HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Landscape Plans 11.23.20U Z U W 0 F- F_ J m a J D 0 W m J J Q U z Existing Tree Chart NO. SYM. SPECIES SPECIFICATION STATUS MITIGATION REQ. TREE PALM (INCHES) & (PALMS) CREDIT CREDIT 1 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 2 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 3 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 4 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 5 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 6 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 7 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 8 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 9 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 10 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 11 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 12 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 13 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 14 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 15 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 16 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 17 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 18 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 19 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 20 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 21 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 22 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 23 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 24 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 25 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 26 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 27 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 28 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 29 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 30 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 31 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 32 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 33 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 34 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 35 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 36 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 37 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMAIN 1 38 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 39 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 40 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 41 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 42 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 43 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMAIN 1 44 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMAIN 1 45 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMAIN 1 46 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 47 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 48 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 49 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 50 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 51 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 52 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 53 SP Sabal palmetto 10'+CT REMOVE 1 Tree Mitigation Requirements SABAL PALMS TO REMAIN 4 SABAL PALMS TO BEREMMOVE3 REQUIRING MITIGATION 49 TOTAL SABAL PALMS PROPOSED FOR MITIGATION 49 SABAL PALMS CREDITS 4 PLANTED SABAL PALMS TOWARDS MITIGATION 45 Existing Plant Symbol Key o EXISTING PALM TO REMAIN EXISTING PALM TO BE REMOVED Existing Tree Key SP = Sabal palmetto / Cabbage Palm I I I " BFP 8,, FD 5/8" IR/C LB4286 W 0.56 ACCESS EX. 5CHAINLINK —.—Li / PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-060-9 ZONING: HIRD FUTURE LAND USE: RU PROPO ED 8' HI H OPAQUE ENCE ( P)� PROPOSED WATER METERS _ PROPOSED WATER PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-030-0 SERVICE ZONING: HIRD PROPOSED RECLAIMED URE L FUTAND USE: RU WATER SERVICE PROPOSED 8' HIGH OPAQUE WALL FENCE 10, CORNER 0.2' SE LANDSCAPE \-� OF R BUFFER 5' CHAIN LINK FENCE (MEANDERS OVER R) i FD 5/8" IR / NO CAP / GATE / / PROP SED AINING WALL 0' / LA SCAPE OFFER / SOD PR OSED G) 1 WE 51, SP IN SS N BUILDING "B" 1-STORY 3,120 GSF SOD BUILDING "A" 1-STORY 2,050 GSF JP SED OFF E—/ 010 �a ° BUILDING "C" 1-STORY 5,760 GSF 12 SP (w1, BUILDING "E" 1-STORY 3,120 GSF SOD _.�.. ..._�: AtNI..�..: / SOD \ \ \ \ Location Map µ �`CPP k \� EX. SIDEWALK - k l d \\ EX. OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES \ IN e � Y 15' \j,[\ SCA °d FER ILFk Y BUILDING "D"\0% 1-STORY \ ya `''' 'A 4,800 GSF ? \ t? •Gy X co \� x ; 19 Ns S'p 0 (6 �> ) ?F.�} T Q J ` 0 �,� PRO�O 'A `�.24 SIN ETENTIO \� � 17 SOD k1 \ \ 34 1 Sl t 1 \\ YL s t' � , t> \ A 1 \ \ S k } k\ �X \ `" TOP OF 6" DIP ELEV:3.39' REDUCER NOT FOUND , ,, � _TOE — P k $1 P li _.. � - _. .. , \ _" ..._ 6" s_..." __...._ ._ _..._. _.... _ ....._n 35 ° o' _ — — 4i S _--90L— �Y 7-' '� i J ---_ ,�< , �t -- an i-- _ --. — ---_—� RISER TOP OF 6" DIP \` SP f PROPOSED) PARCEL ID: 4502-213-0002-000-1 SWALE ZONING: HIRD UTILITY EASEMENT FUTURE LAND USE: RU PROPOSED 8' HIGH OPAQUE WALL im m r 0) ❑ m W Z oN J No z ❑ Q U m m o w ❑ W Q ❑ W LL CD W J Q o 0O W Q G W L O Z V♦ Z (6 Q ~ CC G Z o QM 0 W) W L�U V W L1 OF 3 m z w 0 U Z 0 W I U Z U w O F_ F- J_ m J F— O w m J J Q S m U z Plant List Key Qty Scientific Name Common Name Size Spacing PALMS SP*^ 49 Sabah palmetto Sabah Palm 16', 18% 20` CT, stagger heights AS TR*^ 6 IThrinax radiata Florida Thatch Palm 6' OA, multi stem, matching AS TREES BS*^ 12 Quercus virginiana Live Oak 12'x 5% 2.5" DBH min. AS CD *A 7 Coccoloba diversifolia Pigeon Plum 12'x 5% 2.5" DBH min. AS CE*^ 23 Conocarpus erectus Green Buttonwood 12'x 5', 2.5" DBH min. AS CSS*^ 4 Conocarpus erectus'Sericeus' Silver Buttonwood Standard 12'x 5', 2.5" DBH min. AS ACCENTS, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS CES*^ 48 Conocarpus erectus'Sericeus' Silver Buttonwood Shrub Form 30" OA, full to base 30" OC Cl2*^ 536 Chrysobalanus icaco Native Green Cocoplum 24"x 18", full 30" OC CI4*^ 18 Chrysobalanus icaco Native Green Cocoplum 48"x 30", full 36" OC CU2*^ 33 Coccoloba uvifera Sea Grape Shrub Form 24" OA, full to base 30" OC EL *A 351 Ernodea littoralis Golden Beach Creeper 3g, 12"x 14" 18" OC FF^ 2 Furcraea foetida False Agave, variegated 36"x 36", matching AS SM*^ 5 Suriana maritima Bay Cedar 7g, 36"x 30", full, specimen AS ST*^ 12 Sophora tomentosa Necklace Pod 7g, 30"x 30" 30" OC TD*^ 1 328 ITripsacum dactyloides Fakahatchee Grass 3g, 36"x 30" 36" OC TF*^ 1 582 ITripsacum floridanum Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass 3g, 24"x 24" 30" OC *DENOTES FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT MATERIAL "DENOTES MODERATELY DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MINIMUM FLORIDA #1 GRADE PER THE FLORIDA GRADES & STADARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS 2015 EDITION Misc. SOD - Paspalum notatum - Bahia Sod - solid sod, laid tight Landscape Data NORTH PROPERTY LINE 1 TREE/ 30 LF & 24" HEDGE ON EACH SIDE OF 8' OPAQUE FENCE! WALL EAST PROPERTY LINE ROADWAY BUFFER (SR A1A) 1 TREE/ 30 LF & HEDGE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 1 TREE/ 30 LF & 24" HEDGE ON EACH SIDE OF 8' OPAQUE FENCE/ WALL WEST PROPERTY LINE 1 TREE/ 30 LF & 24" HEDGE ON EACH SIDE OF 8' OPAQUE FENCE/ WALL VUA LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE AREA (1 SF PER 18 SF OF TOTAL PROPOSED VUA AREA 26,526 SF / 18) TREES (1 TREE / 180 SF OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA) 149 LF REQ. PROV. 5 5 333 LF REQ. PROV. 11 11 382 LF REQ. PROV. 13 13 313 LF REQ. PROV. 10 10 REQ. PROV. 1,488 2,287 10 (7 TRIEES, 9 PALMS 8 CREDITED 3:1) 2 SIP / / h 3 v PROP SED TAINING WALL01 / LA DSCAPE /� v k UFFER o i CE . n ,- SOD PR SED G/ 3 X y� . y\ 'io v h )P SED G ONE \ l m X l y\ F BS / 1 PROPO ED ACCESS R AD EX. T CHAINLINK NCE ., Legal Description �,v CE A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, ST. 2 v LUCIE, COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF STATE ROAD A-1-A AND y,\ PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-060-9 ^, , THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 856.00 FEET OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, ZONING: HIRD < % FUTURE LAND USE: RANGE 41 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN NORTH 89°39'32" WEST ALONG SAID RU \ —_ �v , SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 856.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 53.77 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ' , WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD A-1-A. SAID POINT BEING THE POINT PROPO ED 8' HI H / } ', OF BEGINNING. OPAQUE ENCE ( P) FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTINUE NORTH 89°39'32" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 856.00 FEET OF SECTION 2 A DISTANCE OF 382.00 FEET TO A ' POINT; THENCE RUN NORTH 20°01'55" EAST A DISTANCE OF 312.53 FEET TO A POINT; /� THENCE RUN NORTH 68°44'58" EAST A DISTANCE OF 149.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ./ WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD A-1-A; THENCE RUN SOUTH 21°15'02" �� EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD A-1-A A DISTANCE OF 375.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. n . PARCEL CONTAINS 1.93 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. � Bs SPl Site Data 4 \ K x�. PARCEL NUMBER 4502-212-0001-020-7 TOTAL PARCEL AREA 84,073 SF / 1.93 AC. ZONING CN FUTURE LAND USE RU CURRENT USE VACANT Landscape Notes 1. Plant and landscape materials shall conform to the standards for Florida No. 1, as given in the Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Parts I & II, as prepared by the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2. A 3" thick layer of organic non -cypress mulch shall be applied to all landscape and planting areas. 3. All exotic vegetation to be removed from development area. 4. An automatic irrigation system shall be installed that is capable of providing 100% coverage to all landscape and planting areas and have an automatic moisture sensor. 5. Existing trees that are to remain shall be barricaded according to St Lucie County Ordinances. 6. This plan has been designed to meet with the tree planting requirements contained within the FPL document entitled "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." 7. For existing or proposed utilities, no tree shall be planted where it could, at mature height, conflict with overhead power lines. Large trees [ height at maturity of more than thirty (30) feet ] shall be planted no closer than a horizontal distance of thirty (30) feet from the nearest overhead power line. Medium height tree [height at maturity between twenty (20) and thirty (30) feet] shall be offset at least twenty (20) feet and small trees [ height at maturity of less than (20) feet ] require no offset. 8. No tree, shrubs, hedges or vines shall be planted within five (5) feet of any existing or proposed utility pole, guy wire or -pad mounted transformer. Palms should be planted at a distance equal to or greater than the average front length plus two (2) feet from power lines. 9. In the event that existing trees have been credited toward code required trees and the existing remaining vegetation doesn't satisfy the code, additional trees shall be installed to meet the intent of the SLC general landscape requirements. I I I 3FP 8„ FD 5/8" IR/C LB4286 W 0.56 X . j 1 / X O \ m o n �O x y\ PROPOSED DETENTION n \ AREA . � y CE v F �v\�oA V- PROPOSED WATER METERS PROPOSED WATER PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-030-0 SERVICE ZONING: HIRD PROPOSED RECLAIMED FUTURE LAND USE: RU WATER SERVICE BUILDING "B" 1-STORY 3,120 GSF i SOD k TR BUILDING "A" 1-STORY 2,050 GSF JP SED OFF E—/ \\ \ \\\\\\\ vvvv v vvvv vvv v vvv vvv vvv. vvvvvv vv vvv ��� vvvvv \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ BUILDING "C" 1-STORY 5,760 GSF IO0.l,; 05 .. ° vvvv ����`vvvv vv vvvvvv • vvvvvv v` _ � ; vv SOD ° vvvvvv vv v OR v vvvv v- + tt �. + \ + v + + d \ + \ + ; TF v vvv vv vvv ��v v \ , vvvvvv vvvv: vvv �r BUILDING "D" 1-STORY 4,800 GSF (X) S e S, • 15' \ Location Map 1 + X>� + v V ; a 3P \\ 2 \ v a�� -- — 3 301--.� '" BUILDING „E„ X 6P \ _ 1-STORY — — v v �'�\� ♦ BS 3,120 GSF v v ,r ,r� / W Pv �` IV ............... ............ _ I _..... m _.. r... .._.._........_..,. ......m......... ...... ......_..._..... _.__.. 6 BFP ._...— _._......._............._...... l"ar,i ...... SOD _ ._.._ .._..._... � ._� � E EX. WATERLINE T _ .__... __..•...._.. \ \ Ol SOD — -- — _3— C--- — TOE--- — _ 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . P.O. B. LB4286 CE SP BS CE Cl2 PD 1" IRON PIPE P CEL ID: 4502-213-0003-000-8 CE SP CE PROPOSED 3P PARCEL ID: 4502-213-0002-000-1 3 3 1 3 32 ZONING: HIRD 3 3 C12 3 SWALE ZONING: HIRD PROPOSED 8' HIGH Cl2 —� FUTURE LAND USE: RU _ - _ F1 IT[ IRF 1 Anln I IF;F- RI I m >_ o, CA ❑ ❑ w WZ ❑ m Q J N U F- CIOw o N m `° ❑ ❑ a- a- a- F— m m m 0 0 0 D)D)U) � 01� Ir I ILILIL CIO CIO CIO O O O � �) U) Q O W J LL O > z � � a OUj Q J v ♦ � J V i.l. Q W O � Z Cn O Z � z O O L W MQ W � L♦� 7) F_ Z w O U Z O w Plant Specifications SPECIES AND 51ZE shall conform to those Indicated an the drawires. Nomenclature shall conform to STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES, current edition. All rur5ery stock shall be in accordance with Grades and 5tardarc,15 For Nursery Plants Parts 1 $ 11, latest edition published by the Florida F_)epartmert of Agriculture and Consumer Services. All plants rat otherwise specified as being Florida Fancy or Specimen, shall be Florida Grade Number I or better as determined by the Florida Division of Plant Industry. Specimen means an exceptiorally heavy, symmetrical, tightly knit plant, so trained or Favored in its development that first appearance is unquestionable and out5tardlinely superior in form, number of branches, compactness and symmetry. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All plants shall be freshly due, sourd/ healthy, vigorous, well branched, and Free of disease and insect eee5 and larvae, and shall have adequate root systems. Trees for plartine rows shall be uniform in size and shape. All materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect. Where ary requirements are omitted from the plant list, the plants furnished shall be normal for the variety. Plants shall be pruned prior to delivery arly upon the approval of the Landscape Architect. All container grown material shall be healthy, vigorous, well rooted plants, and established in the container in which they are sold. The plants shall have tops which are good quality and in a healthy growing condition. An established container grown plant shall be erowr in that container eufffc'lertly lone ercu!2h for the new fibrous roots to have developed so that the root mass will retain its shape and hold together when removed from the container. Plant root bound in containers are unacceptable. l`-1E,4SUfREl`-1ENTS Trees: Hleieht shall be measured from ground to the average height of canopy. Spread shall be measured to the end of branching equally around the crown from the center of the trunk. t,leasuremertc, are not to include ary terminal growth. 5-irele trunk trees shall be Free of "V'' crotches that could be points of weak limb structure or disease 'infestation. Shrubs: Heights shall be measured from the ground to the average Points where mature plant growth stops. Spread shall be measured to the end of branching equally around the shrub mass. Measurements are not to include ary terminal growth. Palms: Clear Trunk (C.T.), shall be measured From the ground at the time of installation to the point where the mature aged trunk joins the immature or green part -ion of the trunk or the head. Overall height shall be measured from the ground at the time of installation to a point three quarters the length of the unopened bud. Palms with marred or burned trunks Will not be accepted. SOIL f=11ant-Ine 50-11 for use in preparing backPill for plant pits shall be added at a rate of seventy-five (i5%) percent to twerty-Five (25%) percent existing soil. This soil mix shall be used in all plant pits except 5abal palms which shall be backPilleol with clear sand. Plartire soil shall be a fertile, friable natural topsoil or loamy character. It shall contain forty (40) to fifty (50) percent decomposed orearic matter and shall be free From heavy clay, stones, I-Ims, plants, roots or other foreign materials or noxious grasses (such as 5ermuda or nut erase) and noxious weeds. It shall not contain toxic- substances Which may be harmful to plant growth. I �Ww FAINK55041MINAd 54 Two fertilizer shall be used in all types of plantings, except palms. Granular Fertilizer shall be uniform in composition, dry and Free flowing. This fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened bags, each bearing the Manufacturer's statement of aralysfis, and shall meet the following requirements: sixteen (]&%) percent nitrogen, seven C1%) percent phosphorus, twelve (12%) percent potassium, plus 'iron. Tablet fertilizer (",4eriform" or equal) in 21 gram size shall meet the following requirements: twerty (20%) percent nitrogen, ten (10%) percent phosphorous, five (5%) percent potassium. The two fertilizers will be applied at the following rates: PLANT SIZE TABLET (21 Grams) I ea I. 1/4 Ila, I 3 ea I. 1/3 110, 2 -1-15 gal. 1/2 lb, 4 caliper 2 lbs.11" caliper 2/11' caliper ro'' and larger 3 lb5.11" caliper 2/1" caliper ''Florida East Coast Palm Special'' will be applied to all palms at installation at a rate of 1/2 lb. per inch of trunk caliper unless otherwise specified. MULCH Mulch material shall be three (3) inches of shredded melaleuca mulch (sterilized and Free of seeds) or approved equal, moistened at the time of application to prevent wind displacement. SU55TITUTIONS No substitutions of plant material types or size will be allowed without written consent of the Landscape Architect. E345 material will not be accepted as substitute for container grown material unless previously approved. Alternate substitutions shall be indicated in bid. Notes Prior to the installation of ary plant material all existing and imported soils shall be tested and amended to meet the soil specifications and specific plant reeds as shown an this plan. - 411 plant material, unless specified as being Florida Fancy or Specimen, shall be Florida Grade Number I or better as determined by the Florida Division of Plant Industry. - All plant materials and sod shall have an automatic, irrigation system providire 100% coverage. - 1`1airtain positive drainage away from structures. - All plant material shall be planted, fertilized and mulched as per the Plant Details and Plant Specifications noted on this plan. - Landscape Contractor shall research plane and contact appropriate agencies to determine location of utilities and obstructions prior to commencing work. Ary utilities or unanticipated obstructions shall be reported immediately to the Landscape Architect. - Landscape Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all reces5ary permits, licerses, Inspections, and insurance as required by the State and local agencies. - Invasive species, including 5razilliar Pepper/ Australian Fire, l"Ielaleuca, Snake Plant/ 6caevola and Earleaf Acacia shall be eradicated in the development area and removed From the site. Planting Details NO PRUNING SHALL BE DONE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 4FORCED RUBBER HOSE (NO WIFE LL BE EXPOSED TO TREE TRUNK. BHT COLORED SURVEYORS TAPE AT JOINT OF EACH SUPPORT GAUGE GALVANIZED GUY WIFE ALL AT NURSERY GRADE OR SLIGHTLY 4ER. REMOVE ALL SUCKER GROWTH. )EPTH MINIMUM MULCH. SEE SPECIFICATIONS, 1T. SAUCER AROUND PLANTING HOLE. 3E REMOVED AFTER FIRST PLANTING 50N. �15HED GRADE RE5AR (OR EQUAL), 24" LONG, )F TO BE 3" BELOW GRADE. :AvE MOUND OF UNDISTURBED :)IL TO PREVENT SETTLING Tree Planting * SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5AC<FILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZATION * BRACING - SPECIAL SITE CONDITIONS MAY REQUIRE MODIFICATION TO BRACING TECHINQUE. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL ADEQUATELY BRACE (OR WIRE)ALL TREES TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE MOVEMENT 4 MAINTAIN A VERTICAL POSITION. TIE HEADS OF PALMS WITH BURLAP STRIPS DO NOT TRIM FRONDS OR BUD HEART UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. SECURE BATTENS WITH 2-3/4" HI -CARBON STEEL BANDS. DO NOT NAIL BATTENS TO TREES. STEEL BANDS (2)* 5 LAYERS OF BURLAP 5-2"x4"xIia" WOOD BATTENS 3" MINIMUM MULCH. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 4" HT. SAUCER AROUND PLANTING HOLE TO BE REMOVED AFTER FIRST GROWING SEASON, FINISHED GRADE 2"x4''x24" 5T,4<E FAD BURIED 3" BELOW GRADE. FILL AROUND BALL WITH CLEAN SAND Palm Planting APPLIES TO. 6,45AL PALMS, WASHINGTON PALMS, CANARY ISLAND DATE PALMS, SENEGAL DATE PALMS SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5AC<FILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZATION INSTALL AT NURSERY GRADE OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER. 3" DEPTH MINIMUM MULCH. SEE SPECS. REMOVE ANY PLASTIC OR METAL CONTAINER6, FINISHED GRADE. LEAVE MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING. ShrubPlanting - SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5AC<FILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZATION. Plant List Scientific Name PALMS Common Name Size S SP*A 49 Saball palmetto Sahal Palm 1 16', 18', 20' CT, stagger heights AS TR*A 1 6 IThrinax radiata Florida Thatch Palm 6' OA, muti stem, matching AS I il'.11 4 BS*A 12 Quercus virginiana Live Oak 12'x 5', 2.5" D13H min. AS CD*A 7 Coccoloba diversffia Pigeon Plum 12'x 5', 2.5" D13H min. AS CE *A 23 Conocarpus erectus Green Buttonwood 12'x 5', 2.5" D13H1 min. AS 4 _jConocarpus erect us 'Se riceus' ISilver Buttonwood Standard 12'x 5', 2.5" D13H min. AS ACCENTS, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS CES*A 48 Conocarpus erect us 'Se riceus' Silver Buttonwood Shrub Form 30 OA, full to base 30 OC C12*A 536 Chrysobalanus icaco Native Green Cocoplum 24"x 18", full 30" 0C_ CI4*A 18 Chrysobalanus icaco Native Green Cocoplum 48"x 30", full 36" OC CU2*A 33 Coccoloba uvifera Sea Grape Shrub Form 24" OA, full to base 30" OC EL*A 351 Ernodea littoralis Golden Beach Creeper 3g, 12"x 14" 18" OC FFA 2 Furcraea foetida False Agave, variegated 36"x 36", matching AS SM*A 5 Suriana martima Bay Cedar 7g, 36"x 30", full, specimen AS ST*A 12 So hors tomentosa Necklace Pod 7g, 30"X 30" 30" OC TD*A 328 Tripsacum dactyloides Fakahatchee Grass 3g, 36"x 30" 36" OC TF*A 582 Tripsacum floridanum Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass 3g, 24"x 24" 30" OC *DENOTES FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT MATERIAL ADENOTES MODERATELY DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MINIMUM FLORIDA #1 GRADE PER THE FLORIDA GRADES& STADARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS 2015 EDITION Misc. ISOD - Paspalum notatum Bahia Sod solid sod, laid tight Fence Detail TERMINAL POST STRETCHER BAR HOOK BOLTS Wall Detail BLACK VINYL -COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH OPAQUE SLATS TOP RAIL TIE WIRES POST TIE WIRES @ 24" @ 15" CENTERS CENTERS /—LINEPOST i BRACE RAIL 36" MIN 10'MAX i MIN. CONCRETE 8' HIGH OPAQUE FENCE DETAIL NITS WALL HEIGHT IS MASONRY OR CONCRETE WALL REQUIRED To BE WITH STUCCO FINISH AND MEASURED 8 FT. HIGH DECORATIVE COLUMN CAP AND 8" FROM THE FINISHED MIN. WALL BAND. COLUMNS ARE 20' FLOOR ELEVATION & NOT O.C. MAX. AND SHALL EXTEND 3" TO EXCEED 8 FT. IN MIN. BEYOND THE FACE OF THE HEIGHT. WALL AND BE 16" IN WIDTH. WIDTH 8' HIGH MASONRY LANDSCAPE WALL N.T.S. w o W co Co Z b C'j _J <W Z 0 0 3: < 11 0 Cn W 0 U) 00 < Z < Z <Z Uj Uj �u W W W 0 0 0 LIJ LIJ LIJ (0 (0 (0 > 5; > LU LU LU Of Of of of W W III a- a- a - co co co Z 0 Z Z 0 0 U) U) 5 W 5 W W .4 0 OF era. n4a L3 OF 3 co W 0 0 Z 0 U) > LU