HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAVE THE CHIMPS-PERMIT DOCUMENTS1 Shut off 20 $20.00 1 G hoi* kip 135 $135.00 20 inch l 2.1000 gallon tank 2375 $4,150.00 2 Bury anchorper 50.00 2 tra $1 1 Re ulators HP 3, 66 $85.00 1 Up siza fine to 1-4ebetwesn LP rep and gen stub 95 $55.00 1 Regulator LP $400, 1 Rlsier 135 $135.00 1 Celt 200 $200.00 Yearl eaid TAX $789.53 Permit No permit A TOTAL COS $12,0 Attachments; ArggHGqs will not be responsible for darnacre to uprrrarked ffites Brian Peart (404.12) Low Pressure Second Stage Regulators - Standard SetlimV LV4403B Series ffuilet` Orifice .FaciorYt]e1Wei'Y 8ramieSVerit VapotCapaCiiYgitlll� pa"Number TWO O=OCHOO Con M ion size Presnre Adf lSfiMMI VM iCIsqun Propane Compact First Stage Regulators LV3403TR i A Factory Delivery Vapor Capacity RTUlhr Pert Number tntet Connection Outlet Conmetion Oriti� Pres Camel Vent Position Propane i (0,666) (0,560 0,328} (1,554: 943' IlYTE1!'DFn 17RF. C;,71nn nor„ j