HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Premium & Construction Series Outswing Glazed Residential Insulated Steel Door02/28/2001 08:13 94176:30061 uJ :0 LUI+•IBE-F R V FRQM ' :. HUTT.-10 • MIAM r. ?'EOY HUDON FAX NO, : 561 223 e5491 PRODI CT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCE Theema-T ru Corporation 108 Mutzfpld Road Butler IN 46721 Your Application for Product Approval of: Premium do C'onsiruclian Ssriar Okrswirry Glared Aesidem under Chapter 8 of the Code of Mlami•Dade County goverru COnstructi013, And oompietely describsd herein, has berm recc County Building Code Cotrsplirknce Ofiloe (BCCO) under th This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date state produot or rn*erial at anyjime from a jobsite or manufacture If this product or material fails to perform in the approved m w the use of such product or material inunedistaly, BCCO nose detSMined $CC0 that this product or material fails to .,.,loot Code, The expense of such testing wiii be incurred by dr c manufac l Acceptance No.:00-0207.08 Expiresl02/28/2001 A ►NCE Feb. 27 2001 0'7 42PM P2 WAMI•DADE COUNTY, FLOR; METRO-OADE FLAGLER 8UlLD BUILDtNQ CODE COMPLIANCE OFF) MErTA0•DADr; FLACLER SUIGQq 140 W6.ST FLAOLIdR vmwr, SUITE !• MiAMI. Fi,.ORIDA 33130.1: (305) 373.2901 rAX (303) M..'s CQNTRACTOR ,L C-NSING SECTI( 003) 375.2329 RaX ()03) 373.2: CONTRACTOR RNFQAC*CN1ENT $CCTIC (303) 375.2966 KAX (303) 373.29• PRODUCT CONTROL D(VISIC. (303) 373.390-2 372.0. ia1 Insaiaied Sews! Door sg the use of Alternate Matti- a&s and Type, mmended for acceptance 6y rt:e Miami -Da, conditions specified herein. I �eiow. BCCO resarves thy: right to secure i punt for quality control testing, Lner, SCCO may revoke, modify, or susper (cus the right to revoke this approval, if it is c requirements of the South ;loride Suildii f. Ir` Raul Rodrigucy, Chief Product Control Divisi THIS IS THE COVERSHZZT, SEE ADI)ITIONAL P, C. ES FOR SPECIFIC AN0 GENERAL r6NnrTrc)N.q ' BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT R This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by and Product Review Committee to be wed in Dade County, Approved.,08/0$R0o0 5. L6 �N' 's� -s> 'IEW COMMITTEE e 8CC0 and approved by L: ,: Building Co(. orida under the conditions yet forth above, Cisco . Qulntan , �Ca, �Ca .A.. `+C7irector Miami -Dade C (c unty Building Code Compliancc C . FROM.: MUTTIG TERRY HUDON r ' f \ Jb_F t•ma T6 CorpQEatign FPk NID, : 551 223 0549 Feb. 27 2001 07 `43PM P3 1-1 ACCEPTANCE No.: - "1t-0207,08,� �.% APPROVED : MAY 0 '5 ZOOQ E-XPIRES lFe�r-y 28, _ NOTICE OF A -cE U NCE . SFICIEIC 4N-DIT1ON SCOPE . 1.1 This r+tnews the notice of Acceptance No. 99.0223-02, which was issued on April 08, 1999. ` apprOVG$ a msidontial Insulated steel door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Accept$, designod to comply with the South Florida 64ding Code (SF5Q, 1994 Edition for Miami-D. CauntY, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SF$C Chapter 27, not exoeed the Design Pressure listing values indicated in the approved drawings, _ 2. PRODkJCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The POettalunn and Construction $erlos Outswing 4laxed Residential Insulxted Steel Doul Doors and -its components shall be constructed in strict compliance'with the following documcn, Drawing No,, B0091 titled "610 x 8/0 Steel Outswing Double Door"Sheets I through 3 of mpared by manufacturer dated 8/22/95,revised on 3/16/99, bearing the Miami -Dade Cour Product control approval sump with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by t Miami•Dade County Product Convol Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This sFyrova! applies to single unit applications -of pxir of doors and single door only„ as shown in - approved drawings. Single door units shall include all components described in the active leaiof Ws approval. 4. INSTAA.LATION 4.1 The residential ipula<tod steel door and its components shall be installed In strict compliance with -the 4pp"Ved:drawinga. 4.2 Hurriow protection: system (shuttors): the Installation of this unit WIlL requirs a hwTiw proteetiatt 1yotern, 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unik shall bear at permanent Zabel with the manufacturer's nurse or logo, city, scats and following statement: "Miami -Dade County product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRFMENTS -- 6.1 Application for building permit shallbe accompanied by copies of the following: ' 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 0J plicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of'this Notice of _ '� Aoaoptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed Installation. 6.1.3 My other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code _ (SPBC) in order to properly cvaluatc tho of thi era. S r =tallatlon M=4 P m-4 RE: Produa ntrol Examiner Product ont,ol Division 2of3 --------------------------------------------- .------------------------ I--------------- FROM+: HUTTIG TERRY HUDON Fpx 1�0. 5b1 223 6545 Feb, 27 2001 0?:43PM P4 r irberms Tru Corvorstion ACCEPTANCE No.: 9;0207m APPROVED ; MAY p 5 Z0o EXPIRES 8_. eba ry 2 . J( I�Q,TICE OF ACCLPTANC�; TAN12ABD CQNDiTYONS 1, ReneWai of this Acceptance (approval) shall be.eonsidered after a renewal application has been filed an( original submitted documentation, Including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older 0 .. v eight (8) years. 2, Any acid all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city. state, ar following statement', "Miami -Dada County Product Controi Approved", or as specifically stated In the spsci ft conditions of this Acaoptanoe, 3. Ranews{Is of Acceptance will not be considored if. a) 71 m has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation dfthis product the-produet Is not In compliance with the coder changes; b) The product is no longer tha same product (idsntical) u the one originally approved: c) If the Aeeeptaneo holder has not compiled with all the requirements of this acceptance, including thv correct installation of the product; • d) The ongineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the raquirad documentation Initially submit: no longer practicing the engineering profession, '�—•' d, Any revision or change in the materials, use,. and/or manufocture of the product or process shall automatic• be aaust for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approvel has bean raquesved (throuih the tiling of a rvvlsion applleatlon with appropristy fee) and granted by this office. S. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance; a) UnWisfaetory performance of this product or.process. b) Misuse of this Acceptance a.s an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purpc d. "a Notice of Acceptance number prvcvdv.d by the. words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by expiration date may be displayed In advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Asseptaaras is displayed, then it shall be done In Its entirety, 7. A copy bf this Acceptance as well as approved drawfmgo and other documents, where It applies, 0011 be provided to the user by the manufseturer or Its distributors and shall be available for insp.oction,ae the j0 s -, at all tiros, no enginser need not'reseal the copies.. 8. Failure 10 Comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and ncrnoval of P. TNs Noilco of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. r, Maui Perez, P. R., Product o1 Examiner y Produ trot 'Division ` END OF THIS.ACC]EPTANCE Page 3 of 3