,00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 2- 5-13 0- 4-10 Bottom chord live loads based.on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat, B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl I,= 4.0 ft W= 4.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB, ..FORCE..CSI 5- 2 82 0.03 C 2-0-0 2-0-0 1 2 3 9.00 -9.00 4x6 218# 1.75" 218# 1.75" TI:T4X Qty.10 —Joint Locations- 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 5) 2- 0- 0 i 2) 2- 0- 0 4) 4- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-14 1 218 0 -232 B Pin 3-11- 2 1 218 0 -232 B H Roll I PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr 1- 2 -164 0.05 A 6- 5 115 0.04 2- 3 -164 0.05 A 5- 4 115 0.04 4-0-0 6 5 4 1-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 (R1- 0- 6) 6) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 1-10-10 0- 4-10 r -..... WH2tiVlNli: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO tq y�r y Mao' ■ U� Systems. ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing show an this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, DWg: as YY r,�jj portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a parlor the building dsign and which must be considered by The building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Imss Dsgnr : TLY Chk ; ...... .. : „ ,..,.,, - members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall stria; m maybe required. (See HIB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARON DA WAY Sanford, aDf o^air a D Madison Wisconsin).For,p=Lflc Iran bracing mmell� enalm building designer.(Troo Plata instimie, TPI Is lowi d at 5W TC Dead 7.0 psf FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE N0050068 pSf 367 Medallion PL Chuluo9a, FL 32766 BC Dead 10.0 psf Design: Matrix Analysis TOTAL Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST, 43.0 sf JOHN B\T4X,prx Scale = 0.5773 WO; STJB3X TI: T4X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This daign is for An individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a recall of fanlry or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the corteunea or aavrary of this information as tl MAY relate to a specific pmja2 and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation artrusses, This Iass has been designed ns an Individual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.1993 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Butiding Designer. When reviewed for approval by ilia building designer, the design loadings sham must be checked to be sure that the dale sham am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow lands, project specifications or special applied loads. Unlcss shown, Imss has not been designed for storage or occuponry loads. The design assume compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension am not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid calling, Ihcy should be braced at a maximum spacing of IO•40" o.c, Connector plates shall be mnnufnctun d from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized stcol meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless othenvisa shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to rubrication. the fabricator shall review this dinning to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the robricalofs plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in -ring before ogling or fabrication. Pintos shall not be Installed over knathaies, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light fming wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of the Into with nails rally imbedded and shall be sym, about the joint unless ahonvise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4' long A 6xg pinle is 6" wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) mn parallel to the plate length specified. Double cots on nab members shall mat at the cinimid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes am minimum sizes based on the forces sham and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imss is not to be fnbricoled with fim retardant treated lumber unless otherwise sham. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSUTPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed in Accordance with Accepted industry' publications. Trusses am to be handled with particular com during bonding and bundling, delivery and insla"Allon to Avoid damage. Temporary and permnnom bracing for holding Imsses in a stmlghl'nnd plumb position and for raiding Inleral fares shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and creclion bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for masses mgnira such temporary bracing during insinuation bchmcn lasses to aofd toppling and dominoing. The supervision oferection of hussy shall be under the control orpersons a-paienced in the insinuation of Inisscs. Professional advice shall be sought if needed, Concemmion ofconstruction hods greater than the design lords shall not be applied to frusses at any time. No fonds other than the Height of the emoars shall be applied to tresses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 14OLTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= anal L= 3.3 ft Wez 3.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDLeu 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC. .,FORCE.-CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -44 0.11 A 1- 5 1 0.02 2- 3 -44 0.08 A 5- 3 1 0.02 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq ee 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 65 19 -21 B Pin 3- 3- 4 1 65 -19 -21 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 TI : V12X Qty:1 -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 3- 4- 0 5) 1- 8- 0 2) 1- 8- 0 4) 3- 4- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1.and referenced standards, O.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-44/17,2-3=-44/18, HOT CHORD 1-5=0/1,5-3=0/1, Webs 5-2=-40/25, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 5- 2 -40 0.50 C ` 1-8-0 1-8-0 1 2 3 12.00 -12.00 4x6 1-8-4 3x4 3x4 1-8-4 0-0-4 0-0-4 I 2x4 r 1 1 ,1.5011 3-4 I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale = 0.5817 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X WO: STJB3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: V12X �Y Systems Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, mind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a pan of V the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing sham is for lateral support orhuss DBgnr : TLY Chk : 4 / 25 / 2 007 members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions mud be made to anchor lateral bracing At ends and specified madans determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure maybe required. (See FOB-91 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.25 �o ofrioDrive,Madison,Wisconssint53719)e,wntonWlltlingdamgncr,(laesptolcrnstttute, TPI Is located nt58] 4005 MARONDA WAY TC Dead 7.0 psi Plt DF: 1.25 Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by; Truss Engineering Co., P.A.. 818 Saundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 0 . C .: 2- 0- 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 323.-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf FHC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 TOMASPONCEP.E. LICENSE+a005006a BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA . 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 32706 TOTAL 430 sf V5.4.18-90948 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\V12X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an indvdual building component and has been breed on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as A result of faulty, or incorrect InIb malion, spoeifications andlor designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correcinea or accuracy of this infornalian as it may mlale to n sPAcifie project and accepts no responsibility or esemises no control with regard to fabrication, handling. shipment and Installation of trusses. Tllis truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance nith ANSVfPI 1.1995 and NDS•97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer. When revieaed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shone must be checked to be sure tlul tine dale shotm are in agreement uilll file local building codes, local climatic records for wind or samv loads, pmj.c specifications or special Applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design .-Imes compression chords (top or bottom) am continuously broad by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whom bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a PmRrly Applied rigid ceiling, they should be bmmd at o masimum spacing of I(Y-V o.e, Connector plales shall be manufactured from 20 tinge hot dipped gahaniud steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless olhenvisa sham. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricalor shall mviov this drawing to wrify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to noun a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before curing or fabrication. Plot= shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be col for light fitting wad to wood bearing. Connector plAlas shall be located on both Noes of Iho Imes with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihejolm unless otherwise shown. A 5s4 plate is 5' silos 4' long. A 6.8 pint. is 6' wida s 8' long Slots (hales) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts an web members shall meet at the cenlmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sirs are minimum sins based on the forces shown And may need to be Increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This Imss Is not to be fabricated with fire mordant treated lumber unless otherwise shorn. For additional inibralatlon on Quality Control mfer to ANSVIW 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erect(on recommendations am to be followed in accordance with aaeplod industry publications. Trusses am to be handled with panicolar core during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding lruss6 in a straight and plumb Position and for resisting lateral tomes sholl be designed and Insinlled by others. Careful handling is essendal and erection bracing is always mgtilmd, Normal precautionary action for imuses acquires such temporary bracing during installation batmen Imssa to Reid toppling and dominoing. The supamision oferection of trusses shall be under the control ofpermns c,Pwricnced In the insmlialion onrusses. Professional advice shall be mughl if needed. Concentration ofcowstmNon loads greater then the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at dry lime. No lends Diller than the weight of the erectors shall be Applied to Imsscis until ancr all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 6.7 ft W= 6.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg ..TC. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -98 0.54 A 1- 5 -1 0.09 2- 3 -98 0.39 A 5- 3 1 0.09 3-4-4 0-0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 141 41 -42 B Pin 6- 7- 4 1 141 -41 -42 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in,/Ratio Jnt(s). I,Span-0.05/999-0.05/999 2-l(L) Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 3-4-0 pil 3-4-0 1 2 3 12. 00 -12.00 TI:V13X Qty:l Joint Locations _ 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 6- 8- 0 5) 3- 4- 0 C 2) 3- 4- 0 4) 6- 8- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-98/38,2-3=-9B/38, HOT CHORD 1-5=-1/0,5-3=0/1, Webs 5-2=-86/51, .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB, ..FORCE..CSI. C 5- 2 -86 0.99 C 3-4-41 0-0-4 1411E l.so" Stud ® 4- 0- 0 1414 1.50n 6-8-0 6 5 4 Scale = 0.4195 ING: Eng Job: STBJ3X Ass W0: STJB3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Ding. TI: V13X Marionda. System Bracing shown on this drawing to not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bmcing which is n part of ���IIIIII the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Imes Dsgnr : TLY Chk : 4 / 25 / 2 0 0 7 _ __, members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made to anchor Islam bracng el ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See RM-91 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.25 of TPi).For specific I.. bracing mq.mmm.hs, comom building dosigner.(Tm® Plate insthula, TPI Is located at 583 Plt DF : 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnohioDrivcyMadison,Wisconsin53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by; Tress Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 O . C .: 2 - 0- 0 (907) 321-0064 Fax.(407) 321-3913 BC Live 10 . 0 psf 0. C .: 2- I=02/NDS-01 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE td0050068 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA 367 Medallion PL Chuluola, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 psf v5.4.18-90949 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\V13X.prx STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION Tilts design is for an individual building component and has been based an Information provided by We client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information. specifiradons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by file client and the correctness or accuracy of Ibis information as it may rotate to a specific pmjcl and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrimdon, handling• shipment and installation of imsses, This truss has ban designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSIffPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by Building Designer. When roviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes• local climatic records for %%ind or snow loads. project speeifiralions or special applied loads. Unless she", truss has not been designed for sarage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a Property applied rigid ailing, [hay should be braced at a maximum spacing of lo,-w c.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from M gauge hot dipped galvanized steal mating ASTM A 655, Grade 40, unless otherwise shm%m. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this dimiing to verify that this drauing is in conformance with the fobrimmes plans and to realize a conlinuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before cutting or fnbricotion. Plales shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or dlsloncd grain. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to ubod bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both rams of the Imss vvith nails fully imbedded and shall be sym, about thejoint unless olhenvise shmvn. A Sx4 plate is 5" %vide s 4" long. A 6xa plate is 6" %vide x S" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cols on web members shall meet at the centm)d of the %vebs unless otheroiseshmvn. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for amain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated uilh fire retardant treated :umber unless olhernise ehmvn. For addhienal inrormadon on Quality Control mrcr to ANSIrrPi 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recomrnendalions am to be followed in accordance with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled Alh particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Iusses In a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and ereal[on bracing is al%va5s required. Normal pmeaulioary action for busses requires such temporary bracing during Installation behveen trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. Tito supervision ofemcdon oftrusses shall be under the control of persons avVcrianced in the Installation oftnisses. Professional advice shall besought if needed. Concentration orconstntction lads greater than the design lads shall not be applied to Incises at any time. No lads other than the %vcighl of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is TC: 2x,4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, He: 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type-- enal L= 10.0 ft We: 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq ce 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 116 84 0 B Pin 9-11- 4 1 116 -84 0 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT.CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI: 9- 2 -147 0.03 C 7- 4 -147 0.46 8- 3 -48 0.40 C 5-0-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are'assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2--67/47,2-3=-64/53,3-4=-64/53, 4-5=-67/47, HOT CHORD 1-9=-1/0,9-8=0/0,8-7=0/0,7-5=0/1, Cr Webs 9-2ec-147/l37,8-3=-48/l, C 7-4=-147/137, 5-0-0 5-0-0 I 2 3 4 5 I2,00 -12,00 4x6 TI:V14X Qty:I Joint Locations- 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 10- 0- 0 9) 3- 0- 0 2) 3- 0- 0 6) SO- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 5- 0- 0 7) 7- 0- 0 4) 7- 0- 0 8) 5- 0- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown, Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.12011 nails spaced 811 oic Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14r-011. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .,BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -67 0.36 A 1- 9 -1 0.05 2- 3 -64 '0.24 A 9- 8 0 0.05 3- 4 -64 0.25 A 8- 7 0 0.05 4- 5 -67 0.27 A 7- 5 1 0.05 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.0.1./999-0.02/999 5-4 Horiz, 0.00 0.00 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 5-0-4 0-0-4 KXXXX�XX�i�i�XX������������� I r I I 116AI 1.5011 I I i EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ���. WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: Bracing shg vn on this dmwing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a par, of Dsgnr : TLY Chk iii �('V the building design and which must be considered Ote building designer. Bracing shmvn is for lateral wppon of truss members only to redum buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations dUerrn)ned by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overaii structure m be TC .Live 16.0 . ... B may required. HIH-91psf Scale = 0,3166 WO: STJB3X TI: V14X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1,25 O,C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and tans been based on information provided by Ilse client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of fnnity or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs fumishad to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or neca av of this Information as It may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no'mntml with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of tma,a. This Imss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVrPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 10 be inwrporaTcd as pan of the building design by n Building Designer. Mien reviewed for approval by Ilse building designer. Ilia design loadings shown must be checked to h sure that the data shown are in agreement Willi the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. Pmjal specifications or special applied loads. Unless shorn, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads, The design assima"S compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Mica bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing or 10'-0' o.c. Connector plmas shall be manufactured roam 20 gouge hot dipped galvanized steel maling ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. The fabricalor shall review this drawing to verify that [his drawing is In conformance: with the rabricatar's plans and to realise a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be pal in writing before culling or f diricolion. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distored grain. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to woad boaring. Connector pinles shall be located on both faces of the truss With nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoinl unless otherwise shown. A SA plate is P wide x 4long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cols on Web members shall meet at Iha commid of ilia webs unless othemiseshown. Connalor Plnlesizesareminimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or -don atresca. This truss is not to be fabricaled with fire remrdanl treated lumber unless o[hemvise shown. For additional information an Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are Io be followed in necordanee with accepted industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with pmnicular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Inlsses in a straight and plumb position and far resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and emotion bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses rapairas such temporary bracing during installation between busses Io avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision ororectton aflnlsses shall be under the control of persons evperienwd in ilia installation orlrusscs. PmPossional advise shall be soughl if needed. Commnlmlion of wnrmclion loads greater Than Ilse design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any lime. No loads other than the weight of the orators shall be applied to busses until after all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CSC, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1,0 Bid Type= encl L= 13.3 ft W= 13.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert HOriz Uplift Y Type 0- 0-12 1 110 ill -22 B Pin 13- 3- 4 1 110 -111 -22 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE,.CSI. Cr .WEB. .,FORCE.,CSI'. 13- 2 -129 0.34 C 10- 5 -107 0.32 12- 3 -107 0.32 C 9- 6 -129 0.34 11- 4 -58 0.72 C 6-8-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 3-12,4-11,5-10 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only, FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-115/81,2-3=-68/8,3-4--67/71, 4-5=-67/71,5-6=-68/8,6-7=-115/81, BOT CHORD 1-13=-1/0,13-12=0/0,12-11=0/0, Cr11-10=0/0,10-9=0/0,9-7=0/1, C Webs 13-2=-129/118,12-3=-107/100, Cll-4--58/12,10-5=-107/100,9-6=-129/118, --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s), I.Span-0.01/999-0.01/999 7-6 Horiz. 0.01 0.01 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 6- 8-0 6-8-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12.00 -12.00 4x6 TI : V15X Qt,;1 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 10- 8- 0 11) 6- 8- 0 2) 2- 8- 0 7) 13- 4- 0 12) 4- 8- 0 3) 4- 8- 0 8) 13- 4- 0 13) 2- B- 0 t 4) 6- 8- 0 9) 10- 8- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 8- 8- 0 10) 8- 8- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edg8 of web with w/3"x 0.1201, nails spaced B" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI, Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -3.15 0.26 A 1-13 -1 0.04 2- 3 -68 0.20 A 13-12 0 0.04 3- 4 71 0.24 A 12-12 0 0.03 ` 4- 5 71 0.23 A 11-10 0 0.03 5- 6 -68 0.21 A 10- 9 0 0.04 6- 7 -115 0.20 A 9- 7 1 0.04 6-8-4 0-0-4 2EM W Y YYYY I• 1 r I I 110# 1.501, 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING; Dwg: Ma; nda �ry. �st-e i�1�." Bracing shown on this drawing is net ercction bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is apart of J Ej, s the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of buss Dsgnr : TLY Chk : ..... :... members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be mode to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by Ilia building designer, Additional bracing of Ilia overall slroclum may be required. (See MD-91 TC Live 16.0 psf ar TPry.Por spaaro Ira, Orocing requinmrnlw, cartes bulltling dcslgrrcr,(Tm ]Plate Inalllulq 77'1 Is loomed al 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OnofrioDriva,Madison, Wiswnsin53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf Sanford, FL.. 312771 Component Engineering by; Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton. NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 323.-3913 BC Live 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE Id0050066 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 32766 TOTAL 43.0 insf Design; Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\140MPH\STJB3X\ST. JOHN B\V15X.prx Scale = 0.2011 WO: STJB3X TI: V15X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Pit DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90952 STBJ3X Name: ST. JOHN B Customer:ST. JOHN B WO:STJB3X DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a resuli errantry or incencol information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the coneclness or saumc), aflhls information as It [nay relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or cumism no control Willi regard to fabrication. Handling shipment and Insiallatlon of trusses. Tlis miss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance With ANSVIPI 1-1995 and NDS•97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by n Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by ilia building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure Hi , the date shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow leads, project specifications or special applied leads. Unless shorn, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compassion chords (lop or bottom) arc continuously braced by sheathing unless odrarmise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be braced a[ a maximum spacing of i0'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mewing ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shoran. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the rabricaior shall review this deeming to verify' thal this drawing is in conformancewith the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed ever knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Connewor plates shall be teemed on both faces of the Imw With nails fully imbedded and shell be sync, about the joint unless otherwise shorn. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6A plate is 6' wide x g' long. Slots ()soles) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cot$ on mob members shall meet at the cernmid or the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shorn and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. Tlis Iruss is not to be fabricatedwith fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shorn. For additional information an Quality Central refer to ANSVTPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in aaUrdama with accepted industry publications. Trusses art to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avid damage. Temporary and pennancnl bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb position and far resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires well temporary bracing during installation between trusses to mvid toppling and dcminoing The supervision ofereaion of trusses shall be under the central of persons of crienced in Ibe installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought Ifnecded. Concentration of constmcdon loads greater than The design lends shall not be applied to Inesses at any time. No loads other than the might of the eiectore shall be applied to trusses until oncr all fawning and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 GB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 5-14 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 140mph, H= 15.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kztee 1.0 Bld Type= encl Lea 16.7 ft W= 16,7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDLea 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq - 1.00 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift y Type 0- 0-12 1 115 139 -55 B Pin 16- 7- 4 1 115 -139 -55 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 17- 2 -113 0.23 C 13- 6 -108 0.60 16- 3 -111 0.80 C 12- 7 -ill 0.80 IS- 4 -108 0.60 C 11- 8 -113 0.23 14- 5 -68 0.63 C --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.01/999-0.01/999 5-4 Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 8-4-4 0-0-4 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wind loads have been checked perpendicular to the face of the truss. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 4-15,5-14,6-13 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-162/l20,2-3=-84/57, 3-4=-61/10,4-5=-82/90,5-6=-82/90,6-7=-61/10, 7-8=-80/57,8-9=-162/120, BOT CHORD 1-17=-1/0,17-16=0/0,16-15=0/0, Cr15-14=0/0,14-13=0/0,13-12=0/0,12-11=0/0, C11-9=0/1, C Webs 17-2=-113/100,16-3=-111/103, C15-4=-108/97,14-5ce-68/34,13-6=-108/97, 12-7=-111/103,11-Be_-113/100, 8-4-0 1 8-4-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12.00 -12.00 4x6 ua0 - TI:V16X Qty:I Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 12- 4- 0 13) 10- 4- 0 2) 2- 4- 0 8) 14- 4- 0 14) 8- 4- 0 3) 4- 4- 0 9) 16- 8- 0 15) 6- 4- 0 4) 6- 4- 0 10) 16- 8- 0 16) 4- 4- 0 5) 8- 4- 0 11) 14- 4- 0 17) 2- 4- 0 6) 10- 4- 0 12) 12- 4- 0 IS) 0- 0- 0 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.1201r nails spaced 81r o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". ..TC. .-FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. + 1- 2 -162 0.19 A 1-17 -1 0.03 2- 3 -84 0,20 A 17-16 0 0.03 3- 4 -61 0.19 A 16-15 0 0.03 4- 5 90 0.24 A 15-14 0 0.03 5- 6 90 0.22 A 14-13 0 0.03 6- 7 -61 0.20 A 13-12 0 0.03 7- 8 -80 0.20 A 12-11 0 0.03 8- 9 -162 0.14 A 11- 9 1 0.03 8-4-4 0-0-4 I , ,G-/ I I ) t 1 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: STBJ3X READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: ajronda; to Bracing shown on this drawing is not cradon bracing wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of MMM�r�. the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss DSgilr : TLY Chk ... ., members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sea HM-91 TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY ofTPI).Par spedne truss bracing requirements, contact building dealgner,( Truss Plate Inslimle, 'MI Is located at 587 D'OnofrioDrive,Madison,Wisconsin53719). TC Dead 7.0 psf (407) Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co.. P.A., 818 Soundside R4 Edenton, NC 27932 BC Live 10.0 psf 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0000SM68 BC Dead 10.0 psf 397 MedaHion PL Chuluiata, FL 32766 Scale = 0.1944 WO: STJB3X TI: V16X 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA W Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C: OMPH\STJB3X\ST, JOHN B\V16X.prx 954 STJBF Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an indMiliml building component and has been based on information pm'ided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect infornnotion, specifications and/or designs furnished to die truss designer by the client and Ilia corecmess or accuracy of this informnton as it may relate Io a specific pmjeel and accepts no responsibility or auemises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation ortmwc& This taus has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSml 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan critic building design by a Building Designer. When mvicand for opproval by the building designer, the design loadings show must be ,hacked to be sure that the dais show am In ngr=menl uilh the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow- loads, proj¢t specifications at spacial applied loads. Unless show, inlss has not been designed far storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continuously brad by sheathing unless ofhen'ise spacifed, where bosom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced of a maximum spacing of 10'-0- c.a. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gorge hot dipped gaMnized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fnbrienar shall review this drawing to'erify that This drauing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such wrification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed m•er knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be of for light filling wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be loceled on both faces of the Iniss with nails May imbedded and shall be sym, about the joint undess otherwise show. A 5A plate Is 51 wide x 4- long. A 6.18 plate is 6- wide, 8- long. Slats (holes) ran parallel to We plate length specified, Double =is on web mcmbera shall meet at the cenlmid of the webs unless otherwise show. Connector Plato sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shone and may need to be increased for amain handling and/or treed- stresses. 0' This truss is not to be fabri=led with fire retardant healed lumber unless otherwise show. Far additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVfPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations ere to be followed in accordance with accepted Industry publications. Tosses are to be handled with particular cum during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting latent fonts shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling Is essential and erection bracing is nhwys mquirad. Normal precautionary oclion for Imsses requires such temporary bracing during Installation bet"=n tassas to swid toppling and dominoing. Thasupervisimi orcmali.a oftrasm, shall be under Ilse control orpersons -pi rieramd in die insinuation of lmsses. Pmfessional advice shall be sought if needed, Concentration of construction loads greater than die design loads shall not be applied to fracas It any lima No loads other than the'Wight of the erectors shall be applied 10 /rases until afler all fastening and bracing is completed TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3--1281/0,3-4=-2026/0, 4-5� 2026/0,5-6=-1919/0,6-7=-1295/0,7-8=0/0, BOT CHORD 15-14=0/814,14-13=0/1736, 13-12=0/2026,12-11-0/2026,11-10=0/1755, 10-9=0/809, Webs 15-1=-49/0,15-2=-1063/0, 2-14=0/649,14-3=-633/0,3-13=0/547, 13-4=-234/0,12-5=-144/64,5-11=-322/48, 11-6=0/304,6-10=-640/0,10-7=0/677, 7-9=-1056/0,9-8=-56/0, T 1-4-0 Typical Panel = 301f TI:FC Qty:3 [1 or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. Joint Locations The Joint Detail Report must be included 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 7- 0 11) 8- 4- 0 With any submittal, inspection, and/or 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 12- 1- 0 12) 7- 0- 4 fabrication documentation. 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 7-.0 13) 5- 3-12 This truss is designed in accordance with 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 7- 0 14) 2- 9- 0 the 2004 Florida Building Code section 5) 7- 0- 4 10) 10-10- 0 15) 0- 0- 0 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- In -Plant Quality Assurance, per X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 0- 1-12 1 747 0 0 B Pin 2,7,9,10,15 13- 5- 4 1 747 0 0 B H Roll --TC. .,FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC, ..FORCE.,CSI. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 1- 2 0 0.21 A 15-14 814 0,23 ,WEB. ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr -WEB, ..FORCE.,CSI. Cr 2- 3 -1281 0.25 A 14-13 1736 0.56 is- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -322 0.07 C 3- 4 -2026 0.47 A 13-12 2026 0.74 IS- 2 -1063 0.23 C 11- 6 304 0.12 C 4- 5 -2026 0.45 A 12-11 2026 0.74 2-14 649 0.26 C 6-10 -640 0.13 C 5- 6 -1919 0.43 A 11-10 1755 0.40 14- 3 -633 0.13 C 10- 7 677 0.27 C 6- 7 -1295 0.37 A 10- 9 809 0.21 3-13 547 0.22 C 7- 9 -1056 0.22 C 7- 8 0 0.17 A 13- 4 -234 0.05 C 9- 8 -56 0.01 C--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 12-5 -144 0.03 C LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0.17/942 5 Horiz. 0.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 6-2-0 IF 6-2-0 13-7-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.50 7 c z -�7 rd 111111II fir. �a 3X6 747# 3.5011 3x4 [3x4[ 1.3XJ 3x4 3x4 3x6 747# 3.50" 3-7-0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 % WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO �t ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: "�': 'l. i� i'!� to Bracing shown an this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan of MariondMs VVV �7 Ljj�j the building design and which must be considered by die building designer, Bracing shown Is for [liters] support of miss Dsgnr . TLY C12k : .... .. members only to reduce buckling length. Previsions must be made launcher lateral bracing at ends and specified .. .. locations delerndned by the building designer. Addidonnlbmcingoftheoverallstructuremaybercpdnxi.(S-HM-gl TC Live 40.0 psf Er7Tly.Por speetne truss bm,ing requlmm,ms, comae, building destgnw.(7rusg plot, Insumte, TPI Is located at 5a3 4005 MARONDA WAY 'Onofr,Drive,Madisow,Wisconsin53719). TC Dead 10.0 psf Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P,A., 8IS Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-393.3 BC Live 0.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0000-KW68 BC Dead 5.0 psf 367 MedaHlon PL Chuluo98, FL 32766 TOTAL 55.0 lDsf Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE"LOR\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FC,prx WO: STJBF TI: FC 4/20/2007 0-3-8 f Scale = 0.4538 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA v5.4.18-90688 V Y STJBF I Name: STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for on individual building componanl and has been based on information provided by the client. Tx designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information. specifications and/or designs famished to the truss designer by the client and the corrretrao or a=mry of this information as it may relate to a specific project and aaapls no responsibility, or exercises no control with regard to fabricalion, handling, shipment and Installation of busses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance will, ANSMI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as par of the building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for appal by the building designer, the design landings shown must be checked In be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow lands, project specifications or special applied lands. Unless shown, truss has not been designed far storage or occupancy lends The design assumes compression chords (lop or barem) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced nl a maximum spacing of imoo o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanind steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shorn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fnbricalion. The fobdcalor shall review this drawing to vari(y that this drawing Is in conform irm with The febricalors plans and to malim a continuing responsibility for mich verification. Any discrepancies ere to be put in writing before tuning or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over Imotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fining wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on boll, faces of the Imas with nails fillly imbedded and shall be sym. about Elie joint unless oll,cnise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (hates) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall racU at tie cenmroid ofllle webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate suss are minimum sins based on the force shown, and may need to be 0 increased for contain handling and/or erection stresses, This ass is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shorn. For additional information on Quality Contmi refer to ANSMI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations an: to be followed in accordance with ncmpted Industry publications. Trusses are to be handled with particular core during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to Avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding Crosses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forty shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary sNen for trusses requires such temporary bracing during i.11111nlion between trusses to avoid toppling and 5ominoing. The supervision of erection of masses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the iashallati- or trusses. Pnar-iowal advice shall ba sought If needed. Concentration ofconstruclien loads greater Chen [he design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any than. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be hpplied to losses until after all fastening and bracing is mmphcied Qty:2 () or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. Joint Locations The Joint Detail Report must be included 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 9- 5- 4 11) 8- 2- 4 with any submittal, inspection, and/or 2) 1- 6- 0 7) 11-11- 4 12) 6-10- 8 fabrication documentation, 3) 4- 0- 0 8) 13- 5- 4 13) 5- 3-12 This truss is designed in accordance with 4) 5- 3-12 9) 13- 5- 4 14) 2- 9- 0 the 2004 Florida Building Code section 5) 6-10- 8 10) SO- 8- 4 15) 0- 0- 0 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- In -Plant Quality Assurance, per X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y. Type sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 0- 1- 8 1 739 0 0 B Pin 2,7,9,15 13- 3-12 1 739 0 0 B H Roll ,.TC. ,.FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 1- 2 0 0.21 A 15-14 805 0.22 .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB, ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 2- 3 -1264 0.24 A 14-13 1710 0.53 is- 1 -49 0.01 C 5-11 -307 0.06 C 3- 4 -1985 0.42 A 13-12 1985 0.71 IS- 2 -1051 0.22 C 11- 6 292 0.12 C 4- 5 -1985 0.41 A 12-11 19BS 0.71 2-14 639 0.26 C 6-10 -628 0.13 C 5- 6 -1884 0.42 A 11-10 1729 0.39 14- 3 -621 0.13 C' 10- 7 665 0.27 C 6- 7 -1277 0.36 A 10- 9 799 0.21 3-13 523 0.21 C 7- 9 -1044 0.22 C 7- 8 0 0,17 A 13- 4 -219 0.04 C 9- 8 -55 0.01 C -------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 12-5 -143 0.03 C LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.09/999-0,18/999 6-5(L) Boriz, 0.02 0.03 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel 7-0 TI:FD Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF TC: 4x 2 SP #2 SC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 (2) 4x 2 SP #3 8-9 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be ,continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1264/0,3-4=-1985/01 4-5=-1985/0,5-6=-1884/0,6-7=-1277/0,7-8=0/0, BOT CHORD 15-14=0/805,14-13=6/1710, 13-12=0/1985,12-11=0/1985,11-10=0/1729, 10-9=0/799, Webs 15-1=-49/0,15-2=-1051/0, 2-14=0/639,14-3=-621/0,3-13=0/523, 13-4=-219/0,12-5=-143/61,5-11=-307/53, 11-6=0/292,6-10=-628/0,10-7=0/665, 7-9=-1044/0,9-8=-55/0, Typical Panel = 3011 6-1-2 6-1-2 1.50 3x6 3x4 [3x4] I.axs 3x4 3x4 3x6 739#3. 0" 739# 3.00" 3- 5- 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 13-5-4 (RO- 1-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE Mi,Tek MT20 Scale = 0.4538 WARNING: Eng Job: STJBF WO: STJBF READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: FD aronda-1 Syrvenis Bracing shown on Ihis drawing is not ercnian bracing, wind bracing, Portal bracing or simiar bracing which is a pan of the building design and which most be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss D s9nr : TLY Chk : 4 / 2 0 / 2 0 0 7 .. , . members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing al ends and specked ____mined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall strucrurs cony be required. (See FBB.9I TC L1Ve 40.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.00 of 4005 MARONDA WAY DonnofriafriTo Drive,Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TC Dead 10,0 psf orapw. trucebracingmquiremens. wntncl Wliding deelgner.(Truce Plnle Inatimle, TPI le teemed rot 587 Plt DF: 1.00 Sanford, FL, 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 O.C. : 2 - 0 - 0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Live 0 . 0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000050068 BC Dead 5. 0 psf FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01COde: FLA 307 Maadslaon PL Chuluotaa, FL 32706 TOTAL 55.0 psf v5.4.18-90684 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBP\FD,prx C x STJBF Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF 'DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and ties bun based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as n mull of faulty or incorrect information, speeiffcadans and/or designs furnished is the truss designer by the client and the coreclnesa or accuracy of this information as it may rots]- la a specific projeel and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling shipment and installation of Inessa. This Imes has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/fPl 1-1995 and NDS-9710 be incorpomled as pan critic building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or mmv loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shmsm, truss has not been designed for slums. or occupancy loads The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otheir isc specified. Where bottom chords in tension arc not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10-4- o.e. Connector plain shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped IPlvanized slcel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shmvn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify That this drawing Is In conformance with the fabricnices plans and to ralim a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies am to be put in writing before tuning or fabrication. Plata shall not be Innolled over kmotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to wood baring. Connector plain shall be located on both faces of the Imss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about Ihejoinl unless oche vise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5- wide x 4' long A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' long Slots (holes) me Parallel 10 the plate length specified. Double cuts on wcb members shell mat at the cenuoid ache webs unless Ahernise shown. Connector plmc size ere minimum tiza based on the forces shimm and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. Phis miss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated umber undmodtensise she-. Faradditional nfannatlon on Quality Control refer to ANSIMI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES h11 bmcing and erection mcc mmendalions ore to be bllmved in accordance with accepted Industry rublicalions. Tresses arc to be handled with panicllar are during banding and bundling delivery and rumilalion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent racing for holding Inuma in a straight and plumb losilion and for resisting Ialcml forces shall be daigned and installed by otters. Careful handling Is essential and :radon bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary iclion for Inisses requires such temporary bracing during nstaitation between hisses to avoid toppling and lominofng. The supen-ision of erection of trusses shall be ender the control of persons experienced in the asinllnlion of trusses. Profasionai adAce shall be sought rneeded. Concentration of construction loads greater titan he design loads shall not be applied to lrusxs al any lime. No leads other than the weighl cribs erectors shall be pPiied to Imssa until after all fastening and bracing is ompleted TC: 4x 2 SP 0 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked, BC: 4x 2 SP #2 ® 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each WB: 4x 2 SP #3 trues with 3-3.5"x 0.135" nails. Splice (2) 4x 2 SP #3 SO-30,20-21 strongback on truss vertical. 13 or 0: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center, MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the The Joint Detail Report must be included composite result Of multiple loadcases, with any submittal, inspection, and/or This truss is designed to bear on multiple fabrication documentation. supports, Interior bearing locations should All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if continuously braced unless noted otherwise. necessary to achieve full bearing. This truss is designed in accordance with In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 the 2004 Florida Building Code section In -Plant Quality Assurance, per 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): ----MAR, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- 2,9,11,14,22,27,28,29,30,31,33,39,40 R-Loc Bset Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 0- 1- 8 1 790 0 0 B Pin TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1391/0,3-4=-2106/0, 16- 9-12 1 2331 0 0 B 8 Roll 4-5=-2311/0,5-6=-2094/222,6-7=-2094/222, 34- 7- 0 1 853 0 O B H Roll 7-8=-1368/642,8-9=-54/1219,9-10=0/3029, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 10-11=0/3029,11-12=-97/1128,12-13=-1501/560, .WEB. ,.FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. .-FORCE,.CSI. Cr13-14=-1501/560,14-15=-2523/42, 40- 1 -56 0.01 C 30-11 -1686 0.36 C15-16=-2523/42,16-17=-2649/0,17-18=-2383/0, 40- 2 -1126 0.24 C 11-29 1323 0.53 C 18-19=-1525/0,19-20=0/0, 2-39 735 0.29 C 29-12 -1276 0.27 CBOT CHORD 40-39=0/862,39-38=0/1889, 39- 3 -693 0.15 C 12-28 877 0.35 C 38-37=0/2311,37-36=0/2311,36-35=0/2311, 3-38 301 0.12 C 28-14 -907 0.19 C 35-34=-414/1866,34-33=-414/1866, 38- 4 -279 0.08 C 14-27 907 0.36 C 33-32=-902/843,32-31=-902/843,31-30=-1815/0, 37- 4 -219 0.04 C 27-15 -344 0.07 C 30-29=-1763/0,29-28=-813/941,28-27=-310/2072, 36- 5 241 0.10 C 26-16 -313 0.06 C27-26=-42/2523,26-25=-42/2523,25-24=0/2669, 5-35 -646 0.14 C 16-25 510 0.20 C 24-23=0/2669,23-22=0/2080,22-21=0/939, 35- 7 527 0.21 C 7- §�17 28 0.06 C Webs 40-1ce-56/0,40-2=-1126/0, 7-33 -804 .t. - .1- - :N 0.08 C2-39=0/735,39-3=-693/0,3-38=-73/301, 33- 8 847 0.34 C 7-Z948 421 0.17 C38-4=-279/208,37-4=-219/60,36-5=-39/241, 8-31 -1219 0.26 C 18-22 -772 0.16 C 5-35=-646/0,35-7=0/527,7-33=-804/0, 31- 9 1248 0.50 C 22-19 816 0.33 C 33-8=0/847,8-31=-1219/0,31-9=0/1248, 9-30 -1616 0.34 C 19-21 -1227 0.26 C9-30=-1616/0,30-10=-117/0,30-11=-1686/0, 30-10 -117 iff 0cabPanett-W' -51 0.00 C 11-29=0/1323,29-12=-1276/O,12-28=0/877, 28-14=-907/0,14--14.�-y(>a/%07, 27-15=-344/0, 17-23--398/30,2325Z#- I/421,,18-22=-7:72/0, 22-19=0/816,19-21=-1�W-&.C821-20=-5i/0_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 0-3-8 1- 4- 01.50 W=3x6 3x6 1.50 3x6 3x4 3x4 3x4l 3x4 4x6 4x6 3x4 4x6 4x6 W=3x6 3x6 3x4 1.50 W=3x6 W=3x6 4x6 4x10 4x6 3x6 3x4 1.50 3x4 3x6 TI:FE Qty:3 Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) 19- 5- 4 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 25- 7-12 30) 16- 9-12 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28- 2- 8 31) 14- 2- 4 4) 6- 6-12 18) 30- 6- 8 32) 12- 4- 4 5) 7-10- 8 19) 33- 2- 8 33) 11- 8- 4 6) 9- 5- 0 20) 34- 8- 8 34) 9-10- 4 7) 10- 5- 4 21) 34- 8- 8 35) 9- 2- 4 8) 12-11- 4 22) 31-11- 8 36) 7-10- 8 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 29- 5- 8 37) 6- 6-12 10) 16- 9-12 24) 27- 7- 8 38) 5- 3- 0 11) IS- 2- 4 25) 26-11- 8 39) 2- 9- 0 12) 20- 8- 4 26) 25- 7-12 40) 0- 0- 0 13) 22- 6- 4 27) 24- 6- 0 14) 23- 2- 4 28) 21-11- 4 ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 0 0.18 A 40-39 862 0.22 2- 3 -1391 0.37 A 39-38 1889 0.43 3- 4 -2106 0.40 A 38-37 2311 0.70 4- 5 -2311 0.36 A 37-36 2311 0.70 5- 6 -2094 0.37 A 36-35 2311 0.69 6- 7 -2094 0.31 A 35-34 1866 0.42 7- 8 -1368 0.28 A 34-33 1866 0.43 8- 9 1219 0.46 A 33-32 -902 0.20 9-10 3029 0.83 A 32-31 -902 0.20 10-11 3029 0.82 A 31-30 -1815 0.28 11-12 1128 0.47 A 30-29 -1763 0.27 12-13 -1501 0.32 A 29-28 941 0.27 13-14 -1501 0.20 A 28-27 2072 0.72 14-15 -2523 0.66 A 27-26 2523 0.95 15-16 -2523 0.64 A 26-25 2523 0.95 16-17 -2649 0.63 A 25-24 2669 0.61 17-18 -2383 0.42 A 24-23 2669 0.59 18-19 -1525 0.24 A 23-22 2080 0.48 19_20 0 0.20 A 22-21 939 0.23 - --GLOBAL MAR DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.14/999-0.30/701 16 Horiz. 0.03 0.05 NA 15 16 Long 17 der 1e8ction 19cto ZO 1.50 [3x4) 1-4- 3x4 3x4 4x6 3x4 1.5x3 W=3x6 3x4 3x4 4x6 [3x4] 3x4 790# 3.00" 2331 ## 3.50" 853# 3.001, 1-2-4 34-8-8 _ 40 9 8 7 6 534 3 2 31 0 9 8 7 6 25 4 3 2 1 C/L: 16- 9-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 r.a arrr` WARNING. READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: a.ronda S �i, Bracing shown on Nis drawing is not erection bmcing wind bmcing portal bracing or similar bmcing which is a pan of s , the building deign and whiclrmlost be considered by the building designer: Bradng shown is for lateral support of hiss members only to reduce buckling length. Privisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified loralions determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of lit ovemll structure maybe required. (See HIB-9I f TPr).For ryecifie erns. bmcing rezTulremenr& c.nrecl buttOing aealTruss Plmia InaUrure, TpT la locmed al SHS 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Tress Engineering Co„ P.A., 818 Soundside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 3=-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050068 367 Medallion PL Chuluota, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOK\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FE.prx Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1898 Eng Job: STJBF Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf WO: STJBF TI: FE 4/20/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA V5.4.18-90703 C- N STJBF 'DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility ror damages as a =111 of fnuly or incorrect information. specifications and/or designs furnished to the Intss designer by the client and Ilte -race ness or accuracy of this Infam ntion as it MAY relnlc la a specific project and a=pls no responsibility or acereises no realist with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of tresses, This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance ndlh ANSM 1.1995 end NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part ofthe building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by lit. building designer. Ik design loadings shown must be checked in be sure that the data shown am in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records far nind or snow leads, pmjal apecificallons art special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or Occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top ar bottom) are continuously bmwd by sheothing unless cth.nsim specified. Where bottom chords in lension ore not fully broad latemily by a properly applied rigid calling, they should be braced at a ma-ximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hol dipped gnivanind seal mating AS7M A 653, Grade 40. unless othc-iso shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrictiom the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify [hat this drawing Is In confarmano with the fabricalars plans and to malim a continuing responsibility for such wrifici Lion. Any discrepancies ore to be put in writing before curling or robricalion. Plates shall not be installed over knmholes, know or distorted grain. Members shall be cei for light reins wood to wood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces of Ilia truss with nails Fully Imbedded and shall be sym, about the joint unless oth_n :0 Shona. A 5a4 plate Is 5' wide.' I' long. A 6a8 plate is 6' wide s 8' long. Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cantruld of the webs unless nhenviw shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be accused for certain handling and/or erection stresses. Phis Irass Is not to be fabricated with fire mtardanl masted amber unless otherwise shown. For additional nfarmalian on Quality Control mfcr to ANSVIP) 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES \II bracing and erection secorma ndalions are to be bllotsed in accordance with accepted industy mblicatians. Trusses am to be handled with particular ass duringbanding and bundling, delivery and nslallation to ovoid damage. Temporary and permanent gracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb rosllion and for resisting Inleral losers shall be designed nd installed by others. Careful handling is essential and reckon bracing is n1mys required. Normal precautlonnry coon for musses requires itch temporary bracing during nstallolion between trusses to avid toppling and omhming. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be nder the canlral of persons mpericnecd in the nsialletian of imsses. Paofessi-al advice shall be sought I noeded. Concentration of awnsiruction load's greaser than le design loads shall act be applied to trusses at any time. Ya loads other than the weigh) of the are ame shall be pplied to musses until after all fastening and bracing is ompietrd Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF TC: 4x 2 SP #2 4x 2 SP #1 D 6-13 Unbalanced load case(e) have been checked. BC: 4x 2 SP #2 ® 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to eac 4x 2 SP #2 D 21-29 truss with 3-3.511x 0.13511 nails. Splice WB: 4x 2 SP #3 strongback on truss vertical. (2) 4x 2 SP #3 9-30,10-30,20-21 MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result Of multiple loadcases. 11 or 1): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included This truss is designed to bear on multiple with any submittal, inspection, and/or Supports. Interior bearing locations shout be marked -on truss. fabrication documentation, Shim or wedge if All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be necessary to achieve full bearing. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Iri-Plant Quality Assurance, per This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. 8,9,11,22,27,28,31,32,34,39 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension ----MAX, REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ---- X-Loc TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1583/0,3-4=-2481/0, BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1- 4-5=-2825/0,5-6=-2687/54,6-7=-2687/54, 8 1 877 0 0 B p 16- 9-12 1 3021 0 7-8=-2030/445,8-9=-654/988,9-10=0/3777, 0 B H Roll 34- 7- 0 1 843 0 10-11=0/3777,11-12=0/1821,12-13=-1400/1144, 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 13-14=-1400/1144,14-15=-2447/479, 15-16=-2447/479,16-17=-2589/213,, ..TC. ..FORCE.:CSI. Cr .-BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 17-18=-2342/0,18-19=-1504/0,19-20=0/0, 1- 2 0 0.21 C 40-39 967 0.26 2- 3 -1583 0.44 BOT CHORD 40-39=0/967,39-38=0/2164, C 39-38 2164 0.56 3- 4 -2481 0.52 C 38-37 2825 0.92 38-37=0/2825,37-36=0/2825,36-35=0/2825, 4- 5 -2825 0.53 C 37-36 2825 0.92 35-34=-231/2507, 4-33=-70$/5498, 5- 6 -2687 0.55 C 36-35 2825 0.90 33-32=-702/1498, - _- 31-30=-1879/0,30-29=-2456 0,-28=-2456/0, 6- 7 -2687 0.33 C 35-34 2507 0.61 7- 8 28-27=-1451/831,27-26=-831/1981, -2030 0.30 C 34-33 1498 0,39 8- 9 26-25=-479/2447,25-24--479/2447, 988 0.23 C 33-32 1498 0.41 9-10 3777 0.78 24-23=-53/2619,23-22=0/2049,22-21=0/928, C 32-31 1498 0.41 10-11 3777 0.82 C 31-30 -1879 0.32 Webs 40-1=-56/0,40-2=-1264/0, 2-39=0/856,39-3=-809/0,3-38=-32/441, 11-12 1821 0.52 C 30-29 -2456 0.46 3e-4=-467/156,37-4=-208/122,36-5=-94/236, 12-13 -1400 0.31 C 29-28 -2456 0.35 13-14 -1400 0.31 C 28-27 5-35=-680/0,35-7=0/537,7-34=-765/0, -1451 0.25 14-15 -2447 0.82 C 27-26 1981 0.73 34-8=0/835,32-8=(]{Wta6PRI*F WVO , 15-16 -2447 0.80 C 26-25 2447 0.97 31-9=0/2207,9-30=-2565/6,30-10=-132/0, 30-11=-1759/0,11-2B=0/1398,28-12=-1348/g, 16-17 -2589 977 25-24 2447 0.97 1C '� is 2342 0 3A=C 24 23 12-27=0/945,27-14=-988/0,14-26=0/1016, 263A-0 62 18-19 -1504 Q$2®_]]4: 23-22 2049 0.49 26-15=-376/0,25 6=-365/0 16-24=0/624 19-20 0 0.2 �4-c828:-21 928 0.24 24-17=-364/0,17 23=- 85 105, 3-16=-80 407, 58-22=-758/19,2d-19=91/802,19-321=-121 0, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 21-20=-51/0, 3-8 1- 4- 01.5x3 3x4 4x6 1.5x3 4x6 3x4 3x4 3x4 W=3x6 4x6 5xI0 3x4 4x6 4x6 W=3x6 4x6 3x6 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 5x8 5x10 4x6 3x6 3x4 1.5x3 2x4 W=3x6 W=3x6 TI:FE-GRD Qty:l d Joint Locations h 1) 0- 0- 0 15) 24- 6- 0 29) IS- 8- 8 2) 1- 6- 0 16) 25- 7-12 30) 16- 9-12 3) 4- 0- 0 17) 28- 2- 8 31) 14- 2- 4 4) 6- 6-12 18) 30- 8- 8 32) 13- 5-10 5) 8- 4- 2 19) 33- 2- 8 33) 12- 9-14 6) 10- 1- 8 20) 34- 8- 8 34) 12- 1-14 7) 10-10-14 21) 34- 8- 8 35) 9- 7-14 8) 13- 5-10 22) 31-11- 8 36) 8- 4- 2 9) 15- 5- 4 23) 29- 5- 8 37) 6- 6-12 10) 16- 9-12 24) 26-11- 8 38) 5- 3- 0 11) IS- 2- 4 25) 25- 7-12 39) 2- 9- 0 12) 20- 8- 4 26) 24- 6- 0 40) 0- 0- 0 13) 22- 6- 4 27) 21-11- 4 - 14) 23- 2- 4 28) 19- 5- 4 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ - 15 16 ie[n./RatiU in./KtioZO Jnt(s) . 1. Span -0.14/999-0.28/713 36 Horiz. 0.03 0.05 NA 13x41Long term deflection factor :1-$:90 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 4x6 3x4 [4x61 3x4 3x4 3x4 4x6 ® 1.50 R 8779 3.00" 3021#3.50" R 00 84343. " 34-8-8 40 9 8 7 36 5 cl b 2 h ill ig 28 ilt 26 5 4 23 22 l 1 7 14 7314 C/L: 16- 9-121- 0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 .. WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN To 'ILI AV p�ttt�t ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: `.�i 8{ � lr'il Bracing shown an this drawing is not eaxUon bracing, wind bracing, penal bracing or aimilar bracing which is o part of r1larvia MM M m the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral sawn or truss, .. members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions muss be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lacetions...ermin.d by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall siNMum may be required (Sce HID-91 orTPI).For specific buss bracing requirements, mnlnct building duigmtr.(Truss Plate Institute, TPI is located at 5g3 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onorrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: Truss Engineering Co., P.A., 8I8 Soundside Rd, Eden.on, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000SM68 367 Medallion P1. Chuluota, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis 'Profile Path: C:\TEE-L08\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FE-GRD,prx Over 3 Supporta Scale = 0.1898 Eng Job: STJBF Dwg: Dagnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf TOTAL 55.0 n WO: STJBF TI: FE-GRD 4/20/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA STJBF I Name: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF 'DESIGN INFORMATION 'MIS design Is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages As a =111 of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications andfor designs furnished to the Iran designer by The client and The correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relme to a specific project and n=pls an responsibility or exercises no antral with regard to fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of trusses. This Truss has been designed as An individual building component in accordance nith ANSVIPt 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part oflhe building design by a Building Designer. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings sham must be checked In be sure that the data sham are in agreement nilb the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow lead., pmJec sP.Ifesti.a. or Special Applied Inds. Unless shown, Iru= he$ not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continuously bmwdbyshalhingunicssothemis,specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailinp, they should be braced at A ra"Imum spacing of IW-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. note= Otherwise Shawn. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review, this dmwing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fnhrical.es plans and to -it, a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancia arc to be pill in writing before cooing or Nbricadon. Plain Shall not be installed over knolholes, knots or dlstoried Brain. Members shall be col for tight filling wood to wood barin& Connector pinles shall be located on both taus of the truss with nail, fully Imbedded and shall be sym, about the Jainl unless olhcrwisc sham. A 5s4 phoe is 5" wide s t- Ion& A 6x8 plait is 6- wide s 8- long. Slots (holes) ran parallel to the plot. Iaaglh Specified. Double cols on nob members shall mat at the anumid of the webs unless therwisc shown. Connector pinto sins am minimum sizes based on the forces sham and may need to be atmosed for certain handling Am/., erection stresses. MIS truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated umber unless athemise chovm. Forodditomil nformnfion on Quality Conuol refer to ANSVIPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES kit bracing and creation recommendations ate to be allowed In Accordance with stapled industry mbiicatiaes. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling. delivery and nwallation to amid damage Temporary and permanent .racing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb wition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed nd installed by others. Careful handling is essential and section bracing is alwa)% required. Normal precautionary coon for trusses requires Such temporary bracing during Mutilation between trusses to amid toppling and ominoing. The supervision afereclton oflrusxs shall be ndu the control of persons upericnced in the nwalletion of tosses. Professional advice shall be sought 'needed. Concentration ofconslruction loods grater then be design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any lime 90 toads other than the night of the tremors shall be ppticd to h-usxa until alter all fastening end bracing is omplged TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: 4x 2 SP #3 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. [) or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center, The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation, All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/0,2-3=-1838/0,3-4=-2967/0, 4-5=-3625/0,5-6=-3625/0,6-7--3539/0, 7-8=-2980/0,8-9=-1835/0,9-10=-1835/0, 10-11=0/0, BOT CHORD 21-20=0/1102,20-19=0/2541, 19-18=0/2541,18-17=0/3383,17-16=0/3625, 16-15=0/3625,15-14=0/3402,14-13=0/2537, 13-12=0/1104, Webs 21-1=-53/0,21-2=-1440/0, 2-20=0/1024,20-3=-978/0,3-18=0/592, 18-4=-579/0,4-17=-59/564,17-5=-214/0, 16-6=-182/93,6-15=-371/163,15-7=-19/342, 7-14=-587/0,14-8=0/616,8-13=-975/0, 13-10=0/1018,10-12=-1442/0,12-11=-51/0, Typical Panel = 30" 2x6 continuous strongback. Attach to each truss with 3-3.5"x 0.135" nails. Splice strongback on truss vertical. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadcases. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 3,8,19 ..TC. .,FORCE..CSI. Cr ,.BC. ..FORCE,.CSI. 1- 2 0 0.18 A 21-20 1102 0.27 2- 3 -1838 0.30 A 20-19 2541 0.56 3- 4 -2967 0.40 A 19-18 2541 0.59 4- 5 -3625 0.46 A 18-17 3383 O.B2 5- 6 -3625 0.43 A 17-16 3625 0.97 6- 7 -3539 0.69 A 16-15 3625 0.97 7- 8 -2980 0.39 A 15-14 3402 0.76 8- 9 -1835 0.26 A 14-13 2537 0.58 9-10 -1835 0.22 A 13-12 1104 0.27 10-11 0 0.19 A --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in,/Ratio Jnt.(s). I.Span-0.25/836-0.39/535 7-6 Horiz. 0.05 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 8-4-12 8-4-12 TIFF Qty:5 -Joint Locations 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 14- 0- 8 15) 10- 3- 8 2) 1- 6- 0 9) 15-10- 8 16) 8-11-12 3) 4- 0- 0 10) 16- 6- 8 17) 7- 9-12 4) 6- 6- 0 11) is- 0- 8 18) 5- 3- 0 5) 7- 9-12 12) 18- 0- 8 19) 3- 5- 0 6) 8-11-12 13) 15- 3- 8 20) 2- 9- 0 7) 11- 6- 8 14) 12- 9- 8 21) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 1- 8 1 992 0 0 B Pin 17-11- 0 1 992 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ,WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 21- 1 -53 0.01 C 6-15 -371 0,08. 21- 2 -1440 0.31 C 15- 7 342 0.14 2-20 1024 0.41 C 7-14 -587 0,12 20- 3 -978 0.20 C 14- 8 616 0,25 3-18 592 0.24 C 8-13 -975 0.20 IS- 4 -579 0.12 C 13-10 1018 0.41 4-17 564 0,23 C 10-12 -1442 0.31 17- 5 -214 0,04 C 12-11 -51 0.01 16- 6 -182 0.04 C 18- 0-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.50 dw6w I C-7 4x6 W=3x4 3x4 [3x4] 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 4x6 4x6 4x6 0-3-8 1-4-0 41 992P 3.00" -, 1 0-8 992 .00" 18-0-8 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ! Ar arn.da:. systems.. 4005 MA;0114DA WAYS Sanford, FL.. 32771 (407) 321-0OG4 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0*00S000S 397 MedaMon PL Chuluots, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by Ilse building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length, Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. Is. HIB.91 ofTPI).For syccine cow bracing requirement,, c-act otilding dmigner.(Truse Plata Inminrte, Tpt le located at 5o3 D'Onordo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Component Engineering by: Toss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Sou idside Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOR\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FF.prx Scale = 0.2846 Eng Job: STJBF WO: STJBF Dwg: TI: FF Dsgt2r:TLY Chk: 4/20/2007 TC Live 40.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.00 TC Dead 10.0 psf Plt DF: 1.00 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 BC Dead 5.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 55.0_ psf v5.4.18-90699 STJBF SName: STJBF Customer:ST. JOHN'S B WO:STJBF DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for no individual building component and has been based oa information Prodded by the client. Tha designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as' a mull of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy or this information as it may reinte to a specific projal and occepls no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment and Installalion of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance Mitt ANSVfPI 1.1995 and NDS-9710 be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer. When revinmd for approval by flu building designer. the design loadings shown must ba checked to be sure dud the data sham are in agreement Milt die local building codes, local cllmado records for wind or snow lads, pmjea spectfialions or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has nol been designed Occupancy storage or opancy lands. The design assumes compression chords (top ear bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise spe fled. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ailing, they should be broad at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' o.e Connector pintes shall be manufactured fi an 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized seal mceling ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shot". FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrieaion. the fabricator shall review this droning to verity that this dmaing is In conformance with the fabriafor's plans and to mliim a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies ore to be put in urging before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knothole; knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for Light fitting wood to wood baring. Connector plates shall be totaled on both fares of the Iran Mitt nails fully imbedded and shall be s)mt. about Ihcjaim unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5'vide x 48long. A 6x8 plate is 6• aide x 8' long. Slols (holes) run parallel to The plate length specified. Double cots on wcb members shall meal at the cenlmid ofthe webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces sham and may need to in Increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be ribriated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control rarer to ANSin?i 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are lobe fia2ved in accordance with acccpled Industry publications Tmssrs are to be handled with particular mm during banding and bundling, delivery and instollalton.to avid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for Wsxs requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of Incases shall be under the anlml of persons evperiens:ed In the installation of trusses. Pmfessiomrl advice shall be aught if needed. Conanlrallon ofconslruetion lads grater than the design lads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No lads other than The weight of the creators shall be applied To trusses until after all fnsfening and bracing is compleled TC: 4x 2 SP #2 BC: 4x 2 SP #2 WB: (2) 4x 2 SP #3 4x 2 SP #3 3-11,3-10,4-10 4-9,5-9,5-8,6-8 Unbalanced load case(s) have been checked. MULTIPLE LOADCASES -- This design is the composite result of multiple loadeases. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2004 Florida Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standards, U.N.O. ..TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FoRcE..CSI. 1- 2 152 0.34 A 12-11 23 0.49 2- 3 -34 0.45 A 11-10 -520 0.58 3- 4 789 0.26 A 10- 9 -820 0.30 4- 5 819 0.27 A 9- 8 -677 0.17 5- 6 455 0.23 A 8- 7 35 0.02 --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in,/Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.06/990-0.12/638 10-11(L) Horiz. 0.03 0.07 NA Long term deflection factor = 1.50 (L): Deflection is from local inner panel Typical Panel = 30" H or (): Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 15.0 £t, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= encl L= 14.0 ft W= 10.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 0.0 psf, BCDL= 0,0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq = 1.11 ----MAX. REACTIONS, PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loa BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0" 4- 0 1 349 -2 -428 B Pin 9-10- 0 1 349 0 -397 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr • .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 12- 1 212 0.04 C 4- 9 105 0.03 11- 2 -240 0.04 C 9- 5 -100 0.03 11- 3 752 0.19 C 5- 8 406 0.10 3-10 -276 0.10 C 8- 6 -520 0.18 10- 4 140 0.04 C 7- 6 392 0.08 TI:FG Qty:6 Joint Locations - 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 6-11-14 9) 5- B-14 2) 0- 7- 4 6) 9-11- 8 10) 3- 2-13 3) 1-11-13 7) 9-11- 8 11) 0- 7- 4 4) 4- 5-14 8) 8- 2-14 12) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -60 0- 0- 0 -60 0- 7- 7 TC Vert L+D -60 0- 7- 7 -60 9-11- 8 BC Vert L+D -10 0- 0- 0 -10 9-11- 8 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-103/152,2-3=-34/31, 3-4=-623/789,4-5=-671/819,5-6--367/455, HOT CHORD 12-11=-17/23,11-10=-520/439, 10-9=-820/717,9-6=-677/616,8-7=-26/35, Cr webs 12-1=-165/212,11-2=-240/1e7, C 11-3=-606/752,3-10=-276/256,10-4=-130/140, C4-9=-64/105,9-5=-100/76,5-8=-347/406, C8-6=-52O/454,7-6=-343/392, C C 1 - 9-4-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 10.00 JX13 3x4 3x4 3x4 `"' 349# 8,00" 1-8 12 11 10 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: t�Y1,ddd,,.iiiiMM �:� ; Bracing shown on this drawing Is not -radon bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a pan or ��ll R'f �a7 the building design and which must be Considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of buss mambas only to reduce buckling length, Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified localians determinedby Na buildingdesigner. .rTpl).For gent. contact building bracing o i the overall deuce In maybe required. (Sec at 383 specula sass , Wisconsin nsin 5 requirements, comecl bulldtng designer.tTruss Plate 1nNmle, 77'1 la tooted a1 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'onorr;a Drive, Madison, Wisconsin S3719). Sanford, FL. 32771 Component Engineering by: 7tuss Engineering Co., P.A., 818 Soonds:de Rd, Edenton, NC 27932 (407) 321-0064 Fax (907) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE $00050068 367 Medallion PL 6huluotla, FL 32766 Design: Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\TEE-LOX\Work\Jobs\STJBF\STJBF\FG.t3rx R 349# 3.00" Eng Job: STJBF Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 40.0 psf TC Dead 10.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 5.0 psf Scale = 0.4655 WO: STJBF TI: FIG 4/25/2007 Lbr DF: 1.00 Plt DF: 1.00 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 FBC-04/TPI-02/NDS-01 Code: FLA