HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Contractor Agreements2010-0252 Bldg A 2010-0277 Bldg E 2010-0267 Bld B 2010-0279 $Id F PERMIT# 2010-0271 Bldg C ISSUE DATE 2010-0274 Bldg D OUT r L® R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Arlington Electric, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Nance/individual Name) the _electrical_ Sub -contractor for_ Hooks Construction (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9563 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach 34957 (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Duilding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. v� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Steve Hooks PRIN'r.x.1,NIE 25620 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU,INIBER Slate of Florida, County of Martin The foregoing instrument was si-,ned before me This s xy of , 20�y who is personally known ► ar has produced a as identification. SI'ANIP f5lgoature of Satery Public S&, L.. -ll Print Name of Notary Public 10�I :Fb Notary Publirida Commissi80 ; MyComm. E2021 F8andedthrougyAssa Reviscd 11/160-016 SUB V11 N'TRA rOR SIGN. 'l RE (Qualifier) PRI�tME. _3o2YD COUNTY CERT6 ICATIONNUNIBER Stale of Florida, County of sir- r The fo to`inng instrument was signed before me this day of +' . Z 4by' /L-(- AoPtd eho is p ovally know �or has produced a as ld iiricoati a.I 1 t V1/s"'u 4�TM ST, Si nture o[Notary ' P tc._OGG,NS +3` ''`t;.. " aiy •�CprSSateafPlorida ,s.Fx,1J1esAu972ypa21 4 s'. g t1 Con n, ix? 2010-0252 Bldg A 2010-0277 Bldg E 2010-0267 Bldg B 2010-0279 Bldg F PERMIT # 2010-027I Bldg C ISSUE DATE 2010 0274 Bldg D COUNTY F L O R I D AJ , PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Complete Cooling & Heating Services — 3D `SOS -k l 791 14 1 _ have agreed to be (Company Nametindividual Name) the _mechanical Sub -contractor for Hooks Cons"ction (Type ofTra ea) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9563 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach 34957 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualificr) Steve Hooks PRINT NAME 25620 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ihisay of I .Jx Lt�F, 20�, by� C � who is personally knownl/ or has produced a as identirkatiom r� �_ J STAMP S mature of . otary Public Print Name of Notary Public .a; OD `. PETERSON *, Notary State ofFlorda ' Commission M GG 072280 My Comm. Expires Feb I Z 2021 Revised IIIi6R016 B.Wth.*N,6..lWary Assa 2�)_ SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 45% _,� PRINT NNAh �J COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of r r• �r The foregoing instrument was si n before me this &&,y�.f J�be IV 0& 1, who is personally known ! ar has produced a STAMP H. NCot"D , :Nr BERNAMM M. MCDONALD MY COMMISSION $ GG 194928 EXPIRES: March 30. 2022 ''+O!+,4ItandediiwNotaypubAalhidenvtilers PERMIT # UNT `. F L. O R I JD A Dave's Plumbing, Inc. 2010-0252 Bldg A I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIEN'r have agreed to be (Company NamcAndividuai Name) the plumbing Sub -contractor for woks Construction (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9563 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach 34957 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) .11 is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contrac(or notice. G L 4 i't),N'rRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifler) SUB - \ GVA RE (Qualltter) Steve Steve Hooks PRINT NAME 25620 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florlda, County of_bdartin The foregoing instrument was signed before me 0143Say of %ho is personally IutmrtV or has produced a as identilicalion. %nuturc of Notary Public L , pot Print Name of Votary Public ........... ., )ODILPETERSON Notary Public -•State of Florida • _` Commission t GG 072280 , My Comm. Expires Feb 12, 2021 Revised I 1W2016 ` OwdedttseughNatimalNo"JAWL PRINT NAME 1 ?55_1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of a i ��y� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this �C4"da) of 2.Xl Win is persanatl) known �Lar has produced a L1A,J 1 S'>:,\h1P Signature of Notary Public A. Doreen Langford ttaAr BLIC Print Name of Notary Pu STATE OF FLOR DA wWr,�r_ Comm# GG043591 .Expires 12/8/2020 2010-0252 Bldg A 2010-0277 BIdg E 2010-0267 Bldg B 2010-0279 Bldg F PERMIT # 2010-0271 Bldg C ISSUE DATE 2010-0274 Bldg D Fr�#NTY a R t o A 7 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT L & W Roof Systems, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the roofing Sub -contractor for Hooks Construction ('Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9563 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach 34957 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA 011 SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Steve Hooks PRINT NAME 25620 Cot NTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, County or Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before me this I day of 2ny� E:C who is personally known.ar has produced a as identification. 5i store of Yotury Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB -CONTRA OR ` F unlifier) PRINT NAME LL-C_ t 3 ag I'll COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, County of; The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this �� y of LIi%C►1r , 24 &-, by who is personally known >✓ or has produced a as identification. STAMP Si ature of Notary n c Print Name of Notary Aube ..... JODI L PETER50N Notary Public - Sme of Rorida Commission t GG 072280 My Comm. Expires Feb 12, 2021 '�pFf eondedthmoNational Notagm . Revised 11/16h.A16 STAMP 9= �. RMU DOW, JR. aDfitml�i # GG 36502 E*WAuplroI14,= BW&I1?nTtoit Fin Wwwa 100+ &W01&