HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement PERMIT# 2a0.8-0 1,71 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code"Comp liance Division: BUILDING PERMIT " SUB-CONTRACTOR.AGREEMENT Kemp Krueger 4K Plumbing &Consditing Services, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Nameflndividdal Name) the Plumbing Sub-Contractor for Cole Construction Services,'LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor). For the project located at 2969 S. Header Canal Rd. Fort Pierce, FL.34945 (Project Street.Address or Property Tax 1D*) It is understood that, il'there is ariv change"of status regarding our participation with the.above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. . CrO ACTOR SIGNATURE(Qual ter) SUB-CONTRACTOR SICN:i'I'f I2F(Qualifier) J re Modine Kempton D Krueger. P R I iM _', F PRINT NAME 29778 1001534 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION N. MBER St Lucie State of Florida,County of State of Florida,"Countybf-p"t, The foregoing instrument was signed before.me this 7 day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day'of ,20 Uby, ! who is'personali'known v.or has produced a who is,peMnalip known_'`or has produced a as idea`fication as identi ca' f ` STAMP f,f� t'��✓ STANIP S�gnaturebf NotaryPuhii Signature'o ary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notsry Public �aAt°Wok Notary Public State of Florida Nikki Cutler ' "X ,°� Notary Pubifc-State of Florida < My Commission GG 189140 ap �; Nikki Cutler v,� o Expires 02/2212022 c My Commission.GG 189140 °f n Q_ o� ExP res 02f2212022 Revised t 1/16/2016 �I�d of ct PERMIT'#;;' 008 "+ 71: 15SUE:'DATE' PLANNIN�� ,DEVELQPM1 NT'SERVICE '` 'building&'Cod'e.Com0lialnce.Division SU,"B-CONTttaC-sOR A.(.-REE-viENT. to,be (Cam airy amcwlndividtial.;\Taine) the t?��rt Sub-contractor t«r Cofe Construction Services LL C _ (Type:ofTrade). Wrirnary Cotitractoo For the project.located-at '2969 S. Header Canai'Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 4945 (Project Street Address or'Property Tax ID ") It is understood that; if there is ariv,change of status regarding;our participation}with the abo' a mentioned prgJect-the quildin-.and Code.Regulation,Division of St Lurie Counts will be advised pursuant,tothe til'in -of'a Change of.Sub-contractor notice. f f; 'T }MW SIGNATURE(Qualiner} St"R-C'd\1'N t(r'OR SIC,Vt}' i"RF.(Qualifier) � e .ModlnB ( � PRIS`T N}NIE — PR X . a.IF, 297.78 CERTIFICATIONCOUNTY. NUMBER � C'()[:`f} G;El2I II IC:\T1CTti NI YiREsEt State of Florida:County°'.af St'Le1Cle 4tate.of Florida,Count.nt Cam`�.��5� The foreuoiow in,slrtiiueni was sighed'before nit this r this of The foregoing instrumeitt was signed Itefnrc me this day of ' who is perconaliti t nawn•.� or has Produced a' wHo is PersanRils known Y_;-or,h is produced a i5 J�ltrtrR tQn. as id'entiticaiian14;1 . ST,1hiP } 4 '.ii.1.IP signature of Notaq Public "�;Pnblie NADINE MANRESA- 1j._ _ _ C�(& 0(�,e --r�*a. Cotnmisstort GG 3552Q3 Print-Name of\ular,"Public Print\a me of Nolari-Public E� .� � 'Ex0fasNavenber15.2023 ryS4t:ces. <?tro NotaryPuciicStaieafFlonda Nikki Cutler -" r m commissioi GG 18!14Q R .ruciiTfibi26ttti 9`rbs'fln@ E Pires421222Q22 5 PERMIT# 2008-01.71 ISSUE DATE PLA,,N.N-1-NG,& 'DEVELOPME-iNTT SERVICES Building& Code.Compliance Division P D BtiILDINi tT.PERVIIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREKME(+T SnydeCs Cooling and Heating; Inc. have agl eed to be (Corrpany NAmelIndividua2.L aine)I the HVAC 'Sub-contractor for Cole Construction Services, LLC (Type-of'Frada) ^� (Priniary Contractor) For the project located at 296.9 S. Header Canal Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 34945 {Pr��jec(5treec,: ddrzss or Property Tax:ID It is understood that,if there.is anv change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,.the Building and Code Regulation"Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CON r A OR SIGNATURE(Quali ier) - .,'TRACTOR SIGNATURE(QusIiiier) ---- Jared Modine James Snyder PRINT NANIE' PRINT NAfNI 29778 #26414 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFIC%TION,NLT,iIBER: State o£Florida,County of St Lucie State of Florida,County of St.Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before nic this �. day-of The foregoing instrumen(wis signed before me this 1 St day of 1201.) , t�vr__dM4' 'w October 2a0bt.James.Snyder Who is personally known Jor has produced'a tisha is petsonaUy knotiln V' nr has'produced a� s1i en}ifccstioo as identiGeatina. lf/ 1 �j3 ` `��\t�!!l11g�BF�lritq�lj/oj/i STANIP Signature of Notary Public signature of Notary Public ana SABRINA L. BLACK Print Name of Notary Public Print Natne of Rotary Public :y aQ�T%, Notary Public State at Florida Nikki Cutler ae My CommissionGG;891g0 Revised i Iil&20Eb ;XA dls Expires 02/22/2022 Qi 4L i EMIT 20VO_017 tISSUE DATE _ Arta PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEi LENT S&W Electric Inc have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Lame) v the Sub-contractor.for Cole Construction Services, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 2969 S. Header Canal Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 34945 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any chance of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the " tiling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. Co. R:1 TOIL.SIGNATURE(Qualifier S- U Oti'I'RAf_ D SI -' N.r R G,.1TUILE(Qualifier) Jared Modine Lawrence Stubbs PRIM NTNU PRINT NAir1E 29778 29442 COUNTY CERITFICATIOs 3 NUINUIER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NVIVIBER State of.Florida,County of St Lucie State of Florlda,County of Z_Q"4 The foregoing instrument was signed before methis dky or The fore-gain;instrument was signed before me this--? day of —"—. r.r .:4�,h�"_G 4 W df K C> �4�•G.ju b5 who is personally known or has produced a who is personalh known�Ar has produced u a de 'tcatiou. as ident Siltation. 7 S1:A.VIP I f r' 1 ✓ i STA11P Signature o Ivafnry Public�t Signature of Votary Pu is Print Name of Notary Public Print Name or Votary Pubtiz- ` O'W Po, Notary F't.'bj;c State ar Ftanda. O�jW F� Notary.Public Stata of f:torda I- Nikki Cutler iY Nikki Cutler Rcvisei!1 t?t6P20t g c, ,, o� �8ycommissionGG 33934G �; My commission GG 189340 'for coo Expires 02122t2G22 ° Ana'° Expires OZ122P2022