HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Force Engineering&Testing Inc. 19630 R-amblewood Drive Humble,TX 77338 Product Evaluation Report ATLANTIC METAL I/OF VERO BEACH, INC. I"Nail Strip, 24 Ga. 16" Wide Roof Panel over 15132."Plywood Florida,Product Approval # 17796.4 Florida Building Code 2014 Per Rule 61G20-3 Method:i—D Category:Roofing Subcategoryt metal Roofing Compliance Method'.61G20-9.005(1)(d) NON kVHZ Product Manufacturer: Atlantic Metal 11 of Vero Beach,,Inc. 4020 43rd Avenue Vero Beach,Florida 32960 Engineer Evaluator: Terrence E.-Wolfe,P.E.#44923 Florida Evaluation ANE ID:1920 Validator: Locke BoWden,P.E.,FL#49704 9450 AlVsbury'Place Montgomery,AL$6117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages; 1—4 ,J C()P�, AC E Lp. � 4 pit r No.444 L9 A STATE OF :Cr Z saaorratm 0 4, sum 0 A L- FU1 7796.4 June 11,2015 Force Engineering&Testing Inc. 19530 Ramblemood Drive r4wnb1c,T:C 77338 Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014,Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: 1" Nailstrip Roof Panel, 24 Ga. Steel, 16" Wide, Roof Panel attaching to 15/32" APA Plywood decking.Non-structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: 24 Ga.Steel conforming to Florida Building Code'2014 Section 1507.4.3 Yield Strength: Min.50.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance:Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014,Section 1507.4.3 Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.024" Width: 16"max coverage Female Rib: 1"tall Male Rib: %"tall rib w/slotted strip. Panel Seam: Snap Lock Panel Fastener: Through Panel Slot:(1)#10-13 x 1"GP Pancake Type A In Pan of Panel:(2)#10-11.x 1"Eclipse Head Type A %"minimum penetration through plywood Corrosion Resistance:Per Florida Building Code 2014,Section 1506.6,1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Min.15/32"thick,APA Rated plywood over,supports at maximum 24"O.C. Design of plywood.and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Substrate must be designed in accordance.w/Florida Building Code. 2014. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"A" Maximum Total Uplift Design Pressure: 59.75 psf 101.0 psf 153.5 psf. Panel Slot'Fastener.Spacing:- 16"O.C. 6 Y.."O.C. 6'/."O.C. Panel Pan Fastener Spacing: - NA NA 12"O.C.- *Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2.0. `,,�{1fItJJJt. ♦ C E Z. r A. V > C E N S�. �.c►,ii +y�: N7/c o.47 f�}J STATE OF s,m orrbmm 0 E` �� or I ID L`s;�• GseArA'ia i1 O N A I.y�.��G♦�, FL#17796.4 June 11, 2015 ' U Forcm Inc U U `g � ~ ~19530 aDrive u Fi"mae,TIK77338 . Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building Code 2DI4,Section 15O4.32, Evaluation Report Scope: Theproducteva|uationis!imitedtomomp|ianbemiththestructvra|wind|mad requirements ofthe Florida Building Code 2014,asrelates toRule 61G2O'3. Performance Standards- The product described-henei n has demonstrated compliance with: " UL5O0-0h`Test for Uplift Resistance ofRoof Assemblies ° Ui2897'O4'Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems � TAS lOO'95—Test Peocedurefor Wind and Wind Driven Rain Resistance qfDiscontinuous Roof Systems Reference Data: 1. ULS8O-94/1897-98Uplift Test Force Engineering&Testing,'\nc(F8COrganization#TB-S32O) Report No.7�'0314T'O6*,Dated O3/24/2O07 Z. TAS 100-95 Fam6aughEngineering&Testing,Inc.(F8C-Organization#TST-I6S4) neportNo.T15Q-07*,Dated V4/05/20O7 3. Certi5cate.of!ndependence ByTenen:eE.VVp(feP.E.(Nn.44923)@Force Engineering&Teg|ng,�nc. (FB[Organization#ANE ID:19�O) ' Test Standard,Equivalency: 1. The UL 580-94 test standard Isequivalent tuthe UL580-86test standard. u. The VL1897-9utest standard|sequivalent tothe VL1897-O4test standard. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance ofroof panel products|n accordance with thef|urideBuilding Code and Rule 61G20-3.005(3),fnr manufacturing under aquality assurance program audited byanapproved quality assurance entity. Minimum 0udeRange; Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014,including Sections 1SO7.4.Zand inaccordance with Manufacturers h�curnmendations. Installation: Install per manufacturer's recnmmendeddetails. Wmderlayment: Self-adhered ronfingundbrlaymentminimum 4Umil thickness. Roof Panel-Fire Classification: Fire classification|snot part sfthis acceptan:e. ^v^«vuxo»vv STATE OF ar FL#17796.4 June Il^ 20I5 Force Engineering&Testing Inc. 19530 Ramblexvood Drive Humble,TY 77338 Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure,appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2014 for roof cladding wind.loads.These component:wind loads for roof cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above.The design professional shall select the appropriate erection details'to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover.Support framing must be in compliance.with Florida Building Code 2014., Chapter 22 for steel,Chapter 23 for wood and Chapter-16-for structural loading. `Th'e Test Reports are owned by Metalforming, Inc. Metalforming, Inc.gives tile above manufacturer permission to use these test reports. 146:4490 STATE OF GDAL FL#17796.4 June 11, 2015 A IN all s t c'ip. T., 0.299 i� R0•13 ; f: al o= RO, la f f~1 R6.019o"IS V i. o t� f � 1 I4b 4 No: 923 i OR ,,Q,jj'a of F7oriila - Ins - EB . 61015: .• __ - Id.Abv[rcnwg Otirrftstne Hit)NpD, - -- Pouirai r[f'S� - , tiiR[fifinr 101tiirt2�0934t ' .n[th.OW;316ti•n .. 43fo,a - Ntme G„[;: 3ai.taa •sotx�n NA'ILSTRIP ' i Geor IS3,1I:�001 &EKDR st�nJd�� 00.590015- « [ Zui1. anp[rurq 4atiur_!Ntme 7ddar+t .. _ - i' TYPE_ 1 FASTENER. -ATTF..RN (SCE LOAD TABLE 16" F_ =—( A- 15/32" PLYWOOD V' GP "TYPE A PANCAKE W/ GRACE ICE 8c WATER SHIELD SEE LOAD TABLE FOR SPADING OVER': ENTIRE ROOF DECK TYPE 2 FASTENER PLD_ERiN! (SEE LOAD TABLET 16" it10-1.3 is 1". TYPC A. PANCAKE -/ \\ r C 6 3/4" O.G. (2). 110-1 I .X 1 ' ECLfPSE HEAD @ 12" O.C. PER PANEL. 1;5/3'2" PLYWOQD W/ GRACE ICE .& WATER -SHIELD OVER ENTfRE' ROOF DECK i I t o.44923 ' M of Z Oda 4 --16 1.(1J�1._ -* FIELD HERMED -PANEL END I CUT FEMALE END BACK I" t i t I.. PANELS ;REOUIRINC FIELD HEMMED E`!OS ! SHOULD BE. FABRICATED V' LONGER, T14AN THE .fINISHEL) PANEL. LENGTH, VALLEY + CONDtTlOI`!S 0,15T BE FIELD. 'CU'T To 714E APPROPRIATE ANGLE. I , -Cti f,EI AO;K PANEL ;iOINTS. 1" e it ( = MALE ENO BACK 1" A 3. P�ACE-"PROTRUDING PAh! INTO THE PANEL t HEMMING TOOL THE FRONT- EDGE OF THE I, =0 �.AUST_. REST AGAINST THE NOTCHED { t JOINT LEGS, ON BOTH 'SIDES. A. WHILE MAINTAINING PRESSURE' AGAINST THE.PANEL ANTS.,-'ROTATE TliE HEMMING T60L AS 'CLOSE TO :f80" AS POSSIBLE_ ,k ' r PANEL HEMMING'TOOL 4 `iatt�s`'sc-txzxa .{ ,, 5. INSPECT COMPLETED, HEM TO INSURE 'GHAT' .` THE 'HEA! IS OPENED ANO- CAPABLE;OF i I Y R.ECElVING THE. CLEAT {SEE' ERECTION .x z< ' No., DETAILS}_ z� •' 1� �' ! v Qom• A,ij- b' • ♦ �: ♦ .C4 Om Le g m orfila FEB, I HIGH PROFILE RAKE. 1.,) Turn -cul edge of ponel: up 2.) Determine location off zee dosurc., Apply . dolont, tape to ftcat afi .panel. I. t 3;) :Place .closure on' tap of sealant tape. Secure, lhrough lope rand panel with #1'Q-'12 x: 1" HWH wood screws .0 12"oc. 4:) :Apply ;o, coniinuous slri.p, of st;alant tape to the tap. of the zee closure:.- Sect 'bel,ween ends of laps WUh butyl seatonl,: In'sta11 panels- so that the t"he field• tut end is engager into the open .heat of the rsceivee trim, and fully embedded, into the urethane seolonl.. Ca.) lnsfoll the rake frim, Secure to closure xeq with, 1,f d:—'14 x 7/8" H V I Tek/l I Io.slen••ers of 12"oc. • rlc"LU IUkN Pit' �� ?iaj r :vj ilrit}JEJ ;l.:Sir„R • CUT PANEL£DGE I'” .1/Iq"" X t/2" EIUIYC RASE TRIM 5r,AL.ANT PAPE S/.12" x C, 9uTYc SEALANT JA0E RANCAKE ~ . IQAD WOOD SCRElr Ni _;'� + t CONTINUaU!. t ;f) RNtLL+I?5 !:LOT ZEE. CLOSURE' taly PROFILE rAST£N£H J ` 1 I5/32";PLYWOODWf`(`I•! (tiY INSTALLER) IFGRr1C[(CE cNe Wi1Et2'S}IIELb SELF DHERj:. RQC3PING, CONTINUOUS u. iDERLAYmiustrOVER DRIP CLEAT ENTIRE ROOF DECK • ti • - m ' r tzy�erssav Y SJete of Florida��,fSs�•.:.-.« :'� ,�►�..., dt2977B' r Q 9tx"� t FEB.10 :20.151 VALLEY Tem.paronlyottoctr volley. trim aN ends :v.f ; .i0-12 x 6" poncalce head wood scrdws. 2.,) Apply 't utyi Seolonl 00FOSS, lop of •valley' lri;ni as shown. 1) Attach cte.at through Sealant w/ y�:1:Q 1.2 x I"' pancake, .head wood scr6ws @ d"Qc'. 4.) Apply a• second bead of butyl sealant. across the top_ of the cleat, and over,the fastener- heads. 5..) install pdnels so than the cleot is engaged: rola the field applied hem., CREATE PANEL EMO,;CI,USURE I __ :'rj L'Cr� r�5 t.i`OISI:7�E• L!RE SIL CONE_SEAL."T /ALLEY TION I;10�r2 X 1" .PANCAKE .1:�� +fz.. ftEAO WOOD SCREW N'rf + i �2 PHILLIPS SLOP } !I tl CONTINUOUS CLEAT ' �,�.;,�� yam`=•r�>�Y-s.��-. ..,.,,3a ° i,ei;..�:�,,_.,.... .3•..� .�.-,r:�ti --t''`'`om-'- 1. ! L FIELD HEMMED PA NEL END - .!`WIRE \ SET CLEAT IN A 15/32 PL,Y.W60D WITH CONTINUOUS BEAD Of•GitACCIG.Es'3eWATEkSWELD. BUTYL.SEAL•ANT SELR'ADHER.1[)ROE)FING llJJt)EFTICI+7CNT C)YEft ROOFINC:FELT","- 30k IiNtII2E.RCiOFAECE MIN.. (SY.OTHOS). W/SIM AND.WASER SHIELD ;TO''6TEND 3'-LIP.EITHER SIQE F VALLEY 00 - .., 92 w. :. 41�40 ilk ' r .FEB LOW LAVE l_) 'fsrnporo'rily aft ch. Bove }rim at ands- w/ g t o—l 2- x t." pancake head woad screws 2.) Apply •bulyl sealant across top of Pave trim as shown. 3.) A)t6ch cfeat ihrough' s•eatant w,f ftp—t.2 x t" pancake` head wood screws C@ :d"ot,. t. Apply a second bead, of butyl sealant across .the tap of the -cleat•, and over the fastener .heads. 5,_) insfoll ,panels, so, that the dl'eat is engogpd 'into the field .opp°lie.d hem. CONTINUOUS .. i CLEAT, 110-12 Y 1" PANCAKE HERO MOOD SCREW %1 NZ PHILLIPS SLOT CREATE PAM END-CLOSVRE 4-0C W/- DUw 795 MOISTURE-CURE, SILICONE SC..L,%NT FIELD HEA'.MO PANEL ENO LOW L'RDFl1E FASTENER15/32"PLYti°/OGD WITH t {er Ott{Errs} sct FElL>u D>zo6rr::uc' i CUN'bluous;'dR1i' 1' \ vNr�:tu•.tirx>cr r.Tiv ti 04TI'2LA00F DECK: �. \• $ET CLLtaT :Tt d 1 SAVE iR1tr J, `— �� I 1- CONTINUOU5•SEAR-OF 9UTi L SEA'VNT' j IS •: t o P. Pr � �Al 4 - . +�►2ena a,riS�t�NAIL ��+ _ RIGGE / HIP 1'.) Determine_ location of- zee closure. Apply sealant tape to flat of panel.. 2..) ARI.ace closure on top of sealonl' tape.: Secure through tape and panel with 'HWH: wood screws 0 4"o.c. Seal the fab of the closure to 46 side joints, wit.ti butyl sealant. 31 Apply a continuous strip of sealant Pape td the top of file zee closure..Seal between ends of tape: with butyl' sealant: �) Install the ridge 'frim. Secure to closure zee with 1/4-1.4 x 7/8" 191Yltf Tek/'1 fasteners. at. 12"oc. 1 I49.-15 X i" HVl11 %YQOU SCREWY Q 4`9c j I t 1/4-14 X 7/3 IAIIH,. I j. KK/1 W/ oatM O:WASHER, C3 12"oc 6 ''— fRIDGI .TRIIA i l [ 1 ;J16- C 1/2" oU1Yl sEALAt4r rns'E 1 1 � 15/32"'PLYING D%VIT4f / t GRACE ICE&W,A1'ER � Q5URE. CUT AND SHICCDSCLFIDHERF.D v0 C�IE� :c IT 9ETwE=i ROOffN(jLRJpF.Rt.r'.'Ctvf6QT/ W-ANE:. AIMS. f L�VCItEt1ITItt3ItC1�f1)�C< f X BUTYL t I I jI I SEALANT ',APE I , I rip r .". o:,44 cr • ' -S:TAtE Ct= re '. �0}��ter••� .�ev- "�� fto ct PlorOq • e�r�`s,<. �� ���