HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Construction & Premium Flash Outswing Residential Steel (Double) Doors-Impactwo State certt(ted Genera)C;ontractim c u C034074 110 N.W. 51h 5t. Okecchabcc, FL 34972 863-467-2541 FAX 863-467-2239f :FAX COVER EEC` G. Mack Worley. Sr. President Mack (Hoot) Worley Vice President UATE: APRIL Z. 2001 TO: JEFFERY VANURE FIRM: 5T. LUCIE CO. BLL)G. DEPT. PHONE #: 561-462-1553 FAX' ##. 561-462-1735 FROM: HOOT WORL.EY FIRM: G.M. WOkLEY, INC. PHONE #: 1-863-467-2541 FAX #: 1-863-467-2238 PAGE5 INCLUMN& COVER SHEET: 7 REMARKS: JEFF, IPYOU NEED TH15 TO BE APPROVED 6Y THE ENGINEER, PLEASE,GM ALL E A5AP. SINGE TH15 YNAS THE SAME AG6EPTANGE LETTER A5 YNE HAD FOR THE YNINDOYN5 I THOUGHT MAYBE YOU 010 NOT NEED THE CINGINEEI2TOLOOKATIT. THANKS,'HOOT A MIaM - _ � �lt.►tlJ-U.eDE COUNTY, FLc;K:.^..,e METRO-D"GE P AGLbR 8UILM140 BUILDING CODE COMPLI,VNCe OFFICE •,r %tETR7.OADE P�AGLFR 1JUILDING 140 %v1iST FLAGLER STRSE'r. s:'rrE 160, PRODUCT CON'xROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE'"'"I iFAFLORIDA 331;0•t!63 :305► 37;-.�3C1 x 0031 3r_-:(u)e Therma-Tru Corporation CONTRACTOR LICEN:WNG SECTION 108 Mutsfeld Road (205) 375.!521 FAX (;05; 375-2553 Butler IN 46121 CowmAC-rOR t;�tORCE51Eri'StiC;{ON (30) 373-?944 FAX (30]) 375.2901 PRODLCT CONTROL DIVISION Your application for Product Approvai of. (3051 373•_90'_ =Ax 00; 112-e330 Conatructio►r A Premium Series Fhrsh Ur tswiirg Residrnrhr/Srrel(Uou&1e) Doars-/orpact under Chapter R of the Code of MuLmi •Dade County gave►•ni,ty tllc use of :alternate Marc;iais and t y'prs of _ Construction. and completcly dauribed :xrein, has been recommended !'or acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Oftce (BCCO) under :h: conditions specified herein. 'Bile 4pp.Oval '%Wl not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at anytime from a jobsite or rnanufacturar's plant for quality control testing- - If this product or material fails to perfartrt in the approved manner, HCCO May :evoke, modify, or suspend Ihr. u,r nf,nrh prt�Jtht dr Lrnlui�J inunt•dinrely, I1cccj re!Itr vdj. thr, t iyiit (u r wake this Appt4va;, [tit 19 determined SCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida 8ui:ding Code. �L The expense of such testing will be incurred by the :nattufac!ucer: Acceprnace No..99-0311.03 Expires :t0/03/2002 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDI TIO VS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTele This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved.by the Building Code and Produce Review Cvtz mittee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions sct forth above. Approved: 08/12/1999 l of 3 4 CIA y � IBr�.911 ®sU rade.v�ra: P�rT��r�i�p,rirdin4eode�oli�e.eom A * County Code Compliance tr f6ce Homrp�Rc http�l/�rv�.,sy�ldinq�od�unlin�,tom r N1 Tbvrma-Tru Curnuraflott ACCEPTANCE No.: 99-0 1 .03 ' APPROVED 1iUt; I 1 1999 ' EXPIRES :. October Q i Z00t 1. SCOSCOPErICE OF MICUPTANCE: SPECI [C CONDITION§ 1.1 This reaetivs, the Notice of Acceptance 96-0403.01, which w3s issued on Oetobcr 03, 1996. It approves an out3wing residential insulated steel door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code (SFBC), 199-1 Edition for Miami -Dade County, for the locations where :he pressure requirements, as determined by SF8C Chapter 23. do not exceed the Dcsign Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The "'Constructions Premium" Series FlushlEwbomed Outswing Residencial rnsutated Steel Double Door -Impact Resistant and its components shall be constructed in strict complianra with the following documents: Drawing No: 80093 titled "610 x RM Steel Outswing Double Dcorr" Sheets, l through 3 of 3, prepared by manufacturer dated 11-25-1995, revised on 06-07.99, bearing ;` the Miarni-Dade County Product Control approval Stamp with the Notice of Acceptance nurn er and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. M 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 Thi$ AVVMvg1490 iCS to Single unit Applirminns of pairs of Coors and N-49le d6or only, &s shuwtt iti, approved drawing. Single door unit shall include all components described in the:active leaf of this approval. R. 111a 1 ALLA 1 ALIN 9,1 The oumMjig rr.7idrnt;al ;tuulat.d atawl door and Its egMVgggpv ljle(I Lc tnslalfff? it crrirr Compliance with the approved dravings. 4.2 hurricane prOW9110n system (shutters): tjtg imtallladw of this unit will l3at rage' u huffioane protection system. S. LABELING S.l Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the martufactuxer s name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". S. Bt{ IL111 ltfs 9 alai..... wv+�vawwl�• 1A it Applievvios fir YuilJLtp r., ­;1 Ault 6., ...w114yw1fea1 hr uopla or rite fortowing- 6A.1 This watice of Acceptance 6.1.-' Duplicate eopiaa nt rhw e0014vfd drawings. ae idt,tlif iod in Section 2 of rt,is t4wilue of Accepmneo, rl" ly muked 10 Ahnw tlln nnmpnnrmv trl, y u..i r6. Ilia p,uput.nd (aatalladatt. 6.I.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official ar the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in ordee to properly evaluate the inatallatign of this system. 2 of 3 1;1, � • ��4K,S Ishaq 1. Chands, P.E. Product Control Examiner Produ4control Division P 03 e m -Tru Coloration ACCEPTANCE No.; ___11 311.03 APPROVED AUG 12 ',999 • EXPIRES October 03 2002 _ T C' ,F'.+►CLEPTANC ,; � NDITI YS ofthis Acocpt+,t�o (+rpproval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and llir original submitted docutnOtiNrlAr, ;,whitlinlr test rop uruR satL .L.. ;,, al ,, . Fi P a o I s duccmcnis, are no older than gig t (8) yt:ars. • 2. Any and ali approved product; wail bC OCrmanengly laheird ruirh the manuF4ret.,v,'3 ,r j—, efty, state, and cie talio.ving cwtlmanu ''Mli=DaJo Cu,.t,ty Pruduct Coni of Approved••, or as speeitically sUted in the Specific conditions of this Acceptance. I Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a) Thera has been a change in the South Florida Beilding Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in comptimce with the code changes; " b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) if the Acceptance holder has not complied. with all the requirements of this acceptance, inciud;ag the correct insml/4tiott of the product; d) '1•he engineer who originally prepared, signe4 and sealed the required docuntentat;on Initially submjred is no lungar practicing the engineering pro(ession, t. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall autoniaticall_.- be Cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing Of revision application with appropriate fee) And granted by this office. B. Any of the following shall also bt gm,mrfw for removal a?'this Acatt,tgllyw. 4) U1111963fyctory performance of this product or process. 6) M:sule of this t{dtattianea as an Anti4►srrn4nt oCany peadvet, far sale,, adverrising or any other purpose. 6. The NOW of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County. Florida, and followed by the ettpiation ditc may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed„ Ltien it shall be done in its entirely, T a• nary o thin ,4aa,.ptt.,,.,,Q, waq.s spprovep Grawtflgs and otherdocuments, where it applies, shall be provided_to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available, for inspection at the job site at all time. 71W engineer need not reseal the copies. L Failure to eornply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance, P. This Notice ofAeceptance consists orpages 1, 2 and this last page 3. Ishaq i. C,harid0. P. R, P-ndur•r Cronuol Examiner Frgdyq,%Concral flivivion END OF THIS 4CCEPTAtYCE 3 of T W I UTE 74 9/ir VAX 6' I?' a.:. e' --- 3 a -, liq 1 1/2' KIN Se" HEAT]/?APB OETAIL -7 . .3 1.'16 Sz---TION A -A 1 Y4 = 2 * womss o 0 DIR UOMP I ILM LNiE WT bim OKET MC( 2 X 10 0 1 V21 PH :4001 0,311 Rl WN;- 1/4' TIM. r— Ilp Mil BUTIM. - — -------- SECTION B-B :7) #6 x 3/4, THERKAOTRU* CORPORATION tic, W� FW: !A x M SIER CWSV?&HG MILE aIR --21 SUE &3 r2 ff Aprwo AS OmkTIM Wn vQ 30M rumlo , we cma "--A. ay FRZOU.1 L: WALZIMC ;OL Acurma ASIRAGAL n�� Emig �� � gyp; 1112-19aw 3M TrOK wpm iMER I Elm. I ELM; no THERMABTRU' CaRPORATION &.-I sma MTwlm Mill R.F. 6E Tllw 3 UPP74D AS MI,