HomeMy WebLinkAboutFax Transmittal Sheet4 03/20/01 13:51:86 941.480.1906-FB2-> Page 001 'INDUSTRIES Manufacturer of Windows, `Doors and Patio Rooms 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 Post office Box 1529 Nokomis, FL 34274 www.pgtindustries.com Telephone 941.480..1600 Fax 941.488,3196 Fax Transmittal Sheet To: Faxback System User From: PGT Industries Engineering Deparr`rnent Fax Number Number of pages including cover: (Unknoiw,n) Phone: Date: Re: CC: COMMENTS: Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for using the PGT Industries fax -back system. Please take a moment to review the materials you've just received. to ensure thai your Dade County or other certification needs are -met by these materials. Items such as anchor spacing, design pressure, glass type, and maximum window or door sizes are clearly defined in Dade County -Notices of Acceptance. It is important to check that your job requireinnents are within the limits set by the NOA. Thank you for choosing PGT Industries! . Re•tised 3MM Dade aCou Prodecl _ A pprpval List IIVDUSIitiES ----—__.-------- -------__..._--------- Welcome to the PGT automated tax -back service_ To receive any of these documents Please catl (944-486-=0900) or toll tree (600-2844WIS) and follow the online instructions_ This nanA k rlmv4 iff r t awnn Document # Tym 1 Series ft Max Size GI M Type Dade ROA # Exa. Date Shutter R of Pas 9704 -Single, Hung 4000 53-125 x 76 z_ 3116 Annealed 98-0218.02 06120/011 Yes 7 9706 9706 9708 9722 Sin& Hung 701 Single Hung 701 Single Hung 701 i-lorzontal Roller 201 53-125 _x76 53-125 x 76 53-125 x 76 III x 63 3116 Annealed 114 Tempered 5/16 Laminated V16 Annealed 97-0310.02 97-0310.02 98-0223.01 99-0324.01 02J26101 02/26MI ttkf'22/01 06127102_ Yes Not above 30 ft No Yes 16 16 7 7 9723 Horizontal Roller 201 t 1 i x 63 _ 1/2 Insulated 99-0324.02 06127/02 Yes _ 7 9724 9724 9726 -.9730 Horizontal Roller 710 Horizontal Roller 710 Horizontal Roller 710 GasemW 700. 74 x 63 74 x 63 74 x 63 120 x 64. X16 Annealed 114 Tern eyed 5116 Laminated 3116 Annealed 97-1124.11 97-1124-11 99-0204.03 97-0212-01 (7/30/O1 07MI01 0612W2 04116/01 Yes Not above 30 ft No Yes 8 8 6 13 9730 9732 Caseriient 700. Casement 700 60 x 64 74 x 63 1/4 Tempered 5116 Laminated 97-0212-01 98-0501-01 .04116101 Olr28102 Not above 30 ft Na 13 7 9740 9742 Pickwe Window 6000 Picture Window 6000 36 x 74 121) x 60 3/16 Annealed 3116 Tem ed 99-1110.04 98-U223-09 121 rZM 10131M Yes Yes 7 7 9744 Picture Window 701 120 x 60 3116 Tempered 974)3D4.02 021251D7 Yes 18 ---9744 - -----Pi WiffldawM --120N 60 - - _-Nbt .3B1t- __ M - 9746 9750 9760 Picture WkKiaw 701 &wrm#S 400 SfidN Glass Door 2000 48 x 96 37 x 76 192 x 80 7116 Laminated 118 Annealed 3116 Twnpered 99-0218-01 98-0223-08 97-0331.06 OMMM 10f31fi1 101t)" No Yes Yes T $ 13 9762 Sliding Glass Door 2500 Steel ReW 196 x 100 3116 T Tempered 99 O21208 10131/01 Yes 9 9764 9766 9766 9768 - 9770 Sfidmg Glass Door 2500 Glass Door 70 Skbm Glass Door 70 SMr19 Glass Door 70 French Door 101 196 x M 96 x 96 96 x 96 96 x 96 71.75 x 95 5 3116 Tempered 3116 Tempered 1t4 Tempered 7116 Laminated 3116 Tempered 96-1023-03 98-0128-04 98-0126.04 99-0212-09 99-i16 S-01 OW2100 .I W220D1- 1Q1221D1 OS06102 07/22102 Yes Yes Not above 30 ft NO Yes 16 7 7 6 7 Larninalled 97. 9782 MuSom wilt► Steel Mtiorts 111- 95-75 98-0223.02 98-OM.10 04laTiQ1 04M DI No No 6 6 AuamQnal Lmquer!W P3T trrdust M Job Specific Request.(lncku Brmxxd and Pam Beach Requests), -Doc_ 419790; Cape Coral Cron Request -Doc- #979Z: Sar INA Cerf ka6Dn Letter -Doc. #9794; Sc Mn Rom Psirtt Request -Doc. #9796 t 03/20/01 13:51:50 • MIAMI-OAOE t 941.488,1900-FB2-> PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE PGTlndustries 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis EL 34274 Page 002 31IAN1I-DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO -DARE FI.AGLEER BUILDING IWILDING CODE, COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO-DADC, FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 N11A.101, FLORIDA .13130.1563 (305) 175.2901 FAX (303) 375.2906 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SEMO-N (305) 375-2527 FAS (3051 375•?559 CONTRACTOR ENFORCENIF,NT SECTION (305) 375.2966 FAX (305) 375•2908 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION Your application for Product Approval of: (305) 375.2902 FAX (305) 372.6339 Series 6000Alun:inunl Fixed Ji'uelow under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Misrni-Dade County building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to sectire this product or material at anytime from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the.approwd mnnncr, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of -such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is _ determined B(`CO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. Acceptance No.:99-1110.04 C--.pires:l2/02/2002 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS 1+ f BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW CONTi ` 'EE 0-0s - S This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the i3CC0 �the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida 1 e s set forth above. elo -rancisco 1. tQulntan;l, R.A. Director 1 of 3Miami-Dade County Approved:01/07/2000 ®� Building Code Compliance Office Internet mallvddrelN. povmasuri^buildingcodcon Iine,comVlt'4Homepuge. htipij/H•ww•huiidingcudeontir)e.cosn 03%2am i252 : 4 ? 941. 400.1900-PH-> Page 003 Proeressive Glass Technology Industries ACCEPTANCE No.: 99-I110.04 . AYPROVEI) JAN 0 7 2000 EXPIRES Dec. 2. 2002 NOTI(,.E OF ACCEPTANCE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS .1. SCOPE 1.1 This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 96.0409.04, that was issued on December 2, 1998. It approves an aluminurn fixed window, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florid.; 13tiilding Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami -Dade County. For the locutions where the pressure requirements, as determiged by SFI3C Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The Series '16000" Aluminum Fixed Window, and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents. Drawing No 548, titled " F-600 Picture Window," Sheets 1 through 4 of 4, dated 10/15/99, signed. to d sealed by Robert L Clark, P.C. They bear the Mituni- Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Mianti-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications, as shown approved drawings. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The aluminum fixed window and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the. approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters); The installation of this unit will renuire a hurricane protective system, S. LABELINO' SA Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the nianufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement; "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PEP -MIT RFQUIREINIENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified 1n Section 2 of this Notice -of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Oflieial or the South Florida Building Code (SF13C) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this systcm. lvl� cl Perez, P.1r. Product S-5trol Examiner Pro&+et-Control Division 2 ot's ----;�------------------------------------------------- •------ --------- 03/20/01 13:53:45 941.4B0.198B—FB2—> Fage 004 Prof*recsi�c (cuss Technology Industries ACCEPTANCE No.: 99-1110.04 APPROVED JAN 0 7 � EXPIRES Dec. 2, 2002 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be consideredafter a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, arc no older than eight (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products ill. -Ill he permanently 1,1beled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated i,t the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will no( be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Cods: affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted is no longer practicing the engineering profession, 4. Any revision 'or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate ree) and granted by this office. S. Anv of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b)A9isuse of this Acceptance as an endorsc•nicnt of arty product, ibr sales, advertising or any other purpose. r G. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the wards Miami Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acecpta.tce is displayed, then,it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, kvitere it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer aced not reseal the copies. 8. failure to corn ply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pagts 1, 2 and this Last pace 3. il�lanueltfitrb'l ez, P. E., Prnduct Cu t� Ex�.unincr 1. Product Division ly tND OF THIS ACCEPTANCE', 3 of3 �'.'F!►1 Pfu?T �` __DESCA.IPTJOJ`d i/ENc70R VEfJJOR --.- } 4 500 7[-84 I 000 �I 2.000 �- .844 71 � I a St UrICA' � r"'rrr� Mirry_ U 7—i FPAME CORNERS 36.000 � NcR,'L- O v rAL �— 500 ll 35 'wmor� a counrrc .m. nP Spflll R65�61 A1(PIfC OWJC I ►int ayam arc.wa su. Cia lx •OC3rGNCE 1q. -/ . 0 j T 1 INDUSTRIES f� Windcw - 'ection- _ I2`9� 5sii T� 5 Mete• X.v..tcrs :� () •�•.4he•.+•. n e o�0m'f g! an^hors c rt /le9obve &' 9n Loofa Used Ora Ca:rpemliva Anegsis (Pvf.j Ne9adFve Oeayo Loads based 0� (foss 70b1e J WuNdaf Made. 1S APS 5 2 2fi500 2 3&OOG 2 53. US 3 126 07f Z 105.49 89.8 77.00 N A JS3155 4 yf"CS iS. 16 G258 ;: A 51625 3 83 75 6b 8J 55.?5 V A 63.000 { 70 �3 f7".l2 50.71 N A 74.000 4 _ 75 4Y .:9 00 12.OrJ N h pbccW" Oa;ign Loads based on Co-poralive Mclyyis (pal.) "Os&ro Casi9n Loads based on We er p�essvra Mi.dar N4Mbir fRa':hs '- H ' Is t9 125. 2 26.500 2 30".000 2 53.125 3 2C.000 2 rCO.Lp 5.56 77.00 N A 38.375 4 91.08 74.6 5258 N - SC.525 ! 3,'.75 6&83 55.25 N A 6S &J6 4 75.?3 , T� SC 7s N A 7<.000 4 76.49 SB.00 12 00 A A emu ewers %n :.ada6ve Oesga Coeds based on Comparolive Aft / ! ps' ) 'eg"- Loads �m4'r based car. Coss Table 11Sn low Irndow• Y6dtbs 16.G00 2 18000 Z t09.29 24.060 2 J!, 2 J2x0 2 35.ap0 2 .Tl]3J$ .4 94.97 93.15 78&73 8x46 61.04 77.r,1p 50675 3 8751 - 71.40 69.04 66.62 ti2.5B` 63.DX,0 4 Sim M 6J.77 5720 59.29 54.76 SS25 74 OGO < SO ?9 'r 8<. 15 -.00 49.00 50.74 4200 Positiaa Design LOWS Dosed on CaFuPua;rr Ar,07ysis (Fsf j %w7i- Design Loads based on W!l -, Pressure. Nvaaor 17F.od0a W&h's Fie; s 26.000 ? :8.000 2 24.000 2 30.00p 2 J2.000 2 J6.00f1 2 138.J75 41 100.00 94.67 9J 15 78.7- 83.46 81.04 - 77.00 l 5425 3• 8-J 77.<p 69.04 61.7r 66.62 67.58 63 C COO 4 83 Q' 56.89 5720 59.29 54.78 �r 74.007 '41 8O29 64.15 5201r 50.74 Somber ce Anchors Per '1'.nd0. Size 7.rchaa a( 5' rr.,r, r S corre.• jr dart. 24• thereofter. !Ot rnber a! tears per NY.dar Size Winto+v An�aors D7 6� figm each corner 8 A4ox. 24- Meraortc, (s MfndOr I 7S.1525 2t 26.SCa ? 3607a9. ? SJ. 125 3 . 4{srnor - - ---- -- W-dor fftdf/at Z✓f 1 38.375 f/ 8 _ H Is 26.OM 9 78.000 2 24.000 2 tOO.q� 30.000 2 32.007 .2 36.000 2 4 ^?F2S •3 70 1 10 10 10 ;2 '2 J8.J75 4 93.t5 34 87 78.7J -- BJ.<G 6S.OI 8i.04 7700 63.000 4 t2 - f2 . 10 rZ 12 14 50.625 3 8764 • 7t.{0 6J.7f 66.ti2 59.29 bt.atl 55.25 7..000 4 r2 r2 t3. 74.000 <' a'1.2Y 64. t5 52.00 <9.0p "' 42.00 G'asy Kole 35-"E - 7darimun Op. I1rRdow -- --• -. _ .-..- Gloss T06k 35-£ - IVoaim m Op. Ile" s 4:ao'aT 19.1 2. 25.500 2 IF:C`Rs 35.000 2 SJ.125 3 %Virw. W = ff-'!Fs -2 2ii.G00.Z 3£.f75 4 •,'t. ;3n 5 d6 `kia'.fs _ 26.OD10 2 19,Q90 ;24.000 2 i30 XWO 2 320w, 2 38-O00 Z 50.625 3 730 r21 125 Sg 85 ( 41 - 3�J7.`. 4 r 730 I 130 _ 1 a 25 "yw q 1 63 4 59 675 3125 99 1OS 97 AS 74.&V 4 `r49 8S f2 29 61.cOO 4 74.GOO 109 78 g2 6 5 63 51 1 66 52 4a a2 11 pimrs. I.: REFERENCE: TEST FR.- I3�0 R 2.j F.c: ERENC N.OJa. 9c--V40.04 I VESjGN: +100 PSF } I C SF- 1 NEW V O A.rf .8. �NFROkD /S C0rd V,ug 6m q, WTH RWXA W4MC COOS: 8r _~J•�r/ _ p eam: cax rawllarME arrct�j ♦.drr r :/K4 i i r770 � enia7oi:7gy Cr. Nokomis, F7. norr.We - .y+.- t r- J4275 -- i r 6O00 Picture Window - 3Ltl - _ INDUSTRIES! , _250 i y r. ? X Woof _250 ---I &O K "Ax TYP. HEAD, SILL JAMB • ti 1 " 1 2 x B'GOD Rr rCK f j I� .2 I .250 --( 1--- IdAX_ i li 1 TYP_ HEAD, SILL JAMB f ��fPwouEO A5 zIr_rwc ntiw no SOUrn Rt EKMG EOK i1✓11- ' = � GOil c' wy I� oa•rr �!+.� ..r� V W10E1`.`9i�_ coeumc, Olrtc( .crgvuc wa — r