HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power release r� 10-272 20 12:55 FROM- 7728787656 T-437 P0006/0006 F-81,8 . .:'J_y.4•!;_ eye :.!Y0 •. r rr Q . �>�t••• ,its• Ali# l 1'-rli RECEI E® O C T 2 7 2020 MMAN 2" � , ST. Lucie County, Permitting D. � -- 0 ProjeLt Addm= C) Clk 01��Rz THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF E[.EUR CAL PM TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT TO tXCE"ED THWTY.(30)DAYS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF•TESMG SYMEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PRI PARATION FOR A•EML'•INSP€CMN. 'IN CONSIDIM ION OF APPROVAL OF THE 1 lik MMMEBY A iO LEDCE AND AdRIM AS•FOUDWS: 1. This twnporay poorer release is requmted for tbe above sited pWPM Only,and here Will be no o=pancy of any type,tither ftn trat permitted"by cofisinrction during finis time period. 2. As wltatess by our sign+ s,we.hereby agree tb abide by-al ierrns andcotitTitions ofifits agraernerit, induding Building Division.Policy,winch is inc5orpordw hemin by reference: 3. All condifiib and MQ&e'nepts Rsled In the atta&ed do=ent entitled"Re wimmerds"for M Day POW for Testing-Have bey fffllled_and th6 prerr Ise is ready for compffance.inspection, 4. . All r {uesits for an,extension beyond 30,days,mint bs Made in writing to the SWIdtng Offikial staring the mood far the request FVwer maybe Yem6ved from the site and(or a Stop Work Order issued-if the Final lnspecWn,has not lzeen approvved wfhln 30'days. A lee of$100-00 Wil be regained to lift' the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELF.rP,Sf=AND AG RE TO VigLD K*J4L M ST:L:UaE COUNTY,AND THJUR EMPLOYEES FROM >IALL LTAanJ11E$AND.CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUT RE OUT OF Tf'F3$.TAMSAMON, INCt:iJ[.ING A@l'•'[ ANfAcGE°V FLrCPt X BE!NW'4R- I7 f"1UE TO Tim DISSNN9`,f4f11 OF�L POOR I THEI/ OF Vt31A'i3Ol�i OAS 7GlNI OWER•SIC,`Ni4 . DA'rE DATE RE ELEC1-CAL CONTRAt"ft SIGNi4`fC1RE DATE'