HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor Karen Nielsen From: Valerie Brown <vbrown@proctorcc.com> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 11:17 AM To: Karen Nielsen Cc: Stefanie Beynon Subject: Proctor Construction Company, LLC - Updated License 8t Qualifier Importance: High SECURITY WARNING:This email originated from outside the.County systems.Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Karen, First thank you for help with this! We are currently licensed with St Lucie County with 2 qualifiers for Proctor Construction Company, LLC as we have has some change in management. Our current CGC license for Proctor Construction Company, LLC is CGC1522209 with the Qualifier being Donald L.Tolliver.We would like to change our license and qualifier to our new President/COO,John Peter Granath II license number CGC1529654 for the following permit: ■ SLC 2002-0084 SLC 2008-0448 ■ SLC 2008-0450 ■ SLC 2009-0498 If there is anything else required please do not hesitate to contact me. Please notify me when we are active under this license and qualifier. Thank you! Valerie Brown Proctor Construction Company 2050 US Hwy 1,Ste 200 Vero Beach, FL 32960 772.234.8164 Office 772.234.8188 Fax Please Note:Florida has very broad public records laws.Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request.It is the policy of St.Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection,examination and or copying.Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication.If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. 1